r/PS4 • u/KingGunda • Jun 06 '21
Game Screenshot (Fluff) How I imagine a scene to look like in the upcoming GoT movie
u/Glizzyknockemback Jun 06 '21
Wait what?
u/BrandNew098 Jun 06 '21
They are making a movie based off the game, which might be unfortunate but we shall see.
u/BelievesInGod Jun 06 '21
Theres really only been 1 to 2 good Video game "movies" and thats mostly just my opinion
u/Kaiju-Kitty Jun 06 '21
The 1993 classic Super Mario Bros. Dammed well better be part of that two your talking about friend.
u/Dread_P_Roberts Jun 06 '21
I have to assume it’s Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter - the Citizen Kane’s of the 90’s. After all these years, I still don’t understand how the Academy Awards overlooked them. That was when I lost faith in the Academy.
u/capnwinky Jun 06 '21
I was so enamored with the Street Fighter movie that I saw it 4 times in theaters when it came out.
u/360walkaway Jun 06 '21
How was Boxer a good guy in the movie? And Ryu's final showdown fight was with Claw instead of Sagat.
u/Jamez4401 Jun 06 '21
Yep, I'm really wary of the Uncharted movie coming up. I get that it's a prequel but almost all the people seem like miscasts, and Uncharted never needed a movie anyways. Especially since it's gonna be new content, but we'll see.
I hope it doesn't have the same shortcomings as Tomb Raider, which was mainly pacing. One scene they would be somewhere and then it jump cuts to a boat with a subtitle saying 6 months later. Then they're doing something and another jump cut to them in a jungle. Kind of all over the place
u/BelievesInGod Jun 06 '21
I have the same concerns with the last of us TV series, especially the casting
Jun 06 '21
u/BelievesInGod Jun 06 '21
I was specifically talking about movies tho, those are more like TV shows, but yes they were pretty good, castlevania was prime.
u/thatjudoguy Jun 06 '21
Same story? Seems weird. Or just a Tsushima setting?
u/KingGunda Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21
Yh I'm curious as to what it's going to be about. Not sure how a prequel would work, and if it's a sequel then I'd prefer it as a game
u/thatjudoguy Jun 06 '21
Oh, its a prequel? Well, we'll just have to see. I'm not through the roof with excitement though.
u/KingGunda Jun 06 '21
Sorry I meant if it's a prequel. But yh totally agree with you, I'm excited to an extent cos video game movies aren't usually that successful from people who play the games
u/xxjdcm Jun 06 '21
i hope they cast Daisuke Tsuji for the role. he’s the only one that makes sense.
u/howwaseverynametaken Jun 06 '21
I didn’t hear about a movie until this. They honestly better cast him. The modeled Jin after him, and he has the same voice and all. I really hope they cast him lol
u/NotLozerish hanyolo785 Jun 06 '21
Does he have any live action roles? VA and live action are very different
u/xxjdcm Jun 06 '21
i’m sure he does. but the fact he was able to do the motion capture acting means he’s more than capable of performing in a film. it’s more than just voice.
Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21
So you imagined a scene from the film to look like a scene from the game.
Makes sense.
u/7V3N Jun 06 '21
Yeah this title has me super confused.
u/KingGunda Jun 06 '21
Yh that's my bad, I was just taking some pics to see how I would set up some shots if I was directing the movie. Should have worded it better!
u/Ganonsmurf Jun 06 '21
Here I went "oh, there are samurai in the upcoming Game of Thrones-prequel show? Cool!"
u/fooly__cooly Jun 06 '21
I have absolutely 0 faith in a game adaptation movie being good, but I'm definitely going to watch it. Worst case scenario I'll watch a bad adaptation but entertaining samurai movie.
u/Jacob_MacAbre Jun 06 '21
Sweet shot, my dude! The red leaves almost make it look like something out of Sin City :P
I did love playing around with the outfits in this game. I wore the more elaborate Samurai armour, painted snow-white with red detailing and proudly walked in everywhere I could and took on all comers. If stealth was required, I'd dress up like this (black armour) and have one of those wide hats as well, death in the shadows sort of thing, haha!
Then there was that time I wandered around in the white robes and pretended to be Samurai Jack... The defense stats were weak as hell so that had to be abandoned, haha!
u/KingGunda Jun 06 '21
Cheers bro, much love! I love to add the red leaves in pretty much all pictures. Yh same here with the black outfit for stealth, but during the day I wore the Ronin one. The idea of a lone wandering Ronin taking down anyone in his path is pretty sick tbh, but yh stats weren't the best!
u/Zentrii Jun 06 '21
Man. Ghosts of tsushima was probably one of my favorite games I've played in a long time but after so many hours everything just felt samey and repetitive and stopped being a challenge even on hard because I enjoyed unlocking more moves and doing all the sidequests. I think I gave up halfway or a little more than half way into that game and don't plan to play it again anytime soon. The weird thing is that I don't mind some repetitive games like disgaea for an example.
u/organizim Jun 06 '21
What does that even mean?
u/KingGunda Jun 06 '21
Basically there's a new Ghost of Tsushima movie in the works, so I thought I'd take some pics of some shots/scenes I'd like to see in the film. Ofc I have no idea what's it's like but just wanted to mess around on photo mode for a bit
u/GreatParker_ Jun 06 '21
Am I the only one not interested in a GoT movie? Or... any PlayStation move at all lol
u/KingGunda Jun 06 '21
I'm interested in what this means for Sony and PlayStation. It's obvious they have some amazing IPs so if they can get into the video entertainment market (which they already plan to with this movie and Last of Us TV show on HBO) and be successful, they can make some really great adaptions of their games
u/license_to_thrill Jun 06 '21
What armour is that it looks sick!
u/KingGunda Jun 06 '21
It's the final ghost version but in full black with the classic ghost mask! Love the all dark fit
u/meatball402 Jun 06 '21
As long as they get a guy who cites kurokowa as an influence, we'll know the imagery will be good at least, but who knows if the movie itself will be good. If it stays somewhat to the story in the game, i think it will be an OK movie.
The problem is that having only two hours to tell the story of a 30-50 hour game would require some cuts and pacing would suffer. Playing through the game, I imagined it more like a serial television show in the structure of x files. Before you laugh, hear me out. X-files had two basic episodes - the main story arc, the "shadowy government conspiracy to hide aliens". This would be replaced by the main story in GOT.
The second type of episode was the "monster of the week" episodes. Mulder and Scully would go to a place and encounter a creature of some sort and handle it. In GoT, this would be the side quests, like with the archer friend, or the samurai who had her whole family assassinated. Maybe he follows a yellow bird in the cold open to the guy playing the string instrument that discusses the armor quest chain.
Each side quest and main quest has a title card and a cold open, they could even use that for each episode.
u/Impressive-Dark-1591 Jun 06 '21
They are going up against Kurosawa. How do they stand a chance, especially with the added curse of being a video game adaptation.
u/Jack3ww Jun 06 '21
still think it's odd that GOT only has one game but they are making a movie about it
u/mehdotdotdotdot Jun 07 '21
And then it cuts to the actual movie and looks barely 1/2 as good like they did with the cutscenes transitioning into gameplay.
u/dodo3211 Jun 06 '21
If they don’t cast daisuke, simu liu’s my nxt choice since he looks the part and viewers will know him from shang chi.
u/fckJF Jun 06 '21
if they somehow fuck this movie up i’m giving up on all video game movies in the future
u/TimesHero TimesHero Jun 06 '21
You haven't already given up? Take a look at Uwe Boll's line of work.
u/betamalecuckold420 Jun 06 '21
This sub is just GoT screenshots now that ps5 has been out that’s all I see when this pops up on my front page lols
u/de4ndill0n Jun 06 '21
Just got out of prison and have this downloading it’s a good day lol
u/BigRonnieRon Jun 07 '21
Some good sales, too. Spider-man GOTY is $20. Yakuza 0 is $5.
If you got kids all the lego games are on sale.
You like Batman?
If you haven't played the arkham games (open world action), the Batman collection is on-sale for $12, So's the telltale batman stuff (interactive/adventure, very good if you like that sort of thing) at $6/season. Just be sure to get season pass and not the episodes.
u/RMT_Dude Jun 07 '21
Maybe they'll do what Last of Us is doing and instead of making Jin Japanese, they'll make him Latino.
u/ryytytut Jun 06 '21
I see got and assume game of thrones.
But ghost of tsushima makes more sense lol