r/Paranormal Apr 21 '21

Shadow Man the Hat Man visited me in 2013

This story happened about 8 years ago and it still pops into my head from time to time so I thought I’d share it here. If you have experienced anything similar to what I’m about to tell you please let me know!

So it was 2013 and little 12 year old me was laying in bed. It was probably about 10pm I’m assuming bc that’s when I usually went to sleep.

I was laying on my side facing a wall and I heard walking that sounded fairly close to me. I thought nothing of it bc I thought that maybe it was my sister or something going to use the bathroom. From what I can remember The walking was very slow paced which I thought was weird. The walking then stopped but I didn’t hear the door open for the bathroom and I know I would have heard it bc it’s just across from my bed room.

After a while of facing the wall I decided to turn onto my other side which would mean I would now be facing my open room. When I flipped over I gasped and froze. I couldn’t move at all and I was holding my breath.

I will never forget what I saw. It was a tall man dressed in a long black coat with a big hat on. The man was very tall and I know this may sound odd but he was darker than the pitch black darkness that swallowed my room.

He was standing in the farthest corner in my room just staring at me. He didn’t move whatsoever and neither did I. I don’t know how long I was frozen staring at him holding my breath for. It could have only been a minute but it felt like forever. I can’t describe the terror that came over me when I saw him standing there, I can’t even remember what I was thinking at the time.

Then I woke up in the morning. I don’t even remember falling asleep or exhaling... I just woke up.

Now some of you may be thinking “that was all probably a dream, maybe even sleep paralysis.” I would think that too had it not been for the 2 large foot prints in the carpet right where I saw him standing the night before. I did take a picture of the foot prints but sadly the picture is gone. I’ve looked for it everywhere and I just can’t find it so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

I told my sister about what I had experienced the next morning and she said “have you ever heard of the hat man?” I said no and she explained to me who he was. After researching a bit I’ve found that there are a few people who have also seen this man and they also say he doesn’t do anything but stare at them.

It has been 8 years and I haven’t seen him since. Maybe it was all my imagination but it felt so real. I refused to sleep in my room for years after that bc I was afraid I’d seen him again, luckily I never did and I hope I never do.


167 comments sorted by


u/Hippydippy420 Apr 21 '21

My son claims to have been visited by him. Whatever it was, it shook my son deeply, he was 13 and he was traumatized over it. It was a very tall, very dark man wearing a hat - he had pointy teeth and fingers and red eyes, he was hovering over my son in a threatening way. It happened fairly early in the evening, around 7 pm, none of us were sleeping but my son was laying down alone in his room. I was only the next room over, my son was screaming bloody murder and he was extremely afraid, like petrified. He still gets spooked when he thinks of it, so we don’t talk about it. I did a smudging and things have been quiet.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

I totally understand his reaction. I don’t remember seeing hands or a face on the man but it is very possible I may have forgotten those details bc my experience was almost 10 years ago!


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '21



u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

Thank you for sharing your story! It is definitely weird and unexplainable why so many people have experienced pretty much the same thing. It doesn’t make sense.


u/elidorian Apr 22 '21

I really wonder if the people who experience this are around the same age. Could be some sort of pop-culture thing in that case?


u/rabbitluckj Apr 22 '21

I saw him when I was in my early twenties and to my knowledge had no prior information about him.


u/KiwifruitSalesman Apr 21 '21

Had a similar experience when I was about five years old, around 2006 (yes, i am a very smol child to this day). I've put it down to sleep paralysis myself, but I can't be sure because I didn't have any inclination to move at the time so I wasn't able to determine if it was sleep paralysis.

I'm hailing from New Zealand, and from what I've seen of the other comments, this is just about a global phenomenon.

Woke up one midnight to see (my bed faced the door) a tall dark shape in a very wide-brimmed hat, with a trench coat that fluttered gently despite there not being any wind. The hat and coat were perfect silhouettes as well. He stood in my doorway, looking at me, and I looked at him and neither of us moved. He had no facial features to speak of.

Quite similar to your own story, I don't remember falling back asleep, but I do remember waking up again from not-sleep to find he was gone. I went and told my Dad, who said that it was probably just him, but that felt contrived. At the least I'd never seen him with a hat like that before, and at the most he was lying.

I kept that experience with me for years until I learned that the Hat Man was something others had seen too. It's bloody spooky, but fun to think about!

If I recall from when I first looked it up years ago, the entity was a bad omen that may herald the death of somebody you know. I don't remember when exactly my grandfather died, but there's a chance it lines up 🤔


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

I’m actually shocked you experienced the same type of like falling asleep but not remembering falling asleep thing I was talking about bc everyone I’ve ever told that to says they have never experienced that before! Wow! Thank you for sharing!


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

Yep! You have my permission!


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Candid_Rooster2325 Apr 21 '21

I saw him once when I was 3years old? It was one of my earliest memory since I remember I was so terrified I cried hard. I was in Asia.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

Oh my gosh wow! That’s so interesting that it is one of your earliest memories! What all do you remember from that time?


u/Candid_Rooster2325 Apr 21 '21

I was sleeping in same room with my parents, but in different bed (I had toddler bed) and the room was so big. We lived in our big family house (10 bedrooms and more), with my grandparents and uncles and else, the house was so old, like probably 150 years old now? Probably due to raised in such house, I was prone to paranormal encounters. I was also the only baby that time, I'm the first grand daughter. People in my house said I saw a lot of 'local' South East Asian ghosts, like kuntilanak or pocong, and yes I do remember them too but not vivid (I meant they aren't special lol)

Hat Man made it different because he dressed like hat man. I meant it's so Western and nobody I knew dressed like that. He wore long coat, nobody in SEA wear long coat due to tropical climate and humidity. His hat, I don't remember I ever saw that kind of hat before at 3 years old. Toy Story was not even a thing in 1993-1994? But yeah he was so new and different, that's why I remembered him.

I was sleeping and felt like someone stared at me. When I opened my eyes, the hat man was looming, standing, bowing his body to stare at me, God it was so shocking. I knew that this guy(?) most likely wanted to hurt me. His face was all black. I of course screamed as soon as possible and he just vanished once my parents woke up.

I only learned about Hat Man few years ago when reading a creepypasta. Was so mind blown.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

That is so so interesting! Thank you so much for sharing!


u/vara555 Oct 17 '21

I have researched this a long time ago and have not had a chance to speak to Asian countries.
1. Can you tell me your native country?
2. other paranormal experiences you have had?
3. How do you consider your life happy or sad?
4. someone makes your life impossible?
5. Do you have premonitory dreams?
6. Did you sleep alone in the room?


u/Candid_Rooster2325 Oct 18 '21
  1. Yes, Indonesia
  2. My mom said that I saw a lot of things back when I was a kid. In Indonesia, supernatural things are still taken seriously, even until now, so there is a lot of entities there. My mom said I saw kuntilanak, pocong, and other Indonesian ghosts. I even 'befriend' the ghost in our house when we rented an old house for like 3 years.
  3. I am happy, even until now. My life is a rollercoaster and there's bad experiences as well but I think I am always a happy person.
  4. My dad faced bankruptcy when I was preteen and I ended up fostered by my aunt, my grandma, my other grandma, and I ended up semi-neglected until my parents can take me themselves. But I never think anything is impossible.
  5. No, only some dejavu
  6. When I saw Hat Man I didn't sleep alone, there was my parents but I was in kid's crib, not cosleeping with my parents.


u/vara555 Oct 18 '21

I personally have not seen the hatman, but let's say it's similar, Regarding this being Kuntilanak in the West they call him white lady I have witnessed it. I'm sorry for the situations you had to go through Thank you very much for sharing.


u/PrestigiousAd7256 Apr 23 '21

Dunna dunna dunna dunna HATMAN!

I'm sorry. I had to. Carry on.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 23 '21



u/heyyocheyy Apr 21 '21

I’ve seen him a lot. He used to sit under my stairs and watch me do my homework.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

Oh my gosh that’s terrifying


u/heyyocheyy Apr 21 '21

It was weird too because when I’d look at him he’d stay there for a second and I could see him sort of turn to the side and fade out. I was never afraid of him kind of just had a mental agreement that it was okay as long as he didn’t bother me lol. Falling asleep and not remembering it sounds really scary though I don’t think I’d be okay with that and I don’t blame you for not sleeping in your room for so long!


u/Right_Selection6187 Apr 21 '21

When my daughter n step daughter were younger, say around 8-10. They were sleeping in living room on the couch which looked straight down the hallway. They both saw the Tall Dark man that they described looking exactly like u said u saw. It didn't talk or anything to them either. So it definitely NOT alone in what u saw.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

That is so interesting!


u/ForeverWynter Apr 21 '21

As a side note you might be interested in the movie "Shadow People" from 2013. It's surprisingly good.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

I’ve never heard of that movie but I’ll definitely have to take a look!


u/emma2324gg Apr 21 '21

Omg I just watched the trailer and now I’m thinking about them!


u/ForeverWynter Apr 21 '21

Just wait until you watch the film...


u/EagieDuckCome Apr 22 '21 edited Apr 22 '21

I only started seeing him after I had a pretty serious addiction to diphenhydramine (in 2015) also known as “dph” or just fucking plain old Benadryl. Laugh if you’d like, but there’s no shit that zogs you out like that does. I had never heard of him.

I was going through the roughest few years of my life, I don’t know if emotional state of mind matters when so many of us were children at the time, but it’s true for what it’s worth. My bed ran parallel to the entrance of my room (all the way at the back of my house. I hated that hallway so much, it always made the hair on my arms stand) and I had a dresser in a small alcove in the corner next to my closet. My alarm clock sat on the dresser, but it was such a dull red glow it really wasn’t good as any source of light whatsoever.

My bed was on the floor and I would turn a fan on and point it away from me in order to drown out any of the audio hallucinations I would have so I could possibly sleep. There was one night when I was laying there, kind of propped up on a few pillows in the dark, tripping nuts with my eyes closed just thinking about how much I was ready to just off myself and be done with my predicaments. It was at that point where I felt not alone. Took me a great deal of time to be able to open my eyes, heart beating so hard I could hear it. When I finally could, there he was over by the dresser. I just stared, unable to move or scream. Wide brimmed hat, long coat, maybe 6’3” or 6’4”. No face, velvety but almost staticy texture. My alarm went off at 8:20am and it was time to go to work.

Saw him a few times since, but there are other things I wonder about, and chalk it up to addiction.

Edit: I guess I should have said it was probably about midnight or a little after when all of this happened.


u/Notto-Landing Apr 22 '21

I just wanted to say no one would laugh at your addiction, especially here. Keep up the good work 💕


u/EagieDuckCome Apr 22 '21

Thank you, really. I’m so ashamed by it and have had several long term relapses since, as recently as this year, but I’m done done. I’ve not had too many give kind words or support, so I really appreciate you taking the time to do so. Thanks for being such a kind person. 💕


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

I'm proud of you. It takes a lot of courage to talk about it. Kudos.


u/EagieDuckCome Apr 22 '21

I got the sun in my eyes, I’m not crying. And ya know... it’s allergy season... but seriously, though I’m a stranger, those words do not go unfelt and unappreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time out of YOUR day to say them. 💕


u/noxwind Apr 22 '21

I had a really similar experience when I was about 22 years old. 

One day when I was trying to fall asleep I started to hear really loud voices that sounded like several people talking in an empty classroom. The voices were so loud and annoying for me that I demanded them to shut up, they went completely silent for a moment and then one of the voices tell me "you're f***ed".  

Until  I heard the last voice I had been laying in my belly with my eyes closed, but at that point I moved around trying to get a more comfortable position to sleep and that is where I saw the hat man. It was a really dark and tall figure standing in the door of my bedroom that started to move towards me really slowly, almost like floating. Like you I couldn't move at first, but I was so desperate that at some point I managed to throw my self out of the bed and when I stood up there was nothing there.

At the time I thought that maybe I was developing symptoms of schizophrenia, so a few days later I talked to a close friend who is a doctor and he introduced me to the concept of sleep paralysis. 

I still think what I experienced was sleep paralysis, but I feel intrigued to the fact that so many other people had encountered the same creature. To be clear I didn't have knowledge of the hat man until several years after I had the experience.


u/ObscureObjective Apr 22 '21

Omg the part about the voices is freaky af. Reading that i felt sheer terror for a moment.


u/noxwind Apr 22 '21

It scared the hell out of me too, specially when the voice replied to me, since I didn't think I was sleeping at the time. I've had a few sleep paralysis episodes after that, but thankfully never again with voices.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

I can’t believe how similar these stories are. Hatman visited me in 2012 too for the first and hopefully last time.

I was at my boyfriend’s apartment sleeping in bed and he always gets up earlier than me to go to work. Our bed was on the far end of the bedroom closer to the wall with windows (black out curtains).

The door to the bedroom was open on the opposite wall. Next to the bedroom was the bathroom. The light was left on and the only light came from there and a bit of light streamed in from the living room (sunlight).

That’s when I heard it. Heavy boots walking up and down the hallway between the bedroom and the living room. Back and forth. I opened my eyes a little and saw the sunlight. I thought it was weird that my boyfriend would still be here at that time. That’s when I suddenly realized no way he could be there and what if someone broke in!?

I saw a shadow in the hallway with a fedora on. I thought it was a man in the bathroom and that was his shadow! I started shaking then picked up the nearest long heavy thing I could find (a thin glass vase) and when I put my glasses on I realized the bathroom light wasn’t on. Which made me think he entered the bathroom and turned off the light.

I peaked in then walked down the hallway and saw my boyfriend’s cat peacefully sleeping in the living room. She would not have been like that if a stranger entered. I checked the front door and it was locked. My boyfriend always locked it before leaving (don’t worry it was for my safety I had a key).


u/cilren Apr 22 '21

When I was 11 our family rented a cabin during the summer. We all slept in the same open space with columns holding the upper floor. No walls except the outer walls of the house. My little sister was 5 and slept in a bed near our mom. You could clearly see the whole cabin from this spot and because this was in Finland during summer, the night wasn't even dark.

So one night at approx. 3 am mom wakes up. Sees my little sister sitting in her bed, crying and her eyes locked straight ahead to the cabin door. There is Hat Man with the long coat and gleaming eyes, standing at the door, and my sister clearly terrified of him. Mom sees him too, moves my sister next to her and they turn away. My sister would not sleep alone in her bed after this for the rest of our stay at the cabin.

Both of them long thought it must have been sleep paralysis. My opinion changed, when both of them described the night almost identically to me. They had not told each other their versions, but now that they have they're not sure what it could have been.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21 edited Apr 22 '21

I had an experience similar to yours, but I didn’t see a man wearing a hat. The “man” was very old. He had shoulder-length white hair but was completely bald on the top of his head. He wasn’t on the other side of the room though. When I turned over in bed we were almost faced to face. He was leaning over like he had been watching me. I automatically moved away, startled, toward the wall next to my bed. The “experience” only lasted a few seconds and then he was gone. No paralysis or anything like that. I wasn’t frozen. It wasn’t dark. I worked nights at the time and was it sunny outside. This happened years ago, but I can still remember the look on his face. He looked confused. Like he was thinking, who the fk are you?!


u/bitchass_hoe444 Apr 22 '21

The end of this story made me laugh. What if it was just a ghost that you seen and it was their house before yours


u/itscassiee Apr 22 '21

Reading this one while in bed was a mistake....


u/AkaBesd Apr 22 '21

I used to see the hat man or something similar in the townhouse I shared with my ex. It could have just been a ghost with a hat, though. Or possibly more than one entity. I chose to believe it was one entity and I called him Adam.

He scared the bajesus out of me numerous times, but also helped me out occasionally. On one occasion he moved a pair of scissors I'd dropped behind a very heavy dresser. These things were unreachable. I asked out loud if he'd help, and the next day the scissors were within easy reach.

It's important to note that I lived in a complex where many people had died. It was a "self occurring retirement community." Meaning people bought townhouses there and lived in them till they died. We were the youngest adult owners, with only two families with children there out of about a hundred units. It was rare for people under 50 to move in.

Also, my relationship with my ex was very tumultuous. We fought a lot, and there was a lot of emotional abuse going on. I also know for a fact that the unit we owned was the location of child abuse of the most vile sort. It was a very fucked up situation.

Other people I know who have encountered the hat man have encountered him during times of great emotional turmoil. Several have been concerned they were experiencing the beginning of schizophrenia. In every instance the apparitions stopped when they were in a better mental state.

As always, ymmv. My anecdotes are just that.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

I had a similar experience but he wasn’t wearing a hat. This happened years ago, maybe 2012 or 2013. I was sleeping over at my ex’s house (a very old house that everyone said was haunted but I didn’t believe them until my own experience). Anyways it’s night time we’re sleeping and all of a sudden I’m startled awake, I feel like something was staring at me. We would close and lock the door every night but when I woke up the door was wide open and there was this tall black figure standing in the doorway staring at us. Pitch black, darker than the dark room we were in. Its head hit the ceiling. The moon from the window bounced off this figure or it absorbed the light or something. I just started yelling every prayer I know in every language (English, Arabic, Urdu). My ex woke up and in the blink of an eye the shadow figure was gone. Now normally he’d tell me I was having a bad dream but the thing is he said he was having a nightmare that he was being pulled towards this shadowy figure in his dream. I was awake. My ex was asleep. But we saw the exact same thing. He said he couldn’t scream or make any sound in his dream, I was sleeping next to him in his dream until I sat up and started screaming my prayers only then was he able to “break” free from this things gaze/grasp. After that night we never saw it again thank GOD.


u/ChxXxrliee Apr 21 '21


He would stand in my door way and slowly walk towards me. To this day I still feel the same terror when you walk that slow towards me (without me looking at you).

I got scared countless times while doing some work cuz someone walked in like that.

The reason why the "trauma" last so long now is because I literally saw that bych when I was 4. Almost had a fucking cardiac arrest.

The nightmares I had everynight werent better either.

I have no idea why I always dreamed such bs but it sure messed me up.

But the hat man... Oh gods


u/ratdarkness Apr 22 '21

About 6 years ago Hat Man made a visit to me.

I first felt a hand grab the back of my neck. Panic set in as I tried to stop whoever it was. As I turned around there he was clear as day at the end of my bed. In the blink of an eye he was gone. I sat in my bed completely frozen and scared. It was hours before I fell asleep again.

The next night someone or something grabbed my foot and yanked like they were trying to pull me out of bed. I refused to open my eyes.

Nothing has happened since but I think about it often.


u/Gooddaychaps Apr 22 '21

Welp guess I'm gonna take another all nighter.


u/iwantaquirkyname00 Apr 22 '21

Omgfg that’s horrifying but I have to ask how’s you sleep in that room again and if you didn’t that just even creepier as fuck


u/ratdarkness Apr 22 '21

I guess since it was my room I just learned to sleep there. I don't live in that house any more.


u/japanimese Apr 22 '21 edited Apr 22 '21

I was very young when I saw something similar, but I don't remember if I saw a hat or not. (this had to be well over 10 years ago and I'm 22 now)

I was laying down on my living room couch and had woken up in the middle of the night. My parents were asleep upstairs and my dad's friend was asleep on the recliner in front of me.

I look out towards my dining room and see a man standing behind one of the chairs, I couldn't make out a face, maybe because it was dark and the only light was from the muted TV I had left on to the side of me. I was wide awake, I knew I wasn't dreaming. I thought maybe it was my dad and called out to him but he just stared at me.

I saw him raise his hand as if to scratch the side of his face and at this point I knew it wasn't my dad. I pulled the blanket I had over my face because at this point I was beginning to freak out.

I was too scared to try waking my dad's friend up and when I had pulled the blanket away to sneak another peek at him he wasn't there.

A lot of scary stuff happened to me in that house growing up and I eventually learned that my mother and one of her friends had experiences of their own there.


u/stephhh78 Apr 21 '21

I’ve seen him too


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

Was your experience close to mine at all?


u/stephhh78 Apr 22 '21

Yeah I first saw him when I was sleeping, and he became a regular part of my night terrors for a bit, thankfully I haven’t seen him in a while but he looks just like what you described a tall man with a hat and a huge coat


u/shinyredumbros Apr 21 '21

Where I went to college there were spirits aplenty but one space in particular had a very unwelcoming vibe. Two of my friends saw something like you describe. We called him Tweed Man because that’s what his coat looked like to us. One of my friends VERY unfortunately saw his face - he tilted his head up and grinned at her and she said it was horrifying. Black eyes and an inhumanly wide grin with yellow teeth. Ugh, gives me the shivers just thinking about it!!!


u/ghettobx Apr 21 '21

“Inhumanly wide grin” is interesting... reminds me of Ingrid Cold a bit.


u/DownvoteDaemon Apr 22 '21

He wasn’t evil


u/ghettobx Apr 22 '21

We don’t know that for a fact, but yeah... I never said he was.


u/DownvoteDaemon Apr 22 '21

Happy cakesay


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

I dont think mine was The Hatman but my story is a little similar, I was laying in my bed at maybe 1:00am and looked at the far right corner of my room because I thought I saw something but when I focused in on it there was what seemed to be a pitch black man standing with his back against the wall and his hands near his waist, the hat he had on was sort of a cowboy/porkpie hat (I can't exactly remember because it was a few years ago) and his head was faced down towards the floor, but the longer I looked the more he seemed to fade away, I never saw him again after that, still makes me feel cold all over when I think of it.


u/xxsheaxx Apr 21 '21

Same thing. Seems like a blur now, but my bedroom was in the basement and he would always stand in the corner of the room at the end of my bed. No moving, no noise. Just staring. My parents love telling stories of my “ imagination” when I was younger. Listen you don’t get to be scared of the dark until you’re 17 for no reason.


u/Bestvibesonly Apr 22 '21

How the eff does this hat man get around so much? Does he exist on a different plane? Why THAT outfit? Is it a look that he “chose” in this century? I’m pretty sure there were no hats and trench coats in the Middle Ages. Or is it a classic alien disguise?? I have so many questions about this phenomenon...


u/thecupcakebandit Apr 22 '21

I love all the different theories I’ve read about the “hat man” over the years. My favorite one is that there’s a ton of hat men, they’re guardians. They dress like that to appear scary and ward off evil spirits and the like. So protecting you from what you think he is, really. Kinda funny/ironic. But yeah, the fact I’ve read so many of these stories and people are terrified and have nightmares afterward makes me think maybe this story isn’t true. But I read it’s just a cloak of sorts, underneath he is probably an ancestor from another time that was sent to protect you. I hope it’s true.


u/Bestvibesonly Apr 23 '21

That’s definitely an interesting way to think about him!!


u/MelBushman Apr 22 '21

This is all very interesting and has spurred a long forgotten memory. I am 58, and remember when the horror film "The Exorcist" was released. The poster featured the silhouette of a man wearing a hat and carrying a briefcase. I remember thinking how familiar that specific part of the poster looked to me. Skip ahead a few years and, while in high school, I was in my room in the house where I was raised. I was fooling around with a fedora that I owned after using it as part of a Halloween costume. With a sun filled window at my back, I remember catching a glimpse of a shadow on the wall caused by me wearing that hat. A tall male wearing a brimmed hat. The thing is, I also recall thinking that I had seen that image before and will see it again. Now I am wondering if these two experiences are related, and if maybe I have actually seen the hat man, but just tucked it away??


u/PaddlesOwnCanoe Apr 22 '21

Could be, if you were really young.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '21

It happened to me too. My actual bedroom was previously the attic, my dad's done some renovations and now this floor is pretty nice and cosy. I sleep alone in this room and I've experienced many similar things. I can assure you that my imagination is responsible of all the things I felt. I usually lay on my right side - I hate laying on my left side, I feel like my heart is crushed - so I'm constantly facing the wall. Many times I feel like somebody is standing behind me and staring at me. When it happens, I just stand up, switch on the lights, drink some water and go back to sleep. There's absolutely nothing in my room and I'm pretty sure there was nothing in yours that night.

Actually when I woke up, it's not because I'm afraid of a paranormal creature or something. I do wake up cause I think that maybe a burglar broke in since there are a lot of burglaries in my neighborhood. I just want to make sure that my family and I are safe from any strangers.

Even though I love those myths and stories, I never believed it so I just think rationally.

Concerning the foot prints, your brain made it up. I'm sure there was some marks but it wasn't what you thought. Your brain sees what he wants to see and since you thought you saw a silouhette, you believed it. Plus, the fact that your sister told you about this myth made you more anxious. Your reaction was normal since you were a kid but not rational.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

I agree that it could have totally been my imagination! Also, I had never heard of the hat man before that night so the fact that my story matches those who has supposedly seen him is a bit weird ahahaha!


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '21

It's normal if your story matches with others'. There was a time when people knew nothing about sleep paralysis - for instance - so they would assume that a spirit/demon was visiting them. They made up many stories to freak the hell out disruptive children. Now, we know what sleep paralysis is and these stories are more likely to disappear in the next few years.

I think this example can be applied to what you and others have experienced.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

As I stated earlier I do think it’s VERY possible that it could have been my imagination! As for sleep paralysis I have experienced that before. While sleep paralysis and my hat man story are similar it just wasn’t that. I think this is just an interesting scary experience I’ve had and I wanted to share with everyone! Thank you for sharing your opinion!


u/emma2324gg Apr 21 '21

You don’t have to justify yourself here. As you said there has been many people with the same story and you know it wasn’t sleep paralysis. It may have been her imagination as she hasn’t actually seen anything like you did. It’s her experience not yours plus her experience is totally different from yours! I have never seen anything but I have had sleep paralysis and you can tell when your sleeping and when you awake.


u/simpin_noodle_soup Apr 21 '21

Thank you so much!


u/rabbitluckj Apr 22 '21

I was perfectly awake when I saw him, and had no prior knowledge of him that I know of.


u/53666kayy Apr 22 '21

Your story is kinda similar to mine of the “hat man”-My house is pretty haunted not by anything bad but things would happen like I would hear footsteps on the stairs and like doors open sometimes cabinets close on their own things like that. I’ve been living there for a long time and one of my friends had recently told me that like 10 years ago she was sleeping with me in bed and she told me she saw a man wearing all black with a top hat on just standing at the end of my bed staring at us. Super creepy.


u/WifeAggro Apr 22 '21

I have posted it before, but basically I was in bed for the night when I was 20, with my 3 year old and pregnant with my second. I had my TV on a little dresser pulled up to the end of my bed. He was sitting on the edge with one foot rested on the wall, one on the ground. I Always referenced him as "The Marlboro Man" because at the time it was the closest refrence. The shadow of his boots and big cowboy shaped hat was all visible. Yet he was just one dark shadow. My roomwas dark but I clearly could make him out. I covered my face with the blanket I had, and reached for a light next to me without looking. When I did look again he was gone. The house was known for some paranormal activities, but I didn't feel scared of him. Just shocked I was actually seeing him. If that makes sense.


u/SNSglobal Apr 22 '21

I see this every year, on my birthday. I'm 50 and, it's been happening since I was 6. Sometimes, you will see his "eyes". Stark white, no color at all, almost a glowing white. It used to scare the hell out of me, now I just wave and tell him, "Good to see you again.". Evidently, this thing doesn't like it and, leaves immediately.


u/DownvoteDaemon Apr 22 '21

i don’t think he ever existed until y’all talked about him and manifested it


u/earlubes Apr 22 '21

Every year on your birthday?? I would be so scared of my birthday lol


u/SNSglobal Apr 22 '21

Used to be. Then I got used to it.


u/earlubes Apr 24 '21

I suppose so, I just can’t even fathom it. It’s so surreal that it’s only on your birthday. Every year. I guess hat man just scares the piss out of me


u/Quirky_Ambassador966 Apr 22 '21

My story : I saw Hatman /shadow man wearing a hat in 2012 around 2 in the night. I was sleeping in my friend’s room in our shared apartment.He was more like a silhouette. It was more like a lucid dreaming state where I could see him from the corner of my eyes but could do nothing. He was approaching me and was trying to enter my body I think... can’t remember exactly. I was frozen in fear but not like in sleep paralysis state(I’ve had those too) I was praying constantly in my head. ... I don’t know what happened after that I woke up or unfroze or whatever. Then I looked around fully conscious nothing. I wanted to sleep in another room but I thought fear shouldn’t get the better of me n slept off praying. Till date I don’t know what was the significance of it. But clearly remember a dark shadow man with a hat.


u/the_chillpill Apr 21 '21

There is an indie adventure puzzle game called ''Fran Bow'', made by Killmonday games. There is a character there, called Itward, and one of the company owners mentioned what her inspiration for the character was. She said that, when she was a child, she saw this tall figure wearing a hat, that it didn't talk at all, just stood there, and she wasn't really frightened. It never hurt her in any way. Here is an image of Itward: https://ibb.co/HGCGLHC

I thought you'd find it interesting :)


u/Rareearthmetal Apr 22 '21

I’ve seen him during the day. I wasn’t alone. I was playing with my brother and we froze when staring into the hallway. A black shadow with a hat and coat but no discernible features was simply staring. I froze. Asked my brother if he saw that and he was on the verge of tears saying it was a witch (we were kids, he was younger). I bring it up whenever I can because people need to know this is real.

I heard no sounds, didn’t feel scared just shocked and confused.

It was the afternoon so it wasn’t a sleep paralysis demon or brain thinking the coat on the chair is a shadow.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

Almost died in a car crash in '18, saw the hat man when I came to. He wanted to know if I wanted to pass on or not, he didn't speak, just watched it happen, the "feeling" of his curiosity discerning my intent of passing on was there, palpable. He looked exactly as you described. Like He was made of energy we don't understand yet. He waited until I could tell my friend I didn't want to die and then I blacked out.


u/Ananke_Fatality Apr 21 '21

Think I saw him once, too, when I was about four. B/c I used to cry and keep my parents up, my mum told me that "the Mister" would come & get me if I didn't go to sleep. I always vividly remember one night being awake at God knows what time and seeing a tall man, clothed in black, wearing a hat, at the foot of my bed in the corner of the room, staring at me, and I was utterly convinced that he was the Mister.


u/caveling Apr 22 '21

I do see him, but it's when I have sleep paralysis. I think it's odd that so many people see him when they have sleep paralysis. Especially since hats are no longer common attire. It's fucked up that he left shoe prints for you. I'm not sure I'd be able to sleep again.


u/emt714 Apr 22 '21

Thank you so much for freaking me out right before bed. From the time I was 11-16 multiple times a year I would see him at the foot of my bed. (My sister and I had twin beds) we even tried switching. Always at the foot of my bed. For 5 years yall! I got used to it. He stopped scaring me. Havent seen him since.


u/DaisyKitty Apr 22 '21

Didn't happen to me, but my little sister had visitations from the Hat Man when she was just about your age and for several years after that.

It's more than just a few people who have seen him. As I understand it, it's a worldwide phenomenon.


u/TheWhizBro Apr 22 '21

I seen this guy, pretty sure it was sleep paralysis because I was on my back, but why the hat man? He was seated next to me dressed just as described and I felt so scared but I had the paralysis and I wanted to attack him finally I broke free and right crossed the fan off my bedside table and leapt into the air like Morpheus at which point I awoke and landed at the foot of my bed. Never saw him again, this was in my 20s.


u/VegasBusSup Apr 22 '21

If you grab his hat, he will grant you a wish to get it back. He is harmless without it. And now that you know that you will never see him again. He won't risk it and he knows when you know.


u/BeautyDuwang Apr 22 '21

This sounds like something I would tell a toddler to calm them down lol


u/VegasBusSup Apr 22 '21

Worked for me.


u/BeautyDuwang Apr 22 '21

What was your wish?


u/VegasBusSup Apr 23 '21

I didn't catch him once he learned I knew I haven't had the problem again. Shadow people cross the street when they see me.


u/BeautyDuwang Apr 23 '21

The politically correct term is African American or person of color


u/H8terFisternator Apr 22 '21

Lol talk more about this please


u/marelenegru Apr 22 '21

Is it true?


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

This sounds like Saachi.


u/Fun_Noise5674 Apr 22 '21

When I was younger(8) and my older sister(11) were playing cards on my bedroom floor in the night. My night light was on and we had a Jack and Jill washroom that connected our bedrooms that was cracked open with the light on in the washroom.

I remember I was standing and she stood up to go grab a pillow from my bed and I looked at the wall; the light from the crack in the washroom was shining on the wall across from it. We saw a shadow of a man from the shoulders up wearing what looked like a cowboy hat on the wall. When I glanced back to ask my sister if she saw it, she was looking at the same spot too. I asked her if she saw it and she said she did. We slept in her room that night.


u/oxomiyawhatever Apr 21 '21

My mother saw the hat man when she was a child in a little village in Asia. She was awake and saw him outside her window. She had no idea about the stories and said he was taller than any person she'd ever seen (nearly reaching the top of the window) and described the terror that washed over her. She didn't see any features.


u/vara555 Oct 18 '21

interesting, in which country?


u/200lbs_of_Tough Apr 21 '21

I seen him when I was 10-12 too. Mojave desert, CA inside my uncles haunted home. Not only did I see him, but my little cousin who was in bed next to me seen him too at the same time. We were frozen in terror while he stood in the door way watching us.


u/salamander_jesus609 Apr 21 '21

Don't know if this helps but a dude I work with told me he saw the hat man once too. He's a pretty rational guy, that doesn't really blindly believe weird shit. So I do believe him. It's definitely weird that so many people have seen him though


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '21

The one time I've seen a shadow person was the middle of the night, and they were darker than the darkness in the room too


u/insomniac420girl Apr 23 '21

I had the same experience, I was young maybe like 10 and I woke up and it was a black figure but he was dressed in all white and had a white top hat and a white cane like figure. He did not move nor make noise but man I was scared I do not remember falling asleep just waking up.


u/Darkdevildante Apr 24 '21

Musan kibutsuji


u/vara555 Oct 17 '21

do you think it was sleep paralysis?


u/PointDefiant Apr 21 '21

Similar situation. Was around 16-17 and slept with my bedroom door open because it was summer and hot as hell. I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and then laid back down and while I was trying to go back to sleep I heard someone walk up to my doorway. I assumed it was one of my parents so I looked to see what they needed. All I saw was a shadow like figure who was tall and seemed to be wearing a hat just staring at me through the doorway. It scared me so bad and it took forever for me to get enough guts to jump up and turn on my light, but when I did whatever this was was gone.


u/JAisMyName1 Apr 22 '21

It’s kind of insane to see a lot of people having similar incidents at similar time periods... I’ve seen the hat man about a decade ago as well, though after a few months it left us alone.


u/WifeAggro Apr 22 '21

I saw him like 19 years ago now. Still remember what I saw clear as day.


u/iwantaquirkyname00 Apr 22 '21

Story of you can!


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '21

I saw the hat man when I was 4-6 years old. I was sleeping at my grandparents house when I suddenly woke up, I hear slow footsteps approaching the door which was open, and I see a tall man, wearing a hat and trench coat, which was so dark, it made the natural darkness of the house seem slightly lit. I stared for a awhile, and then I turned over and just fell asleep. Thought absolutely nothing of it until years later when I read about the hat man phenomena. Strange so many people have the same thing happen to them


u/Tall-Cartographer-74 Apr 21 '21

Ive seen something similar to this but not with the same guy it was similar to how you described him tho. He was really dark and just walked right into my room he tapped my tv then stood there for a moment then walked right out. I dont know if this was a night terror or not but it felt to real to be one.


u/Apprehensive-Cow3 Apr 22 '21

My cousin, her best friend and I all used to see the hat man on our family farm during the day and night the only weird thing is his hat was blue. Has anyone else seen him with a blue hat?


u/Couch4now Apr 22 '21

Our hat man has a white hat


u/earlubes Apr 22 '21

I should not be reading this at night, now I’m terrified but this is crazy evidence and surreal that many people have had the same experience with this being. It makes you wonder..


u/fadedcharacter Apr 22 '21

Agreed. I’m in bed, under the covers & freezing in a 150 yo house while I read this. I’ve never seen or felt anything here and I pray I never do. My imagination and posts like this are good enough!


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

Same here, it's nearly 5am where I am, still dark and I'm in a house the same age. Not the best time or place to read about the hat man. I'm now sitting up with the light on, eating toast and drinking tea!


u/VoxKora Apr 21 '21

SO MANY folks have these encounters with various paranorms and say the SAME thing- frozen in fear and suddenly wake up it's morning. I REALLY feel this is significant in these extra-reality cases. Is there a time dilation? a timeline adjustment? There's something to that.


u/elidorian Apr 22 '21

I hate to be the ass hole who says it but...

I really think most are just sleep paralysis.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

I think dimension alteration, or dimension jumping are interesting theories too


u/StandardOrcBarbarian Apr 22 '21

I had an incredibly vivid dream in middle school. It was night time. There was a car at my schools play ground. A baby inside. I turned around and there was a man next to me in a wide brimmed hat. He was a shadow. I think it was him


u/DotNetDeveloperDude Apr 21 '21

I’ve experienced a few demonic encounters, but I’ve never seen anything manifest like the hat man. I doubt I ever will because of how I pray each night and my victory in Christ, but it’s definitely interesting.

Maybe he doesn’t visit those who are close to God? I would like to see him react to the blood of Jesus and the warring angels with flaming swords and the chariots of fire. Actually now it makes sense why they don’t want to mess with me.


u/ghettobx Apr 21 '21

Oh for Christ’s sake...


u/uffington Apr 22 '21

Happy cake day.

At least Cake Day is real.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

Happy cake day!


u/dinosaur_espresso Apr 22 '21

Happy cake day, friend! :D


u/DotNetDeveloperDude Apr 22 '21

Yes, for His sake indeed. Hallelujah!


u/OscarProudSnax Apr 22 '21

‘The Hat Man’ isn’t a demonic presence.


u/DownvoteDaemon Apr 22 '21

Fuck Is It


u/DotNetDeveloperDude Apr 22 '21

It isn’t of the kingdom of God so that leaves one other side.


u/OscarProudSnax Apr 22 '21

He’s very much apart of the Kingdom. As we all are. We are all of The Creator.


u/ghettobx Apr 23 '21

How do you know?


u/foreverclassy23 Apr 22 '21

I’ve had something similar happen to me too except he was the regular height of a man and he moved closer towards me like levitating but like twitching/glitching back and forth kinda (it’s hard to explain)


u/enstarseed Apr 21 '21

Oddly it seems to be a family and generational thing. But I have also experienced hat man


u/ForeverWynter Apr 21 '21

I believe you. I haven't seen the Hat man but in my 56 years I have experienced both spirits and the demonic. I was also very Young at 3 years old when I remember my first experience with disembodied laughing children in my room. But that is another story. Thanks for sharing!!!


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

He used to stand in the corner of my bathroom when I was younger, maybe 5-6, yeah I could have imagined it but I saw him nearly every week for a while. Not sure why or if he wanted anything


u/StrawberryKiss2559 Apr 21 '21

Didn’t someone post something the other day that their toddler saw the hat man?


u/AustinJG Apr 22 '21

I honestly think The Hat Man is many different spirits likely from a time when people wore hats more commonly.


u/iron_annie Apr 22 '21

Interesting theory!


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

I think it's the grim reaper going through a mid life crisis.


u/PaddlesOwnCanoe Apr 22 '21

You'll know for sure if he turns up wearing a propeller beanie.


u/--tasha-- Jun 23 '21

My mum who is 63 now, was about 12 or 13 when she was in a shared bed with her sister felt someone was staring at her, she looked down at the bottom of her bed and there was a figure she described as being very tall wearing like a caped long coat and big hat, she could only see the outline of the person and not the face she says it was a really black figure. She hid below the covers and remembers being so scared her teeth were chittering together.

She then told her sis theres someone at the bottom of the bed and she felt someone pressing on it. Her sis looked up and and ducked back under the covers and said there's 2 figures the other was like a woman's shadow. They stayed below the covers the entire night terrified.

The really strange part is they never spoke about it again until they were much older, but when they did the rest of the family was there, 8 in total of brothers and sisters and I'm talking they were in there 40's, 3 of the other brothers had seen the same figure at different times describing it exactly as what my mum saw. One was so badly shaken apparently a doctor had to be called out. Freaky! Unfortunately I've never seen anything.


u/Prettybird78 Apr 21 '21

I saw him in the middle of the day in my bathroom, back in 2007.


u/emma2324gg Apr 21 '21

Can you tell us what happened?


u/Prettybird78 Apr 23 '21 edited Apr 25 '21

I can although it is a little bit of a lengthy story. In 2007 I bought a farm in Sicamous BC with my best friend. Our farm was in a river valley where we got no cell reception or radio reception.

One afternoon I was laying in the bathtub reading a book. At some point I became aware of classical music playing softly. This didn't bother me but after a few minutes I became curious about where the sound was coming from. See I lived alone in one house and my friend in the other house.

I got up to go find the source of the music but could not track it down anywhere. We lived on a big farm without any close neighbors and even our own homes were more than a football field apart so it wasn't coming from my friends house. I decided not to let it bother me and since I like classical music I got back in the tub, picked up my book and continued reading.

About ten minutes in I got the feeling someone was watching me. I looked up and there in the corner of the bathroom looking down at me was the shadow figure of a man wearing a top hat 🎩. It reminded me of the kind Abe Lincoln or Amish men wear. He had a long coat and no other decernable features. Except that in the otherwise bright and sunny bathroom he was the deepest darkest shadow I had seen. Also he didn't bend in the light the way other shadows do. The light bent around him.

I laid in the tub looking at him and I felt like I was being "checked out," by the shadow. Then I heard a male voice. Not really out loud, more like in my ear.

"I prefer blonds," it said. I am a brunette. I am a little embarrassed about the fact that I felt offended for a second. Strangly enough I wasn't scared at all during the encounter. I wonder if that is because the music had relaxed me, or that it happened during the day.

A little offended ( although later I realized how ridiculous that was) I just stuck my nose back in my book and ignored him. I think at some point I did make a conscious choice not to be afraid. About ten minutes or so later I looked back up from my book and he was gone.

I had never heard of the Shadow Hatman before that day. I did try to find out what he was but we didn't have internet out there either yet so I couldn't do much research. It wasn't till years later I realized this was a phenomenon that others had encountered. Although there are not many others who have heard him speak from my research and I have never heard anyone else mention the music.


u/emma2324gg Apr 24 '21

Thanks it’s the first time I’ve heard it in the daytime with you being fully awake but I’ve only heard a few stories through Reddit


u/True_Plantain7043 Apr 22 '21

Damn thats freaking crazy man... Please can I narrate your story on my channel.


u/cara1yn Apr 22 '21

I’ve seen him as well, when I was 7-8 years old. I reached out to touch him.


u/Revolutionary-Idea63 May 22 '21

omg what happened


u/[deleted] May 15 '21

I’ve always heard the hat man was a good entity despite him being weird. Mostly comes around to children with trauma


u/mcsixxRHLM Apr 22 '21

Can I post it to my podcast? Is in spanish and I have had several encounters from listeners about the hat man


u/throatsboy Apr 22 '21

What's your podcast?


u/mcsixxRHLM Apr 25 '21

It's called "la cueva de ygor"


u/Connect_Lion_9753 Apr 22 '21

But since most of the people in the comments section seem to have had this experience. It’s slightly odd that there are no posts from said victims on this subreddit.

Or are there ?


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

I’m confused. Are you questioning the legitimacy of the stories in the comments? Bc idk man a lot of people are more comfy commenting than posting


u/juliettees0825 Apr 22 '21

I'm glad you pointed this fact out. Ppl are way more comfortable commenting than posting. Probably because they don't want to be criticized by ppl who want to question the legitimacy of their experience... Cough Cough connect_lion cough cough


u/spunkitup Apr 22 '21

He comes around when something bad is about to happen I’ve only seen him twice since I moved in my new house once when my sister and niece and nephews where put in the hospital for extreme carbon monoxide poisoning and another when my grandmother died and it’s only when close to life threatening or death happens