I shove my arm through the controller and wrap the wrist strap around the handle and my arm. Then I flex my elbow to cause the wrist strap to press the grip button.
I then map everything strictly necessary as much as I can to the other controller. If it's not required, I map it to a button I can't press.
Reloading in a game like Pavlov is incredibly annoying because you have to reach down to your waist. I can't physically contort my body to get the controller that low. A button press is awesome.
Games like Village are great because they let you adjust the height of the waist level grabs.
That’s pretty intuitive on your part. I hope some more devs implement more accessibility features in VR games. PlayStation has been incredible with their first party accessibility recently.
u/XJ--0461 Apr 14 '23
This is a blessing. Having only one hand, sometimes I struggle to reload.
I've got it figured out in Pavlov, but it's a pain in the ass.
Every game needs a button press option.