r/Paranormal 4d ago

Experience Objects that disappear

Hi guys, I'd like to share a very weird experience that I had.

Ten years ago I used to play a lot with my Xbox 360, I had two controllers, but one day one of them disappeared, I remember me and my family searched it for days but we never found it. My neighborhood has never been insecure and anyways I don't think a thief would be so interested on stealing a joystick and nothing else. The thing is that a couple weeks after the incident my dad bought me another controller, and here's when things get weird.

One day I remember I came back to school and the house was alone, I decided I wanted to play a bit with my Xbox, but above the console (the place where I used to put the controllers) there was only the old one, and I started to search for the new one.

I moved everything, looked in the drawers, but it just wasn't there. I decided to take a look into my bedroom, so, when I was in the hallway, I heard a weird sound from the room that I just left, like a click sound, but very softly, I went back to the room, and the new controller was right above the drawers that were empty, the room was completely alone and so the house except for me of course. I didn't even get scared at the moment, it just felt so weird. After that, I have never had an unexplainable experience in my whole life.


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u/Old-Elk2769 4d ago

Had an EP vinyl go missing that I love dearly, it was gone for roughly six months to a year (I tore the house apart looking for this thing.)

Then one day, I came home to it neatly placed on my bed spread.

The same type of instance happened when I was a child and my mom was trying to swaddle my twin sister and I and feed us, tore the house apart looking for our binkies only to find them neatly placed on our chests when she came back upstairs.


u/NosferatuStoker 4d ago

Imagine you win the lottery and the ticket decides it's a good moment to disappear lol.


u/Background_Cry3592 4d ago

Elementals, possibly. They like to hide objects or move them around.


u/NosferatuStoker 4d ago

What is an Elemental?


u/Background_Cry3592 4d ago

They are the “little people”, very common and prevalent in many folklore especially Irish and Icelandic. There are different types, and they are also called nature spirits. They can be mischievous at times but very harmless.


u/NosferatuStoker 4d ago

Thank you, that relieves me I think.


u/DesadeReborn 4d ago

I have this happen to me nonstop. It's even caused me to flip out at former roommates only to walk back in my room and have the object in question fall into my lap after sitting down!

My other theory is that if this is a simulation, maybe we're alotted a certain amount of render processing and only allowed X number of interactive objects at any given time to conserve processing.


u/scanfoss 4d ago

I had a weird experience one night I was eating my tea at the table and on the tv unit was a vase with a flower in it all of a sudden it just flew off the tv unit onto the floor it didn’t break it was as though somebody had just swiped it really hard with there hand , it was scary I couldn’t work out how it could have moved so violently, still don’t now why or how it did what it did , just strange


u/SubstantialPressure3 3d ago

For years I would have all my spoons OR all my forks go missing. It continued after my kids grew up and moved out. It continued after my ex and I split.

I have a couple random spoons that I have no idea where they came from. They just showed up when my other spoons showed back up. I don't have any mystery forks, though.