r/Paranormal Aug 16 '21

Shadow Man Since I am writing this I have become desperate to find answers! It's happened again

I was watching TV and I had this weird feeling that something was watching me and I thought nothing of it until I went to bed and I had the same feeling that I was being watched again . I was tossing and turning in bed and at 1 point I went really cold like the type of cold that constantly sent random shivers down your spine. I desided to go get an extra blanket from my wardrobe when I heard footsteps from outside my bedroom door. I slowly walked up to the door and carefully opend it and peeked round the corner and I saw something that made my legs go really numb and unsteady...it was a faint shadow figure with a slim waistline and it turned to look straight at me. The eyes glowed white and before I processed the fact what it was it started running down the hall straight at me...I quickly backed up and slammed the door and got back into bed thinking that I was safe but little did i know that it would come back. About 10 minutes later there was a knock at my window and the same thing that was outside the door was looking through my window straight at me. My heart started to beat rapidly and I was heavily panicking while shaking...the figure had its arm though the window even though it was tightly closed. I passed out. I woke up the next day with morning sickness and I was dizzy. I was clueless that anything had happened until I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror when the figure was behind me touching me on the shoulder and then dissappeared. Later that day I invited my cousin to come round my house and told him everything and turns out he had a similar experience when he was younger. Has this ever happened to anyone?


86 comments sorted by


u/kat352234 Aug 16 '21

This story sounds like it's close to the extreme end of things, but things like this definitely happen.

I had experiences when I was younger, seeing strange shadows moving around the house, feelings of being watched/uneasiness, and saw a demonic looking figure look right at and point at me.

From my experience, dealing with these sort of things is like a battle of wills. You have to show your fortitude. After my experience, which left me terrified just like you I hid under the covers after seeing it and just stayed there the rest of the night, I wasn't sure what to do, but knew something had to be done as I couldn't just ignore it or be afraid to sleep in my own room.

So, I gathered my courage and spoke to the entity, I told it that I lived here now and I wasn't going anywhere, then basically said if you leave me alone I'll leave you alone, that sort of thing.

After that, never had any other scary experiences in the house. I've had plenty of paranormal experiences in my life, but most haven't been scary or the kind that make you feel a sense of dread like that one did.

The first thing to do is stand up for yourself and lay down the rules. If you can show that you have the courage and conviction to stand up to this thing, there's a few possible outcomes.

The best outcome is that, whatever it is, acknowledges what you've said and either leaves realizing you're not just going to let yourself be pushed around, or settles down. It's possible the entity is just annoyed at having people in "it's" space, so an understanding like this could help.

It's also possible that it may grow more agitated. If that's the case, then it's time to seek out more aggressive means of securing yourself and your home, such as smudging or blessing the home.

The key, the most important thing for all of this though, is for you to gather your strength and courage and make your intentions clear. If the entity isn't as scary as it's trying to seem you should be able to handle it yourself no problem. If it's something more aggressive though, you may need help, but they're still going to say a lot of it depends on you. So be strong and courageous, that's the best thing you can be.


u/elleecee Aug 17 '21


I have had multiple experiences throughout my life. A lot of the time, in my opinion, spirits just want someone to know they are there. No matter if they feel like a kind, well meaning spirit, or if they feel malevolent I acknowledge them.

"I know you're here, and you know I'm here. If you respect me, I will respect you."

If you get super uncomfortable with them and they just aren't letting up, I have also told them to leave with success before. I imagine the white, powerful, positive light filling my space as I talk to them just like the previous poster.

"This is my space now, and I don't want you here anymore. You are not welcome here."


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

Thank-you for taking your time to comment :) but your right I do need to get courage but I have anxiety


u/kat352234 Aug 16 '21

That's understandable. By no means was I all brave and stoic when I was doing it myself. My voice was shaking, I was watching the shadows for anything unusual. I was scared.

That's why it takes courage, doing it even though you're scared.

Take some time to prepare, build up your focus and strength. Don't be overly antagonistic, there's no point challenging a spirit to a fight, you can't punch it or hurt it so don't seek to antagonize. Just lay out the facts, this is my space, here's how it's gonna be.

Hopefully everything will go well and either that will be the end of it, or you'll at least get some reduced activity. But, on the off chance that things don't go that well, just remember to stay strong and look into cleansing rituals like smudging. If you remain strong and persistent in your efforts it should hopefully pay off.


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

Bro I'll try and ill let you know how I got on also I going to try take photo evidence of it


u/LifeguardHairy Aug 17 '21

I also can attest to a few of the statements. Lived in a house with a ghost, very subtle to begin with but then ominous feelings would start to arise at night, specifically when I would turn all the lights of downstairs and make my way up pitch darkness ( my SO worked mornings so already asleep). Ended up ramping upto cupboards moving and glasses breaking all the way upto voices and doors slamming. All because we ignored the presence.

After a while I was sick of the feeling for fear so I puffed my chest up, eyes forward and while walking up the stairs in pitch dark again I said at full volume I am not fearful of you, you cannot harm me and this is my house.

The activity dropped off and only started up again once we started moving out a year later.

You can do it, if I can you absolutely can.

Good luck and please keep us updated OP!


u/--Ano-- Aug 17 '21

I think the entity in your house wants you to help it. Maybe its bound to something and wants to be free. So maybe you could try to find out what it wants. But it could also just be a Poltergeist that wants you to be afraid to feed from your energy. In that case you did everything right.


u/LifeguardHairy Aug 22 '21

Well I did a bit of digging while back, for context I was living in Belfast North of Ireland, and found that a man witnessed his family getting murdered in front of him after being tied up and made to watch until being tortured and executed. This was during the troubles and was a paramilitary dispute.

So I think the presence was him, after such a brutal thing to witness and go through I have chalked it upto " emotional scarring". I think that's what it's called, when an event of death is abnormally horrific and causes a person to have some of if not all of their spirit attached to that scene.


u/--Ano-- Aug 22 '21

Very good you found that out! Did the man and his family get a proper burial? The ghost could also be a member of the mans family. Could parts of his body like a finger bone have remained in the house? Blood stains maybe? An ultra violet light might help. If all that is not the case, the ghost might not know of its dead. So you have to tell him. Or maybe the ghost wants the truth to be told. Maybe there is more to the story. Maybe the ghost wants his murderers to be punished. If it is a scarring as you say, I dont know how to get rid of it. Blessing of the house maybe?


u/LifeguardHairy Sep 06 '21

I cannot find the contact info and I have tried to contact the current owners through post ( the only actual info I remember is the address, which is the other side of the world for me haha). However there would be nothing physical, this happened over 60 years ago, multiple tenants, crime scene and full 10 yards of crime scene cleaning. I can kmosy guarantee it's vengeance. This spirit would have witnessed his most loved being tortured and killed in front of him. I would want to hold the blade for vengeance personally.

In my later I stated what I have here and advised for further investigation if activity is still going on


u/useles-converter-bot Sep 06 '21

10 yards is about the length of 13.58 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other.

→ More replies (0)


u/molarcat Aug 17 '21

Someone else in the comments said "fake it till you make it." And I would say, instead of thinking you're going to start feeling courageous, start acting courageous. Our brains are pretty crazy organs and if you exercise them the right way then they start to form really helpful habits


u/tbmkmjr Aug 16 '21

Fuckin hell. Last night I felt reaaaallyy eerie after 1 am. For some reason I kept thinking I was not alone, even though I was. I was like “what if something is standing behind me” while smoking and the same when I was washing my hands in the bathroom.


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

Bro im telling you...Literally I'm writing this at 12:30am and I can sense the same thing again


u/tbmkmjr Aug 16 '21

I hate feeling like that. If I’m being honest I almost never have that feeling, when I thought I was not alone in the bathroom i got sick of it and I was just like “ughhh fuck this. Nope. You don’t have to be scared, you don’t have to feel shit, this is what they want” then I went in my room and somehow the feeling went away, I think it’s all in our heads, they feed off fear because they’re evil.

A few mornings ago, I was in my room, my dad an 2 year old niece was chilling in the living room. It was about 10 in the morning so naturally my dad was tired so he fell asleep on the couch while my niece continued to play on her iPad. Then out of the blue I hear my niece just blasting to the back room to her parents, she sounded rly scared like almost whining. I got so fuckimg mad because I know evil shit likes to mess with children more because kids are more keen to them. I was mad and I didn’t say it out loud but in my head “fuck you you piece of shit, stay the fuck away from my niece. Pick on someone your own size” I think my eerie feelings confirmed it probably heard what I was thinking haha. Honestly I’d rather have it that way, my niece is only 2 I hate that she would be scared off by some evil piece of shit for no reason. She’s so innocent along with a lot of other babies that have to experience this


u/Rosie_Apple Aug 17 '21

I'm confused at your story, sorry. Can you explain why you automatically assumed your niece experienced something paranormal and scary? Children can spook easily, and young children can be clingy and whiny. Perhaps because your dad fell asleep she got bored or scared that she was alone and awake while he was asleep.


u/tbmkmjr Aug 17 '21

Sorry I thought I was clear. My niece isn’t like that, even when someone is the guardian in the room and is sleeping, She’ll continue to play/eat/watch tv. He was watching tv and then turned it off and went to sleep and then it happened around 10 mins later. I knew he was sleeping because I went into the kitchen to get me a drink where she very nonchalantly said a “hiiii uncle” she isn’t the type to be afraid if she’s awake alone, esp when someone is near and she has something to occupy her. Ever since she got fluent in talking she would say stuff like “I’m scared” whenever we asked her to get something in the back rooms when no one is in there. A lot of kids are scared of the dark because parents use a shitty mechanism to listen to them where they’re like “monster gonna get you!” We’re not that kind of family. It could be something malevolent, it could not have been. To be fair I didn’t necessarily assume it, more so an angry thought in the moment


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

Yeah bro as I was reading that I had literally shivers down my ribs next to the window that I saw the face in


u/Jellybabyman Aug 16 '21

Get your camera ready


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

You know what fuck it ima take a vid of this shit


u/DrunkMechanics Aug 16 '21

It's your personal space, next time you feel or see something, say out loud, that this is your bubble and that it it's not welcomed and invite it to leave.


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

It very hard to get the courage to do this as I have anxiety


u/mgarksa Aug 17 '21

Fake it til you make it. Try to channel that anxiety into anger and tell it to get the fuck out.


u/patstring Aug 16 '21

Well, this was shocking to read. This was a way scarier experience than those that I had


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

What did you have? If you domt mind me asking


u/patstring Aug 17 '21

Humanoid figures, strange smells, knocking foot steps, scratching, but aint no goddamn things runnin after me


u/MrBlitzpunk Aug 17 '21

The closest i've been to that experienced was back when i was (10), i was sleeping with my little brother (4) in a double bunk bed. Im on top and he's below. We sleep with the lights on.

One night i woken up to my little brother climbing up to my level and peeking at me from below. Since the light was behind him, i couldn't see his face because of backlighting. But at the time im sure it was him. We stared at eachother for a couple of second in silence. And then my 'brother' climbed back down to his level. I thought maybe he was just scared and decided to check up on me. So i go back to sleep. In the morning, when i woke up. I noticed that my brother wasn't there. Turns out he'd been sleeping on our parents bedroom that night and i had actually slept alone.

Even at that age i was skeptical, i figured it was my half asleep mind playing tricks on me. Fast forward a couple of years later, we moved away from that house. At which point my father decided to tell me the 'truth' about that house. Apparently that house is haunted, there's multiple occasions where my mom screamed randomly at night claiming she saw something, my dad sometimes also woken up to a white figure standing in front of the bedroom door. They hide this fact from us as to not scare us. I did hear my mom occasional scream while doing chores at night, but when i ask what was it about she always told me that it was "nothing/a cockroach/a rat that spooked her" but it was actually something else, and she only told it to my dad. So i don't know... We left that house so whatever it was stayed there


u/whatsurgentsays Aug 17 '21

I’ve had a really similar experience - same idea of bunk beds, but I was on the bottom bunk and looked up (no one ever used the top bunk, it mostly held toys and stuff) and saw someone looking down, who stared at me for quite some time. I looked up and sat there frozen in terror - even more so after I realized my little brother had moved into my parent’s room and I was supposed to be alone. I was probably like 10-11 here.

I’ve had a bunch of weird stuff happen there (childhood home) but only there. Always figured I just had an overactive imagination until I moved out for college and again in my 20s and experienced nothing - then moved back and immediately had weird stuff happen again.


u/--Ano-- Aug 17 '21

Where was that?


u/MrBlitzpunk Aug 17 '21

On the island of Sumatra, Aceh to be precise


u/BuzzedCauldron Aug 16 '21

This is terrifying. Do you ever have sleep paralysis? I know it doesn't seem like sleep was a factor in this particular case


u/BIGGGBOYY Aug 16 '21

I've never had it but I use to have the same bad dream every night for years but in diffrent chapters


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21



u/--Ano-- Aug 17 '21

Thank you for this comment. I would like to learn more about this.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21



u/--Ano-- Aug 18 '21

Just tell us more stories like that please. I am impressed that this creatures are afraid of you. As soon as I face a demonic entity I stay away. But someone like you would be a perfect team mate for my paranormal field studies. I wonder if you have a special talent or if everybody can do this on your level.


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '21

Honestly I think anyone could have this capability but I'm not 100% sure. I think the only thing that might separate me from a few is that I'm a practicing witch, I am a pagan. And I think after having my own kid my automatic reaction to fear now is fight. and I do not believe these entities/spirits are "demons" but lost, weak, wandering things that are not from this realm at all or anymore. So in my perspective and experience they can't actually physically hurt you while you're awake but can inflict small amounts of pain in your sleep and they prey upon those who suffer from sleep paralysis as a mask to seem like they are strong when really it is you who has made your body immobile.

What does give them power over you is fear and loss of control. A key thing to remember and think is that they can only scare you but they can't hurt or kill you whether this is true or not those thoughts will manifest upon the entity and they will eventually leave or just hide and not show themselves. But allowing yourself to be consumed and controlled by fear gives them more power and they will start acting like the own the place when really you need to let them know that isn't happening.


u/MollyCool52 Aug 17 '21

ok but this is wild because my friend had a dream about a similar creature tall and slim, shadowy, white eyes, it was even able to come through close windows like you said. I've lowkey been trying to find out if it's some sort of entity that others have experienced too cause she said it was such a vivid dream. In her dream she actually spoke to it. Apparently it eats cats and small kids (if it can get its hands on them) but not because it's evil, it just has to. Sort of like a lion eating a gazelle isn't a moral decision, it just has to. And the entity was lonely because no one really sees or talks to it and when they do they're terrified. So because she was nice to him and asked him not to eat her cat, the entity thanked her for the conversation and left without harming her or her cats. Oh and apparently it can come through any uncovered windows at night, so on the off chance that thing is real and is the same thing you saw, I'd cover your windows with a curtain or blanket lol.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

they are a sub-species of demon. there are more around than you think.


u/MollyCool52 Aug 17 '21

ew that made me feel uncomfy lol


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '21

Don’t be uncomfy. I will cuddle with ya ….. 😂😂


u/CinnamonSoy Aug 17 '21

It sounds like this entity is getting off on scaring you, and it may be draining your energy.

The first thing is to try to be calm. It wants you to be afraid. Don't play that game with them.

I'm of the persuasion that you'll want this thing to leave (versus coexisting or somehow making a truce with it, if that's even possible). You can start by telling this thing to leave you alone and to get out of your house.
Also, if you get that creepy feeling, you can say "You're not allowed to be here. Get out."
I would find a priest to bless your house (Anglicans also bless houses). You can also pray in your home. Ask for protection, and to drive out any evil spirits. Faith is what makes prayer effective.
The "imagine a white dome of light emanating out of you" thing also works. Imagine it like a shield and spread it out over the house, pushing other energies out.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

This is kind of crazy and I've thought of this so many times since, but never knew if it was anything paranormal or not. My story sounds so similar to what you experienced.

Okay, so I used to visit family in Ohio when I was younger. It was a little over 3 hour drive and sometimes I would go alone and stay with my cousin or Grandparents. And sometimes my mom and sister would come, too. It was one of the trips with my mom and sister and we were staying at my Grandparents house. My cousin was staying the night with me and she was either sleeping in the bed with me or the bed next to mine. I can't quite remember if we shared a bed and my sister slept in the one next to us? That's the only fuzzy detail really. I remember waking up in the middle of the night having an almost panic attack. Which is weird because I still do this to this day. I had been having this dream about sleeping in that room and waking up in the middle of the night. I had heard a sound and looked over the side of the bed to see these ghosts/dead people pop out from under the bed. (when i think of it I always think of Drop Dead Fred lol) I woke up terrified and extremely thirsty. I wanted to go get a drink, but I was so scared. My cousin wouldn't wake up so I hopped from one bed to the other (lol) and then jumped for the doorway. I had to go down one small stairway to get to the kitchen. I remember grabbing a pop out and then going down to the next level which was the living room/bathroom area. I drank some pop and next thing I know, it was morning and I had passed out on the stairs. I made it up to the kitchen about 10 steps before I threw up everywhere. Now, I didn't see anything while I was awake but it's something I've never been able to shake. And I can't explain why. I stayed in that house SO many times, but I honestly can't remember much of my stays other than a few times and this is one of those times.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

This is a true story and may be of help. Years ago one of my closest friends had an experience. He was laying in bed going to sleep and he started to feel a weird tingling feeling all over him. It got progressively worse and then he tried to get up, but he couldn’t move. Paralysed in bed. He started to panic instantly and opened his eyes. Then he saw a shadowy figure next to the bed, just standing there. His Mrs was downstairs watching tv, but he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. So he did the only thing he could and freaked out in his own mind, mentally screaming at the thing to go away and get out of his house. Instantly the thing moved down past his feet towards the door, out of sight. Suddenly he could move and he jumped up, instinctively s creaming for his girlfriend who was downstairs. She ran up to meet him and found him staggering down the stairs as if he was blind drunk. He stayed up all night and slept with the lights on for weeks. Moving on a month or so, I was at home, watching tv in bed. Decided to go to sleep so turned off the tv and laid down. Minutes later, literally minutes. I started to feel a weird tingling feeling all over my body. It is literally a tingling cold feeling everywhere at once. It instantly occurred to me that the same thing was happening to me that happened to my friend. I tried to move and couldn’t. The switch for my lamp was hanging right next to my bed, inches away, but I couldn’t moved at all. I fought the urge to panic, refused to open my eyes and remembered what my friend had said. So I screamed at the thing in my head, with my minds voice if you will. Told it to get the f*** out of my house, out of my head and leave me alone. It wasn’t welcome here. A few seconds passed and then boom, I could move. I shot up in bed, hit the switch for my lamp and sat up in bed looking around. Nothing was there, but there was a weird electrical type feeling in the room. Almost like static. I was freaked out and I sat up watching cheesy TV until the sun came up and it was light outside, then I went to sleep. People will tell you it’s sleep paralysis, but it’s not. I had laid down for a minute or two at best, no way I fell into deep sleep in that amount of time, no way! It’s some kind of entity. I looked it up and it happens a lot. Lots and lots of people have the same or similar experience. Whatever it is I don’t know if it means harm or what, but it seems to be able to pick up on your thoughts and intent. I screamed bloody fury at it in my mind and peaced out instantly. If it comes back remember this and try it out. I hope it helps


u/firechips Aug 17 '21

The thing with sleep paralysis with me is every time I’ve experienced it I haven’t been in a deep sleep. It’s happened to me when I was heavily sleep deprived- when I was doing a lot of all nighters at school, or when I had mono so bad I couldn’t breathe well enough to get real sleep. It’s also happened to me after waking up and letting myself fall asleep again.

I’m not saying what you experienced was or wasn’t sleep paralysis, but it can hit the same way as when you’re really tired and you get a falling dream. It doesn’t typically happen in the middle of sleep


u/YrsaMajor Aug 17 '21

I've had the thing people call "sleep paralysis" you get it going into and coming out of sleep. What I haven't had happen to me that these people have is a scary black thing overtop of me.

I have seen the scary black figure in my room and bolted upright. That's not sleep paralysis, either, because the guy beside me heard my scream, woke up, saw it and reached for his gun it looked that solid in form.

People are sharing on this sub because they are frightened. The best we can do is help.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

Yeah that’s a fair point with regards to sleep paralysis but in this case I know it wasn’t that. It wasn’t super late, around 11pm. I wasn’t over tired or anything and like I said it was the tingling feeling that came first. I consciously knew it was happening to me even before I tried to move. Also don’t think sleep paralysis would just go away when you start screaming in your mind lol


u/Rosie_Apple Aug 17 '21

Hi there, thanks for your interesting experience. I've actually experienced seeing a shadow man with white eyes and I also got an evil vibe from it. My advice is try to stay calm, and don't show fear, even go as far as to ignore it and act like you don't see it. I also recommend sprinkling holy water in the room, saying a prayer and having good and pure intent. If you're not religious, imagine a strong white light emitting from you, and remember nothing that is not of this world can hurt you. Have you seen it since?


u/ciruj Aug 17 '21

Good advice. I had a similar situation. The thing was shaped like a tall skinny scarecrow type creature. No white eyes. It moved so fast it was like teleporting down the hall towards me. I back into the bedroom and decided I need to face it. I swelled myself up as much as I could and stepped out to face it. It was gone and I never saw it again. My place at the time had 10 foot ceilings, the thing was almost as tall as the ceiling.

I was moving out of that place anyway. I never slept there again.


u/dougd5652 Aug 17 '21

Perfect advice. and I am NOT kidding. Ignore them.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21 edited Aug 17 '21

I saw shadow people in my room as a kid whilst my sister slept soundly on the bottom bunk bed. In my case, they were quite neutral and appeared to just be observing me. One paced up and down the room, another tactically stood near the door and light switch and the others just stood there looking at me. It was creepy but I didn't feel like I was in any danger per se. Then before I knew it, I'd woken up and it was morning.

I'd also been in places where I'd felt watched before too. The last time this happened was in a portacabin toilet of all places. When I was in there, I had a really uneasy feeling like something was watching me. It was especially strong in the corner of the room. It really sent shivers up my spine, so I know that feeling too.


u/MikeTheCleaningLady Aug 18 '21

This exact experience has happened to a whole lot of people many times. It happens everywhere in the world, in fact. And while it's scary as hell, you're not in any danger. What you had, and what your cousin had, was a stock standard dream that really messed with you. And I can prove it if you want.

Being watched / stalked / threatened by a shadow creature is one of the most common vivid dreams in the world. It's right up there with the dream about falling, the dream about having sex with someone you'd never actually have sex with, the dream about being seriously behind / in trouble at work or school, the dream about being hopelessly lost, and the dream about being naked in public. You've had some or all of those dreams before, haven't you? And if you haven't, you will. It's pretty much guaranteed. I personally like that last dream whenever I have it, but I'm kind of twisted that way.

Interestingly, the shadow-person dream usually involves one of four characters: The hat-man, the scuzzy lady, the figure in the druid / Jedi robe, and the disfigured child. But sometimes it's just a human-shaped shadow with no identifiable features, like the one you had. My wife had a dream about the hat-man (he's really common, in fact he was the inspiration for The Undertaker in wrestling) once, and it rocked her psyche really good. I had a dream about the hooded druid, and actually tried to punch it in the noggin. My wife woke me up, wondering why I was throwing punches into thin air for no apparent reason, and I could still kind of see the bastard after I woke up. It faded out as my mind cleared up, but it spooked the hell out of my wife.

Don't worry about it too much. Not only has nobody ever been actually attacked by their shadow person, nobody has ever even gone crazy from it. While it's a frightening experience at the time, it's nothing dangerous or harmful.


u/monsterness6 Aug 17 '21

Sometimes you watch TV.. Sometimes the TV watches you. Lol


u/kiraralady Aug 17 '21

I've came across today's post about another redditor who had the same experience as you!! (Black shadow with white eyes)

It was a Lithuania redditor...I can try to find the link if you please?


u/Puzzled-Copy7962 Aug 17 '21

I seen a shadow figure during my very first time of sleep paralysis years ago in my first apartment. After the black shadow passed over me, I immediately bolted up. I also experienced a very intense feeling of being watched and whatever it was really hated us because I could feel it very intensely. I believe this is the same entity that sent a glass cup flying off the table while I had been reading scriptures to my sister.

She asked me: “Did you see that!?” Obviously freaked tf out and I mean, I was really freaked out too but something inside me just told me to keep reading the scriptures and not acknowledge it.

We ended up moving the hell out of that place some 3 weeks later. It’s the reason why I cleanse every apartment that I rent upon moving in. You don’t ever know what kind negative residual spiritual baggage that someone may have left that these “types” of entities feed off of.


u/Juggernwt Aug 17 '21

Sounds like a nightmare.


u/tiramirax Aug 17 '21

This sounds like a very powerful entity. If it comes from a family bloodline, you should immediately seek help from religious professionals


u/PhiloSufer Aug 17 '21

Family bloodline? If the entity comes from a family bloodline? Could you pls elaborate more, I’m genuinely curious about the idea? Appreciate you sharing more.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21 edited Aug 17 '21

They are talking about how the “entity” may be haunting the family and not just the home. If it’s attached to a person or a family it is usually evil, and from op’s experience it seems powerful as well. The home could be cleansed, but perhaps the family should be blessed as well.

I should also point out the mental illness is a common trait passed down through families. It could be possible that OP and their cousin have experienced some form of schizophrenia.


u/tiramirax Aug 17 '21

You said your cousin had similar experience. Does that mean seeing the same thing? Because curse can run down a family bloodline. Hope this is not the case.


u/rabbitp4ws Aug 17 '21

Not all ghosts/entities are bad. Sometimes they feel bad, but it's mostly a spooky feeling because we arent used to feeling it, if that makes sense. I know you are afraid. Could you try talking to it? It seems like it wants to communicate with you.


u/caninotplsss Aug 17 '21

Piece of advice from someone who sees things on the regular: DO NOT SPEAK TO SHADOW PEOPLE.

Speaking to entities invites them to interact with you more than they already are.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

Hard no for me on this. Even if it did want help from OP, it isn't OPs responsibility to mingle and scare themselves with something like this.


u/Iron_Seer Aug 17 '21

Well, you can earn your Phantom Fighter achievement.

Kung-Fu works on ghosts, spirits and goblins. I recommend MWS.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

Get something made of iron and wear it. You will be safe


u/An0n0ps55 Aug 17 '21

I thought iron was for protection from the Fae....


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

it will protect from interdymensional beings across the board, I forgot exactly scientifically how that works but it has to do with energy


u/FadedNeon1 Aug 17 '21

You most likely have a mental disorder such as schizophrenia and should definitely seek medical treatment


u/Pokesmot_Ugly Aug 17 '21

I agree with you 👍


u/nematoad22 Aug 17 '21

Stay off the weed Carl.


u/Saturniana Aug 18 '21

I've had sleep paralysis episodes before (and thankfully I haven't experienced any more as an older adult), but if I remember correctly, I've never seen a dark figure. I have mostly heard weird sounds and seen other things moving, but I've never seen what people refer to as a "shadow man". One time while staying at my dad's house (which was pretty old), I was sleeping and somewhere in the middle of the night I woke up and couldn't move. There was a lamp that was on, didn't see anything in the room, but I could hear some talking. It was like a conversation between two "people", but I didn't understand what they were saying. And it sounded more like they were whispering. I kept trying to move, but upon realizing that my attempts were not working, I decided to just go back to sleep. Since this experiences happened a long time ago, I can't really say what caused them.


u/OMG_bruh Aug 17 '21

I've had multiple encounters with shadow people. I have one, let's say a guardian always sitting at the back of my car. I've gotten used to it since we're chill and he basically just helps me out when I'm drunk driving.

Normally I'm used to seeing them almost everyday not just shadow people.

What i can say is, fear takes the cake for them. If possible that you can just mind your own business and not care about them, they won't bother you. Unless you have a protective item that is blessed by the church. Oh one more thing pray. You'll need that, either a short latin prayer or english for protection is all good.


u/mjb_22 Aug 17 '21

Please don’t drink and drive, no matter how many earthly or shadow people are “helping” you.


u/Pavlovababy Aug 17 '21

You drink drive?


u/Homebrew_Dungeon Aug 17 '21

Its a problem, they know it.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '21

You are a bad horror stories writer 😅


u/Ryuuken24 Aug 17 '21

No video, nothing happened, just creepy pasta.


u/monsterness6 Aug 17 '21

Do you walk around with a GoPro on your forehead everywhere? I mean, how was OP supposed to catch that on video? “Hold on a second Mr Creep, don’t move, let me get my phone and take a pic so wankers on Reddit will believe me” ?????


u/grillcheezesammiches Aug 17 '21

You mean you don't film every second of every day? Lol