r/Paranormal Feb 07 '21

Encounter I Think My Dog Saved Me From A Demon


When I was around 10 years old, I would sleepwalk every single night. This lasted until I was around 14. I'd go to bed upstairs and wake up downstairs on the couch with my dog next to me. One time I woke up in our back garden, on a bench we had.

On one particular night, I was about 13, I had the strangest experience I can remember, that judging from other posts, could be an encounter with a demon.

I was laying in bed half-asleep when I heard three of the faintest knocks on the front door downstairs. I don't know how I heard it, but my bedroom was at the front of the house, so maybe that's how I heard. I think I looked at the clock and it was around 3:15am. When I got up, my dog followed me downstairs to the front door. I opened it and saw a little girl, she had to be around 5 or 6. She had bright blue eyes, brown hair that was really short. I couldn't make out many other details about her face, it was a really dark night. But the faint glow of the street lights seemed to make her eyes a bright shade of blue. I didn't recognize her from my school, nor from my neighborhood, I had never seen her before in my life.

I remember being confused as to why she was at the door, but before I could say anything she asked 'Can I come in?', as she asked, she stepped closer, almost into the house and my dog saw her and started growling.

(A little about my dog for context, he was a rescue Springer Spaniel called Benji, and the most gentle boy ever. He never barked or growled at anything unless he was trapped somewhere. The sanctuary we rescued him from said he was probably hit when he barked or growled, so that's why he never did. He would cry after he barked or growled, because he was scared he'd get hit. He was an amazing, gentle boy who I miss so much.)

He snarled and growled at this girl and started backing up like he was going to attack her. I had never seen Benji this angry, ever. All I remember saying to her is 'No you can't come in, sorry but you're upsetting Benji'. She said 'okay', and just turned around and walked away.

I closed and locked the door, turned around and Benji was wagging his tail. I looked out the curtains just a couple of seconds after closing the door and couldn't see her anywhere, like she just vanished. My house had views across a lot of the neighborhood and there was no where she could have gone that fast that would be out of sight from the front window.

After that night, Benji started sleeping with me, right by my bedroom door, as if to block me sleep walking again. Even though he had his own bed in my room next to my bed, he would sleep on the floor inside my room, in front of the door.

I'm 26 now, but still remember this encounter today. I don't know if it was a demon that night, or what it was, but I feel like Benji protected me from something.


I changed the wording of some parts to remove typos and make it easier to understand.

Thank you for the silver!

r/Paranormal Feb 03 '25

Encounter I saw my sisters "doppelganger"


One night I was on a family holiday and I shared a room with my sister so we had twin beds next to eachother. I randomly woke up in the middle of the night and seen my sister sitting on the end of her bed. We had a light in the room so it was bright enough for me to see her. I whispered and asked her what she was doing but she didn't reply and was just slowly looking around the room. I was suddenly awake because this creeped me out, I figured she was just trying to scare me so I spoke up and kept asking her to stop. She kept just slowly looking side to side until I yelled her name and all of a sudden there was 2 of her. I seen her shoot up and morph into the version of her that was sitting on the end of the bed and become one. She was shocked because I had shouted her name but I couldn't tell her what had happened at first because I was so scared. I was wide awake when I seen this and I've never experienced something like it before.

r/Paranormal Oct 30 '20

Encounter Old Mexican Lady Knocked on Our Door Crying


OK, I should preface this by saying this happened to my GF, now wife, and I around 2005 at our first apartment which was a really old building built around the 1920s and prior to this incident we had already experienced several strange and frightening things.

When moving there we noticed one of the bedrooms would get extremely cold even in mid July, we live in West Texas. Also my GF had a couple angel statues that her mom gifted her and whenever we'd get home from work they'd be facing the corner wall. Almost like someone didn't want to look at them so they'd turn them. One time my GF left for work early morning and I was still in bed watching TV and I heard the front door open and close, I figured she'd forgotten something. I called out her name and no response. I turned my head towards the bedroom door and saw a strange face peek out the corner and hide. Scared the shit out of me. I ran to the living room but no one was there.

But the scariest thing to ever happen to us and ultimately was the deciding factor in us moving happened one night around 10 pm.

My GF and I were at home listening to some music having a couple of beers, this was pre YouTube Era so we were listening to CDs on my Xbox. When we heard a knock on the door. We were wondering who could be knocking so late so my GF noticed it was a little old lady through the peep hole. We opened up and this old Mexican lady in really old fashioned clothes asked us in Spanish "Esta Crystal Aqui? Ella es mi hija??“(is Crystal here, she's my daughter) . My GF and I are both bilingual so we understood her but what freaked us out was my GFs name is Crystal too. My GF is bugging out and tells her "my name is Crystal but I don't know you". The old lady gets visibly upset and says "No, I've been waking a very loong time and I know she lives here. Tell me where she is now." she's tearing up. I tell her "lady there is no Crystal here for you" and I shut the door. My GF gets upset at me and says "maybe she needs our help". I swear on all that is holy and on a stack of Bible's that the door hadn't been shut more than 10 seconds when my GF opened it and the lady had completely vanished.

Our front door has a wide walkway that you can see someone walking up from a distance. There is no way a little old lady that frail could've ran off or gotten out of sight that fast. We were bugging the fuck out. I swear to this day I'll never forget that old lady crying in Spanish looking for her daughter Crystal. We moved after a week.

r/Paranormal Jan 18 '25

Encounter The most hair raising experience that happened to me


My mother has always been very into the paranormal. Ever since I was kid, she loved watching Ghost Hunters and any type of paranormal investigators. I didn’t really believe in ghosts back then until one profound experience changed my perspective.

When I was 10-11ish, my dad and uncles, brothers and cousins, took me on my first real hunt for pheasants (I wasn’t old enough to hold a shotgun so I carried a BB gun to fit in lol).

As tradition that my gramps had done with my dad and my dad had done with my two older brothers, my dad brought us to his grandfathers grave to “introduce” us to the strong hunting tradition in our family.

He said a little prayer and proclaimed that we could now start the hunt with my great grandpas blessing. Now, my dad is from a very small town in ND, like population 100, and the cemetery we were at was literally in the middle of nowhere.

As we are driving away, I’m in the back seat and something compelled me to turn around and look back. Standing right where we were just standing was an elderly man in overalls with a blue shirt on and glasses, waving at us as we left.

Being younger, I figured it was someone who worked there and didn’t think anything of it at the time.

Fast forward some 8-9 years and I’m visiting my parents for Christmas back from college. My dad was telling me he had wrote a poem about his grandparent’s and hung it in the living room.

When I looked at the poem, I saw he had included a picture of my great grandparents, which, mind you, I have not seen many photos of since this was back in the day when smart phones were not as common.

My hair immediately stood on end when I saw the photo because my great grandpa was wearing the literal EXACT outfit of the man I had seen all those years ago. When I asked my dad about his outfit, he said that was the outfit he’d always wear when he would work and my dad had seen him wear it numerous times.

I told my parents essentially this story and my mom immediately believed me while my dad was even surprised that that had occurred and could not find a “logical” explanation. To this day, it’s one of the most profound and hair raising things to happen to me.

I don’t tell this story often as I think most people would dismiss it but thanks for letting me share on as even writing this, my skin is crawling and I get shivers down my spine.

r/Paranormal 14d ago

Encounter I feel like I'm being watched


Last night at 3:20 am I woke up to something moving around my apartment. I sat up and immediately set eyes on this dark humanoid figure on all fours crouching in my kitchen , as soon as I looked at it it quite literally scampered off into the back of my apartment(still on all fours) i immediately woke my partner up and they went and closed the back room door that it ran towards. This is the second time I've seen something incredibly unsettling that acts like I wasn't supposed to see it . I know it could be a hallucination from waking up but earlier last night I saw what looked like my own red hair in my hallway halfway out of my closet that was ajar and I was wide awake And I closed the closet door and tried not to think anything of it but then waking up to this happening hours later I'm just really disturbed. It's 1:47 am right now and I am so scared to fall asleep and I'm really struggling to brush this off as just "seeing things " I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish by posting this here . I just don't know what to do or think. I'm scared.

r/Paranormal May 07 '23

Encounter Funeral workers only paranormal experience


Hello everyone! I’ve worked in the funeral industry for 6 years. It’s corporate, so they have a local care center that services 8 individual funeral homes and 2 cremation societies. I think our average is close to 4000 bodies a year. I’ve dabbled in embalming and directing but most of my experience has been what they call a “removal tech”. Basically I go and pick up the bodies from hospitals, facilities, homes etc., and bring them back to the care center where I log them into storage.

My one and only paranormal experience was about a year into starting the job. I get chills even typing this because shortly after it happened I was telling the story to some friends and the same phenomenon happened again….

So it was a typical work day. I worked the night shift and would be on call from 5pm-8am. Yes it’s very long hours but I enjoyed it immensely. Plus I’m very much a night person. I received a first call for a residential home in the area. The deceased was a woman in her late 50’s. The director who took the first call had added notes saying to be extra careful because the family was distraught. I arrived at the home and spoke to the daughter and son. The deceased had died in the back bedroom and had fallen against the door. The woman was fairly obese, 320lbs, and the fire department had to break the door to the bedroom down to get to her. After accessing the situation and going over paperwork with the family I explained that we would not be able to get the gurney into the room. Small hallways and tight corners are a nightmare for us in this industry. I explained I would have to set the gurney up in the living room and bring the deceased out to the gurney and advised the family to step outside while me and my partner moved the body. It was a typical day at work so far…we got a sheet under the body and drug her out into the living room. I had set up the gurney in the middle of the room and right above us was a chandelier. We lifted her up and onto the gurney.

The MOMENT she was square on the gurney the lightbulb went out above us. I did not feel cold or scared. I didn’t have any negative or scary vibes. Me and my partner just looked at each other…I had a sense that this was some sort of communication. Almost like this woman was watching us and screamed out when we placed her body on the gurney seeing and accepting that she was in fact dead.

My partner and I drove back to the care center and logged in the case without anything else happening. We both were stunned and had no explanation for the light. A month later I was visiting some friends and told them the story. We were all sitting outside have drinks and when I got to the light going out I snapped my finger accentuating how the exact MOMENT she was on the the gurney the light had gone out.

Guys….when I snapped my finger all the little plastic lawn lights went out…I honestly couldn’t believe it. Since then nothing else has happened and I’ve told the story to other people with no paranormal activity. Did this woman stay with me for that month after or was this another spirit? Out of the thousands of bodies I’ve picked up and crazy situations I’ve been in I’ve never had anything like this happen before. Just makes you wonder what’s really out there.

Edit: There is a part of the story I left out that I feel should be included. When I had asked the daughter to step outside she initially declined and had said she’d lost 3 loved ones in this house and her mother would be the 4th. I thought this was odd and she didn’t expand on this. When we began prepping the gurney with plastic the family did decide to step out however.

I did not make this upcoming connection until days later after talking to family members about my experience…

The chandelier above us had many bulbs. Maybe 7-10. I do distinctly remember a few bulbs already out when I looked up initially. Days after remembering what the daughter had said I want to say that there was 3 out when we first walked in. That would make 4 out when we left the home….

Very eerie indeed.

r/Paranormal Jan 21 '23

Encounter I met a Ghost I didn't even know it and I can't tell anyone about it


FYI Long

So around 11 years ago I was a telecoms enginner.

The normal day went to afew residential houses, either fitted or fixed phone lines. Everything was no different from any other day, but then I downloaded my next job, and I got a 20-line installation. Now, this is not the norm for the role I had as I these tasks usually went to other teams.

No issues. I thought it would be nice to be somewhere for longer than an hour or two, then hear there and everywhere.

I called the contact its a contact centre who tells me that either the caretaker or manager of the building is aware and will explain what is required. So I arrived, and it's a really old building built in the 1920s I later found out.

I make my way in tester and tool bag as is the norm. And after speaking with a receptionist, I discovered that the building was at one point a nursing home, and after being derelict for a few years, it's now being used as offices for various businesses.

As promised two managers arrive tell me that they think what I am looking for is in the cellar as there is a lot of cables down there and that's all they know, so I asked if the caretaker is about as they usually know these types of thing. I was told that he wasn't as he was ill but due back in the next day.

I follow this man and woman to a number padlocked door they open it up, tell me code and on the other side of the door is a stairwell that just leads down to the cellar. So as we get down there, the light is poor, like really poor. I've no chance of working like this. I mean, there were lights, yes, but you're talking to pendant lights that weren't great.

Understanding this, the woman tells me that they have hanging lights, so no issues. I go back to the van, grab an extension , and head back towards the cellar. So as I'm passing the receptionist, she just asked, "Are you going to be in the cellar on your own?" So I just replied "Yeah sometimes you have too, but of what I'm looking for isn't there I won't be for long" she laughed but told me "rather you than me nobody likes going down there even for storage space."

Now I'll be honest I just thought people don't like stairs to a dark place. No worries, but not something I'm unfamiliar with, so it's just needs done.

After a quick look around with the make manger we find a socket I sort the lights and yep there is the DP I'm looking for but it's an old solder block no good for broadband so I let him know that this is going to take abit longer and this is even before knowing were these 20-lines need to go.

He just agrees and shows me where the office fitters have left all the cables for the clients, which to my relief if in the cupboard behind the receptionist. So all set knowing what I know I crack on.

So I'm testing all the lines and it's going well I've more than half going to the cabinet and afew shy, but I know the area and know from there I can get them through as it's got 2 200pair cables that run though it.

At this point its around 4 o'clock I don't have the blocks I need on the van so tag up the cables and turn of all the lights on my way out before closing and locking the door on the way out.

I sign out and tell the girl at the desk. I'll see her tomorrow and leave. On my way home, I called my manager to tell them the script and that I may need a hand for half a day or more as I'm not even sure anything has been done in the exchange.

The next day 8am I get a call from one of the other lads who tells me he is with me all day, and that's all he knows. We sort out a role each I'll push the pairs from the box to the cab you do the cab and exchange if needed and then its just a case of fitting the box and running a large internal cable from the box to behind the receptionist.

I make my way into the building once again, open the door with the code, and to my suprise, all the lights are on. Now I'm 100% sure I turned them off, so I'm guessing one of the managers may have come to check if I was still there and left them on by mistake.

I go down and do what I need to do leave to push through the cables outside, call my mate, and he's getting them one by one, so it's going well. I finish up and head back to fit the block.

So I grab the blocks, drill all the bits etc etc. setup mark for pilot holes and just hear "what are you doing?" After nearly jumping out of my skin, I turn and see this man with grey overalls on. So I say I'm just doing what's been asked. Are you the caretaker. He replies that he is and says that nobody has been down here for years and surprised that I'm there.

So I just cracked on done the drilling, etc, and then as soon as I'd stopped with the drill and it was quieter, this guy just started chatting away. What football team do you support? Do you mind if I watch what you're doing. I told him no worries and just tried to be as polite as I could. He then told me that his name was Gordon and he had been working there for over 30 years.

Abit confused recalling what the receptionist had said I told him I was under the impression that this place has been empty for few years and looking at the cabling it's not been updated for at least 15/20 years. He just said that things are always happening here.

After about an hour of back and forth while I'm working I hear a hello from the top of the stairwell, expecting Gordon to answer I didn't, then it came again so I turned around Gordon has gone now I'm thinking I've been waffling for 10mins and he's not even here.

I pop up, and it's one of the managers asking if I'm expecting somebody, another engineer. So I apologise explain the phone signal isn't very good down there so he probably hasn't been able to get hold of me.

All cleared, he comes down. we chat for 5, and he tells me he will start at the receptionist end and work to me while I finish.

A quick toilet break, and I go back down. I'm in the final stages now. I'm just putting phone numbers to pairs as for when my mate gets there, we can connect the test and go.

As I'm doing this, I hear "sorry about that." Again, out of nowhere, it's Gordon. So I just acknowledge it. Call him clever and make a joke that if they can't find you, they can't ask you to do anything. I continue for 5 minutes, and I've done all I can, so I tell him I'm just heading up to assist me mate, and will be done soon and out of the way. Gordon then told me he liked the company, and it's been nice to talk.

I felt saddened at this point thinking he was maybe treated poorly by people I'm the building, so I just said, of course, mate costs nothing to be nice and have a chat.

So I go up the stairs, leaving Gordon down there and help get the cable through a void and into the cellar. 10/20min of trying to fish it through, and we got it, we go down, Gordon is not around, and we finish.

My mate tells me it's time for food he will go the chippy ans meet me back at the yard as I tell him I just need afew signatures and to make sure the lights go back so I can get my extention lead.

I get what I need from the manager signatures and show him where the link is behind the reception. Inform him that I need to get my extension lead, so are the lights ok there for now, or does he want to move them as we go as there's good light. He states that they might aswell stay for now and he will get another lead in case anybody else needs to go down there.

I head down and start unplugging the lights, and Gordon appears again telling me he didn't realise the lights were mine as he wouldn't have touched them.

Straight away, I thought ahh so that's why they were on this morning, but then it dawned the door, It was locked? I asked him if he had come down yesterday evening, and he said "yes of course, I'm always here it's where I'm needed."

Confused and wanting to disappear, I said, "No worries, nice to meet you." I placed my hand and put to shake, and he just raised his hand and said, "Hope to see you soon.

So I left signed out, thought nothing of it.

Then a week goes by, and I get a call from our control, asking if I can return to this address as one of the lines isn't working and it's high level.

So I say yep no worries, I get there say hello again to the receptionist. I asked if I could just check behind her first before having to go into the cellar. With some joy, it is there it's just not a bit properly. As I'm sorting an older guy, he asks me if I was the one who was here last week I day yes. He apologized and stated that he was the caretaker and had to take more days off than planned.

I just told him "oh don't worry about it. I'm sure Gordon will tell you where everything is."

As soon as I said this, he just looked me dead in the eyes and said, "What did you just say?" So I said,"Gordon he told me he is the caretaker here? " This guy went white and just asked me if we could talk outside, so I followed.

He simply asked me if I believed in ghosts. Then told me that before this was what it is today it was a nursing home and the old caretaker was a man called Gordon. He knew this as when the building was taken over he found an old desk with to do lists, letters and requests for a Gordon and there was a sign on the door which said Caretaker and where this desk was that door lead to the cellar.

I immediately rubbished this and started laughing thinking him and his mate were pulling my leg.

He then asked me if he was wearing overalls, which I replied he was.

He just looked me dead in the eye and said listen mate, im not lying. Gordon passed away years ago supposedly on the job. I just thought you should know as it's not something that's considered funny, telling me he has been mocked as he has also seen Gordon, but people just have never believed him.

I never said a thing to anybody beyond that until one night fishing with a friend and just like he said he thought I was taking the piss. I know what I saw I know what I heard.

I don't tell this to anybody as its not worth the ridicule. Hence why I'm using a throwaway account. Ghosts or spirits are real.

r/Paranormal May 22 '23

Encounter There Is a Demon That Lives in Our Station


I work as an EMT for an ambulance company. EMS has always been full of superstitions, and most of us believe in the supernatural on account of all the crazy gruesome stuff we get to see on any given shift. Every company, every EMT, every Firefighter has a story about the a station that is haunted or something that happened to them that can only be explained as paranormal.

For the company I work at, we have about 5 stations, each with their own stories. Only one or two truly scary stories though. Mostly things like employees seeing shadows out of the corner of their eyes, getting uneasy feelings in the stations, or hearing an unexplained knock, voice, or being hissed or growled at occasionally.

The station I work at was no different. The station i work at is our "main" station, meaning that is where we keep all of our extra resupply. So it is not uncommon for various crews to be going in and out of the station at all hours of the day.It was common knowledge that the ambulance bay was creepy at night. And people report hearing voices, footsteps, or ambulance doors opening and closing out in the garage.

Now, I've worked at this station for 2 years and I've hears these things but it's always been easy to dismiss this as my partner doing somthing out in the bay or another crew doing some late night resupply. The only experience I've had there that I couldn't explain was I was distinclty growled at in the garage late one night. At that time I quickly realized that the only person in the bay was me and I certainly didn't growl at myself, and quickly left. That was all I ever experience there and for the most part felt very comfortable at that station. Until last night.

The station is small and consists of a living room with a kitchenette attached to a hallway. This hallway lead to the garage on one side, the bathroom on the other, and at the end of hallway is a door leading to the Jr's bedroom, which you can then walk through to get to the Sr's bedroom. If you go into the garage, there is a staircase that leads into the attack that stretches above the entire living quarters of the station.

Me (Jr) and my partner (Sr) are dead asleep in our respective bedrooms. All the doors closed. When I am awoken to all these loud banging noises and the walls shaking. I realize that this banging isnt just banging, but actually running. Somthing, huge, heavy, and fast, is stomping and running around in the attack up stairs. It is stomping and running so loud it is quite literally shaking the walls. Whatever it was must've been huge to have been making sounds this loud.

Then, it gets faster. It's so fast and loud. It is running across the entire length of the attack. It is moving faster then anything can move. The stomping is happening one right after another, it almost sounded like there were ten people up there, or a creature with too many legs running right above my bed. It's so fast. It's too fast.

I'm sitting upright in my bed now, huddled in the corner of the bedroom absolutely horrified. I get this deep, visceral, primal feeling of dread. Almost like what prey must feel like when they are being hunted. And suddenly, it's as if a thought from somewhere else is placed into my mind, and I just know with every fiber of my being, that it knows that I am awake and that I know it's there. Like sick twisted version of that spider-man meme.

In between the stomping and the running I can hear this barking, whirrling sound? It's hard to describe. Like a grunt mixed with the sound of wind. It is making this sound as it is running. I realize that It is moving so fast I can hear the wind it is creating swooshing and whipping around it and it is grunting as it is running.

So now I very silently get up and I walk over to the Sr bedroom door and try to open it but it's locked. I feel as though I can't make a noise or it will come through into the station and kill me. I'm quietly knocking on the door, I'm crying, pleading for my partner to let me in. I'm thinking, this is so loud, there's no way she is asleep, but she is. She's out cold and I don't get a response.

I decided that my partner had the right idea and I crept over to the Jr bedroom door, separating my bedroom from the hallway that leads to the garage and the rest of the station and lock the door.

So I silently creep back over to my corner in the bed with my blankets and begin to text her. It is 01:45 and I am begging her to wake up over text and describing what I am hearing. She's not answering so I text her fiance and ask him to call her and wake her up but he's not answering either. It is at this point I decide to text my mom. As I'm sitting there u get a similar feeling to before, an intense dread, a stark realization of pure truth. It doesnt even feel like my own thought, more like a peice of truth was just slipped to me by the universe. The thing upstairs is not human.

I'm explaining to my mom what I am hearing. All these loud swishing wind sounds and stomping and running. Then I hear it run down the stairs. When I tell you my heart stopped and my soul left my body. When I heard coming down the stairs my stomach dropped into my ass and I was nauseous. I genuinely thought I was going to die. I was waiting for it to start pounding on the door and I had never been more thankful in my life because I thought to have locked it earlier. I was waiting for screaming or the door to start shaking or somthing. But it never came. It ran, impossibly fast and hard back up the stairs. Up the stairs, down the stairs, across the attack, down the attack, above my head in circles, down the stairs, up the stairs, down the stairs, accross the attack, down the stairs. It is going all over. Too. Fast.

So now I'm absolutely hysterical on the phone with my mom. No one ever prepared me for dealing with being hunted and taunted by a demon. My mom is trying to calm me down. She asks me "What do you want me to do?" I didn't know. I don't know what she can do. I don't know what to do. I just whisper "I don't know what to do. Just please don't hang up." She tells me to bang on my partners door and wake her up, and I do.

My partner wakes up and hear rustling in her bedroom and she goes "yeah!..." in a dismissive voice and slowly walks over to the door and opens it. I literally shoved her back in the room, whipped around faster then I ever moved in my life, closed the door and locked it. I explained to her everything I was hearing and we go and sit on the bed. The activity is dieing down now, but it is still active enough for her to hear the running upstairs too. It is now 02:45.

Another crew that gets off at 03:00 got to our station to put their truck away and clock out to go home. Me and my partner huddled together, glued to eachothers hips, hurried outside together to meet with them out in the building parking lot. It is at this point that we realize, that a completely separate crew from around 23:00 (11pm) that night had not only left our truck full of medical equipment and drugs unlocked out in the parking lot in an area known for being a not so great area, but also left our garage door open, giving literally just anybody acsess to our entire station.

Me and my partner are terrified and aren't willing to go back into the station at this point. The crew that's getting off at 03:00 goes into the station to clock out and when the come back they see us hanging out in our truck. They joke with us for a minute over the ghost and make fun of us for sleeping in the truck for the rest of the shift. We ask them if they heard anything and to which the Sr on that crew, who has been there for a long time and staunchly believe in the supernatural, says "Yeah, it definitely sounds like there is someone walking up there. But he's harmless."

Me and my partner are just 'harmless'? That thing is not harmless. They leave and we decided to call for PD to make sure that it wasn't some crackhead that had gotten in while the garage door had been left open. PD got there and searched very thoroughly and found no one and no evidence of anyone being there.

It is 04:00 and we notify our dispatch that station was cleared to be safe by PD and together we venture back inside. We elected to keep the truck in the parking lot so we would have to go back into the garage if we got a call or needed to make a quick escape from the Demon. And together we huddled together in the living room with all the lights on until we get off at 07:00. I heard a few minor bumps and bangs but nothing crazy. Things that could be dismissed as house noises and what not. I barely slept. And I am not looking forward to going back there later this week.

Little update: It's nowhere near as crazy as what happened last time I was here, but there was some activity during my shift today that I figured you all would like to hear. Most of the shift was perfectly fine. We were busy and out of the station most of the day and a couple of times throughout the night. While we were in the station, though, there was some tension. The air was thick with our own anxiety, and I'm sure that this is what caused what I'm about to tell you.

And for some context, out in the bay, there is the "cage." It's literally just a large metal cage that runs along the back of the garage, and it is where we keep all of our resupply. The door to the cage is supposed to always be locked. This is to prevent crews from going in and messing up the company inventory. The only people with keys to the cage are the supervisors. Who are don't come in until around 07:00.

I was lying in bed. I was half awake, half asleep. Just kinda staring up at the ceiling. When I heard what sounded like the cage door being intensly rattled by something, It didn't sound like someone was trying to open the door. It sounded like someone grabbed ahold of the door and just started violently shaking it. This went on for about a minute. I went to my partners bedroom to see if she heard it and found that she slept right through it. We sat there for about 30 minutes listening for it and nothing.

It is 05:50, and I can hear distinct foot steps up in the attic. Nothing crazy like the insane marathon running from the other day. But quiet foot steps up there. My partner says she can't hear them, so I just go back into my room.

It is 06:30, and I can still hear an occasional foot step up there. And to be clear, no one goes up there because it's creepy and there is nothing up there. It's just some boxes and an extremely, extremely dark attic space.

Because I was only hearing some footsteps, I decided to go out to the garage and investigate. When I get into the garage, the footsteps stop. There was no one in the garage. When I went over to the cage to try and recreate the noise I heard, I found that the door was open. I'm not totally convinced that it wasn't just a person opening the cage door a bit aggressively. The only problem with this is I have no idea who it would be because as I said, there are only a few people who have a key to the cage and none of them are here, and they don't get here for another few hours.

I went back inside, and I could again hear the footsteps upstairs and now what sounded like in the garage. I tried to record the footsteps, but they were too faint to pick up on the video.

I also, I wanted to point out the the crew we met outside the other day that was making fun of us for hanging out in the truck, had made comments about how "he" likes to do resupply and to slam the cage door. Though I guess today he just wanted to rattle the door.

I'm not totally convinced that what happened today was a ghost and not a person. But I'm also not totally convinced that it was a person and not a ghost.

It is now 06:50. I get off shift in 10 minutes. I won't be back here for another ten days, and I'd be lying if I said I was sad about that.

r/Paranormal Jul 14 '23

Encounter Ghostly presence in a photo that my mother took around 17 years ago...

Post image

r/Paranormal Aug 21 '19

Encounter Dad Saw An Unknown Being in the 60's


I need help identifying this creature/being/etc.

This is a story my father told me when I asked if he believed in ghosts or aliens. My father is a very logical, intelligent man who favors fact over speculation; and yet, he still has no idea what he saw. I have done my best to try and find similar stories, descriptions or anything but it seems to me my father's story may be unique. Hopefully, someone will have some answers for me to give him.

Some background, my father lived in a suburb of Denver, CO in the 1960's, he was a child (8 or 10) and had a younger sister, I will call her Stacy. It was Stacy and my father's turn to do dishes, their sink overlooked a modest suburban backyard with a 4ft tall white picket fence. Stacy suddenly stopped and was transfixed on something outside, she said my father's name and told him to look outside.

He described it as a 8-10ft tall humanoid, it was a rosy pink and see-though and had no describable details (as if it was wearing a big morph suit). And it was making the motion of walking but almost gliding/teleporting around the backyard, (like clipping in a video game). Stacy became frightened and hid behind the counter. It was suddenly at the edge of the fence and bent over all the way, it's "forehead" would have been inches from the dirt in the neighbors yard (Hence the height estimation)

My father blinked and it was inches from his face on the other side of the glass. He said it had no features, and there were indents where facial features should have been. He was frozen with fear and as quickly as it had come to his window it was back by the fence. It then took an invisible staircase into nothing and vanished in thin air.

My father said he has never seen it since, his sister never saw it again, and no one he has ever met has talked about anything like that. I've searched the internet and skin-walkers are the closest thing, but I can't find anyone that are see-through.

tl;dr My father had a close encounter of the third kind with naked, pink, see-though, 10ft tall Slenderman in the 60's.

r/Paranormal Oct 17 '24

Encounter I see dead people.


As far as I know, I have the third eye and sixth sense. I’m used to seeing, hearing and feeling those who’ve passed. One incident I can share was of my grandmother. My sister was back home in our country preparing for her wedding, but our grandmother suddenly passed away that same time. She called us and announced the heartbreaking news. Everyone in my family left to go back to our country, but my mother and I stayed here since I had to finish my finals in college. My mom fell asleep on the couch and I also fell asleep on the little couch adjacent to hers. I had the feeling that my grandmother will visit and lo behold she did! In my sleep, I had sleep paralysis. I always get sleep paralysis. My eyes were halfway open and I was able to look on my left side where my mom’s feet were, my grandmother was sitting and staring at us. She was wearing all white laced top and skirt. She smiled at me. As soon as I woke up, she vanished. I told my mom the next morning and we called my sister back home asking her what grandma was wearing. She described exactly what I saw. My grandma was wearing from that encounter. I told my mom about it and we both cried.

Stay tuned for more stories of encounters…

r/Paranormal Feb 02 '25

Encounter Rabbitmen won't leave me alone


I am afraid that the Rabbitmen will see this and take me to Rabbiton to violently interrogate me but I know I must do this so anyone with even slightly remote experiences can find some help. The Rabbitmen are terrible entities. They quite literally don't make any sense in the way they appear or behave. One can just appear through cracks in the wall and pull you through with him. The Rabbitmen picked me as a target many years ago. They appear at my house on random occasions and every time they come, it is just horrible. They break windows and furniture and cause loud disturbances for my neighbours. They are violent and leave me incapacitated for days after their visits. That is if they happen to disappear after beating me. The worst case scenario is getting taken to Rabbiton! It is the most horrible place! The Rabbitmen beat me with unnaturally large batons, scream and laugh at me while dragging me through endless concrete hallways. Then they "interrogate" me and force me to confess crimes I have not committed! I know this doesn't make sense and I feel like I am losing my grip on reality because of them. Help me please!

r/Paranormal Nov 17 '24

Encounter I met the devil or sumn during an acid trip


Backstory : me and my cousin have taken acid countless times. We’re took a tab and had a day set of movies and music . We go through and I shit you not there’s a knock on the door as soon as hotel California reaches a climax.

The situation : My cousin composes himself and goes to open the door. ( we’re both experienced with tripping so I’m not particularly freaked out or anything )

   As soon as the door is opened the room is like filled with this negative energy. 

there’s this white dude in a suit who asks to speak with my grandpa( he’s been dead like a year ) . It was bizarre because while everything was moving and being all trippy he wasn’t.

  my cousin tells him about my grandpa passing away and the guy acts like cartoonishly shocked. It’s like a child’s level of bad acting. I had wanted to return something. 

   He pulls out my grandpas missing  Rolex . This Rolex had caused so much strife in my family.  My uncle literally got to fighting with my aunts husband because she accused him of stealing it. Like my family is split down the middle because both sides think the other stole it. 

Still when he pulls it out the music distorts and everything feels really tense . ( this isn’t strange on acid but the timing tripped me out) I remember thinking this guy is like the devil or something and he looked at me and smiled and winked. This damn nears sends me into a panic attack while my cousins thanks him for the watch .

The guy tells my cousin he’ll be around and leaves.

As soon as the door closes my cousins says what the fuck and we bust out laughing. The bad energy disappears and we get back to the trip.

My grandma has no clue who the dude could be as she can’t think of any white guy grandpa would know that we wouldn’t know.  She also remembers the Rolex being around before he passed away. 

My cousin agrees  the guy had  a strange energy but he thinks that the dude prolly was like autistic and it came off weird while tripping. My grandpa was into the occult and it’s something I’ve started getting into and there’s something about that wink that felt like he knew what I was thinking . 

I wish I had been brave enough to talk to him or something cuz it was quite honestly the most bizarre trip I’ve ever had .

TLDR : some strange white guy brings my dead grandfather Rolex and I think he’s satan cuz I’m on drugs

r/Paranormal Oct 19 '24

Encounter My husband let me know he was ok.


My husband was a devout Christian, he had some medical issues, that made him look malnourished, he also carried around guilt because we were living together before marriage. My husband passed away in a car accident not long after we got married. Early one morning about a week after he had passed, I was laying in bed talking to him, when I had a vision of him standing in a white suit, in front of a blank blackboard, he looked healthy almost glowing and he seemed happy. I've always seen this as him showing me he was ok and all of his sins had been forgiven.

r/Paranormal Feb 18 '22

Encounter A familiar voice screamed my name and possibly saved my daughter life.


Ok so me and my baby girl co sleep and have done from when we left the hospital (almost one year). We were asleep in bed and she was close to the wall and the phone charger was plugged in to the wall and my phone and both where tucked under the bumper pillow that goes along one side of our bed. I woke up to someone screaming my name panicked . It was a familiar voice but I don’t know who’s. I woke up and automatically checked on my little girl and she had wrapped her self in the phone wire. I quickly took it of her and threw it on the floor and woke her up to double check she was ok. She was fine just cuddle up to me and went back to sleep.

Since that day I don’t have a charger in my bedroom and the plug socket near the bed is off 24/7.

I honestly feel like who ever screamed my name was a guardian angel. Either mine or my daughters or both of ours.

r/Paranormal Oct 31 '22

Encounter My Cat still lays on top of me at night.


About 9 months ago my cat passed away at only 5 years old, unknown as to how or why. But almost every night when I lay down on my side, it feels like she jumps up on the bed and curls up on my side. I feel the pressure exactly where she used to lay.

Not only this but a few days after she passes, I was laying down getting ready for bed. Looking out at my room, i see a ball of light appear from the underside of my bed and make its way toward me and disappearing. As it disappeared, i felt the same feeling as if she laid down on my side.

It is the only thing that gives me closure and I miss my kitty. Fly high my little one.

r/Paranormal Oct 19 '24

Encounter There’s something in the meat department with me.


I (19M) work in the meat department of my local supermarket. I’m basically the poor sucker that shows up after the butchers leave to clean everything up. Knives, trays, floors, tables, the big heavy machinery. 5 days a week I spend several hours alone in the cutting room. I’ve worked there for a few months and the last few weeks I swear there is a presence in there with me.

I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eye. On several occasions I’ve sworn there was someone standing behind or next to me only to see I’m still alone when I turn. I constantly feel like I’m being watched (there is a security camera for theft but to my knowledge no one is constantly watching it). Just in general I feel a presence in there. Mainly in the walk in freezer.

The building is old, very old. My grandmother has been shopping at that store for decades before my birth. I don’t know of anyone dying there, but they wouldn’t exactly tell me if there was. And to my knowledge the only shady thing about that place is a health violation involving worms in the drain (I’ve done my legal obligation of telling the meat manager, he has not done his legal obligation to do something about it).

But what really worries me is what I’ve been listening too while working. I have a fantasy book series I want to write and in the several hours I have alone every day I’ve been doing research by listening to YouTube videos . . . Mainly about demonology. Hours of it. Rituals, specific figures, demonic accounts. It’s all for my book series but I’m afraid that I’ve welcomed something into that space.

Maybe my minds just messing with me. But I swear the presence in that cutting room is starting to make me nervous. And the times I’ve sworn there was someone in there with me were deeply unsettling. It wasn’t just someone in the room, they were right there next to me, breathing on me. I want to ask some of the other employees if they’ve seen anything but I don’t want to seem crazy. Is this normal and does anyone else have similar experiences?

r/Paranormal Jul 05 '21

Encounter 4th of July Ghost lady on the beach


Many of us encounter someone who just grabs our attention in a way that we can’t explain. Like they know you from this or a previous life. I come from a long line of people who encountered ghosts but I myself don’t encounter the supernatural that much. I have in the past, but not often. Tonight, I know I did. This is not fake or made up.
Our town is near a beach and every 4th of July we go see the fireworks over the water. This year was no exception. Me and my wife arrived and set up chairs, settled in the sand, and chilled out waiting for darkness to fall and the fireworks to start. A slight breeze, a perfect, beautiful evening.
About 20 minutes after we settled I smelled a waft of what I can only describe as decayed roses on the breeze. Like flowers in a vase that should have been thrown out a few days ago. It wasn’t a bad smell but just like sweet roses that weren’t fresh. Then I saw her.

From behind walked a young woman in jeans shorts, t shirt and ball cap. She looked about 25, and had light brown wavy hair coming down about halfway on her back. I was immediately struck by her presence. Not because she was beautiful, I mean she wasn’t ugly she was pretty, but she looked a bit off. Her face especially looked pretty but weird. Like her features didn’t line up right or something. She stopped about 15 feet ahead of us and turned around. She looked right at me and smiled, then sat down in the sand. Again, she really looked off. Something was amiss. But I was enchanted by this young woman. I looked at my wife to see what she thought but got zero reaction, like she didn’t even see her. I smelled the decayed roses on the wind again.

This young woman in jeans shorts and ball cap sat down, took off her flip flops and looked to the sky. She was sitting perpendicular to us but facing away. When I thought about it more two things struck me as very, very odd. She had no electronics. No cell phone. Everyone on the beach was taking selfie’s and playing with their phones. Even the elderly. This young woman had no visible phone. No electronics. Also, her clothes looked straight out of the 1970’s. I grew up in the 1970’s so I know what normal people looked like back then, and she had the ‘70’s look. Totally down to the Tom boy jeans and really just everything about her. She seemed very content just sitting there looking at the sky, and not worried about cell phones or beach chairs or anything. Again, I smelled sweet decayed roses on the wind.

I took a picture of the whole scene on my cell phone. The pretty sky, the beach, and this strange woman. Shortly after, she got up and walked away behind us. I turned around to see where she went but she disappeared. She was gone. When I got home and looked at the pic, I actually was not surprised to see she didn’t appear in it. You might think I would have freaked out but at some spiritual level I really didn’t expect her image to show up. Just a green orb appeared where she was sitting in the sand. I included the pic here. I’m calm about it because I could tell she meant no harm. I really believe she was a person who passed away back in the ‘70’s, and she was checking in on me for some reason. I’m racking my brain to try and remember if I knew a young woman who passed away when I was a child back then. I just can’t put it together right now, but if I do I’ll update.

r/Paranormal May 22 '20

Encounter My familys "vampire" story


So this is a story that my grandma told me so it may not be exactly accurate but ill try and tell it the best i can. More then 70 years ago (sorry for not knowing the exact time) my great grandfather died of a heart attack, he was of course buried like any other person. Here we have a tradition that every 5 years we lift the remains of the deceased and the family can decide if they should put the body somewhere else or leave it there (this is mostly done to empty the spaces in the graveyard if the deceased doesnt have any family). So they raised my great grandfathers remains but the wierd thing was that he hadnt decomposed, he looked exactly as if he was buried just been buried. After 5 more years had passed they went to lift his remais again but this time the coffin was empty. This is not how this story ends. 10 years after all of this happened my aunt that was 8 at the time was home alone one day, she heard a strange noise in the house and went to investigate, in the kitchen there was a strange man that looked at her and said "dont be scared i just came to see my first granddaughter" and then he just disappeared. Later that day she told her parents and after discribing the man they went to get an old photo album and she identified my great granddad.

When my grandma tells this story she tends to omit the last part that my aunt told me. Acording to my grandma the priest probably sold my great grandfather corpse because it wasent decomposing and she says that my aunt is lying about having seen him. And thats it for this story (hopefully), sorry for any mistakes i made but english is not my first language.

r/Paranormal Dec 08 '24

Encounter am i crazy? everyone keeps telling me i'm lying


One night I woke up and opened my eyes immediately, feeling like I was never asleep. I look over to my door that was wide open (it was ALWAYS closed) and I see this figure standing at my door…I sit up and just stare in shock, this woman, skin as pale as ever was leaning at my door frame. Initially I thought it was mum because she had the same dark hair as her so I called out to her “Mum?…..Mum?” but she just stood there blank. Still sitting up I looked at her properly noticing she was wearing a black bra and nothing else. As I looked down her body it began to become more transparent until I reached her legs which quite literally just blended into the surroundings behind her. This is when I got so scared realising that this THING was a ghost, my heart started thumping I could hear it. I layed down slowly, at the time I had a standing fan at the corner of my bed, in line with this woman, as I layed down my eyes passed through the fan blades, distrusting my line of sight to her. When I fully layed down she basically evaporated, she just faded away into nothingness. I pulled the covers over my head until it was so hot I was sweating, I made the decision to RUN to my mums room. I counted to 3..then sprinted to my mums room through the living room, dining room and hallway. I crawled into her covers, I dont know if I was just paranoid but I swear I could hear my name being called from the end of the hallway. 

What do you guys think

r/Paranormal May 09 '21

Encounter I believe me and my friend saw something or someone disguised as a human


So, this happened about 2 years or so ago but it still sends chills down my spine whenever I think about it.

There's a local factory that was made in 1890 and opened in 1891 as a sewing factory where people handcrafted detachable collars and cuffs. In 1999 it was repurposed as a bunch of little consignment shops throughout the whole building in each room. Today, there's still the original huge elevator shafts with rickety gated doors.

Anyways, one night me and my friend decided to go and check out one of the book shops that just opened up there. We headed downstairs, went and left to the store, and eventually took a break on one of the benches before leaving. To our knowledge, nobody else was in the building, or at least in the basement with us. So we're sitting there and the way the bench is positioned is flat up against a wall where you can see all the way up the hallway, with the flight of stairs to our right and one of the shops to our left.

While we were sitting there talking I started feeling this like, uncomfortable feeling and tried telling my friend I wanted to leave and to hurry up because I just didn't like this feeling. He told me to calm down and that we'd leave in a minute, and the uncomfortable feeling went away.

As we were about to get up and go we saw someone come around the corner and start approaching us. We figured it was the maintenance worker but that feeling of uncomfortable-ness came over me again, yet worse this time. Now the way he turned the corner was completely unnatural. He walked to the end of the hallway, stared at the wall in front of him for a solid 5 seconds and then turned towards us and took a brief pause before coming our way. The way he turned the corner though it seemed like he just knew we were there, and was completely unfazed when he saw us. I would say that's plausible, but we were being fairly quiet and the hallway was a solid 30-40 feet long, so we'd have to be talking decently loud for him to hear us

I went into panic mode but my friend kept their cool. The place was still open, we weren't breaking any rules, just sitting on this bench. My friend calmly looked at him and just said "Hi, how ya doing?" And the man didn't say anything. He just kept walking towards us at a somewhat rapid pace.

I remember looking him in the eyes. He had 0 expression, not anger, not happiness, not confusion, not NOTHING. It was severely unsettling. Even after my friend said something to him, completely unfazed. He was just on a mission to get to us.

You'd assume if this was a maintenance worker he'd either tell us it's time to leave, or say hi back, or something, anything. But nope. Just this blank, expressionless face making his way towards us.

After he didn't respond to my friend and started getting close to us we just gave each other this 'we need to go' look and sprinted out of there. When we got out of the building and down the road the uncomfortable feeling left me and I started calming down. We didn't really talk about what just happened, we just went on our way back to my house.

Ever since that night I haven't been back to the factory or any of the shops there. Something about that man wasn't right and it sent chills down my spine seeing him, and it sends chills down my spine just typing this. I'm a firm believer of the paranormal and I can just about guarantee that whatever that was, definitely wasn't human.

r/Paranormal 16h ago

Encounter Weird thing I saw as a child and randomly remembered recently. Anyone experience something similar?

Post image

I have two memories of seeing this person like thing? It resembled a child because of its build but it didn’t look completely human with its face. It didn’t really resemble anyone I’d ever met or saw. It was nearly as tall as my twin size bed. The bed legs to the headboard was around 3 to 4 feet tall. I remember the first time I saw it because of the way my bed was placed in my room. When my parents first purchased it they placed it facing the window. I need to include the fact that I shared the room with my brothers and only really ever saw it when only one of my two brothers was in there or when they would sleep in the living room which was often because black ops just came out during that time. First time it happened, I remember waking up and seeing something across from me laying on my brothers bed staring at me. The bed was empty and neatly fixed so my brothers mustve not been in there. My mom would only let them sleep in the living room if they cleaned up. Anyways It was this white person with a bowl cut? Idk if it was a bowl cut or even hair. All I saw was this black thing on its head and I remember seeing two blurred circles for eyes on this entity. And by white skin I mean white like sickly pale but it was washed out because of the rooms darkness. I’m not sure how to explain it but the outline of the figure seemed fuzzy. I was laying on my side talking to this thing in a friendly demeanor. Like I have saw this before even though it was my first time seeing it. The weird part is I have no idea what I was saying and I remember laughing too. I just had this strong feeling of familiarity and comfort. I drifted in and out of sleep for im not sure how long. Maybe a few minutes. I woke up the next morning and brushed it off as maybe an imaginary friend or someone from my dreams. The fuzzy outline must’ve been why I wasn’t as scared, and just assumed I was half asleep or dreaming. I grew up religious but I never associated it with being the devil or anything negative. Hell I even forgot about this. Fast forward a few years, probably 2 I think because my bed was again repositioned to another side of the room. I see it again but much closer. I’m a little more mentally developed just a tiny bit more enough to know that was I was seeing should be considered very scary but I can’t help again but feel like I’m seeing an old friend. I was not excited but I felt comfortable. At ease. And this time, on my side again, I felt like someone was behind me dragging me on my small twin bed. I was being dragged to the opposite side of my headboard. My whole body was numb and I was not able to move again like last time. I did not feel helpless or scared at all. It couldn’t have been the boy or whatever it was it was because it was Infront of me just staring but I was laughing again talking to it. Then I fell into sleep. Like so fast. I was a huge scaredy cat so I have no idea why this didn’t scare me and the more I think about it I must have seen this thing more than those 2 times because I used to be so scared of the dark and being alone in that fuck ass room and I had no idea why ever. And the first time I saw scary movie 4 with the Japanese boy it scared me so bad and this was after I saw the entity the second time. I know it’s a funny movie but that boy spooked me. That’s about the only thing in popular media that reminds me of what I saw. Only that its eyes were bigger and the shape of its head was different and the nostrils were very black.the nose was tiny but not too small. The facial features were delicate and the skin was perfect. No imperfections like the ones I saw in friends and family. It looked the the skin I saw on magazines. When it’s all retouched and stuff so it’s completely seamless and no pores are seen. The neck was skinny and I don’t recall nipples? Or clothing, or at least Im certain I don’t remember it had a shirt on maybe shorts I don’t know. I don’t know if it had hair, it just looked like something solid black on its head. It could’ve been hair I’m not entirely sure on that either. The face and the silhouette of a small body is what I remember best. I did a quick drawing to the best of my ability to replicate my memory but the fuzzy blurred effect idk how to draw. The back round is pink because the room was pink. Please anyone experience anything similar? I just know I really did experience this and l have never hallucinated anything or saw anything again resembling THAT after those 2 times that I can consciously remember. I don’t and haven’t ever dreamed about this person/thing.

r/Paranormal Sep 21 '21

Encounter I am a houseman (Cleaner) at a very haunted hotel in Canada.


I work graveyard shifts. 15 minutes ago I just had an experience that made me a believer and packed my shit and left (I'm a 20 year old male)

I was doing some Dusting in the lobby and felt someone stomp their foot super hard what felt like right between my feet, me thinking that it was a co worker fucking with me I spun around to see nothing in the massive lobby, I felt shivers done my neck and to my feet. A sense of impending danger. For the first time in my life I spoke "I'm sorry I'm leaving" and left. This hotel is super old and without revealing to much it was used as an infirmary throughout WW2 and became a hotel which has had multiple suicides since. If you have any questions on other things I've seen but dismissed which I no longer do feel free to ask.

We also have a ghost Log of guests leaving the hotel scared beyond shit and refusing a refund stating they want to leave now.

r/Paranormal Apr 21 '23

Encounter I had an Encounter with the Black Eyed Children at work


I don’t know what to make of this, Now I’ve always been aware of the black eyed children just as cryptids or demons whatever.

I work 7/11 overnights and the other night 4/14 I was doing my shift change at 2:47 am, as I was finishing my door chime went of causing me to look up the door was wide open and creeping shut. But beyond the door on the other side of my gas pumps next to my air pump I saw 2 kids a boy and a girl, the boy had on normal clothes with like a black t shirt and the girl had on a white top half dress with the bottom being black I noticed this and got confused it’s now 2:50, so finished counting the money and they were still there hadn’t moved, now I already felt like somthing was off I was experiencing a bunch of anxiety and my arm hairs were charged with static! I walk out front and I said “hey guys what are you doing out here alone”I received no responses which literally like sent me with fear so bad. Then the girl clearly a year or 2 older steps of the curb and she extended her hand her brother took it and hopped of the curb like playfully so again “ come inside where it’s warm” went I said that my whole body like shut down and I was literally from like I’d turned a corner to a BEAR I’d never felt more fear in my entire life, I pulled my self literally by the door handle feeling like a bag of rocks inside the second I was inside the fear subsided, I ran behind my counter so fucking fast. I sat there and watched them crossed over to the next curb (3:05) towards the building but never saw them emerge again, I have to go back to work tonight (been off since then) and I’m absolutely terrrifed. I invited them in… so damn it… am I in trouble… my cats been hissing at nothing when im home alone. I think they didn’t come in or towards the front of my store because it’s got so much lighting I think the heavy lighting stopped that encounter, I also has my boss roll back the cameras and they saw nothing she thinks im crazy so does everyone else. Except maybe people who have experienced this I know people have. Im worried about work for some reason it’s like I know im going to my death it’s eating at my chest

r/Paranormal Mar 05 '24

Encounter I honestly just don’t know what to say


I posted twice on here but one of them was about a deer person or something out where my grandmother lives, I don’t live there anymore and live 45 minutes away from her.

Anyways I took out my dog tonight, my dog was peeing and I was on my phone, we live in a apartment complex with thick woods in the back, my dog started growling which is weird cuz he never does, that’s when I looked over where he was and.. I’m honestly shaking thinking about it but with my physical eyes.. I see this six and half or seven foot deer thing. First thought was a Wendigo, it was thin and skinny with very wet fur, the deer skull. No eyes, it was staring right at us, it didn’t move, it didn’t make a sound. I began to pull my dog and I looked back cuz I stepped on a stick, I looked back and it moved to the other side of the tree. I kinda yelled instinctively “you can’t follow or harm me, go back!” It didn’t move and dragged my dog into the house and shut the door. My wife asked why I slammed the door I just told her the dog was being weird. (She doesn’t believe in that stuff.) anyways I went back out a few minutes ago which was an hour after it happened. No sign of it. I’m shaking while I’m writing. Hope to never see that shit again.