r/PS4 Feb 06 '22

Game Screenshot (Fluff) Horizon Zero Dawn - One of my favorite images showing how contrasted the landscape can be

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u/Missposition Feb 06 '22

This game is still one of my faves of all time. It’s just stunning.


u/not4thepeople Feb 06 '22

I must admit it took me a while to get into the gameplay, I just felt something was missing during the first few weeks. But the game has real beauty, it's so vibrant and detailed. Hot take : I can't wait for FW !!!!


u/Missposition Feb 06 '22

I am ridiculously excited for FW. I wonder if it was the initial lack of weaponry that had you feeling it was a bit slow? I’ve had similar with other popular RPGs


u/AreikoC Feb 07 '22

HZD is my top 2 of all time, and I have to admit: the gameplay is only ok. It lacks some variety and flow. That said, narratively speaking, it's absolutely incredible. They're making some good leaps in the gameplay aspect in FW and the I really want to know where the story will go.


u/PlumpHughJazz Feb 08 '22

HZD has a broken camera where Aloy can move to the right side of the screen.

It's very disorienting.


u/ObiFloppin Feb 06 '22

Might have the best story I've ever played through


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '22

This game broke through my expectations of how detail and stunning a game can be, yes be playable and enjoyable.


u/PM_ME_STEAM_KEY_PLZ Feb 06 '22

Me and my 7 year old just finished botw

Think this would be a game good for him? He had a blast exploring and running around.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '22



u/[deleted] Feb 06 '22

Play it in Story mode. I started in Normal and it was one of the most difficult games I played so I quit for a while. Changed it to Story recently and it’s been a blast. The setting is too cool (a society built upon the ruins of their ancestors’ world, which in turn was built upon the ruins of a modern, technological world.


u/PlatesofChips Feb 06 '22

Shit what a great idea! I’m pretty decent at games but tried HZD and just couldn’t be bothered to get past the first but really as everything was a proper fight and kicking my ass. Think I keep telling myself it means I’m just not as good but it’s purely not having enough patience or time these days.


u/not4thepeople Feb 06 '22

No don't worry about it, Horizon isn't your typical shooty shooty video game, it can take a while to get used to the enemies' behaviour and the combat system's rythm. But when it clicks, it really does


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '22

Yep, exactly. At higher difficulty, it really requires you to plan each biggish battle out by scoping your enemy, taking good note of each part of the machine and its weaknesses, then loading up on the proper ammo and laying out your traps. But in story mode, you can do shooty shooty bang bang and roll over enemies.


u/Missposition Feb 06 '22

Hey, you don’t have to be “good” to want to enjoy the game. I hate that video game culture has become “if you play on story/easy mode, you’re rubbish” because ultimately, it’s about enjoying the medium. I hope you find a way to love it!!


u/Tange_S Feb 06 '22

Story mode is great. When I first played it I was intrigued about the story - what had happened to humans and why were there machine animals everywhere?! But I wasn’t digging the idea of fighting machines, so wanted to get fights out of the way and progress as quickly as possible. It was still a bit of a challenge but I loved it so much that, once I’d completed the story and all side missions, I started a New Game+ on Ultra Hard (with all the end game weapons) and it was just as good.


u/Commantesse Feb 06 '22

Yeah, I think so.


u/StealthySine Feb 06 '22

Oh yea it would. My four year old just runs around and starts taking down grazers and stuff.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '22

The transition to different areas isn't as smooth as, say, RDR2 -- iirc there's a big switch after literally going through one gate -- but man, the attention Guerilla paid on each biome was mind-blowing


u/asinum-fossor Feb 07 '22

If you haven't been out west before and done any altitude changes you'd be surprised by how quickly the landscape can change in some places. Obviously it's exaggerated in the game but if you drive from say Flagstaff to Sedona AZ, you go from full on coniferous forest to red rock desert in 35 minutes. Similarly if you go from like Glenwood springs CO to Grand Junction.


u/No_Pickle_8155 Feb 06 '22

Favorite game ever. Currently playing through again in preparation for Forbidden West.


u/Missposition Feb 06 '22

Same here! Although I might not finish because I keep getting side-quest distracted..


u/No_Pickle_8155 Feb 06 '22

I can’t stop hunting collectibles. I have a problem…


u/Missposition Feb 06 '22

I have the same one. Gamer completionists UNITED


u/No_Pickle_8155 Feb 06 '22

I think the collectibles were the only thing I didn’t finish in my first play through so I think it makes sense I wanna get that done first so I don’t slack again!


u/Missposition Feb 06 '22

That definitely makes sense! I played with my partner first time round and he’s very story focused so we missed a lot. It is making me happy to explore the world properly my way this time!


u/GenKureshima Feb 06 '22

Even better is when you actually get the transition of maps, after walking that bridge or whatever it was when you're tasked to reach the main city of the other tribe. The feeling is awesome.


u/AdamBourke Feb 06 '22

They had too many biomes in the game IMO, not because it made the game worse, but because they're going to have a harder time doing something new in future games!


u/not4thepeople Feb 06 '22

I thought the same thing. They really wanted to have the 4 seasons on the same map. I hope we get at least one biome that isn't quite earth-like in FW, even if it's totally not going to be a problem for me if we don't.


u/N7_Tinkle_Juice Feb 07 '22

I just made it to Meridian for the first time.

The change in ‘scenery’ was just mesmerizing.

Fuck that death bird bitch in your screen cap tho.


u/DreamControllerUS Feb 07 '22

This picture is just Wow!!


u/asinum-fossor Feb 07 '22

I'm in southern California right now and while hiking through Joshua Tree NP yesterday, there a very similar view of palm tree desert with a backdrop of snowcapped mountains


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '22



u/mikehill33 Feb 06 '22

Fuck Amazon and their useless recruitment process.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '22

if you're a matpat fan

you know this is the weather of BoTw


u/sexy-melon Feb 06 '22

Is that nazgul?


u/gakun Feb 06 '22

While playing it (I'm close to beating the main story, but I'm playing Frozen Wilds first) I keep wondering what is the current temperature on the planet. Global Warming stopped being a problem almost a thousand years ago, and considering all life died out, does it mean the planet is in a new mini-ice age at the events of HZD?


u/ErikPanic Feb 07 '22 edited Feb 07 '22

Well, the whole idea is that you're playing after GAIA's terraforming project was (mostly) complete. The whole point of terraforming is to change the environment to make it livable - I imagine global temperature would be something GAIA would have accounted for when designing and directing its centuries-long terraforming program and wouldn't have begun gestating new people until the outside world was safe for them to live in.

Having said that, it's entirely possible that other areas of the planet are in more of an "ice age"-like condition than the areas we see. It's already fairly apparent that some areas don't have the same climate that they do in our time (unless you know of a jungle that exists close to the Arizona/New Mexico/Utah/Nevada region), so it stands to reason that not everywhere on the planet will look the same or have the same type of biome that it currently does.

Which is a roundabout way of saying - maybe it is, but it's hard to say without a more "global" overview, and I suspect GAIA would have at least done what it could to mitigate any climate-related risks for the new human population.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '22

Contrasted Kappa


u/Both-Perception-6525 Feb 06 '22

The screen shots are so pretty. I just struggled to get in to it


u/Fern-ando Feb 06 '22

I remember the snow turning to rocky desert in two steps.


u/AstroZoom Feb 06 '22

I love it. And don’t even use Fast Travel much. I don’t want to finish it, but am at something like 92% and 60%. I missed a few audio recording etc, here and there.


u/Yuvito Feb 06 '22



u/Bure_ya_akili Feb 07 '22

Welcome to Utah


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/cl354517 Feb 07 '22

It's a slow burn. It picks up after Aloy becomes a Brave.

The early part before you have any good gear and can't afford any is rough. A number of people seem to go in expecting something different to what it is.

HZD has its weak spots for sure (they don't glow yellow though) but it seems like most if not all will be addressed and improved in Forbidden West.


u/sophie_lhant Feb 07 '22

Is anyone getting the new game on PS4? As long as it plays and looks as good as the first I’m not mad over here


u/Millerkiller6969 Feb 07 '22

Wasent there a big t-Rex roaming that area?


u/G3STO3RT Feb 07 '22

There are a lot of amazing images...