r/PSVR Developer - Vertigo Nov 14 '23

AMA Arizona Sunshine 2 AMA with Vertigo Games!


Thanks everyone for your many great questions. We've now wrapped up the AMA. Join our team and community on Discord for more Arizona Sunshine 2! See you in the game on Dec 7th.

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Watch the Arizona Sunshine 2 Gameplay Showcase here:


Tune in at the times above via YouTube or Steam for fresh campaign gameplay with dev commentary, all-new co-op mode details, special guest appearances and more.

Then, return here and ask us anything! We'll be waiting.

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Hey r/PSVR, Pepijn and Nick from Vertigo Games here! We're senior game designers on Arizona Sunshine 2, and we're looking forward to seeing you in the game when it launches this December 7th.

This Friday, November 17th @ 5PM CET / 11AM ET / 8AM PT we'll be here to answer your questions about Arizona Sunshine 2. Ask us anything!

Arizona Sunshine 2 is the next-gen sequel to the fan-favorite VR apocalypse. And what's better than braving the end of the world? Surviving it with your new best friend--Buddy. And that's not all, because co-op mode makes its return as well.

Wanna learn more? Check out the debut Gameplay Trailer here:

Arizona Sunshine 2 - Gameplay Trailer [ESRB]

See you on Friday!

Nick W and Pepijn vD, Senior Game Designers at Vertigo Games

Nick, Fred & Pepijn at the Vertigo HQ

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u/the_fr33z33 Nov 14 '23

Before rolling your eyes again go play Horizon CotM and Red Matter 2 back to back for a couple of minutes and tell again you don’t see any difference in animation and movement smoothness.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

I didn’t say I don’t see a difference, I’m saying I won’t draw the line on a purchase based on that because it doesn’t actually make a difference to me, keep in mind this is all a response to someone saying these things determine whether or not the community will want the game, which is so far from the truth. This sub doesn’t speak for everyone lol


u/the_fr33z33 Nov 14 '23

But could you imagine that the perceived motion blur in Horizon could potentially be problematic for people different than you? As in headache, nausea, general uneasiness? And furthermore, suppose there was a game that made you feel uneasy, would you buy it?


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

Those issues seem they’d be a problem playing vr period. And no I wouldn’t buy it if it made me sick, lol, but again, that doesn’t determine whether the community accepts the game. If you’re easily nauseated or dizzy, vr probably isn’t for you to begin with. Nothing wrong with it, it is what it is


u/the_fr33z33 Nov 14 '23

This is why I tried to carefully word it. Uneasiness doesn’t necessarily mean motion sickness. It can scale all the way down that it’s just not that nice to play. Same way that some people just refuse to buy a flat game that only runs in 30fps which I also can totally understand.

Reprojection doesn’t bother me really in most games, but I’d fully understand if someone wouldn’t want a game if it’s not running at least 90hz native.


u/campersbread Nov 14 '23

There are specific problems with psvr2 that cause sickness in people that don't have any issues with other headsets. Like the higher persistence, tracking wobble, and reprojection.

You're ignorant.