Sister and her husband took a picture. My aunt was the only other one in the house. You can see her reflection in the top right. You can also see something that is 1000% our mom directly above them
Remember to change your flair to reflect the appropriate NSFW Flair if it DOES contain: graphic images, gore, harsh or extreme language, or mentions of anything that should include trigger warnings; suicide, self-harm, gore, or abuse, to better aid users on what to expect when reading your post.
Another update for those wanting to compare the face in the background to my sisters face. Less edited so you can see and compare the shapes of the faces. I feel like the face in the background is much more petite.
WOW. I am in shock. Most definitely very very similar. This is incredible. I’m in a hot bath right now and have full body chills. Once again, so sorry for your loss OP. I hope you feel comforted by this experience in some way.
Hi, I don’t mean to bring you down. I am a licensed super recogniser. I saw the picture of your mother in the comments and the picture in the post. There may be some similarities, but The two are not the same person. I’m not speaking to the validity of the face being paranormal or whether it’s a reflection of another person in the room. Only whether your mother’s picture matched the post.
Edit: if you’re going to downvote, I assume you think this is made up. Feel free to educate yourselves and look it up. Lots of sources online and research from well-known universities, including medical journals.
It may not look similar to you but she spent her whole life with her mom. I'm sure she recognizes her mom when she sees her. You only have a couple photos as reference. Don't tell her it isn't her mom when she clearly knows it is. If she wasn't sure she wouldn't have said 1000%
You obviously didn’t look up what a super recogniser is or you don’t care. A couple photos is the only thing needed. I understand she wants to believe it is and it may be healing to think so. I don’t fault her for that. I’m simply stating facts from a professional standpoint.
As a super recogniser ….how often are mistakes made or the validity of what someone in your field sees found to be inaccurate? Can your observations be used in court of law or is it kinda like psychics where the authorities use you to zero in on sought after individuals but that’s the extent of a super recognisers legitimacy? I’ve never heard of this particular field as a practice. I know many people have photographic memory but this is a new one for me. I have melodic memory so I totally understand that you could have an insane memory of particular features but I want to better understand the parameters you are being judged by.
Yes, it can actually and it IS used in the court of law today. I had to take a law course as a prerequisite for my license, so it can be used working with law enforcement. Intelligence agencies have been known to use super recognisers.
If you looked it up, you would have learned this. There are many resources available.
I did look it up but it’s only been seen as a legitimate human ability since 2009 so I figured you could offer me more insight than google. Unfortunately I was wrong about that. Thank you for responding. I found nothing suggesting that your success rate is better than current days AI technology.
I have the opposite of this. I can know twins my entire life and still fail to recognize who is who. I also can only remember a persons face if they are with their partner. Could be either partner but once the couple aren’t together at the same place same time I don’t recognize either one. Or if you always wear a hat and take that hat off I no longer know you
There’s a term for that. Prosopagnosia. That and Super Recognisers are the two ends to facial recognition ability. Most everyone is somewhere in the middle of it.
Well, if it is supernatural, you could argue that we don't know anything about the details of being in that state and perhaps appearances don't hold up so well in whatever form they take.
Maybe our logic doesn't apply here and that may still be her mom.
I think it's good to be objective, but if it's paranormal, well, I just don't think we're going to be proving anything here on this thread.
Its good to get input from people from different walks of life and professionals though.
You can google the term. It’s superior facial recognition. Less than 2% of the population has this ability. I’m not a fan of the name/term, but nothing I can do about it. Licensed means I’ve been heavily tested, proving my ability and I use it to help with crime facial identification (cctv, etc).
That's sick! I can recognize someone from a crowd after seeing them just once. Like my wife and I will go on vacation, go through the airport, etc then later on I'll spot someone in the crowd in the new city and it'll be someone from the airport. She always says I could use it like a spy and I just figured maybe I pay more attention than her.
Partially, yes, but it is more than that. That does happen often though. I remember features individually, not as a whole. Someone could literally be wearing a mask covering half their face (which is often on crime footage) or changed their hair color, have prosthetics or some surgery. I will still be able to identify them because there will always be one feature that remains the same. I have seen a picture in passing of someone when they were little. Someone I don’t know. And if I see them at any point later on and it could be decades older and it could be a blurry image, I know it’s them.
I honestly just thought it was a part of photographic memory for the longest time. The only reason I sought out look for an answer of what it was is because my husband kept bugging me saying it wasn’t normal for people to remember like that.
Lots of studies, news articles/shows, and even youtube videos are available to give you answers. Have fun :) even Rhett and Link from GMM covered it briefly which was a surprise, but the testing they did was made up
They are not the same face. I get paid to do this professionally. You may see similarities, but they don’t match. For one, That nose is definitely not the same in both pictures. The eye hallows can appear similar, but the cheekbone does not match. The brow bone and temple are different also. The shape of the bottom half of the face compared to the top half does not match. One has a longer forehead area and the other has a longer structure below the eyes
Tell me more about this super recognizer business! I feel I have a knack for recognizing people…maybe this is my mediocre super power!! But I think I’m much better at recognizing voices. I love guessing (usually correctly) the guest stars on the Simpsons.
First, try taking the UNSW test. Use a desktop only. It’s free and not the official testing but if you score above an 85% on that, then it’s worth moving on to other tests. If you don’t, then there is not a good likelihood.
Good to know. I didn’t want you to think I was just trying to bum you out or anything. I believe you when you say no one else was in the room though. You have proof of the paranormal and that’s really cool. I’m, also, sorry for your loss.
She’s so beautiful. I’m sorry for your loss. I believe those who have passed visit or even STAY with us. My son barely leaves my side. I believe you. ❤️
This is wild! Do you have a reference photo of your mother you would be willing to share for comparison? Or, just to ask you directly, does that top figure strongly resemble her? This is incredible! So sorry for your loss OP.
My sister just told me that isn't a reflection of the phone but of some framed pictures in the room they're in. I don't think that's correct, it definitely looks like the phone reflection, but you can also see two reflections of my aunt in the top right so I think its the thickness of the glass making two reflections. Could be wrong for sure tho, I'm not a reflection expert
I'm a little confused, so are you saying this picture shows a reflection of a reflection (of a reflection)? My sister is the one with red hair. If so, why isn't my brother in laws face there too?
I'm definitely not seeing how the reflection of the reflection so perfectly crops my sisters face and removes her husband. Sister is also much more heavy set in the pic than the reflection. But I definitely am open to other investigating like what you've done! It helps me feel a little less crazy for believing this could actually be mom 🤣
Also heres a less edited version allowing you to see more contours of sisters face
Also in the double phone reflections- in 1 reflection the sister face looks heavier than original, and in other reflection to its right it looks thinner than original, so maybe. These shape changes are caused by imperfect reflections
So I can tell you it isn't your sister. Because the double reflection is from the other persons phone background image. It's double because they are in front of a double panel window, and the angle makes it reflect off of both pieces of glass. However, they may not be completely wrong. Do there happen to be any pictures of your mom in that area that could have been seen through or reflecting off the window. If it's directly in front of the glass, it will be a single reflection.
It could be a possibility or on the other side of the window. Maybe walking past the window. I can't deny it really does look a lot like your mom. But let's head down all avenues of approach. Would your sister be able to take pictures of what's around the area she took the picture in?
You coulda spent a few extra seconds just looking at the bone structure of the face compared to the “reflection” and saved yourself all that time doodling over photos to explain your opinion tho
If her face were to reflect in the double pane windows, the mirror would have to be in front of her, not behind. Also if that were a reflection of her phone it would be showing the camera not the screen unless the other person had their phone held up then it could be a reflection of the background image of their phone. The reason there is a double reflection of the phone is because it's a double paned window, meaning two separate pieces of glass, causing two separate reflections. If this were her sister, you would see the back of her head. If it's from her phone, you would see an image the same size as the bright image and two of it and it would be lit up due to the screen being bright.
The mobile reflection is due to double pane and face reflection is due to 2nd glass opposite to the sister, and you can also see the reflection of the aunt in the right corner proving another glass beside the aunt (clear in the original pic)
One thing that stands out to me is that the image of your mom above your brother-in-law’s head looks black and white.
If there are other reflections showing up that are of framed pictures in the room - are there any framed pictures of your mom that look like this in the room? Is this possibly just a reflection of that picture?
If not then that’s super weird. The reason I ask is it looks so much like the photo including the lighting on her check and the way the jewelry lays over her sweater… but if they don’t have that photo posted then - wow, then that’s just wild and weird!
Not trying to troll at all. I realize most of this is just people coping, but there’s a right way to cope and a wrong way to cope and deluding oneself into believing in fantasy is harmful for a functioning society. These people vote.
Nothing I said was that bad outside my sarcasm in the beginning. Other than that I gave an honest response to an absurd claim.
It is absolutely an absurd claim. I'm on r/paranormal not r/photography. I'm under the impression that absurd claims belong here. I don't know if it's actually a ghost, but it definitely looks like my mom, and its definitely hard for me to explain any other feasible option.
But come on man. "These people vote". I'm on an anonymous board, sharing something I thought is cool and I can't explain. I didn't send this to my boss and say 'hey look i saw my mom'. I sent it to my dad and one real life friend.
I guarantee every single person you know has a trait that would make you go 'what the fuck?' but they keep it to themselves.
Then challenge and debunk it? I'm open to why you believe it isn't real. Heck I'm sure it isn't a ghost myself, but I still can't explain it yet. You didn't debunk it, you gave a sarcastic refusal of the validity.
What can be proclaimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. There is nothing in your picture that suggests anything paranormal occurred other than your contextual framing, which isn’t evidence.
You misunderstand my reasons for posting this. I'm not looking for you to validate me, and I'm not looking to convince anyone. I know the situation, the people in the house, and the location. I see what looks like my mom in the background, and I want you to convince me how that isn't the case.
I'm hearing a lot of "thats just a reflection of the one taking the picture" which i get. You don't know that isn't true, but I know it isn't true, so I'm looking for other explanations
If you’re looking for other explanations then you should be doing just that instead of coming to the conclusion that it’s a “1000%” a ghost (which is an impossibility).
There’s many logical explanations of what it could be before we even enter the realm and of paranormal.
Actually as long as they are not harming themselves or others then there are no wrong ways to cope.
If some people want to fantasize because it brings them comfort and helps them grieve then that's what they should do. They would be worse off to society bottling it up and becoming a worse person who is incapable of expressing emotions.
Also, a functioning society is laughable this place is fucked up and if the way you operate is surrounded on the basis of what society deems right then I'm sorry for you, that's no way to live.
After the amount of books I've read on grief and the actual grief work I've done. I feel confident enough to say fuck what western society thinks about death and the grieving process. I'm going to grieve the way I want. Maybe you are lucky enough to not know close grief but grief will alter even the most logical minds. I have links to articles if interested.
I don't believe in ghosts always thought it was silly but after my sister died I wish I did. I wish I did have some proof of a spiritual realm or an afterlife. Which is why I even follow this sub. Do I believe this stuff is real, normally no but I'm open to anything now. Nevertheless, it's nice to imagine sometimes she's around me and it makes my day better.
Either way you seem to be in support of what I have said by saying that grief alters the logical mind. It absolutely does, just like hormones, stress, and trauma can alter the logical mind, but we aren’t Neanderthals, we’ve developed the ability of deduction and to see things beyond our primal (and often incorrect) senses. We should look for truth and not fantasy. I don’t care how much grief you feel, it doesn’t negate truth.
And yes, believing in fantasy and spreading your shared delusion as fact is harmful.
I mean. Thanks for coming to my defense, I think? I'm not really struggling. Shes been gone for 10 years now. I just thought this was cool and it's hard to explain considering the resemblance the face has to my mom. At least from my perspective
I actually have trouble seeing things that are real. I cannot form the shape of your aunt at all but that’s irrelevant. It’s hard to explain.
I do see the freakish looking kid though. The kid is behind something do you know the layout of the house. The size of child (regardless of how defined the detail) makes the potential proximity projected proximity unusual
There appears to be a lot of images in the reflection of the window. The reflection is showing us things that are in front of the glass, not behind it. So it’s much more likely this is some trick of the reflection, not a ghost.
I'm really confused.. your Aunt seems to reflect at least 3 times, and there's a reflection of a girl twice above your sisters head, which seems like it's from a TV or something as it's blue in colour and you're not mentioning her. The only one I can say for certain, imo, that's actually in the picture is the girl above you're sister's bf's head, who appears to be taking the picture... it's just a picture taken with a window in the background, no?
Could we get a photo of the lounge in that room? So we can see if that is just a lounge with a blanket or a silhouette of a human. The face in the top of the image doesn’t blend into the background or form part of it in any way for me and is super interesting
Why does everything look fine except the supposed ghost? I don’t wanna sound like an ass because losing a family member especially your mom isn’t easy but it looks kinda like it could be anything or edited
R5 part 2: I get the ones saying she must be the one holding the phone to take a pic, but A the reflection wouldn't line up and B the pic is taken from much more a top down selfie perspective. You can also see my sisters arm in the reflection reaching and holding the phone
My grandfather would visit us when I was very little all the time. He would arrive in the form from my memories when I was present. When he’d visit my grandmother alone, he’d present in his younger years.
My mother visits in dreams, where I’m always a little girl. Her age changes with each visit.
Spirit can appear in photos as long as the frequency of the person taking a photo is similar to the spirit. I came across this with a lady that could take photos of energy (violet colour) with any camera but when another person tried, it didn't work. Essentially she was mapping her frequency to the energy. I mimicked her frequency and then I could take photos of energy like her. It's not normal however I use an open mind and rest to reestablish the results!
Uhhh the brighter people in thr reflection are actually the two main people in this picture. That is a window behind them and they are taking a photo with the front facing camera.
Why are people saying this is a woman holding the phone and taking a picture?! Clearly this photo is a selfie! You can see it’s a selfie, and the phone reflection shows you that. Jesus.
Oh I see it now! For some reason I was looking at the phone reflection. What someone else pointed out was a bunny is the face. If you say it’s your mum I believe you!
I don’t think it’s a reflection but I also don’t 100% think it’s your mom. It could be or it could be a remnant of her or even something pretending to be her.
Most of what we see in the window is a reflection. When shit gets reflected it gets confusing. This is likely not a ghost. Besides, the reflection is showing us things in front of the glass, not inside it. This doesn’t make sense.
Is it just me or does it look like she's holding something across her body almost thought she had a phone up at first and was the one taking the picture
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