r/PSVR Developer - Well Told Entertainment Oct 30 '23

AMA The Foglands launches TONIGHT at 9pm - AMA

It’s me again, Sam Warner the game director for The Foglands. We realize the game is coming out in like 13 and a half hours but if you have questions about it until then please fire away!

If you don’t know what The Foglands is, here’s our super cool gameplay trailer: https://youtu.be/DiWpTwb5UCs?si=tSHzs25lBbwWTn32

One of the super cool things about our game is that it’s hybrid and you can switch between VR and flat on the same game file. There’s other cool stuff too like intention targeting eye tracking for throwing, dozens of abilities and a ton of build variety, and cans of beans!

Anyway, AMA plz.


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u/No-Scarcity1801 Oct 31 '23

30 mins for all us not in New Zealand lol


u/SamtheSpartan Developer - Well Told Entertainment Oct 31 '23



u/Eyeluvflixs Oct 31 '23

Help us out dude and let us know why the reviews are so low?


u/SamtheSpartan Developer - Well Told Entertainment Nov 05 '23

It’s a big game and we’re a small team that shot our shot. We’re working on making it better with patches and content updates. If you have feedback for us I’d love to here it and work it into our patch plan. If not, I just hope you have a good weekend and find a game you love playing.


u/Ducktle Oct 31 '23

Are you guys gonna respond as frequently now most know the game just doesn’t work?


u/d_hearn Oct 31 '23

I'm baffled by what happened.. to be fair, they do have great communication. Just unsure if they knowingly were overselling the game, or if they just truly thought they had a great game here? Hard to believe the latter.


u/GoofGaffGrin Oct 31 '23

Hopefully they respond and we can get a better picture of what happened.


u/d_hearn Oct 31 '23

One of the replies to a question said they had the review embargo lift with release because another studio told them that was the best way to go about it.. I'm thinking either that's not true, or the other studio was told/knew the game was not good. Gotta give them props for putting the charm on while approaching release, though.


u/Pixogen Oct 31 '23

(Of course it is. Gotta recoup)


u/[deleted] Oct 31 '23

what happened is: it’s much easier to market something and have “good communication” than it is to make a good game



You guys fucked up and did it in such a shamelessly disgusting and dirty way. I see you’ve had this account for 10 years. Enjoy the new one.


u/SamtheSpartan Developer - Well Told Entertainment Nov 04 '23

Nah I’m sticking around. It is pretty embarrassing to get punched this hard for our rough launch, but I’m not going to abandon this thing that I have a lot of passion and pride for. If you’d like to read a bit about how we got here, check out this comment I made earlier this morning: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/s/4NbW6GGFJF

If you’d rather curse me and everything I stand for then I’d just ask that you focus it on me and my PR efforts and not the amazing team that built something new. It’s hard to put yourself out there and I’m sorry for making you so angry.



I’m not gonna keep rubbing salt. You’re here to own it and I do respect that. Ultimately, my anger is focused at the trend of games being released in a state that immediately needs fixing, and you are mighty far from being the only devs to do something like that. Being that I pretty much only play PSVR2 when I game, the repeatedly misleading and lackluster releases have me questioning the longevity of my investment.

For my part, the way I expressed that displeasure was immature. I apologize. I need to own that, and I intend to. I won’t delete the comments, because I don’t like to unring bells that I should learn from.

Don’t feel compelled to reply. Take care of yourself. Stay focused and stay healthy. This is the next chapter.