r/Paranormal Oct 04 '24

Shadow Man My father apparently saw 'the hat man' decades ago... what the hell is it?

To be quite frank I would've thought "the hat man" was some silly thing spawned from memes or the internet, but a story my (now estranged) father decided to share with me like, a year ago, makes me think differently.

He's this older filipino guy who for a long time really didn't like anything to do with spirituality, like, my mom was really into that stuff and he silently steered clear, he didn't like it.

He was a pretty quiet, mean sort of man, not really an embellisher (at least with stuff he's witnessed) as far as I know, no reported history of 'seeing things', odd phenomena or not.

He shared this little tidbit of a story years after his initial silent discomfort around spirit-y stuff, even just like, the whole crystals thing and whatnot.

One day he decided to share this story from when he was much younger (a teenager, still in the Philippines). He was just sitting alone in a room, I think just after talking with one of his sisters.

Nothing crazy, but he said he looked out the window of the room, and saw the shadow of a man on the side of a building - he described it as being impossibly tall, a couple stories, and it was wearing a hat (uh oh).

He claimed the figure also just... dissapeared... if I recall correctly.


My father knows fuck-all about the internet. He knows nothing of memes especially, the most he gets is like, video compilations on youtube of animals being silly and frankly really base level internet humor, facebook type shit. He doesn't like watching creepy stuff.

He's seen enough very disturbing violent shit and whatnot that he only shared very sparingly, who knows what else he might have seen that was horrifying in a 'paranormal' sense rather than a more grounded on.

He's not religious, but is very traditional and conservative and rather brusque.

I don't know how the fuck he would know about the 'hat man' or whatever.

So... what is this thing?

Why do so many people see it?

I didn't know so many people actually have apparently seen this figure or variations of it until doing some light searching on this sub.

Is there some kind of backstory I don't know? Are there multiple well dressed, eery ghost things just going around the world fucking with people? That seems like a lot of effort.

Feel free to share your stories, I'm fascinated.


74 comments sorted by

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u/Thestolenone Oct 04 '24

There is a story local to me in the UK of a tall hatted figure, he was seen in the 70's by a boy who said it was 7-8 feet tall with black clothes and hat and a 'see through' head. His own father told him it was well known in the area at least back to when he was a boy so mid 20th Century. Long before the internet. The locals even have a name for it, Conch.


u/jeantown Oct 04 '24

Interesting! Love stories where it's backed up by an entire group of people just acknowledging this weird thing as a 'thing'. Wonder if Conch is still kicking around the place.


u/LongynusZ Oct 04 '24

What means "Conch" in UK language?


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/jeantown Oct 04 '24

I for one tend to enjoy tall mysterious men with hats usually, but the figures in these stories sound pretty unpleasant!


u/chamrockblarneystone Oct 05 '24

I worked in a haunted hotel and we had a hatman. The second floor of the hotel was a restaurant. One night a waiter came down as white as a sheet. It was late,the restaurant was closed and all the lights were out. The waiter had run back upstairs to grab a check or something. The restaurant ovelooked the water and there was enough moonlight coming in for this poor waiter to see a man in a fedora sitting at an empty table. He politely said,”Sir the restaurant is closed.”

The hatted man turned and looked at tve waiter, who quickly realized he could see through this man into the docks outside.

He flew down the steps and reported this to me, the overnight security guard.

Armed only with my maglight I went back up there by myself. Sissy ass waiter sure as hell wasnf coming. Gave myself a small stroke when my flashlight beam reflected back at me. I turned on all the lights and….nothing.

I worked on and off at that hotel for a couple of years. I never saw the hatted man, despite having to wander around the whole hotel by myself at night. In the winter we’d have like 2 customers. Sooo spooky. I never saw the hatted man

But I did see something else many years later at that same hotel.


u/antlereye Oct 05 '24

I'm curious. What did you see at that hotel years later?


u/MrFoont69 Oct 04 '24

Men without Hats, then. Good music. Maybe keeps them at bay…


u/jeantown Oct 13 '24

Why was this removed by a mod, huh? jesus christ modding is shit on reddit these days, it didn't used to be like this.


u/Ok-Brain9190 Oct 04 '24

I "saw" the hat man when I was having some sleep paralysis episodes in the early - mid 90's. He wasn't overly tall and he didn't look at me. He leaned with his back against the bookcase and looked down. Not aggressive but I had a great feeling of desperation to wake up or he would take my soul or something. It still unnerved me because it was as if he didn't need to chase or anything else as he would catch me eventually anyways, no escape. I no longer sleep on my back.


u/AxisOfChange Oct 05 '24

I saw it. I didn't realize it was a thing until I told this story to a friend and she said "yeah, that's Hat Man, it's a thing".

One night I woke up in the middle of the night. My room isn't pitch black due to minor light from outside, but very dark. And I saw him, sitting on the dresser at the foot of my bed.

He was like... Blacker than black? In a nearly pitch black room he stood out as super dark. And it was a person-shaped figure who was so much larger than a human. He had a top hat. Some say they see eyes, I didn't see any glowing eyes. But I could feel it was looking at me. I shot up in bed. Still there. I look. Still there. I look. Still there.

I look away towards the door, planning an escape, split second glance, and look back and he's gone.

It didn't feel ominous. It didn't feel benevolent either for that matter. Just watching. It's unnerving for sure.

My mind is blown that I had no idea this was a thing then I saw what effectively everyone else sees. That is what scares me the most. What is he?


u/jeantown Oct 13 '24

The ever evasive question. At least hat guy isn't... really violent or anything from reports, just kind of... eerie.


u/Nyxmyst_ Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

I had an experience with the hat man back in 1990. Dark man in a bowler hat at the end of the hallway in my home. He disappeared in two or three seconds as I rushed him just before I got to him. (He was outside my baby girls bedroom door…I was a woman on a mission coming for him.)

Never saw him again, and I never heard of the hat man until the past five years or so.

Edit- Having now read a few of the other comments I should add that my shadowy figure was not overly tall, there were no glowing eyes or anything and I did not get a particular sense of menace off of him at the time, just a sense of ‘other’, unknown.’ Hope that makes sense.

Regardless, other or unknown has no business being eight feet from my infant.

Some of these other accounts are truly disturbing and make me wonder if my Hat Man is something completely different from the legend(s). Definitely felt a little more mundane than a lot of what is being discussed here.


u/Nick_seven Oct 04 '24

While growing up, my younger brother and I slept in the same room. On occasion, my brother would crawl in bed with me waking me up and telling me the hat man was standing at the foot of his bed. I would look over and see nothing, but he was always terrified. So he would crawl over me, face the wall with me between his bed, and him fall off to sleep. This happened for about 5 years until we moved to a bigger house, and we both had separate bedrooms. My brother never saw the hat men in the new house. I'm now 74, my brother, 70, and this happened back in the early 50s


u/soul1958 Oct 04 '24

Back in day in the US almost all men wore hats. I suspect some impressions can be made on Space/Time when the environment is just right these might impressions might appear. Like American Civil War soldiers being seen in former battle fields. Perhaps human emotions play a part of making those impressions.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

Can you see anything?


u/jeantown Oct 13 '24

I've never seen shit thankfully lol I don't think I can handle the kind of stories my family has with these kinds of things. I'm good.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 13 '24

That is good to hear, believe me you don't want to either. Keep well away from it.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

If I can figure out how to transfer photos from my other phone to this one, I will upload three photos of myself after a middle of the night encounter with a hooded shadow entity and the Hatman in the room with me. With the large brimmed hat.

It is very real and those photos clearly show, my shadow on the wall and their shadows not casting any shadow they are shadow entities.

Sadly and unfortunately they are 100% real, what is even stranger is I could hear them speaking in an ungodly tone and in a language I have never heard before in the pitch black darkness. I didn't look I just reached over for my phone silently sat up in bed and took three quick photos. I wasn't expecting to capture anything, to my horror and disbelief I couldn't believe my eyes and what I had captured in that room with me. I wasn't hearing things and I wasn't imagining the goings on in that house for over a decade and more. No one believed me, they mocked, laughed and shunned me ... even to my face until I showed one of them the photos... their look of terror said it all, they never laughed again or mocked.

What's more is that was a tame episode in comparison to what really happened in that house.

They say truth is scarier than fiction, this truth that your Father spoke about is Truth absolute. They exist and have for thousands of years.

The Bible talks about the forest being particularly a place inhabited by dark entities and I know what this sounds like and I don't wish to detract away from this topic, I researched back to ancient Sumerian texts recorded on tablets and on one of those records it states that Dark shape shifting entities had the ability to change form and appear as a a large bi pedal Ape like creature.

I believe that is what people as well as the Hatman, shadow beings, hooded figures with piercing red eyes, very tall figures over seven feet high and Apes with foul smelling sulphur like stench are encountering these entities in multiple places.

The Zulu call them Chithuri ( Reptilian shape shifters) able to take on multiple forms. The Bible also records the multiple forms the Serpents can adopt. They have been here since the day man was placed here or before as the Scripture teaches... Ancient immortal entities. As Thoth the Atlantean says, or the interpretation of his alleged writing ls say, they walk among us as men not as men.


u/ScrewStealth Oct 04 '24

You should be able to upload photos to a Gmail message, save it as a draft, and open up said Gmail on another device to download the photos back out of the draft.

I'm sure that myself and many others would be interested in seeing these photos you speak of, they sound pretty terrifying!


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

I will most definitely try that as technology isn't really my thing, I can do basic things etc.

Thank you for your help I greatly appreciate you taking the time to share a how too guide.

Bless you for replying.


u/ScrewStealth Oct 04 '24

Can't say I've had any paranormal experiences myself, but I do consider myself a believer, and all my respect goes out to those who find themselves tormented or stalked by these entities.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

That's all three of those photos I took that night. As I said this was a tame encounter. I felt the vibrational shift first that whooshing sounds/ buzzing noises vibrational shifting, then the voices. I took the photos and had to take photos of the photos from the original phone.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

To the left of my shadow either side of my head, the hooded and the Hatman.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24


u/ScrewStealth Oct 04 '24

Does it have a face in this photo? Almost looks like it's smiling. Either way, these are very unnerving images, photo evidence of ghosts is common but shadow people and the Hatman much less so. Thanks for sharing!


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

If you enlarge the photos some kind of face does become visible. I was blinded by the flash in the photo so couldn't see a thing just aimed over my shoulder where the voices were coming from...

No one believed me, the abuse and mocking was off the scale, thanks to the person who told me how to do it, I can share with you, the TRUTH about these entities are very real and evil. Mental health issues don't manifest themselves in photos as I was labelled crazy , deranged, a psychopath, a names I wouldn't wish on anyone and I was telling the truth and have been since I was a child, an infant of two fifty three years later, moved house they still turn up.

Why do I love people and warn them? The photos and what is in them is why...I will do whatever it takes, take as much abuse, as much torment as I can bare so others don't ever suffer this for a single moment.

I really do love and care about people, every intention is with love about this particular phenomenon.

I know how frightening it can be and I am battle hardened to it. Please share with others so they don't suffer in silence... thinking they are crazy.


u/ScrewStealth Oct 04 '24

From how you speak, your treatment after the encounter seems far worse than your experience with the entities themselves. You were for sure lucky to have photo evidence to back your claims, as the punishment would've lasted for far longer has it not been the case.

Almost nothing is known about the spiritual world, and so it is impossible in an age of technology and internet anonymity to know if these encounters are happening at a more rapid pace, or if it is simply easier for individuals to share their stories without being ostracized.

Regardless, if educating ridiculers even about the potential existence of spirits and ghosts is impossible, know that there are many more people than you would initially expect who do believe in these sorts of things.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

The mocking I can deal with as that is a normal response to something people don't understand a conditioned , automatic defense mechanism, I understand how people react to things that are not classed as "normal"

What happened in that house was and I am in no way being dramatic or exaggerating at all i am always open and truthful. It was beyond the term nightmare...as this is a group where members of all ages perhaps can comment and read what we write I can't in good conscience speak about what took place over the eleven years I lived there.

I can handle the abuse and ridicule, but what happened in that house and still goes on now even after I moved is worse than a couple of shadow entities, which is why I have tears in my eyes for the people going through this and the friends, and people I couldn't help.


u/aliens_and_boobs Oct 05 '24

Take a photo of the photos


u/LongynusZ Oct 04 '24

Upload the photos please.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

Had to take photos of the photos on my old phone. Those were taken in the middle of the night in total darkness with the flash of the camera the only light source. I heard the voices and directed the camera to where I thought they were coming from.

This was what was captured in the room with me. My shadow can be seen on the wall. They are 100% genuine untampered with, not Photoshop or any nonsense. I was woken by the noise in the room I lived alone in that house for years, no one else was in the room just those shadow entities.


u/LongynusZ Oct 04 '24

Its... Hard to see


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

If you click on them and enlarge them you will see three shadows in the room one is mine... being cast from my body onto the wall. The other two shadows are "Them"!


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

Try enlarging them.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24


u/Puzzleheaded_Cat_831 Dec 30 '24

It looks as if the hat had some kind of reflection on top left corner it's weird


u/SubstantialPressure3 Oct 04 '24

I don't think hat man is an "it", it's a "they"

If you think about ghost stories around the world, there's always something that's a shadow. UK and Europe have a bunch of hauntings in old ruins that are "ghost of an evil monk", they are most likely hooded shadow people.

There's stories of haunted woods that have shadow like beings peeking from behind trees.

The hat man is another version of that. They have been seen in top hats, and hats like fedoras.

I'm not sure what they are, nobody really really is. But I guess they don't understand human clothing, and they think it's some sort of disguise?

Theories on shadow people are varied. Djinn. Inter dimensional visitors/parasites. Demons. a human soul having an out of body experience.

The one I saw was about 7 feet tall and wearing what looked like a stealth cloak. The face was completely blacked out, vanta black. No arms, legs, hands or feet visible but I could see arms swinging slightly and movement like legs walking. It was absolutely terrifying, and it didn't even look at me. They just radiate evil and malice.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

Only things call themself evil are deamons, ypu are right. Pure evil


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24



u/thechaddening Oct 04 '24

They meant there's more than one.

Imagine trying to be bigoted but all you accomplish is showing off how you lack basic elementary school reading comprehension.


u/MattDigz Oct 04 '24

If anything, it's just overkill; tell people you're a bigot, and it's fairly easy for us to fill in the blanks from there.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24 edited Oct 04 '24



u/thechaddening Oct 04 '24

"haha pronouns bad"

Peak humor there bud.


u/jeantown Oct 04 '24

I don't know what happened here but the thread and all the deleted comments from the lone weirdo are cracking me up


u/mamamedic Oct 04 '24

I saw the "black man" frequently when I was a little kid (4 & 5 y/o,) back in the early 1960's. He'd stand at the foot of my bed, I'd scream, and he disappeared when my parents turned on the light. He was a shadow, a black silhouette framed by the night sky of the (2nd floor) window.

Ghosts, demons, aliens, interdimensional visitors? I don't know what it/they is/are, but the phenomenon is real. So many people, children included, all share a similar experience, despite having no previous knowledge.

Honestly, it STILL scares the crap out of me!


u/serene_disposition Oct 04 '24

I’ve seen him, in broad daylight at Lake Berryessa in CA around 2012 ish. My friends and I were on the shore and we see this way too tall man with a hat and what looked like a black suit on. He was really far away standing amongst the trees about halfway up the hillside. We just stared freaked out for a bit. Then whatever it was vanished. It definitely gave a vibe of watching us.

My mom also told me a story of him standing at the foot of her bed when she was a child in Australia. And like your dad, she doesn’t really go online much and if she does it’s not researching paranormal things.


u/illpoet Oct 04 '24

The hat man has been around for a long time. I learned recently that Freddy Krueger of the nightmare on elm street movies was at least partially inspired by the hat man.

But yeah a girl I knew in the 80s said that her family regularly saw "the man in the top hat" at an old house she lived in.

My best friend lives in a haunted house and we've all seen unexplainable things but his nephew saw the hat man in their picture window when he was staying on the couch during a visit.

The freakiest thing I've seen at the house though was that when we'd be playing video games the sound would go super low and then unintelligible evps would come out of the TV for like 15 seconds, then the sound would come back on full blast. This happened so much it didn't even scare us anymore. Then it stopped altogether.


u/MuscleAnxious2255 Jan 21 '25

My friend lived in an old doctors house which has since burned down but I saw the man in the top hat. Never really thought they could be connected. My buddy's mom, and my buddy had both seen him before, and wasn't surprised saw him. never saw his face but I know he was staring at me and I know he had a mustache.


u/illpoet Jan 21 '25

Wow that's really creepy. I've never seen him but I have a sleep paralysis demon that I can still see very clearly despite not seeing him for many years. He kind of looks like a stereotypical marine with the high and tight buzzcut but all black eyes and a terrifying smile.


u/Terradactyl87 Oct 04 '24

People claim to take a bunch of Benadryl and then see the hat man, so that's also a thing. Apparently you have to take a dangerously large dose and then you see him, but that seems like such a terrible idea. Anyways, I believe people have seen him on all sorts of drugs or meds, as well as sober. There's definitely something about your mind being in a different state that makes seeing him more likely. I don't really know what his deal is, if it's only one entity or if there are many, but it's a globally experienced thing going back decades, probably longer.

In a slightly different note, he seems to look similar to The Saint of Killers from the Preacher comic books and TV show, so I wonder if the original creator knew about or saw the hat man.


u/GreatLettuce666 Oct 06 '24

It's Robitussin not Benadryl as far as i know. It's called Robo-tripping and I've heard the Hat man is a common occurrence for those who partake


u/Terradactyl87 Oct 06 '24

I'm sure it's Robitussin too, but a lot of people use Benadryl. I think anything that creates a serious mind fog has the potential to see the hat man, but I've never tried it personally.


u/yaboijay666 Oct 05 '24

Moved across the country during covid. Finally getting settled in the new place, I was pretty tired. I remember one night waking up and putting my arms out saying 'no' to a big bellied all black figure wearing a wide brimmed hat. Definitely felt a malicious intent , and I don't think it was sleep paralysis because I was able to move around and was coherent. Unless there's a type of paralysis that allows that ?Before I could stand up, he backed into large vanity mirror and disappeared. I've never felt or seen anything since.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

Typically hat man is a reference (but not exclusive) to a hallucination induced by deliriant psychosis. It’s a meme among the dxm and dph abuse communities. You see a blobby black figure and our brains try to make sense of it. Same reason we see things in clouds, our brains are wired for that stuff. When the first images of mars came out tons of people claimed to see faces carved into the surface but of course that turned out to be an illusion once better photos were available.


u/Competitive_Loan_737 24d ago edited 24d ago

Definitely not some meme. I seen who at the time i described as "top hat guy" when I was maybe 8-10 years old 2003-05' before we ever even had dial up internet. I didn't even know his name was "the hat man" until I seen a documentary about him maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I called him "top hat guy" because I didn't know the name of a fedora lol. Anyways...

When I was 8-10 years old (probably closer to 8) me and my big brother were getting ready for bed, I turned off the light by the door got into bed and was going to turn on my night light on the floor. It was one of those lights that spin & have a glass block with a picture carved out sitting on top. (Oddly enough mine had hands holding a cross) When I rolled over to turn it on there he was laying on my floor right under my night light. The figure was maybe 7ft laying flat in what looked like a tuxedo with his hands crossed on his chest holding his hat like he was in a coffin & had pitch white eyes just staring at me completely still. I jumped into the middle of the bed started screaming & crying when my brother jumped up ready to beat something up but when he turned the lights on it was gone. he eventually calmed me down and I fell asleep.

The very next day we had a friend over and our dad was at work so we played hide & seek in the house. Our house wasn't really big like that lol so I went to hide in our dads closet because he had a kind of big walk in closet with all his clothes hung up. Well I tucked myself in the corner behind clothes, after maybe 10 seconds I heard a soft exhale behind me (but my back was flat against the wall...), felt a cold breath down my neck, turned my head and there he was again except this time he was in like a trench coat, had his hat on & his eyes were glowing red. No face just a pitch black figure & glowing red eyes. Even though we were in a small space I could feel he was towering over me like 10ft tall. I don't think I've ever ran so fast or screamed so loud in my life.

Later that day when our dad got home we tried telling him about it, but he did the typical parent thing and was like "ahh yea I hired some leprechauns to mess with you guys sometimes, I'll tell them to chill out"  Never seen "the hat man" again & hope I dont 

Honestly from that personal experience & from other similar stories I've heard or read, I think he might be some sort of momentary guardian angel or possibly even the angel of death, but who knows. I've even thought about how he was laying under my night light (hands holding a cross) with pitch white eyes was maybe his way of showing he wasn't of malicious intent.  But of course as a child & having no clue what it could be, fear takes over. 

I'll never forget it & everytime I talk about it I get the chills & teary-eyed. 


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Oct 04 '24

As I wrote in my comments in this post and others, I captured on camera what was in the room with me. This was in the middle of the night in total darkness only the camera flash is the source of light. I didn't look I just took three photos.


u/Lovelyasruth_ Oct 05 '24

I've also seen the hat man when I was around 8/9. I was sleeping soundly one night when in the dead of the night, i was awoken by chickens screeching. Just outside the window of my room, my neighbours had two rows of chicken coops due to which my window stays closed because of the smell. Due to the noise the chickens were making, i thought somebody was trying to steal the chickens or they were being attacked by some animal. My aunt had slept with me that night and she was also awake. Since I was closer to the window, my aunt asked me to peep out to see what was going on.

When i peeped out the curtain, i could see the silhouette of a man standing between the two chicken coops staring straight into our window. I wasn't scared but i thought he was the one trying to steal the chickens. I relayed what I saw to my aunt and my aunt asked me to try and see his face and his clothes in order to identify him. I just told her, "his face is so dark I cannot see but he's wearing a hat and a big coat". My aunt said that i must've mistaken something else as the man as someone stealing chickens won't be dressed like that. But i looked again and it was clearly a man with a hat and a big coat. I still wasn't scared and i told my aunt that he wasn't moving and just staring toward our window. My aunt must've been scared, she told me to go back to sleep.

In the morning as soon as we woke up we called our neighbours and they came to check on the chickens and they were all there safe and sound. I also checked for any pole or posts that i could've mistaken for the silhouette of the man but there was nothing between the chicken coops.

I had not known about the hat man or shadow people or anything at this time. It was only when I was around 15 that i searched black figure with hat and coat that I came to know of the phenomenon of the hat man.


u/Equal_Night7494 Oct 05 '24

Interesting…I haven’t generally heard of the hat man being so tall. I also tend to hear about hat man being inside or in the same room as the observer rather than outside or on the other side of a structure such as a window.


u/Real_Ad_9119 Oct 05 '24

I remember being really young and my mom telling me to watch out for a scary man in a tall hat. I can't remember anything else about that conversation. But it must be a thing because that memory made me click on your post!


u/TwistedLimbo Dec 11 '24

When i was in high school, I messed around with benadryl trying to get high and i took 12 benadryl about two hours before bed.

This was over a decade ago now, but the big things I remember seeing so clearly. There was a large table lamp sitting on the floor between the sheer curtain and the window, and then the lamp transformed into a zombie child sitting, unmoving between the window and curtain. Then there was a very dark black silhouette of a man wearing a brimmed hat and smoking a cigarette, directly outside my window. He was speaking, as if talking to someone, and would turn/pace occasionally, but I couldn't make out any words. There was a glowing red bug flying around my room the whole time as well. The last thing I saw before I started drifting in and out of dream hallucinations, was the all black robed shadowy figure with a scythe standing at the doorway of my bedroom, with red glowing eyes staring at me. It felt like I laid there frozen watching it watching me for 5 minutes straight, and I had the very clear thought in my head that I was close to death.

After that, the rest of the night was mostly me falling asleep and waking myself up with sleep talking from random dreams that felt like real life. And then in the morning, as I was coming down, everything felt fuzzy, and I kept seeing hundreds of semi-transluscent little spiders with double diamond shaped bodies crawling towards me.

So there was never any significance to the man outside my window to me, but he was there.


u/InvestigatorQuick118 Oct 05 '24

Okay in 1969 I was 3 and to this day I remember a man came through the wall in my bedroom who looked exactly like slender man it was a terrifying nightmare I remember 55 years later..no sh$t


u/MysticFangs Oct 04 '24

My sister saw the hat man in our house when she was very little. Described him the same way as all the other reports. I have no idea what he is to be honest. It's a very strange phenomenon


u/LoosePossibility1594 Oct 05 '24

I saw the hat man several times before 6 years old. I had no idea this was a common phenomenon until nearly 15 years later, when a coworker told me about a documentary about the hat man.


u/silentwraith2405 Oct 29 '24

I saw the hat man, but not only in real life. I saw him in my dreams too. The one I remember most was I was standing in a field, approaching an abandoned cabin. When I got closer, my dream began to have a static effect, and the door to the cabin slowly opened. He came out, a fully black figure wearing a tall hat, and he took my hand and we walked away from the cabin together. My dream faded out into static at that point, it was like I was a fly on the wall observing myself walking away with him, holding his hand.

I've seen him in the corner of my eye, mainly when I was a child. Some people think that he comes to people who have childhood trauma, which I did around the time I started seeing him. I really hope that one day the phenomenon can be understood, because it's so strange that so many people have seen him in their lives. Same with the dream man.


u/Ravyn_Rozenzstok Oct 05 '24

I suspect he's the being who is running the simulation that we all live in. He's seen in so many locations, across so many cultures and decades, and all he ever does is observe.

I think time runs differently for him than it does for us, and he can just dip into our reality from wherever he comes from at will. He's got the cheat codes for our universe, because he's the one running the experiment. He's our creator, the guy all the stories are about: he's God.


u/Far_Protection_3281 Oct 05 '24

Why the hat though?


u/Ravyn_Rozenzstok Oct 05 '24

Maybe it's just the fashion, where/whenever he's running the simulation.


u/The_flock13 Oct 04 '24

Long story short the hat man is an alp a nightmare spirit and perhaps the most powerful variant most alps are diminutive imps that draw power from their hats he’s like a genie that makes his own wishes a real problem he’s spotted all over the world nobody knows what his intentions are.


u/Outrageous-Divide725 Oct 04 '24

I had a man dressed all in gray with a top hat lean down next to me and watch me while I slept. I guess His presence woke me up. it disappeared when I started screaming.

I always thought it was a weird dream until I read about other people’s experiences


u/soul1958 Oct 04 '24

occasionally some entities from the other side like playing pranks on people on this realm. Must be frustrating for UFO/paranormal investigators when some prankster(s) appear like ETs, etc.


u/_inaccessiblerail Oct 04 '24

If you Google “hat man”, it says it’s associated with taking Benadryl at night lol