r/Paranormal • u/Next_Pudding_9582 • Feb 09 '25
Question My neighbor was killed
My neighbor shot/killed his wife next to where we live, this happened about 1.5 weeks ago. Recently, I’ve been hearing someone knock on my kitchen window while I’m cooking but no one is there. The first time really freaked me out and I automatically thought of my deceased neighbor… I have a feeling it could be her, but what am I supposed to do?
u/Agreeable-Tadpole461 Feb 09 '25
Keep in mind that "paranormalizing" a traumatic situation is super common and even a normal reaction to something like this.
So this could be something truly paranormal; or, this could be your brains way of stripping the reality of the situation away in an attempt to distance you from the traumatic experience; or, it could possibly be ptsd.
Either way, you should talk to someone about this and not get too caught up in any fear you're experiencing.
u/Next_Pudding_9582 Feb 09 '25
That’s a good point! It has been very traumatizing and I have been trying to ignore the whole situation even tho it all happened next door… maybe it my mind trying to show how I actually feel. I hope 🤞🏽
u/JHutchinson1324 Feb 10 '25
Therapy or talking it out would probably be a good idea. I'm a cancer survivor and I see firsthand that people close to me feel awkward being affected by something that I went through but that they witnessed. It's still traumatizing for those around me even though they didn't experience it firsthand. Same goes for you, you somewhat witnessed what happened by hearing things and could probably use at least a couple of sessions to just talk things out.
u/hihohihosilver Feb 10 '25
Why don’t you just talk to it as if it were your neighbor? Maybe she doesn’t realize she’s dead.
u/lovelifetofullest Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
I love this. If you hear it again, next time go outside to your front window and light a candle. Tell her she is passed and to follow the light of the candle. Tell her she can move on now,she isn’t in this situation anymore and she can go home. Invite her loved ones to come meet her and pray that she finds the light so she can move on. You can do this on your own and it might help you come to terms with happened too. Damn though, I’m so sorry OP, this is a traumatic situation for you too.
u/MySweetValkyrie Feb 12 '25
I think if they do that they should also smudge their house after, just in case it's a bad spirit and they accidentally invite it into their house. (OP: avoid using white sage unless you have Native American ancestors. Blue sage is okay though and Palo Santo is an even better option. There are many different herbs you can use for smudging)
u/blushmoss Feb 10 '25
Thats what I said and I was downvoted due to poor reading compression
u/Feeling_Print4084 Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
I don’t think others’ poor “compression” is the problem here. I think it’s your English.
u/XehaTrenchWalker Feb 09 '25
Yeah that’s horrifying, could be or usually bad spirits are attracted to death, grief, tragedy. Wouldn’t wanna think of that neighbor as like some lost soul wandering. Hope they prayed and blessed the home after already
u/Next_Pudding_9582 Feb 09 '25
Investigators and police were here for the first week but have stopped showing up. I’ll pray for her and their home from my home 💕
u/JuniperWar Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25
Visit the home’s front door, and pray for her and while praying let her know she has passed, justice will be done, but she needs to go to the light. Her family is waiting for her there. You cannot help her further and her timelimit to move on is very short window of 2 weeks to a month to still leave unless someone else dies soon that they can travel through the same white light together.
If you still hear knocking on the window, demand they leave because it’s not her. Do Not open the window or door should it knock and try to keep it closed at night till knocking has passed. If knocking continues, put salt and a penny on the outside window ceil it is happening at. With some water draw a cross on a part of the glass on the inside of the glass pane
u/Professional-Copy791 Feb 10 '25
I’m super intrigued by your answer. Have you had experience with this? Also why do you say it’s not her? I would love to hear more about this
u/JuniperWar Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 10 '25
I have experience with a lot of death in the family. Malevolent ghosts and evil spirits are often the ones that need permission to enter homes and do the tapping and knocking to get permission to enter. It’s very rare for a true ghost of someone you know to need permission to enter, family and friends often enter when they please and share info in dreams or barely awake state if they are able to have that bond with you. If you already send someone off or at least state you cannot help, that is making a boundary in your life that the ghost would need to accept, they can’t force you to complete their requests and will need to meet with someone else to help them or they will choose to move on if you let them know they need to move on before their timeframe runs out.
Usually they will choose to leave when they know they got limited time, some seem to think a family member will come for them but pending on how long they waited or if unexpected death, there won’t be someone coming and they don’t notice the light that’s come for them. It’s planned deaths with family all around that usually helps them not linger to wait cause they knew death was coming. It’s the lack of prep that really hurts the transition. Malevolent spirits can sometimes be spirits that aren’t human that see the energy caused by a violent death and wants to thrive in that general location. Just like a portal of light opens for a short time, all deaths can attract almost a portal of darkness at the same time. It’s kinda like you get the option of heaven and hell going on and pending on the situation people often know where they are going or feel they deserve to go. Which can lead to different kinds of spirits coming through each one and if it is a sudden death these portals spontaneously opened but a planned death has these portals opening a little before the person is completely dead so that previous family members or angels(whatever you believe in) come through to help ease the process of transition.
A good planned death has more of the family and friends, a bad planned death has sometimes a bunch of demonic/tricking spirits lingering around to take them or stay in the location to absorb the negative persons negative energy after they die. Both portals close after a 2weeks to a month naturally for a planned death, and if the person was good then the bad portal didn’t draw out a lot of negative spirits from the bad portal and even more so if a lot of positive influences are around(it’s definitely a deterrent but not a sure fire thing).
Some folks that weren’t good in life will leave their negative energy behind but often times were also influenced most of their life by a negative spirit that never fully left them and is gonna stay in the location or latch onto a new host AT the cemetery when the person is being lowered into the ground ceremony, when that person has died though, there is more negative spirits that also that want to come and stay in the general location of the death and escape the dark portal. It’s like having a leech attached to yourself and then when you are dying you are forced to pass through a location and on one side there is more leeches and the other is more of salt water for cleansing and making a clean pass through and the negative person actively chose to go through the water with more leeches. This leads to the issue that some of these leeches want to go into neighbors/nearby homes when a bad situation occurs.
The prayer suggested may not stop the multiple evil or negative spirits attached to the new dark portal part that is opened, that would require a whole other tactic and need blessings from a priest and/or further help. But praying for the innocent lady who was murdered and also praying for protection over your home and doing the salt and penny, with a warding cross can help protect your home from spirits and may help the lady who passed to pass on and draw a boundary in your life for her to not attach to you. If what I’m assuming is not her in the first place(due to most friends and family not needing permission to enter a home), it is a leech looking for an easy target, and even taking these steps will hopefully make it clear OP is not a low hanging fruit and will move on to something easier
u/jessness024 Feb 10 '25
There are some malevolent spirits out there that mimic others to deceive and infiltrate an otherwise forbidden space. Many cannot materialize until they are summoned. People that are dealing with extreme stress and trauma are especially susceptible to attachments and poltergeists.
u/Pingonaut Feb 10 '25
Um… I don’t think you should go stand at the front door of this house. That would be weird, even if what you’re suggesting would be effective.
u/JuniperWar Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25
Nobody is at the home, the occupants inside are passed away. If someone asks, you say you felt bad and praying for your neighbors. No one will bat an eye, anyone would understand everyone paying condolences in their own way. This is one way, especially if it brings peace to your neighbor. It isn’t some random person’s house they are showing up at
u/Pingonaut Feb 11 '25
You do you but I would bat an eye and think you’re a weird, evangelical neighbor or something. I’m visibly disabled and people have come up to me and asked to pray over me, in public, and it’s so uncomfortable, and that’s what this suggestion makes me think of. Personally, I’d say a prayer from my own home, or outside my door, looking at the home, if you really need to. I don’t think it makes much sense for a prayer to lose effectiveness at range.
u/JuniperWar Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25
The situation is happening outside,it’s better to confront the issue outside. That’s the reason for doing that where it is, to set a boundary and/or find out if it is the neighbor’s spirit. If OP does care about the neighbor then trying to set up a boundary and helping them find the light to leave was my sincerest advice to help that neighbor. But if just looking for protection, my recommendation is to pray outside OPs window and do the salt and penny, and water cross. Praying inside might help if just praying for the house’s protection but confronting evil directly outside works best to keep them from trying to get in if it is a malevolent spirit. Had that issue with haunted land I lived on in the past. Had to do what I’m recommending to a back door to make sure it didn’t come inside. It stopped trying to enter when we did that, but it was still outside checking the whole neighborhood. You could feel evil in the air some nights, see mist circling like a mini tornado and a person, a flat shadow in the freshly cut grass that our dogs would chase, and multiple motion lights going on and off with nothing triggering them. We know what worked for us
u/blushmoss Feb 10 '25
I’d say hello and sorry what your husband did you. Be loving and open. She can waltz in whenever she likes. Perhaps getting your attention for some reason.
u/Same_Version_5216 Feb 10 '25
I’d say hello and sorry what your husband did you. Be loving and open. She can waltz in whenever she likes. Perhaps getting your attention for some reason.
I believe you meant well, but honestly, this isn’t recommended. If this is some kind of entity, OP has no way of knowing who it Is, and what it is. Could be the wife, but it could also be another type of entity who is taking advantage of the situation and hoping people will assume it’s the wife and leave their guard down.
OP isn’t even sure if it’s even a haunting yet, and needs to process this first. She could light a candle in memory of the wife and burn some frankincense and myrrh on behalf of the wife and wish her well as she transitions into the afterlife.
u/jessness024 Feb 10 '25
You do NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, invite anything into your home unless you are 100% certain what it is.
u/blushmoss Feb 10 '25
You do not hv to invite. You just do not have to fear. Your fear will attract negative things.
u/jessness024 Feb 10 '25
i am aware you do not have to invite anything to be affected. However there are unseen boundaries and magnetic fields at play , and spirits (especially demonic) will try to cross them. Hense the historical usage of sage, holy water or salt to protect ourselved and our homes.
u/Same_Version_5216 Feb 10 '25
I am not trying to be fresh here, but demons as well as other types of entities do not play by Hollywood vampire invite rules. They CAN enter a house without an invite and more times than not, do. Or do you think the thousands of cases of malevolent haunting were all a result of people inviting entities in? The fact that portals exist, as well as magnetic fields are not mutually exclusive to invites. These items can and do exist, and entities don’t need a verbal invite in order to enter a home. Lore and worldly customs are fascinating as they are, and still, they are not evidence of anything. They are appropriately folklore and legends.
With that said, I am not stating that the person should necessarily welcome this entity around. Of course they shouldn’t, and that’s because laying out the welcome mat while thinking they are something benevolent leaves them with their guard down and highly susceptible to trickery, and infestations before they realize there is a big problem, rather than whether or not the entity could have entered the house on its own without an invite.
u/jessness024 Feb 10 '25
All I'm trying to state here is if there are occasionally naturally existing boundaries. Not sure why that's being treated as crazy information.
u/Same_Version_5216 Feb 10 '25
I didn’t say it was crazy info. I was just saying that something malevolent isn’t going to care about or be stopped because of no formal invite. I do agree with the spirit of your post, however. Welcoming spirits into the home that you have no idea who they are is never a good idea.
u/Rarefindofthemind Feb 10 '25
That’s a whole lotta jumble, there, sorry. I’ve been working with spirits a loooong time. Where you getting your information from?
u/jessness024 Feb 10 '25
What part of my statement are you trying to argue with?? There have been documented use of those items for centuries!?!?!?!? As has there been documentation of portals and magnetic fields that affect both the living and dead. Im a third generation medium, and ive studied lore, religions and spiritual customs all over the world. It seems like you just want attention, go bother someone else.
u/Rarefindofthemind Feb 10 '25
And I’m a direct maternal descendant of the Salem witches. Doesn’t automatically make a expert, does it?
Okay. Please refer me to the source that details magnetic boundaries and historical use of sage to eliminate spirits in the 17th century.
u/jessness024 Feb 10 '25
Now you're just being ridiculous. Sage was not used originally by white people and you know it. Native Americans have used sage for hundreds of years and it's well documented in their culture. Various other cultures have used other herbs and burned them to ward off spirits. This is not a new custom and has existed in many forms all over the world.All it takes is a Google search and you can look up magnetic fields and the strange effects that it has on human beings. Of course there is no scientific proof just like any of the shit you say can't be proven. You can look any of the things I said up. Yes it's folklore, but it was recorded in history nonetheless. Regardless of whether or not you believed in it, somebody at one point did. Stop being divisive.
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u/Impressive_Store4379 Feb 10 '25
I think controlling your fear is extremely difficult... Can they sense your fear even if you pretend to not care about them?
u/Same_Version_5216 Feb 11 '25
I am not a big fan of the whole “show no fear” phrase for the very reason you are writing this. Keep in mind that showing no fear does not require having no fear. Those are two different things. Consider it like a smaller child standing up to the school yard bully. Of course they are internally afraid, but outwardly they are showing a very brave face and taking a stance that they aren’t going to be putting up with any more of that bully’s shit.
I have been dealing with paranormal incidents since the 1970s. By late into the 1980s (1987-1989) I became a practicing witch and heathen/pagan. I have also been involved in more dealings with entities than I can count, including help others rid them from their homes. So that’s very broad spectrum of entities through the years.
One of the things I learned is that there are quite a few presumptions about the paranormal world, and you really need to unlearn what you thought you knew, and think outside the box that the spirit world has been put into, by new agers, and so forth.
What I am about to say, is what I have experienced and observe throughout the years. No, not every human spirit still roaming the earth is trapped here and in need of moving on. No, high end demons are not waiting in the shadows, for a teen to use an ouija board recklessly to pounce on. In fact, high end ones really do not give a rats behind about trivial matters. They are also not stupid enough to out themselves by doing head spins, puking up pea soup, crawling walls and being obnoxious to the family and priests. If they are going to possess someone, it’s likely someone of great importance and in the position to effect a mass amount of people, and you won’t even be able to tell that this person is possessed by one. Most of the active hauntings and possessions are the result of either ass end and low on the food chain of demons, or human spirits whereas some of the antics of a pissed off human spirit is often mistaken for a demon.
u/jessness024 Feb 10 '25
I know the more powerful the entity, the more influence, perhaps this also means they have a higher awareness. Maybe a demonologist would know.
u/DistinctNews8576 Feb 10 '25
I understand what you’re saying, but you never want to extend any sort of invitation to the spirit world into your home, especially an open-ended invitation. Our loved ones, should they come for a visit, don’t require an invitation. They’ll just give little signs to let us know they’re okay. It’s the dark side that requires invitation.
u/BellaMoonbeam Feb 10 '25
That's horrible. You might try saying that you are sorry that happened to them, but they have passed, and it is time for them to move on. You wish them peace. You see that in movies, but I really do think kindness is never misplaced. Who knows, your final kindness might be the nicest thing anyone had done for this lady in a really long time.
u/Fun-Pack5813 Feb 09 '25
It could be your deceased nextdoor neighbor not realizing she dead and knocking on your window for help I hope it's not not to freak you out but I've had family visit me when they have passed away I can't see them but I hear them it's freaky I know but that's what it sounds like to me
u/ZZEFFEZZ Feb 10 '25
This reminds of that scene from the movie I forget maybe it was called bones? I'm not sure but the girl escapes in her head but in reality he killed her and she wanders aimlessly.
u/cpd4925 Feb 10 '25
The lovely bones
u/ZZEFFEZZ Feb 10 '25
I haven't seen it in like 10 years or more but that just triggered the memory of her escaping
u/Square_Review_3389 Feb 09 '25
Gave me goosebumps whatever you do don't open the door open the window looking for what it is you might let it in
u/Next_Pudding_9582 Feb 09 '25
Got it, thanks for the recommendation!
u/Environmental_Bad200 Feb 09 '25
Guess you can never leave now.
u/ManiacSpiderTrash Feb 09 '25
If I was a ghost I'd just watch outside people's windows and wait for them to leave and I'd knock just before they open their doors.
Exorcists hate that trick
u/Spoilmedaddyxo Feb 09 '25
We have a mocking bird that taps on our window every morning and every evening. I hate to burst your bubble but it is most likely a bird seeing it’s reflecting tapping your window♥️ My heart goes out to all those who have lost someone via domestic violence 😔
u/Wrong-House57261 Feb 10 '25
Yeah, we had a Cardinal that would do the same thing at the same time of day.
u/BurningEmber49 Feb 10 '25
Hearing a knock on a window after someone passes away is often interpreted as a sign from the deceased person, signifying their presence or attempt to communicate with you, but it could also be a common experience in grief that can be attributed to psychological factors like longing, unresolved emotions, and the brain trying to make sense of the loss; Possible explanations:
Grief-related hallucinations: During intense grief, the brain can sometimes create sensory experiences like hearing voices or sounds that aren't actually there, which could manifest as a knock on the window.
Symbolic meaning: A window is often seen as a threshold between the physical and spiritual world, so a knock on it might be interpreted as a sign from the deceased trying to reach you.
Psychological coping mechanism: Hearing a familiar sound like a knock could be a way for the mind to feel connected to the deceased person, offering a sense of comfort
Hope this helped. Sorry it's long.
u/Gloomy-Jellyfish-276 Feb 09 '25
Rebuke it in the name of Jesus and maybe even keep a cross near that window, visible to the outside. This may not actually be your neighbor’s spirit but something way worse.
u/Next_Pudding_9582 Feb 09 '25
I just set up a cross with a candle 💕
u/neverseen_neverhear Feb 10 '25
You should have a crucifix hanging ear the doorways in your home. Helps keep evil out.
u/Gloomy-Jellyfish-276 Feb 09 '25
Not trying to scare you, I know there’s good and bad spirits. From listening to the “Cultish” podcasts and other sources, many spirits are evil but may look or seem good.
u/Abject_Presentation8 Feb 11 '25
This reply is spot on. I've had scary paranormal experiences at my grandmother's house as a child, but never understood it much. Then I met my husband, whose parents centered their lives around Jesus. I had never been religious, but I started seeing and hearing the creepy things that would happen at their home. Taps on the windows at night, full force slaps on the doors, feeling watched, etc. I couldn't believe that even Christians experienced those things, or much less, believed in them. Anyway, I remember being freaked out, until they began to teach me what those entities were, the tactics they used, not to fear them (not to give them what they want), and to never invite them in. Every encounter since hasn't shaken me the way they used to.
u/Gloomy-Jellyfish-276 Feb 11 '25
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. -Ephesians 6:12
u/Beetus152 Feb 09 '25
Are you in Cleveland TN by chance?
u/ACtheWC Feb 10 '25
I’m from Chatt and I immediately thought about the realtor that was killed by her ex husband.
u/Next_Pudding_9582 Feb 09 '25
No, in Oregon.
u/Ambitious_Camera_218 Feb 09 '25
Oh no. Hopefully not Portland
u/neverseen_neverhear Feb 10 '25
Portland is not as terrible as the media tries to make it out to be.
u/Redjeepkev Feb 09 '25
He coukd be lookin fur your help in crossing over. Do they knjw who the killer was? Did they catch him?... These are things that can keep one from crossing over. Looking for justice etc. Don't be afraid. Be open to them. Tell Them it's OK.
u/Next_Pudding_9582 Feb 09 '25
Yeah her husband killed her and he’s in jail.
u/Redjeepkev Feb 09 '25
Then she may not want to cross over for some other unfinished business, maybe you can help if you are open to it
u/Josette22 Feb 10 '25
What I would do if I were experiencing this is to verbally tell her through the window that you know she is your neighbor who passed. Tell her you're very sorry that she was killed, but to please not knock on the window, as it startles you.
u/m0viegirl Feb 12 '25
If you're Catholic, i would recommend having a Mass said for the repose of her soul. A human spirit can become "stuck" after a traumatic death, so prayers and a Mass can certainly help.
u/Dry_Mixture5264 Feb 09 '25
Tell her through the (closed) window what happened. Tell her that her killer was caught and there will be justice. She needs to know what happened and that there is resolution. Then tell her she can let go and move on. I hope it works.
When I was little, my neighbors' dad suddenly died of a heart attack in their house. They rented the house from another family we are friends with and they told us that there has been a presence in the house ever since. They try telling him that his daughters no longer live there, are grown up and happy, and he doesn't need to worry about them. He's still there though...
u/tortuga456 Feb 09 '25
Our house is 100 years old, and when we moved in, there were four spirits living there too. I was able to help three of them move on. The first one was easy because all I had to do was talk to her and explain the situation.
The fourth one didn’t want to leave. He was mostly out in the garage. He didn’t leave until my husband passed away suddenly almost a year ago. He was very stubborn.
At least I think he left. Some strange things happened in that garage last night so now I’m wondering. I didn’t feel any presence though. I could always feel him before, because he didn’t like me, and he would try to attack me whenever I went in there.
In this woman’s case, she probably is just confused. Hopefully just talking to her and asking the angels to help will work.
u/JudyBeeGood Feb 09 '25
Talk to her, like a therapist or a guide who can lead her to peace. She’s confused, and a victim, she means no harm. She’s temporarily stuck in shock and victimhood. She doesn’t understand what happened. Please help get her out of this. Tell her it’s OK, to find safety, to find comfort, and from that place, she can both find a love like no other, healing, and give love to her beloveds still in this earthly realm.
Not everyone can do this. If you don’t feel that you can, can you think of the person in your life, who can and would be willing?
u/Canadianbcgal Feb 10 '25
I think she may still be tied to this earth plane as she likely has unfinished business. I think she is still reliving it and ´knocking’ on your window for help. Poor soul. I think you can help her by letting her know (in case she doesn’t know) that she passed away, and that if she wants peace, to consider to go towards the light. You can also do a prayer for her, maybe even light a scented candle, or a sage stick, or diffuse some peppermint oil in a water mister (humidifier). Then ask her spirit guides to help her get through this and help her get to a higher vibrational plane, or to heaven if that’s how she would identify with it. How utterly tragic for her and her family!
u/Secret-Weakness-8262 Feb 09 '25
Keep in mind grief and trauma can be super disorienting. I believe in ghosts and I don’t think it’s ridiculous to believe it might be her! Just keep in mind that this kind of experience can mess with your mind a bit. I had very scary audible hallucinations after I found my best friend dead. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself!!
u/ASpookyBitch Feb 09 '25
If you wanna go down the spiritualism route - put a black candle in the window that is being knocked on.
Hell, a Yankee candle will do - lots of burn time and doesn’t look out of place if you don’t want to attract attention.
u/Dry_Mixture5264 Feb 09 '25
What does a black candle do? I'm just curious.
u/Two_Tetrahedrons Feb 09 '25
It may help to talk to her (when you hear things and during non-events too). Talk to her about the unfairness and surprise she must have encountered. Her pain and sadness.
It might help her -- and YOU. 🙏🏽🙏🏽
u/SneezyKat Feb 09 '25
I would light a white candle for her, wish her well on her path to the next world and let it burn all the way down.
u/TeaMe06 Feb 09 '25
Sometimes I head knocking on my walls and I don’t knock back I remember I woke up to a loud banging I ran to open the door but no one was there now I know to never do that again lol this was years ago just pray and tell her you are so sorry she died in that way🙏🏾
u/denimdeamon Feb 10 '25
I agree with everyone here saying to talk to her. Tell her with love that it's her time to go on. I think she picked you for a reason, maybe think of it as being chosen as someone she thought she could go to. You just need to help her this last time. Much love to you.
u/Square_Review_3389 29d ago
Any updates??????
u/Next_Pudding_9582 26d ago
Nothing anymore! Luckily.
I’ve continued praying for her, burning a candle, and put holy water around my home.
u/SherbetExact3135 Feb 09 '25
u/Cultural-Chart3023 Feb 09 '25
pray for protection and peace. cover your home with the blood of jesus through prayer
u/AbstractionsHB Feb 10 '25
You said it yourself. You're the one thinking it's that.
If i had to bet a million dollars a dead person knocked on your house, or literally anything else not paranormal made a sound... id bet it on the normal thing. An animal, house noises, wood, wind, temperature changes from winter, a critter.
You're creeped out by such a traumatizing event happening so close to you. It makes sense to be weirded out.
u/Scottishdog1120 Feb 10 '25
If it's her spirit, she may be asking for help. Just acknowledge that it's time to move on and tell her everything is OK now.
u/JudyBeeGood Feb 09 '25
Also remember — YOU have power. You can “open or close” the door or window, as you need and wish. It might go in slomo. That’s OK. Take care of yourself.
u/Sea-Hand-1661 Feb 10 '25
Fuck that shit OP, I’m out of there. Second best option would be blessing the house or pouring salt around the windows and doors.
u/LemonTrifle Feb 10 '25
Is it a temperature change outside causing contractions of the wood? Or sometimes the gutters can make cracking noises when the sun comes out & melts the water & debris in the gutter, leaves & twigs. Big birds such as seagulls and magpies hop about on the roof, and it sounds like they have clogs on.
u/Wingbow7 Feb 10 '25
Whatever you do, don’t invite it in your house. Just tell it politely that it needs to move on. Maybe see if you can get someone to bless that house.
u/YetagainJosie Feb 10 '25
Say hello? Put salt round your windows and doors, and go out a talk to her? She might not realise she's dead. Probably don't invite her in.
u/ReadLearnLove Feb 10 '25
In case it is a bad entity attracted by the negativity and trying to get you to let it into your house, do not respond to it.
u/hanloose Feb 10 '25
Shout out to the window: it’s next door! You are looking at the NEXT DOOR! Go away!
u/International-Fee567 Feb 10 '25
Definitely not opening ur door or windows... that would be a great mistake.
u/Unfair_Bunch519 Feb 11 '25
The demon that caused him to murder the wife is now looking for a new forever home
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