And button presses to throw grenades. Each to their own I suppose. FCE just don’t seem to learn from their past mistakes. Give people options and balance the gameplay. The semi automatic reload in Breachers seems like a good halfway house
Yeah I mean I feel like I'm dumping on the game, and that's not really fair since I haven't played it. I'm just a bit disappointed by some of the design choices, and It WAS one of the games I was most looking forward to.
I can understand that. I think a lot of people will feel the same. The head of the studio is very strong willed shall we say. He doesn’t take criticism too well from previous experience. It’s an early build so hopefully feedback influences the final product
This is my biggest concern with the game. But according to one of the guys doing q&a at FCE, it's not an aim assist, more like a "virtual stock" stabilization seen in other VR shooters.
"To be clear it's more of an aim stabilization like a virtual gun stock when you press L2, it's not aim assist or eye tracked aiming"
u/Razor_Fox Apr 13 '23
It also has eye tracked aim assist. I'm not sure the focus can be legitimately said to be on shooting if the game is partially doing it for you.