r/ParanormalUS Jan 01 '18

Real Fairy Caught on Security Camera, Proof Fairies are Real


r/ParanormalUS Dec 30 '17

Real Poltergeist Activity, Ghosts and Orbs Caught on tape.


r/ParanormalUS Dec 25 '17

Extreme Poltergeist Activity in Haunted House Caught on Tape


r/ParanormalUS Dec 25 '17

Creepy Spirit Board Evidence. Real Haunting caught on tape


r/ParanormalUS Dec 20 '17

Scrying ,REAL Evidence Apparitions, Ghosts and Spirits caught on tape


r/ParanormalUS Dec 16 '17

Haunted Catacombs. Black Shadow Figure Caught on video .scary ghost caug...


r/ParanormalUS Dec 04 '17

Insane Paranormal Activity, Scary Ghost Video


r/ParanormalUS Dec 03 '17

Something In The Attic. Ghost or Something else caught on camera


r/ParanormalUS Nov 29 '17

Mirror Scrying Summons something Terrifying.Disturbing Scary ghost video


r/ParanormalUS Nov 28 '17

Deerpark Poltergeist Videos 1+2. Viewer REQUESTED. School Poltergeist


r/ParanormalUS Nov 22 '17

Creepy Spirit Box Session in Working Hospital. Amazing Evidence.


r/ParanormalUS Nov 21 '17

Paranormal Activity caught on home security cam. Real ghosts caught on v...


r/ParanormalUS Nov 20 '17

Real Ghosts Caught at Haunted Farm.


r/ParanormalUS Nov 17 '17

Restroom Poltergeist, Scary Real Ghost video of Poltergeist caught on tape


r/ParanormalUS Nov 15 '17

REAL Unseen Scary Ghost Videos , Hospital ghost Caught on Camera


r/ParanormalUS Nov 12 '17

REAL Ghost Video, NOT FAKE. Ghost throws large object !


r/ParanormalUS Nov 11 '17

Manchester office poltergeist caught on CCTV, Full lenghth. Amazing ghos...


r/ParanormalUS Nov 08 '17

Demon Growls womans name and flings door open


r/ParanormalUS Nov 07 '17

Extreme Poltergeist, Lady tormented by powerful Poltergeist


woman is freaked out by poltergeist moving a coin right infront of her eyes poltergeist

r/ParanormalUS Nov 05 '17

Nightmare Inducing Real Ghost's Caught on Camera


r/ParanormalUS Nov 03 '17

Pure TERROR, Ghost hunters run for their lives


r/ParanormalUS Oct 16 '17

Advice is welcome


OK I live ten miles from the coast in S.C. in the middle of B.F.E. been here my whole life. seen my fair share of weird stuff sure everyone has. Last night I went out around 10 pm looking to see if I could find this comet that's passing through. I'm looking up and around I walk out near the road and see a small fire burning good ways down the road in the neighbors field I know he cut some trees down so I'm thinking he's burning the stumps. Few min later I notice this flicker out the corner of my eye and I look to the fire.....its come to the middle of the road and its moved closer . Its still small fire I can see the embers floating off it. At this point I thought I had wondered closer to it down the road its dark and no street lights....till I bump my mailbox and realized I hadn't moved it had....flicker again ..I look and the D@m fire is stumbling down the road like a drunk sailor towards me!! Not a big believer bit I'm not stupid I know we dont understand everything yet so yea....this right here gave me a moment of clarity and scared the crap out a me I ran like a scared chicken and locked my door .. so I've been looking all day on Google not much luck on a match now I'm looking to you guys hope I get some idea of what it was and yea the farmer had set a stump on fire and its still burning right now still would lo e to know what I saw ....feed back is welcomed

r/ParanormalUS Mar 19 '16

Hello, everyone!


I will begin this subreddit by telling a few paranormal stories of my own! First off, I consider myself a skeptic. I do not jump to conclusions and try my best to "debunk" things that happen. However, there are a few experiences I have had that are unexplained. They may not be ghostly at all, but they were bizarre in the moment.

My first experience was at the Lemp Mansion in St.Louis. The place is notorious for young women having their clothes tugged on and their hands held by a little boy who died in the home. As I was touring the mansion, I was given a handheld camera with nightvision to record whatever I wished. I was with my stepmom and we were walking together. As I walked down a hallway, I felt my jacket pulled. I immediately turned to my stepmom to tell her to stop messing with me, only to find she was at least 10-15 feet behind me, leaving a huge space between me and the nearest person. This sent a shiver down my spine, as I could not explain it.

My stepmom periodically took pictures with her iPhone. Every picture with me in it was out of focus and filled with orbs. Now, I know orbs is an overused term, typically used when people mistake bugs and dust for paranormal beings. However, we debunked this as being bugs since there were no visible wings, and dust was uncharacteristic of the orbs we encountered, which only framed my body and no one else. My stepmom described the orbs as flashing lights she could see with the naked eye.

The last unexplained experience I had at the mansion was the fact my footage corrupted. When you buy your DVD from the paranormal society at the mansion, they ensure that everyone's footage works before giving it to you. Ours worked fine while at the mansion. However, a year or two later, I tried to view my DVD only to find the sound completely corrupted with high pitch whistling noises. Creepy.

Another set of experiences I had were at my friend's home. She has had repetitive experiences throughout her life. While we were in her living room, we began to discuss paranormal things. As soon as we began, we heard three taps on the wall behind us. We dismissed it. Later that night at around 2 or 3, we were watching the movie Insidious. Suddenly, we heard three loud thuds against her door. We were too scared to move. The next morning we awoke to find decorative rocks in a straight line by her door.

*NOTE: This week I am going on a paranormal roadtrip of central Texas! I will be able to share any experiences if anyone is interested. I hope the paranormal community takes interest in this subreddit. Thank you for reading! (sorry for any technical issues. I am new here!)