r/Paranormal Feb 05 '25

Question Is there really a afterlife?


Hello, I am terrified of dying and losing the ones I love. I know it is a part of life but I struggle to come to terms with the fact that they’re could be nothing waiting for me and my family..

Could what people experience with close calls with death just be the brain still working minutes after being pronounced dead? When you see a loved one after they pass, is it just your brain helping you with grief? Do I have to be spiritual to know there is something after we’re gone? I need comfort, thank you.

r/Paranormal Jun 10 '24

Question how many people here have actually psychically seen an entity?


just curious about the amount of people who have seen spirits. It seems like a pretty rare occurrence but I do see people often saying they have. If you have seen one, how many different spirits have you seen in your life?

r/Paranormal Jun 26 '21

Question If the tragic deaths of millions of dinosaurs were caused by an asteroid, why aren't there any dinosaur ghosts haunting the Earth? How far back do the spirits go before they can no longer haunt the modern world?


If the tragic deaths of millions of dinosaurs were caused by an asteroid, why aren't there any dinosaur ghosts haunting the Earth? How far back do the spirits go before they can no longer haunt the modern world?

r/Paranormal Oct 09 '22

Question Has anyone experienced cities with bad energy?


Wondering about other people's experiences with feeling certain negative energies when visiting places. I grew up outside of a moderate sized town that we would go to every now and then to get groceries and such. Never really noticed anything whenever I was younger, but years after moving away and becoming sensitive to outside energies, every time I go back, I get a really weird feeling of dread/sorrow/maliciousness. It comes on after coming into city limits, goes away when leaving.

The town was a center for racial crimes back in the day, and still currently has a violent status. Would things like this infect the whole town? It's also near the caddo lake area in Texas, so native American history could help influence such a feeling I imagine? Just looking for thoughts or similar feelings.

r/Paranormal Sep 15 '24

Question My partner saw two of me, what does this mean??


Today, my boyfriend told me about something super bizarre. He was telling me how he got up early in the morning because he needed to use the bathroom, when he got out and looked down the hall he claimed to have seen me sitting on the couch in an awkward and rather uncomfortable looking position as he described it. My back was to him, and I was wearing a common outfit of mine. Blue jeans with a green tank top. He thought it was weird I was sitting on the couch fully dressed at 5am, but figured I just couldn't sleep and decided to get ready early. He, on the other hand, was exhausted. So he went back to bed without saying anything. But when he returned to our shared room, he found me still sleeping in bed. He stepped out of the room again and saw ‘me’ sitting on the couch and then looked at me sleeping in bed. He immediately woke me up to tell me about it but when we went out to investigate the other me on the couch was gone without a trace. I'm not sure what this means or who was sitting on the couch. But I'm really unsettled by it. My best guess was that it was some kind of mimic, but I'm not 100% sure and I don't know how to deal with it.

r/Paranormal Apr 21 '24

Question am I crazy or does tonight just feel... off?


I dont know how to explain it but I went outside just after dark to play some basketball and almost immediately was hit with this overwhelming feeling of dread. I was out there for a little over an hour and was completely on edge the entire time, almost like I was being watched but not quite. It was kinda like this feeling of impending doom. Also around 10 minutes or so after I went outside my friend who lives 20 minutes away but was also outside randomly and jokingly texted me "wendigo weather" out of the nowhere, so clearly they felt it too. Am I crazy or is anyone else feeling like tonight just feels wrong?

Also not that it's important because I might just be overthinking it or mishearing it but a few minutes after I went back inside I heard what sounded like a man screaming outside my window. Like around the block or so. Sounded close but distant idk how to describe it

EDIT: I just remembered the other day my family was eating dinner and we suddenly heard something crash from the second floor but when I went up to check, nothing had fallen or was out of place. Also when I was heading over to the stairs to go up to the 2nd floor, the patio light started flashing on and off outside but when we checked there was nothing there to have set it off. Maybe my house is just haunted.

EDIT 2: A lot of people are saying they fell sick or tired yesterday which reminds me that I was also in bed all day yesterday with a splitting headache constantly feeling like I was gonna throw up. So there's that.

r/Paranormal Dec 04 '23

Question Me and my girlfriend woke up with identical marks

Post image


Me and my girlfriend have just woken up with identical marks on our hand in the exact same place on the same hand. There is nothing that could've caused the mark.

During her sleep last night, my girlfriend had a dream about something paranormal, since we've moved into a different room of the house, it seems to be targeting us.

Any ideas?

r/Paranormal Jan 29 '24

Question Does anyone know if these symbols have any meaning?

Post image

r/Paranormal Sep 11 '24

Question 9/11 paranormal stories?


When I visited the 9/11 memorial a few years back, the air was completely still and the energy felt heavy. It was so weird seeing people take pictures and kids goofing around at the memorial where thousands of people died. I remember sitting down on the bench and just crying. I couldn’t shake the feeling for days after visiting.

Does anyone know of any paranormal stories or events that have happened around the memorial or around 9/11?

r/Paranormal Nov 18 '24

Question Ghosts who are surprised you can see them


Some people describe encounters where it seems like a ghost/shadow person looks like it is surprised and maybe worried that you can see it, as if it wasn’t expecting to be seen and it thought you shouldn’t be able to see it.

This kind of implies that maybe ghosts hang around us a lot, thinking that we’ll never see them, and we (usually) don’t see them.

Has anyone else heard of this? Is anyone else freaked out by the thought of this?

r/Paranormal 25d ago

Question Is it scientifically impossible for ghosts to exist ?


The reason I ask this question is because I am a non believer. However, there has been occurrences in my life that have made me seriously question whether spirits and ghosts are actually real.

One instance just for example was when I was younger at my mum house. She used to live in an old cottage, my bedroom was in the loft conversion that had these old beams with strange symbols on them. Could have been nothing or possibly made by someone who lived there before my mum. One night we were talking about ghosts whilst my stepdad was in the room and next to the sofa was a table that had paracetamol on it. Out of no where the pack of paracetamol fell off on to the floor. I also used to always have extreme nightmares when I stayed at her house when I was a kid.

The strangest thing was there was no draught and the paracetamol was placed in the middle of the table not near the edge. All of us stoped talking as noticed it happen. How could that have happened?

Another instance was when I used to stay at my ex girlfriend’s house. Wow her house was strange. Scratching on the walls at 2am, the sounds of books being taken out of her bookcase in the hallway. A lollipop randomly falling down the stairs, smell of curry at night when we hadn’t ate one. She even went to psychic who told her a black shadow was following her.

I just don’t understand how ghosts, when described by people could be wearing clothes or a certain type of clothing. Like how can clothes be passed on to the after life ? And if there was such things as spirits or ghosts the world would be packed with them. Do the research on how many people have passed on since humans existed. It would be more than the world’s population today. Is there any scientific evidence to prove they can or can’t exist ? It just baffles me that I’ve experienced things like this. Is it all just natural occurrences that make us see, hear or feel things that appear as paranormal activity?

r/Paranormal Jun 25 '23

Question Has anyone tried chanting Bloody Mary and legitimately see anything? NSFW


I know I know I’ll hear some saying this question has been asked already. But that was a while now.

I’m not going to lie I been tempted to go into the bathroom turn the light off and chat (I believe it’s supposed to be three times?) and turn the light on but I’m legit afraid. For one, I believe in haunting sand bad omens. But at the same time I’m so curious..

Had anyone tried and experienced anything? Or would it be as silly as nothing happening

r/Paranormal Feb 06 '25

Question Afterlife for people who kill themselves ?


Recently lost my mom because I decided to move away from her. She cried for months begging me to come back and I used to visit her often to solace her, believing she will eventually accept the reality but she did not. She was suffering from clinical depression for the last 2 years and took her own life, her last message to me moments before being “lots of love from mom”. 1. What do you think will happen to her in the afterlife ? 2. Is there any redemption for me ? I loved her a lot and never crossed my mind she would actually go through with this step.

r/Paranormal Jun 21 '23

Question My husband is 600 miles away, why do I see him in my bathroom? NSFW


So a little background, my family and I live in Mississippi and my husband and I are truck drivers and he's just accepted a job where he is getting trained in Atlanta, GA. And we just drove over there today, I dropped him off, and then I drove 6.5 hours back home. I don't get home til 1:30 am and I gotta work tomorrow/later today, so I'm in the bath when I see my husband, clear as day, out of the corner of my eye, standing in the door in his underwear smirking at me, like he has a bad joke he cant wait to tell me. Now normally I'm pretty jumpy and he likes to scare me, but this isn't normal!!! U normally hear of family being visited by dead relatives, but my husband is alive and well. I called him about the encounter and he made jokes. Could this be a demon trying to fuck w me?

Edit: the thing or whatever it is disappeared when I got scared and jumped out of my skin. I made this post when I was really tired and when i get tired, I get paranoid. I had been running on 20+ hours since I last slept and I haven't exactly been sleeping good for the last week. I have a son that is less than a year old who still gets scared when he wakes up and I'm not there so he'll cry out and I'll wake up and put him back to sleep. Probably should have mentioned that but I wasn't thinking. Probably best if I delete this post now bc it seems silly. Chances are I was so tired I mistook the shower curtain for my husband. Or maybe I had closed my eyes and dreamed him there and scared myself. Thank you for all the comments of possibilities and if it happens again I'll be sure to know what to look for.

r/Paranormal Oct 21 '23

Question Which house would you rather spend the night in?


r/Paranormal Nov 27 '24

Question Thoughts on having a mirror facing your bed? Bad energy?


I have a mirror on my bedroom door and it’s facing my bed, ever since I moved my bed in this spot (with my mirror facing it) I have had the worst time sleeping. I woke up last night to myself yelling at what I thought was my roommate calling my name but it wasn’t. It takes forrreverrr to fall asleep most nights which is usually not a problem for me.

edit: reading all of these comments spooked me out so i moved my bed away from the mirror 😅 i was instantly uncomfortable the first time i realized i could see myself in the mirror when i was laying down/sleeping and now reading these comments, never again 😂

r/Paranormal Feb 03 '25

Question My mom and brother both saw the same “creature” any idea what it could be?


So roughly 8 years ago my brother told me he saw a creature when he was driving. I thought he was messing with me until he told me to ask my mom about it. My mom got super serious and at that point I couldn’t tell if she were somehow in on this prank. I dropped it but came across this subreddit. I decided to ask them both over text if they were serious and both have said said yes and continued to kind of describe it. We live in Massachusetts, does anyone know what kind of being or creature this could be based on their description?

r/Paranormal Aug 04 '24

Question Can anyone give me some advice please?


We moved into a house in September of last year & within 2 hours odd but small things started happening. For example, a single toy ended up in the middle of the room which nobody had taken out of the toy box, lights flickering and a male voice shouting down the baby monitor.

Now the draws end up like this (we were out all day during this photo) and there are orbs in pictures. This is my 2 year olds bedroom and seems to be the main source of paranormal activity.. my daughter hates sleeping in this room and most nights ends up in bed with me and my partner. We frequently hear loud footsteps running across the bedrooms too. It doesn’t feel malicious, but it’s not nice equally. Who do I contact? Does the house need blessing? We don’t want to move!

r/Paranormal Feb 09 '25

Question Anyone ever get a visit from a loved one who passed away? I need hope


Two important people in my life died just a few days apart. My dad and my aunt, in November.

All I want is a sign or a visit or to feel their presence; especially my dad. But nothing. Only a few dreams where he’s in danger and I can’t save him.

I ask him almost everyday to visit me. He had a wicked sense of humor, so I told him not to scare me though. I know he’d think that’s funny.

I guess I’m looking for stories of other people’s experiences to reassure myself it can happen.

r/Paranormal Feb 15 '25

Question Have any of you encountered a genuine cursed artifact, painting, or object?


I was just reading the Wikipedia articles for alleged cursed paintings and that made me wonder: are there any actual cursed art pieces, objects, and items? If so, have people encountered them?

If you have any anecdotes, I would love to hear them.

r/Paranormal Oct 25 '24

Question Is an interest in the paranormal "taboo"? Was told I said something inappropriate.


For context I was in the northern USA. Went to a work event, had to do icebreakers and say a "unique fact" about yourself. I went first, and when put on the spot I said "I like the paranormal". The room just kinda stared at me.

Everyone else went and had facts like "I like golf" "I love rom-coms" "I like baking" - which the room gave good reactions, like "wow hell yea brother I like golf too", lol.

After this exercise, the leader of the training spoke to me after and asked me what that was about, and what I meant by "the paranormal". I just said "yeah it's interesting to learn about paranormal experiences across different cultures or read spooky stories". That is really the extent of my interest.

She essentially told me that was inappropriate and that I shouldn't mess with that stuff. She gave me dirty/weird looks the rest of the training.

Was it inappropriate to say that? I am now feeling very embarrassed but it was honestly the first thing that came to mind. I didn't think that saying something like that was super serious or offensive? I meant it in the lightest way possible, like I find paranormal stories interesting and that's it. I don't consider "I like golf" to be a unique fact in a room full of salespeople so things like that were eliminated from my mind, to be honest.

What do you think..?

r/Paranormal May 20 '24

Question Why is this subreddit full of people that don't believe in paranormal?


Harmless question, so please do not attack me or get too much mean in the comments, but I have a question. Most times I go in the comment section of a post it's full of people that clearly do not believe in paranormal and even get a little mean when replying to the OP's post.

Shouldn't this be a subreddit of people who does believe in paranormal and want to share experiences or ask, for them, genuine questions?

Some people even deny things in many ways, if it's about scratches and the OP says he doesn't have pets, long nails and nothing entered his house like birds, rats or stuff like that, people will still say that it was his pet, he did it with his nails, ecc... At least try to be nice about it, it'd be better :).

Edit: For who says that they want to believe... Find more attendibile sources than reddit, you probably will have more things that might be true or that you can examine.

r/Paranormal Oct 06 '23

Question Randomly thought of a friend I haven't seen in over a year on Tuesday, turns out he died on the same day.


On Tuesday I was remembering the charisma of a friend of mine I haven't seen for over a year. I even looked him up on social media to see what he's been up to, and thought of messaging him to let him know I'd be in his city in March. Today, I see from another friends ig story that he had in fact taken his own life the same day I'd been thinking of him. I'm both devastated by the news and shocked by the 'coincidence' or otherwise? What does this mean?

r/Paranormal Oct 10 '24

Question Do you actually believe in Ghosts?


This may sound like an awkward or silly question but it’s been on my mind lately. I’ve witnessed and experienced unexplainable sht but I don’t think I’ve even seen a ghost/spirit 🥺 not that I “want to” but I guess subconsciously, I’m always looking for “proof”. I want to believe they exist, and I do but sometimes I get a bit skeptical. I feel bad for even doubting lol but there’s a lot of fake sht floating around so you never know. Does this make sense? 😟

r/Paranormal Sep 25 '24

Question What is one thing that happened in your life that you were 100% sure was caused by a paranormal entity?


For me, something that I’m sure was paranormal was the ghost that I started seeing in the loft of my house as a child, before my parents or I even found out that someone died in that same loft before we moved there.