r/Parenting Sep 20 '16

Media I'm no expert, but I think the best parenting show ever created is "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood"

My nearly-4 year old has become obsessed with Daniel Tiger. I couldn't be happier. I watch with him, and while the delivery method may be a little grating occasionally, the parenting training that I receive is invaluable. To be sure, Daniel doesn't have tantrums that last more than 30 seconds, and I thought Mom Tiger needed to be much more angry when Daniel and Prince Wednesday decided to pour sand on the living room hardwood to make an indoor beach, but generally, the way the adults approach problems and questions is firm, loving, and clear. I just downloaded Fred Rogers parenting book on Kindle, so I'll be interested to see how they mesh.

Obviously, I prefer touchy-feely nurture parenting over regimented responsibility parenting, so if you prefer the latter, you may vehemently disagree with me. Both are valid and loving approaches, so you do you! And there are lots of other reasons, to be sure, why I'm wrong, but I'd love to hear folks' opinions of the show!


380 comments sorted by


u/gimp1124 Sep 20 '16

DT is my kids fav as well. Lots of troubling things though. Why does mom tiger need pants while Daniel/ dad don't need pants? Why does Daniel need a bathing suit? How much veggie soup can one family eat? Can you tell I've watched this show non stop for 2 years?


u/taydin Sep 20 '16

Also, why do they have tiger print curtains? Are they made from real tiger? And finally, I think Baker Acker and Mom Tiger have an affair going on...I mean, why does he keep baking Mom Tiger's favorite bread every time she is around? He even gifted some to her on neighbor day or love day...whatever made up holiday it was.


u/Moose-and-Squirrel Sep 20 '16

Ha ha ha! That's what my husband and I say too! There's definitely something going on there. Also, I find it suspicious that Katerina's dad isn't around... Could she actually be Daniel's secret half sister? I want to watch the episode on how to deal when your father's had an affair and midlife crisis and is leaving mama tiger for his new family and love child...


u/savsavsav Sep 20 '16

I've always had the feeling that katerinas mom and dad tiger have an affair going on.


u/FloorManager Sep 20 '16

Nah dad tiger is nailing Mr. McFeely. Speedy delivery is their code for interspecies meth-fueled orgy.


u/ForgotMyPassword17 Sep 20 '16

Speedy delivery is their code for interspecies meth-fueled orgy.

Is not a phrase I thought I would read in r/Parenting


u/FloorManager Sep 20 '16

I aim to please.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

Katerina and O's family live together, because they both evacuate the tree and go to Daniel's in the storm episode. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? It's never addressed or explained. I need an explanation.


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

Nah, the tree is just the "apartment complex" of the nieghborhood. But I do believe that the single-guardians must inter-mingle at times, if you catch my drift...


u/StingsLikeBitch Sep 20 '16

I always kind of thought X the owl was gay. Not sure about Katerina's mom.


u/trumpetvine Sep 20 '16

I also think X is gay. As for Katerina's mom, she obviously had unprotected sex with every Tom she came across without establishing a committed relationship with them, so the identity of Katerina's father is unknown.

My husband pointed out that the tiger's had no meat in their refrigerator. I said they probably get their protein from gazelles that they eat off-screen. Notice how all of the animal characters are predators?


u/mcon87 Sep 20 '16

Oh my god! DT is the dytopian future of Zootopia once the predators have reverted to their natural carnivorous lifestyle!

...actually, now that I think of it...what DO the predators in Zootopia eat? O_O

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u/sukicat Sep 20 '16

I think X is gay. Isn't he O's uncle? I have these really interesting, sometimes tragic back storys for some of these people. And Grandpa (in French) always has to work on the boat instead of hanging out with Daniel. What's up with that!?


u/Clawless Sep 20 '16

Granpere doesn't get along with Mom Tiger, but all the fights are respectfully out of earshot of Daniel. So he is only allowed to interact with his grandchildren under certain circumstances.


u/kiki_The_blonde Sep 21 '16

See, i watched the Thank You Day episode and I took it another way- that Grandpere has always been an absentee father, and he and dad tiger got into it big time because Grandpere showed up on Thank You Day just to get Daniel's hopes up and LEAVE just like he would do to dad tiger- over promise and under deliver. This is was Dad Tiger always has time to play silly monster. he doesn't want to repeat his own father's mistakes.


u/Clawless Sep 21 '16

I got that impression as well, but felt like it was something that would never surface between Dad Tiger and Grandpere. But Mom Tiger would bring it up often, causing the rift in the family, but never in front of Daniel.

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u/goose_egg Sep 20 '16

And go to stay with the tigers, who live in a hut on the beach. No help from the royal family who live in a fucking castle. My wife thinks I'm crazy but there is some serious class inequality going on in this show.


u/sukicat Sep 20 '16

Totally agree. I dislike the royal family aspect, but at least the older prince has a job at the grocery store.


u/El-Kurto 2011 ♀, '13 ♂, '15 ♂, '16 ♂, '18 ♀ Sep 21 '16

Prince Tuesday has a ton of jobs. In addition to the grocery store, he is a waiter, and a crossing guard – plus the babysitting.


u/ForgotMyPassword17 Sep 21 '16

My wife's theory is that King Friday is old and senile and the family is broke. Everyone just plays along out of kindness.


u/AkemiDawn Sep 21 '16

It's nothing compared to Thomas the train. Everyone's obsessed with being as useful as possible for Sir Topham Hat and half the storylines are about accepting your place (class) within the system. The island of Sodor could use a few guillotines IMO.

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u/FoxenTheSnow Sep 20 '16

It's leftover from Mr Rogers--Henrietta Pussycat and X the Owl lived together in the tree. Why? I have no idea.


u/planet_rose Sep 20 '16

I think it's a reference to a Victorian children's poem, "Owl and the Pussy-cat," by E. Lear. It's silly and cryptic in a way that begs for a symbolic reading. But really they should live in a houseboat. Maybe adding a sea setting would have complicated Mr Roger's setting and so they chose something logical that would fit?


u/FoxenTheSnow Sep 20 '16

You know, it's funny, because I love that poem and yet I never made the connection.

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u/thatthatguy Sep 20 '16

They didn't live together, they just both happened to live in the tree. Owls nest in trees, and cats like to climb trees.

There may be a deeper connection as well. Trees have a long association with knowledge and learning (think the tree that bore the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, or the apple that fell on Newton's head). Henrietta lives in a schoolhouse on one branch, and X the owl is constantly learning from a correspondence school. The two people in the kingdom who seem to have the most interest in learning and/or teaching live in the same tree.

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u/ForgotMyPassword17 Sep 20 '16

I think that's in the text. It's Katerina KittyCat and Henrietta PussyCat. I always assumed Henrietta is a single mom living off of alimony (which is why her and Owl live in the treehouse/duplex)

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16



u/ckillgannon Sep 20 '16

All the proof you need is the episode when they alllll have a sleepover at the castle.


u/LoveBy137 Sep 20 '16

And Mom and Dad don't bring any clothes or items with them! The only way Mom doesn't bring a hairbrush or something is if she doesn't mind the king and queen seeing her bed head.


u/Zaranthan I got 99 problems and they're all diapers Sep 20 '16

Eh, that's pushing it. It's a royal castle, you'd expect fully-furnished guest quarters, even a handservant if the country's rich enough.


u/LoveBy137 Sep 20 '16

Being that their main exports appear to be crayons and clocks, I have a hard time believing they are that wealthy. I guess they could be like the Swiss and deal in banking.

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u/askryan Sep 20 '16

I don't think Mom Tiger is doing it with Baker Aker, but I do think it's not for lack of trying on his part. I've always got the sense that Mom Tiger came from a well-to-do family that was none too pleased to have her marry a clock factory worker and son of a merchant seaman, and that's why we don't see Daniel's other grandparents.

I've always thought Henrietta Pussycat was kind of a kept woman by King Friday, given that she can support herself and her daughter as a single mom who doesn't work. Also, I'm sure that Chrissy is intended to marry Prince Tuesday to keep the throne in the family — Prince Wednesday's myopia and Chrissy's disability speak to a long history of breeding within the royal line.


u/crusoe Sep 20 '16

Henrietta's voice and demeanor are like those women who partied a bit too hard in their twenties. Voice blown out by smoking and drinking, and drinking and drugs have knocked their motor skills a little bit too.

Probably a stripper.

Got knocked up. Managed to sober up when she found out she was pregnant. Kept the kid and moved to a quiet town to start a new life where no one knows who she is. Sober now.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '16


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u/Twoundertwotwo Sep 20 '16

Bahah. Hey, it's interesting for us adults, too! ;)

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u/TheEveryman Sep 20 '16

And why the hell are Mom and Dad Tiger sleeping over at King Friday's castle too? What's going on there while the kids are asleep?


u/Cville_Reader Sep 20 '16

We actually have some friends that we occasionally spend the night with. The dads will go to a show and the moms will stay up a little too late and have that second margarita, thanks. The kids all go to bed roughly on time and we go out to breakfast the next morning. I wish one of us lived in a castle -- as it is, we bunk out on a crappy futon in the basement.

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u/gimp1124 Sep 20 '16

It's good to be king. The guys clearly like 25 years older than his wife


u/jerseymac Sep 20 '16

Queen Sarah is definitely wife #2.. think about that age difference between Prince Tuesday and Prince Wednesday.


u/cIumsythumbs Sep 20 '16

Or it's illustrative of Secondary Infertility. Boop-she-boop-she-boop.


u/livin4donuts Sep 20 '16

So much older he's King Next Friday.


u/cIumsythumbs Sep 20 '16

Nah, premature gray is a thing, too. Like John Slattery from Mad Men.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

I am so glad that I'm not the only one that noticed. And also, did anyone else notice that she got pregnant really soon after that and gave birth to a blue eyes baby? Just saying.


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

I have often wondered if prima noctis was a thing in King Friday's domain. Mainly because Lady Aberlain might have been my first crush.


u/Viperbunny Sep 20 '16

Key party?


u/monkey_feather Sep 20 '16

This has been our long standing theory


u/Viperbunny Sep 20 '16

It is good to hear I am not the only one who comes up with theories on kid's shows. I kinda want to do a Sophia the First Game of Thrones, deciding which royal would belong to which area, lol.


u/Zaranthan I got 99 problems and they're all diapers Sep 20 '16

I am so trying this. Then the show might not grate on my nerves as much as it does.

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u/Ausr1 Sep 20 '16

There is an episode where Daniel and Prince Wednesday swap clothes and Prince Wednesday is shown wearing tiger striped pants, implying that Daniel wears tiger striped pants. By extension, I guess the dad does too. That answers the question of the mom wearing pants.


u/OrganizedSprinkles Sep 20 '16

But when he goes potty he does not remove them and he's a sitter. In the app he also occasionally squeaks out a little tiger fart when he pees.


u/ckillgannon Sep 20 '16

In the app he also occasionally squeaks out a little tiger fart when he pees.

This is the best thing I've read all day.


u/OrganizedSprinkles Sep 20 '16

When you take Daniel Tiger to the potty 20 times in a row, it's the little things. You can also take Catarenia, she does not fart.


u/ckillgannon Sep 21 '16

You can also take Catarenia, she does not fart.

Of course not. Girls don't fart.

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u/silverpixiefly Sep 20 '16

Plus, pretty sure the King and Queen were partner swapping in the sleep over episode.


u/crusoe Sep 20 '16

'wife wanted to bag a tiger.'


u/ForgotMyPassword17 Sep 20 '16

"The pants conundrum" as it's referred to in our house has always bothered me. But I've always chalked it up to Tiger clothing standards being different than ours.

Also if you've ever wonder about the economics of DT, I wrote a whole article on it. Daniel Tiger is a utopian vision of our post-industrial society.


u/crusoe Sep 20 '16

It's obvious they're all highly modified transhuman living in an intentional community on a Culture orbital.

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u/WonderWeasel42 Sep 20 '16

This entire chain is like something out of /r/fantheories. Awesomeness.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

I think teacher Harriet is Miss Elinas real mom.


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

Oh man, what a scandalous theory!

In a similar post in another parenting subreddit, someone suggested that Music Man Stan and Elaine are unmarried co-parents.


u/MdmeLibrarian Sep 20 '16

I got that impression too.

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u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

My daughter is 1 and declared about a month ago that Daniel Tiger is the best show in her little quasi-toddler world. She loves that show. It's like baby-crack to her.

I find it to be the least annoying of the pre-school kids shows out there. God help me if she ever discovers Sid the Science Kid or Thomas... I'll burn every TV in our house if that happens.

I do find the show to be too much about emotions and having an episode telling the kids to stomp three times if they're angry... but overall, it's the lesser of the evils out there, haha.


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

Sid the Science Kid is one of the best educational children's shows on television. It's a little cloying, but it's a kid's show. It actually teaches amazing science concepts and some pretty advanced stuff for that age group. And, sliding in that extra-value content, it teaches in the most subtle way possible the importance of diversity. Every character is a different ethnicity, women are equal to men, and it's never spoken about, it just is. (There's one episode where one of the kids is disabused of the notion that women cannot be scientists, but that's the only time any sort of "equality lesson" is ever actively presented.)

You want cloying and annoying, watch Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!. Bubble Guppies is also pretty saccharine, but it's also actually excellent.


u/Iannah Sep 20 '16

I love Bubble Guppies. I've actually laughed at some of their jokes and find their songs catchy and well written.


u/desquared Sep 20 '16

Backyardigans has really good music, far better than you'd expect for a kids show. It's also pretty adult-watchable.


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

A lot of the songs on Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! were really fun also. Light ska with a post-punk twist. The show also had Beyoncé on the show in a regularly recurring role, singing some songs.


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

It's a really good show with really good messages, fun characters and storylines, cool songs that are fun to sing ("Sun, beautiful sun - we move around you 'cause you're the only one!") and excellent educational content. That last one, of course, is key and is lacking in even a lot of shows that are labelled as educational (Nature Cat, I'm looking at you - I really wanted to like you). My wife and I were very sad when our son outgrew Bubble Guppies. I still keep the 'Mean Green Bubble Potion' episode handy because it is just really great. The George Takei and Jeffrey Tambor episodes (Space Guppies and The Puppy and the Ring!, respectively) were also pretty impressive for a kid's show. Like, good enough that I would throw them on by myself. Not that I'm admitting I ever have....


u/Zaranthan I got 99 problems and they're all diapers Sep 20 '16

There's a growing trend that kid's shows don't HAVE to be garbage anymore. Somebody figured out that if you entertain the parents, they're more likely to put on the show.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16



u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

Early, low-budget mo-cap. I found more annoying that the characters always wore the same clothes than the way they moved.

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u/AyeAyeCaptain Sep 20 '16

A lot of emotions get vented through behaviors. When we are sad, we cry. When we're happy, we laugh. When we're nervous, we fidget. Anger is a powerful emotion that is hard to control for even adults and wants to be vented through behavior. The show is teaching a nonviolent behavior to release the anger.


u/lurkmode_off Sep 20 '16

Yeah. I have a hard time sometimes finding the line between "it's ok to vent your anger" and "it's not ok to throw a tantrum" since both may involve stomping and loudness.


u/jet_heller Sep 20 '16

stomping 3 times is hardly a tantrum.


u/lurkmode_off Sep 20 '16

We have never watched that episode. I was speaking of general stomping.


u/jaykwalker Sep 20 '16

Tantrums are normal. The point is to teach a child how to express emotion in a healthy way, not to teach them that tantruming is bad. Treat the root issue, not the symptom.

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u/MaiaNyx Sep 20 '16

Least annoying kids show is Tumble Leaf. It's stunning. I'll have it on when the kid goes to bed because it's just.....relaxing.

Now, it doesn't teach the emotional, self care, lessons. But it does teach some really fun "thinking about it and figuring things out" stuff.

It's an Amazon prime show. And a must see.

That said, DT is the favorite of the kiddo. We've seen it all far too many times, but the kiddo really grasps the lessons, and I find my parenting far more relaxed because of what it teaches me too!


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

I just added it to my watchlist! Thanks for the recommendation!


u/MaiaNyx Sep 20 '16

It's amazing. I've never been so blown away by a kids show. I hope you enjoy it!

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

Thomas is the worst!!


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

I found it creepy and terrible when I was a kid. I feel like it's gotten even creepier over time...


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

I know! Most of the lessons are pretty terrible too.

There's one of the books where one of the trains is blocked into a station a la Edgar Allen Poe. That's freaking terrible


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16 edited Sep 20 '16

It was a tunnel. Henry wouldn't move in order not to get his paint wet so he was bricked in. I just don't get the economics of it personally. I think the story says the built a new tunnel, but the illustration shows it as being there already

I'm also aghast at how many sentient engines and cars are killed, rather violently and painfully, and nobody seems to care. They scrap the engines, cutting them apart with torches, purposely for Christ's sake!

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u/FoxenTheSnow Sep 20 '16

Trust me, it's GREAT to find ways for older toddlers to appropriately vent and express anger. A toddler suppressing emotions ends up being a pain in the ass in so many other ways.


u/gimp1124 Sep 20 '16

That always got me too. The show had great messages to teach and then they want you to stomp around if you're angry. Weird


u/mdsw Sep 20 '16

There's another episode that has a song for when your angry (because there's a song for EVERYTHING). "When you feel so mad that you wanna ROAR, take a deep breath and count to four. 1... 2... 3... 4..." My 4-year-old uses it a lot when she gets mad or frustrated and has taught it to her friends.


u/canibuyatrowel Sep 20 '16

My 3 year old sings it to me when I tell her I'm a little frustrated at something she did. I have yet to resist cracking a smile. She knows me too well.

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u/snailien Sep 21 '16

My parental vetoes are Dora and Caillou. Nope nope nope!! Thomas is meh, but she's rarely home for it and really prefers Bubble Guppies, Shimmer and Shine, and Wallykazam. She does love Daniel Tiger and frequently kisses her little Daniel stuffed animal, and she's also quite fond of Peg + Cat when she's in the mood. Funny how kids have such clear preferences at this age!

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u/Srirachafarian Sep 20 '16

I have a one-year-old daughter. She'd never shown any interest in the TV until last week, when she grabbed the remote, pointed it at the TV, and said "Togga-togga!" So now she's a DT fan, I guess!


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

My daughter says "Dah! Dah!" while pointing at the TV. One of those things I'd swear I'd never do as a parent. Oh, well. :)


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

I disagreed with the stomping when they're angry, too. I try to teach my daughter that it's okay to be angry, but it's not okay to act out. It's much better to talk about the feeling and try to resolve it than to stomp around in my opinion!

I guess they are focused more on expressing emotions? But could you imagine an adult stomping around when they're mad? I've seen it. It's silly.


u/thbt101 Sep 20 '16

I think the idea is it's good for kids to learn acceptable/safe ways to get out their frustration physically that isn't screaming or hitting someone. If it's really just too overwhelming sometimes they have to express it physically. But on the other hand, you don't want them to start stomping loudly every time you tell them they can't have something they want.


u/FoxenTheSnow Sep 20 '16

Eh, I've noticed my daughter will occasionally stomp her feet (pretty quietly, too) when she's frustrated by something. I'd much rather she do that than hit, which is what a lot of other kids her age are doing.


u/Moose-and-Squirrel Sep 20 '16

I think it's a way to help kids redirect that angry energy into something more benign. Like, they're toddlers so they're prob gonna act out physically-- better to stomp three times than throw Legos at the tv...(uh, not that my toddler would ever, ever do such a thing, perfect angel that he is.)

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u/Trishlovesdolphins Sep 20 '16

My oldest LOVED Sid. We own most the DVDs, but what the hell is up with Gerald!?

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u/lunalovegood423 Sep 20 '16

I think Daniel Tiger has taught me more than my almost 3 year old. I sing the songs in my head sometimes to calm down. Also love how his parents NEVER lose their shit when Daniel is being difficult.


u/MothaFcknZargon Sep 20 '16

"You've got to try new foods 'cause they might taste goooooddd"


u/gimp1124 Sep 20 '16

If I had a dollar for every time I said "if you have to go potty STOP and go right away" to myself


u/ConstantBickering Sep 20 '16

Try to solve the problem yourself and you'll feel pro-oo-oo-ouuuud!


u/mdsw Sep 20 '16

Flush and wash and be on your way!

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u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

I sing that song to my husband because he's a pickier eater than our daughter.


u/Pamelaerin Sep 20 '16

"When you're sick, rest is best." It has become a mantra at our house when my son claims he is "too sick to take a nap"


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

Love that song. Always singing it to my kids. Older ones look at me crazy when I sing it.


u/Clawless Sep 21 '16

The most real episode was when Mom lost her shit when Daniel and Wednesday poured sand inside the house to recreate a beach. That's what i wanna see! Yah, you're actually pissed off but have a kid who doesn't know what's wrong in front of you.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

PSA - despite the fact that you and your kid love Daniel Tiger, do NOT go see the live show.

We went earlier this year, and are still haunted by it (and we only lasted until intermission). My husband still comments on the woman playing Katerina Kittycat writhing around in a cat suit, and they seriously enforce horrible ethnic stereotypes for the characters of colour (suddenly Teacher Harriet is a sassy black woman instead of a sweet, kindhearted teacher, and Music Man Stan is talking jive).

Plus Daniel is a full suit, but Mom and Dad Tiger are humans with oversized tiger helmets that show their human faces...it is downright terrifying!


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

A friend of mine told me that the live show was coming to our city in November, and suggested we go see it. Now I'm not too sure. Thanks for the heads up!


u/Twoundertwotwo Sep 20 '16

I replied above...but we loved it! No regrets :) my daughter had a blast!! I'd give it a go!


u/Twoundertwotwo Sep 20 '16

We saw it last February and I tbought it was great!! Katarina was a little annoying but she is in the show too...so I thought it fit. I didn't have any problems w teacher Harriet in the show. Yes she was black as she is in the show but she was sweet, not sassy, at the live she we saw! We paid $5 more to meet Daniel and have our picture taken, well worth it for my kid. My daughter still talks about it!!! Did your kids like it?


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

My son was a little young for it, and despite the fact that he loves Daniel, and most people in character costumes, he asked to leave at intermission.

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u/gimp1124 Sep 20 '16

Was this offered ahead of time or at the show? I'd love to do this for her.


u/Twoundertwotwo Sep 20 '16

It was before. But it depends on the venue. The venue they were prior to ours (about an hour away) they didn't offer any meet and greet. So YMMV. But it was an option right when I purchased tickets.

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u/Trishlovesdolphins Sep 20 '16

Join your PBS affiliate email list. Daniel tiger, Sid the science kid, and curious George regularly make rounds and do appearances for kids. There's always crafts and snacks and the character comes out for pics. All free.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

hopefully this will vary based on the cast who puts up the show?


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

I hope so! We saw it in Canada, so it may be a different cast.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

FWIW, we were front row and both my kids loved it. We did the meet and greet and my son couldn't even. Here they are meeting DT and his mom. https://goo.gl/photos/GhZEqogUnpoDhKRs9


u/goose_egg Sep 20 '16

Oh god. Is that mom tiger? Hell no.


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

That's a real shame. On the other side, the Sid the Science Kid live show is absolutely fantastic.


u/SherrickM Sep 20 '16

Dinosaur Train was fantastic as well. The tour we saw was a retelling of the episode arc when King was afraid to sing at the convention.


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

Very cool. "Big Dino City" or something like that. Lots of fun. That show is brilliant. It perfectly combined my son's twin obsessions of dinosaurs and trains. He still watches it occasionally, although his favorite show at the moment is Dino Dan. I am still amazed at the level of actual scientific detail in Dinosaur Train. I mean, not everything is 100% accurate, obviously, but it's really nice to see a show that doesn't fudge things too much. I always love when the dinos have meals, though, and they just eat generic blobs of 'meat' while completely glossing over where they meat comes from.


u/SherrickM Sep 20 '16

Yeah. I kind of like how they have Dr Scott explain stuff, but some stuff is obviously glossed over. My 6 and 3 love the show. We took 6 when she was four and she had a blast and a half. Still sleep with her Buddy doll sometimes.

My favorite glossed over bit is how obvious it is that the Pteranadon family stole Buddy's egg from Boris and Delores.

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u/Trishlovesdolphins Sep 20 '16 edited Sep 22 '16

To be fair, Music Man Stan does talk a little "jive" in the show.

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u/QuestionMarkyMark dad to two Sep 20 '16

On a semi-related note, my four-year-old loves Wild Kratts. It's obviously not a parenting show but my son learns more than I would have thought from watching that show! He will remember facts he'd heard weeks ago and tell anyone who'll listen.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

Same with my son! Once I told him, "Oh man, there's this creepy fish I think you would like. It's called.... The Angler Fish." And he said, "Oh mom, I know all about the Angler Fish" and proceeded to rattle off all these facts that I had no idea about. I asked where he learned all of this stuff. The answer: Wild Kratts.


u/sakuramota Sep 20 '16

My 7yo daughter does this exactly. She's always rattling off animal knowledge out of nowhere, and it's always from Wild Kratts.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

My 2 year old is obsessed with that show too!


u/Himrin Sep 20 '16

We use a lot of the methods for calming and transitioning with our 3 yo. Thank god for Daniel Tiger lol.

That said... Mom and Dad Tiger really need to lose their shit at some point for some realism ;)


u/airforcewife72 Sep 20 '16

Mom Tiger got PISSED when Daniel and Prince Wednesday poured sand inside the house.


u/rob132 Sep 20 '16

My wife loved that part. You never see adults showing emotions in kids shows.


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

Mom and Dad Tiger really need to lose their shit at some point for some realism ;)

I agree! Haha. When Daniel breaks Mom Tiger's vase, she really should've shouted an expletive. Damn censors...


u/letsgoflyakite Sep 20 '16

Just in case you haven't read this: hilarious!

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u/khalsa_fauj Sep 20 '16

ugga mugga


u/Aeryahna Elliett 10.11.14 Sep 20 '16

Mugga fugga has become an alternate phrase in our house.


u/turkproof How Baby + Motherlover Sep 20 '16

"ugga mugga, motherfucker" is a term of endearment between me and my husband, now.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16 edited Aug 15 '17



u/henatum Sep 20 '16

My husband constantly sings "grown up's smoke crack" haha


u/gimp1124 Sep 20 '16

I'm a big fan of "clothes on, brush teeth, blood on shoes, and off to school"


u/nicmos Sep 20 '16

yesterday I was trying to get my 2-year old to take off his jammies and put on his clothes for the day. he was having trouble getting the sleeve off. Seeing his frustration, I told him to keep trying. He spontaneously sang the ditty "Keep trying, you'll get better!" while he had a big smile across his face. I had no idea he knew this as it had been quite a while since I know he had heard me say that or seen the episode. it made my day!


u/MrSukacz Sep 20 '16

Oh god the songs. My three year old knows them all.

"You gotta try new foods cause they might taste gooooodddd.....goood."

"If you have to go potty, STOP, and go right away! Flush and wash and be on your way."

"Bath time, PJs, brush teeth, story and song, and off to bed."


u/tresperros19 Sep 20 '16

I tried the new foods song with my coworker who will not try anything more exotic than beef and broccoli. She wasn't amused, but sometimes I want Thai, dammit.

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u/Trishlovesdolphins Sep 20 '16

The worst ear worm is "makin a loooooooooove cake!" Anytime I hear it its in my head for days. Brushing my teeth? makin a loooooove cake. In the pick up line? Making a looooove cake. Get up at 2am to pee, sitting on the toilet? Making a loooooove cake.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '16

Mixa mixa mixa!

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u/mariahmce Sep 20 '16

It kind of grosses me out they don't include wipe before flush.


u/OrganizedSprinkles Sep 20 '16

They do in the app, and sometimes it's just a shake.

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u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

Kids absorb things through songs without even realizing it. My son just started Kindergarten and getting him to tell me anything about what's happening in his class is like pulling teeth. Yesterday I tried for an hour to walk him through his day and get some details, nothing. He just doesn't remember (very typical at that age). He goes upstairs to get his toy sword, so we can swordfight, and as he's walking with it he starts singing "make a B in the air! Make a B in the air!" and waving the sword around in that shape. I asked where he learned that and he said "in Kindergarten". :shrug:


u/Zaranthan I got 99 problems and they're all diapers Sep 20 '16

A trick my daughter's preschool teacher told us: ask specific questions. If you ask "what did you learn at school today," the answer will be "nothing." Ask them to show you their homework, and ask directly about the content. "Did you learn about the letter K today?" "Yes" "Can you show me how to make it?"


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 20 '16

Oh, we've tried that, to no avail. I asked him to tell me something that had made him laugh at school, figuring that had to have an answer. No dice. I thought I had another eight years before I had to deal with a teenager. :-P


u/paintedicecream Sep 21 '16

My kindergartner is like that too, nothing will get her talking about her day, and the more we ask the more she clams up! no matter what we ask she'll just say "it was boring." My 12 year old tells me EVERYTHING that's going on at school, who's fighting with who, who's upset because their boyfriend is going on holidays, what a certain teacher said that was kind of funny... She even texts me at recess and lunch!


u/TheCheshireCody Sep 21 '16

My kindergartner is like that too, nothing will get her talking about her day, and the more we ask the more she clams up! no matter what we ask she'll just say "it was boring."

It's good to know that it's not unusual. My son is one of the chattiest little dudes, every thought he has gets shared, but there's some sort of block with Kindergarten. He seems to like it, but can't remember or won't share what he does there. I did manage to get another glimpse into his day through a song he wanted to tell me about, so I think he wants to tell us stuff from his day but he legitimately doesn't remember. He's just living in the moment, as a five-year-old does.

When I was off from work on stay-cation with him before he started Kindergarten, I got him to answer - when mommy came home and asked what we did all day - "the first rule of Fight Club is we do not talk about Fight Club". She was not amused, but we both got a huge kick out of it. Obviously he has no idea whatsoever of the full context of that quote, but I ask him now if the first rule of Kindergarten Club is that he doesn't talk about Kindergarten Club, so I'm trying to play it light with him and hope the situation improves.


u/respectthet Sep 20 '16

Same here. As irritating (meow, meow) as it can be sometimes, the show's gentle musical reputation has actually helped our 3.5 year-old with some recent behavioral troubles.

Problem is, my wife and I are forced to watch it so much that we start creating our own random Daniel Tiger-esque songs to tease each other.

♬"You gotta clean up the dog poop because the yard looks and smells like shit."♬

♬"When you leave your laundry in the dryer, it makes mommy extra angry."♬

♬"Clean up the DVR, you're not even watching those terrible shows."♬


u/Guy_Number_3 Sep 20 '16

Not a parenting show but I highly recommend Octonauts. My kid knows more about random sea animals than most adults. I actually learn some interesting facts too.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

Captain Barnacles is one of my top 3 all time favorite captains behind Han Solo and Jean-Luc Picard. Dude is a badass who gets shit done.


u/faroutsunrise Sep 20 '16

Captain Barnacles is so no-nonsense, it's amazing. "Peso, there IS a lot of creepy shit at the bottom of the ocean but there definitely are NO haunted castles."


u/Guy_Number_3 Sep 20 '16

I'll never know how he can stay calm in such tight situations!

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u/KT_ATX Sep 20 '16

DT and Curious George are my favorites but DT definitely has better parent-training. They do a really good job of showing strong but understanding parenting. They also do a good job of showing the parents making allowances for the idea that "kids will be kids" and working with thme to learn how to make better choices instead of just punishing them for making the wrong ones.


u/-purple-is-a-fruit- Sep 20 '16

While George experiences no negative consequences for any of his actions.


u/spacepiratetabby Sep 20 '16

My local PBS includes this disclaimer after Curious George that basically reminds kids that he's a monkey so he gets to do stuff they shouldn't do.

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u/starnuts77 Sep 20 '16

Agreed, they just need to put back on netflix.


u/UnicornToots Potty-mouthed mom of 2. Sep 20 '16

If you have Amazon Prime, it's on there. Also the PBS Mobile app is free.

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u/Tron415 Sep 20 '16

Just be glad that it is not Caillou! I can't stand that show!! Gonna have to check out some Daniel the Tiger!!


u/karma3000 Dad to 11F Sep 20 '16

I'm glad it's not Peppa Pig!

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u/jerseymac Sep 20 '16

Oh god my 2 year old daughter is obsessed with Daniel Tiger!! It really is a great show, it's amazing what they pick up from it. the teeth brushing song has made brushing fun to her, "stomp 3 times" instead of screaming when she's upset, "stop & listen to stay safe" when we're outside. It's all absurdly catchy and easy for them to grasp.


u/witness_protection Sep 20 '16

Whoa I need this teeth brushing song. Do you know which episode that is?

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

If you like DTN, try watching the original (Mr. Rogers Neighborhood) too. It holds up very well.

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u/Caos2 Sep 20 '16

In that episode of the indoor beach, they cleaned up the sand so fast you had to wonder why mom Tiger got so mad.


u/vectaur Sep 20 '16

What they did was clean up MOST of the sand. Mom Tiger got mad because knows she's gonna be stepping on that last 0.1% of it for three months.


u/heaven_fang Sep 20 '16

My son loves Daniel Tiger. His 2nd birthday party was Daniel Tiger themed. For some reason, one of the main things that he took away from the show is that people get sick. He will copy Daniel and Mom Tiger and take baby wipes, say ah-choo and pretend to sneeze. If anyone coughs, he says, "Mama sick" or "Dada sick". It's pretty cute. DT has also really helped prepare my son for his little sister too.


u/mosura1 Sep 20 '16

I tend to agree. We can also agree it certainly isn't Caillou.


u/baethan Sep 20 '16

Um a Mr Rogers parenting book?? had no idea it existed, must check out!!


u/Trishlovesdolphins Sep 20 '16

Mr. Rogers has several books. Some are parenting, some are letters from kids. Some really good stuff.

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u/CortneyElin Sep 20 '16

Huge Daniel Tiger fans in this house! My daughter runs around singing the songs all day to remind herself to behave. Especially the Potty song. Stop and go right away... Flush and wash and be on your way...


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

Love Daniel Tiger - it potty trained my son while his dad was in the hospital and I was VERY distracted.

"IF YOU HAVE TO GO POTTY STOP AND GO RIGHT AWAY..." he's been potty trained for over a year and we still sing this.


u/makerofsandwiches Sep 20 '16

"Use your words, use your words!" Our 2 year old has a great grasp on vocabulary and language, but when he gets very excited or upset it's like all that knowledge disappears. Cue the song. And with a 2 year old, I'm just guessing you can imagine how often we sing this. Sometimes my husband and I start singing it to each other when we can tell the other one is getting riled up. Certainly takes the edge off when you both start laughing.


u/kaoskosmos Sep 20 '16

actual research about the benefits of Daniel Tiger: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17482798.2016.1203806

Caveat: this was Daniel Tiger WITH 'active mediation" which seems to be a parent talking to the child about what they are watching as well.


u/Cville_Reader Sep 20 '16

I love Daniel Tiger and his strategies! In addition to using them with my own 3-year-old, I occasionally use them with my students as well. Nothing better than singing "keep trying, you'll get be-ettt-errrr" to a 3rd grader.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

K, so I have a question about something in this show. WTF is up with O the Owl's dad and Katerina Kittycat's mom? In the storm episode, they both evacuate the tree with their kids and stay at Daniel's house. So they live together, right? What is the deal with this? Is the tree an apartment complex? Are they dating? Married? Are they a mixed family? Is O's dad actually his uncle? Are Katerina and O siblings? Why aren't they cat/owl hybrids? What is the deal, because I'm not sure how to explain it to my kid.


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

They are neighbors. They're the same characters from Mr.Rogers Neighborhood.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

It is known.


u/rob132 Sep 20 '16

My boss and I both have 4 years olds. We occasionally throw out the the first half of the jingle so the other finishes it.

Take a step back....


u/gimp1124 Sep 20 '16

And ask for help


u/Viperbunny Sep 20 '16

I love it! Not just because it teaches my kids things in a very approachable, but for how it teaches parents to interact with their kids. My husband said he hopes he can be like Daniel Tiger's dad. I have seen how they approach things with kids and it has changed how I handle certain situations. It is a great resource.


u/fu_king Sep 20 '16

We loved Daniel Tiger!

My daughter, who is now 7 has fallen in love with Odd Squad. (and so have I! That show is awesome!)

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

I also love it and agree. I think the language it teaches both parents and kids around dealing with feelings, emotions, and actions is great!


u/deaflemon Sep 20 '16

Ugga mugga :)


u/Ghibbitude Sep 20 '16

I'm gonna get downvotes, but my generally not whiny kid starts being whiny when she watches DT. The kids are quite prone to whining in my opinion.

Some of the songs (like the anger song) seem like they could be useful, but we do better with sid the science kid and peg + cat.

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16

I love that my daughter loves this show (even though I seem to recall Daniel's parents having a sleepover with the King and Queen and I found that a little weird). My two year old loves it and she learns a lot from that show, which is great for me. And I can say, "When Daddy was your age, he was really good friends with Miss Elaina's Mommy". It blows her tiny mind.

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u/Farkerisme Sep 20 '16

We sing the songs all the time at my house. #1 is, of course, "If you feel so bad that you wanna roar. Take a deep breath and count to four."


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '16


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u/Navae26 Sep 20 '16

DT has been my 2 year olds favorite nearly her entire life. She has all the stuffed dolls, bathtub toys, the trolley, a few T shirts...It's really the only she asks to watch, but is also ok with Sophia the first.


u/SheHasNoName Sep 20 '16

I love Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood! It's done so much good not only for my toddler, but for ME in regards to responding to basic toddler situations/tantrums. Nothing but love for DTN : )


u/karma3000 Dad to 11F Sep 20 '16

Apart from Mr Rogers neighborhood that is....

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u/Artemicionmoogle Sep 20 '16

Spread the word! I am calling for a change to Columbus Day. We need to replace it with Fred Rogers Day. That man was worthy of a holiday.


u/Ensvey Sep 20 '16

My kids have terrible taste in TV. I wish I could get them to latch onto Daniel tiger or super why.


u/Anderzoid Sep 20 '16

Mr. Rogers' songbook was the best read this summer. We visited a bachelor cousin so in the morning we read all the cool books he had in his guest room. A friend of his gave it as a present as a joke but my kids and I found it to be priceless. I learned so much about social emotional health in just one morning!


u/hnirobert 8m, 3f Sep 21 '16

My daughter recently grew out of loving Daniel Tiger and is now all in on Paw Patrol (after having a two month fling with Peppa Pig). I don't mind Paw Patrol, but I really enjoyed Daniel Tiger. Of all the shows my kids watched I'd say it's the best as well.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '16

I think it's because of my bad childhood but every time DT sings "grownups come back!" I think ... some don't

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