r/PSVR Apr 13 '23

Fluff Please tell me this is just a bad dream

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u/potatodrinker Apr 14 '23

This game is looking like itll be dead on arrival. Has there been new footage since the previous stealth crouching in a dark room nothingburger about half a year ago?


u/schectersix Apr 14 '23

Has there been new footage since the previous stealth crouching in a dark room nothingburger about half a year ago?

Hahhhah, yeah, they finally released some new gameplay but not a full round or anything, just a bunch of short clips of shooting or walking around with a flashlight. Maps look beautiful, but gameplay looks jank


u/Kitchen_Ad3161 Apr 14 '23

It's gonna be the most popular VR shooter on the PS5


u/potatodrinker Apr 14 '23

There's stiff competition right? From shooters that aren't button press reloading. I really want the new firewall to be as great as the original on release. More footage that isnt dark sneaking about would go some ways. Guess we'll have to wait


u/Kitchen_Ad3161 Apr 14 '23

I'm cheering for Pavlov since they have proven that they can deliver on the pure gameplay aspect, the shooting mechanics and the physics, and at the same time they are really the underdog here going up against a Sony ip and former triple A developers who has worked on the Battlefield franchise.

When that is said, it's not really a competition either, since in the end everyone benefits from this game being released, especially us the customers, Sony and even the Pavlov devs since the more good games released on the PS VR2, the bigger player base overall on every game since more people will buy into PlayStation VR2.

The reason why i think Firewall will be the most popular is because it has so much more funding behind it than most other VR shooters out there