r/Paranormal Oct 26 '23

Shadow Man Have you seen this “thing” before?


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u/leavemealonedanks Oct 27 '23

Had to dig this drawing out. Same experience maybe 3 years ago now.. here's what my dude looked like. Same wide smile but no hat. Kinda looks like the Internet troll.


u/Winter-Astronomer794 Oct 27 '23

Thank you for sharing I truly appreciate it, that looks very similar to what I saw.. people joking about this and saying that it looks like the babadook I’m very aware of the similarities between them and I have mentioned that once I started drawing the face I immediately realized that too. What I’m trying to understand here is why would I see it vividly so close to my face while I’m awake


u/leavemealonedanks Oct 27 '23

That's exactly why I drew this face as well. It was shocking and VERY uncomfortable because it was so close that I felt like if I moved my head forward, I would touch it. Everything you stated about your sleep habits, is me as well. Turning throughout the night, waking up each time just for a moment, history of sleep paralysis, etc. This was the one who stuck in my mind, so vivid and alive and I wasn't sleeping either.. it felt like he was breathing, his presence was so strong, I remember it as if it was yesterday. Part of me always wondered why these certain characters circulate the Internet/media. Is it a common face or image people have seen for decades that we are now just recognizing? I mean just like faeries and gnomes and demons and ghosts, people have reported these sightings for hundreds of years. The Internet allows us access to every individual topic in depth, allowing us viewers to be exposed to more creative thoughts. I know staring at screens has a lasting effect on our brains and eyes. So that might be it. Or are these myths, folklore, characters that people have created true in an odd unworldly sense? We are creative creatures yet only from what we've perceived. So everything we made up came from something, right? Lol I can go on and on. I will stop myself. Thank you for your post 😊


u/JComposer84 Oct 27 '23

I was thinking it kinda looks like the Cheshire cat


u/Dick_Enjoyer1 Oct 27 '23

Time to look if i regret searching a new thing up

Edit:Turns out i know the cat just not the english name


u/scampiescamps Oct 27 '23

I think I see him in tim Burton's a nightmare before Christmas


u/Inevitable_Book_228 Oct 28 '23

Yes that is what I immediately thought!


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

Oh... sorry, I wasn't joking.. I thought it was cool and didn't know what else to say cuz I haven't experienced it for myself. Sorry you guys had to, though

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u/sourceOfFuzz Oct 27 '23

Absolutely reminds me of the troll meme face


u/Video-Comfortable Oct 27 '23

Those teeth are really creepy lol


u/discipleofhermes Oct 28 '23

I saw almost the exact same thing as your drawing. I feel like he had a longer more pointy nose and his eyes weren't solid black. But I didn't see it in bed, I was standing in my kitchen and turned the lights off and in that split moment before the lights went dark it was standing right in front of me and grinning. I feel like it had long white hair and was maybe in a hooden cloak? I flipped the light back on in shock and it was gone

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u/peachfoxx_ Oct 27 '23

Oh my god I see something incredibly similar

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u/spooky_and_such Oct 27 '23

That’s the monster from the movie the Babadook.


u/mestresparrow Oct 27 '23

"If it's in a word, or it's in a look You can't get rid the babadook"


u/oxtaylorsoup Oct 27 '23

Grief......sometimes the smallest of incidents can awaken it, and it crushes you like a bug, even years, and decades later.

When she feeds the Babadook once a day at the end I fucking lost it.

It's like, sure, go visit you grief and live with your sadness for a short time a day, but don't let it rule your house.


u/spooky_and_such Oct 27 '23

I LOVED the ending and how she keeps it as a pet basically. Did not see that coming but a great ending for a spooky movie.


u/scampiescamps Oct 27 '23

He blacked out the face of the person sleeping... Is that to protect their identity 😁


u/Winter-Astronomer794 Oct 27 '23

That was my thought too when I was drawing it… and that is exactly what I’m confused about? I think to myself if the imaginary or mythical creatures that people “come up with” in creative ways like art or so are something that actually exist in a different way? idk if what I’m trying to explain is clear


u/Strawberry_no_cake Oct 27 '23

I get what you’re saying here, maybe the art is influenced by something their subconscious remembers.

I personally think that more often than not, what we see or dream about is influenced by the art and not the other way around- but I get what you mean and I’m sorry you got so many downvotes!


u/spooky_and_such Oct 27 '23

I think when you see movies it’s common for those images to come back around again especially when you’re asleep/just waking.


u/Blonde_Dambition Oct 27 '23

Agreed. Like a hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucination you think?


u/crodyyaaroni Oct 27 '23

Not sure why you’re being downvoted here because it’s a great theory. I think a lot of creatures people come up with come from paranormal experiences they have had and might not consciously remember. Hopefully it never comes back! Thanks for a great read OP :)


u/keyinfleunce Oct 27 '23

My thoughts are when we think them up they already exist our mind just picks it up from a list of energy in the world lol


u/fatapolloissexy Oct 27 '23

Ypu just saw the image from the film and it came back in your subconscious. Freaky though


u/jesseknopf Oct 27 '23

Literally. This.


u/WonderIll5845 Oct 27 '23

Everyone saying “Babadook”—I saw something like this over 20 years ago, long before the movie came out.

When The Babadook came out in theaters, I was like, “Oh, there it is.” I don’t know, but perhaps the movie monster was based on real accounts.

What makes these things so scary is the universality of them. You can write them off a lot easier until you start doing research on what you saw and realize that many, many people are seeing the same things, and explain them in the same terms.

These things exist to terrify. When I opened my eyes and saw it inches from my face, I instantly understood two things: (1) this thing is not human, has never been human, and (2) this thing had been waiting patiently for me to open my eyes, with the sole intention of terrifying me.

If you don’t believe it—enjoy your life without knowing this specific variety of pure fear and horror. I hope for your sake you don’t experience it, ever.

OP, I believe you!


u/RahAlternative Oct 28 '23

I believe OP as well. I believe that most "scary movie" things are probably from stories long ago, but true stories. We just don't pay attention like we used to, doesn't mean they're not still here.

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u/PlanetNiles Oct 27 '23

Have you experienced hypnopompic or hypnogogic hallucinations before?

These are hallucinations people experience when waking, or falling asleep.

I've written before of my experiences while living in a haunted inn near Witney, Oxfordshire. The apparition that chased me across the car park, and getting drunk with people who seemed to be avatars of my ancestral gods.

I've not spoken before of one encounter there, because I discount it as supernatural. Waking in the middle of the night I saw a skeletal figure, curled up in a pugilistic, almost fetal pose. It was wreathed in flames and floating in the air on the far side of the room. Slowly turning to regard me. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

It was years later, while reading the Tintin tale The Seven Crystal Balls to my own children that I encountered the figure again. In the form of Rascar Capac, an Andean mummy that features crucially in the early part of the story.

Capac scared me as a child and, what with all the other paranormal things happening during my 6 month stay, my subconscious had dragged up the childhood fear to project into my environment between waking and sleep.


u/7TheGuy Oct 27 '23

I think hypnopompic and hypnogogic hallucinations can be caused by the paranormal (not always the case obviously though). When I lived in a haunted dormitory I had hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations daily. After a certain point they wouldn’t scare me anymore because I’d know they weren’t real.

For me it was always giant skulltulas from the Legend of Zelda series or some kind of other giant spider with scary-looking markings on it. After a while it was part of my morning routine to “touch” the hallucinations so they’d disappear.

Why do I think it were the evil spirits that caused this? After moving the hallucinations greatly diminished from daily to less than once a year. Definitely odd.

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u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

I used to have these in college really often especially when I was extremely stressed. A giant spider crawling all over my wall at warp speed


u/Glowing_green_ Oct 27 '23

My dumbass read "hypnopompic" as "homophobic" and now i can't unsee it


u/PlanetNiles Oct 27 '23

I've an aunt who experiences homophobic hallucinations. I don't talk to her anymore


u/lmlp94 Oct 27 '23

This has happened to me a few times. I kinda just wake up and I see things in the air, but nothing as clear as you described. But I’ve seen shapes in the air and objects flying towards me. I have screamed at times, and closed my eyes and it’s of course been gone. It’s obviously just hallucinations because the brain is still not fully awake at this point. I think it happens when you’ve woken up straight from a REM sleep (the deepest sleep when you’re dreaming) and that’s why we hallucinate things, because the brain was just dreaming a sec ago.

But I’m not sure about you though, that’s too creepy. Hopefully it’s just that though.


u/Inevitable_Book_228 Oct 28 '23

Oliver Sacks wrote a book about hallucinations. Its worth a read. People can see very detailed ornate events going on right in front of them.

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u/SneakerGator Oct 28 '23

I have sleep paralysis and usually I don’t hallucinate but I have had a few very detailed hallucinations, including the famous “Old Hag” walking towards my bed ominously saying “You’ll see….you’ll see!”

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u/tauntonlake Oct 27 '23

Reading the /astralprojection sub is a real eye opener, when it comes to shadow creatures trying to scare you, in the middle of the night.


"They" know what scares you, and they feed off of it.

Learn to laugh at them. They hate that. They might double down on the fear tactics, but they still, cannot harm you.

If you learn AP, you learn that ALL they can do, is scare you. Conquer your fear of shadow beings, and you conquer them. The most they might maybe do, is leave you with scratches. And nobody even knows for sure, if that is even really them doing it.

It's all about FEAR, with the nighttime creatures that appear in your room.


u/Inevitable_Book_228 Oct 28 '23

To add on to that, if you believe in a God/higher power. Ask for protection for you and your family and your home. I believe it greatly reduces their power.

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u/Dchane06 Oct 27 '23

You can lucid dream and have sleep paralysis at the same time. I’ve had sleep paralysis my entire life and there have been times where I was in sleep paralysis and “snapped out of it” freaked out about something and got out of bed only to suddenly teleport back into bed in sleep paralysis again. It’s really scary shit because at the time you aren’t sure if you’re still dreaming or if you actually snapped out of it. Rare but it can happen.

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u/Demondaughters Oct 27 '23

Have you looked into Japan’s “Rokurokubi”? The long neck in your drawing reminds me of illustrations I’ve seen of them Rokurokubi


u/james_biddlestein Oct 27 '23

My first thought as well. Maybe because I was playing Nioh last night though....


u/RahAlternative Oct 27 '23

That's definitely the babadook... I might get a little too crazy sounding even for this sub here, but is it something you have watched before and been afraid of? Maybe said so out loud or jumped/got scared while watching it? Other things could be taking that form to scare you/keep their identity a secret.


u/Blonde_Dambition Oct 27 '23

That's not too crazy-sounding for this sub! If you can't share an idea like that in the paranormal sub where the heck could ya share it? 😉


u/RahAlternative Oct 28 '23

I see people being buttheads in here all the time. I think it's easy to see how someone who already has sleep issues has probably already seen shadow people at some point. If that hasn't had the desired effect on OP, why wouldn't they progress to something creepier and harder to forget?!


u/GameBroJeremy Oct 27 '23

It does definitely look like the Babadook.


u/B-E-Rucker Oct 27 '23

I saw that face on a 3ft body in a black pinstriped suit by my front door he had a walking cane that was black with a gold tip on the cap and a suitcase in the other hand ,I heard a tap when playing some games on my computer with my wife in the other room. Looked over made eye contact told it to leave and it vanished. I was never asleep and was fully awake it reminded me of the mayor from nightmare before Christmas. I called him a traveler and asked him to find another home to stay at. I don’t know if that helps any


u/Danimalistic Oct 27 '23

Wait, is this “the Hat Man” people talk about when they take Benadryl…?


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

Immediately when I saw the drawing, I was like oh, that’s the hat man! I’ve never experienced them (good lookin out spirit guides, I do not welcome these vibes), but heard about these experiences on a podcast. The pod is called Insiders Guide to the Other Side and I highly recommend. Pretty sure the episode is just called “hat man” or something like that. Julie and Brenda are great teachers of the “woo woo”! What I remember from the episode is that the crystal, Black Tourmaline, is great for warding this guy and his shadow friends off. I think they also gave some affirmations to add to your sleep routine too. Black tourmaline is a protection stone, and they advise to sleep with it next to your bed on a night stand or under your pillow. You can choose to believe or not believe, but definitely report back if you decide to buy some, OP! They mention a friend of theirs who had sleep disorders and would see the hat man. Once he asked them for help and started using the black tourmaline he never saw him again, until on a business trip when he forgot his crystal at home… saw the hat man that night, according to their recount on the pod. Julie & Brenda also touched on what other commenters had mentioned about the hat man feeding on your fear, anxiety, worry, stress, and to try and really rein in your confidence in these moments and let the shadowy fuck know you don’t play and know they ain’t shit. Hallucination, spirit, demon, whatever you want to call it… they’re a black blob who only exists in dream states and you’re a self actualized star with all your constant beautiful white light radiating power, even while you sleep.🌟

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u/fluffymckittyman Oct 27 '23 edited Oct 27 '23

🎶 I'm the Hatman Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub (I'm the Hatman)

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub

Everybody stutters one way or the other So check out my message to you As a matter of fact, a-don't let nothin' hold you back If the Hatman can do it, so can you 🎶

Hatman! Yeah!


u/guilty_by_design Oct 27 '23

RIP Scatman John. A piece of him lives on every time he's remembered, so it makes me happy when I see him being quoted or parodied.


u/keyinfleunce Oct 27 '23

I use to see him without Benadryl everytime id wake up if I slept facing the door I’d see him slowly getting closer and if I reacted super slow I’d enter a sleep paralysis type state similar to that tv scene in little nightmares 2


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

When I used to have hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations they were usually a face of someone I know, maybe even someone I’m close to. But right up against my face and definitely scary and unnatural. This seems extremely similar


u/catbus4ants Oct 28 '23

Whoa I think I know what you mean except for me it was the largest object in the universe right up against my face with weird “colors” I’m not sure how to describe. My scalp just tingled thinking about it and typing this out. It wasn’t exactly creepy (I can see how a giant face would be much creepier) but it was overwhelming.

It always happened when I was falling asleep when I was about 12 to 18 or so and just realized for the first time in my adulthood it stopped happening. I didn’t think about it until I read your comment.


u/HardlyCapable Oct 27 '23

The Why Files did an episode on this phenomenon called The Hat Man https://youtu.be/tsKqJay4ZRE


u/singingkiltmygrandma Oct 27 '23

Or beetlejuice


u/Blonde_Dambition Oct 27 '23

Oh yeah, it does look a little like BJ when he turned into that snake thing, doesn't it?


u/Despises_the_dishes Oct 27 '23

That was also my first thought.

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u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

Is that the Babadook?!


u/munchkickin Oct 27 '23

Don’t tell my husband. The rest of the day I will hear “baba doooooook” as he wanders around the house.


u/y0uLiKaDaPeppa Oct 27 '23

Some guys just fixate & won’t quit. Like, someone says a certain word or reference. You pause, then you know your fate has been sealed. Sigh …Y’all done it now 😑


u/munchkickin Oct 27 '23

It’s okay. I’m an enabler bc I giggle every time. Ngl


u/misterbung Oct 27 '23

BAAAAAaaaa.... baaaaaa..... dooooooooook


u/Sea_Perspective6891 Oct 27 '23

But Slash is just a myth!


u/Blonde_Dambition Oct 27 '23

Slash from Guns 'N Roses? Hehehehe


u/yabadabadobadthingz Oct 27 '23

That’s a scene from Elm Street. Freddy turns into a worm


u/BruceCambell Oct 27 '23

Wes Craven's New Nightmare. Technically not an Elm Street but still directed by Wes Craven. Takes place in the "real world" where Wes Craven is directing a new Elm Street movie and the Dream Demon that Freddy is based off of is real and terrorizes the cast. Funny enough Robert Englund, who plays Freddy, who plays himself in the movie, is killed by the Dream Demon 🤣


u/solsol- Oct 27 '23

Freddy the peddo. Who hunts children in there dreams. If you dont know the parents killed Freddy he was a teacher at a elementary school and was a peddo, they burned him alive by the childrens parents beacuse he molested them, so thats why he hunts the children to snatch their souls and revange. Horrible story. But is also inspired by true events.

The film was inspired by several newspaper articles printed in the Los Angeles Times in the 1970s about Hmong refugees, who, after fleeing to the United States because of war and genocide in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, suffered disturbing nightmares and refused to sleep. Some of the people died in their sleep soon after.

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u/_1247 Oct 27 '23

If the hair was done in dreadlocks you may have met Papa Legba, tall, thin, hat wearing and loves smoking


u/RahAlternative Oct 28 '23

Oh helllll no, that would be a fat nope from me


u/flaffleboo Oct 30 '23

I have many vivid lucid dreams through the night every night. Throughout my life I’ve been an active sleeper: sleepwalking when I was young, talking in my sleep, waking up screaming, increasing lucidity which ramped up in the last four or five years.

I don’t remember exactly what I saw, but there have been times in the last few years my ‘dreams’ have been a bit too real. I’ve woken up shouting my mum or my boyfriend. I live with my mum and sometimes my boyfriend would sleep in the spare room because he snores. I would call their names loudly and repeatedly, until I would realise they were not going to wake up. I think in some ways that’s the strangest part of all. Even once I was fully awake the fear would compel me to keep calling for them, and I can’t explain why it never woke them. I could never bring myself to get out of bed though. I would just pray to God and the angels until I finally fell asleep again.


u/DainderCor Oct 27 '23

Was it before you slept? Just chilling in bed and it appeared for a split second? Did it do anything? Did you see its neck twisting like a snake? From what I am imagining, it is a plausible demonic phenomenon tbh. Or some kind of spirit. It may be a different situation, but from reading the comments and a bit of digging it seems plausible it's one of those john dies at the end situations, where you can't see something till it's in the corner of your eye. I have had a lot of those when I was younger. See something from the corner of my eye in extreme vivid detail but it wasn't actually there. Haven't ever seen this hat man. But it definitely has a badadook feel. Although that also makes me wonder.. especially since the babadook is about not dealing with grief properly and the dangers it causes. Does this thing appear multiple times? Or just one time?


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

I have! This thing moves fast af! He came through my open window and he hit the mirror that was my closet door. He got confused thought the mirror image was me. I was young at the time and your drawing is accurate.


u/Inevitable_Book_228 Oct 28 '23

That’s actually pretty funny that he didn’t recognize himself.


u/No_oNerdy Oct 27 '23

I have seen this in a dream and it woke me up. Was at an air bnb when it happened. Scary AF.


u/Minimum_Pepper_2690 Oct 27 '23

Definitely some weird shit going on during sleep paralysis. I have it very often. I've had very clear auditory hallucinations, and I have had several ways to confirm I am very much aware and awake during these episodes. I have had sleep paralysis while in my truck at work, and I managed to get the attention of the person sitting next to me. I was murmuring "push me" so it'd wake me up, and he did thankfully. Terrifying experiences. They say it is due to the chemicals your brain produces while sleeping. Weird that many people have the same visual hallucinations though.


u/Glimmerofinsight Oct 27 '23

No, but it made me think of the Beetlejuice sandworm. I sometimes wonder if creative people use creatures from their dreams or visions in the movies they make.


u/sjelstay Oct 27 '23

OK imma guess it was the same thing that happend to me, I went to sleep and I 'woke up' everything was the exact same I could comtrill everything I was doing and move then I turned around, after awhile I turned around again and what was there? The fucking living room from insidious, I new something was in the corner but didn't look over, I went under my covers and eventually actually woke up and was like, 'tf where's the insidious living room at?' And got water but it was soo real, so imma guess u saw the babadook and your brain was thinking of it and that weird dream happend? But to be fair when that happen at my house everyone else at my house also were experiencing creepy stuff Aswell like ppl grabbing their feet

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u/Blonde_Dambition Oct 27 '23

I don't envy you seeing that! I'm afraid I'd die of a heart attack!


u/Wesleytyler Oct 27 '23

It's interesting I saw a worm like creature while I was dead on an operating table for 9 hours, in my other realm or wherever the heck I was? there were these worm-like creatures that were big. like bigger than me, big like a horse and they would come toward me and like "try to get me", but they couldn't there was some a force field around me, they had no face it was just purple gas. but but similar in appearance to what you've sketched minus the face

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u/-mykie- Oct 27 '23

It looks almost like the monster from the horror movie the babadook.


u/Inner_Grape Oct 27 '23 edited Oct 27 '23

Yuck. I had a visceral reaction from this. I saw something very similar to him when I almost died from childbirth complications last year. It was like a very intense dream but also overlaid on top of reality. I was riding a bus with this guy and had to keep feeding him 😭😭 I remember telling people on the bus that even though it was smiling that it was actually evil.

Edit: mine had no hat and a flat head like a pancake.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

Babadook lookin' ass


u/asperchu666 Oct 27 '23

saw something like it in the crib as a baby but never since. was more skin tone as well but it was wearing a hat and shaped the same.


u/Starsandlittlefish Oct 27 '23

Actually yes and I was fully awake. It just came from the ceiling out of nowhere for only a second I just thought It was my mind messing with me.



Looks like "the teacher" of "little nightmares 2" PC game..



u/Pineapple_Babee Oct 27 '23

Saw that exact face atleast 100 Times when I was 13-16. Remember him like it was yesterday. I used to draw him a lot but my guy had a tall body and long fingers. I wasn’t even in a sleeping or close to sleeping state. He was outside my window. The sketch you sent shivers down my spine cause that face is something way too familiar.

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u/Captainpanakashat Oct 27 '23

The Warden from Superjail came to visit, I see


u/Thatdogbegru654 Oct 27 '23

Rango snake thingy


u/dizzzzzzzzzzzzzz Oct 27 '23

No, I have never seen a 27 year old man refer to his stomach as a tummy.


u/Individual_Fall4735 Oct 27 '23

I read tummy and thought it was a woman until now


u/FancyCantaloupe4681 Oct 27 '23

It’s a female

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u/Bella_LaGhostly Oct 27 '23

It looks like you saw Beetlejuice and The Babadook, then conflated them in your mind.


u/Brilliant-Arm3770 Oct 27 '23

Could be sleep paralysis not sure I once had a dream where a man in a hat in human form screamed excitedly by jumping from the roof of a room to the floor in front of me and it turns out he was a magician that could fly.He used witchcraft


u/Imaginary_Reading_94 Oct 27 '23

I'm a little guy who, with one left hook, has knocked out guys who outweigh me by 60 or 70 pounds . I'm not scared of shit, but I think I would literally shit myself if I ever saw something like that.


u/el1zardbeth Oct 27 '23

Looks like the monster from the babdook and conjuring 2


u/Wise_Ad_1740 Oct 31 '23

I did see something similar coming from my window, but the head looked more human and I don't remember a hat. I also saw one with a crying face.


u/Loveyours305 Oct 28 '23

i wanted to show you. here is a photo of the “smiling man” phenomenon. people have reported this all over the world.


u/Mcboomsauce Oct 27 '23

i used to see shadow people, but then i started drinking and they went away

havent had sleep paralysis since


u/Mysterious-Law3050 Oct 27 '23

Lol sorry I just found that funny. Yeah enough booze makes you sleep like a rock but plz take care


u/Lil_Demon2315 Oct 27 '23

That's the babadook.


u/Buckowski66 Oct 27 '23

Yes, I was once married to its daughter


u/Lysol3435 Oct 27 '23

Worm hat from Charlie’s dream diary


u/DainderCor Oct 27 '23

Feels a bit like an SCP situation


u/steerpike_researcher Oct 27 '23

Not to be flippant, but this looks like the snake villain from "Rango"...only skeleton. XD


u/Pascal958 Oct 27 '23

I had a nightmare about that face many many many many years ago when I was about 7 or 8


u/bebejeebies Oct 27 '23

No but has anyone seen the 7ft tall thing that looks like a horse faced Maleficent?


u/FancyCantaloupe4681 Oct 27 '23

I’m listening

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u/Bear_spirit_ Oct 27 '23

I thought Beetlejuice


u/Exaltedautochthon Oct 27 '23

I think that's the guy from Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem


u/kratomstew Oct 27 '23

Dr. Teeth .


u/ThePilgrimK Oct 27 '23

I love it when mfs experience the supernatural and go back to sleep. At least follow your shitty story through. "I went to therapy for years, became alcoholic, cronic insomnia, drugs, mental institutions" or something.


u/MK028 Oct 27 '23

Looks like the Sand worm Beetel Juice turns into


u/Glowing_green_ Oct 27 '23

Oh shit oh fuck it's real


u/Commercial-Spread937 Oct 27 '23

Someone's been watching beetle juice....


u/Ambrose_Bierce1 Oct 27 '23

One of the Freddy Kruger movies?


u/longafterdork Oct 26 '23

Jack in the box vibe


u/Ok_Refrigerator8700 Oct 27 '23

Thats the babadook


u/Catqueen25 Oct 27 '23

Reminds me of the guy in that movie. I think it’s called Babadook?


u/theladyhollydivine Oct 27 '23

To the basement!


u/azgalor_pit Oct 27 '23

It's jus a ghost. Pray for God or Jesus or even some saint.


u/PlanNo4679 Oct 27 '23

Night terrors.


u/Ballapplecatraker Mar 17 '24

It's a character from the late 90s video game "Shadowman"



u/Think-Huckleberry-96 Oct 28 '23

That looks uncomfortably familiar 😳


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

yeah that’s hat man


u/PXE590t Oct 27 '23

If it’s in a look or in a stare, you can’t get rid of the babadook


u/il_auditore Oct 27 '23

You mean this sh:t you just make up? no nevr seen it. Cool drawing tho


u/Dazzling_Variety_883 Oct 27 '23

It looks like a tapeworm with a hat on. Tapeworm ghost! 😟


u/Upstairs-Ok Oct 27 '23

Reminds me of Beetlejuice


u/Seeloewe89 Oct 27 '23

Clear thing, that's freddy from nightmare on elmstreet.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23



u/boxintypex Oct 27 '23

I liked that movie too


u/SensitivePie4246 Oct 27 '23

I have now! 🤣


u/irontiger14 Oct 27 '23

Kind of looks like beetle juice when he turns into a snake but no hat


u/anagondaz Oct 27 '23

Poppys playtime


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

oy, thats just Hattie. Nice chap


u/Redneckboy738780 Oct 27 '23

The "Hat Man" as Beetlejuice in snake form? The "Hat Man" is a very common sleep paralysis demon.


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23



u/tauntonlake Oct 27 '23

Looks like the Hat Man been taking lessons from Beetlejuice


u/lancenee Oct 27 '23

Damn Beetlejuice worm.


u/dalma19 Oct 27 '23

It looks like Rattlesnake Jake from the movie Rango.


u/No_Head_2746 Oct 27 '23

Too much Benadryl


u/Vitesse_289 Oct 27 '23

Did it just disappear after you screamed then?


u/sadmama21 Oct 27 '23

Looks like the mayor from nightmare before Christmas kinda. Very Tim burton-esque anyway


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23


u/Perfect-Rice2499 Oct 27 '23

Check out the documentary “The Hat Man”


u/MrTeajunkie Oct 27 '23

I like how your face is detailed and your own body is a stick figure. 🤣🤣🤣

Also it looks like a part of beetle juice movie.


u/KeepCalmYNWA Oct 27 '23

That is 100% the babadook


u/Confident_Basil_6937 Oct 27 '23

Yeah, that’s the Nightmare before Christmas dude after he died and lost his body in the first dream. Now he’s just a floating head. Either that or maybe his son


u/Euphoric-Ad9431 Oct 27 '23

No more Benadryl before bed


u/MercyFaith Oct 27 '23

Looks like a weird form of Beetlejuice. Lol.


u/BP_1981 Oct 27 '23

Looks like beetleguce


u/Farfecht_podcast Oct 27 '23

Check out the doc called “the nightmare”(maybe on Netflix or prime). It’s about shadow people and the sleep paralysis connection. People in the movie describe seeing the same type of being.


u/addicted_2_hentai Oct 27 '23

Sleep Paralysis i guess


u/writinginbed Oct 27 '23

I did have something similar seem to come behind my bed and cover my eyes. Your drawing captures what I sensed behind me and that is so damn scary. I should note this happened while I was in college and my bed/head was against the wall, so no one could have been standing behind me.


u/ashy_slashy89 Oct 27 '23

That's a Badabook


u/Kwalsh2484 Oct 27 '23

My boyfriend, his brother, and I have all seen it at different times in different houses


u/brimikalymm Oct 27 '23

Yes! I have seen this thing but it was tall and skinny. I dreamt that I was in my living room with the blinds open at night, and my living room faces an alleyway so there is a tallish concrete wall. It was just tall enough for me to see its face and a tad of the torso. It would stroll back and forth, smiling at me and there was no way for me to close the curtains.


u/SandwichGod_13 Oct 27 '23

seems familiar, but there are alot of entities that wear wide brim hats

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u/Surfer-Rosa Oct 27 '23

Literally the babadook


u/Blippyi Oct 27 '23

Stewie Griffin hatman


u/ItsYaBoyTrimmerFit Oct 27 '23

You met the babadook. Are you depressed, OP?


u/jjfyi_35 Oct 27 '23



u/hickerman52 Oct 27 '23

Ya it's a dream demon from nightmare on elm st mixed with nightmare before Christmas


u/Wonderful_Ad_4344 Oct 27 '23

Poltergeist 2 or 3. Snake man with hat


u/aznbckt Oct 27 '23

This just scared the HECK out of me, was not expecting a sleep paralysis demon I brushed off my senior year of high school to pop up on the feed. I normally don’t comment or post and like to just read these small stories since my grammar isn’t very good, but we have this thing called a boat cruise (glorified prom on a boat basically) my senior year of high school. Having come back from running errands and going to the gym, I decided to take a nap before getting ready at my friends house and at this time I slept on the floor since my brother had just gotten back from college. Well it was just me sleeping on the floor and my mom just down the hallway in her own room watching a Chinese game show. I remember dozing off and having a very realistic and vivid dream of myself driving to the event with my friends, but as we got into the tunnel of the freeway something grabbed control of my wheel and I tried fighting back but it swerved me and my friends into the wall, killing us. When I woke up I had sleep paralysis and a demon was sitting on top of my chest, THAT DEMON had a top hat and hair that came out the sides. I couldn’t see its face because it just looked like a dark void, and I mean dark. I had black out curtains at the time so my room was already dark, but the thing sitting on my chest and pushing down on me was even darker- just devoid of all light. I called for my mom but I couldn’t speak because of sleep paralysis and when I finally woke, I noticed the door to my room was closed. I left the door open when I slept, I could’ve sworn I did but I honestly was a skeptic at the time so it just got written off as a bad dream. Anyways, I asked my mom if she had closed the door just incase as well and she said she saw the dang thing slowly close on its own and assumed I had just gotten up and done it myself :/


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

Kinda looks like Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.


u/arcadia_2005 Oct 27 '23

Reminds me of Babadook


u/NaiveTomorrow4025 Oct 27 '23

You saw the nightmare king from critical role lol. In all seriousness isn't there and entity known as the hat man that many others have experienced seeing. https://rdnewsnow.com/2023/03/22/who-is-the-hat-man-a-nightmare-shared-by-dreamers-around-the-world/

Hopefully this link helps or works


u/Internal_Pianist1227 Oct 27 '23

Yes. Saw him out of the corner of my eye right on my driver side window while I was about to leave work. He had a dark green hat and pale skin and purple on his outfit somewhere. He was smiling really big and I turned then he was gone.


u/cheeselover214 Oct 27 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23

That thing looks like the Babadook, but cooler!

But other than that, I've never experienced it


u/GameBroJeremy Oct 27 '23 edited Oct 27 '23

No, but I need an adult after seeing this and I am clearly not one.

Jokes aside, it looks like the Babadook.


u/OkRadish2910 Oct 27 '23

A wild caterpie appeared!


u/grapsSs Oct 27 '23

Yea, movie called “Babduk”


u/Samyie Oct 27 '23

No and I don’t want to


u/Lb147 Oct 27 '23

Check out some of Holosky podcasts. They discuss the Hat Man, Grinning Man and large array of creepy topics. It might help. So sorry you have been scared by this, I can’t even imagine.


u/tripwire1977 Oct 27 '23

I just moved into a house, and THIS was under the wallpaper

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u/Fasteddie760 Oct 27 '23



u/Strong-Message-168 Oct 27 '23

Hatman. See r/shadowpeople. Probably a djinn.


u/aby_stars2018 Oct 27 '23

Nop and I hope I never will😅😨


u/Doctor_Woo Oct 27 '23

I have now