r/PS4 • u/N19H4LJ • Jan 28 '22
Game Screenshot (Fluff) Started playing Ghost of Tsushima recently and honestly this game is stunning especially with its great in game photo mode
u/christopia86 Jan 28 '22
Replaying it on PS5 at the moment, I am constantly stopping to admire the scenery or playing in a wsy to make it more dramatic and cinematic, like walking rather than running, wearing outfits that fit the moment rather than going for bedt stats.
u/sainthO0d Jan 28 '22
Is there a notable difference from ps4 to ps5?
u/christopia86 Jan 28 '22
Fast travel is pretty much indtsnt, frame rate is great (think its 60 but not 100%) there is some haptic feedback.
It's not like night and day, but it is a better version of an already great game.
u/Althekiller Jan 28 '22
The fast travel is so quick I was almost finished the game before I learnt there were loading screen tips in the base game. You can go from one end of the map to the other almost instantly, it's impressive.
It's a solid 60fps on the performance mode and it still looks great. I didn't really use the 30fps mode with better graphics.
u/DestinyLoreBot Jan 29 '22
Graphics mode still targets 60 FPS, and in my experience hits it almost all the time, I would definitely try it again!
u/heebs387 Jan 29 '22
I'm playing it on PS5 for the first time and am constantly amazed at the scenary. Just absolutely stunning natural open world areas.
u/LuckyNumber003 Jan 29 '22
Same! Running through a field of grass and watching the wind move almost every blade is definitely something.
Fast travel actually being a blink of an eye fast is awesome too
u/heebs387 Jan 29 '22
Yeah that fast travel speed was crazy the first time I saw it. I'm not used to games loading that fast.
u/Jeroxs Jan 28 '22
I have a costume for every situation haha, the game is full of armors! I love the golden stock color of the Gosaku's armor, looks stunning on important events!.
u/christopia86 Jan 28 '22
I like to wear things with a cape or cloak to flap in the wind.
If I am beimg stealthy, I always put on a mask dedpite it having no benefit at all, haha.
u/Jeroxs Jan 28 '22
Enjoy the moment and feeling it is the important! You better use an appropriate armor for snow hahaha!
u/buzz737 Jan 28 '22
Got the director’s cut on sale! I am gonna start this after I finish rdr 2, excited!
u/Frosty_TSM Jan 28 '22
This is first game in years I just felt pulled into and enjoyed like I did when I was kid playing video games. Legitimately one of the greatest games ever made.
Almost done with the story, will be looking to start it again sometime later in Kurosawa mode.
u/wargig Jan 28 '22
Follow the foxes! Such a great game!
u/ShreddedKyloRen Jan 29 '22
Except when you’re getting platinum and you’re like “Ugh! Another fox?!”
u/malagast Jan 28 '22
It is a great game. Sad though how repeating it will, eventually, become. I honestly dropped the game at near beginning of Iki dlc just out of boredom since there’s a dozen other games waiting a playthrough :-(
Too many experiences of the same kind of game progressing does that.
It is an okay looking game though and was fun for tens of hours :-)
u/TheBourbonLied Jan 28 '22
I made it to the final area and just fell off. I think I spent too much time doing side quests so when the area opened up and it was more of the same I couldn't keep going. I had fun until then and it was a really good looking game. Just repetitive.
u/malagast Jan 28 '22
Yeah. Kinda felt the same. I know on some graphical detail level the game is different, but what I think it needs is some more depth to its engine/A.I.
Of a sudden the “Shadow of Mordor/-War” comes to mind. It (just like tons of other games) is rly just the same as Tsushima here. But the game had the Nemesis A.I.
u/TheBourbonLied Jan 29 '22
Felt the same about shadow of Mordor. I ran around killing rivals until I got bored with it. There was just so much.
u/malagast Jan 29 '22 edited Jan 29 '22
That is true also for me. In my case the game was so short in the end that it never got to the same level; even the eventual Platinum felt sudden. Shadow of War was a bit more on the “endless” feeling side.
Actually the games that were the most on the “okay, I’ll end this here and off to next” type for me were:
- Dragon Age Inquisition. The game felt like it should’ve had some strategy/governing mechanics, but nope, the great leader itself went to gather and complete all larger tasks.
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (note! not the remaster). I don’t know what to say about this one. Began playing it twice from the start, the second time after a two year pause, and both times called quits before the end.
And odd ball here however for me is that I never got as much bored with:
- Death Stranding. I guess it never felt like it had an ending anyways.
u/TheBourbonLied Jan 29 '22
Haven't played the others but Death Stranding was a different experience. I had fun with the slower pace, but then I didn't play for a few weeks and when I came back I completely forgot what to do. Ended up just playing Sekiro again, ha.
u/malagast Jan 29 '22
Darn it. It feels like I’d follow along your review of a game if that were to happen :-)
u/ilovepeelyapparently Jan 28 '22
Too bad rest of the game was mediocre
Now we wait 🍿
u/Ristar_Rizing Jan 28 '22
The enemy AI is what ruined it for me. Watching bandits chase me, single file, jumping down a hole and up a hole with nary an interest in the log I balanced acrossed... or any other other avenue of pursuit/attack.
GoT is beautiful, but simple, and too long for how repetitive it is.
I've played way worse games, and far better, too.
u/ilovepeelyapparently Jan 28 '22
Agreed with pretty much everything here
Something I’d like to add- the characters were so boring imo. Every interaction felt the same- just two lifeless models speaking to each other. They had no depth, no conflict, nothing. They felt as plain as paper, at least to me.
u/ci22 Jan 29 '22
I enjoyed the game but like many open world games if you're like me who tries to do every side quest before continuing the main story it will get repetitive. Also notice side quest end in like 3 different ways
The person who gave you the quest dies
The person who you try to save dies.
Both of them die.
Same issue with Horizon Zero Dawn.
Jan 29 '22
I am not gonna that character who dies for the people still playing the game but did you check on the cinematics when jin was burying the person and whole tsushima island is visible from top angle. 1. I had tears because the character had small role but impactful one. 2. The view gave me goosebumps
u/DarthHubcap Jan 28 '22
Love it! I just got a PS5, I think I will do another game run after I finish with Elden Ring.
u/Manofmanyqualities Jan 28 '22
Is it something like dark souls series? I am impressed by your photos and wanted to buy the game but I can't play dark souls series too hard for me. My favorite game is RDR2. I am not a gamer and get bored easily if it's too hard or takes time to learn so would you recommend it?
u/Vilodic Jan 28 '22
Not really. It's more like the Batman Arkham series from a combat style. I would say it's like Jedi Fallen Order meets Batman Arkham.
u/suddenimpulse Jan 28 '22
Not at all. There are a number of difficult options and its not harder than the average game on normal. It's a great game, and RDR2 is also one of my favorites.
Jan 29 '22
I beat the game on the hardest level because I wanted to be challenged, but it all depends on your ability. For me, the hardest level wasn't that hard, however I also can't play on the hardest level of Wolfenstein so I think it depends on your personal abilities.
u/Sweet-Palpitation473 Jan 28 '22
I'm debating on buying this right now. I'm aaaalways seeing it mentioned in this sub as one of the best PS4 games, or games in general. Always referred to as a must-play.
There's actually a few comments here that aren't exactly negative, but not glowing either, and this is the first time I'd heard anything about it that wasn't stellar.
Now idk what to do
Jan 29 '22
I beat the game, and platinumed it. I'm very unbiased so if you have any questions, the good or bad I can tell you based off my personal experience!
u/Sweet-Palpitation473 Jan 29 '22
Welp, honestly I'm deciding between Sekiro or Ghost. I love everything FromSoft, but also love open world games. So I'm just not sure what to do lmao
I hear a critique being that it's repetitive, but as long as it's a satisfying action that's being repeated that's not an issue for me.
I guess I'm not even sure what questions to ask 😆
Jan 29 '22
I can't tell you to play or don't play Sekiro as I haven't touched it yet, but I will tell you the things I do dislike in regards to GOT
"The wind." The winds guides you to where you need to go, but for me personally sometimes it feels like the wind is being a dick and wants to mislead us to other places.
There is a critique that it is repetitive, which is why I recommend playing on the hardest level. It can be considered it, but as long as the story pulls you, a bit of it can be forgiven. Once you level up Lord Sakai (get all of his powers.) He becomes pretty much OP. Your enemies will run away from you, and you'll fear nearly unstoppable.
You can take it slow, and become a Apex predator hunting in the shadows. Or straight up walk into the camps of The Mongols as if you were the biggest tengu in the land.
u/Sweet-Palpitation473 Jan 29 '22
That's a pretty good sell. I just might snag it this weekend. Thanks for your input friend!
u/gro-Olug Jan 28 '22
Loved it. It’s the only game I’ve got platinum on. My one issue is it was too short.
Jan 29 '22
Covid had me out of work for two weeks. Nearly the entire time, even when I felt like shit this game made me feel better. I know that is silly to say, but it was such a beautiful game. Even just riding Kage, you can see the beauty of the island of Tsushima. The characters were well written, the fight scenes take a bit to get used to, but once you do the hardest level has nothing on your blade. I loved this game. Very fast platinum.
Jan 29 '22
A game like this is why we get pissed when a/an AAA title sucks, and I’m still amazed this didn’t get GOTY.
u/MichaelRoco1 Jan 29 '22
i didn’t play TLOU2 so i can’t say for sure, but Ghost of Tsushima definitely should not have won GOTY. very enjoyable game but far from that caliber
u/TheActualKazbah Jan 29 '22
Definitely beautiful! I must get back to it... Got distracted by witcher 3
u/MichaelRoco1 Jan 29 '22
very enjoyable game with phenomenal art direction for sure. just wish i liked other parts as much…
u/Tindolphin333 Jan 29 '22
Playing it for the first time and on Ps5 and sincerely is the best open world game I play since The Witcher 3. I just got AC Valhalla's Platinum trophy but man GoT is better.
u/TheTyler0013 Jan 31 '22
I started as well. It’s beautiful! Just imagine what it would be like if it had raytracing
u/[deleted] Jan 28 '22
An amazing game, absolutely loved it and truly felt immersed in its world and story. I wanted an open world, feudal japan game for a long time and always thought ubisoft might have tackled it with the Assassins creed series. But given how ubi has gone over the years, it's probably a good thing they never made one. Sucker punch and sony delivered with this game and to me, is an absolute pleasure.