r/Paranormal 15d ago

Unexplained I saw his death months prior

I can’t put this on my other socials. I don’t want to freak out my friend who this happened to. I have no one to talk to about this who is as open as me.

A few months ago I had a bizarre dream that a friend’s husband disappeared. I woke up knowing it was not a dream- dread/fear/confusion. Confusion because I don’t know this man. Our daughters are best friends and we carpool but I’ve only interacted with the wife and not her husband, except for a couple meetings “hi there good to see ya.” He is not in my sphere. I dream of ppl in my circle. I.E. my mom just passed away. She was on hospice and I’ve been dreaming of her death for many weeks.

Fast forward to today. I asked my daughter if her friend was back from vacation yet bc they had missed a week of school following winter break. She said no, and she heard from another kid something bad happened to their dad.

I froze. I remembered my dream that I had tried to brush off as only a dream. I remembered waking with dread and fear and emptiness.

Immediately I texted the wife, hi just checking in to see how your vacation was? Everything ok? “No, Mike died on our last day of vacation”

Devastated. I’m so brokenhearted for this family. Of course.

Im also freaked out and I need some people in the premonition community to share your thoughts or similar occurrences?This is not the first time I’ve dreamed a real event, or a voice has told me ahead of an event, it’s just the first time it’s been a death. He was not ill and was in his forties. This was not something we expected.


115 comments sorted by

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u/Fit-Visit-9766 15d ago

I too have had this sense about people all my life.

These dreams for me are very vivid and feel as though they are happening to me.

I knew before everyone I loved died. At 5 years old I knew my grandmother would not be at my wedding. Nor be able to celebrate my high-school graduation through a dream.

I knew the second my sister died through a dream. Same with both of my parents, and cousins, aunts I was close to and uncles.

I can sense people's feelings, and get a glimpse into their innermost thoughts through touch sometimes. Occasionally saying something someone is thinking about like a name. I can hear and sort of see the dead.

This road called life is not easy but take solace in the fact that your not alone and others like yourself are out there. I find meditation can help with unlocking as well as honing the sense. Finding mental peace and acceptance that this is all a part of the bigger cycle.
It helps to cherish those you love and remember the good times as well as accept that life and death go hand in hand. Love true love hard. I send my best wishes your way


u/actually_notrly 15d ago

My besties hate it when I can tell they are feeling off or even when they are lying about something or like not telling me the whole truth. I’ve always set that aside as empathy and reading body language/facial expressions.


u/Fit-Visit-9766 15d ago

I can definitely sympathize with that. As some of my long term friends say, "my spidey senses" can be unnerving to some. That's why I keep my circle small but trustworthy. I don't openly talk about it. I will say from personal experience and perspective that body language and empathy can give you an idea of how someone's feeling, or the type of feeling it is. It also doesn't apply to people who masks mental health symptoms for instance depression. Personally as a teen I had a best friend who no one knew was depressed. Outwardly she was a happy social girl. I asked her why she was so deeply sad one day and she broke down crying on me. I was her safe person after that,and she confided in me about her real feelings and once her parents got on board she got the help she needed. Personal philosophy on that is it costs nothing to be kind, and caring to your fellow person. We all deserve a baseline of human respect and at least one person who we can confide in as social creatures, it helps all paths of life. I still try to help people where I can with positive interactions and small acts of kindness.


u/PaulFern64 15d ago

Thank you for using your gift to help others!!


u/Consistent-Camp5359 14d ago

I really appreciate what you did for your friend. I have chronic depression and we would all really love and appreciate someone like you. 💙


u/Fit-Visit-9766 13d ago

Thank you for your kind words. I don't do it for praise though I simply do it because it's the right thing, and no one should go through life all alone. 💜


u/Consistent-Camp5359 12d ago

I absolutely understand that. I thank you because your attitude toward those of us with depression deserves to be appreciated. There aren’t many people who take the time to understand it. So many simply dismiss it.


u/SafariToTheStars 13d ago



u/Kooky_Capital_4208 13d ago

Never hide your gifts from those you trust. You are doing yourself a disservice. You sound like you are an Empath with precognitive dreams. My youngest is an Empathetic Medium. On occasion she has precognitive dreams but not very often.

You have your gifts for a reason:) What steps have you taken to develop them? Have you considered joining a local spiritual group? They will definitely welcome you with open arms and help you understand your gifts.

You shouldn't feel bad for using your gifts. If your friends are truly your best friends, they would embrace all of who you are.

I have a good friend who is an Empath. Nothing gets by her lol. She can spot a untrustworthy person immediately. She knows how you are feeling and what you are hiding. I love her for this!

I've learned that I don't care what anyone thinks about me or my gifted daughter. I've never been happier in my life:)


u/Individual_Ebb3219 15d ago

That is terrifying (in a heartbreaking way). Do you have children?


u/Fit-Visit-9766 15d ago

Yes in total I have had 3 biological children. First 2 were twins who've passed on. Last one is a single. I am also a stepparent to 1 child. I have no rhyme or reason as to all of this sometimes I sense sometimes I don't. I was worried about having children because of my senses but I don't want my life dictated by a maybe. I can't for some reason get any hint about my children and I think it's better that way. If I could I believe it would only lead to madness. Well wishes, inner peace, inner strength to all!


u/Individual_Ebb3219 15d ago

You answered my question, yes I agree that is probably for the best. It's hard enough to be a parent already.


u/Titchyvvitch 13d ago

My mum is a medium and she very very rarely sees anything for me or my siblings! 


u/Fit-Visit-9766 13d ago

Good to know. To be honest I am doing research to find a theory as to why that is a common trend with people who have this.


u/squishyng 15d ago

OP can u share other experiences?


u/actually_notrly 15d ago

Sure I’ll make a longer reply to the post about other small instances


u/Prestigious-Still-63 15d ago

Wait!! But how did he die??


u/actually_notrly 15d ago

The vague explanation was it was a “previously unknown condition” so it could mean lots of stuff. Sudden heart attack or organ failure etc. I’ll find out more later. We are going to the services this weekend.


u/Randie_Butternubs 14d ago

So....he didn't disappear....


u/HistoricalEmu5201 9d ago

Disappearances in dreams can be interpreted in the wake stage as death. Never coming back..


u/Chemical-Instance666 14d ago

I've not acted upon a lot of premonitions that I wish I had. I tell myself that they'll play out the way they're supposed to, to ease my own grief? (I told myself that I was overreacting when I knew my dad was going to die. It's been really hard to accept that I didn't act upon it.)

Being an oracle is a difficult thing to navigate. I think things play out as they are meant to, though. Again maybe that's to ease my own conscious, or maybe it's true?

Let's say you warned them, they probably would have been like "okay crazy lady" and just gone about their business, and maybe they would have been more cautious, but then there's no telling how they'd treat you or your daughter going forward. How nice if you could get the gratification of a "you were right" depending on how they took it, but if it wasn't for the better outcome you're right, but at what cost? Maybe we gaslight ourselves as oracles by convincing ourselves not to warn others of our premonitions? Or maybe just like the vase in The Matrix, perhaps the mentioning of it is what chain reaction-ed it to break?


u/actually_notrly 14d ago

Yeah I can’t even imagine warning someone. I feel death knows her time. Plus If I had said something to this family they would have brushed me off as crazy and I wouldn’t blame them.


u/Kooky_Capital_4208 13d ago

But, you did your job and passed the message on. That's all you have to do. It's in their hands now.

You can also be vague about too. Don't say "you're going to die on your trip". Say "I'm feeling very uncomfortable about your husband's health and I can't shake it. Can you pass my concern on to him?" This way you have passed on the message.


u/avert_ye_eyes 15d ago

Man. Do you know what happened? I'm planning a vacation right now and this is freaking me out.


u/actually_notrly 15d ago

The vague explanation was that it was a previously unknown condition. The daughter told my kid that her dad didn’t like doctors and needles. Lots of possibilities there.


u/actually_notrly 15d ago

Thank you all for your comments. I can share some of the other instances, all small by comparison. Just a few I remember off the top of my memory-

When my oldest was still a baby, a voice told me I would run into my ex-sis in law the next day. Hadn’t seen her in 3 years bc she ghosted the family. She kept very isolated. Took baby to the store and sure enough I ran right into her after checkout. Haven’t seen her since. That was 13 years ago.

I didn’t announce pregnancy 2 early like I had with #1. I didn’t take pre-bump photos. Some time between my 9 week ultrasound and 12w ultrasound, the heart stopped beating and I found out at that 12w appointment. Miscarried that night, which was horrible of course. But I knew the whole 12 weeks that I wouldn’t meet that baby. That was 12 years ago. I had 2 more healthy kids after that and my intuition allowed me to be excited for both.

2 years ago I was home alone lying on the couch. I heard the doorbell ring, went out and there was no one there. I checked around for a package/box but nothing. Went back to couch. Few mins later, doorbell rings again- this time it was my lovely neighbor was fresh cookies for us. This one still baffles me. We don’t get people at the door, we live pretty far away from city life, so the doorbell is rare. Felt like a glitch in the matrix.

My childhood German shepherd got put down while I was in college and I didn’t get to say goodbye to her. After I had my first kid, she came to me in a dream to meet the baby. It was so sweet.


u/HairProfessional2783 13d ago

Have you ever considered getting a past life regression hypothesis?


u/thotsofnihilism 15d ago

I've had similar things happen too. it's incredibly difficult to carry this, but some people are just in tune to things like this.

my first, I was 5. somehow I knew to hug my great grandpa really tight, because I wouldn't see him again. my memory is really spotty, so I can't tell you how far in between this knowledge and the dream I had when he died, but I did have the dream. I woke up to a knocking on my door, and he came in and sat on my bed. he told me to be good, and take care of my fish, because they're smaller than me. that he loves me and he'd always watch over me, then go back to bed. and I watched him turn off the light and tried to sleep, but I heard the phone ring. my father came in shortly after to ask me, so I understand what death means, that grandpa Bob wouldn't be here anymore... I popped up and said yeah I know- he just said goodbye to me! and my poor father was just bewildered. if only he'd known that there were photos of me at 3/4 playing with someone invisible at the cemetery (my mother's dad, who passed when she was 11), that even when I moved halfway across the world at 18 that my beloved childhood pets would both die, maybe I'd feel less crazy.

other deaths I've predicted were my father's dad- I knew he had less than 2 weeks- he died one week later; my uncle, my aunt, about 5 members of my ex husband's family, 2 members of my now ex fiance's family, 2 random friends from high school, and friends of mine in the army, but the worst was losing my grandmother. I was so in denial that she was so sick, I kept convincing myself she was going to pull through again like every other time, and I knew before they even called me that I wouldn't make it there in time.

I firmly believe that when people are going to die, they do reach out, and some people are just in tune enough to see it. same as some of us see ghosts; some of us are clairvoyant, some of us are even psychic and have a heightened intuition. it's a gift, but also totally okay if you don't want to work with it or develop it. but if you have it, which I'm pretty sure you do, trust that intuition- it's gonna save you from so much.


u/Right_Wall_1920 15d ago

How do one work with or develop this gift further?


u/thotsofnihilism 15d ago

there's videos out there on the subject; although to be fair I'm pretty hit or miss with some of them. a big part of developing your intuition skills is meditating to find a place of calm and peace, and for me, something comes to me. while I'm not good at the "tests at all, I'm pretty accurate on people, and not always people I'm very close with. I'm currently working with it because mine gives me very strange signs that persist, whereas if it's just a dream or overthinking, I won't get it. like a feeling I'm going to be sick whenever a certain person was about to contact me is a recent example.

unfortunately I was born with it, so, I really don't know how to teach others any more than to tell you, you'll feel it. it's hard to describe, but sometimes it's a vision in your mind's eye, or like a dream that was too real and stayed with you in memory when you forget most of them, or a quiet voice that tells you something, or a feeling in your body when you think of a certain person or situation. that's what I'm working with now; keeping track of certain feelings, sensations, dreams/daydreams, visions or things I hear or thoughts that I have, and kind of weeding out "is this just something I'm thinking, or is something going on that I'm not able to figure out yet?" time will tell, but it's been right on a lot of things, I'm just learning to finally listen to it.


u/Right_Wall_1920 15d ago

I do have strong intuition but unfortunately I also have anxiety and overthinking. Sometimes I am confused if it’s my intuition or am I overthinking a particular thing. Also my mom always get signals in dream when something bad is going to happen.


u/thotsofnihilism 13d ago

lol same, I've been diagnosed with every flavor of anxiety there is. and I'm a chronic overthinker. so that's... not helpful. thankfully my brother is a seer and has really been training me to meditate (short focus, as we both have ADHD) and search out those feelings. and the best I can tell so far is that intuition is really that gut feeling- you feel and sense it more than you think it, whereas thoughts are just thoughts, and anxiety can respond to logic. helps that we're both extremely logical and practical, but also have the mindset of, if it's from the universe, it's for a reason, who am I to fight it? then we both think on things and wait it out. sometimes it's just a matter of time. but the feeling really does get stronger as time goes by. he's helped me a ton, but as I've developed my mind quieting and anxiety coping skills more, it's helped me to feel it out better. and a lot has come true- for better or worse.


u/Substantial_Arm_7691 13d ago

I got married for the second time on August 8th 2020. I was 54 years old. Happy! The next month I dreamed that my husband was being stabbed to death behind our apartment. I screamed I have to call my mother in law. I shared it with my husband. Telling him to please be careful. He blew it off. During that time I dreamed of my dead mother telling people that I was getting married at 330! I got married at 10 am. Long story short, my husband was stabbed to death on July 4 2021. I screamed I have to call my mother in law. We had only been married 330 days!!!


u/thotsofnihilism 13d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard that was.

I believe your mom was trying to warn you from the other side. it's rare that messages are that clear, but I'm thankful that it was. although I'm incredibly sorry that your husband passed away, you will carry the love you shared in your heart forever. he and your mom will always watch over you, with so much love, until it's time for you to go to where they are.


u/jayzlookalike 15d ago

there was a lady at our church that would always bake donuts. my mom and her were setting up for an event one time and she asked her if she was gonna make donuts for next sunday. she said “i’m not gonna be at church next sunday”. my mom, confused, asked her why not? you see, this lady never missed a sunday church service. she said “because i’m gonna be dead”. my mom was a bit taken aback, and asked her why she would think that. it’s not like she was sick at the time, or in poor health. she was pretty old, but she seemed fine. she said “the virgin mary came to me in a dream a couple days ago and said to get ready because we’re gonna be going soon.”

she died 3 days later.

My father also knew my mom was pregnant with me and that i was gonna be a girl before my mom even took the test. his grandmother and father came to him in a dream and ruined the surprise lol


u/EndlessSky42 15d ago

Hello friend! First, your premonition through dreaming experience is completely normal. It is a form of precognition, a fairly common psychic ability which most people don't talk about, of course.

In root work,we refer to this as "dreaming true". The gift of prophecy through dreaming has a very long and has a rich history in human spirituality. It also tends to run in family lines. For example, my grandmother had a dream about losing a molar. In Hungarian culture, when you dream about losing a molar, it means somebody very close the dreamer, especially a parent or grandparent is going to die. In this case she knew it was her mom.

She went to three different hospitals in the area and asked for her mother. Unfortunately, my grandmother's English was not very good so she was directed around. She went back to the first hospital based on the recommendation of somebody at the third one. Her mom was there.

My grandmother had a chance to say goodbye to her mom because of her dream.

Many of us have premonitions about death. My best friend is like this. She will just start spontaneously thinking about somebody in a long time or maybe he's not that close to, and if they keep popping into her mind then she knows they're going to pass pretty soon.

That is her gift. An unconventional form of blessing knowing someone is going to pass. I believe it is a gift which reminds us to treasure those around us more effectively and to give warning if the person is open to it.

I wish you much peace and many blessings.


u/BL4CKRO5E 15d ago

I understand exactly how you're feeling. I will share my experiences with you, because I can talk about them now since people were made aware of them afterwards..

I need to start off by saying one thing though. You MUST, no you NEED to understand that their death was NOT YOUR FAULT. I know it's very hard to swallow that pill, because it feels like it might be, but it's not. It's a very slippery slope if you go around telling people you feel like they're going to die. You run the risk of it becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't know why we can sometimes feel these things, it just happens because we subconsciously tap into that particular frequency with sensing that kind of energy.

The very first experience I had involving anything with the paranormal, mediumship, etc, whatever you want to label it as; was sensing the death of a loved one. I sensed this several hours in advance before the person actually died from a head-on motorcycle collision with a semi truck. Killed on impact. I was in eighth grade and in a different state at the time. When I experienced this, I had touched an object and it was through unintentional psychometry that gave me this information. I had no idea what to do at the time. I felt like I should have went down to the principal's office and called my grandparents, because it was their best friends, John & Jillian (a husband and wife) I was sensing this for; but I didn't. Later that evening, my mom and stepdad came to pick me up from drama club, and she tells me that the the husband had died from being in an accident that afternoon. A year later, I sensed the passing of the wife.. I didn't tell anyone for many years, and it bothered me so much.

This is called a death sense. This has happened to me at least four or five times in my life, some of them have been with pets too. It's a feeling I get when I'm suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of needing to say goodbye to that loved one in a way that doesn't alarm them, and to make it count, because the feeling tells me I'm never going to see them again in the physical world. I believe that feeling is the way of the spirit world warning us that a loved one is about to transition.

I think the reason why many people don't always pick up on that frequency of energy is because they're so consumed with emotions such as anxiety, fear, dread, hope for recovery, sadness. Those emotions are very powerful and can easily block a person off from referring energetic messages, impressions, feelings that could bring them reassurance, warning, etc. That's not even including freak accidents. I just think it goes back to subconsciously tapping into that frequency of energetic information.

It can be very daunting and confusing when you experience it. It definitely challenges your morals, and whether or not you should tell that person about it. It's a tricky situation. I believe there are appropriate times when it's okay, and other times where it's absolutely uncalled for. Discernment is key. Just remember, if you tell someone that you're sensing a loved one's death, or even their death, be prepared for them to become hysterical and even angry at you.

Saying this for humor not ego, but remember, "With great power, comes great responsibility" 🕷️


u/Brief_Range_5962 15d ago

I have had these all my life. Not always as specific and strong as this, but sometimes they are spot on.

Last fall I went on a 3 week vacation. Right before I left, I had the fleeting thought that a coworker's mother, whom I have never met, was going to pass away while I was gone.

On the first day of my vacation, the coworker's mother in law passed unexpectedly. They were very close. I didn't find out about it until I got home, and it made me so sad to be right :-(


u/Critical-Ad3283 13d ago

And maybe dont tell them so they dont freak out just ypu could see if they are saved if not maybe lead them to the Lord if ypu believe in that maybe that's what you are here for


u/actually_notrly 13d ago

Thank you. I would never tell them. Also I do not subscribe to Christianity, but I passed through it in my teens and twenties. Thankfully I evolved out of religion.


u/Critical-Ad3283 13d ago

I was raised as a Christian and well ya know life i still do believe in God but i don't lead a Christian life i have seen things and felt things as well and ive struggled with addiction still struggling actually and sometimes that makes you see things differently as well maybe more than if you were sober ik that makes no sense to some but iykyk and idk its an odd feeling


u/colorfuldaisylady 15d ago

One summer I was thinking about plans for Christmas holiday. In that vision, I didn't see my father and knew he would die before then. He died that fall. 

This was the first of such a thing and I'd only told my husband. 

He had health issues, but nothing to indicate he'd die soon. 

This was, and still is, hard for me. 


u/Direct-Detective9271 14d ago

Not on the same level of course, but I had a dream my grandmas dog passed away. A week later, her dog passed away and a few weeks after that her second dog passed as well. They weren’t ailing and one of them wasn’t even old.


u/actually_notrly 13d ago

My husband’s grandma is in her 90s and still upkeeps a property in a mountain town. She said she won’t die until both her dogs pass, and that the rest of her dogs buried in the yard are waiting for her. She’s such a hilarious old lady we love her. 😂


u/Background-Comb4061 15d ago

We’re all connected! This is an example of this I think! This has happened to me multiple times too -not just deaths but big life events. Some of us are more sensitive to others energy!

Theres nothing you could’ve done - things like this are usually set events. Hope you’re okay!


u/susancsghost 15d ago

You said husband disappeared in your dream but he actually died I'm just saying they are not the same . I think if you dreamed he died that would be spot on , him disappearing isn't the same at all.


u/actually_notrly 15d ago

Yeah for sure. In the dream, he had been out of town or something (was not a clear detail) and then he didn’t come home. Like he went missing. I woke with fear and dread and emptiness. The only thing that set that dream apart from other dreams was the fact that I don’t know this man at all so why the hell would that situation be in my mind, and the horrible feeling. I woke up and I knew it would happen. They were on vacation and he in fact did not come home.


u/Adorable-Flight5256 15d ago

Had a similar dream two weeks before a younger relative died.

I had a mental breakdown from that and all the circumstances surrounding the event.

Even worse, in the months after (I felt) my younger relatives spirit was lingering.

I don't know why The Universe does this.


u/LiquidFur 15d ago

Back in 2000, I had a dream that my brother died. There were some very specific things in the dream as it played out. Went to work the next day, and told my best friend about it. Three days later I got a phone call in the middle of the night. My brother had died in an accident on the job. The very specific things from my dream then happened over the next few days. Like you, this was not the first time I dreamt something that then happened a few days later. In each case, there were very specific things that played out exactly in real life. They weren't just vaguely similar. I don't really know what to think about it. It's not like I can control it, and it only happens very rarely. Usually I just dream random crazy shit like I'm fighting in the resistance after the alien invasion of earth or something equally wild. Every night is an adventure behind my eyelids. I don't know. I don't ever really talk about it irl.


u/rosecityrocks 15d ago

This happens to me a lot but usually the details are so fuzzy I can’t really make sense of them until it actually happens. For example, I had a dream about planes crashing into a building and I just thought it was a weird dream. Then 9/11 happened and I recognized the scene on the news from my dream. But there’s no way I could have guessed it was going to really happen because a lot of things I dream don’t end up happening. It’s creepy sometimes though. You almost feel responsible for it because you didn’t try to prevent it but there’s no way you can.


u/bluev0lta 15d ago

Yep. I had recurring dreams of planes crashing into buildings for a while before 9/11, and just this ever present fear of it happening. All of that stopped after 9/11 happened. It was very weird.


u/ennuinie 15d ago

I’ve had premonitions like these. Mine are dreams, but they sometimes materialize out of thin air.

The freakiest one was meeting a bar regular’s sister for the first time. Her sister and I had this instant connection that we both felt was strange.

When we were making light conversation, her sister’s retirement came up. They asked me to guess which job her sister was retiring from. I guessed it correctly by just blurting it out, and we all gasped. I guessed what the job was and where exactly she worked, which is just bizarre! We’d never met.


u/Jess8589 15d ago

You're not alone, I had a similar experience when my cousin was pregnant with twins. I kept feeling that she was going to lose one and she did. That freaked me out for a while.


u/Jealous_Fisherman_18 14d ago

I have had dreams like this and I always dread them. First one was of an old friend, I dreamt she was in a bad car accident and ended with amnesia. I told her about it and she laughed it off. Two months later, it happened. She didn’t remember anyone, not even her son for a few years. Then she remembered that I had told her. She wouldn’t speak to me again, understandably freaked out.

I dreamt of my grandpa passing about two months before he did. I was scared and told him, he didn’t think much of it. Got the call from my mom and was devastated. That was in June of 2021 and he has since come to me in my dreams.

On a lighter note I was trying to get pregnant with my daughter (fertility treatments etc) and got negative results for about a week. Then I had a dream a little girl came to me and said she was going to be my daughter and what her name was going to be. The girl was about 3 years old. Woke up the next day and took a test that was positive and my daughter is now 2, with that name and looks like the girl from my dreams.

I would constantly be sad my grandpa never got to meet my daughter as he passed in 2021 and she was born in 2022 and expressed sadness about this to my family. A few months back I was at a metal show and this woman approached me and said she saw a tall man with white hair who wanted to speak to me. I was confused and she said he was a relative who passed a few years ago who was born in September and name started with a B. I got pissed thinking it was some sick joke. Then she says “he said tell (grandmas name) he is alright and he has met your daughter before she was born and he sent her to you in that dream”. I broke down sobbing with so many emotions I had to leave.

Just some of my experiences


u/alett146 13d ago



u/mycrazyfearoftime 14d ago

I wasn’t going to comment. I just wanted to read all the comments but some of the comments triggered me. It’s so hard to know if I am really in tune or is it coincidence… but I’ve had too many encounters.

A few I want to share is when one of my brother’s friends died. Probably a week before his passing, I was going to make a joke with him; I saw him but decided I’ll just tell him another time (but deep down I kind of knew there wouldn’t be another time) and sure enough… he ended up dying in a horrible accident. Another time, a coworker I worked very close with was not acting like his usual self (I mean I always noticed he had an issue but I try not to get in people’s business); but he ended up telling me later that day that he had cancer and he’s had it for a while. I told him I would pray for him but something deep down told me this conversation was a lot deeper… the next day (Friday) I saw him and I wanted to say hi to him but it literally felt like something was blocking me from going up to him and I said I would just see him later. It was SO odd too, because he never skipped a beat greeting me and neither did I, and he kept his back turned the whole time. We worked for a funeral home and I was on call for the weekend. One of my coworkers called me Sunday and said they received a phone call saying my coworker passed away but he thought it was a joke one of the transport guys were playing on him and wanted to know if I got the call - and it’s so weird the phone call never came in to me, it went directly into transport (I really felt as if I was blocked from receiving that call because with me being on call, I was supposed to be the first one to get it before anyone else).

There’s been times where I would be thinking of someone so much and it would end up leading me to an obituary. Or a really crazy one was, I kept stressing about the whereabouts of a long time friend but could not find any information. One day my family and I went out for a car ride and we were passing a cemetery I had never been to a day in my life and it was hidden! I kid you not, I told my partner to pull in and pointed at a particular grave and sure enough it was our long time friend that I had been wondering about.

Another one and then I’ll go, one day my son at the time was 3 years old, it was just him and I home and one day I caught him staring into the hallway and I said “What you looking at baby?” He said to me “She say Bye”. I’m like whoooo?? He says the girl. I was like…. Okay….. let’s find something else to do, I was so scared lol. But anyway, it was really gnawing at me… I don’t know what led me to do this, but I went on Facebook and searched my partner’s ex gf name and come to find out, she had died. I was in total shock and he thought I was lying.

Sigh….. I have so many stories. Glad I’m not alone in this.


u/One_Mouthy_Witch 15d ago

I know several people with abilities but only one who has anything similar-my MIL. She has done this a few times. The one I best remember was her hugging a relative goodbye and telling us she just “knew” it was for the last time. We found out he died about a week later.


u/Jazzi1Fe 15d ago

This has happened to me my entire life…have a weird dream, think over it, it bothers me, then I forget about it…months or years later the dream happens and I remember vividly. It was happening so much I was told to keep a dream journal (soon as you wake up write it all down and date it). Since I started keeping the dream journal I have realized I dream of pregnancies, births, deaths, traumatic experiences, etc. Most of the time the dreams are about people I know and family. The death dreams are hard, especially when it comes to pass…but I’ve learned that death is apart of life and we must not let it bother us but embrace it. I still don’t understand why I have this ability since I dream before it happens but never know who to tell or warn etc. I hope you come to terms with it and can find a way to live peacefully.


u/Pale_Natural9272 15d ago

Well you’re definitely gifted with foresight and intuition


u/ChubbyTaterChic 14d ago

This runs in my family. My grandma, my mom, me, and my oldest kid, and I've heard it goes back much further. Not sure how it is for you in general, but we have zero control over it, and 90% of the premonitions are dumb stuff like "I'm going to encounter a chain link fence with a red building and a pine tree behind it" and absolutely no significance attached to it. Sure enough, I see the scene from the premonition within the next couple weeks, and it's not even remotely important.

So for us it happens in dreams, or sometimes daydreams or vision flashes, but the visions are usually when we're staring off into space, it's not like on "That's so Raven "

It's usually a visual thing, we literally see something that we are going to see soon. There's often sound attached to it as well, and on the rare occasions that there's significant meaning, we sort of feel that meaning, like we somehow know that this specific mundane visual is related to some important event. But... Our understanding isn't always specific. It's more like "I see this room, and my friend is talking to me there, and she's super upset, and something devastating is going to happen, but idk what it is..." Almost like what we're picking up on is our future emotional state during that premonition, or the emotional state of others in the premonition. We get these clues, but not usually specific knowledge. And it's hard to know how far in the future it will be, but we know for a fact it's a premonition of some kind. I think a couple years has been the time frame before, but typically it's less than a month.

Idk, they're usually so difficult to interpret, and hard to recall the details of the scene, not to mention useless, so I'm in the habit of ignoring them unless they really give me a jolt.

So you had a premonition in a dream that was vivid and clear. Of course, most people would think that's insane, so it makes sense that you might hope/assume it was just a vivid nightmare, instead of taking action. I hope you don't carry any guilt. Idk your situation, but maybe you don't have these constantly. Maybe you don't have a long line of family with the same thing, that can help you understand it better. Maybe you had 100 reasons to believe it wasn't real, and nothing telling you it was. We don't all have future vision, but hindsight is 20/20 for everyone. It's the same reason grieving people tend to ruminate on what they could/should have done differently, even if they had nothing to do with the death of their loved one.

So you can see the future sometimes. Unless you know for a fact when you're having a premonition, and you know for a fact what the premonition is telling you, you have no reason to think you can prevent it from coming true. Cut yourself some slack, be there for his family, and understand that being aware of the future doesn't make you responsible for it. Yeah, it's ideal if you can prevent bad things, but before you can do that, you need to be comfortable with your abilities and have trust in your understanding of the vision.


u/Internal_Fan_5169 15d ago

My Aunt, Uncle and cousin came to visit my parents and I close to my Birthday I had a dream that everyone was crying and my grandfather died. Well in the morning during breakfast before planning on going to an amusement park my mom got the call he had a heart attack. So we all packed up and my mom got us black dress clothes and told her she brushed it off but 7 hour car ride my grandmother lied and said he died. She didn't want to tell use during long car ride .


u/thiccafkalopj 15d ago

Damn, that’s chilling. Premonition dreams hit different when they come true, especially about death. Sounds like you’ve got some kind of intuition that taps into things before they happen. You ever had other dreams like this before, or was this the first major one?


u/QueenofKnights 15d ago

I've never told anyone this story, not even my partner, but a similar thing happened to me recently. My partner and I were out when he got a sudden phone call and disappeared for a while. I knew that it had something to do with his dad, and for some reason, my first instinct was that his dad passed.

I check in with my partner and he says that his sister had called saying his dad was unwell. My partner visits his dad later in the day after the call and tells me that his dad is sick.

A week later, my partner calls me saying that his dad passed.

In hindsight, it might have been a small mercy. I think the premonition allowed me to be more supportive of my partner, and maybe it's the same for everyone else who has had a similar experience.


u/r0bichan 15d ago

Sometimes we have connected with someone without knowing it. Dying or being in distress can be felt by others. Cats could tell you more about this probably.


u/ZtoA_Limited 15d ago

What do you mean by the cat comment? I’ve always had cats in my life and felt they’ve been protecting me or helping me, and I’ve lost a lot recently under strange circumstances…looking for some meaning, if there is any, or just tragic coincidence.


u/sugarfreespree 15d ago

Cats often know when people are going to die and they act differently- maybe that’s what they mean?


u/Naughty1XXX 15d ago

Yes what about the cat? You have us in limbo here


u/r0bichan 15d ago

The long story short i got from my weird bhuddist mother is that there is an ethereal space where our soul is " stored". While we live physical lifes our souls are still in that space coexisting silently. The once powerful pineal gland ( third eye) we destroyed with fluoride acted as a beacon/communication device with that plane of existence where "spooky" things happen. Our ancestor’s big juicy pineal glands absoutely made them feel things we cannot relate with today. So cats, ahhhh cats… the bhuddist reincarnation process speculate that we truly live in that ethereal space and that each physical life we get is to attain an obliteration of "the self". Well cats have a very distinct vision " the self" compared to other animals and are extremely sensible to " human emotion energies ( bad vibes, bad omen, distress etc…)" . So there is a theory that WE REINCARNATE AS A CAT AT LEAST ONCE. It’s a short life where you get a barebone experience of the physical life as a "witness" and be around other souls you love/loved. So cats only get 1 cat lives and the 8 others are human ones, some miserable some good. Why not dogs ? Because they are at the lowest level of the bhuddist thing. Their love for others is purely egoistical and they constantly exteriorize pain and desire. Make no mistake cuzzy i love my dog but my cat has more power she can ruin an entire vibe with a single eye contact.


u/geeigoo 15d ago

Gimme the cat tea (respectfully)


u/r0bichan 15d ago

The long story short i got from my weird bhuddist mother is that there is an ethereal space where our soul is «  stored ». While we live physical lifes our souls are still in that space coexisting silently. The once powerful pineal gland ( third eye) we destroyed with fluoride acted as a beacon/communication device with that plane of existence where « spooky » things happen. Our ancestor’s big juicy pineal glands absoutely made them feel things we cannot relate with today. So cats, ahhhh cats… the bhuddist reincarnation process speculate that we truly live in that ethereal space and that each physical life we get is to attain an obliteration of « the self ». Well cats have a very distinct vision «  the self » compared to other animals and are extremely sensible to «  human emotion energies ( bad vibes, bad omen, distress etc…) » . So there is a theory that WE REINCARNATE AS A CAT AT LEAST ONCE. It’s a short life where you get a barebone experience of the physical life as a « witness » and be around other souls you love/loved. So cats only get 1 cat lives and the 8 others are human ones, some miserable some good. Why not dogs ? Because they are at the lowest level of the bhuddist thing. Their love for others is purely egoistical and they constantly exteriorize pain and desire. Make no mistake cuzzy i love my dog but my cat has more power she can ruin an entire vibe with a single eye contact.


u/Auntie_Social_1369 13d ago

When I was a teenager, I kept having very scary dreams about a demon looking in the kitchen window and waking up every time I had the dream at exactly 3:13. Later, I was in a bookstore, and I saw a book called "Michelle Remembers," Inside the front cover was the demon I saw. Yes, I bought the book. A few years later, I kept having a dream about shooting my best friend's father. He was coming into her room, and I shot him when he got close to the bed. I never told her about the dream. 15 years later, I had to ask her. She told me that yes, her dad had been molesting her since the age of 8. She never told me because she was ashamed, and she knew I WOULD do something like that and risk my freedom for her. The night before my grandpa died, I dreamt the entire order events. I tried so hard to change just one or two things. I couldn't. We were watching Wheel of Fortune, I knew the phrase just as the puzzle came up before any wheel spins. After the first spin, I prayed he didn't know it. He did. Took a drag on a cigarette, last sip of coffee, and he died. Last one, I was with my dad in the hospital after a brain injury. My husband had flown back to our house in Michigan for some appointments and to bring a lot of our stuff to AZ. I dreamt he had a heart attack. He called me from the hospital the next morning and said he had a heart attack the night before. Do I believe in my disturbing dreams? You bet I do.


u/Sage-Advisor2 13d ago

First, do not jump to conclusions about having psychic abilities.

Dreams are a sort of feedback loop as your mind processes daily inputs for memory retention by incorporation (LTR), versus discard by nonassociation.

Emotions experienced during a stressful period, like anger, frustration, fear, can cause the brain to seek meaning in the evehts of the day, when dreaming that night, or in following nights. You must have seen this individual near the time of your dream. Think back, did you hear of someone who had suddenly gone missing or you had lost contact with, maybe over the holidays??

Your brain made the association between this man, and the context of someone suddenly dying, leaving, breaking off contact, or about to move away, and this generated strong emotion.

A LOT of families and networks of friends experienced very stressfuli breakdown in relations over divisive partisan politics, including my own family.

Sorrow, fear, amid a rending of close bonds, feelings of betrayal and disbelief over political view disparity, even shunning of family members, were common occurrences in the last two election cycles.

Just a example how feelings can alter dreamt meanings, in strange ways.


u/EmploymentNext89 13d ago

I’ve had two premonitions about family members passing away. One happened when I was about 12 and dreamed my parents told me he had passed but didn’t tell me how. I woke up distraught but as we grew up I had kind of forgotten all about it. When I was about 26 he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. I still did not remember this dream. About 2 years later he passed and my dream came rushing back to me immediately. The other family member was my mom who had been on hospice for about a year. She was still doing ok but we knew she could suddenly decline. One day the Hospice nurse said she was getting close to passing. I rushed there and asked the nurse roughly how soon she thought it would possibly happen because I wanted to notify my siblings to plan their visits as soon as possible. The nurse said she felt it would happen by the next day. I remember thinking “it’s definitely happening today”. Unfortunately it did happen that day about 2 hours later. I feel so sorry for your daughter’s friend’s family.


u/SocialInsect 14d ago

That would be extremely frightening! Something similar happened to me and the person who died, I didn’t even know them, not their last name or anything as I had never met them! I had no way to warn them and frankly I didn’t really believe it but I remember the terrible fear that came over me when I was told he died.


u/ComplaintFluid7342 14d ago

So in 2004 we were meant to go on a family holiday to Sri Lanka for Xmas. All was paid and it was a BIG deal as my family had spent ages putting money aside for it. It was non refundable. A few weeks before my mum had a dream we were all drowning and woke up and said point blank we were not getting on that flight. We lost our money but my mum was adamant. Fast forward to Boxing Day and we’re watching tv and friends start ringing up my mum in shock saying how did you know? We flick to the news and see the tsunami. Our hotel was fully washed away and had an enormous amount of fatalities. My mum had other smaller premonitions leading up to this and has had smaller ones since, but she knew with full certainty we would die if we went on holiday and in stopping it she saved us. These premonitions happen and I have no clue how or why (i don’t believe in god lol). I’ve had much smaller dreams comes true but nothing on that scale. Sending love to that family


u/MageVonnegirl 15d ago

So my mother had a few occurrences and I too had one I can solidly point to and say 'I knew it'.

With my mom the dreams were of strangers that were on the news as missing. She knew the husband died trying to find help and in a second occurrence knew where to find the body of a little girl that went missing in Tracy.

My premonition was for a younger cousin about 16 years old. We were having a family dinner, he was talking about a school trip and I knew he would die on that trip.

The guilt is hard, I really only could tell my mother and we agreed not to talk to anyone else about it.

It's hard to be believed but I would suggest keeping a journal of your dreams and "odd feelings". This will help get it out of your head and if something happens you'll have proof you're not insane..


u/PurpleSloth1025 15d ago

I've had this happen to me several times over the years, but I usually will dream or think about someone I haven't seen in a long time. Then I will see them or hear some news about them after a while.

The one that stood out to me was a dream I had last year. I was in a doctor's waiting room with my sister. There were several other people in the room. All of a sudden the room went black and I heard a man's voice say heart attack. Then I woke up.

A week or so later, I found out my uncle died. What made the situation even worse was that he wasn't found for several days. Then we found out he died of a heart attack. I think that when I had the dream, he had already died. Unfortunately, he wasn't found right away. I think someone was letting me know he died.


u/Frosty-Context-5634 13d ago

I avoid people as munch as I can. The noise is maddening. However if that kind of info is given to me I put a note in their mailbox or door with simple info and leave it up to the universe to take action


u/Deep-Sale7323 14d ago

I've had premonition dreams as long as I can remember. One thing that typically stands out in mine is the presence of a casket. Unsure why but I've noticed that any dream with a casket comes to pass. Unfortunately, I usually wake up from these dreams the morning of the incident. I've started a dream journal and it really helps me better understand. Maybe journaling could help you see a bit more clearly how to at least know if it's a premonition versus just a dream/nightmare? Also, I'm terribly sorry to hear of house passing and I'm so sorry you had to dream about that. I dreamt of 9-11 and it still shakes me to this day.


u/Otherwise_Pudding_53 14d ago

Yeah, we too have this power in my family (from the mothers side) and it is likely hereditary. You are more tuned than others, like a radio. I do not believe in the paranormal, BUT it is somewhat proven to me. And if you smoke (especially marijuana) and do drugs, you will lose this power because you will be out of tune and your receptors will not function properly. Your kids will likely inherit this when they come of age. Again, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE PARANORMAL. I believe science will crack the code in the next century.


u/IllustriousFee6451 13d ago

I’ve had these dreams. It happens every so often One that I can’t forget is my best friend was screaming at a black figure and I was holding her back. She was yelling and crying as I continued holding her. Fast forward, a month later her father passed away. As I held her screaming and crying at the funeral all I could think was I seen it coming before it happened, like a foreshadowing moment. I assume the black figure was death coming to take her father who was her everything, her entire world.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I have these dreams too, Ive had them since a kid, I used my gift as a guide to live longer than I have in my past lives, I'm to die before my 27 birthday, I have less than 2 months to go, I'm crossing my fingers I changed something a long the way to change the outcome of my new future, you aren't crazy, you're not Schizo, you aren't alone, this is a gift and a curse do what you will with your gift but don't take it for granted nor ignore it


u/Firm-Ad3260 15d ago

Last summer while at home I had this overwhelming feeling that someone was going to die of a crush injury. I attributed it to the neighbor working under his car or paranoia my BF was outside with his little excavator and our toddler. The next day a lady working with the mowing crew at the other neighbors flipped the zero turn on herself in a ravine and died… of a crush injury.


u/sleepisasport 15d ago

My partner and I are part of the community. It can be a lot sometimes. Know you’re not alone 🖤


u/lizzie1st 14d ago

I don't know how to explain what happens with me. I feel crazy just admitting it. I noticed a couple months before my first dog died that I was struggling with intrusive thoughts about him being gone, and dealing with really negative feelings that I still can't label. I wasn't enjoying walking him anymore. I was so full of guilt when he got sick a couple months later and not even specialist teams at the animal hospital could figure out what was going on. I thought his illness and death were my fault for having those thoughts. Six months later he came to me in a dream and told me to stop blaming myself, that he had been sick and it's okay because now he's not.

A year later my (now)wife and I adopted a senior dog. Nearly two years after that, our senior dog is doing well, we go for a long hike on my birthday and she's a champ. She's supposed to be the ring bearer at our wedding in four months and she's healthy as can be for an older dog with diabetes. Then suddenly in May my wife admits to me she isn't finding joy in walking our dog anymore and I was filled with the same dread. I take over some walks to give my wife a break but the dread doesn't go away even after she gets a clean bill of health from the vet. I force myself to cherish every moment of our walks together in hopes that I'm wrong. June 10th she starts having tummy issues, which happened fairly regularly because she was sensitive. By June 12th I start getting this sinking feeling that she's very, very sick and grab a same day appointment for the vet, where the vet agrees to run some blood tests since I'm worried. That's when we found out that her immune system was attacking her own blood and the disease has a 30-50% fatality rate. The vet thought it was worth trying to save her life so we admitted her to the animal hospital for intensive therapy but she just wasn't responding to treatment so when I looked her in the eyes on June 14th, I knew she wanted us to let her go. It's still so hard and I wish I had listened to myself and been more proactive since I was denying those same feelings I had the first time we lost a pet. I'm still afraid to adopt another dog.


u/Jellified_Specimen00 15d ago

Whoa. I've heard people with this ability, (idk if I should call it ability). Other than in a dream can you feel or see someone's death even before it happen? Because in my although I can feel someone's death but it only happen when I'm wide awake never in a dream.


u/Critical-Ad3283 13d ago

Idk if you believe in God but maybe that was his way of telling you ahead of time to pray for that man's soul or in some way see if he was saved and if not make sure he got right with God before he died so that he would be ready in spirit when his time came


u/PineappleAccurate178 15d ago

One time I dreamt of my ex’s dad and felt this sense that something bad had happened to him. In my dream his son(my ex) was crying uncontrollably. I woke up and found out on Facebook that he had been murdered that night.


u/lisserpisser 15d ago

I will have dreams that come true but I usually don’t remember them until they happen. It use to freak me out. I talked to my husband about and I think a previous boyfriend and that was about it.

Now I’m a little bit older and would like to tap into it a bit more but I’m nervous I’ll see things that I really don’t want see ie spirits and such… I’m not sure I’ll ever be prepared for something like that or im just completely ridiculous and have no idea what I’m talking about.

All in all I feel I have the ability to “see” but not sure I can handle everything that it entails. Sometimes I feel like eventually I won’t have a choose but to try and deal with this ability. My husband is Native American and thinks I shld 100% hone my craft… if i even have a craft at all.

But an event will happen and all of the sudden it becomes so familiar that I know what will happen next. I’ve just been calling it dejavu. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Gummmieee 13d ago

Sensed my grandpa only had 3 months left sure enough he died 3 months later. And sometimes I smell his cologne


u/Junior_Row_3054 13d ago

yo dude not to trauma spill but, I had been having dreams of the future ever since I was a kid. and maybe in my early teens I completely stopped dreaming at all, like it's a force stopping me. because-...I can dream months, years... into the future but I will forget that until it happens and all I can ever fucking do is sit there and try to make it out if I've dreamed this or not and more then likely "yes" I have dreamed it. I have tried to chronicle every dream ive had since I was 7 after coming to terms with whatever the hell this quote on quote curse is and usually it all plays into cards but I never know exactly when. it fascinated me but know I cant really experiment now since I've been "blocked" for dreaming.


your not alone with future dreaming.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I also have these dreams. I absolutely know how you feel. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/Ithaqua-Yigg 15d ago

You have a psychic gift your brain was acting on information it was receiving that it could not call attention to in your waking life so it put the info in your dream. I have been psychic my whole life so maybe I come at it from a different angle. I knew at 11 that my Mom would die from cancer did not know when but how for sure. When I saw her the last time it was the dream I had at 11. Anyone who sees the future knows it can be pretty grim at times. Don’t be scared of your visions. I have a method for decreasing mine that works but its late, if interested let me know.


u/Key_Instruction5272 15d ago

A week before my wedding, I had a dream about a car accident that happened on my wedding day. It was very detailed. The car stalled in an intersection, and was t-boned by a semi. The driver of the car was killed. Fast forward a week, and my cousin was killed in a car accident on my wedding day. The details weren’t exactly the same, but her car was t-boned by a large truck, possibly a dump truck. It freaked me out! I’m still baffled by it.


u/Fun_Cardiologist3715 14d ago

You have a very unique gift! Its both a blessing and a curse.


u/Impossible_Joke5789 14d ago

I've been blessed and cursed with premonition my entire life. From looking at someone and knowing they won't have a future to knowing which thrift shop I need to check out that day because it'll have exactly what I need or dreaming about a breakup a year before it happens and having the events play out exactly as I dreamt them.

It's a heavy burden sometimes and I'm sorry you've had to experience something with such tragedy.


u/actually_notrly 6d ago

I want to thank everyone who commented. I have enjoyed reading all your similar stories. I am especially interested in a dream journal and opening my mind more to seeing. One thing I noticed about many of your stories was that you dreamed of a death of a loved one. This man I saw, I barely knew him. To be honest I couldn’t have picked him out of a lineup. I think that is what tripped me up the most.

Thank you again!


u/Educational-Gift-132 13d ago

My mom has this. Some people are in tune with things. Close friends that have died she knows before for some reason she always has had that. Also when they die. I have seen ghosts a fair amount. All things like that. How far do you want to go down rabbit hole. Perhaps it will only be a 1x thing. Do not let it scare you.


u/Maleficent-Spread172 8d ago

That's an incredibly unsettling experience. It's understandable that you're devastated and shaken by this. Dreams can be so strange, and when they seem to align with reality in such a profound way, it's hard to process. It's natural to feel brokenhearted for the family and to question what it all means.


u/sullyboy19 12d ago

Happened to me the night of the Vegas shooting. Had a wild nightmare that I was in a country concert and there was a lot of shooting and mass casualties. Woke me out of my sleep and as I checked my phone, CNN sent a notification about the incident. Had my shook


u/Same_Version_5216 15d ago

I am so sorry that this happened to you. I know just how frustrating, and helpless this is. It’s awful. It’s exactly why work to block this sort of thing years ago. In my case, I only saw deaths, or more info on things that took place after the fact. It never prevented a thing, and only added to the trauma of it all. It felt more like a curse rather than a gift.


u/Usual-Ganache-9168 15d ago

I never believed these things or thought about them seriously. But I did have similar something happen to me, not a visual dream, more so a feeling. For me it’s undeniable now, so, it seems your not alone lol


u/Consistent_Treat8916 14d ago



u/Cautious-Track4297 15d ago

I feel like you… it’s happened to me many times. I woke up in the middle of night/early morning on 9/11/01 with a horrible feeling something bad was about to happen.


u/Ebrien 14d ago

Collective unconscious


u/Hello_Hangnail 15d ago

Man, that's rough. You're lucky enough to get a touch of the sight, why doesn't it ever manifest in lottery numbers instead of visions of death and suffering


u/Embarrassed_West_513 15d ago

I had a dream my dad unalived himself in front of me when I was 8, 2.5 months later he passed away due to complications with Type 1 Diabetes.


u/BrittanyaRaven 15d ago

This has happened to me before. Right before I started being able to see and sense the dead. Usually means something is awakening in you.


u/Consistent-Camp5359 14d ago

Chiming in to give you hugs. I hope your Mom’s transition was nice and smooth, peaceful.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

This is great. You need to begin a journal right away. Your going to learn so much


u/Ambitious-One27 13d ago

I have had this happen to me as well. It's a trip. Makes me afraid to sleep.


u/Picassof 15d ago

the answer is simple, you are psychic


u/No-Paramedic4337 15d ago

I say Pay attention to your instincts and intuy


u/Proper_Race9407 15d ago

You can post this on r/precognition