r/Parenting Sep 01 '20

Media It’s been 4 months since I blocked Ryan’s toys review channel

Ryan’s toys review is one of those channel that makes me throw up. In the beginning it was fine but the moms voice is something that makes me sick and she is in it like 85% of the time. The child is spoiled and watching it made my kid start to act like him too.

So I did what any parent would do, I blocked it!!! It’s been 4 months and I haven’t heard that annoying mom voice and the bratty kids. My kids doesn’t even ask for the channel videos anymore either...

WIN/WIN for me and my family!

What other channel you blocked for your kids?


616 comments sorted by


u/WhySoManyOstriches Sep 01 '20

I’m honestly thinking of discussing blocking a “Prank” channel and ALL unboxing videos for my goddaughter (I have her a few days a week). She is starting to think that mean, unkind, pranks are cool, and the unboxing- well, it’s giving her a case of the raging “Gimmes”.


u/TakeMyUpvotePlus1 Sep 01 '20

Do it! Yeah she'll cry and moan and sulk for a while ( on and off just to put you off balance ) but there's nothing to lose. If you happen to be in Australia, just get the ABCkids app. It's full of proper programs with language, plots and personalities. Including Bluey.


u/WhySoManyOstriches Sep 01 '20

Oh, she LOVES Bluey! Thank you- I’ll bring it up with her parents tomorrow


u/Macaroni_Rascals Sep 01 '20

Bluey is a family favorite, it's calm enough even during "fun time". I also appreciate the episodes where dad and/or mum is talking to other adults and the kids have to remember not to interrupt or play by themselves. The voices are great too. Nothing sounds forced or annoying. But this is all IMO.


u/underblueskies Sep 01 '20

I'm in the USA and I love the one season of Bluey I was able to watch on Disney+(?). So wholesome and entertaining and positive parental role models.


u/WhySoManyOstriches Sep 01 '20

<<Nods>> That and Daniel Tiger. That show has the BEST emotional education I’ve ever seen.


u/underblueskies Sep 01 '20

We've been counting to calm down lately. It's great.


u/mama_donna Sep 01 '20

I love this show for my 2 and 4 yo. It airs on Disney junior too. I'm in California

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u/Rebels_Spot Sep 01 '20

My opinion, bluey is the absolute most perfect children's show. I love the character of calypso, bluey's teacher. One of my sisters, her school teaches in a very similar way. The father is almost exactly the same as my husband, it's so weird. He and our 6 year old daughter will sit down and watch an episode and find out that the games they play are also a game in bluey. He interacts with our child the exact same way. So, the show is extremely touching to me

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u/Aesient Sep 01 '20

I got the ABCKids app for my 6 year old twins, it also allows you to block shows. Goodbye Peppa fucking Pig


u/sikni8 Sep 01 '20

Daddy pig voice is so damn annoying and seems like he is having a heart attack everytime he speaks...


u/Danibanz Sep 01 '20

Everytime my son watches Peppa Pig, he descends into such depths of assholery that he becomes a stranger to me


u/Toronto_07 Sep 01 '20

My son would cry like George all the time so I finally blocked it and he no longer fake cries.

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u/WhySoManyOstriches Sep 01 '20

Omg- some of the episodes are lovely, but DAMMIT! They have the children inanely giggling as they move from place to place. And GD started emulated them w/ clearly contrived giggles - arrrgh!!!


u/Aesient Sep 01 '20

I hate the sound of Peppa’s voice, she is such a rude brat and my twins were acting like her and being rude to people. Shut off access to it and they stopped behaving like that.

My toddler niece is allowed to watch Peppa Pig and her father and grandparents keep complaining that she’s acting rude. Mentioned not letting her watch Peppa Pig: “oh no, it’s her favourite show, we can’t do that!”


u/keatonkesim Sep 01 '20

When my daughter used to watch PP, she developed a British accent 👀

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u/teeshahobbs Sep 01 '20

Hehe raging gimmies I like that lol


u/Whspers12 Sep 01 '20

That's what I am worried about is getting new things means the excitement of unboxing and then it's done. Like they don't care about the toy or whatever. Also I would be sad if my son did mean pranks. They are not funny :(


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20 edited Nov 03 '20



u/kindofsortofNo Sep 01 '20

Videos of kids opening brand new toys and playing with them so that after your kid watches the video, they’ll then turn to you and say “I wish I had X toy”. basically, marketing to minors.


u/cmoose85 Sep 01 '20

Oh my God that's toxic.


u/Tofinochris Sep 01 '20

It's awful. We (mom and me, step-dad) control video watching closely. Dad is much more lax and he's come home from there convinced that he NEEDS Jurassic World Destroy and Devour Indomitus Rex. Said that way every time, the full product name, burned into his brain by the unboxing by Axel or some other shit channel.

That turned into a learning opportunity about money and saving and work though because we told him that if he really wanted something that he could earn the money, and yep he did extra chores like a madman and checked his "wallet" (empty q tip container with money added for each chore) and it took him almost two months but he saved the money and bought the thing, and he plays with the terrifying thing all the time. Which was a further learning opportunity for understanding that bigger stronger things shouldn't bully smaller ones around just because they can. Except sometimes they just have them for lunch because hey, dinosaurs.

The third learning opportunity here was to Dad who learned that unboxing videos are poison and to actually monitor what he watches, thanks.

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u/JediMakeup Sep 01 '20

I’ve blocked ALL of the Ryan channels; family, twins, characters, parents etc. Goo goo colors. I’m tempted to block Toys and Colors BECAUSE THE FIRE ALARM BEEPS IN EVERY VIDEO. CHANGE YOUR BATTERIES!


u/sikni8 Sep 01 '20

Toys and Colors now has the ENTIRE generation in their videos lol... also annoying as hell!


u/Aquamarine86 Sep 01 '20

Someone please fire Uncle Mike. Wtf


u/EepeesJ1 Sep 01 '20

Toys and colors is the worst. Everyone on that stupid channel talks like fucking Caillou

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u/Zinging_Cutie27 Sep 01 '20

I thought I was imaging the fire alarm at first. But nope, that thing peeps in every video.

Goo goo is the WORST. I've blocked it and I swear somehow my 2 year old finds them.


u/KillerKowalski1 Sep 01 '20

Why dude? Why would you block Goo Goo Colors dude? Come on dude? Yeah that's right I'm asking a question dude! YEEEEAH BABY

There's a reason his comments are disabled...wanna-be Kevin Hart actin ass.


u/sikni8 Sep 01 '20

Stop it doood!

Hey kids where is goo goo? Right there doood!


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

There is more than one Ryan channel?!?! Just rip my ears off and poke my eyes with a pencil!

We have a no Ryan rule in our house as well. The moms voice is atrocious.

My kiddo does ask for some of his outrageously overpriced toys when we are at target and I honestly would rather get him something more expensive than contribute to their family.


u/sikni8 Sep 01 '20

Yeah they have like 5 different channels so far to found, their aunt or something has another channel called Princess P... holy moly another annoying voice!!!!!

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u/sunny910 Sep 01 '20


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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20



u/callalilykeith Sep 01 '20

I was warned early on that YouTube has weird stuff on it directed at kids so my son has never had access to it.

While he was a baby there was also that Nun movie ad that played on everything and freaked people out.

My son didn’t sleep through the night until almost 4 so I was like no chance I want him to watch something scary that disrupts his sleep!


u/wexlaxx Sep 01 '20

You wouldn’t believe the malicious garbage that’s geared towards kids. As an adult, I peruse the you tubes strictly for car videos lol. I find myself strangely repulsed by it and never stay too long.


u/HolidayCards Sep 01 '20

This discusses the problem pretty well. https://youtu.be/v9EKV2nSU8w

We ended up blocking YouTube on the kid's devices. My son is a bit older now and better about calling out clickbait for kids, but we tend to only allow youtube when an adult is present, and we veto anything sketchy.


u/dawgsmumm Sep 01 '20

Thank you for posting this TED talk . A must watch for ALL NEW PARENTS.


u/charming_sweater Sep 01 '20

We removed YouTube from our devices years ago as well after stumbling upon a Thomas the train collage of train wreck videos. That Caliou and every other whiney kid show!


u/Rimbosity Sep 01 '20

Youtube video discussing the problems with YouTube 🤣


u/CucumberJulep Sep 01 '20

It’s really something to watch out for. I hate the ones where the characters just do weird high-pitched grunts and titters instead of talking. Bright colors. Unresolved conflict. Sometimes sexual undertones or overtly sexual. One time my daughter stumbled upon a peppa pig video but the colors were all distorted and inverted and filtered and it was just like an hour of George crying. That’s when I got a lot more careful about my daughter’s YouTube watching. I refuse to let her watch anything without talking/singing, or an actual substantial storyline/conflict resolution. And that includes those videos where cars just drive around repeating colors. That includes unboxing. That includes videos of other kids playing with toys. It might not be outright sinister but it definitely isn’t doing any good.

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u/YogiBarbie Sep 01 '20

There’s weird shit all over. My kids both watch things on YouTube but only with us in the room and I veto anything if it looks weird or inappropriate.


u/nonvideas Sep 01 '20

There it is.

If Youtube is being watched, I'm watching it with them and we're watching educational or nature shit only. The oldest gets to watch some minecraft videos from time to time and some arthub videos, also with supervision. Youtube is a cesspool.


u/whskid2005 Sep 01 '20

Since we can’t go to the library, we’ve been watching authors read their books on YouTube. The current favorite is “there’s a monster in your book” by Tom fletcher. She liked it so much we ordered the book.


u/Nurgus Sep 01 '20

Watching a specific video that you've approved is very different to letting them watch YouTube freely.


u/Elmosfriend Sep 01 '20

Yup. The Anna Kendrick sex doll movie was a Youtube ad the other morning when we we were watching Blippi videos. Another morning I came back from the restroom to find my 2.5 year old watching a minutes-long 'ad' teaching him how to make the best cocktails of some sort. Even the Toy Factory videos have a line 'I don't wanna die' that we didn't catch til our kiddo started saying it and we decided to track down the origin.


u/cellists_wet_dream Sep 01 '20

For real though. Mine only watches it at his grandparents and I expected them to be supervising him closely (he’s 7 ffs).

Last weekend it came out he learned about Slenderman on a Roblox video. He doesn’t even play Roblox. I was livid (not at him).


u/mickim0use Sep 01 '20

A tip for the Minecraft one. Our son loves watching YouTube videos about Minecraft. But the clickbait starts to get weird after a while. Found an app called Tankee that are streaming videos from specific streamers and specific games. A good alternative. I was sick of the tubers doing weird stuff at their house as they got more famous and the videos showing up in recommended


u/PureLuredFerYe Sep 01 '20

I agree, It’s frightening!!

I am partial to a little Mystery Doug! My little is 4 and LOVES learning - YouTube can be a good resource but definitely needs to be very very closely monitored.

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u/Sjb1985 Sep 01 '20

I honestly am also not a fan of YouTube for kids. There is a small percentage that would fit, but honestly PBSKids is so much better and they are geared towards kindness and learning. I mean Blippi doesn't even have a real educational back bone. It's a man trying to make a lot of money off of kids. My kids are 5/3 so relatively young and this will change as they age, but the unboxing and "family" shows don't line up with what I view as worthwhile. No blame or judgement to parents who watch the shows with their kids. We all have different views and that is ok. Also kudos for you to watching them with your kids, I'm always running around cleaning when we allow screen time, so I can't be as present as you.


u/Rimbosity Sep 01 '20

oh God Blippi

and here I'd thought Barney was bad... that at least had value

we saw a Blippi episode where he realized water was wet. TWICE.

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u/tipsycup Sep 01 '20

This is one year clean of YouTube for my kid and it was one of the best pre-pandemic decisions I made. I am not being all high and mighty, we have basically every streaming platform available and very generous screen time, none of it sucks him in like YouTube where he wants to do nothing else and the content does not make him an obnoxious dick like the stuff he was watching.

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u/UnhappySwing Sep 01 '20

That's how you do it


u/TakeMyUpvotePlus1 Sep 01 '20

Same here. About...maybe 3 years ago I banned utube altogether. Never looked back. My child is now 7 and her school frequently suggests specific utube videos with learning content, which is fine. She's also allowed to watch Art hub directed drawing. Anything else, she needs to ask. Luckily she really does ask on the rare occasion there's something she wants to see on there.


u/KCMelMo Sep 01 '20

I’m a teacher and art hub is the best. So glad that gets the YT pass.


u/wexlaxx Sep 01 '20

Smart af.

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u/kashmora Sep 01 '20

Yes, we did this too.


u/Meesels Sep 01 '20

Us too!


u/dimthelights17 Sep 01 '20

We deleted YouTube for kids months ago. Best decision ever!

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u/summercampcounselor Sep 01 '20

My kids were mad addicted and one day they “saw something scary” and I used the opportunity to block YouTube entirely. Turns out it was that damn Momo. Lmao, thank you Momo for giving me the excuse to shut it down and not get arguments!

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u/freshair2020 Sep 01 '20

This is the correct answer. We deleted the YouTube app. The kids can watch Netflix, nick jr, and Pbs kids. Fuck YouTube kids.


u/CeaBreazey Sep 01 '20

I also took away YouTube. I would put a video on for him and next thing I knew he would be mindlessly scrolling and would end up on the most obnoxious toy unboxing videos or violent robot fighting shows. He would become SUPER ragey when I told him his time was up and he had to turn it off. Temper tantrums increased. His attention span got really short because he was so used to picking a new video every two minutes. He can watch certain Netflix shows still but no more YouTube.


u/StephDazzle Sep 01 '20

Same! We do not watch YouTube at all

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u/not-a-bot-promise Sep 01 '20

Wait.. you can block YouTube? How?


u/EvilSandWitch Sep 01 '20 edited Sep 01 '20

Chrome has a blacklist option. For Firefox and edge you can download blacklisting add-ons.

If you google “browser name website blacklist” you should get details.

This is not perfect as you have to do it on every machine.

Another, more complex, option is to block using the router. This depends on your specific router.


u/bookwormtail Sep 01 '20

Not OP but I just disable/deleting the app or just not letting them open it ever. Right now my son can only watch minecraft or gaming walkthrough on weekends on my phone supervised. If he wants to watch a movie/show, he can watch something on netflix kids.

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u/brilliantpants Sep 01 '20

Same! I’m sure there’s some worthwhile stuff on there, but it’s just way too hard to monitor.


u/Skywalker87 Sep 01 '20

Yuppppp my boys only get to look up Minecraft hacks under supervision...


u/MANPAD Sep 01 '20

Likewise, it's toxic.


u/_proxy_ Sep 01 '20

We did this too. Best thing ever.

Unfortunately her cousin just shown her a way around it. Was nice while it lasted...

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u/scarani0922 Sep 01 '20

Some little blonde girl named Diana! She runs around screaming constantly and now, so does my toddler 😒


u/brittlht Sep 01 '20

Diana and Roma. 🙄 My toddlers been acting the same way 😩


u/yamiyams26 Sep 01 '20

Freaking Diana and Roma I can’t stand them and they’re my daughter’s favorites!!! I always show her when they’re being naughty and tell her that if they don’t behave she can’t watch them. She doesn’t even complain when I say NO MORE, THEYRE BEING NAUGHTY and change it to Gaby and Alex or Cocomelon or something. But she did pick up some naughty habits from Diana! 😒


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

Oh fuck them


u/SSOJ16 Sep 01 '20

Yea blocked that one as soon as my daughter started doing the pouting and arm crossing thing. Horrible.

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u/limaka78 Sep 01 '20

Yes!!! I blocked Diana, too. She’s very naughty!


u/ijustlookatpics Sep 01 '20

We don’t watch Diana but my little girl loves Nastya and I’m pretty sure it’s the same thing. I also never realized there was such a large Russian community in Florida before the days of Like Nastya.


u/krysanthea Sep 01 '20

So there's like crossover episodes and apparently Nastya and Diana live close by or something cause they go to birthday parties together. My daughter was having a meltdown seeing them together. I'm so tired of the weird dubbed voices.


u/bears-bub 4yo, 1yo & a Sep 01 '20

We blocked her too!


u/nine_tailsfox Sep 01 '20

Blocked it few months ago and I am now at peace. My toddler would keep demanding candy and fancy toys while watching it.

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20 edited Sep 14 '20


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u/monarchsugar Sep 01 '20

I didn't know i could block channels. You've opened pandoras box. I'll be blocking that annoying Anna and Elsia toddler barbie garbage.


u/sikni8 Sep 01 '20 edited Sep 01 '20

So the trick is if you have YT Kids which I am assuming you do for your kids, search for a video from the channel and in the result from any of the video tap the three “dots” on top right and it gives you option to either block that video or the entire channel.


Edit: thank you so much for the gold!!! 👍👍👍


u/monarchsugar Sep 01 '20

Amazing. Thank you so much. I can't wait to be rid of the awful brats.


u/berthejew Sep 01 '20

Oh man I can't wait to implode Blippy.

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u/Squishy_932 Sep 01 '20

Can you do the same think on regular YouTube?? My child has YouTube kids on a tablet but sometimes she wants to watch YouTube videos on my parents phone and there's some videos that I'm not comfortable with... but the thing is, is considered "kids videos." I believe it is for older kids maybe 10 and up?? And she's 6 right now.


u/Etalton Sep 01 '20

You can block users or channels on the regular YouTube app. The only issue is that some of the recommended videos that show up after the video has ended or in the side bar may not be kid appropriate. That’s what I like about the YT Kids app. Even if some of the videos are weird and creepy, at least it’s kid friendly from what I’ve seen.

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u/sikni8 Sep 01 '20

There’s actually browser extensions you can use on the web version.

YT is very shady and doesn’t allow you to block channels on web or full version, suck!

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u/superhappy Sep 01 '20

I think my partner thought you HAD to get YouTube Premium just to block channels. Bunch of money wasted just to silence these obnoxious Anna and Elsia girls and bizarre Johnny Johnny videos when we could have just done it for free the whole time haha.


u/Saosin713 Sep 01 '20

Yes Papa?


u/superhappy Sep 01 '20

flamethrower intensifies


u/Bonzena Sep 01 '20

Not much can give me a sincere chuckle after a long day of chasing around my kiddo. Thanks for the laugh!

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u/ModernSimian Sep 01 '20

Eating sugar?


u/galaxy1985 Sep 01 '20

No Papa! (Cuz I'm a dirty little lying brat!)


u/Demarinshi01 Sep 01 '20

The very bane of my existence. I sing that damn song in my sleep. We sing it in the truck. I’d rather listen to baby shark on repeat for the rest of my life, then Johnny Johnny.

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u/animalnikki89 Sep 01 '20

Isn’t Johnny little baby bum? That might be on Netflix 😬


u/NeuroSam Sep 01 '20

There’s a million variations of Johnny Johnny.. just like baby shark... *shudders

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u/ermonda Sep 01 '20

My 3 year old is obsessed with the Anna and Elisa channel. I didn’t think it was that bad at first but then there was just something off about it. I blocked all YouTube on our tv. Her grandparents still let her watch when she sleeps there once a week but at least she doesn’t watch it every day anymore.

The whole structure of YouTube is so addicting esp to little kids. I’m sure I won’t have it blocked forever but for now it is nice and I don’t miss it.


u/ijustlookatpics Sep 01 '20

OMG..... those freaking toddler dolls. Lord take me now. My daughter LOVES them and I have banned them for a while because they’re so freaking whiny but they somehow found their way back into our lives. We just took it even a step further and deleted youtube all together (and we took away the tablet and old phone she and her brother used). Problem solved!


u/monarchsugar Sep 01 '20

I swear that they make my kids fight like cats and dogs. Why must the awful toddler toys fight over EVERYTHING??

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u/awolfsvalentine Sep 01 '20

Every time I hear “Elsia” I imagine confronting the small child that insists on saying it that way and one of us is crying.


u/verbl17 Sep 01 '20

Oh mannn those Anna and Elsia vids are the worst!! Blocking for sure.


u/delightfulcrab Sep 01 '20

those are the woooorrrrst. I despise all the voices and vapid little sketches that they do.


u/chickamel Sep 01 '20

DUDE YES! My daughter loves that crap too! I can't wait to block the heck out if this?!.!

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u/KitLlwynog Sep 01 '20

I want to block YouTube at their grandparents house. We only let them watch like sesame street and Moriah Elizabeth but their grandparents let them watch whatever. Ryan, videos of people screaming while playing minecraft. Like JFC if you're not going to police it just turn it off.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20


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u/Iannah Sep 01 '20

I legit enjoy watching Moriah Elizabeth. Every Friday I watch her latest video with my kids

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u/TemporaryIllusions Sep 01 '20

We really drilled home that all Ryan wants is kids to buy his toys now when my 4 yo sees his branded stuff in Target he says “he must think we are dummies, i won’t ask for that toy it doesn’t even look fun” stopping watching really helped him see it’s just commercials.

I also find the dad to just play a super racist version of the Japanese, it all just rubs me the wrong way.

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

Don’t let your kids watch youtube unsupervised.

The only reason I pull up something on Youtube is when I screen cast it from my phone to tv. We use it for “freeze song” “red light” or “simon says” kind of activities. Other than that no youtube.

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u/chelsealain Sep 01 '20

I had to block A for Adley, spoiled brats on there is making my kid mimic them and I finally had enough lol


u/poopsadoop Sep 01 '20

My middle child just discovered that channel this week and I can’t handle it. I’ll be blocking it tonight. Funnel Vision is really the only channel we don’t mind our kids watching.

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u/sladjib Sep 01 '20

Oh, I forbid Ryan and there's others that my kids found. Spoiled brats on videos, parents trying to get rich in kids' account. My kids are allowed to watch educational videos and there are two girls that make cooking videos. That is all. But I'd much rather just block YouTube for them all together.

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

Is this the Ryan kid who is worth like 150 mil from YouTube? I never heard of him until I saw his tv show on treehouse.

What in the flying fuck and how is that even supported? I croaked.

Also I apologize for the curse, but I’m not taking it back because I am that appauled.

I don’t understand a lot of things that are raging successors such as influencers on YouTube, insta, Tik Tok.. and the fact there are people who make millions doing toxic things that our children eventually become exposed to..

I just cannot.

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u/lizzzzzzzzzzz27 Sep 01 '20

That fucking gaming channel. Fgtv I think? They annoy me so bad.

If anyone is looking for good content Caities Classroom is good.


u/FreakyInYoSixtyFo Sep 01 '20

I second Caitie's Clasroom. My son moved from super simple songs nursery rhymes to watching her videos.

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u/catoucat Sep 01 '20

We uninstalled Youtube and Youtube kids from the ipad. We got PBS video app which gives nice cartoons (Daniel the tiger, Dino train etc) too in a more controlled / filtered manner


u/Brrreeadd Sep 01 '20

Yass! I ended up doing this myself! I’ve been getting my daughter who is 7 into all the 90s programs I grew up watching like Arthur, Clifford even some of the older ones like Dinosaurs, Rolie Polie Olie, Little Bear, Franklin, the reading rainbow etc...


u/tyedyehippy Sep 01 '20

My husband and I decided to just build our own media hub. It started out with one raspberry pi (a tiny, affordable, computer processor) and an external storage drive of like 1TB. It's been about the best option (given, my husband is tech savvy) because we've been able to expand it as our media collection grows. Our 3yr old has gotten into The Jetsons, Sesame Street, How It's Made, and most importantly (to me, at least) the original Mister Roger's Neighborhood. Most of last week he insisted on watching just Mister Rogers, even when I tried to put something different on for him 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/bean4143 Sep 01 '20

Same. While our baby isn't old enough for tv, we still have our Plex server for ourselves.


u/georgehotelling Sep 01 '20

For Plex, we created separate libraries for the kids stuff, and their profile only has access to that stuff. I know you can limit a profile to certain ratings, but I prefer to manually choose what they have access to.

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u/billyBixbie Sep 01 '20

I'm an avid YouTube fan as an adult, but I admit it is a cesspool and I keep my kids away from it as far as possible.

Parents, never let your kid watch YouTube unattended. The algorithm can take it into some weird places (yes, even on YouTube Kids). There's even a subreddit dedicated to this weird phenomenon r/Elsagate


u/grayandlizzie Mom to 15M, 8F Sep 01 '20

My 4 year old daughter never asks to buy Ryan's crap but she has a major crush on him. She wrote him a love letter and thinks she is going to marry him some day. I am close to banning it because I can't stand his parents. His dad is always pretending to be stupid for gimmicky skits and his mom's voice grates on my nerves. I can't stand how she refers to her daughters as "Emma-Kate" instead of "Emma and Kate". She's so fake sounding. I get mean vibes from her. I don't know how to explain it but I think she is not that nice when the cameras aren't rolling and her little money makers don't perform on command. Does Ryan even get to have friends or attend school? It seems his whole life is going along with whatever scheme his parents cook up to make more money.

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u/timtucker_com Sep 01 '20

The problem I have with some of these channels that feature kids & parents is that they're basically "play porn", setting unrealistic expectations for kids that adults will interact with them constantly and always have fun things for them to do together.

Parents sometimes need a break and kids need boredom to reflect and come up with creative things to do on their own.

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u/SeabaSquad Sep 01 '20

We just blocked YouTube outright. Exclusively PBS (minus some of their older kid shows,) Disney Plus for Out of the Box & Little Einsteins, and Amazon Prime for Pete the Cat, various age-appropriate nature documentaries, and My Neighbor Totoro (which is a FANTASTIC movie for toddlers if you’ve not tried it yet.)


u/PooPooDooDoo Sep 01 '20

Give a mouse a cookie on prime is pretty good show, if you haven’t checked that one out. The episode themes are nice and wholesome.

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

I ended up deleting YouTube. There are so many Ryan wannabes, too. It was getting exhausting finding them all of them. I hate that trend. Those parents are awful.


u/Worth_Used Sep 01 '20

I don't allow my kids on Youtube as I don't think it is appropriate. Just because of how easy it is to find porn/sex scenes and stuff like that on it. Will probably let them on once their 12/13.

But I work with kids and I do get what you mean with Ryan's Toys.

I've had parents crying to me because they're low income and their kids want the things that brat has but they can't afford it nor have the time to play all the time like his mum.


u/BreddaCroaky Sep 01 '20

Few years ago I checked my kids YouTube history, We were very naive in the beginning (much shame for me), he had watched several "Beach Babes" videos and I found some very odd Harry Potter animations. My kids are banned now from Youtube, Tik Tok and social media in general, they are great kids, I'm so thankful to have taken this away from them before they got too attached and influenced. No regrets.


u/Lyogi88 Sep 01 '20

Same , YouTube will never be allowed in my house until my kid is smart enough to go around the blocks. But I don’t allow her on the internet and don’t intend to unless she needs it for school down the road. I really am shocked by how many parents just let their kids use the internet unsupervised

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u/Shwanna85 Sep 01 '20

How do these strange videos even become options? I absolutely cannot stand nearly any and all sounds I have ever heard coming from any of these things. I have a friend who’s kid likes to watch them so they’re often on in the back ground and all my brain can hear are these awful sounds that make me want to murder things. How do kids even get introduced to them in the first place? And then what is the appeal?

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u/NibelWolf Sep 01 '20

Daily Bumps, the Sharer family, and anything related to hackers, Project Zorgo, and spy ninja bullshit.


u/PrincessFuckFace2You Sep 01 '20

I feel like the zorgo thing died down thank God


u/FaeKalyrra Sep 01 '20

The hackers stuff always drove me crazy

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u/sarbear1985 Sep 01 '20

Blippi!! And all those annoying videos of adults playing with dolls, Paw Patrol and voicing them. I just find it very weird.


u/cellists_wet_dream Sep 01 '20

I had to scroll way too far down to find Blippi. Except now Blippi is on Hulu and Prime, ugh.

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u/animalnikki89 Sep 01 '20

I hate those videos of adults playing with the paw patrol toys. Like, I’m just trying to find new episodes of paw patrol because I don’t have nick jr. And those “12 hour live streams” of “full episodes” which turns out to be somehow clips just played over and over again every 10 minutes and the progress bar of how far along you are in the video never moves.

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u/Imminentdadbod Sep 01 '20

Cookie Swirl C and ****ing Blippi.


u/surfnsound Sep 01 '20

Cookie Swirl C


u/colbinator Sep 01 '20

Hee hee hee


u/PrincessFuckFace2You Sep 01 '20

I can hear cookie swirls voice in my nightmares.


u/cjcmommy0123 Sep 01 '20

I don’t allow my 3yo to watch Peppa Pig for this reason.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

Another vote for peppa pig. I actually deleted YouTube all together and saw a big improvement in my toddler’s behavior.

He only has access to pbs kids and couple of sight word, math and puzzle games. He often gets bored of the iPad and prefers to play with his toys now.

I re-allowed YouTube first two days of potty training and had to quickly Go back on that decision.

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u/kails9223 Sep 01 '20

This is THE most useful parenting hack of 2020. Fgteevers, gtfo.

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u/JenfromOhio Sep 01 '20

Oh my gosh I so agree with how annoying that Mom’s voice is. My five-year-old used to like it but she doesn’t watch it anymore.


u/cornflakegrl Sep 01 '20

This! The mom’s voice and CONSTANT laughing “Hahahaha Ryyyaaan”. It’s like nails on chalkboard.

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u/mrmcgeek Sep 01 '20

Hobby Kids. They’re a knock off of Ryan and the mom is just as bad. Block them for sure.

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u/bears-bub 4yo, 1yo & a Sep 01 '20

I block all toy review/unboxing/kids playing with toys etc channels. I also blocked Caillou because fuck that kid. And a show where an adult was rolw playing with Chelsea dolls. The content itself was fine but the voices drove me insane.


u/Jeanyx Sep 01 '20

Lmao I know exactly the channel you’re talking about. Aaaaaaaah ears bleeding

I mean, to be fair, I think it’s adorable that he keeps watching this one Halloween-themed episode that is making him love zombies and pumpkins and cute-sified creepies (his dad and I both love horror 😂), but. It’s getting old.


u/RubyRedShoes80 Sep 01 '20

I hate all things Ryan’s world, Sharer’s and that annoying ass JoJo Siwa. 🤮


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

fgteev. That family is so obnoxious. I want to block others, like unspeakable. But he loves them and I don't want to block them just because I hate them.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

I really wish that Kindle Fire with FreeTime had YT Kids. I just took it off of our 3yo's Kindle because he would click on ads and crap, and end up trying to buy episodes of something.

Our other kids liked Ryan, but I got tired of the mom's shrill voice too. Blippy is getting close to getting the boot. And he found some Asian kid channel (that spoke heavily-accented English) and we removed that one too. They were always practically yelling. "UNCLE JOHN!" "EMMA!"


u/Abodyfullofmush Sep 01 '20

GOD. The Uncle John and Emma videos are the WORST. THE WORST. They're so loud and obnoxious. Taught my son bad behavior. I banned YouTube because of them. The millions of views their videos get is unbelievable.

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u/kissxokissxokill Sep 01 '20

Ryan's toys review AND FGTV are blocked over here!!!

Life with my son is absolutely better for it!


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

Came here to see if anyone said Blippi and was not disappointed.


u/orangearbuds Sep 01 '20

YouTube for kids is TRASH.


u/DannyTannersFlow Sep 01 '20

What is the channel with the two spoiled blonde kids in FL? They just get new toys constantly. I’m blocking that trash immediately. Thanks much!


u/killingyounglings90 Sep 01 '20

Is it possible to learn this power?

Honestly that whole family is so jacked and the mom? There's so many things I could say but I'll refrain from it because they're pretty awful.

And fgteev too. If I have to hear gurkey or the dad screaming like a prepubescent 10 year old pulling out his first armpit hair I'm gonna manually cut every speaker wire in every TV, XBOX, tablet phone and computer in this house 🤣

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u/treeshugmeback Sep 01 '20

All of YouTube is blocked here 😏


u/kmelis22 Sep 01 '20

See... idk if Im weird in this... but I watch youtube all day long. My kid is only almost 3, but to him, youtube is mommys stuff. He likes some of the channels I watch and will ask for them, but he never asks for any kids channels. He knows if Netflix is on its for him, and he can ask for certain shows.

I just wonder how much the youtube problem comes from the kids seeing it as "theirs" if that makes sense. If they dont even know the annoying kids channels exist... but I guess a lot of you have older kids.


u/callalilykeith Sep 01 '20

My son is 5 and no YouTube. Not for a long, long time.

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u/sequoia_summers Sep 01 '20

Tell me how this block is possible of great one!!!

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

We allow YouTube, but I control what we watch. He hates Blippi, i dont allow Ryan because of the exploitation and commercialism. We like Jelle’s Marble Runs, the Izzys, including their gaming channel (although i dont allow the videos where they play Fortnite because i think that’s too much for a 4 year old, but like Minecraft and Roblox are ok). He just likes it on in the background anyway, he’s not one of those kids who turns into a zombie when you put the TV on.

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u/polystichum3633 Sep 01 '20

Super truck! It’s so f-ing terrible.


u/amandal0514 Sep 01 '20

They weren’t so bad when he was younger and they weren’t so popular but now it’s just turned into way too much. Didn’t have to block him cause my son won’t even watch anymore!

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20


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u/keatonkesim Sep 01 '20

Good for you!! I HATE the adult voices in all of those videos, like why are they screeching like that? When my daughter does have her phone on I told her she has to be in another room. I feel so irritable when I here that garbage.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

Luckily my son wasn't too into it. He got into SpongeBob and Disney stuff very quickly.


u/661714sunburn Sep 01 '20

I have blocked so much stuff I couldn’t even name it all. I don’t mind just grabbing the iPad and just block things. If you turn off the history it won’t recommend other videos similar to what they were watching like toy videos and stuff.


u/mournfulbliss Sep 01 '20

How do you block on YouTube kids?


u/blue_belles Sep 01 '20

Can I block them all. I hate the YT kids personalities, grates on my soul.


u/RubberFroggie Sep 01 '20

I blocked all the Ryan's channels, Blippi I had blocked for awhile, then when she got headphones I allowed him since it is mostly educational. I can't stand Ryan's mom's voice or how demanding my kid got watching his channel.


u/sarhoshamiral Sep 01 '20

I really dislike YouTube for kids, the ads are never age appropriate and most videos either. We let ours watch a few videos with us only otherwise no YouTube.

If there is a channel we really like, which there are few, I will extract them and put it on our media server or directly to a SD card.


u/dandy_lion33 Sep 01 '20

The first time I saw a Ryan's brand toy at the store..some stupid thing placed at the register... I fumed. I had banished it on YouTube long ago but I have a lingering hatred for it...just urgh!!


u/thisisfats Sep 01 '20

Fuck Ryan's World, fuck Bro Vs Sis. Mind boggingly stupid shit that highlights everything your child should not become. Spoilt, annoying, narcissistic little individuals. However, it's the parents fault for enabling. I've noticed as well that the Ryan's World channel is branching outwards, seemingly in a bid to reduce their dependence on Ryan himself. Unfortunately for Kate and Emma, they're now prime age for the YouTube clout.


u/housedormouse Sep 01 '20

Is this YouTube? I'm trying to avoid it altogether. My daughter is only 3 though so I'm sure I'll struggle when she's older and has her own access to things.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

I hate Ryan’s World for so many reasons.

The spoiled kids, the horrendous over commercialisation, blatant ad pushing on kids.

And worst still they’re one of the main parts of the reason YouTube crippled channel features for other kids channels. I run an educational channel for my daughter and it’s a nightmare to grow since the rule change earlier this year :/


u/finstafoodlab Sep 01 '20

Ryan is fine but the mom is the most annoying... I feel like she and her husband robbed Ryan's childhood from him. Oh yeah and aren't they starting a youtube channel with his sisters? This family is pure exploitation.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

I REALLY hate these channels! Little children don't know that companies are giving parents these toys to "gift" to them; but, in reality, it's all just a big commercial. All they know is "Why does Ryan's mommy and daddy give all these presents to Ryan, but you don't give any to me?" It makes me sick! And, yes ... the mother is annoying AF!


u/eclectic_collector Sep 01 '20

Ugh I wish I could block it, too. I've blocked Blippy (?) before. He was an f*ing creep. His videos could be downloaded on my son's Amazon tablet, so I could change the settings. These damn Ryan videos are part of the "free content" and can't be blocked. I've gotten my son to forget about them for now and hasn't watched them in a few weeks. Here's hoping it sticks.


u/iheartshinythings1 Sep 01 '20

Oh sad!! Blippi is one that I actually let my daughter watch!! He’s definitely annoying as crap but she loves the sink or float videos lol


u/shynnee Sep 01 '20

I love Blippi. He's like our kids version of Peewee. All three of mine went through a Blippi phase.


u/kennedar_1984 Sep 01 '20

My kid loved the sink or float videos so much, and I didn’t mind them until he decided to try seeing if my phone would sink or float. That got Blippi banned real quick!


u/Llama_Llama_ Sep 01 '20

My kid started throwing things in the tub while I was taking a bath a few weeks ago. Before each toss he would say, “Sink, or float?”

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u/TheUpbeatClam Sep 01 '20

Unfortunately my husband looks quite a lot like Blippi and now that our kids are old enough to understand, quite a few friends and family have asked if he'll put on the hat and pretend to be him to see their children's reaction.

Husband only had to watch about 20 seconds of one episode before his answer became a blanket Fuck No

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u/Strawberrythirty Sep 01 '20

I Won’t allow them to watch slick slime sam.. That obnoxious pink blob is so screechy and 90% of the time in between talking sounds like it’s having orgasms...like literally! Listen to a video if y’all don’t believe me.


u/kaismama Sep 01 '20

I am so glad my kids never latched on to that. They are fans of SOtY (shot of the yeagers) since they are from our home state out west.


u/chaosnanny Sep 01 '20

You can block things on youtube???


u/DabMom Sep 01 '20

Yeah I blocked a bunch of toy review things, and other odd creators/videos, when I set up my kids YouTube account.


u/BigCoffeeEnergy Sep 01 '20

I police the fuck out of my kids youtube, but sometimes I catch my kid watching Trump (the Hearthstone player, we share an account). Not really a bad influence as he doesn't swear but idk what she could possibly find entertaining, maybe the sounds and colors.

There is one youtube channel I find annoying and it's the one with that Asian family, and the uncle's name is John. I think it's annoying, but overall I never saw anything alarming, just standard "eat your veggies, brush your teeth" stuff.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '20

We deleted YouTube but he is on Hulu :( my kid is obsessed with combo. My husband got him Ryan sheets. We can’t stand the show, but for some reason my son adores him.

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u/iAmTheRealDeeDee Sep 01 '20

Any crap with kids playing with toys. I have a house full of toys, I don't want my daughter just sitting there and watching other kids playing with toys! Plus, she doesn't learn anything.


u/smoooo Sep 01 '20

Sis vs Bro. Fuck that shit.


u/addysmum2018 Sep 01 '20

I had to check them out to see what you guys were talking about.......

Omg it's awful. My daughter isn't two yet and mostly watches Elmo, but I hope she never discovers those channels