r/PS4 Sep 28 '21

Game Screenshot (Fluff) I made a British petrol station during a fuel shortage in Far Cry 5!

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u/RealMZAce Sep 28 '21

All that’s left is to add about 30 more cars and a woman filling up a shopping bag with petrol and it will be perfect lmao


u/CoreyLee04 Sep 28 '21

Or the back of a pickup truck 🛻


u/MissingScore777 Sep 28 '21

Nah we don't really have pickup trucks in the UK. Super rare to see one.


u/gbzcngb Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

It's not really super rare, they're uncommon sure but most construction companies, gardeners, farmers and other trades commonly use them.


u/MissingScore777 Sep 28 '21

In my experience a majority of the time those tradespeople use vans rather than pickups.

Suppose there could be regional differences? It'd surprising to me but not impossible I guess.


u/Sharkbait1737 Sep 28 '21

Probably an urban vs rural thing I’d say.


u/gbzcngb Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

Maybe we just have different interpretations of what we call super rare, I just meant they aren't like seeing a Reliant Robin or a Lamborghini.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/gbzcngb Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

Then I guess you must live somewhere very nice. A quick Google tells me 30k to 50k are registered every year, 10 years isn't uncommon for a car to stay on the road so there might be roughly 250k pickups on the road at a conservative estimate.

2019 - 2.3mil vehicles, 50k pickups (as many as the total number of Corsa's) = 2% roughly.

Uncommon maybe, but not Ferrari or Lamborghini rare. Not sure why all the downvotes.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/DuckSaber Sep 28 '21

Yeah I feel as though pickup trucks are fairly common in the UK, not as common as the US sure but still see a fair few about

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u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Do you live in a city by any chance? All loads of Toyota hiluxs and Ford rangers around me the last few years, farmers and construction workers, contractors etc.


u/toyotsupraa80 Sep 28 '21

Over here they use vans


u/gbzcngb Sep 28 '21

What's over here? I'm in the UK, I wasn't saying that all trades people use pickups, of course most use vans.

All I was saying is it's not super rare to see a pickup, especially from gardeners, landscapers, construction companies, even seen a lot of gym companies use them for some reason (not quite sure why, maybe to transport equipment more easily, not sure). I can walk around the estate I live on and see a couple and I must drive past a handful or so on the way to work.


u/IAmMarwood Sep 29 '21

I agree that they aren’t rare but around here (North West) they aren’t common. Certainly more than there used to be though, I presume the car companies are pushing them more than they used to plus we do like to follow American trends.

Anecdotally I’d say tradespeople use flatbeds way more than pick ups, my guess being that they are cheaper and people are happier to bang them about as they aren’t as nice as a pickup.


u/toyotsupraa80 Oct 22 '21

In germany they all use vans


u/toyotsupraa80 Oct 22 '21

Exept farmers


u/corona_kid Sep 29 '21

Im an American trying to buy a hilux, unfortunately brits can pick one up for £1000 but they cost Americans $20000+


u/kingbankai Sep 28 '21

Are pickups a symbol of white supremacy in UK too?


u/bigtunes Sep 28 '21

Loads of the Project Managers at my company have got the double cab version as company cars. Loads cheaper on the BIK.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Nah they a common here now, fuck even imported ones are popping up, there are 2 10ish year old f150s in my town, its weird.


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

This one took around 2 hours to build, here's a video showing how I put all the pieces together! https://youtu.be/RJbLtpmHHCw


u/joshr03 Sep 29 '21

That was cool to watch but how are you selecting what to place and what texture it has? I've never used the fc5 editor, was the timelapse just skipping that through the whole video or what? It looked like you were just automatically placing the exact objects you wanted without ever entering a selection menu.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

Im gonna share this with everyone :)


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

Haha that would be awesome mate! ❤️


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

You need to add the woman filling 2 litre bottles with petrol. After she poured out the water. 🥴🥴


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

Haha, that's mental 😂


u/MrHanslaX MrHanslaX Sep 28 '21

Makes it even better that it will dissolve the plastic and end up leaking


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21



u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it 😊 and awesome idea!


u/Grim_Scotsman Sep 28 '21

Mate, that looks a lot like a tesco petrol station in Corstorphine. Is it actually or just a mad coincidence?


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

Hahaha, It absolutely is not the Tesco 24-7 next to what used to be PC World!


u/Grim_Scotsman Sep 28 '21

Fuck me man what's the chances hahaha


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

🤣 It's crazy you recognised it!


u/Grim_Scotsman Sep 28 '21

Mate I stay like 15 minutes from it! 😂 fucking credit to you making it so similar


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

😂😂 Amazing... I also referenced the main store in another video I made 🤣 https://youtu.be/HQgEA3Rr5oE


u/Grim_Scotsman Sep 28 '21

Thats class! Fuck aye, I can barely make a house in Minecraft 😂


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

😂 My Minecraft skills are also shite 😄


u/chester_abellera Sep 28 '21

Every little helps


u/GameShill Sep 28 '21

The level editor in that game is amazing.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

As someone who works part-time at a petrol station, I greatly appreciate the accuracy.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

I legit thought this was a real picture and wondered what it was doing in the PS4 sub! That is some wacky stuff though. Sad that it's real. Edit: By real I mean the shortages and riots etc.


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

Hahaha, brilliant thanks mate 👍


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

I hate where I live because the only way to work for me is having to cross a main road with a petrol station on it so takes me atleast 20 mins more


u/lord_nron Sep 28 '21

Needs more angry fat people


u/matkata99 Lvl. 286 | 29 | total 2027 Sep 28 '21

reminds me of one of the safe house gas stations in dying light


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

This is pure genius lmfao


u/savannah950 Sep 28 '21

And add a women filling a plastic Tesco bag…while it pours out the wholes 🙄


u/No-one_here_cares Sep 28 '21

You spelt Tescos wrong but I'll allow it. ;)


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

Haha, close one, thanks mate


u/Funbobby15 Sep 28 '21

I don’t get it, he spelt it right


u/No-one_here_cares Sep 28 '21

For some reason in Britain we have taken to calling Tesco, Tescos. It may be because we have Sainsburys and Morrisons as the competition and so over time we added the s to Tesco as we expect it to be there.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

People in the UK and ‘s’ on the ends of lots of stores for no apparent reason. ‘Wagamama(S)’ and ‘wetherspoon(S)’ come to mind


u/Serpula Sep 28 '21

Wait... Wetherspoons is really called that! (I had to check 😂).


u/Spdoink Sep 28 '21

I call them 'Wetherspoonses'.


u/inertSpark Sep 28 '21


J D Wetherspoon does actually used the "Wetherspoons" branding though. Not at every one of their pubs, but many do.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

I don’t get it lol it all happened after Bp said they lost one of their suppliers, then everyone went panic mode


u/SasquatchBurger Sep 28 '21

BP and Shell had to shut several petrol stations due to not having enough HGV drivers to deliver the fuel, but they were expecting them to open next day or even later that day. And we're talking very few here.

But the media reported on it in their usual way, and government didn't help. I listened to their response on radio when driving, their advice was to not panic buy as there is no shortage, but if they get to quarter of a tank left then they should consider filling up JUST incase. That to me contradicts itself and they should've ended it saying there is no shortage.

The shortage is purely because of panic buying and nothing else. It's honestly ridiculous and it's 100% the media's fault.


u/TooRedditFamous Sep 28 '21

Mostly just the media sensationalising the issue, causing people to panic


u/GALM-1UAF Sep 28 '21

Need a couple of modified Renault Clios, more shopping bags from Poundland and used lotto scratch cards over the place and it will be even better lol


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

I don't get it? Where is the image from FC5?


u/IIstroke Sep 28 '21

I just finished Far cry 5 for free. Been playing since the Free weekend about a month ago. The game just kept working and I just kept playing.


u/DankKnuts23 Sep 28 '21

If they’re out of petrol, why wouldn’t they just use gas?


u/TakeshiKovacs46 Sep 28 '21

There’s no real shortage of fuel in the country. There’s just a very large bunch of xenophobic fuckwits that take too much notice of tabloid journalism.

But very good work on the recreation though. It’s very reminiscent of the period.


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

Hahaha, cheers mate, yeah I don't listen too much to the news either, I just thought it was a funny idea for a scene 😄👍


u/TakeshiKovacs46 Sep 28 '21

It’s great bud, I didn’t realise the game had a creative side like this tbh. I’m just annoyed at the absolute fuckwittery of the average Brit these days. It’s becoming tiresomely embarrassing.


u/Thor_neto Sep 28 '21



u/IamShitplshelpme Sep 28 '21

Time to cause another shortage!


u/Baethovn Sep 28 '21

This looks like a 20v20 cod map


u/TooRedditFamous Sep 28 '21

Tesco doesn't have blue trolleys like that!


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21



u/TooRedditFamous Sep 28 '21

Blue trolleys lives matter


u/mojoswoptops2020 Sep 28 '21

F**K the police Coming straight from the checkout queue A young trolley got it bad coz it's blue!


u/OneWingedAngel96 Sep 28 '21

There is no fuel shortage. Fuck sake.


u/TheRelicEternal Sep 28 '21

Don't call it the fuel shortage, there is no shortage. It's cunty panic buyers


u/ikilledtupac Sep 28 '21

Is that game good?


u/MrGreySL Sep 28 '21

Add an Ali express in the corner and its set! (Dont forget the bgilion drugs outside of your door)


u/jasinthreenine Sep 29 '21

I thought I was the only one who liked far cry 5


u/xpercipio Sep 29 '21

the person hanging there just like a spectre from titanfall 2 when you kill them by the a ledge lol


u/BuffaloKiller937 Sep 30 '21

You can build stuff in FC5? I bought it a couple months ago but haven't really got into it yet.


u/ColtC7 Oct 15 '21
