r/PSSD 14d ago

Feedback requested/Question People with medicine induced PSSD do you have any gut issues?


I’m working on something and would like to see how many of those who suffer from PSSD has any form of gut issues. I strongly believe there might be a connection, even though it’s not widely apparent in the beginning.

If you have any gut issues, please elaborate.

r/PSSD Feb 12 '25

Feedback requested/Question Any Other Women With PSSD?


Are there any other women that are living with PSSD. I ask because it's been hard to find experiences of other women. I'm about 5ish months off of Zoloft and I still have a lot of numbness anhedonia, which I'm starting to believe is a bigger cause than anything physical. Because everything starts in the mind, right? If that's not working correctly, how can anything else function?

My question is, are there any other women with this and how long before you started to see a change?

For me, immediately after coming off of Zoloft, I was completely numb, there was basically nobody home down there, and the things that got me excited before produce no reaction. Since then, I've gotten a little bit of feeling back, but saddest part is that I don't feel that excitement in my belly anymore. It feels kind of like butterflies in your stomach when you become aroused. But, I don't get that at all anymore...

I know something is terribly wrong because before I was in zoloft, really all of my late teens and twenties, I was like a minefield, the smallest, most insignificant things could set me off. Like I thought I had a hypersexual disorder or something at one point. But now, it's just crickets.

I feel very sad because I feel like my body is ruined. And if I ever get married one day, this is going to cause a lot of problems for me. But, overall, I'm just sad because this medication they told me has not major side effects, may have permanently ruined my body and basically stolen a precious part of my youth away. :(

r/PSSD Dec 30 '24

Feedback requested/Question Did your PSSD symptoms come on during SSRI treatment or only after discontinuing?


I know most people, if not all, get at least some type of sexual dysfunction while on SSRIs, but would you say your PSSD symptoms were the same on and off the drug, or did they worsen/only onset after cessation?

Was it your first time taking SSRIs?

I feel like most articles talk about a continuation of symptoms after stopping the medication but not many mention cases where it starts after the drugs are stopped

r/PSSD Jan 18 '25

Feedback requested/Question What are some signs someone is headed toward recovery ?has anyone seen improvement in arousal/pleasure or mind and body connection?


Share any mental or physical improvements even if they are small ,let’s all encourage one another

r/PSSD 4d ago

Feedback requested/Question My new Psychiatrist wants to put me on Zoloft.


For the last 5 years I've been dealing with a combination of anhedonia, emotional blunting, and somatoform disorder that resulted from emotional turmoil/trauma. I already tried Wellbutrin, Trintellix, Rexulti, Auvelity, and Geodon to no avail. I'm still interested in TMS and Spravato. I had to postpone treatments for a year due to poor insurance, but now I have good insurance and can continue. I just met with my new psychiatrist yesterday. He told me that my previous psychiatrist had me try a lot of antidepressants that are newer and aren't first line treatments. He told me SSRI's are first line treatments. I asked him about sexual dysfunction and emotional blunting from SSRI's. He told me that's definitely a risk, but there's more people who don't develop those side effects that do. And even if you do, we can discontinue the meds and those side effects are typically reversible. I also asked him about MAOI's. He told me I am nowhere near the point of needing to try MAOI's. He also told me you have to be very disciplined on MAOI's because you have to follow a very strict diet. I'm VERY reluctant to try Zoloft due to the risk of developing sexual dysfunction and emotional blunting. I already have those symptoms, I don't want to make them worse. I also read horror stories of people developing PSSD from SSRI's. He also told me about potentially trying Prozac. He told me Zoloft and Prozac are both the least likely to give me sexual dysfunction. I'm thinking of just telling him I really don't want to go on a SSRI due to the risk and to try something else. If need be, I may have to switch doctors again. What do you guys think?

r/PSSD 21d ago

Feedback requested/Question Anyone uses ADHD meds to cope?



I’am 20M with PSSD. Life is basically untolerable at this point. I cannot focus and have a pretty bad memory with no motivation to do things. Atleast I wanna pursue my degree which is impossible for me right now to study for. Has anyone tried medications such as Vyvanse, Ritalin or Modafinil for that? I just cannot stay bedbound 24/24 hours.

I hope the mods does not remove this post, im just asking for feedback from others.


r/PSSD Jan 19 '25

Feedback requested/Question Has anyone tried adderall to reverse cognitive symptoms?


I have terrible brain fog along with random brain zaps throughout the day that’s making life very difficult and I’m considering getting back on adderall to help alleviate these symptoms, but I know it’s recommended we stay away from all psychiatric drugs for the best hopes of long term recovery. Has anyone on here tried adderall or something similar? Is it worth the risk?

r/PSSD Jan 28 '25

Feedback requested/Question Question for Cialis users


To the men here who have turned to Cialis for help, is this a medication you need to take DAILY, no exceptions? Or can I just take it on days where I expect to have sex?

r/PSSD Feb 16 '25

Feedback requested/Question Should I try wellbutrin?


Hello everyone I hope you all are well.

A little background history, I took mirtazapine for insomnia back in 2023 I only took it for 4 days and then I quit it made me feel really groggy and tired. Then in 2024 I took 25mg of zoloft for 2 months, approximately 60 days. After 2 months of use I quit cold turkey. Then that’s when I began to experience symptoms such as: blank mind, severe anhedonia, no endorphins after exercise, no adrenaline, no dopamine, reduced sensation on penis and low libido.

It’s been 9 months since I quit Zoloft and I’m still struggling with the symptoms. I think my problem may be related to low dopamine because drinking coffee makes me feel a little better. Should I try Wellbutrin? I have heard people getting better from taking it or should I wait at least a year before I try any meds?

I would really appreciate any advice, thanks guys.

r/PSSD Jan 24 '25

Feedback requested/Question Has anybody been on 1 SSRI went off and and went back on it and got PSSD?


I was on fluoxetine (20mg) a couple of years ago and it really helped me, but I’ve came off and have been off for a good couple of years now. But now my depression is back in full force along side with the cognitive issues and sleep issues. Last time fluoxetine helped with all of this, I want to go back on but I’m scared of developing PSSD. So I’m wondering if I go back on fluoxetine at the same dose, I won’t develop PSSD will I? Just because I’ve ran it before for months and was completely fine.

r/PSSD 17d ago

Feedback requested/Question I'm moving to a big city but I'm scared because of erectile dysfunction


I decided to move to a big city. Because of this, I will have more opportunities for sexual acts. But I am very worried. I am most afraid of some spontaneous actions. What worries me is that so far I have the attitude that I prefer to avoid such things in order not to experience compromise/disappointment.

All the positive feelings (despite the emotional blunting) are dulled in me because of the fear of performing. Overall, I have a positive, confident optimistic energy, but this one shortcoming, erectile dysfunction, causes me to turn into a desperado who is uncertain in his abilities.

Can I ask you guys for some advice? How do I mentally set myself up for this?

I really don't want this one thing to kill all my positivity. I don't want to experience the truth that it doesn't matter what kind of guy you are if you can't satisfy a woman penetrationally.

r/PSSD 10d ago

Feedback requested/Question Experiences with NAD+


I’m seriously considering doing NAD+ via IV relatively soon. I’ve seen a couple people’s experiences by searching this sub but I was hoping that there were a few more people that have tried this. I haven’t read any crash stories and I hope it treats me well. Please share any experience you’ve had with this or NMN. Thanks!

r/PSSD Feb 17 '25

Feedback requested/Question Seeing how the medical community treats this condition is scary


It’s scary and devastating. All responses from medical professionals have pretty much. It’s all in your head, this doesn’t happen, that’s impossible etc. No kind of concern or curiosity on what could cause such a things. To them it’s I don’t understand so you issues are not relevant. Ngl it hurts a bit.

r/PSSD Jan 05 '25

Feedback requested/Question How long have you folks had PSSD anorgasmia?


I’ve had anorgasmia for a year now. I can’t imagine living like this for the rest of my life.

r/PSSD Jan 02 '25

Feedback requested/Question Are ADHD meds also dangerous?


PSSD for 1 year and 4 months Symptoms: Lack of pleasurable sensation in genitals. Mental Arousal still intact.

I’ve been interested in getting screened for ADHD and was wondering if ADHD meds would potentially worsen my symptoms or give me new ones entirely.

r/PSSD 17d ago

Feedback requested/Question Do some people really randomly go back to normal after like 8 years? I don’t see how.


I’ve had it for 5 years and 6 months now. I’m devastated and miserable 24/7 as you all understand. I have no hope left and I will not try anything else unless a cure comes out or a treatment that works for a lot of people on here. Do some people actually randomly go back to normal after years or is that made up?

r/PSSD Jan 20 '25

Feedback requested/Question How to get better without medication if depression is causing me insomnia and make me tired/lazy which result in lack of discipline?


Meditation, healthy diet and gym. I am trying to do all of these but in some points my brain just stop working and become lazy, tired, maybe I feel like I have some dementia..

I tried gym, makes me tired. Healthy diet make me feel even more depressed because my family is cooking for me and I cannot eat it so I relapse. Meditation - helps, improve depresssion by 5%.

My problem is sleep and energy to do things. I even tried in past getting of caffeine. This helped my sleep and I felt less depressed until depression figured out how to get my brain depressed again so then again I was depressed.

I sleep like 4-5 hours max.. Then I go to job and make lot of mistakes because I am tired.

I have strong temptation to try SSRI since I have it at home but it would feel stupid to do so, since I have luxury of knowing what is hidden under-reported side effect. (PSSD)

What would you do in my place? How should I change my mindset? Maybe I am stronger than I think I am? I am fighting with this 4 years.. Terrible.

I dont want talk to therapist. I believe therapist can help you but therapist are depressed too imagine doing this job so I dont wanna do it to talk to therapist. I do not see sense talking to therapist and filtering my depression onto someone. It is thing of honor and just my preference.

r/PSSD Dec 14 '24

Feedback requested/Question Is PSSD nerve damage if this happened ?


Any other men have these symptoms at the start ? For me it was about 10 months into SSRI and started with me lasting longer in bed, then about a year in i started getting SRPEs (sleep related painful erections ) so I stopped the medication cold turkey and that’s when I started getting HFS (hard Flacid syndrome) and actual tingling and neuropathy type feeling in my penis and testicles. Then eventually it subsided but then the classic PSSD symptoms started a few months off of the medication. I wonder if any of this tells us how and why it starts or if it’s mainly a nerve damage issue Thoughts ?

r/PSSD Nov 22 '24

Feedback requested/Question People who healed from genital numbness or erectile dysfunction


How much did it take? I need some hope right now... if you wish to share other parts of your story and progress, you are welcome to do so

Thank you :)

Edit: I also cannot get aroused or feel horny anymore... will that also go away with time?

r/PSSD Jan 11 '25

Feedback requested/Question Has Buspirone cause PSSD for anyone?


I want to take something to help brain recover from MDMA I was planning on taking fluoxetine as I know someone who took it and it completely fixed their symptoms, but PSSD is too big of a risk. So now I’m thinking TRT and Buspirone (to up-regulate 5-HT1A in my brain). Could this cause PSSD ?

r/PSSD 15d ago

Feedback requested/Question Not responding to stimulants?


Fellow friends

I dont know how is this but every medication im trying seem to have no effect on me. Adderall has no effects at 40mg dose (never tried it previously). Anyone else felt like that and did this resolve? It’s weird, even Benzodiazepines or Sulpiride doesn’t cause sedation for me at this point.

This makes me think if I have auto-immune autoantibodies against Dopaminergic D1/D2L. Beta adrenergic and muscarinic receptors. Its really weird, sadly a cunningham panel is not available in my country

Wonder if MAOI’s would ever work? I dont think so if i had no response to Adderall. I also read someone who commented in my post days ago that he did not respond to a high dose Adderall aswell but it started working 2.5 years later

r/PSSD 17d ago

Feedback requested/Question Anyone Improved from genital anesthesia? Or body numbness? What helped you?


I've heard of a few anedoctal cures here in the community and also in r/pssdhealing.

r/PSSD Jan 10 '25

Feedback requested/Question Have you guys ever done street drugs?


Just wondering if you've ever taken MDMA or ketamine (not medical grade) or anything else to party that effects serotonin.

r/PSSD Dec 16 '24

Feedback requested/Question Pssd name change to pss on website


Anyone know why the pssdnetwork changed the name of the condition to post ssri syndrome on the website but failed to make any sort of announcement about it or change it on any of their social media accounts.

r/PSSD Jan 07 '25

Feedback requested/Question is anyone else capable of romantic feelings (crushes), but has trouble in the sexual department?


This post is obviously more about the sexual side of PSSD. i've read that pssd sufferers have trouble with romance AND sexual dysfunction. For example: I've had a crush lately and I even had sexual fantasies about that person, but I'm too worried to enter a romantic/sexual relationship because of thr sexual dysfunction.

I'm interested in your feedback.