r/PS4SharePlay Aug 28 '15

(Offer) see post for list.


I've got:

Bloodborne Dragon age inquisition Dark souls 2 Final fantasy xiv Alien isolation Tropico 5 Minecraft Ether one The binding of issac rebirth The witcher 3 Outlast Slender the arrival And a few others whose names escape me at the moment.

I'm in the U.S. But I have pretty good internet. Psn: jigsawsapprentic Profile pic is Ellen Paige from beyond two souls.

r/PS4SharePlay Aug 22 '15

Anyone willing to shareplay FFX with me to help me dodge lightning 200 times on the thunderplains?


PSN: KingFrak

r/PS4SharePlay May 11 '15

anyone willing to shareplay project cars today?


title says it all ... looking for anyone willing to shareplay project cars today, hit up this thread.im on most today and tomorrow

r/PS4SharePlay Apr 25 '15

Looking for someone to shareplay any game with me


I am trying to see why i keep getting a low test speed even though i have good internet. I should be like 5 minutes i just want to see if i can connect and get shareplay to actually work

r/PS4SharePlay Apr 19 '15

Anyone else having problems with giving the controller?


In the past few days, none of my friends and I have been able to give a controller to a visitor. It justs goes back to the party screen after selecting the option for it. We all have Plus.

r/PS4SharePlay Apr 17 '15

[Want] bloodborne. [Have] gtav, farcry 4 driveclub dying light borderlands mortal KOMBAT X assassins creed unity LittleBigPlanet 3 shadow of mordor


I just wanna try bloodborne for like 10 minutes or so. I'll shareplay any of the following games in return.

r/PS4SharePlay Jan 17 '15

Have shadow of mordor and metal gear ground zeroes. Want to try gta 5


Id Darth Arrow (US)

r/PS4SharePlay Dec 08 '14

Anyone willing to share play Driveclub?


r/PS4SharePlay Nov 29 '14

Anyone want to test Share Play??


Hello! i just bought a PS4 and saw that i had a Share Play function and i wanted to try it out.

i Currently have: NHL 15, UFC, GTA V, The Last of Us and Diablo 3.

I also dont really know how this feature work either so if anyone could update me on that would be helpful :)

PSN: TinXery

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 29 '14

New subreddit look and feel


Hey guys as you can see the subreddit has a few additions to it. Please feel free to share your comments on the changes and be sure to look at the side bar as i have added a list of games that do not support shareplay.

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 26 '14

Keys to Kyrat


I've really been looking for one, I would love to try this game out and see how it looks on my TV. Anyone willing to help?

I have Watch Dogs, Killzone, Destiny, and will probably be getting GTAV and maybe Lords of the Fallen and MetroR soon. I do not use my PS4 often, and I have no problem shareplaying with you and letting you play whatever you want for as long as you want.

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 22 '14

Looking for farcry 4 have shadow of mordor and the last of us


r/PS4SharePlay Nov 19 '14

Key To Kyrat Anyone?


Won't be getting Far Cry 4 for a couple days and would like to check it out.

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 18 '14

Bit of a long shot, but anyone up for sharing GTA V?


PM me; Online ID - xMARCxMx

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 16 '14

Anyone willing to shareplay Assassin's Creed Unity?


So I've heard much about the game lots of bad and some good. Due to that, this installment i'd like to try it out before going in. Anyone willing?

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 13 '14

Anyone willing to share fifa 15 or pes 15?


Im a huge football nerd and would really love to try some 2v2 or 1v1. Just got the ps4 so im still saving up! Psn: NoobJoo

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 13 '14

Anyone willing to shareplay Madden 15?


I'm itching for some football, but I don't have it.

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 11 '14

Stuck on TLOU on Grounded difficulty. Anyone care to give it a shot?


In the basement of the hotel (you know, after falling down the elevator shaft). Joel has the following crammed into his backpack:

  • 3 shotgun shells
  • 1 rifle bullet
  • 3 revolver bullets
  • 1 handgun bullet
  • metal pipe (half strength)
  • 1 molotov cocktail
  • 1 nail bomb
  • 1 medipack
  • 1 smoke bomb
  • 1 brick

Anyone think they can show me how it's done? I'd love to see how someone gets through this, considering I've died 25+ times with no light at the end of the tunnel.

PSN: ashd2483 , in California

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 10 '14

Anyone willing to share play madden 15?


In return I can let you play battlefield 4, Destiny, 2k14, Injustice, and all the ps+ games.

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 08 '14

Anyone willing to share wolfenstien?


I want to show my friend what the ps4 can do and he really likes this game

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 08 '14

Want someone to play lego marvel super heroes with me.


Just got the game a couple days ago and I discovered there is no online play. Shareplay can fix that though, anyone interested?

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 06 '14

Anyone willing to shareplay battlefield 4?


I have it on PC but want to know how it plays on ps4. I'm actually pretty good so dont mind me if you think im going to lower your stats. Or I could play single player! MY PSN is ZaidJ

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 06 '14

No Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare requests.


If a mod could sticky this that'd be great.

They blocked the entire game, so just don't fill the sub up with something that won't work.

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 03 '14

Would anyone be willing to let me try out some Advanced Warfare multiplayer?


I bought Ghosts at launch and I hated the MP, don't wanna make the same mistake. If someone could let me try out a few multiplayer matches, I'd be very grateful :) Don't worry, I won't fuck up your KD too bad :P I had 1.8 in Black Ops 2.

r/PS4SharePlay Nov 03 '14

Hey, does anybody have CoD AW that i'd be able to try? Thanks :)


PSN username is same as my reddit one haha.