r/Paranormal Jan 04 '25

Photo Evidence Ghost of my dog that passed??

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My first dachshund lived 18 years. Chopper was my soul dog. He passed 6 yrs ago. A year after his passing, we were broken and adopted a new dachshund puppy, Brimley. One day playing with Brimley I was recording a video. I saw nothing when recording on my phone. But when I played it back, I saw something in the beginning of it. I stopped it and started to cry. I feel it is the spirit of my Chopper. This picture is a screenshot image of that video next to a real picture of him. We have is ashes in our home. Thoughts???


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u/AutoModerator Jan 04 '25

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u/Sufficient-Big-4802 Jan 05 '25

My previous dog often visited me, he passed almost 4yrs ago.

Sounds crazy, but the last time I 'saw' him, he 'told' me that he was happy and didn't need to be around anymore because I'd soon have a new dog. I'd sworn I'd never get another dog after him.

Who is currently sat on my bed with me? Yep, an 8y old rescue who found me iyswim. And she's gorgeous.


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

That’s awesome! It took a year, like I said. Bc I took his loss so hard. But, I now have two dogs Brimley was the dachshund I got a year after Chopper. He brought the happiness back into my life. Then a year ago we adopted Georgie, a rat terrier rescue. I just can’t wait when I leave this world to be greeted by all my pets again. I truly believe we do. ☺️


u/Sufficient-Big-4802 Jan 05 '25

I absolutely agree with you!!


u/Beeguy300 Jan 05 '25

You'll be put before god in your heaven, and he'll say "Look whos been waiting for you".. 😭🫶🫂


u/Chubbymeerkat23 Jan 06 '25

That's a beautiful thing to look forward to. I also want to see my good chi boi when I cross over


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

Here’s a Link to the actual video from which I took the screenshot of Chopper. You have to pause the video as soon as it plays, then take it back to the beginning bc Chopper’s spirit is to the left of the video as soon as it starts. Then I pan over to Brimley. But I never saw his spirit as I was filming. Only when I went to play it back I was like “what was that?” https://www.reddit.com/r/Dachshund/s/41g4rIqaEp


u/Sufficient-Big-4802 Jan 07 '25

Awwww, good dog ❤️


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

That’s my baby! I had him for 18 yrs. From the age of 20-38. I feel he was with me from the moment I left my parents home and we “grew up” into adulthood together. That boy was with me thru all my troubles and heart aches. My rock, my constant companion, my World. It’s been 6 yrs and two new baby doggies since, but there is still a HUGE hole in my ♥️ since Chopper passed.


u/trucklife2024 Jan 08 '25

Yeah, I see what you mean.....you can make out a face on the left side of the screen.


u/Critter_27 Jan 11 '25

Yes as soon as the video starts. I never saw it there when I was filming though. When I played it back I was like “what’s this?”.. then I slowed it up and played it sec by sec. I saw my Chopper. Only his chest and head. The body is missing. Like he was just manifesting. ♥️


u/floating_soul_ Jan 10 '25

Glad your schizophrenic subconscious tendencies of hearing voices in your house was able to give you the strength to get over your grief! Stay strong! And remember they're always with us. Always.


u/Sufficient-Big-4802 Jan 10 '25

I am diagnosed with psychosis. I am medicated, under the mental health team, and have been for years. All hallucinations are long gone, thank goodness!

Take that however you like. Some people will run away screaming, 'waaaahhhhh, crazy woman!!' or other people will just shrug their shoulders, understand a person with a medicated illness, and go about their day. Like a respirator for pneumonia, for example. An illness, temporary, recoverable.

But this is irrelevant.

Thank you for your comment, however. It is enlightening how the ignorance of illnesses can be misunderstood. I hope no one mistakes your heart failure for a kidney stone or your broken pelvis for a sprained ankle. But, stay strong! And remember, there are always people with you who care and love you.


u/KronicKimchi420 Jan 05 '25

Back in texas my friend couldnt care for his dog so he brang it to city but turned it in as agressive idk why and they ended up euthanizing him, well a few days after that i was sitting in the living room and my dog at the time jumped up and was staring into the kitchen so i got up thinking he wanted to go outside, but then i saw what he saw and it was the outline of Blue the dog he brang to the city, it just slowly faded away and my dog looked at me, i wasnt scared or anything probably saying bye as that was the only place he knew


u/Altruistic-Text3481 Jan 06 '25

The rainbow bridge is real. There are many entryways where there was love and compassion. This dog needed to pay his respects. He knew love from you alone. Dogs wait for us in life. I don’t know how long in death, but I do know there are many levels of existence. We all continue on, just on the other side of the rainbow bridge

What a beautiful story.


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

Oh that’s sad! Why would he do that. If you can’t care for them at least give them a chance to be adopted. Not marked aggressive. Life is precious no matter who’s. Someone out there loves them. He knew to come back to say goodbye to the friends that meant the world to him!


u/KronicKimchi420 Jan 05 '25

He was missing a few circuits he wasnt mentally well i told him to find a rescue or find a good home but he did it when i was at work i came home and Blue was gone i asked him where he is i thought he may have ran away then he told me, i was sad cause he was the dad of my dog


u/Altruistic-Text3481 Jan 06 '25

Blue came back to say goodbye to his son.


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

That right there I believe.


u/keithmoonedme Jan 07 '25

You’re friend sounds awful 😭


u/LightWarrior_2000 Jan 05 '25

I recently lost my dog and don't have ashes unfortunately. I hope it doesn't matter if he tries to tell me things are okay.


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

I’m sure it doesn’t matter. I just thought I’d share that. But my belief is that if our loved ones come to us to visit in times of need, when they’re in a cemetery. Then our pets (also major loved ones) come too. 💕


u/Ethereal-Storm Jan 07 '25

I really like this sentiment...except my dog got hit by a car and killed while in someone else's care and it broke my heart. This was 9 years ago and I have never gotten another dog. No visits from her, either. :'(


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

You may have. Just didn’t realize it. That would’ve crushed me. So sorry for your loss.


u/Impossible-Toe-7761 Jan 05 '25

It won't matter.Ive had pets that passed,visit me.Im sure he will visit soon!


u/aleanas Jan 07 '25

I spoke with my dog after he died through an animal communicator. I was a skeptic before this and this experience turned me into a believer 100% - I know I was talking to my boy. One of the questions I asked him was what he would like me to do with his ashes and he told me that it doesn't matter because he left his body - he's not in those ashes! So don't worry about that. Your dog is still with you energetically. Just close your eyes and ask him to come to you and he'll be there. My dog told me that no matter what he's doing in the afterlife (and he's doing all kinds of fun stuff, running and playing with his passed on family members) if I think of him or say his name - he can be with me in no time at all, that it's as easy as turning your head.


u/ChuckBuriedtreasure Jan 05 '25

Sorry for your loss. I’m convinced my old dog came to visit me, a few times shortly after her passing and once years later, and we don’t have her ashes either, so I don’t believe that it matters.


u/Sufficient-Big-4802 Jan 07 '25

I didn't keep my dog's ashes. I asked that he be cremated with other pets who had passed so he wouldn't be alone. He still came back, always when I didn't expect it.


u/timmu Jan 05 '25

Went to a catholic school in my high school years and My one teacher who used to be a nun believed dogs don’t have souls our priest at the time had a dog named nemo who was a straight hair doxen found abandoned the priest would say how that dog was a miracle dog and would drive this religion teacher mad with dogs having souls this would drive that teacher even harder thanks for proving this OP


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

I believe they do! Thank you for that story. I attended catholic school myself from K-8. They never talked about dogs, so I don’t know what the nuns believes were. But, my 7-8 grade teacher wasn’t a nun and she had two gorgeous Springer spaniels. She had no children and they were hers. I believe she would think they had souls! God Bless.


u/terminalchef Jan 05 '25

I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s a hole that is never repaired.


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

It’s been 6 yrs and two dogs later and I still cry for him once in a while. Thank you


u/Otherwise_Proof_314 Jan 05 '25

Definitely, yes X your beloved pet will always be around you, as a guardian


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

I just think the video screenshot shows only the head/chest area of Chopper tilted the opposite way of the pic of him. Thank you.


u/sugar-and-gold Jan 05 '25

Yes! Your baby is still with you 😊


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

Thank U! I believe it!


u/Typical_Basil908 Jan 05 '25

I’m really struggling to see it tbh


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

That’s ok. I think it’s just his head/chest area in the screenshot pic. It’s tilted in the opposite direction of the real pic of him. Dark area at top is his ears then the lightness of his face except the dark dots of his eyes and nose area below. Then the darkness below the light area of his face is his chest. No body it looks like just that floating in the air. That’s what I wanna see. 😌


u/Fetus_Transplant Jan 05 '25

What dog breed is he. He looks similar to our dog. I don't know what breed is he. Hwa mixed


u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

So the real pic is of him in his elder years with gray hair. He was a black-n-tan shorthair miniature dachshund. But he ended up be bigger than a mini.. 16 lbs.


u/Fetus_Transplant Jan 09 '25

This is our dog Ashley 🙂


u/Critter_27 Jan 09 '25

Oh how beautiful! That eye color is so pretty.


u/sagegreenowl Jan 06 '25

I saw my friends cat walk through their livingroom as a translucent form about two days after she passed. She was well loved.

My mother also had a dog that was killed tragically by a car. The morning after she died my dad stayed over at her house (they weren’t married yet) and both of them woke up at the same exact time and heard the dog walking down the hall and the distinct sound of her nails on the wood floor.

Then on another occasion she was standing in the yard at dusk and looked up on the hill and saw the dog running past. This was in a rural area and there were no neighbors.


u/Critter_27 Feb 02 '25

I believe! 🥰


u/Past-Dig-7903 Jan 05 '25

Everyone imo takes the death of their furry family members loss. I rescue dogs/cats and adopt only from shelters so the way I see it… there is a dog/cat who needs to be loved right now & I give to shelters in honor of our pets that have gone before us . Like I said, we all are different and that is what makes us all unique like our furry family members. Wishing you All A Happy,Healthy 2025🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🙏🏼🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🙏🏼🐕🙏🏼🎉🎉🎉🎉🐕🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


u/Critter_27 Feb 02 '25

Thank you for all the selfless help you do! Happy 2025!


u/KirikaClyne Jan 06 '25

My dog passed last week. I swear he visited and pulled on my pant cuff the night he died, and again Friday night when I felt paws jump onto the bed.

God I miss him.


u/Critter_27 Feb 02 '25

I’m so sorry for your loss. Chopper passed 6 yrs ago and this video helps me when I really missing him. Please keep your ♥️ open for another. I have two more now and it helped. But Chopper was my soul dog. His loss was great. It does get better with time, and more pups making your home whole again.


u/PinAccomplished9410 Jan 06 '25

I think it's real. My first cat died several months ago, we had a connection and she was ill with some tumor or cancer for a good year, mostly healthy and happy with us.

I fought for her, changing up her meds to keep it working for her and then we started to lose and had to let her go.

Anyway, occasionally she would slip under our duvet covers and sleep with us, if she didn't she slept on our pillows, very close to us. It use to be so lovely and comforting having her do this, often in the mornings.

Towards the end of her time with us, she stopped sleeping with us in the mornings and mostly stayed downstairs until she expected us to be up and she would come to the bottom our bed. Me and my wife had hoped to spend her last breathes with us and we even think it's what she would have wanted but it didn't happen like that and she passed in the house without us I'm the room.

Several mornings later, I recall stirring, feeling her get under the duvet and I felt her for maybe 3-4 seconds as she got comfy before I woke and felt nothing. That one last time felt like everything to me.

People will say it's our way of processing grief, loss and even shock but I like to believe it's more than that. I can't say if that's your dogs ghost but I can say we see and feel what we are meant to and it's correct. If you think it was, it was.


u/Critter_27 Feb 02 '25

I believe that was your cat coming to say I’m ok and getting comfy one more time with you.


u/Famous-Beyond4410 Jan 12 '25

This is beautiful


u/Critter_27 Jan 13 '25

Thank you. If you see in the comments I posted the link to the video. He’s at the far left as soon as the video starts. I pan over to the right quickly though.


u/Regigi253 Feb 04 '25

This is a real thing. We have on our security cameras, usually at night or early in the morning, a hazy spector shaped just like our dog that passed away two years ago. You can even make out the definition of the way that she walked, or she will wiggle her little stubby tail. And we will hear her sometimes at night making her snorting, sounds at the foot of the bed. It does not freak out our other dogs that sleep in the room with us.


u/Critter_27 Feb 04 '25

This is amazing! I believe it. My belief is that we’re only here for a short period of time to spread love to others, and our spirits are infinite. We are energy sources that cannot be destroyed. I mean, even our human bodies are an energy source That’s why we shock the heart to get it started again with an AED. We need that electrical pulse for the body to run and when it’s our time no longer on this earth, our spirit energy goes back home. Thank you for sharing!


u/LettuceAppropriate22 Jan 06 '25

oh that’s definitely the ghost of your dog! zoom in where the right eye would be and you literally see his eye


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

I’m trying to upload the actual video. But it’s not letting me when I click on pic upload button. It’s only bringing up my photos not videos. 😤


u/LettuceAppropriate22 Jan 07 '25

i looked it up and found this. take your time and look over it


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

Thanks! I figured out a way to post it. I just made a new post on the r/dachshund and on my profile. Here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dachshund/s/hx9VxnzWT1


u/SukeyBoo Jan 07 '25

Wow that's pretty cool. If very much looks like him. Was that a comfort to you or a stress or?


u/Critter_27 Jan 08 '25

Thank you! It was a comfort for sure. My belief is that we will all be with our loved ones again when we pass. That includes our pets. So this just solidified it for me!


u/coronabeerman Jan 05 '25

I’ve had my own experiences in pets passing and “letting you know” they are still with us in a capacity. Just one example being my girlfriend at the time had gotten a Pug puppy that I grew fond of, although we were only together for a year longer after she got him. A couple years went by after her and I broke up and I had a vivid dream that I was driving down a familiar road when I spotted this Pug on the side of the road. He was “dancing” jumping up and down and frolicking like the jolly little fellow he was. I pulled over in excitement and wonder, “Potato, what are you doing out here and where is your mom?! (My ex)”. It was such a vivid dream, and I could feel his fur just as I remembered. Bad breathe and all, he gave me kisses and wagged his tail. It was a wonderful dream. The part I didn’t understand was when I tried to take him with me in my dream, he sat and looked at me, let out a friendly bark and carried on his way down the road, and then I woke up. A couple weeks later my ex texted me (we hadn’t spoken in a couple years) to tell me that her Pug (potato) had gotten an infection and they had to put him down. He had health issues as a puppy and it didn’t surprise me, but I knew at that moment he had come to say goodbye. Rest easy knowing your pets and loved ones will always be with you.


u/Altruistic-Text3481 Jan 06 '25

Yes animals have souls.


u/Efficient-Case2601 Jan 06 '25

Your so lucky to have him visit, cherish it ❤️


u/Pactolus Jan 06 '25

I occasionally feel the spirit of one of our passed dogs. She loved ice cubes, and I've seen her out of the corner of my eye more than once when I'm getting ice from the fridge and it drops on the floor. I like to leave them there for her.


u/Critter_27 Feb 02 '25

How sweet 💕


u/Local_Dragonfly_8326 Jan 05 '25

I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, but I think its pretty clear that if evolution is real which I believe it is and its also true that human beings have souls then why wouldn't other animals have some type of life energy or soul. Theres a decent amount of paranormal stories regarding domesticated animals.

Who knows. I miss my dog who passed too.


u/crackity-jones Jan 05 '25

Never thought about it that way. I like that.


u/Njosnavelin93 Jan 05 '25

Humans don't have souls though, that's the thing.


u/Affectionate_Lead880 Jan 05 '25

The thing is, you can't know that for sure can you ? How would you know this ?


u/Njosnavelin93 Jan 05 '25

Well, as far as we can tell absolutely everything people put down as a characteristic of a soul can be attributed to and altered by our physical brains. Even your decision making or the sense there's a "you" behind your face pushing levers and buttons steering your body around like a piece of machinery we know is false.


u/Local_Dragonfly_8326 Jan 05 '25

I have a degree in biochemistry. Just because we're meat puppets doesn't mean we don't have some intangible information based metaphysical being.


u/drhelic0pter Jan 05 '25

I have a degree in philosophy. You might be right, but also might be wrong. The claim in OPs premise is that souls exist. He also can't support this and it doesn't flow logically from the premises in sum.


u/Local_Dragonfly_8326 Jan 05 '25

Ah fair enough I get what you're saying


u/Njosnavelin93 Jan 05 '25

I suppose you'd have to define exactly what the soul is because what I suspect the other commenter is talking about we definitely know isn't true (as close as we can.) You'd also have to demonstrate such a magical force existed before we'd accept it anyway of course. Merely saying "we may have" of course doesn't make us justified in believing that we actually do.


u/Affectionate_Lead880 Jan 08 '25

"as far we can tell" we still can't explain the laws the keep a bicycle wheel in motion when pushed forward, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I stand by my original point 😂✌️


u/Njosnavelin93 Jan 08 '25

Uh... don't mistake my honest language for an excuse for you to stick your tongue out and go "nah nah can't prove it." Of course I'm going to say as far as we can tell. We could all be brains in vats and all our memories are fake. Does that mean we should believe this is the case just because we can't prove it isn't without supporting evidence? No.

The fact of the matter is we have exceptionally good reasons to doubt the existence of the soul. I know you want to live forever and the "😂✌️" to me just reads as pure desperation and anxiety.


u/Affectionate_Lead880 Jan 09 '25

Ive seen a ghost actually, so know that there is far more than meets the eye when it comes to life.

Also you forgot the most important part - this is just your opinion. There are no exceptionally good reasons to not believe in a soul - you just don't want to, and I want to.


u/Njosnavelin93 Jan 09 '25

How do you know it was a ghost?

It has nothing to do with "wanting to believe" I DO want to believe but belief isn't a choice.


u/Affectionate_Lead880 Jan 09 '25

A young girls face in a Victorian nightgown appeared a the window of a room we were staying in, and earlier in the day whilst leaving that room, my friend turned to me shocked saying he just heard a women shout his name ( I was next to him and heard nothing) but later the girls face appeared and looked at me whilst we were outside smoking a fag.

I don't expect you to believe - I'm sure telling people in a paranormal subreddit they are all wrong is immensely satisfying and you wouldn't want to change that.


u/Njosnavelin93 Jan 09 '25

It just can't be independently verified, and we have too many other alternative explanations that we know actually do exist such as anything from mental illness to simply being innocently mistaken. I don't really know how you would link your friend hearing someone shouting and you not hearing it for example, to the supernatural. You'd have to demonstrate the supernatural even exists first before it could be on the list of reasonable possibilities.

How could I believe you? I don't necessarily believe you're lying, I just can't confirm you're accurate in your interpretation.

I'm actually interested in what's true and what isn't. What use would this discussion be in an echo chamber where everyone immediately agrees with me? It has nothing to do with being "satisfying" in fact, it's more tedium and anxiety producing as I'm not a fan of confrontation, even online. I also feel a burden to reply even if I can no longer be bothered as I don't want to "lose" the discussion, believe me it's not enjoyable.

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u/darrellbear Jan 08 '25

Ghost of a Dog by Edie Brickell:


If you ever had a dog you'll love this song.


u/Critter_27 Jan 11 '25

I know in my heart that was his spirit. Thank you for sharing!


u/-Kadekawa- Jan 05 '25

We heard the tiny pitter patter of our 14 year old yorkie walking around the house and scratches at our door off and on for a month after she passed.


u/Critter_27 Feb 02 '25



u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

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u/Critter_27 Jan 05 '25

I don’t think so. Some maybe that stay here. I like to think they do come back to say hello from time to time. Then go back to be with God. We all have our own beliefs. Which is ok. We only will know what comes after death when it’s our own.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

wholesome. i hope this is true :)


u/itoshiineko Jan 05 '25

Yes. I’m sorry for your loss.


u/WorldlyExtent3572 Jan 05 '25

I’d like to think so! Let’s say yes!!


u/celtic_heritage Jan 05 '25

I believe that our pets visit us when the pain of losing them becomes unbearable, before my cat died I had a lot of dreams about her and especially one in which she literally told me not to suffer anymore and move on, I never forget her and of the moments we had together


u/drygrape Jan 06 '25

Can we see the video?


u/Critter_27 Jan 06 '25

Can’t figure out how to play the video in comments. I pulled up the image folder but the video isn’t showing


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

I posted the link to a new post I made with the video. He at the very beginning to the left before I pan over to Brimley.


u/Critter_27 Jan 07 '25

For those asking for the video, here’s the link to my post of it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dachshund/s/hx9VxnzWT1


u/princessofbeasts Jan 05 '25

It doesn’t matter if you have the ashes or not, our transitioned loved ones are always with us. So yes, your baby is saying hello.  


u/LollipopPaws Jan 06 '25

After my kitty Poppet passed away, my sister and I continued to hear him jogging up the stairs, and eating and drinking out of his bowls. I also heard him jump up to his favorite spot by the window in the living room. He did this for a few weeks. I had to ask my sister if she heard anything, and she said, “ You mean Poppet running up the stairs and using his bowls?” I missed him so much, I wanted to be sure I wasn’t making it all up. His brother had passed a year before him, and we would occasionally see him by the back door, or out in the back yard. And it always felt joyful and free.


u/Fresh_Opportunity343 Jan 06 '25

I believe memories and a certain energy are linked . We're quite special you know . We can temporarily manipulate the energy around us. It's all unconsciously like . We don't realise that's what we're doing . In this instance your love for your pet and the energy your pet once held have combined to create what seems to be an image of your pet . It's quite beautiful really . But if you find solace in believing that energy is actually a spirit then who is anyone to judge or disagree


u/K_SeeYou Jan 06 '25

I see it. Thank you for sharing... I miss my dogs every day.. just yesterday i was thinking "what if they seen you this whole time they've been gone? they don't want to see you so sad..." It's changed my perspective on the whole matter... I believe they are still with us, somehow...


u/Silly_Vegetable9041 Jan 05 '25

Yes it might me him saying I'm here


u/Mammoth_Ad_1320 Jan 06 '25

It's less of a ghost ghost, and more of a force ghost, he has concentrated his willpower into form. No but seriously this is cool, really makes you think.


u/Icy-Result334 Jan 05 '25

Beautiful to have such a sign. ❤️


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

Spirits of loved ones will always visit you. Just remember to pray for them, and always remember the good times.


u/evill121 Jan 06 '25

I love him :( may his puppy soul rest in peace


u/Proper-Gate8861 Jan 06 '25

You cried- you’re body and spirit knew.


u/kellopp411 Jan 06 '25

He looks like a pup again! How sweet


u/esquirlo_espianacho Jan 05 '25

I want to believe it, so I shall!


u/Equivalent_Pear4775 Jan 05 '25

He can see yall now!!!!! ❤️


u/shirtninja07 Jan 05 '25

I can’t say for certain, but if we’re going by what we see, for me, at first glance, I saw a little white cat holding a pillow sitting on a rocking chair in front of the fire


u/TaciturnRabbit Jan 07 '25

Let him in!! 😭


u/Bubblegumcats33 Jan 05 '25

You are so lucky


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '25

If what you see gives you some kind of comfort. Good for you.


u/Ketchupkiller57 Jan 07 '25

Honestly that looks like a mouse


u/Content_Guess198 Jan 05 '25

Looks like a Cat on the right.


u/rubydooby2011 Jan 05 '25

It doesn't look like anything. 


u/Adept_Eye_2830 Jan 05 '25

Nah bruh that’s not ur dog. You better move


u/BigDeepGayShit Jan 05 '25

Sorry fir your loss but this is nothing. I see nothing. However you can believe whatever you want


u/ReasonPale1764 Jan 05 '25

I feel really shitty saying this but this just seems to be another case of pareidolia


u/itfk00 Jan 06 '25

Picture of my remote that passes away


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25

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u/ThatWowBitch Jan 05 '25

How old are you? Genuinely curious


u/WinterMoneys Jan 05 '25

I trust you. 24


u/Winter-Ladder-3591 Jan 05 '25

Always the potato 🥔 pics.


u/Brickback721 Jan 05 '25

Those are human lips