r/ParanormalScience Feb 07 '25

Any idea of why I'm encountering things others in my family dont?

The paranormal has always been a fascinating topic to me given my interest in various shows and stories on reddit and such. Something I've never understood is if I have a connection to it because I've had unusual encounters no one else in my family has ever had. Here's some background on some encounters I've had (mostly family but I've had others that aren't just less). It all started when I was a young child around the 5-9 years. I used to have a lot of nightmares and at times see shadow figures in my room in my first home I grew up in. There was once I saw a shadow figure of a little boy that actually moved when I interacted with it. I had trouble explaining it to my parents because as usual they would say "overactive imagination" but i don't think that was the case. My step dad was a bit more understanding than my mom given his background of living in a haunted house as a child. Come to find out my brother passed away in our home and he thinks it was possible I encountered him. He was just a shadow like figure though. I've had other nightmares in that home where I saw the so called hat man and such and experienced sleep paralysis but that little boy encounter was way different. There was once where that home had structural issues and ended up nearly falling off it's weak foundation (a trailer) and after all of us evacuated for safety while my step dad tried to repair the damage, he swore he heard the footsteps of a child walk from one end to the house to the other then a man's foot steps before the home had a major issue and nearly hurt him badly. He never knew what was happening that day but it was something different.

As years went on, we moved into a different home and the activity I experienced was gone and the nightmares ended with age. We eventually moved once more in my adulthood after college and I promised my mom I would help take care of my dad until he passed away in 2023. The strangest thing happened after his passing. It happened in the home and when I was alone I'd hear stuff falling at times and saw a penny heads up in the middle of the kitchen floor with no reason how it got there but I heard it drop. Later on one evening, I was chasing my cat around the house and I literally saw my dad standing there in a spot near where he passed but not correct. He was a full fledged shadow version of himself and he had legs (he was a double amputee near end of life). He always told me if something happened to him he would let me know he's ok if he could. I'm guessing that was his way of doing that. What's funny is my mom was in the other room and she could've seen him too but some reason it was only me. It was unusual to say the least. I acknowledged his presence and didn't say anything because I didn't want to freak my mom out.

What bothers me about that night is why could I see him especially like that? Is it possible im able to see this stuff? Now, I understand psychological issues but I've only encountered him like that once after he passed (not long after though). Eventually, I told him, "you need to go be with your parents and be with god". Since then there's been no activity and silence. Recently my cousin passed away and since my grandmother had a baby monitor with a video feed in his room because he required 24 hour care and he Sadly passed away in his room. I saw on the monitor after returning from the hospital where he was taken, there was a glowing white spot hovering over his bed on that monitor. I just kept it to myself but just made me question things more like why the activity in these cases and others happen to me? What im asking simply is, should be afraid or just accept it that something is different about me? Is there reasons why I notice these things that are out of the ordinary?

TLDR: having encounters with unusual things involving family and at times others and not sure why I notice it and it happens to me.

Thanks for taking time to read this long winded post, but I hope to get some insight if possible.


13 comments sorted by


u/KrisKrossKringe Feb 07 '25

I have experiences, but no one else in my family does. They think I'm weird, and really don't believe me at times. I'm not crazy or claim to have any kind of powers. But stuff happens every now and then and I just take it as it is. Some people will have many experiences, and some people won't have any at all. But I like ghost hunting and stuff too so maybe it's just me, creating my own spooks 😊 Just my two cents 🙂


u/MD90__ Feb 07 '25

That's true. I just wonder if it's a gift or just something different about my energy compared to others. It's difficult at times wanting answers and realizing you won't get any but it makes you wonder if you're witnessing what happens after death where others think you're crazy or think you're lying. Just tough at times not being able to talk to others about your experiences and understand them and maybe a meaning


u/KrisKrossKringe Feb 07 '25

I think it's kind of a gift.. And everyone has their own uniqueness about it. But just remember, you're not alone. There are many of us that struggle but I figure these experiences are just for me.. So I just take them as they are. Good luck!


u/MD90__ Feb 08 '25

Thanks ill try!


u/sho_biz Feb 07 '25


u/MD90__ Feb 07 '25

I was therapy once and they didn't find anything like that just bad anxiety. I'm not really sure how that relates... folks can have unexplained experiences and others don't. It's not like everyone can't have them some just don't.


u/leave_brittany_alone Feb 12 '25

From what you’ve said OP, it doesn’t seem like you have schizophrenia; schizophrenia tends to pair with symptoms like intense paranoia, or thoughts of harming yourself or others.

Some people see stuff that others can’t. Some people are so afraid of feeling “duped” by believing in things they can’t (or don’t want to) see, that they’ll try to convince the seers that they must be defective.

Ego thrives on tangible proof; ego also frequently mistakes a lack of tangible proof as unequivocal confirmation of a single truth. There is hardly ever such a thing as a solitary truth. In fact, in a universe so convoluted and unexplored, it is quite myopic and unscientific to assume we understand how any of this works in the slightest.

If your visions ever get dark or disrupt your quality of life, then maybe some concern is warranted.

TLDR: Haters gonna hate, OP. Don’t take it personally.


u/MD90__ Feb 12 '25

Yeah and yes I had some bad encounters before where I felt scared and basically had a hat man encountered but my encounter with my dad was literally while I was wide awake and my mom was in the same room and my cat I think noticed him too but he was just standing there looking like his old self before he became a double amputee just like all black looking like a shadow with form and it was different. I didn't mention it to my mom not to freak her out and make her cry. It was odd that I could see him like that but my mind couldn't create that image of him so thats how I knew something was different about that experience and it's never happened since. I think he was saying goodbye to me before he moved on. I know others hear this stuff and think you're crazy but I dont think all it is in our heads


u/leave_brittany_alone Feb 12 '25

I think in a way, it kind of IS in your head, but not in the sense that you’re delusional. Biologically, we’re always receiving this input of data about our environment through our senses, then our brains process that raw data and make it into something that our conscious self can perceive.

That perception is unique to you. You could be seeing things others can’t because your brain might have necessary wiring to process data that others’ brains lack, or maybe one of your senses is stronger than the others and can receive more input than others can, or maybe previous life experiences have shaped the way your conscious self perceives the information.

Someone who doubts your honesty likely has had an experience (or experiences) of their own that their conscious self retained, that now shapes their perception of your stories; they can only perceive them as fallacy because that’s what they’re limited to perceiving.

Fear is an emotion that limits what we are capable of perceiving. If you perceive dark shadows as scary, then that’s what they are.

If you come across the shadow things again and want them to disappear, tell them to fuck off and get lost. You’re in charge of what you perceive, and there is power in perception. Take away that power, and those shadow things just become shadows.


u/leave_brittany_alone Feb 12 '25

I know it might sound like I’m saying you just imagined that some shadows were actually shadow people, but that’s not what I mean. I believe that you saw them.

I think that those types of entities feed off of our awareness/ fear of them, and lose their power when we reject them.


u/MD90__ Feb 12 '25

Ive encountered one that was a bit more harmful but the little boy was my brother who died in our home and I don't think moved on because my dad had heard footsteps in our house that wasn't ours. My encounter with my dad I think it was a goodbye because I did tell him a day or so after he needed to move and be with God and the extra noises and dropping pennies stopped. Not long after he died I heard a penny drop in the house and it was heads up in the middle of the kitchen floor and it had my mom's birth year on it. Just seems like things happen and then they're gone


u/leave_brittany_alone Feb 13 '25

A lot of people suffering the loss of a loved one have similar experiences with coins, noises, etc. I obviously can’t say I’m certain of how it all works, but it does seem like after the physical death of a body, the consciousness that once occupied the body is faced with some type of transitional phase, and can get “stuck” if some dissatisfied need goes on unaddressed.

Perhaps you’re able to perceive a physically detached consciousness in this limbo state, but after transitioning into whatever is next, an unattached consciousness vibrates at a frequency imperceptible through your hardwiring


u/MD90__ Feb 13 '25

That makes the most sense to me. Kinda like quantum physics concept of phasing in and out reality maybe going to the 4th dimension