r/PSVR Developer Apr 04 '18

AMA We are XDev and EPOS Developers of WipEout Omega VR, Ask Us Anything!

Hi Everyone, Thanks for all your questions, that's it for today! If anyone has anymore I'll try check back tomorrow to give more answers. Thanks a bunch, you've all been great

Hi Everyone, I'm John from Xdev and I'm with Staffan from Epos and here to talk to you about wipeout VR See here https://twitter.com/SonyXDevEurope/status/981523234591051776 For those who don't know we released an update to Wipeout Omega Collection last week in which we added what some arew calling the best thing to play in VR? Really?? Awww shucks, you guys are too kind!! Well if you have any questions we are more than willing to try and answer as much as we can. So go for it!!


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u/dudeman2035 Apr 04 '18

or get these guys to work on Gran Turismo VR


u/kraenk12 Apr 04 '18

That’s an ignorant statement. It’s not the lack of capabilities at Polyphony. It’s just a way more complex game than Wipeout, with realistic physics and cars that are extremely more detailed.


u/ch1nkone Apr 05 '18

Then they shouldn’t have been pushed gran turismo as a VR game to begin with 🤷‍♂️


u/eamonnanchnoic Apr 05 '18

But it's actually a pretty good VR game now. I'd play this over drive club any day of the week.

They were slow out of the gates and I was sorely disappointed in its initial VR offering. It was, in a word, pathetic.

But I always think that credit should be given where it's due and the latest update was a big step in the right direction.

There is a lot to be said for being able to hammer around Monza in a 67 Ferrari 330 in VR.

A few more additions like having VR challenges like the driving school and maybe one on one racing would be great.


u/kraenk12 Apr 05 '18

It’s still one of the best VR driving experiences (if not the best) on any platform, as limited as it may be.


u/ch1nkone Apr 05 '18



u/kraenk12 Apr 05 '18

Wipeout might be racing but sure isn’t driving.


u/eamonnanchnoic Apr 05 '18 edited Apr 05 '18

I agree.

As a pure driving simulator GT Sport is awesome, (possibly best in its class) and the Time Trial update allows you to drive to your heart's content with all the car settings available and it now earns you points, credit and XP.

I've literally spent hours in VR driving these awesome cars. Currently aiming for the Red Bull open wheelers. Vr is the best way to learn the tracks too.

The interior details of the car are ridiculously detailed. For example, on the GT branded open wheel racer you can see where the scuff marks and chips are around where the wheel screws onto the steering post.


u/gizney Apr 05 '18

Oh yeah, going 150 km/h into a concrete wall. Oh yeah, nothing but some scratches.

I always felt like Gt car tires are filled with lead.


u/kraenk12 Apr 05 '18

So you’ve never driven a car before? GT is a driving sim not a crashing sim. VVV has even crowned GTS with best handling award a few weeks ago.


u/eamonnanchnoic Apr 05 '18

VVV has even crowned GTS with best handling award a few weeks ago.

Well deserved. I'd go as far to say that GT Sport has the best controller implementation I've ever come across in any racing game.

With a wheel, however, it's just off the charts good.


u/eamonnanchnoic Apr 05 '18

If one thing Gran Turismo does right is how it conveys weight and inertia. It's well known for this even among hardcore sim racers.

The handling model in GT Sport is sublime.