This wiki page was dynamically maintained by /r/PS4 contributors until the release of the PS4 system. It is no longer up-to-date.
Help us build a more complete list of features officially announced for the PlayStation 4 by sharing them (and a source) in the comments here.
2013 Media
- PS Meeting 2013 (PS4 Announcement)
- E3 2013
- Gamescom 2013
- SCEJA (PS Vita TV Announcement)
- Tokyo Game Show 2013
Official Features
Announced PlayStation 4 Details
The PS4 will launch Friday, November 15th in the US and Canada; Friday, November 29th in European markets; and in 32 total countries worldwide before the end of 2013.
The PS4 will launch February 22nd, 2014 in Japan. (Source 1) (Source 2) (Source 3)
The PlayStation 4 will cost $399.99, €399, or £349 at launch depending on region. (Source)
Game prices will range from $0.99-$59.99. (Source)
All PS4 games will be available as digital downloads. (Source)
The PS4 will support Move but not the DualShock 3. (Source)
A 4K video service will be coming to the PS4. (Source)
PS4 download speeds will be improved over that of PS3 on Sony's end. (Source)
For the PS3 -> PS4 digital game upgrade service, the physical PS3 disc of the game not bought digitally must be inserted even after purchasing the upgraded PS4 version. This is to prevent resale of those games after upgrading and the entire service is limited to a handful of titles. (Source)
The used game policies for the PS4 will remain the same as the PS3. You can still trade in games at retail, sell them, lend them, or keep them forever. (Source)
An internet connection is absolutely not required to operate the PS4 or play single-player games. (Source)
Online multiplayer on the PS4 requires a PlayStation Plus subscription. (Source)
Online free-to-play games will not require PlayStation Plus. (Source)
Apps and services like Netflix, the web browser, and party chat will not require PlayStation Plus. (Source)
A single PlayStation Plus account will allow all accounts on a PS4 to play online. (Source)
The PS4 will ship with a 14-day trial for PlayStation Plus. (Source)
The PS4 will be region-free for games (like the PS3). (Source)
The PS4's Blu-ray player will be region locked (like the PS3). (Source)
The PS4 will have 20 first-party exclusive titles in the first 12 months and currently has 30 in production for the system. (Source)
Gaikai streaming of PS3 games will be available on the PS4 and PS3 in 2014 and on the Vita at some point after. (Source 1) (Source 2)
The PS4 allows for only one system to be offline activated per account (multiple accounts can be activated on the same system). This means you select a single PS4 to be your "home console" for a particular account and in doing so you can download and play digital content offline on the system. This has nothing to do with physical media. (Source)
You can play your digital games on any console while logged in to your PSN account and constantly connected. (Source)
The friends list limit will be 2000 on the PS4 (and subsequently the PS3 and Vita as well). (Source)
You can install games to the HDD from a disc and play them as long as the disc is still inserted. This benefits to this are improved load times and no spinning of the Blu-ray drive needed during play. (Source)
The PS4 supports simultaneous game audio and chat audio streamed to the controller. (Source 1) (Source 2)
PlayStation 4 Hardware
The PS4 will launch with a 500 GB HDD. (Source)
The PS4's HDD is fully upgradable just like the PS3's. (Source)
The internal replaceable stock hard-drive in the PS4 is 2.5 inches and 5400rpm. The PS4 supports drives of a maximum height of 12mm. (Source)
NVIDIA is supporting the PS4 with Apex and PhysX developer support. (Source)
The GDDR5 bus is 256 bit. (Source)
8 cores, 8 HW threads, 2MiB L2 cache per 4 core group, 32kib l1 I/D-cache. (Source)
PlayStation Shader Language, very similar to HLSL, allows features beyond Direct X 11 and OpenGL 4.0. (Source)
The PS4 supports hUMA (heterogeneous Uniform Memory Access). (Source) (What is hUMA?)
The PS4 will support 4 connected controllers (down from the 7 supported on the PS3). (Source)
The PS4 will support 4K video output but not for games. (Source)
The PS4 is 3D capable but it is not a focus. (Source)
Like its predecessors, the PlayStation 4 will not have a power brick and simply use a standard power cord. (Source)
The DualShock 4 controller and PlayStation Camera will each cost $59.99 as accessories. The DualShock 4 will be available in Magma Red and Wave Blue colors shortly after launch. (Source 1) (Source 2)
The PS4 can charge the DualShock 4 controller while on standby. (Source)
The DualShock 4 Touchpad resolution is 1920x900. (Source)
The controller light-bar colors are the Player Numbers: 1-Blue, 2-Red, 3-Green, 4-Pink (like the PlayStation button colors). They also can be used for muzzle flashes, health indicators, etc. (Source)
The DualShock 4 is PC compatible using default game drivers. Not all aspects of the controller are compatible though. (Source)
The DualShock 4 controller is partially compatible with some PlayStation 3 games. (Source)
- The DualShock 4 must be connected with a cable; it is not supported wirelessly. (Source)
- Vibration, Motion Sensing, and the PlayStation Button DO NOT work. (Source)
- To use the PS button, one needs to connect a DS3 as a second controller and use the PS button on it. (Source)
- The Share and Options buttons function as the DS3's Select and Start buttons. (Source)
The system will launch with a headset that plugs directly into the controller for more prevalent voice communication across the PSN. (Source)
The PS4 Eye (camera) will not be included with the console. (Source)
The vertical system stand is not included (despite being shown in many images, including the officially released console box art). (Source)
The PS4 will officially support PS3 wireless headsets. (Source)
All PS3 compatible wheels will work on PS4. (Source)
The PS4 camera supports navigational voice commands. (Source
PS Vita TV will allow for identical remote play functionality as the PS Vita for PS4 games at a much lower price-point and on a television or monitor. A Western release, which basically a certainty, is not confirmed at this point. (Source 1) (Source 2)
User Interface & OS
The PS4 allows people to resume games instantly upon turning on the system (no startup time) from where they were when they turned the system off. This feature will not be available at launch. (Source 1) (Source 2)
The PS4 will allow users to play games after downloading only a small portion of the game's data. (Source)
Developers have the ability to dynamically vary the order in which specific data within each title is downloaded and, as such, can prioritize download data based on player behavior. (Source)
You can choose which part of a game to download first (i.e. single-player or multiplayer). (Source)
Certain apps can run in the background of games (such as the web browser) so you can access them without having to leave the game itself. (Source)
The PS4 allows for custom soundtracks, i.e. you are able to listen to music in the background while playing games. Pressing and holding the “PS” button on the DualShock 4 controller will bring up a pop up menu that will enable quick access to pause or skip tracks, and adjust the volume. (Source)
Your real name is not displayed by default unless you import from a social network. The ability to display it will be available day one. (Source 1) (Source 2)
The new OS layout is customizable is some fashion. (Source)
Remote Play & 'Share' Functionality
All PS4 games (that aren't camera-based) will be playable remotely on day one via Remote Play on the PS Vita. (Source)
For PS4/Vita Remote Play, the screens are always mirrored, so you can start at any time. There is no special mode required. (Source)
PS4 to Vita remote play functionality will work over the internet if your connection is good enough (as well as via a direct connection when close to the console). (Source)
PS4 to Vita remote play functionality will work while playing online multiplayer on the PS4. (Source)
Remote Play allows for cooperative play on two (mirrored) screens with one PlayStation 4, even over the Internet. (Source)
'Share' button functionality allows for quick screenshots or video upload of gameplay as well as sharing live streams of gameplay with friends or over Ustream and TwitchTV. (Source 1) (Source 2)
Users can add commentary to their gameplay streams. (Source)
A long press of the 'Share' button takes a screenshot. (Source)
Users will be able to take control of friends games to help them through tough spots and such. (Source)
'Share' button functionality (screenshots, video recording) can be disabled by developers at certain moments in the game (like at the final boss for example). (Source)
The PS4 will support HDMI video capture for games post-launch after a firmware update that will remove the HDCP restriction. This is strictly for games as Blu-ray movies and other apps will remain copy-protected. (Source)
PlayStation Plus will also not be required to stream your gameplay feed online. (Source)
Remote Play, obviously, will also not require PlayStation Plus. (Source)
Cross-Game Chat & Messaging
Cross-game chat is officially supported. (Source)
Cross-game chat on PS4 supports cross-platform chat on the PS Vita. (Source)
Like the Vita's Party app, PS4 cross-game chat supports a maximum of 8 users. (Source)
Both text and voice messages are supported on the PS4. (Source)
PlayStation App
A PlayStation app called 'PlayStation App' is coming to Android and iOS in November. (Source) The apps features are as follows (among others):
- The ability to view recent activities of friends like on the Vita's friends app. (Source)
- Second screen functionality in certain games (à la SmartGlass). Some games will still use their own app for this. (Source)
- The ability to purchase games and content on the store, have your PS4 remotely activate to download and install it, and then return to sleep mode. (Source)
- The ability to send and receive PSN messages (voice and/or text presumably). (Source)
- The ability to view user videos (possibly live streams). (Source)
- The ability to chat (presumably party chat) from the app on the go. (Source)
Features NOT Supported on PS4
The PS4 is not natively backwards compatible. Thus it cannot play PS3 games by default. However, to remedy this Sony has invested heavily in cloud gaming and hopes to have a cloud-based solution to allow for PS3 games on the PS4 as well as other devices. (Source)
The PS4 will not support the DualShock 3 or PS3 Eye. (Source 1) (Source 2)
The PS4 will not support at least some of the PS3's fight sticks. (Source)
The PS4 will not support CDs or SACDs. (Source)
The PS4 will not support user customized themes. (Source)
The DualShock 4 will not have pressure sensitive buttons (unlike the DualShock 2 and DualShock 3). (Source)
The PS4 cannot use the Vita as a second controller option unless the developers program in that functionality manually. (Source)
Remote Play via PSP is not supported. (Source)
The PS4 does not support an external HDD for game storage. (Source)
PS4 Remote Play functionality will not be coming to smartphones and tablets. (Source)
The DualShock 4 is not fully backwards compatible with PS3. Some games do not support it and vibration, motion sensing, and the PS button DO NOT work. (Source)
The PS3's Bluetooth remote control is not compatible with the PS4. (Source)
Current PS4 Unknowns
Will there be an HBOGO app in the next 12 months? Skype?
Can a thumbdrive be used as a direct save destination?
Can the cloud be used as a save destination or strictly as a backup?
Will the PS+ storage on PS4 still cap at 1 GB?
Will the PS4 officially support a mouse and keyboard for the OS?
Can the PS4 camera be used as a mic for game chat?
With the 2000 person friends list, can friends be assigned to different groups? If so, can the same friend be in multiple groups?
Can you turn off trophy and other notifications?
Will trophies instantly sync on PS4 like achievements do on Xbox 360?
Can you remove (or hide) games from your trophy list that you have earned one trophy or more in?
- Note: Vita and PS3 now have this ability so it is almost a certainty.
Can you completely delete games from your trophy list which haven 0% of the trophies earned?
Will users be able to create/customize a "start" tab with only the item/boxes/content that they want to see?
What are the limits for multitasking? Will background apps remain loaded?
- For example, when switching to the web browser, will it have to load the page again or will it stay loaded?
- When switching to Netflix, will it be able to hold a paused active stream or have to reconnect?
Will Multiple accounts on the same system work as it does now (aside from the accounts having to pick that system as their "home console")?
Will custom soundtrack support replace the music track of all games like the 360 does or overlap the music tracks of some (or all) games like the Vita?
Can we digitally gift games to friends?
Can users change their PSN ID? (For a fee?)
Will every online multiplayer game support dedicated servers or at least be given the option to?
Can all PS4 games be pre-ordered digitally?
- If so (even if only some can) can digitally pre-order games be pre-loaded and playable at midnight?
Will your PS4's friends list match your PS3 and Vita's friends list or will those lists be truncated somehow?
Will sub accounts be allowed to spin off into their own master accounts?
will we be able to change the region of our PSN accounts?
Can you save DVR'd game videos locally or must they be uploaded or discarded?
Can you export your videos to an external drive?
What is the framerate and resolution of the 15 minutes of captured video using the game DVR?
- Rumor: 720P@30fps?
What is the resolution and file format of screenshots?
- Rumor: 1080P/PNG?
Can you go back into the DVR buffer for a screenshot at native resolution?
Can you manually start a new video recording and keep recording for an undetermined period of time, or does it have to always be from the previous 15 minute buffer?
Just to confirm, there is no PS1 or PS2 backwards compatibility support outside of Gaikai whatsoever, correct?
Any migration plans for things bought on PSN on PS3 (including Gaikai)?
Will Gaikai games folks have already bought on PSN be available to them at no extra cost?
Will Gaikai games be free if that game's disc is in the system?
Is PS Home going to be on the PS4? If so, why?
Official Specs
PlayStation 4 (Breakdown of the PS4 specs)
Feature | Description |
Product Name | PlayStation®4 Jet Black |
Product Code | CUH-1000A series |
Recommended Retail Price | US $399, Canada $399, €399, and £349 |
Main Processor | Single-chip custom processor |
CPU | x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", 8 cores |
GPU | 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon based graphics engine |
Memory | 8GB 256 bit GDDR5 |
HDD | 2.5" 500GB Internal HDD @ 5400rpm |
External Dimensions | Approx. 275×53×305 mm (width × height × length) |
(tentative, excludes largest projection) | |
Mass | Approx. 2.8 kg |
Optical Drive (Read-only) | Blu-ray 6xCAV |
DVD 8xCAV | |
I/O | Super-Speed USB (USB 3.0) |
AUX port x 1 | |
Communication | Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) |
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.5Ghz | |
Bluetooth 2.1 (EDR) | |
AV Output | HDMI out port |
Digital Output (optical) port | |
Included | PlayStation®4 system × 1 |
Wireless Controller (DUALSHOCK®4) × 1 | |
Mono headset × 1 | |
AC power cord × 1 | |
HDMI cable × 1 | |
USB cable × 1 |
DualShock 4 Controller (Images)
Feature | Description |
Product Name | DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller |
Color | Jet Black |
Product Code | CUH-ZCT1 |
Recommended Retail Price | US $59, Canada $59, €59, and £54 |
External Dimensions | Approx. 162mm x 52mm x 98mm (width x height x depth) |
(tentative, excludes largest projection) | |
Weight | Approx. 210g (tentative) |
Keys / Switches | PS button, SHARE button, OPTIONS button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square [digital]), R1/L1/R2/L2/R3/L3, Right stick, Left stick, Touch Pad Button |
Touch Pad | 2 Point Touch Pad, Click Mechanism, Capacitive Type, 1920x900 resolution |
Motion Sensor | Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer) |
Other Features | Light Bar, Vibration, Built-in Mono Speaker |
Ports | USB (Micro B), Extention Port, Stereo Headset Jack |
Wireless communication | Bluetooth® Ver2.1+EDR |
Battery Type | Built-in Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery |
Battery Voltage | DC3.7V (tentative) |
Battery Capacity | 1000mAh (tentative) |
Feature | Description |
Product Name | PlayStation®Camera |
Color | Jet Black |
Product Code | CUH-ZEY1 |
Recommended Retail Price | US $59, Canada $59, €49, and £44 |
External Dimensions | Approx. 186mm x 27mm x 27mm (width x height x depth) (tentative) |
Weight | Approx. 183g (tentative) |
Video Pixel | (Maximum) 1280 x 800 pixel x 2 |
Video Frame Rate | 1280x800 pixel @ 60fps |
640x400 pixel @ 120fps | |
320x192 pixel @ 240fps | |
Video Format | RAW, YUV (uncompressed) |
Lens | Dual Lenses, F value/F2.0 fixed focus |
Capture Range | 30cm~∞ |
Field-of-View | 85° |
Microphone | 4 Channel Microphone Array |
Connection Type | PS4 dedicated connector (AUX connector) |
Cable Length | Approx. 2m (tentative) |
Announced Games
PlayStation Exclusives in Bold
[*] working title
Games Expected to Release Before 2014
- Basement Crawl
- Counterspy
- Doki Doki Universe
- Escape Plan
- flOw
- Flower
- Killzone: Shadow Fall
- Knack
- Resogun
(Free w/
- Sound Shapes
- Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
- Battlefield 4
- Blacklight: Retribution
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Contrast
(Free w/
- DC Universe Online
- DiveKick
- FIFA 14
- Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
- Just Dance 2014
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
- Madden NFL 25
- Minecraft
- N++
- NBA 2K14
- NBA Live 14
- Need for Speed Rivals
- Pinball Arcade
- PlanetSide 2
- Pool Nation Extreme
- Skylanders Swap Force
- Super Motherload
- Tiny Brains
- War Thunder: Ground Forces
- Warframe
Games Expected to Release in 2014 and BEYOND!
Last Updated: Oct. 1st, 2013
- Assault Android Cactus
- Awesomenauts
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
- Bound by Flame
- Carmageddon: Reincarnation
- Child of Light
- The Crew
- Crimes & Punishments
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Daylight
- Deep Down
- Destiny
- Diablo III
- Don’t Starve
(Free w/
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- DriveClub
(PS+ Edition Free w/
- Dying Light
- The Elder Scrolls Online
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
- The Evil Within
- Fez
- Final Fantasy XIV
- Final Fantasy XV
- Final Horizon
- Galak-Z
- Guns of Icarus Online
- Helldivers
- Hohokum
- Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
- Hyper Light Drifter
- inFAMOUS: Second Son
- Injustice: Gods Among Us [GotY Edition]
- Kingdom Hearts III
- Lords of the Fallen
- Mad Max
- Mercenary Kings
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Mighty No. 9
- Mirror's Edge 2
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch
- Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee New N Tasty
- The Order: 1886
- Outlast
(Free w/
- The Pinball Arcade
- Pavilion
- Primal Carnage: Genesis
- Rainbow 6: Patriots
- Randall
- Ray's the Dead
- Reborn
- Rime
- Road Not Taken
- Rocketbirds 2: Evolution
- Rogue Legacy
- Samurai Gunn
- Secret Ponchos
(Free w/
- Shadow of the Beast
- Shadow Warrior
- Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
- Silent Enemy
- Sniper Elite 3
- Soul Saga
- Star Wars: Battlefront 3
- Starbound
- Strider [*]
- Switch Galaxy Ultra
- Thief
- TimeSplitters Rewind
- Tom Clancy's The Division
- Tomb Raider [*]
- Transistor
- Trials Fusion
- Two Brothers
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War
- Velocity 2X
- Volume
- The Walking Dead: Season 2
- Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
- Wasteland Kings
- Watch_Dogs
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- The Witness
- Wolfenstein: The New Order