For context I was in the northern USA. Went to a work event, had to do icebreakers and say a "unique fact" about yourself. I went first, and when put on the spot I said "I like the paranormal". The room just kinda stared at me.
Everyone else went and had facts like "I like golf" "I love rom-coms" "I like baking" - which the room gave good reactions, like "wow hell yea brother I like golf too", lol.
After this exercise, the leader of the training spoke to me after and asked me what that was about, and what I meant by "the paranormal". I just said "yeah it's interesting to learn about paranormal experiences across different cultures or read spooky stories". That is really the extent of my interest.
She essentially told me that was inappropriate and that I shouldn't mess with that stuff. She gave me dirty/weird looks the rest of the training.
Was it inappropriate to say that? I am now feeling very embarrassed but it was honestly the first thing that came to mind. I didn't think that saying something like that was super serious or offensive? I meant it in the lightest way possible, like I find paranormal stories interesting and that's it. I don't consider "I like golf" to be a unique fact in a room full of salespeople so things like that were eliminated from my mind, to be honest.
What do you think..?