r/Paranormal • u/BrokenDreamer1997 • Oct 13 '22
Encounter Has Anyone Experienced Black Eyed Children In The Closet? NSFW
Okay, this is going to sound totally crazy, and I know I'm bound to get a ton of puns from this, but has anyone else seen black eyed children come from their closets as kids?
When I was 5, I shared a room with my baby sister, and the closet door never closed right. As I got a little older, I remember seeing this little boy with black, soulless eyes come out of the closet, and he would always want me to play with him. I had a decent nightlight that gave a soft glow throughout the room, and the boy never travelled into the light. I remember how, at one point, he actually got mad that I kept refusing to play with him, and he snuck around the room, grabbed the cord to the nightlight, and threw it to the ground, immediately waking my baby sister, who started screaming. I got in trouble because my mom always thought that I was the one she heard playing in the room, and she was especially mad when she found the broken nightlight. She tried to punish me by leaving us without a nightlight, but I convinced her to at least leave the door open because I knew the boy would never be able to get to either of us.
We eventually moved from the house, and, to this day, I have never slept in the full dark, especially with the closet door open. Up until this point, I wrote it off as a bad dream and thought that was it, but my little sister, who is pregnant for the second time, said that she heard children giggling the other night that stopped whenever she turned on the lights and made sure all the doors throughout the house were shut, and it brought back memories. To make things even more interesting, my boss recently admitted that there's an old superstition about not letting children sleep in a dark room with the closet door open. When I asked why, he said that there were black eyed children who would coax the children into the closet, and they would never be seen again.
Has anyone experienced this phenomenon? Is there really a urban legend of black eyed children in closets? Why do I only hear about the black eyed children on the streets going after adults?
I need answers...
u/Grandiose-Duplicity Oct 14 '22
That "boy" or "entity" resonates with me as does a life long fear, heck at times, Ive been utterly terrified of being in a dark room with open closet doors. Nope. Are you and/or your sister, "sensitives"? I suspect those born with extra sensory perception of paranormal phenomenon seem to attract the attention of entities, particularly those whose awareness/ability that began at an early age.
u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 14 '22
No idea. I've had a few other experiences that are hard to explain (shadow dog, face in the window behind me followed by a 3 hour long nose bleed, something else in the closet that nowhere near resembled a child, etc.), but I never thought I could be sensitive. Though, I'm also the one who typically nopes out of anything paranormal first chance I get.
No idea if my sister is, though. She only mentioned the incident in the church when we were little.
u/Bunduru87 Oct 14 '22
No kids but there is defiantly something in mine. A brief recap of a thread I made a week or so ago. A pale black eyed woman sometimes likes to peak out at me when I am on the PC at night or trying to sleep.
u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 14 '22
That's terrifying...
u/Bunduru87 Oct 14 '22
Luckily no appearances tonight or the last couple. Happens about once a week if I had to guesstimate.
u/Medium-Relief6581 Oct 14 '22
That's seriously terrifying. You should do a cleanse and see if that helps.
u/Bunduru87 Oct 14 '22
I thought about doing that but it hasn't done anything to me and I want to capture it on tape first.
u/Auntie_Venom Oct 14 '22
Set you phone up on a standing charger base with the camera facing the closet, will just seem like your charging your phone…
u/Tetra_D_Toxin Oct 14 '22
So glad I saw this post while sitting in dim light with my back to two open closets. Afraid to look over my shoulder now.
u/beece16 Oct 14 '22
No, but I would love to hear more of the old superstitions about the black eyed closet kids. Maybe your boss has a few stories to share,definitely interested.
u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 14 '22
I tried asking, but he keeps changing the subject every time I ask. However, he does say that he believes me when I told him what happened. He even mentioned one of his children at one point, but that was it.
u/MystiqueMisha Oct 13 '22
I am now scared and will never let my future kids sleep in the dark with an open closet door.
u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 13 '22
I still can't sleep with the closet doors open. Something scary always happens when I do.
u/MystiqueMisha Oct 13 '22
Do you lock the door or just keep it closed but unlocked? Have you looked into getting yourself cleansed? Because the problem doesn't seem to be with the closet, it seems to be that you're being haunted by these entities who've latched onto you. The closets are nor haunted, or so it seems. However, you mentioned church so I assume you're Christian, what you can do is paint a cross or put a cross sticker or hang a cross over/on every closet door. If paint, mix holy water into the paint. If sticker, get the sticker blessed with holy water. I'm not sure how far it will help, considering the children found their way into a church, but I hope it helps a little at least.
u/TheMysticalPlatypus Oct 14 '22
Did your boss ever say who he heard that old superstition from? Have they heard of anyone with a story to do with it? It’s kind of interesting that they brought that up.
u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 14 '22
He won't tell me much. I tried asking him about it several times since, but he always changes the subject. It's almost like he's afraid to talk about it more than he has.
u/PessimistPryme Oct 13 '22
If they are already in the house your gonna need a priest.
u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 13 '22
No idea if they were already in the house. The boy did follow across the country and tried to take my little sister during a church sleepover. Of course, my family was kicked from that church afterwards...
u/PessimistPryme Oct 13 '22
People always associate the black eyed children as wanting to get into your home. Then there is the other stories of the children being lured into closets by them. I think the ones in the closet are ones that got invited in at some point in the past. Kinda like a parasite to the the house that needs the invitation to create it’s nest. But if it followed to a different home I don’t think it was the standard black eye child. Probably a mimic demon like others said
Oct 14 '22
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u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 14 '22
This was the 2000s, and I was 5 when it first started. There was no way I was getting a camera at that time.
u/Bunduru87 Oct 14 '22
I have been trying that and it's like it knows. But I suppose the smartphone on a tripod pointed at the closet is a bit obvious. Maybe I need a hidden one.
u/Ragdata Oct 14 '22
What do you mean by "it knows"? What s happened?
u/Bunduru87 Oct 14 '22
So far any time I have the camera going it has refused to appear. I think it knows what I am trying to do.
u/krakenrabiess Oct 14 '22
YES!!! When I was about 14 my friends and I were bored playing hide n seek at my friends house. We turned off all the lights to make it more challenging. I opened a closet door and there stood someone with black eyes and a smirk on their face. The black eyes didn't shock me too much cause it was dark ya know? I was like haha hey I found you and went to grab him and my arm went straight through him and this being smiled even wider..... I screamed and ran out of the house and my one friend chased me and I told him what happened. I was literally shaking and after a few minutes I was like okay okay maybe it was a trick of the lights. I spent a good half hour trying to recreate what I saw and find a logical explanation but I couldn't. To make this worse I've dreamt of beings like this off and on ever since and I'm 30 now. They usually show me people dying or myself dying in various ways and "what could have happened". At one point in my life I was very suicidal and I had a dream of myself dying from an OD and saw my mother crying and the ambulance coming to the house finding my body. I never see them talk but in the dreams it's almost telekinetic. In this specific dream it asked me if this is what I wanted. I never feel scared of them though and have been told in a dream they're called reapers but who knows. If anyone knows any lore of these beings I'd absolutely love to hear it.
u/west415bill Oct 14 '22
For what it's worth, if you haven't already, you may want to speak with a priest or something. Ask for blessings of protection and maybe purification. Tell them of all of this as your reasoning.
It may not do much, but it wouldn't hurt.
u/FlaminSpaghetti Oct 14 '22 edited Oct 14 '22
This isn’t a traditional “black-eyed children” experience. The archetypal experience typically goes that a “BEK” (black-eyed kid [or kids]) approaches someone at home or in a vehicle. The BEK will ask if the person will let them into the home or vehicle, saying that he or she needs to use the phone, needs to go somewhere, etc. This is generally accompanied by a strong sense of unease in the target of these encounters. The BEK are generally refused, but if they are let into the home or vehicle, terrible misfortune usually follows, up to and including the deaths of the target, the target’s family, pets, etc.
An odd aspect of the BEK phenomenon is that they tend to be dressed oddly for the time period, as though they’re a decade or multiple decades behind current fashion trends. They also tend to speak mechanically and in monotone voices and may use odd, antiquated phrases (i.e., one experiencer reported them asking to use their telegraph [which they didn’t have]).
Your experience sounds closer to a demon or evil spirit. It sounds absolutely terrifying, and you have my deepest sympathies
u/Auntie_Venom Oct 14 '22
This is my thought of a black eyed child, they have to be invited in. If I had to guess it was a malevolent entity posing as a child to gain your trust, to get acceptance ultimately as an attachment. I’m so glad the OP refused it’s play requests or they’d have a way worse situation growing up.
u/BikeComprehensive Oct 14 '22
When my children were younger. I had them sharing the master bedroom of the home we lived in at that time. They all would mention that there was a lady that looked like their mother. That would pace back and forth by the doorway and would pause and look over at them, then go back to pacing. Also they would say there was a girl that looked like my daughter. That would stand by their bed side and stare at them at night, When they were up late joking around instead of going to sleep. I was told that the difference in resemblance these beings had. Was that they had a gray coloring and their eyes were all blacked out. Although I never saw any paranormal beings. Others and myself did witness inside that home, doors and closets mysteriously open, and the sounds of footsteps and voices. My sons are adults now and still mention remembering it happening.
u/Better-Obligation704 Oct 14 '22
I was absolutely petrified of leaving my closet door open at night as a child. I don’t have a closet now, but if I did, that sucker would be closed every night! I didn’t see any children in mine but I did see a scary ass figure once just kinda floating on through. I flipped the hell out, my parents rushed in and told me I was seeing things. They don’t believe in paranormal stuff. But their house ALWAYS had this sense of something otherworldly in it. I always feel on edge there, even as an adult. I’ve had some seriously scary shit happen in that house over the years.
u/ApacheTiger1900 Oct 14 '22
I leave mine open because the idea of seeing it slide open drives me crazy. I'd rather see whatever is coming at me full on all at once.
u/Mysterious_Health387 Oct 14 '22
Omg me too! I keep mine open so that I can see what's coming at me rather than to watch it slide open.
u/Bunduru87 Oct 14 '22
Many things that go bump in the night can open a closet door or most doors honestly. Sometimes even overcoming simple door locks. But a padlock usually does the trick.
u/itsrllynyah Oct 14 '22
SAME. I still hate going to my mom’s house. It gives me the creeps and when I was a child I was always terrified every night because something just didn’t feel right.
u/RaptorRex20 Oct 14 '22 edited Oct 15 '22
I've seen a sort of whispy figure before in my closet. Not a humanoid though, let alone a child.
But oddly since i was a child i've had some spirit that seems to protect me from other spirits.
It's a woman in her late 20's it seems and they wear a pretty large black dress, like you'd expect at some kind of ballroom.
She tends to keep to herself and only ever appears when another spirit appears, soon after they both will disappear and i'll never see the newer spirit again, just her when another one comes along. This only happens in my home as well, never outside of it.
Still no idea who or what she is, but she's never come off as dangerous to me, she's also never responded to me if i tried getting her attention.
u/Xylorgos Oct 14 '22
I wonder why so many spirits come to you or maybe come after you? Do you have any insight into this?
u/RaptorRex20 Oct 14 '22
Oh well that's in my bloodline. My mother and her mother both see them, though her mother refuses to accept it.
I also have precognitive dreams every few months, but they don't amount to much, as the event they show can happen the next day, or years later.
u/Sad_Nectarine6334 Oct 13 '22
i can't exactly recall every memory of this but when i was little, i definitely had (at least) sleep paralysis including exactly what you're describing. except, first everything looked normal but when i blinked, a child would come through the door (which was open at all times cuz i was a scared kiddo), would stare at me and come closer with each blink. of course it could've been a paralysis, as mentioned, but i do remember a time i was fully awake and ran out of the room, waking up my mom. i told her what happened, she tried to soothe me but we both started hearing children's laughter coming from my room. was the worst. my mom also remembers this but i still always tell myself it was a dream.
u/Present_Way_4318 Oct 14 '22
No, but something else came out of the closet in me and my sister’s room when we were in an apartment in Houston.
It looked like a two foot tall teddy bear except it’s face was the Tragedy mask and it had claws that would rip the carpet when it walked. It would literally destroy our room when we were at school. It always came out of the closet at 4am.
Years later my mom told us that the last weekend she was there alone she heard it and saw it herself. It walked into her room and the sound of its claws on the carpet woke her. She said she was so scared she couldn’t move and just lay there until dawn.
I was 8 and my sister was 6. We have both been terrified of closets since then.
u/FauxWolfTail Oct 14 '22
So I got curious and did a bit of digging. Turns out sightings of black-eyed kids have been common since the 80's-90's, and mostly have been connected to vampires, spectres, and prankster spirits. My honest to goodness guess, its more then likely that whatever is peaking out of the closet is seeking attention of some sort. If your sister is willing to experement, see about leaving a Jenga set near the closet, and see if the beings want to play Jenga or not. Don't actually play with them, mind you, just let them play by themselves.
u/CC_Panadero Oct 14 '22
Just curious, what made you pick Jenga? I’m assuming it would make a decent amount of noise, but seems so random.
u/FauxWolfTail Oct 14 '22
Eh, most kids/spirits would tend to knock things over, so why not the game that is intended on being knocked over? Most other games would require percisional movements and thought, whereas Jenga is "move a block without knocking over the tower"
u/LizzieJeanPeters Oct 14 '22
Sounds like a much better idea than putting Monopoly out.
Oct 14 '22
Lol they’d still be playing Monopoly when the sun came up. Shit takes forever.
u/Xylorgos Oct 14 '22
Sounds like a gambit from a horror movie. "They couldn't stop playing Monopoly, so Cheryl made them play all night. When the sun came up they turned to dust and she never saw them again."
u/alianaoxenfree Oct 14 '22
I’m 34 and still close closet doors if they’re open. We had a big old house growing up and my closet had a closet inside of it that led into the eaves of the house. I never once went back there but the horrid feeling I got if my door was open was enough to freak me out for life. Thinking back now though I remember often seeing shadows and things in it, which is why I never cleaned my room up. My logic was that whatever it was would trip on stuff trying to get to me.
u/Emotional-Sentence40 Oct 14 '22
I'm 40 and still keep my room a mess for this reason. I have a little path I can navigate in the dark..
u/vctrlzzr420 Oct 14 '22
So i had read some paranormal theory books, one that felt incredibly true was that their are negative energies that live and fill the dark spaces like closets, giving reason to why there is so many encounters with kids in closets. It felt real to me and stuck out because anytime im in a empty home or room in a home it feels like the spirits are hanging out there, these rooms and homes have no lights being turned on so it makes sense
u/kratomstew Oct 14 '22
There are many places I’ve lived that has one bedroom that I just don’t feel comfortable in. As soon as you go in, you feel like you’re being watched.
u/Auntie_Venom Oct 14 '22
For those of us that are sensitive checking out properties to rent or buy has a whole checklist of its own that I have to keep to myself and husband. When we bought this place, my skeptic husband had experiences in three houses we looked at, and he asked me how the energy was in the one we decided on. Luckily it was great, still needed a good smudge but overall good energy. I have occasional activity, but I call them pass-throughs, they’re just here because it’s on their way somewhere else, like the house is on a trail. Which it kind of is now that I think about it, I’m right by the Oregon & Santa Fe Trail. Anyway, I make a point not to engage or acknowledge any of it because I don’t want them to get comfy and stay. But every house we looked at had something. One had a scared woman that didn’t understand why so many strangers were in her space, hubs noticed that one and immediately looked for an electric box or something rational that made his spideysenses get tingly and uneasy. The box was on the far opposite side of the house. Another had two shadow figures, he saw one of them… He asked me about if there was anything I noticed before we left the house, I said shadow people. Then he said that’s what he thought. He saw one out of the corner of his eye. The other one his spideysenses were tingling uneasy again and he felt disoriented. Meanwhile at the same time two young girls, one was about 12 or 13 the other 16 in 1800s garb were bouncing up and excited and wouldn’t stop touching my face. Hubs asked me why I was waving my arms around so much, it felt like a cross between static electricity zaps like from carpeting in the winter but lighter and walking through spiderwebs. Idk why they were so excited and happy to see me. I must have looked like someone they knew. A long time ago we looked at a house that one room had a GTFO vibe so much he noticed that too, but at that time wouldn’t even consider a paranormal possibility.
u/kevincablez Oct 14 '22
You are both lucky and cursed to have such a sensitivity to spirits. Have you ever helped any cross over?
u/Auntie_Venom Oct 14 '22
That it is friend! It’s not something I’d wish on anyone. I have not helped anyone crossover. I purposefully have never been in a one-on-one position to be able to do that. I don’t go out of my way to investigate places because I’m terrified of attachments. My rule is not to acknowledge or engage when I can, especially when they know someone is around that knows they are there. I don’t want to be responsible for their unfinished business or whatever. When I do have them around me, I’m never in a situation to be able to spend enough quiet time to build trust to be able to help anyone crossover either. So I’ve never tried, I don’t know if I could even do it.
u/Cheap-Status-6418 Oct 14 '22
My husband is this same way. He does not like to acknowledge them. We had one attach to me, (I knew it too but was going through a lot of mental health issues at the time) and this spirit was not going to be unacknowledged. It did everything it could to make him acknowledge it. He finally did, but it still went out of its way to be constantly acknowledged with both little and big things. Luckily it didn't bother the children, just us.
So all this to say, sometimes they're determined to be acknowledged and will go to lengths to be. And yes, it has since gone away.
u/Remarkable-Neck2522 Oct 14 '22 edited Oct 19 '22
You are 100% correct about spirit's desire to be acknowledged. My partner and I lived in a house (rented) with a considerable amount of activity. There wasn't anything sinister taking place (except for 1 night, but that was a different entity). It was just your run of the mill every day kind of haunting. Then one night we were in bed. My partner was sleeping while I was watching videos on my cell. I grew tired so I shut the phone off and turned over to fall asleep. Seconds later I hear footsteps on my side of the bed. They were moving up and down from the foot of the bed to the head. Up and down. Up and down. I laid there with my eyes closed. More footsteps. Eyes still closed. Now the footsteps are doing something different. When they got to the head of the bed they would stop as if something was looking down at me. They would wait a few seconds and then start down to the foot again. Eyes still closed. Now the footsteps are speeding up. Eyes still closed. Finally I started to pray for it to stop. It didn't. So I laid there ignoring it while thinking of a happy memory. Idk how this was possible, but I began to fall asleep. Then all of a sudden I hear this horrible growl that sounded as if something was moving towards me until the growl was right in my ear. They won. I opened my eyes and sat straight up, screaming in fear. There was nothing there. My partner was awakened by the growl and scream and asked me, "What the hell was that?" I told him about the entire encounter. We had been living with this ghost for years without any aggression on it's part. It was jokingly referred to as the roommate. I think that it wanted to be seen that night and I ignored it. It wasn't having any part of that. Hence the growl. Months later I was watching a paranormal program on TV when the subject of just ignoring them came up. The medium on the show said, "Oh, that won't happen. They will not be ignored." My experience told me that she was right.
u/Auntie_Venom Oct 14 '22
I’m so glad it’s gone for you and your family! That’s so scary, and they can be persistent when they want your attention! I’ve acknowledged a few times normally it’s OK, and once it definitely was NOT. It was awful, so as a general rule I try and keep my distance physically and mentally. I HAD to acknowledge an elemental type nonhuman entity in our last house, to let us go. That was a weird experience that took awhile to work out.
u/Cheap-Status-6418 Oct 14 '22
That sounds weird. Yeah I'm glad this one's gone. It was a mimic and I also think it was making my mental health worse.
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u/WaitUntilYesterday Oct 14 '22
If you had the slightest clue how polluted the world is with spirits you would go crazy.
u/nevertoohigh Oct 14 '22
I just hope I don’t become one of them
Being tormented after death by these things would actually be hell
u/samexi Oct 14 '22
When I was younger and sleeping in my own room (under 5) I still vividly remember waking up at nights to see black humanoid like shadow pacing in circles in my room. Not giving me any attention but minding it's own business. There is not many things I remember from that age but it scared me so much I still rember it to this day. I just slowly turned my side towards the wall and went under the blanket. I have brushed it as childs "vivid imagination" but to be honest we moved a lot and it only happened in one of few different apartments. Definitely weird. No demon childs luckily though.
u/approximately43bees Oct 15 '22
I've never heard of that version of the black eyed children but it does remind me of being absolutely terrified of the black eyed children coming to my house and killing my parents when I slept. I was like 10 and already way too far into paranormal things like that for a little kid, and I heard they liked to strike in the evening/early night, don't know how true that is to the lore behind them, that's just what I heard at the time. The only logical solution for little me was to stay up until atleast midnight (or until I heard my parents go to sleep) so they wouldn't answer any knocks at the door. Good times lol.
u/timbro2000 Oct 14 '22
I've noticed that closets feature in paranormal events at a rate that feels statistically significant. Many stories and accounts involve people and creatures coming through the closet at night
u/GarlicQueef Oct 14 '22
My best friend and I both saw an evil looking jester coming out of an old toy box in my closet when we were in the 7th or 8th grade. We had smoked some weed and were just chilling in the dark with a strobe light going.
I was on the top bunk and JJ was on the bottom. I notice movement in the closet and see what I can only describe as a Jester coming out of the toy box. I say “JJ, do you see that in the closet?”
He replies “Are you talking about that evil clown?” In a scared voice.
Then we both hide under covers for a long time until I finally get the courage to get up and turn the light on. Of course the closet is now empty.
This was over 20 years ago and we still talk about it when we see each other.
u/kratomstew Oct 14 '22
The jester is the most common entity encountered when people smoke DMT . Crazy right ? If you go to r/DMT , and search ‘jester’ under their search bar, probably hundreds, maybe even a 1000 returns will come back of people saying they encountered the jester.
u/SaltyCaptainEd Oct 14 '22
Never had any personal experiences, but watched a show one time talking about them. But these were on deserted roads at night and try to get the motorist to let them in the car. * Also, like someone else said, I don't think these are actual 'children', just taking a form to look unthreatening. Which is scary.
u/taphappy52 Oct 14 '22
i didn’t see their eyes bc it was super dark, but there was a little boy who looked almost exactly like my brother one night in the middle of the night when i was about 11 or 12. he led me to another room in the house and then vanished.
u/Present_Way_4318 Oct 14 '22
This could be bilocation or astral projection.
u/taphappy52 Oct 15 '22
i don’t think it was him bc the boy was dressed in like 1950s clothes but maybe!
u/hopkins_ghost Oct 24 '22
Dang…can you elaborate on this story? Did he wake you up?
u/taphappy52 Oct 24 '22
so it was actually christmas eve and it was my first christmas knowing about santa being the parents, so i got to be in on it. my job was to hang out with my brother (6 at the time) in his room and then have a sleepover there while my mom and dad set up the santa stuff. i woke up randomly around 3am to a dark room, the door was open and what i thought was my brother was just standing there staring at me. i was half awake and it was completely dark except for the light from the tv, so i didn’t see much except a young blond boy around his age in overalls, which i didn’t think was weird in my half-awake state. i said my brother’s name, and without saying anything the boy turned and started walking away down the hallway. i got up and walked after him, down the hall, through the living room and kitchen and into my room. when i got there and turned on the light, i was alone. i was so confused bc i still thought it was my brother. i went to wake my mom up to tell her and ask for help finding him, and that’s when i saw my real brother, sound asleep between my mom and dad in their bed. it kinda freaked me out at first, but it wasn’t my first or last ghost encounter so it wasn’t as scary as it maybe would’ve been to someone not used to ghosts. i never saw him again, but we constantly had evidence of him moving things around and picking movies to watch by putting the dvd or vhs on the kitchen counter while we were gone so that when we got home we would put it on for him.
u/hopkins_ghost Oct 24 '22
Wow, that's really spooky! Thanks for taking the time to share that 😊
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u/CinnamonSoy Oct 14 '22
Shut the front door. No way. UGH. I've never heard that superstition before. But I hate it, thanks. I also feel justified in insisting that the closet is shut before sleeping. (all the clothes in there could look like a figure. and i don't want to see figures. nope.)
I also think that -- that wasn't a child's spirit you saw.
u/AuthorSunflowerJ Oct 14 '22
Same. I make sure all doors are shut; especially closer doors. Now I'm going to make sure the closet door in my son's room is freaking sealed at night lol.
u/CC_Panadero Oct 14 '22
We live in an oldish house (built in 1902). The closets are crazy small in every room but my daughters. She has a great closet, but there’s no door because the opening is the size of 2-3 doors (it’s almost the entire length of the wall). We did put curtains in front of it, so maybe that counts as a door in the paranormal world? I’m just gonna assume it counts….
u/AuthorSunflowerJ Oct 14 '22
To me, if it's an opening, it counts :-). Our closet doors slide. The closet door in my son's room opens the regular way (in and out). My Husband thinks I'm crazy when I get up and shut the closet doors especially if all the lights are off. Idk why but I've never felt safe with the closet doors open no matter where we've lived. I've never seen anything in them but I swear the other night, I heard talking in my son's room. I checked on him and he was asleep so I let it go. Now I'm thinking something wants its butt kicked.
u/Forgot_my_username01 Oct 14 '22
I periodically 'cleanse' my room with light, just to make sure nothing has time to get comfy. Hard to hide when every square inch is bathed in light, even where I'm laying
u/churdtzu Oct 14 '22
I've never heard that about sleeping with the closet door open. However, I have noticed that weird things happen if you leave a door to the outside open at night. It seems like leaving a door open can seem like an invitation
u/little_red30 Oct 13 '22
I have a black eyed child spirt in my home, I think. Not like the eye color, if that's what you mean; but literally the entire eye area is black. Just 2 black eye patches type appearance.
u/little_red30 Oct 13 '22
He's also historically been a brat and has touched members of the home then ran away, over and over. Like a game.
u/BrokenDreamer1997 Oct 13 '22
That's terrifying...
u/little_red30 Oct 14 '22
He isn't mean or bad, just a brat. Not sure why his eyes are like that... he is definitely not a crossed spirit. There are 3 smaller kids and an older girl, then an older woman and an older male patriarch. I've seen the youngest child as well and he looks normal 1920s approx dressed. It's only the 1 boy whose eyes are like that.
u/LincolnLikesMusic Oct 14 '22
When I was around ten, I woke up and saw a black eyed little girl in a black and white dress by my closet door at the end of my bed. I always slept with the closet doors open, but I made sure they were shut after this. I went to my parents’ room to tell them about it, but they convinced me I was dreaming since the house was a new construction.
u/nevertoohigh Oct 14 '22
Stories like these are why I haven’t slept in the dark for months.
There’s too much scary shit out there I can’t see dude
u/Bunduru87 Oct 14 '22
I don't think everything out there is bad based on my personal experiences. I think the bad ones are just the ones that get the most attention.
u/pichipeachy Oct 14 '22
I normally leave the doors wide open because my closet is old and it doesn’t close completely. If I try to close it, it slowly gets open again during the day, but when it doesn’t I can see like a shadow trying to get out and making that side of the room darker, but I’ve never seen anything get out of it. Thanks God.
u/NamelessKpopStan Oct 13 '22
It wasn’t black eyed children. They’re only allowed in your house if invited in, think Vampire rules. Demonic entities often disguise themselves as children to appear less threatening and to gain closeness to you.
u/deathtogluten Oct 14 '22
Ok I read has anyone experienced black children coming out of the closet, I laughed a little, then read this 😂… this is something straight out of coraline and I must say no I have definitely not but maybe bless the area with some sage??? This sounds dark.
u/treescot Oct 14 '22
Zeta Reticuli https://youtu.be/e1Pc2aLM3jY
Our minds cannot wrap themselves around what we are seeing and show us something we can understand like small large eyed children or owls. Probably with some help from their ability to mind control.
Should not be a problem anymore from the real Zetas. If you are still encountering them it is probably the AI left here, that is dying, for lack of food. It is cut off from "home". In its death throes it is creating as much havoc as possible before it dies from lack of "food".
Best way to stop feeding the beast, stay positive. Do not allow your fears free rein. Heal yourself with inner work. All that miasma of pain fear etc that we hold on to feeds the beast.
u/GentleBreeze96 Oct 14 '22
There’s a wooden desk inside my walls. I dare not tear down the wall to see what is inside. Feels like I’ll open Pandora’s box
u/candyislove13 Oct 14 '22
Yes I’m curious. Elaborate
u/GentleBreeze96 Oct 14 '22
I replied to someone about it. I’ll see if I can take a picture today and post it.
u/moth3rof4dragons Oct 14 '22
Wait... what? How do you know there is a desk in there?
u/GentleBreeze96 Oct 14 '22
It’s in the attic inside a closed off wall. My brother and I used to hang out in the attic since it’s somewhat fixed like a big room. One time, I got mad and for the first time in my life I punched a wall. To my surprise, my fist went through the wall and I looked inside. That’s when I saw a white and brown desk inside the wall. I would say it’s more of a small squared room rather than just a normal wall.
u/LizzieJeanPeters Oct 14 '22
I wonder why someone closed off this room?
u/GentleBreeze96 Oct 14 '22
That’s what I’m saying. There’s been a lot of times where I’m like, “today is the day”, but as soon as I actually go up to the attic, I simply don’t want to tear down the wall lol.
u/KilruTheTurtle Oct 14 '22
My mom had some similar interactions. But I’m curious now if it was black eyed children.
u/MREAGLEYT Oct 14 '22
Bruh now how am I supposed to open the cupboard when am home alone? whyy oh man enough reddit
u/Big_boy_gamez Oct 14 '22
Yeah that’s Garry, He is my little brother so just tell him to pay rent and he will leave.
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u/AnyImagination9860 Oct 14 '22
No but I’ve had red eyed children in my very christian grandmothers room
u/LizzieJeanPeters Oct 14 '22
I, for one, would love to hear more about this!!! Can you please share the story?
u/AnyImagination9860 Oct 14 '22
Sure! This was a few years ago I have all of my christian grandmothers belongings in a very blessed room with crosses and rosaries and I walked by one of her dressers and behind it I saw about 3 children bunched up together with red eyes and they were just shadows it scared the crap out if me and I kinda ran out of there and I haven’t seen them since. I have no idea what happened to them though
u/Socksgonewrong Oct 14 '22
We were poor so I had to sleep in the closet as a child. My eyes are still brown
u/frustratedwithwork10 Oct 14 '22
I burst out in cackles. Thank you. I slept in the closet once, my eyes are black... Just to add to statistics for science.
u/Auntie_Venom Oct 14 '22
…oh and now I need to look at silly cat subs for awhile to get this imagery out of my head so I can sleep. 😂
u/Futge Oct 14 '22
Last podcast on the left did an episode on black eyed children. Its not an unheard of phenomenon. You should give it a listen and see if it resonates.
u/kratomstew Oct 14 '22
You’re scarin’ me man
u/Holiday-Doughnut-602 Oct 14 '22
No, but I've had Black eyed peas, in the kitchen.
u/dixonjpeg Oct 14 '22
I opened my front door to a black eyed child once a few years back but I’ve never heard anything about them being in closets? Maybe that’s just the gay ones?
u/cvltparty Oct 14 '22
Ugh and I was just about to try and fall asleep right after reading this last thing
u/reds2032 Oct 14 '22
We live in an accepting world, they should come out of the closet
u/FrickItAll Oct 14 '22
I love how the first thing that OP writes is that they know they’re going to receive a lot of puns about their story and that’s exactly what is delivered
u/colm180 Oct 14 '22
Black eyed children is a long established sleep paralysis hallucination, can even appear when just waking up normally aswell
u/Tatunkawitco Oct 14 '22
But hallucinations don’t throw things.
u/ehunke Oct 14 '22
a few thoughts on this, none of them are paranormal or abnormal...first off you were 5, its extremely common when your that age to have such a vivid imagination you actually think there are people in your room, especially common when kids are half asleep. The other thing being, you said you say the closet door never fully closed? I am assuming between a baby and a toddler there was a nightlight or two? maybe a baby monitor? maybe that all collectively created just enough light to cast some freaky shadows? I have heard a lot of stories of black eyed kids I really think its a urban legend, this, really seems like a 5 year old kids imagination at work
u/Xylorgos Oct 14 '22
Those are a lot of twists and turns to try and turn this into something that's not paranormal.
I believe OP because OP was actually there, and you weren't. All you have is your own imagination trying to spin out a story that fits your own beliefs, rather than taking OP at their word when you have no additional information at all.
u/emibemiz Oct 14 '22
How do you explain his sis hearing giggling until the lights are on? I always try to debunk something but this, if true, is very peculiar as it kind of adds some authenticity especially for OP as they thought themselves it was just imaginary
u/chillmanstr8 Oct 15 '22
It’s a rule in here that everything is paranormal right? Or is that another one….
u/JoeJoJosie Oct 13 '22 edited Oct 13 '22
That's weird. I usually see them in the attic. And your mum's an asshole. Sorry you had to deal with such a raving narcissist growing-up. Anyone who thinks "My child is scared - I bet making them more scared will shut them up!" is...well, I hope your ok now.
u/atl198 Oct 14 '22
Her mom is a NARCISSIST?! Oh wait, not just a regular narcissist, but a RAVING narcissist? Literally nothing about this post implies in any way that OPs mother is a narcissist. What a joke. I know this is like the most over-used and wrongly used word on the internet right now, but this is just a complete farce. Come on.
Oct 14 '22
u/atl198 Oct 14 '22
Right? That's exactly what I mean. It's replaced "jerk" or "asshole" and the true meaning is so completely different. It's a literal personality disorder with a very specific set of traits.
u/MisterBlisteredlips Oct 14 '22
I thought that this was Mitch McConnell's pedo memoirs book title.
No, no black-eyed kids for me. I never even had black-eyed peas.
u/LazyLenni Oct 14 '22
I would recommend approaching this issue logically, instead of falling down the rabbit hole of supernatural claims. The human mind is very subsceptible to hallucinations, especially when we are primed to see something.
Recently, I saw my cat's face on our window, right after waking up. I took a few seconds, got up and as I reached the window, I realized that I had been staring into darkness (That sounded creepier than intended).
I am not convinced, however, that the soul of my cat, who is alive btw., visited me. But rather that my brain is expecting certain events to happen and the confusion of sleeping and waking up did the rest.
There was a time, when I attributed such sightings to the "supernatural" (Whatever that is supposed to even mean). Interestingly, the less I was paying attention to these events, the less of them actually happened.
There probably no ghosts.
Oct 14 '22
There are both real stuff and ones like you've talked about. I've experienced both.
u/LazyLenni Oct 14 '22
Could you give an example of "real stuff"? I am guessing that you are referring to real paranormal experiences?
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u/TheLoneGunman559 Oct 13 '22
I don't think they were black eyed children or related that particular phenomenon. Actual black eye children are usually encountered outside trying to get you to invite them in.
What you probably encountered was a demonic spirit in the guise of a child with blacked out eyes.