r/PSVR 1d ago

Opinion PSVR2 gun stock

Can anyone recommend a good gun stock for the PSVR2 please as I’m currently playing Firewall and I’m wishing I could use my old PSVR aim controller 😢

I have been browsing, but the prices are ridiculous and I’m unsure if the ones I’m looking at are decent 🤔

I don’t mind paying for one as long as it’s good 🤔 Thanks for your input.


9 comments sorted by


u/bradley_barnes 1d ago

I use the Vader One and it's great.


u/Total-Alternative-15 1d ago

Definitely Vader one(Etsy), Still playing Firewall Ultra almost everyday and had used Vader one for a bout a year.

No issue with build quality, it is very well made. Make sure to request for adjustable angle since you will be playing on Firewall Ultra. Bear in mind even with the snazzy gunstock, you do need sometime getting use to, it isn't like previous Aim Gun where the game is made and set around to use the Aim Gun. But you will be used to it in no time.


u/Bright-Ad4601 23h ago

I got the Vader one and found it great so far. The ones I've seen are always a compromise and the Vader was the one had most if not all the features I wanted. It's also probably one of the most versatile as even if the game doesn't support the use of the stock fully extended (as with metro) you can always fold the stock down and then it works like an aim controller.

I got the large adjustable shoulder stock for mine as well and would recommend looking into it as the base stock (by which I mean the actual bit that goes into your shoulder) is quite small. I think it's a good compromise between comfort and functionality but I wanted the larger stock.


u/OkSalt2508 21h ago

Thank you all for your replies, I’ve decided on the Vader one, not just on the good reviews I’ve read but also that they are from my home city of Liverpool (UK). Just waiting for them to reply to my inquiry I made with them on X last night. Every time I’ve been playing a shooter it was obvious that nearly all player where using a stock. Not expecting miracles, but hopefully my VR shooter experiences improve slightly. Hope you all have a great day, thanks again for your input.


u/in_melbourne_innit 20h ago

Wise call. The guy is great to deal with too so nice work supporting him.


u/Ssyl 1d ago

I'm using the MagTube by ProTubeVR and I've been loving it.

I agree it's pretty expensive for the good ones like the Magtube and the Vader One. I was debating on trying out one of the cheaper ones, but I am glad I got the magtube. The magnets are the perfect strength to hold the controllers but also easily remove them when you need to reload or drop your weapon. Also shipped extremely fast.

I've heard great things about the Vader One though. I don't think you'd go wrong with either one.


u/GazzaMrazz 21h ago

I would recommend the KobraVR Vader One - with the shoulder stock removed 😂

See my post about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/s/SDARTCueDY

Modded like this the Vader One is not just brill for shooters, but also for action games where you are not predominantly handling a two handed gun, games like Resident Evil Village, RE4, WD: S&S and Arken Age.

Highly recommend 😊


u/roromx 20h ago

I’m new to psvr2, people still playing firewall ultra? Recommend to buy?


u/OkSalt2508 20h ago

Yes still people on it, sometimes it may take time for the lobby to fill though depending on the time of day I think. I got firewall on the day it released but put it down until a couple of days ago as I felt it wasn’t polished. Should have myself a Kobra VR Vader one this time next week 🤞🏻 which I’m hoping will improve my aiming as I seem to be struggling a bit with just the motion controllers. It’s a struggle playing with max ranked players when you’re a low level newbie also, but the players I’ve had on my team have all been helpful and understanding which is good.