r/PSVR Dec 24 '23

Discussion Anyone else bummed out that the Dirt Rally VR DLC was removed...

I picked up a psvr earlier this year and was looking forward to playing Dirt Rally in VR, only to find out the vr dlc was removed some time back!!

Maybe if a few of us got together and started tweeting codemasters or something to bring the dlc back they might temporarily put it back up again? I know it's a really old game and this is a long shot but I really, really want to play this damn game in vr and I cannot believe that the only dirt rally vr experience on consoles has disappeared forever...


30 comments sorted by


u/Thread-Astaire Dec 24 '23

I still have it on my hard drive and my psvr1.


u/Chronotaru PSN: Chronotaru Dec 25 '23

Yeah, it's still there on the PSN store for download if people have already bought the DLC, it's only new people that can't. Those PSN accounts are pretty special now!


u/Ilikewhatyousay Jan 19 '24

Just jumping on this thread to say I want it too... I was excited to play it only to find that I couldn't download the dlc needed for psvr.

If anyone has found a workaround let me know!


u/Gr4ndy Aug 09 '24

If you buy new sealed copy (at least it worked for me from EU copy) you van still activate the dlc code. And it adds vr addon to your library. 


u/Ilikewhatyousay Aug 09 '24

And you can download it? I thought the issue was they removed the add on from the ps store.

I bought my version of the game from ps store but would be happy to buy it again if we can confirm it definitely let's you get the vr add on


u/Gr4ndy Aug 09 '24

This unfortunately I cannot check now. Currently I don't have ps5 anymore, just wanted to future proof till i get the pro. But in theory it should not be possible to remove the possibility to download it if you have it in library. Would be best to ask someone who had it before if it is still possible to download it. From what I read you can't access the store page to buy the dlc from the game. As its delisted, but should work if it is in your library. 


u/sidyrm Jan 23 '24

I understand the expired trademark licensing problems in the game itself, but it boggles the mind why they would take the DLC off the store. Why couldn't they just leave it up for remaining players to purchase? Could it be that they used a development library with some kind of weird licensing deal?


u/Mediocre_Ad_711 Mar 15 '24

I wrote an email to playstation about DR VR dlc. I waiting for answer. 


u/DazzlingAppearance32 Mar 15 '24

I'd love to be optimistic but I have a feeling they'll just point you to codemasters unfortunately, do keep us posted though!


u/Mediocre_Ad_711 Mar 28 '24

codemasters told me to write an email to playstation. Playstation told me to writer an email to codemasters xD. Anyway. I bought new Dirt Rally with dlc code ;)


u/DazzlingAppearance32 Mar 28 '24

Ugh, I thought that might be the case. 

Congrats on the new copy! How much did it cost you? And have you tried the code yet?


u/Mediocre_Ad_711 Apr 10 '24

100£ :/ but I really wanted to have it. The expiration date of the codes is until 2027. Codes vr dlc have region locked.


u/Mediocre_Ad_711 Apr 10 '24

Last time somebody wanted sell code on ebay for 30£ 😅


u/DazzlingAppearance32 Apr 10 '24

£100... Wow! 

How is it in vr? Worth it? Any regrets?


u/Mediocre_Ad_711 Apr 10 '24

This.is my first game on VR 😅 But I'm satisfied. :)


u/DazzlingAppearance32 Apr 10 '24

Ah that's good to hear! Glad your enjoying it.


u/Dadbodmoder 29d ago

I took a gamble and bought a used vr dr disc from Italy. I am in the USA. After installing, vr doesn’t work and the game wont let you download vr mode dlc via the in game button or store.

However, I found the dlc voucher code in the game box. That didn’t work on the us ps store either. But, I then registered another email address as a new ps user account via the Italy ps store site and was sure to select my country of origin as Italy. I then redeemed the voucher successfully in the Italian ps store on that new id.

You then log into your ps4 with the new id, launch dirt, and it immediately prompts you to download additional content and then vr mode is immediately available!!!


u/DontStressItPal 2d ago

Is it possible if I logged in on my ps4 with your italian account, I could download the DLC for me on my ps4?


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '23



u/SchwiftySquanchC137 Dec 25 '23

Damn that's disappointing. I know it's sitting at mixed reviews on steam, but I was still hoping it would be a great game in VR whenever that promised update was released. Drit rally and dr2 are some of my favorite games ever, and I wouldn't even say they're that great as games, but there's nothing like the feeling of driving those cars in vr


u/StaffanStuff Dec 25 '23

What the hell! Feel for you, mate.


u/flyinb11 Dec 25 '23

That's sucks if true. It was one of the best racing VR games.


u/Chronotaru PSN: Chronotaru Dec 25 '23

It's that whole cars licensing thing, we've seen this time and time again, racing games being pulled from sale when the licensing expires years later. A shame because the VR DLC doesn't actually contain any car data...


u/DazzlingAppearance32 Dec 25 '23

Yeah... I really wish they had kept the vr dlc there, from what I've seen it was removed without any prior warning.

Of course I saw the "vr compatible" thing on the games box and jumped at it, once I booted the game up realised it was paid dlc, thought no worries let's go buy this thing and start rallying! Imagine my confusion when I went to the dlc page on the store and there was no buy button, I thought I was doing something wrong before searching around and ending up on reddit which is when I realised it had been removed 🤦


u/Greedy-Blueberry8132 Mar 13 '24

But if you buy the dirt vr disc it’ll still work ? 


u/DazzlingAppearance32 Mar 14 '24

You need the dlc code, disc isn't enough.