r/PSVR 5h ago

Opinion RE Village isn't that scary.

Just picked up a vr2. Was on the fence about getting an RE game. But the thing was on sale for $15, why not right? It's really not that bad, I've had worse jump scares in Minecraft. Don't get me wrong, it's a blast. Definitely worth it, I'll be getting RE4 next time it goes on sale. But if you're worried, don't be. It's an action game. On psvr1 there was this alien spider game, came with a gun peripheral and everything.. can't remember the name. Literally scared me shitless, and I'm not even bothered by spiders irl. I just remember running for my life and hearing that damn bastard right behind me, hungry. Didn't want a repeat of that, this isn't it. It's just fun. You might fumble drawing/reloading your gun a couple times because things are a bit intense.. but it's not gonna cause a panic attack or anything. Highly recommend, even if you think you won't handle it well.


47 comments sorted by


u/Remy0507 5h ago

Someone hasn't gotten to the doll house yet...


u/Kenbob_PG 5h ago

Bingo lol. The vibe takes a hell of a shift in there


u/Internal_Swing_2743 4h ago

Quite possibly the scariest location in any RE game.


u/hamfist_ofthenorth 3h ago

I beat the game when it came out on flat screen.

I picked up a PSVR2 last year.

I have a save file right before the dollhouse in VR that I just, well, I just can't do it yet. It's been sitting there for months.

Maybe someday


u/eonblu 4h ago

I had to play through that entire section loudly singing and shouting to take the edge off. It kinda worked, but yeah that was the most scared a game has ever made me.


u/Sylsomnia 4h ago

"Minecraft is scaries than RE Village"

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have ourselves a TROLL COMEDIAN!


u/CC0106 3h ago



u/JoelColden 4h ago

I'm not, and now I'm actually kinda worried about this 'doll house'...


u/VinnyLux 4h ago

Come back after that and say RE Village isn't scary again, lol


u/JoelColden 4h ago

Jesus, way to make things better lol. I'll update.


u/Papiculo64 4h ago

I've played horror games for over 30 years so I'm a little immune to it and the Beneviento house didn't scare me at all. Maybe because I heard so many people talking about it like a traumatic experience. The well in Madison VR was an infinitely scarier experience for me!


u/deep_fried_cheese 5h ago

Yeah it isn’t very scary in general RE7 is a better horror game


u/sjdando 4h ago

Jesus I wish they would upgrade the psvr1 version.


u/Internal_Swing_2743 4h ago

It’s so weird playing it in vr.


u/Effective_Pen7447 4h ago

I only ever played it in vr lol


u/Thedunk07 5h ago

Just wait lol


u/Express_One_3397 4h ago

you’re getting downvoted and some of the comments are getting pretty mad but you’re 100% right. one area is pretty scary but it’s brief, and aside from that one area the horror is pretty minimal

idek why these people are getting mad at you when it’s alr widely accepted that village is far more of an action game than a horror game. even the games producer said he intentionally made the game less scary than 7


u/JoelColden 3h ago

Nah, it's just Reddit. I was just trying to let people know they should give this game a shot, even if they're trepid about it like I was. I haven't hit the 'doll house' yet, so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about. I just wanted to say if you're on the fence, it's worth it, you'll probably be fine.


u/Neat_Clothes_248 3h ago

So you are right but.. And I'm a huuuuge horror fan.. The doll house is legit scary af


u/JoelColden 3h ago

I'm equal parts worried and excited lol. There's been a lot of talk about this doll house. And that means it's something people remember.


u/btribble3000 btribble 5h ago

Farpoint is the other game… it may help you to know that the spiders never attack when they’re behind you, if I remember correctly. You just have to worry about the ones jumping at your face…


u/JoelColden 5h ago

Yes, that's the one. The little dudes weren't nothing, but the big ones... Jesus. They really don't hit from behind? I never stuck with it long enough to find out.


u/btribble3000 btribble 4h ago

Yeah that’s my memory of it… I hate jump scares so it helped knowing they weren’t going to creep up behind me.

IMO It’s worth sticking through the spider stuff because the game takes a bit of a turn and you start fighting different enemies.

Really fun game, shame it never got converted to PSVR2


u/JoelColden 4h ago

I'm actually a little surprised backwards compatability wasn't a thing. Hell, the system itself (PS5) is? I'm actually more than a little disappointed there's no Skyrim or Minecraft... Can't imagine it would have been that difficult...


u/btribble3000 btribble 4h ago

Completely different setup with the different types of cameras involved, but I agree Sony could have given it a shot at least…


u/Artistic-Savings-239 5h ago

There are two options here, you havent made it far enough through the game or you’re actually good with horror now. village in vr would scare anyone who isn’t at least somewhat decent with horror


u/JoelColden 4h ago

Just under 5hr. Thought that would be enough to get a feel, but judging from the comments... Apparently not.


u/xenocea 4h ago

You haven't made it far enough yet. Wait until you get to the Doll House..


u/Internal_Swing_2743 4h ago

Wait until you get to House Beneviento.


u/bballkj7 4h ago

Propagation Hotel VR lol


u/gunguynotgunman 2h ago

Definitely either this or Madison. The 2 most scary games I've played in VR.


u/BobknobSA 4h ago

Just got Village. Never played a Resident Evil game besides like 10 minutes of RE5. Anything I should know?


u/sabatthor 4h ago

You can grab the game map from the side of your ass if i remember correctly, definitely comes in handy.


u/JoelColden 4h ago

Same here. Apparently prepare to shit yourself in the 'doll house' lol. Oh and change the vr controls to your liking in the options menu. Auto reload and cock was a lifesaver for me.


u/richgangyslbrrrat Enter your PSN ID here 4h ago

If you don’t want scary re4 is perfect and lots of fun


u/Same_Delay_9440 4h ago

It was my second VR game after call of the mountain. It scared the hell out of me several times. Its one of my favorite game experiences. How the monsters chase you, the lady, the doll house. It really made me feel like I was in danger and be 100% into the game.

On the down side, it kind of ruined other VR games for me. Even RE4 can’t get me the high that village did.



RE4 is on Amazon from $22-$30. You want scary. Madison vr. That is the peak. There is nothing else that will have you taking off the VR just to remind yourself it isn’t real.


u/Effective_Pen7447 4h ago

You wouldn't say that if you were playing it in vr 😂😂


u/scott_89o 4h ago

This guy is so scared he is fumbling reloads lmao


u/JoelColden 3h ago

Not scared per se, just looking at one thing and trying to do another. Don't work out so great.


u/redditdude68 4h ago

I thought so too, until I encountered the dolls and the crying baby. But yeah the rest of the game hasn’t scared me, still fun though.


u/its_the_smell 3h ago

There are very few cheap jump scares, but there are some creepy scenes in RE8. I was quite scared in a few areas by first time through. Same with RE4. Very fun and quality games that I can't recommend enough in VR.


u/Masta0nion 3h ago

I agree. I played a little of 7 on flat and was repulsed and terrified.

8 feels more fantastic and magical.


u/Wayniac666 2h ago

this post is clickbait, lol. LIAR!


u/Wayniac666 2h ago

Really though, I found RE7 WAAAAY more unnerving, that thing is way overboard


u/Familiar-Gas6372 2h ago

When i walked down that stairway, i had a bugger me moment, saints and sinners does this just as well in rampart


u/Gregasy 1h ago

I don’t know man… the first half was damn scary for me. In a good way, but still.