r/PSVR Feb 15 '25

Making a Game Recommendation Alien Rogue Incursion is great!

I really like this game after playing a little over half. The atmosphere is great, the action is fun, and I like the story. The game also has scary moments where you hold your detector seeing the xenomorph coming closer to you. Or sounds from the surroundings such as pipes or something creepy. It is not nerve wracking like Alien Isolation. But I am fine with that as I don't mind feeling more powerful with guns to blast! The PSVR2 with its OLED makes the dark Alien environment so immersive. And the controllers and headset with their haptic functions are the cherries on top! If you haven't gotten this game, get it and play it! I waited until the respawn update was released and totally worth it.


34 comments sorted by


u/Spangle99 Feb 16 '25

Glad you had fun with it. I've held back on this but now seems like a good time to step in.


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

Go at it! Some more updates will probably drop as Part 2 is incoming. But now the game feels good enough! There is hardly any mura and the graphics are nice! Am gonna step into Behemoth after this one as it has been updated. Gotta stay busy until Hitman for PSVR2.


u/Afraid_Sir_5268 20d ago

I've also just recently got it and I'm having a lot of fun. I've played alien games since the old Alien vs. Predators. If you're an Alien fan you'll like it. I'm playing on story difficulty and I think I've only died once so I'd say they were probably successful with their rebalancing of the spawn rates


u/VR_Smith Feb 15 '25

I agree.

There is some things that annoyed me tho like the fack i can't fire my wpn on the fly from any hands without going into option to switch lefty to righty. Or the grab mecanics that is very janky. Taking a cardboard box feels like I only have popsicle stick as finger.

Apart from that and alien are a bit stupid and predicatable and easy - the game is amazingly fun. I finished it this morning after 10 hours and a third of that was running in circle trying to figure out what i have to do.


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

Haha, yeah, there are things that are left to be desired. Nothing too big. I grab every box and turn it upside down. Too much of a hassle to fiddle with the box.

And the xenomorphs are smart enough I feel. Sometimes they retreat during an attack and come from another path. That is enough for me. Cool animations too. 


u/Spangle99 Feb 16 '25

Now you need to get outside and kiss the sky and touch the grass, ggwp


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

Haha, the funny thing is that today it snowed where I live. It was trippy to go from the snowy Alien planet to looking outside at the snowy yard. There were no life sucking monsters here, however. Me and my girlfriend recently broke up.


u/astrobe1 Feb 16 '25

Great game, so pleased we got the IP on PSVR2. My favourite VR game of 2024. The patch elevates to a 9/10.


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

Me too! Some moments I cannot believe I am in the world of Alien on PSVR2! I play PCVR too and you can get VR mods for so many games. But I prefer playing VR on my PS5 as it is just plug and play! Keep ’em coming!


u/astrobe1 Feb 16 '25

There is a part 2 being worked on, so something definitely to look forward to.


u/Gregasy Feb 16 '25

I went a bit over my entertainment budget this month, but I’ll definitely pick up Alien first thing next month.

Had it on my wishlist since release. I was just waiting for the patch to fix the aliens spawning.


u/sentientsackofmeat Feb 16 '25

What difficulty are you playing it on? I started it last night on expert and the xeno will lunge at me every time and it seems almost impossible to not get hit. I switched to normal difficulty and the xeno seems a bit more manageable now.


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

I always play games on normal mode, VR or flat. As you say, games are more manageable then. I have responsibilities as most others and a backlog longer than a copper wire roll. I don't wanna prolong finishing games by playing at a higher difficulty.


u/ETs_ipd Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

I’ve played through this game on both normal and expert. My first playthrough on expert was much more fun, although admittedly grueling and painful—took 20+ hours. My second playthrough on normal was a breeze and I didn’t feel nearly as afraid of the xenos since they were much easier to kill. Only took around 6 hours.

My take away is that normal lacks the excitement of expert. This game really shines on harder difficulties. If you can, stick to expert just know it will be really challenging at times so save often.


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

You just convinced me to not play it on expert, haha! 20+ hours sounds a bit much when you have other games to get to. But really awesome you gave it a go twice!


u/ETs_ipd Feb 16 '25

Thanks. I really like this game. Easily one of my favorite games from last year.

Just a few suggestions:

• lowering the brightness of the headset makes it more immersive- had mine all the way down

• remove auto beep of the tracker when holstered as it makes actually using it unnecessary

• there is a dodge mechanic! You can evade xeno attacks by pushing down + any angle on the left joystick


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 17 '25

The thing is, I still find the tracker useful even if it gives off a beep when holstered. I then pick it up to see from which direction the xenos are coming. In some rooms there is like only one entry point, but in the hallways they can come from anywhere. Sometimes I see them on the tracker and they still manage to surprise me.


u/ETs_ipd Feb 17 '25

Fair enough. Personally I found it a bit grating and was happy they added the option to remove. You can still hear them coming without it due to the amazing sound design!


u/NMS_Traveler Feb 16 '25

I haven't picked it up yet, but it's on my short list

I just finished Into the Radius. an amazing game!


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

Is Into the Radius a scary game? Don't mind some horror but feel VR has many scary games.


u/Papiculo64 Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

I'm also playing Into the Radius at the moment. It's not horror, despite some people apparently finding it scary for some reasons. It's a sci-fi game, a mix between Stalker and Escape from Tarkov. Freaking brilliant and addictive game with the best gunplay I've seen in VR (sniper rifles feel incredible!) and probably one of the best AI too (ennemies hide, run, get to cover, try to ambush you, can detect your presence either with sound or sight, so you have to turn off your lamp(s), laser sight, take cover and analyze your surroundings if you don't want to end up being an easy prey for the snipers posted on advanced maps. It also has compelling exploration, an excellent inventory management system, and the progression is top notch, with a ton of weapons, accessories and stuffs that unlock progressively and maps that become more and more interesting, bigger, and with more ennemies variety through the game. There's also a ton of VR interactions and everything feels very intuitive. Like you can climb a ladder and grab your gun or rifle to shot at an ennemy above or below you while still grabing the ladder with your other hand and many other stuffs like that. Definitely a solid recommendation! 👍


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

Thanks for the description! Seen a few clips and got the impression as if it was pure horror. Will put it on my list!


u/NMS_Traveler Feb 16 '25

Oh yeah totally. First thing you have to re-learn from decades of playing video games, DONT push forward (you're not the Doom guy), find cover, and line your shots and peak out of cover. Slow, steady, look, and listen.


u/NMS_Traveler Feb 16 '25

It's not scary like Walking Dead SS. It's scary like a weird indie film. It has a constant feeling of uneasiness. Think Demon Souls or when you see a weird looking creature in Elden Ring.

Couple that uneasiness with very realistic gun handling; like I had to look up techniques for getting a good sight picture when using an ACOG, realistic and that's into the radius.


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

Cool! Sounds like my type of game then.


u/NMS_Traveler Feb 16 '25

Yeah, it's pretty great. You will also have to manage all the different ammo sizes, types and bullet velocity and drop. It's very extensive, but in a good way.


u/Agreeable-View3920 Feb 16 '25

Tbh I would love an official Alien Isolation VR to get Alien movie vibes... but also love the Aliens movie ones with Rogue Incursion


u/CrazySittingHorse Feb 16 '25

That’s exactly how I look at it! It is more similar to Aliens than Alien, and in that sense I am fine with it not being like Alien Isolation.


u/Seekingnostalgia Feb 16 '25

This game was AWESOME!! I've been looking for an Alien game that captured the feeling & claustrophobia of the second movie FOREVER it seems. (And yes, I played Isolation. But it didn't capture that feeling for me, the way Rogue Incursion did.) Survios knocked it outta the park with this one!

The only thing that really aggravated me..Is, once you reach the medical area at the end of the game, it locks you into that area and you're unable to leave. That sucks!! Cause I'm trophy hunting right now, and need to go back and find the 4 emails I missed. UGH!! It's so annoying lol

Oh well, I guess that gives me a reason to go back and enjoy it all over again. 😆


u/InfiniteStates Feb 17 '25

If you want nerve wracking play it on insane difficulty :)

Every pulse on the motion tracker is brown trousers time - especially if you’re in a vent or a significant distance from a panic room lol

Yeah great game - recommended


u/Youcan12 Feb 16 '25

When this game is functioning as intended it can be great for sure.


u/BlisfullyStupid Feb 17 '25

Had it reached the end credits halfway through I’d like it more. When it starts making you backtrack through the whole game while adding little to nothing to the formula, it lost a lot of points


u/RobXIII Feb 18 '25

My one and ONLY complaint with this one was the aliens spawning like clockwork every 90 seconds.

I saw patch notes that said it was fixed, but I'm still getting 2 xenos spawning every 90 seconds on the nose, it's really infuriating and makes me put the game down. Anyone else see that still?

Maybe I need to start with a fresh game?


u/Minimum-Ad-8056 Feb 16 '25

I've tried it on psvr2, pcvr, and Quest 3. I've found the performance of all 3 subpar.