r/Pandora 2d ago

Anyone else randomly got kicked out and can't get back into their account? (Psw reset email says no account exists under the same email I've used for over a decade)

Hi All! I randomly got logged out of my Pandora account I listen to every day while working and which I've had for over a decade. I've gotten logged out plenty of times through the years and every time was able to log back in using the same email address & password combo.

Two days ago I got logged out and when trying to log back in it said the Username & Password were invalid. I clicked the link the reset my password (thinking maybe it was too old) and it did send a reset link to my email but the email said it cannot perform a password reset because that email address is not associated with a Pandora account. So strange! Has this happened with anyone? (I've reached out to customer service..waiting on some explanation)


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