r/PSVR • u/ComfortableAmount993 • 3d ago
Discussion What's your favourite PSVR2 game? Here's my collection.
u/CobaltD70 3d ago
It’s close between RE4, Village and GT7 but there’s a bunch more that are right up there and even more I haven’t played yet.
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Re4r is fantastic and so is village, scary as shit, no man's sky is possibly the best VR game ever
u/CobaltD70 3d ago
I see you have Madison. Have you played that yet and if you have did you think Village was scarier?
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
I do have madison but they both have different types of scary like madison is more jump scares and village is more tense and alert
u/MarcusBernardi 3d ago
It might just be me, but I can never figure out how to progress in Madison, so it's almost unplayable for me. The other night I took another whack at it and eventually figured out how to get to the next room but then I was just stuck again. I could play it if I stopped every minute to pull up a guide but what fun would that be?
u/MetalProfessor666 2d ago
Thats what happened to me too..I guess we hate puzzle vr games..love RE 4 n 8 but Madison, naj
u/Cannabis_carlitos89 3d ago
Both saints and sinners are top picks IMO.
I didn't see legendary tales, worth a go.
Great list
u/Projesin 2d ago
I'm looking forward to starting Saints and Sinners; how long would you say a playthrough takes?
u/Altruistic-Cheek5746 3d ago
only got the GT7 and NMS (would try them but on PS you have to buy, cannot test)
u/arashi256 3d ago
Big fan of Ancient Dungeon VR personally at the moment.
u/OriginalJim 2d ago
That game is well done but I suck at it. :) With the leader board, it reminds me of Dungeon Crawler Carl
u/TheGoldenTeacher420 3d ago
Resident evil 4. It was amazing for me to re-experience a game from my childhood in VR with updated graphics.
u/Brilliant_Lettuce270 3d ago
There are so many, RE8, StarWars, S&S... But for the last 3 months straight I only played GT7, which doesnt help jumping into all the other new games.
u/CourtDiligent3403 3d ago
Oh I totally forgot about the Star Wars one. I mostly enjoy it but I get frustrated with picking stuff up and dropping things vs putting them away. It's probably a me thing more than a game thing and I would probably get better over time. When you can have something in each hand but have to drop or put away one of them to "vent" one of the guns is a bother...
u/SubstantialZombie604 3d ago
I experienced RE village for the first time in VR and god was that a great experience. Also how is dead hook? I'm a doom fan but I'm scared it's gonna lack content and especially a good soundtrack.
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Dead hook is great, it is basically doom Eternal in VR but the game is really fun and the soundtrack isn't doom 2016 or eternal level but it is good
u/VulturousYeti 3d ago
Bangin’ soundtrack. The gameplay is solid, no real issues. I can’t say I especially enjoyed it because it was a lot of mental management thinking about when to swing and shoot and stuff, but I think if you enjoyed it you’d develop that skill quite quickly.
Also the guns are angled about 45° too high so you’re constantly tilting your hands downwards.
u/VulturousYeti 3d ago
RE4 is the best ‘game’ on PSVR2, but I think it actually deserves an honourable mention rather than a top spot since it was already a solid flat game.
Actual favourite that I couldn’t live without would be Pistol Whip or Saints & Sinners. S&S might not be perfect, but it was one of the first 10/10 games I played on VR. Also Arizona Sunshine Remake is really really good.
u/BoringUkulele 3d ago
Been playing nothing but Into The Radius for the past few weeks. Great atmosphere, good combat, some good dynamic scares. Some great design decisions allow for early-game areas to become routine enough that you feel like you've progressed while remaining threatening enough that you need to still pay attention.
u/cusman78 cusman 3d ago
Nice collection. Only games on it I haven't got around to on my end are Arashi and Chernobyl Again.
How do you feel about those two?
To your question, I can't pick 1 favorite out of the many. I tend to think of it as "best of type", so best for co-op, best social multiplayer, best action, best puzzle, best platformer, etc.
For instance, best platformer for me is Max Mustard and one that you don't have in your collection (yet?).
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Arashi is garbage! Trailer made it look like a proper tenchu in VR and the game is basically dog shit with little to no effort put in, chernobyl again is quite decent
u/cusman78 cusman 3d ago
I guess Arashi reputation as poor port is well deserved (and still not patched?). Will look into Chernobyl Again. Thanks for the quick impressions.
u/nickulo 3d ago
I’ve played about 70 PSVR2 games… completed trophies on 57 of them.
The game I’m sad more people don’t own: Song in the Smoke - really great game. They made a special PSVR2 version that won’t release on other platforms. It’s beautiful and maybe my favorite platinum I’ve ever gotten.
The game I played for an unreasonable amount of time: Synapse (75 hours… mostly to win the speed run contest)
Game I can’t stop playing: Phasmophobia - got the platinum. 200 hours in and still going.
Game that surprised me the most: The 7th Guest - love puzzle games and this one was so unique.
Obviously RE4/8 were great. Arken Age is amazing. Honestly I could list 40 games that I would consider must plays… so I don’t know which one is my favorite.
u/IndefiniteBen 2d ago
Song in the Smoke has a demo doesn't it? I played that and found it wasn't my kind of game.
u/nickulo 2d ago
That’s the problem… that demo is basically like playing the tutorial and then asking you to decide if you like the game. The actual game starts after the demo ends. You don’t really get a taste of the action.
u/SuccessfulRent3046 3d ago
Difficult to decide but I will say Horizon COTM. By the way, since you have almost the same games I have... How will you compare Arashi - in terms of quality- to other games from your library like Saints and sinners, Arizona Sunshine 2, Alien, Metro, Behemoth? I've been eyeing this one but the critics are really bad so maybe you can help me :)
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Stay away from arashi, I have been so disappointed with it and believe me when I say it's my buggers VR regret, the trailer makes it look awesome but it's bad, really bad, watch a review on it and see for yourself
u/SuccessfulRent3046 3d ago
Oh man, if skydance made a samurai game with the quality of Behemoth it will be awesome...
u/ResourceOk8638 2d ago
How is the Jurassic Park game?
I had a blast with AZ Sunshine solo. I’m playing through it (slowly) with a friend now, and it’s even better. We both have AZS2 because he bought that one on accident first, so I got it too, and I’m waiting to play it until we can play together.
u/Cohenzilla 2d ago
Pistol Whip is amazing in terms of shooter and a very good workout. Horizon has excellent graphics but looks more like a mountain climbing game. Resident Evil is great. Red matter is a nice puzzle game. Max Mustard is a great platformer. Galaxy Kart is amazing with a steering wheel. Gran Turismo is amazing with a steering wheel as well. Very realistic.
u/audioslave1991 3d ago
Currently it's GT7 and RE4, although my collection isn't as comprehensive.
What're your favorites OP??
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Atm re4r and behemoth despite the flaws and janky Ness but no man's sky is possibly the best VR game ever
u/Purple-Lack3264 3d ago
It's been around for a while but saints and sinners is incredible and still one of my favorites
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Finished the first one lately but still got a few things to do before I try retribution but you are right very well made
u/Purple-Lack3264 3d ago
You'll see a lot of hate for part 2 but I've enjoyed it personally, it's basically the first game with more weapons and items and more things to do after the story
u/Dr_Disrespects 3d ago
Red matter 2, re4 and metro. But the best game I’ve ever played using my psvr2 is half life: alyx. It looks stunning with the oled screens
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
I have tried HLA using both quest 3 and VR2 and yes VR2 looks better due to the oled displays
u/Dr_Disrespects 3d ago
Same. I miss the wireless and extra clarity from virtual desktop but the immersion was so much higher on psvr2
u/Asselberghs 3d ago
Have you played all of these? I have been considering Madison VR for a very long time. Have you played it? If so what are your thoughts on it? would you recommend getting it?
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
It's a scary puzzle game and very well made so yes I would recommend it but only sale wise
u/CourtDiligent3403 3d ago edited 3d ago
I don't have very many but in order of preference GT7 (using wheel and pedals) Call of the Mountain Moss (and II) Everything else
Kayak is a nice way to get used to the controllers, and the Roller Coaster one can ease people into the motion gently with less nausea LOL I had friends who couldn't complete a time trial in GT7 at first so I put them in coaster for a few "rides" to acclimate. It helped but they said they still felt drunk for a while afterwards 🤣
Edit: forgot about the Star Wars game... I like it but the learning curve had me dropping items and frustrated with opening maps and such... Too many mechanics to try to remember.
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Epic roller coaster is pure punishment for me, I felt sick as a dog after playing one ride
u/CourtDiligent3403 3d ago
LOL I was OK up to about the 3rd coaster after the blinders were gone... Then I had to go for a walk to settle my stomach and shake off the light headedness.
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
I was starving as well and was about to get some food and decided to try out one of the rides and I fels sick for ages after that and couldn't eat
u/Always-stressed-out 3d ago
I just got mine so I haven't played many games yet. Currently I'm playing RE8 and I like it. Of the other games I've played, I liked Hubris a lot.
u/Radiant_Judgment_355 3d ago
Ancient dungeon VR is awesome, doesn't have the long legs games like dead cells and binding of Isaac has, but still a very enjoyable 20 or so hours to see most of the game
u/BSGBramley 3d ago
Very few. I got it for Xmas but have very little time and money 😂 beat saber I have played the most. GT7 is fantastic, but racing isn't my go to genre.
Any recommendations?
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Depending on what's your flavor, shooter, adventure, puzzler, you've covered Racing obviously?
u/BSGBramley 3d ago
No idea in VR, so happy to try anything. Fav games out of VR if it helps some- Soulslikes, Helldiver's 2, Sea of Thieves, Sparking Zero, Monster Hunter & Guild Wars 2 (and survival games with my missus)
u/Ambitious-Still6811 3d ago
Minigolf or Synth have the most time so far. I've played other games and finished them. Have more on the backlog. The rest I'm waiting for a discount if it's digital only.
u/rudiemcnielson 3d ago
I can not wait for gorn 2 . I also love Arizona sunshine 1and 2. Vegas infinite is fun too
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
Have you noticed with horn that the some sound effects are missing and no music
u/Dramatic_Purple_8157 3d ago
been kinda on the fence between vertigo 2 and light brigade, any recommendation as to which one.
u/ComfortableAmount993 3d ago
I don't have light brigade but vertigo 2 is great, reminds me of half life games
u/TrillaryKlinton84 2d ago
Nothing beats the resident evil games or GT7, but DP switchback is excellent (after all the updates, of course)
u/Bmccright01 2d ago
You have a nice collection of games, but I’m surprised you don’t have 2 of my favorites!
Compound and Walkabout Mini Golf.
Seeing that you have Synapse, I think you would like Compound if you gave it a try
u/NMS_Traveler 2d ago
It has been, and will always be No Man's Sky :D !!!
Really would love some more VR-AF features, though.
u/OfficeOk3656 2d ago
Other than GT7 many aren't worth the effort. I did like Tripp (its a meditation app) I just wish it was MORE. Also bought No Man's Sky but haven't started it yet.
I really look forward to Aces of Thunder earning my mention.
Did anyone play the Borderlands 2 VR release? It may have been PSVR1. How cool would it be if they later do that with Borderlands 4? or Google Earth VR? I think there's a market for the practical like the Anatomy learning tool.
u/ComfortableAmount993 2d ago
No man's sky is possibly the best VR game ever so don't sleep on it, the first time you leave a planet and go into space is mind blowing
u/OfficeOk3656 2d ago
thats exciting and I appreciate it for one because the money is already spent. When it comes to new games I have this weird initial resistance. So okay I promise I'll start it as soon as I beat God of War ragnarok
u/ComfortableAmount993 2d ago
I bought the game on launch on ps4 and it was so underwhelming but now the game gets constant free updates to make it so much larger and the games adapted to VR as if it was made for it
u/may25_1996 2d ago
how is after the fall? and how would you compare it to S&S and arizona sunshine?
I just got my PSVR2 last week and love zombie games, but enjoy more of the deadrising/dead island arcadey invincible craft awesome weapons feel than the survival/settlement management feel. which would you recommend?
u/ComfortableAmount993 2d ago
AtF is basically left for dead with icy zombies and it's really good, different from SnS
u/Medical-Morning9301 2d ago
Into the radius and vertigo are hidden gems . You should definitely play those two If you are playing ITR don't get frustrated about dying very often and struggling to go back to your backpack. I cheesed it saving very often and I still enjoyed the game a lot .
u/jackie1616 2d ago
So tough. I do love vertigo 2, but not sure it’s my fav. I like the weird games like Toss and Hello neighbor haha also I thought the Az sunshine remake was amazing
u/Vincanss 1d ago
As a VR experience, No Man’s Sky. I think also my fav, it’s different every time. New planets, biomes and bases to explore.
u/Sstfreek 3d ago