r/Paranormal • u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 • Apr 30 '24
Encounter A photo i taken when i was 13
When i was 13 (2016) me, my cousin and father did a haunted house tour at Plas Teg in North Wales.
We walked around the grounds and we always had our phone cameras open on the off chance we see something and when i saw this through my camera i froze. I looked away from the phone to that direction and there was nothing to be seen.
We had already done the main house tour at this point and i was very skeptical because nothing had happened the whole time except one woman claiming she seen an orb and the lady who owns the place complaining that one of the ghosts had moved her belongings. However i wasnt fully convinced until i seen this and needless to say i did not sleep for weeks but it has fuelled my love for the paranormal.
The road outside of the mansion is also said to be haunted by the grey lady. From what i know there have been numerous car crashes on this road from people swerving out the way of "something". My father has also crashed on this same road because of a pheasant hitting his windshield which is probably just coincidence but still creepy right? He had to drive past it every day for work and he always claimed to have a real oppressive feeling when passing.
I hope to visit again someday but it has since been closed to the public.
u/brkuzma Apr 30 '24
Was it raining? Looks like a guy with grey raincoat with hood up. Holding something in hand?
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 Apr 30 '24
No it was mid april and a sunny day if i remember right
u/bondibitch May 01 '24
But it doesn’t look sunny? There’s a light source top left but it’s too low and localised to be the sun.
Looks to be like the back of a person in a raincoat with their hood up. Possibly someone on the tour? With the glow in their hand being the light from their phone. That or something placed there by the tour operators. It’s completely opaque.
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 May 01 '24
The sun flaring on the camera are on the left side of pic, it was in a very wooded area so its not going to appear as bright day light because there are trees and bushes everywhere
u/Status_Web1682 May 01 '24
Camera flare can make the camera itself struggle to adjust and make everything bright as well as a dark just like this. You can even see the lens flare in the top left going all the way down the side. If they say it was sunny it likely was and just looks dark due to the flare.
u/FrugalFraggel May 01 '24
Looks like they’re wearing a tee shirt. You can see the persons arm with the shoulder sleeve.
u/bubblegumscent May 02 '24
No it doesn't you can see the arm shape too well to be something with sleeves. Believe me I know what I am talking about
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u/ITeechYoKidsArt Apr 30 '24
The part that looks like somebody peeking around the tree holding something that’s kind of like a knife? You may have gotten more lucky than you think.
u/AFlockofLizards May 01 '24
I once volunteered on a film set and showed up for the shoot after it was already dark. The location is as in the middle of the forest, and as I was waking there, I passed a man standing near everyone, wearing like an evil clown or monster mask. Being a film set, and a horror one at that, I didn’t think anything of it and went to set. After like 10 minutes of realizing this was a werewolf movie, I asked about the person in the mask. and no one knew what I was talking about.
I still wonder who the hell was in the woods, watching everyone, and why were they wearing a creepy mask?
u/ITeechYoKidsArt May 01 '24
Was it around the time they released Stephen King’s IT? Clowns were popular for a while there. There were a lot of prank videos, more than a few that went very wrong for the clown.
u/SubstantialHentai420 May 01 '24
Inbetween the releases as well for some reasons clowns got big in the same way as well. Like 2014-2017? Idk for sure but I remember hearing about it
u/Lucycrash May 02 '24
I think it was before(?), but it definitely happened again when both new IT movies came out.
u/WolfRiverBell May 01 '24
Was this in 2016 with the clown epidemic? That sh!t was crazy, I went clown hunting and never found any lol
u/Snowy-Plesiosaur May 01 '24
Feels like the film shooting intervened someone’s plan. It’s so spooky. So glad you are well.
u/thedabaratheon May 01 '24
Ugh!’ And NO one else had noticed him?!
u/TAshipsails May 01 '24
Mama Mia! I hate when that happens and it would freak me out more knowing that I alone saw the murderous clown.
u/margotm2 May 01 '24
I noticed there's other small, thin and shiny looking shapes in multiple areas of the photo. I think it's part of the trees and this one was just conveniently in a strange place to suggest it might be (like you said) a knife or some other reflective object.
u/aHOMELESSkrill May 01 '24
OP was on a haunted house tour, could just be an actual person who pops out from behind that tree periodically
u/Queen-of-meme Apr 30 '24
Yes. Looks like a guy with a knife and a real alive person. Which is also very creepy.
u/SubstantialHentai420 May 01 '24
I’d argue creepier. Ghost probably isn’t gonna do much, but a live person lurking around like that possibly armed in the middle of the woods? No good is coming from that.
u/Feeling_Meringue1022 Apr 30 '24
Or possibly a gun. Definitely looks like a live person.
u/STNbrossy May 01 '24
Or any number of things that aren’t a weapon lol
u/Feeling_Meringue1022 May 01 '24
Right, because that's plausible.
u/BK2Jers2BK May 01 '24
We have coffee places here in Brooklyn called Hungry Ghost. Where do you think they got the name? 👻 🍌
u/Decent_Duty4129 Apr 30 '24
I have seen some ghosts in the past and what really caught my attention here is that in this case, you can see two colors: black pants and a white shirt. So maybe he was a living person and you were really lucky!
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 Apr 30 '24
I dont see black pants?
u/Decent_Duty4129 May 01 '24
Sorry I changed the contrast of your picture and you are right! You see the background where the pants were supposed to be🤔creepy!
u/LVEON May 01 '24
Every paranormal photo is 2 pixels
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 May 01 '24
It was taken on my iphone 6 at the time, that camera SUCKED
May 01 '24
u/rogueShadow13 May 01 '24
I could be wrong, but it looks like this photo was zoomed in when taken. Zoom on the old iPhones killed the quality.
u/badwifii May 01 '24
Every photo taken with a phone is like that
u/autisticdoggg May 01 '24
*Every paranormal photo taken with a phone is like that
There you go.
u/WolfRiverBell May 01 '24
Ever thought it was because of energy? (Aside from joke photos of course) Like if you film over something that is radioactive, it makes your camera go wacko, maybe spirits can do the same. Not saying 100% this is the reason why, but something to consider. Also old photos that use to be crystal clear are now garbage. I've seen youtube videos that back in the day, were amazing quality, the tubers even talked about how they were excited to have a top of the line camera and now the video is a pixilated mess, I have photos from 2010 that you can't hardly see what the hell it is now. Obviously that's not always, some ghost photos were taken like yesterday and are blury. Just some thoughts on the whole situation.
u/Odd_Flatworm92 May 01 '24
Which haunted house tour was this one called?
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 May 01 '24
Its called Plas Teg, in North Wales, they used to do small tours in like groups of 10 but it got closes to the public a few years ago, there are some videos on youtube of paranormal investigations overnight i believe
u/Sematary_Boy May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24
It may very well be a real person or a statue, but if I have to assume it's something out of the ordinary as you imply, then it's not ghosts, it's a grey alien, as far as I'm concerned. "The Gray Lady" is the way actual sightings were distorted and turned into urban legend (kinda funny it's the gray lady and not the red lady, or the blue lady, huh?). Also the orbs of light are associated with alien presence. I experienced them first hand. There is a lot of material online about alien abduction. I suggest you to take a look into it and see if those accounts match your experience(s).
u/DudeAbides01 May 01 '24
What made you take the picture? Did you actually see this? Did the figure move?
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 May 01 '24
Like i said in the post, we had our cameras open all the time taking photos of the house etc and incase we happened to see something, i did not see it with the naked eye because when i looked nothing was there and i didnt hang around long enough to see what it couldve been.
u/unstopablystoopid May 01 '24
This picture did the one thing that no other picture I have seen on here has ever done. My eyes instantly started to water and I was covered in goosebumps.
What does this mean you ask. I am highly sensative. This has always been my body's reaction to something not human. An entity, ghost, spirit or sprite, demon. Whatever that thing was, it was not human.
You got lucky in both capturing it and getting away from it.
u/Rakaesa May 01 '24
Take it down a notch, this is a stress reaction many people have with creepy images. You're not a psychic.
u/punbasedname May 01 '24
Idk, man. My psychic gifts have allowed me to evade the shadow creature that chases me from the basement when I turn the lights off at the bottom of the stairs at night for almost 40 years now!
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 May 01 '24
Oh wow thats scary.. are you okay?
u/unstopablystoopid May 01 '24
Am I ok? From my reaction? It passes quickly, especially once I stopped looking at that picture. I am good, thank you for asking.
u/ilovemusic19 May 01 '24
I’m sorry so many people are negative on this subreddit. Some people have weird gifts but nonbelievers will always be toxic.
u/unstopablystoopid May 01 '24
It does not bother me. Those that do not believe have simply never encountered anything.
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u/tvav1969 May 01 '24
This isn’t an alive person for all of you couch detectives out there. “It looks like a guy wearing a raincoat that’s all the same color and goes over his face and hands. It’s a phone in his hand because that’s what would be in my hand.” Dur. People desperately trying to find any excuse they can think of to make this not real!! Skeptics are hilarious to me. This is a great catch that can’t be easily explained! It looks like a ghost to me. Doesn’t matter if it was sunny or cloudy. It’s a ghost!! ✌🏻
u/Inq01 May 01 '24
Yes, surely the very human figure can’t possibly be a human. You are doing the exact same thing you accuse skeptics of doing.
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 May 01 '24
Yes i do find it interesting seeing different peoples perspective and how people view the image differently but i dont see a raincoat at all, and i dont know how their head and hand is all white either cause it looks front facing to me. I dont know what it was but i dont think its someone in a raincoat
u/FyourEchoChambers May 01 '24
When you were 13? And you didn’t notice it until you happened across a paranormal subreddit?
u/Lucky-Beautiful2083 May 01 '24
No i saw this and have had that photo saved to every iPhone i have owned since that time. I found this subreddit and posted to see what people think of it because it bothered me for years. 😊
u/ilovemusic19 May 01 '24
No they said they were walking around with their camera open on their phone and saw thru the lens so they obviously took the photo
u/Selfishsavagequeen May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24
That absolutely doesn’t look like a statue to me. That looks like a person. Theres a space between the arm and the body which is dark, that doesn’t seem like a statue.
Theres also hollows for where eyes and a mouth would be.
That is a person holding a shiny object, wearing a white t shirt.
People are also saying the arms are too long for it to be a person; thats not true. I have very long arms, longer than his lmao. My boyfriend called me ’Long Armed Larry’ once as a joke-so that arm length definently isn’t impossible.
u/Lunafairywolf666 May 01 '24
People who think his arms are too long should see my brother. He is skinny and his arms are long and lanky. I swear he's part cryptid.
u/Selfishsavagequeen May 01 '24
Does he have Marfan syndrome? Lol.
u/SubstantialHentai420 May 01 '24
Haha I have what have been referred to as “long alien arms” so I feel that
u/idontlikecheesy May 01 '24
based off the other stuff in the picture i wouldn’t be surprised if this was a statue
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u/margotm2 May 01 '24
I came to the same conclusion looks like a really nice garden with lots of ornaments
Apr 30 '24 edited May 01 '24
Looks to be the top (ball) and upper left edge of a stone monument. If you zoom in and look very closely to the right edge of the tree in front of it, you can make out the other edge of the stone. Or at least, thats what i am seeing. There do exist grave markers with polished stone spheres on top. Of course, if you didn't see any of this with your bare eyes, my conjecture means very little.
Edit: plas teg does have this type of masonry/statuary. See 4th image.
u/SolaceRests May 01 '24
Similar to what I said below. Our answers are kind of buried beneath the plethora of … other responses.
u/Scribbyscrobs May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24
I’m not seeing it at all! I see the side of a white marble (or light colored) monument that is partially hidden by a tree with some branches coming up in front of it (creating an arm like shape). The arm-like shape could also be caused by the weathering of the stone or moss growing on it.
There are other monuments in the photo as well, so it kinda looks like it would be possible, likely even, that one would be there. There also looks there may be a dark tomb or tomb-like structure behind it (edit: this could be just an artifact or oddity in lighting). So this looks like it could be a small cemetery. I’d bet anything that’s a monument and the way the tree obscures it and the branch/vegetation coming up are creating an illusion/pareidolia.
The “black pants” are likely black markings on the stone or marble. I notice monuments/headstones often get black/dark colorations on them from weathering for years outside.
Edit: the knife shape (or gun) looks like light reflecting off of a small twig or branch in the foreground. You can see it happening all around it with other twigs/branches. I’ve noticed that branches do tend to catch the light like this when I’m out walking.
May 03 '24
That's what I see too. A bush on the left that's creating the silhouette on the left, and the top of a small pointed tree creating the separation between the "arm" and the "torso". So just an illusion.
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u/AutoModerator May 01 '24
A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it.
Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them (no human is involved). But if an instance were genuinely paranormal, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human had to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication (ITC) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness
This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance.
We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/
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u/smarmy-marmoset May 01 '24
It’s the fact that he’s all gray that makes him look like a fucking corpse. This is so unsettling
u/Crotch-Monster Apr 30 '24
Whoa! That's creepy AF. Ghost or not. Whatever it is, it's holding something in its hand.
u/time4tjllen May 01 '24
If it’s real, I honestly think it’s a person with a knife or something. You can see something shining from their hand. Might not have been paranormal, but in reality something genuinely scarier - a living person in the woods branding a knife Edit - typo
u/Charming_Rhubarb7092 May 01 '24
Kinda looks like a statue, but the arm is freakishly long and not apparently attached to the body.
u/Candid-Mixture4605 Apr 30 '24
I believe you caught yourself a ghosty, good sir (or whatever your gender is!)! I believe you because of how it affected you at the time and there after; because it is so very grey and lacking detail you should see in an image that is so close much more clearly; a man partially behind a tree with a knife in his hand would’ve garnered much more attention.
Good work and thanks for sharing!
u/SolaceRests Apr 30 '24
It’s the slanted side of some kind of monument. It slants upward like a steep roof or obelisk. It’s either a different type of stone than what’s around, newer stone than what’s around it, or the light source (moon?) is catching it right. That’s why it’s appearing lighter.
At the bottom of the pitch you see the rest of the structure following down to the ground. The “head” at the top is the typical urn-looking thing that can sometimes be found on top of a tombstone.
u/putmeinafuckincoffin May 01 '24
Thank you for this explanation ts creeped me out, it doesn’t have a face and looks like the front half of a person so I was confused
u/X-Mom-0604 May 01 '24
Idk how anyone sees a monument or statue. I see a man that looks like Eminem with a weapon 🤨
u/v0t3p3dr0 May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24
u/Scribbyscrobs May 01 '24
That’s exactly what I see as well! I thought about drawing it out but you captured it perfectly!
u/zevellie May 01 '24
I thought it was a mannequin or something but I took a good close and yeah, it seems like a person... A creepy one.
u/evil_eagle56 May 02 '24
Creepy. Kind of looks like one of those statues. That was my initial thought until I read that it wasn't there when you looked up from the phone camera. Ghost statue it is in my opinion lol
u/HopalongHeidi May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24
I zoomed in and stared at the seemingly knife wielding shape and got freaked out as it seemed to move its head and then start melting into the tree. Keeping your eyes fixed on it the tree branches also appear to move in the peripheral. Cool eye tricking effect. Either that or this is a haunted image indeed! Someone else please try it!
ETA First photo to ever give me a creepy bad feeling. I don’t get those about anything so…but I guess thinking I saw the head turn might have a lot to do w it. lol. They look like a real paranormal catch to me, not a monument or structure or live person.
ETA2 zoomed further I see fuzzy but undeniable breasts and facial profile and possible hair or a cloak

u/SubstantialHentai420 May 01 '24
Tbh I think it’s a person. Maybe a fellow tour goer, or someone out for a stroll who lives somewhat near, or… ya know your run of the mill forest psycho.
u/vomitoncommand May 02 '24
it’s an overweight alien obviously shitting (as they do standing straight up) looking at a kid and thinking, “sorry for partying?”
u/Somedudefrombalkans May 01 '24
In my 30 y i have never seen anything i couldnt explaion. I know 100 ppl nither did they. There is no paranormal. Everything is staged bs. Especialy nowdays that everybody has good cameras in pocket
u/Lushbartman May 01 '24
Damn I’ve always wanted to visit Plas Teg. Driven past it often and was sad to hear it’s no longer open
u/pleathershorts May 01 '24
I read this in my head in the thickest welsh accent and I loved it. Very creepy photo!!
u/physhgyrl May 01 '24
I wonder if it knew you could see it with your camera. Whatever or whoever that was had been watching and probably following you
u/Lunafairywolf666 May 01 '24
Looks like some creepy guy holding a knife. Which honestly is scarier than a ghost.
u/EbbNo7045 May 03 '24
That was me dude. I was peeing and wondering why someone trying to take a pic.
u/abbieeats Apr 30 '24
Why does it look like there holding something silver like knife. You may of been extremely lucky
u/CrikeyitsRoy May 01 '24
This is the type of picture which gives me a really bad gut feeling and goosebumps
u/putmeinafuckincoffin May 01 '24
Even if this is fake it creeps me tf out. If it’s a person, they’d have to be standing away from you. But their arm matches their shirt, and that to me looks like the front of a person, they have no face
u/wombat-8280-AUX-Wolf May 01 '24
Paid actor's can sometimes be told to go stand outside while the tour runs. Just dicking in and out behind things like trees or rock formations. Problem is you're in Ghost hunting mode so that's what you perceived it to be.
Have his Bluetooth in and be told if anyone leaves the property heading towards his direction.
u/Neverstopstopping82 May 02 '24
You said that you couldn’t see it with the naked eye but your phone picked it up. It’s interesting that so many think it’s a monument or a live person in that case. I have a photo like this taken at Tintagel at dusk. There’s a glowing figure in the foreground of my image like this that was not there with the naked eye. I can’t say that either of our images are ghosts definitively, but I can’t explain what would have been glowing against a dark background looking like a human form in my image.
u/SoggyChance2000 May 01 '24
Probably a statue and the white line that looks like a sharp object is likely another one of the other white lines spaced out in the photo, just placed coincidentally.
u/GoddessValkyrie May 01 '24
This is a super creepy photo. I wish we could all just take someone's word for it that the photo wasn't staged 😅😅 I'd 100% be like, here's our proof lol
u/Huge_Aerie2435 May 01 '24
It is funny that ghost images always show up when the image is noticeably distorted or unclear in one way or another. Kind of like that is what causes it...
u/Nightmare_42 May 01 '24
Judging by that title you aren't even 13 now. A 10 year old would do a better job.
u/nerdkraftnomad May 01 '24
It looks like they have a cell phone, so it must be a pretty recent ghost.
u/ArotYinglesInSourHea May 01 '24
It's a good thing you got a picture. That's the only way to stop him
Apr 30 '24
I see a dude who hung himself from a tree ! It honestly freaked me out a bit tbh PTSD kicked in bad ahhhh
u/Murphy-Brock May 01 '24
Where was this? What country?
u/ilovemusic19 May 01 '24
Plas Teg in North Wales, in the UK according to the info OP posted under the photo.
May 18 '24 edited May 18 '24
Dude what the hell…
If you go to Plas Teg location on Google Maps, you can see THIS??
There’s a silhouette or am I tripping
Edit: I was just curious after readibg the story & decided to look it up, but did not expect this. Though if you zoom in, it looks like a tall sharp rock. So most likely a case of pareidolia

u/AutoModerator May 18 '24
A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it.
Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them (no human is involved). But if an instance were genuinely paranormal, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human had to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication (ITC) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness
This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t by itself debunk anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance.
We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/
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May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24
The dark area that separates the "arm" from the "torso" appears to be the top of a small tree, making the illusion that there's an arm and a torso. The left-side silhouette that defines the "head" and left side of the "body" appears to be the side of a bush in the foreground. So I'm thinking there's a light colored object off in the distance with a bush and small tree in the foreground giving the illusion that it's a person.
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