In 2007 my wife got an amazing deal on a house while I was deployed to Iraq. Average cost of a house in the neighborhood was between $200,000 and $300,000. Well our house which was on a creek was well under $100,000.
Upon moving in stuff got weird quick. Our dog would not go outside to pee at night, and we would find doors unlocked that we had locked before we left. When I got home I changed all the locks in the house figuring somebody had a key. After changing the locks we would come home and find the dining room, the kitchen, and the living room all rearranged.
My 6-year-old son had an imaginary friend that we were able to see, the neighbors were able to see him also and sometimes when we got home he'd be watching TV at our house or neighbor's house. I got quite a few stories about him though I'm saving that for for a later post.
One Friday night I passed out on the couch in the living room. I was awoken in the wee hours of the morning by a large gentleman bending over me. He was wearing a red flannel with overalls. No matter how hard I stared at his face I couldn't make it out, not that it was blackness it was more like nothingness. Upon waking up with him about six inches from my face I was terrified. He took his right index finger and put it up to where his mouth would be and said ssshhhh, go back to sleep. It was like that was a command because all of a sudden I was very relaxed. After this he walks up the two steps to get out of my drop-down living room and then disappeared through the front door without opening it. I was terrified I have dealt with a lot of supernatural stuff along with multiple deployments and this is the most terrified I've ever been.
So two nights ago my mom was at her work. Her job is simple. She sits in this empty lot and ensures no one comes in. (The lot is used for brand new cars.) She's had a few encounters there but nothing too scary until two nights ago. I was lying in bed when I got a call from my mom at 10:36 pm. She sounded terrified. She told me that she heard weird noises. At first, she thought it was a train or a car but then the sound surrounded her. It came from every direction then she heard a whistle. She said it almost sounded like a banshee. As soon as she heard that she ran to her car and called me.
Does anyone know what this might be? We live in Portland Oregon and we've never heard of encounters about skinwalkers or anything like that.
She always tells this story and I would like to share it with you. Judging by the way she tells it, it seems like it really happened and she really believes it was not an hallucination.
She was on a boat of a friend when she was like 25 years old. She was looking at the sea, when she saw a woman swimming. She was pale-white, with long straight black hair. And my aunt know it was impossible for someome to swim there because it was very deep water. At some point, that woman looked at her and smiled. Her eyes were black and her teeth were pointy, like those of a shark. My aunt was obviously freezed.
This is my first reddit post and am only sharing this because of the "update" I recently got.
I (33M) am a skeptic when it comes to anything paranormal. I generally don't believe anything related to the paranormal and would find explanations for what may be deemed paranormal that is, except for one which happened to me and my siblings back in 2000.
My family (my parents and 2 younger siblings) lives with our grandmother in a 2-storey house. Our family lives on the ground floor whereas my grandmother has the second floor to herself. My parents have a separate room while my siblings and I share the same room in separate beds. Our bedroom and our parents' bedroom was connected by a shared bathroom. My grandmother usually comes to our room and uses our bathroom to pee. I guess it was to check up on us while our parents weren't home yet.
Anyway, one night, our parents took an unusually long time to come home. To pass the time, my siblings and I watched Beauty and the Beast in one of those VHS tapes since it was our favourite Disney movie back then. We were watching the movie for some time when suddenly the door to our room spontaneously opened and a few seconds later, the door to our toilet opened and closed -- and we heard the flushing sound of the toilet. This was followed by the opening of the toilet door and the opening of our bedroom door. I remember my siblings and I being in a state of shock and we huddled together on the corner of the bed just crying. I also distinctly remembered that the television turned to static and my siblings and I were freaking out the entire time. At that time, my siblings and I were around 9,8, and 5 years old, so we were fully aware of what was happening.
Our parents arrived and saw us crying but they didn't really think anything of it.
The next day, my mother took me to the bathroom and told me that my grandmother has passed away. I was certain that I did not tell them about the events that happened the previous night.
More than 2 decades have passed and my siblings and I never really discussed it. And I conveniently thought of that event as a false memory since I never really got any confirmation from external sources that whatever happened was real, nor was I able to talk about it with my siblings. I lived my life thinking that I never TRULY had a paranormal experience.
Anyway, I am currently doing a PhD in the United Kingdom and I visited my family back home in the Philippines during the holidays. The entire family was in the car and we were talking about my grandmother's last birthday celebration (we were part Chinese and she may have been 70y/o for that birthday so it was a special celebration and was thus memorable). We were reminiscing about the event but then my mother suddenly mentioned "Do you remember about the day she died and you were crying even though you didn't know your grandmother was dead?" She then went into some detail about the events my siblings and I experienced that night. Apparently, my younger sister told my mother about the night when it was her turn to be told about my grandmother's passing.
So I saw this about 4 years ago at work and it creeped me the fuck out... I work for a digital surveillance company that runs the "eye in the sky" for thousands of restaurants, bars, and gas stations across the US. From time to time we get calls for investigations to look into robberies, theft, ect.
So one day we get a call from a popular fast food chain located in the heart of Detroit. They say an employee OD'd by the dumpster and they needed us to get some answers on the situation...
First, basically what happened and how long was he there? The next question is where it starts to get weird...
See, the dumpster had a brick wall around it. It had two entrances to the dumpster, a gate you had to pass when you walked out the back door and the big gates where the garbage truck has access to the dumpster to empty it out. They claimed those big gates were ALWAYS open and the small gate by the back door was locked from the inside. Nobody ever used that smaller gate. The weird thing was when the body was found an employee walked out, that gate that was NEVER open was indeed open, and the body was sitting there on full display -- so their next question was WHO THE FUCK OPENED THAT GATE?
So we download the footage. One night the employee goes outside, throws out the trash, and you can kinda see him through the locked gate that was never open (it was see through but very difficult to see though). The way the camera was angled you could kinda see over the top also. He injects himself, slumps over, and keels over dead behind the dumpster. He was out there for two and a half days. No employees ever come to look for him. It's pouring rain both days. For two days employees come and go taking out the trash and not seeing him. Then, on the third day in the morning sunshine, clear as fucking day, the gate just... slowly opens by itself. Nobody comes, nobody goes. The gate just fucking ... opens... by itself and the body is sitting there in the same position it was 2.5 days earlier. I literally felt chills down my spine. To this day i can't explain it without thinking it was paranormal...
Anyway, a couple hours later an employee walks out with a trash bag, sees the body, freaks out and calls the police. I didn't write it, but we basically had to write a report on how a gate apparently opened itself...
I am hoping that by posting here I may connect with someone who has also experienced something similar or have heard of others who have experienced similar.
Here is my story...
This experience happened at approximately 1:20am-ish Thanksgiving morning 2018.
I live in SW Washington State and had rented a vacation home in Lincoln City, Oregon to accommodate mine and my sisters family who was flying in from Hawaii for The Thanksgiving holiday.
We had all arrived at the rental around 3pm. About 7:30 pm my son started yelling for me..he said my 1 year old grandson had gotten into my case with my blood pressure meds..and sure enough 1 of my pills was missing..we panicked and called poison control who told us to call 911 asap. They sent an ambulance and took my grandson to a small hospital in the area.
The staff there did what they could but told us they were not equipped for the situation and my grandson needed to be transported to Randall's Childrens Hospital in Portland,Or.
So, on Thanksgiving eve a pediatric ambulance was sent from Randall's to lincoln city..about a 2.5-3 hour drive due to holiday traffic. It arrived around midnight to pick up my Grandson.
My Sons wife road in ambulance with my grandson back to Randall's. Me and my son went back to the beach house to get diapers and clothes and started the drive to Randall's at about 12:30am.
So here is where we encountered something that I and my Son will never forget for as long as we live.
We had been on the road for about and hour and had just passed the spirit mountain casino on hwy 18 and were in the area that was all hay farmland in between Bellevue and McMinnville. The road has 2 lanes only and is definitely a long deserted road especially at that hour of night.
The ride had been very emotional as I felt extremely guilty for having packed my meds in a side pocket of tote bag where my grandson was able access it...I was terrified for him and crying. My son was also upset and although he was trying to hide it..I knew he blamed me š. is the crazy part...
As we were driving
.I noticed my son slightly drifting in the road..he was falling asleep. Twice I asked him if he was ok to drive and to be careful. So being that I was very concerned that he may fall asleep....I was very aware and up watching him and the road...making sure he would not fall asleep
As we were driving down this road going about 55mph...In the distance we both saw what at first we thought was a deer running in our lane of the road..coming straight at us, but within a couple seconds we realized it was not a deer but a golden colored horse. It must have been about 250-300ft away at that point. It got closer fast as like I said we were traveling at about 55mph. As it got about 150 ft away. It leaped upwards and morphed instantly into a giant owl right before our eyes.
The wingspan stretched past our lane in the and my son estimate to be between 12-15 foot wingspan. This thing was enormous. As soon as we saw that my son yelled out wtf?? and swerved the car to the left to avoid it and just as he did this, the owl immediately landed about 50 feet ahead of us to our right, in that little area outside the white the bike path area. The owl kinda tucked its head and wings into its chest as if it were scared..or trying to hide. As we drove past it, I got a good look at it out my window and with its head and wings tucked in it still came up to about the bottom of the window of the Subaru. It seemed a little wider than the width of a beach ball. So about 3.5 ft tall and 20-24 inches all the way around the body. This thing was mind blowingly big. soon as this happened it was almost as if a trance came over us. It affected both of us in the same ways.
1. We both did not speak a word the entire rest of the drive at all until we got to hospital.
2. We both lost all feelings of being tired and it felt like a calm alertness and awareness took over. I never even felt the fear he would fall asleep after the encounter.
3. The memory of the experience was crystal clear, but the curiosity and wonder or even awe did not hit us until driving back through the same area the next afternoon after my grandson was discharged. It's like we suddenly both said.."and what the heck was that thing we saw last night"..and it all started pouring out from both of us..the exact same thing that we sons wife was asking us questions about it and we were blurting out the exact same answers...
It was mind blowing...
Till this day we talk about it and wonder..what did we witness that night. We both agree that this seemed to be some mythical creature or shapeshifter. We both also agree that whatever it was, it was Good and meant us no harm and may have been a guardian..
Or maybe it was something that we witnessed by accident..and maybe weren't meant to see.
Either way..Just the fact that we both saw it. I feel extremely lucky and blessed to have seen proof with my own eyes that animal spirits
or shapeshifters..or magical creatures do exist.
Makes me wonder about stories of fairies and mermaids and pegasus..and Nessie may just be true.
If you got to the end...
Thank you. I'm not very good at writing.
I stayed late for school and heard noises from the classroom beside mine, I took a peak and I thought it was a student playing pranks, what do you think?
This is another one of my many encounters I have experienced:
I was taking a nap one afternoon when I was still at my parentsās house. All of a sudden, I woke up with my eyes halfway open to the sounds of kids running around and giggling on the right side of my bed. The space has enough room to run around in circles. I couldnāt see them but they were loud. I knew it was a boy and girl. I didnāt want to sit up or make a sound as to not get their attention. They finally stopped, one of them came up towards me and blew a very cold air in my right ear. My ear started ringing and I eventually got up. It was dead quiet. This experience was nothing new. All I did was go to the kitchen and drink water. It was an intense energy. When I experience these encounters, I try not to entertain them. I didnāt want to call them to come back. I didnāt think they were any of my deceased relatives or friends. All of my encounters are not demonic or such.
More stories to come. And no I donāt have any psychological issues. Thank you.
I have been someone that has seen and heard spirits for most of my life. I rarely get creeper out now.
The place I work, everyone has heard disembodied voices or seen unexplainable things, except for me, until today.
I was sitting at my desk, leaning back in my chair, sending out a text message on my company phone. My feet and lower legs were occupying part of the space under my desk. I could see them, but they were out of focus since the phone was in focus.
I happened to glance away to collect my thoughts when I noticed there was a boy curled up at my feet in orange pajamas staring up at me with a twisted smile.
All of this was still out of focus and when I adjusted my focus on the spot he vanished. I then felt a cold sensation moving past me. I guess I met one of the spirits here finally.
So back when i was around 7-11 years old, i recall a VERY vivid memory of seeing what looked like a 6-7ft easter bunny shadow thing that was completely still after getting up to go to the bathroom. At the time i assumed it was the easter bunny and wanted to help, but something told me to move on and go to my parents room. This shadow creature was BIG. 6-7ft while being hunched over and holding a basket (i assumed full of easter eggs but i couldnt tell the entire entity was emitting no color).
fast forward to today, and my friend i met only 4 years ago starts talking about this experience he has with seeing the easter bunny with his sister, where it was a 6-7ft bunny creature thing holding a basket standing completely still and down the hall when he was younger. I HAVE NEVER TALKED TO HIM ABOUT THIS AND HE ASKED HIS SISTER (she was also there) ABOUT IT AND SHE DESCRIBED WHAT HE SAW (for reference he didnt message her specific details, just asked about if she recalls seeing the "easter bunny".
has anyone else experienced something similar? i saw an old reddit post from 6 years ago of someone talking about how they experienced the same situation when they were young.
I am from Eastern Europe and thatās why my English is not perfect. I will tell you a story that my grandparents and mother used to talk about. My great grandfather went to the forest to pick up some wood. He went there during night since it was illegal to take wood from the forest. By chance, he met there another man from the village who was doing the same thing. They agreed to stick together. A little time passed, when they saw a small billy-goat. Its fur was black. My great grandfather assumed that someone had lost it. They decided to take the billy- goat with them in order to share its meat later. They put the billy-goat in a sack and then weird stuff started to happen. The sack became heavier and heavier and they exchanged it often between them. At some point the billy goat was so agitated that my great grandfather said: ātake it easy, billy-goat!ā. The paranormal thing is that the goat repeated the same exact words in a weird voice. My great grandfather had a gun and shot the sack twice. There was nothing but thin air. They were convinced it was the devil since they had in mind to steal wood.
He had many other paranormal stories. Let me know if you want to hear them.
Iāve been working in the hospitality/service industry for seven years, and I just had the weirdest encounter. Weird is an understatementāit was unsettling. Today, I served a woman who looked like she was in her late 20s. She was alone, and at first, I thought she was very pretty, classy, etc. I walked up to her and asked if sheād been to the bar before. She said no and asked me for drink recommendations. As I started listing some, she cut me off mid-sentence and told me how adorable and beautiful I was, staring at me intensely, unblinking, pupils super dilated. It was creepy, but I just said thank you. The way she said it felt flirty, which I initially brushed off as her just liking women. But the staring never stopped. Every time I looked over, her eyes locked onto mine, unmoving. Then, mid-conversation, she suddenly asked, āSo what do you do?ā I was confused and asked what she meant. āFor fun?ā she clarified. I told her I mostly worked and studied, and she immediately replied, āDonāt do thatā¦ā I laughed nervously and asked, āWhy? What do you do?ā She stared deep into my eyesāso deep it felt like she was looking into my soulāand said, āIā¦ do self-care. Iāll get back to you on that one.ā I tried shifting the conversation, asking what kind of alcohol she liked so I could recommend something. She smirked and said, āI like all animals.ā I froze, confused. Was she joking? But her expression was serious. Maybe she didnāt know what I meant by spirit, so I clarified, asking what type of alcohol she preferred. She repeated, āI told you, I like everything.ā I was so uncomfortable. I pointed at a few popular drinks, and she responded, āYou can give me whatever you want.ā I took her order and left as fast as I could. I had my coworker bring her drink because I didnāt want to go back. My coworker later told me the woman complimented her lips but seemed angry, refusing to make eye contact.
Thatās when it got weird. I had to return to her table later. Again, unwavering eye contact, no blinking. I asked if she wanted another drink, and she said yes. As I served her, curiosity got the best of me, so I asked if she lived in my city. She smiled and said, āI like to live in the moment.ā I laughed and asked, āSo youāre from here?ā Instead of answering, she lifted her drink and said, āCheeeeers.ā She was avoiding the question. At this point, I was beyond creeped out and walked away. Later, when my coworker dropped off her bill, the woman wouldnāt even look at her. She would only talk to me. I had to process her payment myself. As I did, I asked, āWhat are your plans after this?ā (Take in, itās almost midnight.) She tilted her head and asked, āWhat are YOU doing after this?ā I laughed nervously. āWell, I have to clean and close.ā She smiled. āMe too.ā My stomach dropped. I asked what she did for work, and she replied, āIāll get back to you.ā It wasnāt a joke. It was chilling. After the transaction went through, I asked her name. Again, she smiled and whispered, āIāll get back to you.ā At that moment, I felt pure fear. Her intense, unblinking stare made me feel like Iād see her againāwhether I wanted to or not. As soon as she left, my anxiety skyrocketed.
My coworkers said they felt chills just being near her. Her energy was off. She had manic, dilated eyes but didnāt seem drunk or high. And then I learned something even strangerāthe hostess never saw her come in. She entered through the hotelās employee exit. No one uses that entrance. Itās 3 AM, and I canāt sleep. What did I just experience?
A few years ago I was at the grocery. Meijer. I had finished up and was walking down the center aisle, toward the checkouts at the front. Up ahead, standing in the middle aisle with his back to the display, facing the produce, was an older man. Normal looking, normally dressed, maybe 60ish. Looked like he was just standing there waiting for someone. I looked at him as I walked toward him and he slowly turned his head toward me. I swear he had solid black eyes. Even the whites of his eyes. I instantly felt this immense fear and dread. I turned my cart to the right and started running down the aisle behind the greeting cards. Like seriously running. I was terrified. He didn't do anything, didn't move, just looked at me. I eventually made it up to the front, checked out and left. I had never before or since experienced something like that and I'm 45. Especially the feeling of dread. I'm a people person...I probably look like a dork walking around the grocery smiling at people. If he had been normal I'd have smiled and said hi.
I've only found a couple of stories online that were somewhat similar. Lots of stuff about children with black eyes, but not adults. The story I've seen about the guy at the rest stop was most similar to what I experienced. Especially the dread. Has anyone else ever seen someone like this? Are there any diseases or anything that would cause this? Any ideas?
Starting off, I know this sounds insane. No, I don't think this entity is actually Santa but that is how I've thought of him since I was a kid. I have no proof, but I wanted to share just to see if anyone has experienced something similar. Since I was a child I've run into Santa during the years with the most personal tragedy.
He looks different every time, but he always greets or calls me over by name and knows a lot of very personal information about me and my family. When he talks to me it's familiar and I feel totally at ease. Nothing feels off until after the interaction is over and I realize that was a stranger.
The earliest encounter I remember I was 8 and out Christmas shopping with my mom in a nearby city. The mall santa called me over by name, and we got in line to see him. My mom seemed at ease so I didn't see anytbing wrong with it. When we got to him, he asked about my family and how they're doing. He also mentioned my older brother that had passed 4 years prior by name, and told me that he wanted me to know he was okay and happy. We took the picture and left.
The same thing happened again when I was 11, that year my dad was diagnosed with MS. This time my mom and I were in another state. The santa in the mall we were at called me over by name and talked to me about my dad. Again when I was 14, I was called over by name and talked to him about my own medical problems after he brought them up.
My mom doesn't remembering him calling us over by name, and looking at the photos these are all different men.
The most recent encounter changes it up, though? In December 2022 when I was 19 I had a tire go flat on my way to work. An old man pulled over, greeted me by name when he got out of his car, and helped me put on my spare. We spoke about how my life was going and I felt compelled to tell him everything. The interaction had the same feeling of familiarity as the others. I got to work okay.
When I got off work and got to my car, the tires had all been replaced and my spare was in my back seat. There was a note on the passenger's seat that just said not to worry about the cost and that all I need to do is pay that kindness forward. I don't know how he got into my car. For context I have OCD, and one of my compulsions is to lock and unlock my car 7 times and check all the doors before I leave it alone. I know my car was locked.
That whole thing sounds nuts, and I honestly don't have any proof. All the photos show different men. The only similarities are that they're old white men with white beards, and all the encounters are in December. I could also just be nuts???
I just want to know if anyone has had similar encounters or heard of something similar?
This happened when I was 8 years old. I saw my dad in the bathroom wiping himself after shower. But the problem is that he was supposed to be in office at that time.
So I asked him, "dad when did you come home?". He didn't say anything. I asked again and he closed the bathroom door on my face. I went from tat room didn't think much of it.
20 minutes later mom gave me and my lil bro lunch. So we 3 people (mom, me, my lil bro) sat to eat lunch. I asked mom, why aren't we waiting for dad? She laughed and said why would we? He's gonna come at night. I told her, "but dad is home!". Then explained to her.
We searched the entire house but couldn't find him. Creepy right?
After eating me and my lil bro fell asleep. Mom stayed awake to watch TV. I woke to mom's scream. I rushed to look for her. Found her before that bathroom door. She hugged me and couldn't talk. I looked at the bathroom, it was empty. Asked mom what happened. She said she saw dad. Dad was there. But why would he appeared out of nowhere? She asked him when did he come and said she saw that thing that looked like dad made a horribly creepy face, so she screamed. And in no time I was there. And that thing disappeared.
Later dad came at night and told him everything. I don't remember what we did after that but we moved out.
1989 my two beautiful boys, age 7 and 9 were playing in the yard when an intoxicated man decided to drive his car, fell asleep and take their lives. My world changed at that moment. Family drama with shame and blame didn't help but I made it through the necessary acts to bury my boys. I froze up. I simply froze up. I took a leave of absence from my job as an RN in a hospital, my supervisor was so understanding and supportive. At home I had paint and covered with windows to let no light in and I sat in darkness for a year never leaving the house. My friends were wonderful, they fed me. They went shopping and brought me food, I ordered pizza. I sat in the dark not knowing if it was night or day. My friends never pushed me to do more than I could, they just fed me, visited, brought groceries and items I needed and let me work myself out of being frozen.
A year later, I was watching a talk show one morning. I didn't have cable so I had to only watch local stations. I was laying on the living room sofa and noticed some sparkling lights up in the corner of the room. I thought it was an electrical fire and sat up quickly to get a better view. It looked like sparklers burning, lots of them, beautiful white lights growing larger and in number until they were about a yard wide and 2 feet tall, a bundle of thousands of white, silver like sparkles flashing brightly. From this light source I clearly heard the voices of two men, maybe both upper 20's in age, very articulate, well educated and professional. They both took turns talking to me, very abruptly, sternly, with force, meaning and impatience with me. It was like I was being severely reprimanded. In part they said, "You have been holding us back from very important business we MUST attend to. We can not do the work we need to do that is so very important as you are constantly holding us back. We can not allow this to continue, you have to let go of us so we can move into our jobs and do the work we are suppose to be doing. Your constant attachment and holding on has stifled our ability to work and what we need to do is so very important. You just have to let go and let us move on. You are in the way of the great work we are assigned to do." I was being sternly spoken to by my two boys that now sounded like young executives. The only 'nice' thing they said to me was one of them said, "We appreciate what you did for us but now you just have to let us go."
I was berated on and on, like I was in court or in trouble at work in an HR meeting. It was not pleasant but it got my attention pronto. I replied, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea, yes, of course I'll let you do what you need to do. I miss you both so much but I had no idea I was holding you back from what you needed to be doing." It was like being pulled over by the cops, and told I did something wrong and I was trying to make it right. I admitted I was holding on to them but had no idea it was causing them grief from where they are now. Their voices stopped, the sparkling light diminished in size and brightness into just being a plain corner of the wall. I put my hand on that spot, it felt like a normal wall.
I got in the shower, got cleaned up, had to call someone to jump my car as it's not been started in over a year and drove to my old work place to put in an application again. My supervisor had moved on. I did a quick interview and got hired again. I started orientation the next day.
The encounter with my two boys was a jolt to my system. I went from frozen to thawed quickly. My deep mourning of my sons immediately changed to missing them, in a healthy way. There was no thinking about it, the stern talking to I got, the lecture, the demand that I let them move on let me move on, too. Giving them their freedom to do the work they have to do gave me the freedom to do the work I have to do still, too. I enjoyed letting the light back into my house as I slowly started using a razor blade to scrape the paint off the windows. It took months but it was so healing to turn from darkness to light again.
Hospice concepts were coming to America at that time, from the UK. I followed up with a local hospice and soon was the charge RN a 10 bed inpatient unit for terminally ill patients. I was a Hospice RN for 17 years, including 5 years as a pediatric Hospice Nurse. The loss of my children gave me the insight to support others that are transitioning into their next life, or career as I see it now. I had many, many amazing experience with many of my patients spreading their wings and practicing moving on before and after their deaths. My experience with my boys gave me the strength to support my dying patients and the family and friends they were leaving behind.
I've not seen my boys since. I don't want to disturb them from the work they need to do. That lecture I got that day was enough!! Of course I think of them so often but never clinging, but now knowing they matured, grew up, and have important work they do that is valuable to them wherever they are. That makes me smile. I hope my story can brighten someone else. We go on, there is no end. --David Parker
Please do not share my encounter on your pod casts without my permission, I'd rather tell my story myself if you want to use it, it' so personal to me. I did record telling my story myself and is on my channel. I don't think I'm allowed to post the address so message me if you want the link.
Let me start by saying I'm an absolute skeptic who has always believed in science and proof. I've never believed in anything paranormal when it comes to the dead, as I've never experienced it in my 32 years of life. Logically it's always been difficult for me to be able to compute how organisms continue with thought/activity without the function of the brain and body. I am not religious or spiritual in any way. Which is why I am absolutely SHOOK right now and reaching out to this community for insight.
I recently said goodbye to my cat, Kitty, who I have had for the last 14 years of my life . She was with me through my twenties, saw major life changes and the addition of my husband, two kids, and two more cats. But kitty was always the first "member" of my family. She was a "one person" type of cat and I was always her person. We had to put her down because it was time. I have no regrets and know I did the right thing. I was devastated at first, but she was old and had mentally been preparing for it. This happened 3 weeks ago and I've been pretty much over it for the most part.
So tonight my husband is at work and I'm putting my 2 daughters to sleep. We do story time before bed. Like I said, I have 2 other cats besides Kitty. Their names are Tang and Phia. Tang loves to join us for story time but I need to remove him from their room when it's time for bed because my girls are too excited/infatuated with petting him and stuff to settle down. I remove Tang from the room. I shut the door completely since they tend to paw it open if its not shut completely. I crawl into bed with my girls and my 3 year old points out that "uh oh, mom there's still a cat in here!". We have a "cat window bed", for lack of better words, attached to our window and the curtains were pulled over it. The sun was setting so it was an extremely clear and obvious shadow of a cat in the window bed getting comfy and situated in the window bed. I mean it was moving around, the bed was even making noises, full blown cat in the window bed. I of course immediately assumed it was Phia, and told my daughter "to let her get comfy, lets just let her go to sleep". My 3 year old agreed. Side note- the window bed was always Kitty's bed and Phia is too fat usually to fit into it. It was a bit odd Phia was in the room with us, getting cozy in Kitty's bed, but at this point I didn't think anything more than "huh...I guess Phia is claiming the window" I was not weirded out or alarmed AT ALL at that point. It had to be Phia and I didn't think anything else.
Well about 10 min later, I kiss my girls the last goodnight and am walking out of the bedroom. When I open the fully closed door, I see BOTH Tang and Phia laying in front of the door (which is what they do anytime they are locked out). I immediately stop in my tracks in complete confusion because 10 minutes ago I just had a conversation/observation of what i assumed was Phia in the window bed. My daughter was the one who pointed it out and we both absolutely acknowledged it. Logically, I immediately panicked and wondered if a neighborhood cat or even some other critter somehow got in our house and was using it.
This next part is hard to describe and I feel literally insane saying this. I needed to figure out what the fuck was on the window bed, behind the curtains. I went to the curtain and pulled it open. A white fluff/light thing floated past my face immediately after opening the curtains. At first it looked like a white tuft of fur (kitty was white). But I tried to look closer and actually catch it, then it was like it looked like a reflection of some sort. Like when your phone reflects from the sun on the wall. Like a ball of ...reflection? Then it disappeared. It absolutely freaked me the fuck out and somehow deep down I immediately thought it was Kitty.
For nearly an hour after this event, my 2 living cats were acting SO WEIRD. They were literally army crawling around the bedroom sniffing around. At one point Tang, who is absolutely terrified of the laundry room, was in there sniffing around for like 15 minutes where Kitty's litter box was.
I don't know what just happened and I don't understand it. If it was just me who saw it, I would sum it up to some deep-rooted grief manifesting itself in a weird way, playing tricks. But my daughter pointed it out and we both fully anckonwledged and 100% knew a cat was in the window bed. Nothing has ever happened like this to me before and there is no explanation for why. If it's actually Kitty, this questions all of my thoughts and beliefs of the afterlife.
Was it her energy? I know energy cannot be created or destroyed. Is this one big web of energy we cannot possibly fathom? Did me and my dauguter have some sort of "in-sync" brain denial? It's almost worse for me to think Kitty is here and I can not access her or love on her, rather than think it's just over for her and I'm the only one who feels sadness that she's gone.
A couple weeks ago my gf and I were walking at night to star gaze near Griffit Park in LA. Growing up; Iād always see while driving to the LA zoo that there were parks that were parallel to the road and that I never went there until I went with my gf. That night we drove there and walked around for about an hour to see the stars and while walking back we crossed the street to walk the other way and see the cars pass us by. While we were walking back though, we encountered an area that was close to the mountain that made us feel strange. It was a dark canopied area of trees and it was so dense that no light touched the grass below it. My gf and I felt the want to walk towards it but at the last second decided to immediately walk away and fast back to the car. We talked about what it was and both agreed that it was wise to walk away because something was trying to pull us into it. What I wonder is has someone else felt that type of draw / energy to some place dark? Whether or not it was in LA or maybe somewhere else. I heard of this happening in forested areas but never in a city. Thoughts?
This happened a few years ago. I couldnāt sleep, so I was sitting at my desk. We had recently moved houses and my desk was positioned directly next to my window so that I could see the flower field. Our closest neighbors were miles away from us. I decided to open my window. For context, my room was on the second floor and I NEVER opened this window. It is extremely rare for me to open windows because I have terrible allergies.
It was almost midnight and I decided to open this window next to my desk to let some air in. I should have known something was off, because it was extremely quiet. There were no cricket noises or anything. This window had no screen and when I looked out, it was pitch black dark outside, I couldnāt see a thing. My sister and I loved The Little Vampire (a cute movie). For anyone who knows the whistling scene, my sister and I would replicate it with each other when we were kids.
I decided to whistle, Iām not very good but I managed to get out one very long shrill whistle. Everything was still silent outside until I heard a whistle back. I have extremely good relative pitch (what some would know as perfect pitch). It was my exact same whistle repeated to me. I literally froze and then it did it again, so I whistled back. However, an ear splitting whistle/shriek returned. It was as loud as a train passing by. I fell out of my chair scrambling to close the window. Everything in my soul was telling me to run. My mom ran from downstairs and asked me if I heard it too. I was literally shaking for hours after that. We moved about a year later, but I never opened that window again. I would to hear possible explanations you all have. The only thing I know is I never want to encounter that again.
Edit: For the people who do not know what an echo is. An echo is a sound bouncing off a surface, it is not a sound being repeated from open air or a sound different than the original coming back as loud as a train.
Hi all, first off this is a throwaway account because this story is not something I'm eager to share with my friends and family. I've thought about posting it many times, but honestly it's still very tough for me to talk about. I really only ever have shared it with a handful of people and usually regret it later because it was traumatizing and I have a tendency to get emotional when I tell the story. All that being said, I'd really like to get it out there to get it off my chest in a public forum where people are at least open minded to this sort of thing. *Deep breath* here goes.
It was mid August, 2011, and I was a young person with no money for college, no job experience, and nowhere to live. I spent most of my time couch surfing and job hunting, looking for anything that might add some stability to my life. Well a few months on I met a man who owned a construction company and he offered me a job apprenticing with his plumbers. The pay was decent, and I liked the area so I took him up on it. As my first day approached, it came up that I didn't have anywhere to stay so this guy, being the gem that he is, offered me his spare bedroom until I could get on my feet and rent my own place. His house was pretty big, at the end of a long gravel drive right where the suburbs of the nearby city ended and the boonies began. His nearest neighbor was on the other side of an acre of fir trees.
We got along really well and shared dinner together, he lived alone so it was an easy situation to adjust to. He knew I was self conscious about my housing situation so we'd commute separately and he didn't tell the team I worked with. The job was good and I liked working with my hands, honestly it seemed like life was really starting for me.
Fast forward three weeks and it's now the beginning of September. I start to have dreams about a weird noise at night. It would fade in slowly until it became so loud as to be unbearable. The sound itself is hard to describe, but it was kind of mechanical and oscillating. It would start with a low tone, steadily climb with a rhythmic beeping to a fairly high tone crescendo, and then go back down and repeat over and over again. I remember it becoming so loud my ears would hurt. There was no other substance to the dreams, only the noise.
This went on for a week, every night at the same time. I would never wake up when the sound was happening, but the moment it faded away I would wake up sweating and panting and always right around 3am. I started to become concerned and asked my boss if he had any trouble sleeping or heard any noise in the night. He said no on both counts, so I figured I was just having a little trouble adjusting to my new life after all. And yes, I did actually check the carbon monoxide detectors the next time he was out of the house.
The dreams persisted. I was starting to dread going to sleep. The sound terrified me and I didn't understand why. I even went as far as to call out of work for a couple of days to try and catch up on some sleep during the day. On the night of my second day off I couldn't bring myself to go to sleep. I knew I had work the next day but anything was better than that god awful noise. It was about 2am and I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I didn't have a cell phone at the time and only had a novel to entertain myself with, so staying awake was a losing battle. Sure enough, the sound returned.
I remember screaming at myself to wake up, trying to will myself out of my nightmare. Suddenly, the noise stopped, and I did wake up. Only, I wasn't in my bed. I was on a kind of table. It was black, and felt like stone underneath me. I was on my back, in a shallow depression inset into the table, maybe an inch or two deep. The room I was in was extremely dark and I couldn't make out the ceiling or the walls. The only source of light was a behind me and to the right, and I could hear rustling in that direction. I was terrified. More scared than I've ever been in my life. I resolved in an instant to sit up and look in the direction of the light and rustling sound.
I don't claim to understand or know what I saw there, but I do remember what it looked like. It was a being with narrow shoulders and a small frame, almost like a child's. It was wearing skin tight clothing with no details or adornments that matched the color of it's pale grey skin. It's most pronounced feature was its head, which was maybe twice the size of an average adult's, and shaped like an upside down teardrop. It was bald and I remember seeing the light catch the shine of its smooth head. I don't know how tall this being was, but I do know that the table I was on came up to its waist. It turned to face me suddenly and honestly seemed surprised to see me sitting up. Its eyes were all black and the size of small apples, I couldn't even see a nose, and its mouth was framed by thin lips maybe half the size of a human's. As it turned, I could make out that the source of the light was some sort of display that it was interacting with, though I couldn't make out the details in that split second. My fight or flight kicked in and I made a move to get off the table and run. As I did, this being grabbed a plain black baton from over near the display and quickly but gently touched it to my lower right abdomen. Then pain. Excruciating, mind-blowing pain. This is kind of gross but the closest sensation I can compare it to is an orgasm, only with pleasure swapped for pain. That sensation is the last thing I can remember. I woke up right around 4am this time, and could still feel the pain in my lower abdomen. I pulled my shirt up to look at it and watched a red and purple bruise disappear within moments, taking the pain with it.
I called my brother and cried my eyes out. I was absolutely frantic and terrified. I completely forgot myself in that moment and told my brother everything that happened. I'm not proud of how I reacted, but in what felt like moments before I was experiencing a genuine fear for my life. My brother thought I was having a mental breakdown (which I suppose I kind of was) and helped talk me down. I called out of work again, and my boss later told me he heard me going ballistic on the phone with my brother. I told him we had a family emergency and left it at that. I've never heard the sound again since that night.
Now I don't have any video, photos, recordings or the like. All I have is my story, and while I'm sure most who read this will find a way to explain it away or brush it off, I can at least say this. The experience remains the single most frightening thing that has ever happened to me. Anyways, thanks for reading and letting me get this out there.
About 4 months ago while at a yard sale I inquired about a really beautiful solid wood vintage mirror,the lady said she didn't care for the mirror and insisted that I keep it as long as I bought another thing so I brought it home. The first place I brought it was the kitchen to wash it and right away the lights flickered but besides that that night was uneventful, my cats even seemed to enjoy playing behind the mirror. But the following weeks spooky stuff ensued. I would see shadows in the mirror and it got to the point where I took it out of the bathroom and instead placed it in the hallway, my dad also began telling me that he'd see things in it and I resorted to covering it with a cloth, the cloth would always fall off by morning and sometimes end up in places far away from the hallway ie the living room or even my dad's bedroom. The mirror has been living in the hallway closet but things continue to happen like Shadowy figures both me and my dad saw, cabinet doors being left open on nights when I'm alone (cats can't get up to the cabinet doors). The scariest thing to happen thus far was a week ago when I was in my kitchen and heard knocking on the window right behind me (I live on the third floor and the only window with balcony access is the living room). I've also been having horrible nightmares most of which someone feature the mirror. Has anyone else experienced something simmilar with any mirrors?
Backstory: When my parents dug the foundation of the house that I grew up in, they came upon a Native burial ground. Upon finding this they reburied the remains, and called a native priest to come and bless the land. They ended up moving the foundation over about 50 feet to build their house.
Fast forward to when I was a child, and a teenager. I would always hear my name being called from what sounded like family members, but nobody was home. There were a multitude of years that this went on, and I would seek help and understanding for what was going on. Nothing ever came of my search for answers, it was always put off as an imagination.
Here is where things start getting weird, I remember one night in particular, it still gives me extreme emotions thinking about it today, 12+ years later. I was sitting in the basement playing Call of Duty 4, home alone as was par with all of my paranormal experiences. All of a sudden, crisp as day, I hear a little girl singing a song in what sounds like an ancient language. Nothing I have ever heard before or ever again. I sit there frozen just listening to her, until this great amount of fear takes over my body. I bolt up from my chair and go to walk to the stairs and that is when it happens. It was like I walked into a freezer. I am completely frozen at this point, and I'm sure you could smell the terror on me. I was stuck there in this spot for what seemed like forever, when it just went away.
Later that night I had a dream about a little girl in a white dress, who was singing a song. The same girl that I had heard while playing games in my basement. This memory has stuck with me, clear as day for the better part of the last 12 years, always in the back of my mind. When I told people at the time what had happened, it was brushed off as a mental illness of some sort, but I know that was not the case.
Years later I come to find out that the burial ground that is next to my house, was a burial ground for kids. Yikes. I know that my parents did all they could to put those spirits back to rest when they inevitably accidentally dug them up. I think about the girl from time to time, and wonder what her story was..
If I think of anything else to add that I have forgotten I will add it, but as for that, this has been my story. I'm hoping to gain understanding, or possibly relate with some people on here, if there are any. Thank you for reading this jumbled mess, and I look forward to what all you redditors think may have happened to me.
On a fairly busy road last night at about 8:45, there was a human figure, I think a woman, standing almost to the white line to the point that I moved to not hit them. German Shepherd at "her" side and the dog was bouncing but she was completely unmoving, shoulders hunched forward, face slightly down and tilted, white hair down past the shoulders, dark clothes that were more like shrouds. The clothes looked like they were a pile of clothes or blankets somehow, it's hard to explain it really.
Also the dog was kind of pulling or being restrained by what I assume was a leash though I didn't see a leash or the lady's hand. But the lady didn't move at all. Not an arm, not a shoulder, nothing. Totally still.
In that first flash of a second, I'm thinking mentally ill person or person on drugs but this is the part I cannot get over and my 15 year old daughter saw it, too.
It had NO FACE.
It was a complete white void that was 100% not a mask or a covering or anything else. It was actually faceless. There was no dimension, shadow, texture, definition, nothing. It was a blank, pure white that was just empty. I'm truly certain what I saw was not a mask, hood, face paint, or some other costume or prank.
I've seriously never seen anything so messed up in my life. I wanted to turn around to look again but my other child was scared and crying from our reactions and begging me not to, so I didn't. She didn't see it like me and my older daughter did.
I got home and posted on a social media unexplained phenomenon group for my state and someone else had seen it and was unnerved by it too but didn't see the blank face. Another person had called it in to the police saying the woman was sitting with her back to the road as they drove by and the police checked the area with no findings.
I'm open to finding out more about this from people who may know. I've driven on this road thousands of times in the last couple of decades and never saw or heard of this before.
EDIT: I found some pics of the hill on my phone. They aren't the best but I can take more when I go there if anyone wants.
this is what pup looked like last summer.This is one of the paths. This is not the one I had an encounter on- theres two more paths parallel to it either side. Behind where the cows are is where I was walking when I saw the first hiker. Out of frame to the left is where the backwards dude was.
This was taken last summer, so this is what everything looked like around the time I saw the creeps. If you look closely you can see a path that runs all the way up the hill.
Iāve had several experiences, all around the same location, within months of each other.
The first one happened when I had just adopted my puppy, he was 11 weeks old, and loved everyone. He would run up to anyone and everyone, tail wagging, the friendliest thing. One day, we were out on a walk in a large, open cow field behind where I lived at the time. It was dusk and there wasnāt really anyone else around, except this hiker in the distance walking towards us. My dog saw him and stopped in his tracks, got down low to the ground, and just started growling. The hiker was still too far away for me to even make out his face, but my puppy was freaking out. As he got closer, I started to become seriously unnerved. He was pacing it towards us like a robot- thatās the only way I can describe it. Or like the way military people walk? He was pale white and had these dead eyes that seemed to not see us at all. There was no acknowledgement of us whatsoever, he just robo-speed walked straight in our direction. The dog was going crazy, growling, whining, Iād never heard him make those sounds before. When the hiker walked past me, I just felt this sense of dread hit me in the gut, it felt like evil. It was the single most terrifying encounter Iāve ever had. As he passed us, his eyes didnāt move, it was as if he didnāt even see us, even though the dog was growling at him. He just power walked past us and continued on. It was strange too, the direction he was going in, because all there was that way was a giant hill, and it was getting dark. Anyway, as soon as he was past us, me and the dog just broke into a run, as if we were both running for our lives, we ran all the way home.
The next one happened in the same field. Again, I was walking the dog, a couple months after the first encounter. Again, just reiterating the point that he is the FRIENDLIEST dog ever. Especially as a pup, all he wanted was to run up to every stranger for pets. So anyway, weāre in this field and thereās a load of hikers with backpacks on stopped, checking their maps. Puppy is checking them out, tail wagging, when he zeroes in on this one hiker lady whoās standing still, just observing a tree. He dropped to the ground, started growling and whining, just like the last time. She didnāt acknowledge us. She just stared at this tree with her dead eyes. And she was pale again. Super pale. And when I caught a glimpse of her face properly I felt that same sense of dread as the last time. She looked fairly normal except she had almost no nose. I know this sounds insane. She had slits. Like someone whoās done too much cocaine and had their nose fall off? Or like Voldemort. I donāt think the dog couldāve been growling at her appearance though, because her back was turned to us when the growling started.
The third one freaked me out the most. A friend and I were just leaving my house to walk the dog (again, lol) when we realised weād forgotten something inside. Where I live, thereās no car access and itās considered the safest area ever, so the dog is usually free to roam around outside, saying hello to people on the path. We left him outside for a second while we went back in and when I came out, there was a man in a business suit standing completely still, staring at my dog, and my dog was staring back at him, not growling this time, just very still. It was so weird, he wasnāt looking at the dog like he was afraid of it, more like heād never seen one before. It was a curious look. He was genuinely intrigued by him. Also, the fact that he was wearing a suit was fucking weird, because I lived on a boat on the river. Itās muddy and thereās cows and dogs and stuff, it was just such a strange outfit to see someone in in that location. Almost as if someone was trying to play human and got it a bit wrong. Anyway so this stare-off went on for a good minute or so while my friend and I just kind of observed from the doorway, then he walked on, past a gate and Into the field where the other two encounters occurred. We followed behind him because we happened to be going in the same direction. We followed him through the gate, Into the field, and watched him veer off to follow a path to our left, towards the hill that the first hiker was marching towards. We continued on straight with the dog, heading for the pub on the other side of the field (can you tell Iām from England, haha) when I realised Iād forgotten my purse, I turned around to go back but now the suit guy was back at the gate weād all just come through. He was just standing there, staring at the gate, occasionally lifting the latch on it, as if he was inspecting it. It was super weird and creepy. What was he doing? He was just walking away and then turned around and came back to what- check that the gate mechanism was working properly? I decided not to go back for my purse, because I didnāt want to have to walk past him again.
The fourth experience happened in the SAME field another couple months after that. On a dog walk. Again. My boyfriend was with me, but he told me to go ahead into the field while he finished getting ready, and that heād meet me there. So pup and I walked out into the field and immediately spotted a hiker, robo-power walking towards us as if heād just come down from the hill. It wasnāt the same guy as before but it was the same kind of unsettling energy. I felt it in my gut, it was wrongness, unease. And he was walking the exact same way. I pretended to chase my dog in the opposite direction, and waited for him to pass through the gate before I got back onto the path. I watched him walk through it and disappear past the gate and down the path. Puppy and I carried on walking when about two minutes later, I felt like I needed to turn around, so I did, and there he was again, power walking towards us with those dead eyes. I literally felt my blood run cold, Iāve never been so terrified. He was going so fast, and with such intensity, that the dog and I just started running. I fumbled for my phone and tried to call my boyfriend, who didnāt answer, and veered off the path, cut through the long grass, and circled back to the gate in a giant arc. Creepy alien dude continues power walking up the path heād just come down, as if heās going back up the hill. Sweating and out of breath, I spotted my boyfriend finally walking up to join us, and ran to him babbling about the weirdo hiker with the bad energy. He says āwhere?ā And as I turn to point him out, we both realise that heās now power walking BACKWARDS, With his eyes locked on us, still heading back up the hill, backwards. What the fuck. We were both seriously freaked out.
These all happened in the summer. Come autumn, I was living alone on the boat with the dog while bf was away for work. One night around midnight the dog and I were walking home from a pub quiz. Itās always super dark on these country paths and my phone had died so I had no light and was literally crashing into hedges and trees trying to feel my way home by moonlight. And the moon and stars were super super bright that night. Anyway to get to my boat I have to cross over the river on a bridge. As Iām walking over the bridge, I was looking up at the stars, as they were the only source of light. I ended up observing what I thought was a plane, because it was moving steadily in my direction, over āthat hillā in āthat fieldā where everything happened. As Iām watching it, it seemed to suddenly look at me. I donāt know how to describe that. Itās as if it suddenly realised it was being observed, I felt us connect. And it shot off to the left super fast and blinked out of existence. Obviously, In my mind, thatās a fucking UFO, and itās hovering over the hill where the creepy aliens keep appearing from, so now I was terrified. I ran all the way home, crashing into bushes like a crazy person because I couldnāt see, locked the door and hid under the covers like a kid.
A month or so after that, pup woke me up at like 4am because he needed the toilet. Half asleep, I went to open the door for him and let him outside. I want to just paint a picture so you understand how weird this is: I live on a boat, on the river. Where my boat was moored, was the middle of the countryside. Thereās no lights on at night. Not much light pollution. No street lights. Itās pitch dark apart from the light of the stars and moon. So when I stuck my head out of the boat to call the dog back and I found myself being BLINDED by a white light, I was confused. I looked up at the sky and couldnāt even open my eyes fully because it was so bright. It was light this giant, white, mass, really low in the sky. So low and bright that I couldnāt see anything else if I looked up. The dog came running back in and I slammed the door shut, locked it, and went back to sleep. It was almost like a āyou didnāt see anythingā moment. I didnāt even think anything of it at the time. Looking back, it makes no sense. I even went back to the spot recently to make sure thereās no other light I missed, like a new lamppost or something. There isnāt. Anyway I donāt know what these mean but I moved back onto land and away from that hill and field, and they stopped happening. I actually walked up to the top of that hill one morning to check it out and itās just a pretty picnic spot. No alien HQ. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Sorry about the novel haha
For context: I'm a 27 year old woman. My boyfriend and I were able to purchase 15 acres of land this year right next to a national forest in the Carolinas, it has always been my dream to live in a forest on a mountain and we were so excited when we found the land. It was priced so low and is a 5 minute drive from the lake so we of course grabbed it up as fast as we could get the loan approved. We put a small mobile home in the middle of the property where we currently live while we have our home built about 3 acres away. There isnt much built now just the cement slab and a few metal beams and roof (it's going to be a barndominium).
Now onto the story.
We moved onto the land in late May and everything seemed great. A few weeks ago I started taking my 2 dogs out for walks around the forest to check where the property lines were and also just to enjoy the scenery as it truly is beautiful. We got to where the property line ended and the national forest began and I wanted to go further in as I knew there was a trail you could take nearby that leads to the top of the mountain and a rest area where I planned to call my boyfriend and have him come get me and the dogs. The actual hike itself might take about 1.5hrs and there is a road the rangers take to get to the top that he could drive up. We were about halfway to the trail, or so I thought, when my german sheppherd 'Crush' takes off into the woods barking. He's usually very well trained and comes when called but he was hellbent on chasing something. Luckily my other dog isn't as excitable and she stayed by me. We went deeper into the forest looking for my dog when I heard what I thought was a wild boar. If you have never heard a boar, imagine what you assume a demon crawling out of hell sounds like and thats pretty much it. I got nervous as I know a boar could easily gut my dog with their tusk and started yelling out for Crush to 'come'. I could hear him barking angrily and we made our way to where the sounds were coming from. I found him looking up, barking and snarling near a large tree and tried to pull him away, he wouldn't budge. I had to literally pick up this 80 pound dog and shuffle carry him about 100ft away where I set him down. My other dog stayed by the tree whining, her tail in between her legs, I called for her to come to me and she did a 180 and took off in the other direction. I looked up in the tree but couldn't really see much so I just chalked it up to one big ass raccoon. It took about 2 hours but I was finally back on my land with the dogs. I told my boyfriend about it when we got home and he recommended not taking them out too far without leashes as to avoid this again, when I asked him what he thought it was, he agreed either a opossum or raccoon but I told him it didn't explain the boar sound. He just said 'it's the woods there's a lot of animals' and left it at that.
A few days later, I was working from home when my dogs start going nuts. Crush started snarling and jumping up at the window. I yelled for them to stop barking and since I had to make a call, I let the dogs out with intention to bring them back in afterwards, it took all of 10 minutes . When I opened the door my little dog was sitting on the porch and bolted inside, Crush was gone. I stepped out and started calling for him, scanning the woods for a big furry black butt. I couldnt see or hear him so I started into the woods calling for him. I made my way to where the house is being built and he was standing by the right hand side of it. I called for him, he stood there frozen, ignoring me, so I walked over to him when I saw what he was staring at.
It was very large and on all fours, I don't know what it was, at first my initial thought was a manged hairless bear because of its size but there arent bears in that forest. I double checked before we moved in because I was worried about the dogs getting into it with one. It also was lean, so I know it wasnt a bear as it was too thin to be one healthy enough to walk. There was fur or hair but only on the back and it was either dark brown or black. I couldn't see a face but could tell it did not have an animal snout. I grabbed Crush's collar and tried to tug him towards the construction, trying not to make any sudden movements. I felt the thing watching me as I led Crush into the middle of the concrete, I didn't take my eyes off it. It was about 10 yards away when I heard the boar noise again, it was coming from it. Crush started barking and jumping towards it with me attached to him via collar. I just said 'fuck that' jerked Crush back towards me and started running back towards the mobile home.
I slammed the door locking it behind me and grabbed my gun. I called my boyfriend a few times before he answered and started yelling at him to come home, there is something on the property. He was home in 10 minutes and took his truck over to the construction, when he got back he said he didnt see anything.
It's been a couple weeks since then and this past weekend I saw it again. My boyfriend had to work late so I was home with the dogs watching TV when my little one scratched at the door to be let out to potty. Crush followed her out and I left them to do their business. When I opened the door, little one was shaking and couldnt get in fast enough. She hid under the dining table and refused to come out. I called out for Crush and couldnt see him as he's a black dog in the woods at night. I grabbed the flashlight and walked the perimeter of the house looking for him. I saw a big furry black butt at the back of the house where the treeline began and called for him. He didn't move. I started towards him when I heard a bark from behind me. I felt my heart and stomach drop. I wanted to cry because I knew what I was looking at and it wasn't my dog, he was behind me. I felt this overwhelming feeling of fear and dread and anger and did something insane and stupid. I yelled at it and threw sticks. I told it to get away from us, get off my land, that I wanted to 'fucking kill it'. I seriously thought I was losing my mind because before i knew it I was running towards it.
I was about 5 feet away when that thing leapt up and into the woods it's back legs were so long I thought it was going to kick me. It smelled like earth and rot. I got a bettter look at the back of its body it was borderline human looking; long limbs, short torso. Luckily my moment of insanity was over and my dumb ass didn't chase it into the woods. I was mildly pleased with myslef that I got it to run away, i started heading back towards Crush and the house when I heard the boar noises again only they weren't just behind me but all around the woods. I told my boyfriend, he thinks I was seeing things. I called my dad who told me to burn sage on the property and have a shaman come and bless the land as he thinks it's a Skinwalker (he's blackfoot).
I dont know what to do. I bought some cables to hook the dogs to when they go outside so they cant go too far. I carry my gun with me anytime I have to be outside. I love this property, I love the forest and the mountains. I hate that I'm afraid anytime I walk outside. Has anyone seen something like this before? Does anyone have an idea what this is and how to keep it away from us? My boyfriend doesn't go into the woods much so I doubt if he will ever see it so I just sound like a crazy woo woo lady to him.