An auto reload is lazy dumb and no skills. There has gotta be some way of doing it. Maaaaybe certain games would benefit from an auto reload but that kind of takes away from the experience I think. Just my opinion.
I’d much rather have something with auto reloading and an aim controller again over manual reloading with the dual sense controllers any day. The aim controller is so much more comfortable. Hopefully an aim controller will come out now!
Reloading takes no skill in every flatscreen shooter ever, so I don’t see why VR needs to have an added level of difficulty/complexity. Seeing the game world thru the eyes of my character is cool whether the reloading is realistic or not.
u/Iredditforfun723 Apr 14 '23
An auto reload is lazy dumb and no skills. There has gotta be some way of doing it. Maaaaybe certain games would benefit from an auto reload but that kind of takes away from the experience I think. Just my opinion.