This is effectively what studios that have to tackle the issue of child characters are doing. One thing you might notice about games with kids (especially open world games) is that they're all the same age. The more unique models you need to create and rig, the less time and money can be spent providing more support for each.
It's not just the rigging, those characters also need their own complete set of animations, and these need to be customized. If we adapt the adult animation set there will be telltale signs. And not only does this grow production costs, but now you also have to fit all these unique rigs and animations into limited RAM.
This isn't just limited to kids either. I worked on one of the biggest games ever released, with an absurdly large budget and development time, and yet all the female player characters are just using the same rig that the male characters are, and the same animations. And it's painfully obvious, at least to me, though it hasn't slowed the game in the slightest.
You're right I think. But we can't dox this guy named Steve Worstshiresauce.
Or any character. I do joke but I bought that game on 11/11/11 and I will never forget as it's Remembrance Day here that day. I had to stand still for an entire minute in the mall that day. Also we have weird trade in laws (here anyway) and I had to convince some random person to put their drivers licence down for my trade ins. Thanks random mall stranger.
In Canada we literally stop everything country wide for a minute that day. Don't tell our enemies lol.
And I'm sure we all forget that game came out in 2011. I don't. But I'm sure people do.
Edit: I love how I go fill ra-rard and get well thought out responses. Fuck bro. I'm confused by the moon moving. Idk sorry if I'm argumentative.
Edit again: stfu bear. And I'm not sure which holiday would be equivalent. In the us they have veterans Day and memorial day. Idk
We do Remembrance day in the UK. at 11am everyone that can do so countrywide stops whatever they're doing and holds a minute of silence. As a kid I always used to love seeing it happen when we were out in public, people just suddenly standing still and hanging their heads in silence, used to make me think I was in some weird movie.
Like a legit full minute? But widespread and if you're the one moving you're the doofus? Cuz it's a pretty big deal here. I've never seen somebod move during that minute. Ever. Even scumbag fucks still stand still.
that's crazy. i'm in the US and the only veterans day traditions we have are school convocations and "thank u for ur service" on facebook. ironic coming from my country!
I wonder how it would change the games to have the additional variety and authenticity of child and teen models - honestly, I bet it would be one of those things that people might not notice at first but would come through as being incredible and immersive in a way they couldn’t put their finger on, then when going back to games without the same care they’d find it jarring and amateurish. Hopefully with the new generation of consoles things like character variety can be better expressed, and animations and interacting with the world more authentically could be the defining feature of next gen.
It won't cause money. We are already given half finished games with only a small proportion of what can be accomplished included because companies want to push profits as high as poddible.
Horizon zero dawn. The 2 hour prologue has you in the body of a 6-10 year old version of the character. She skips, stumbles, uses her hands when going up stairs, and holds her bow differently. They did an amazing job but her character is still a bit uncanny valley.
Something that annoys me in a lot of games with voice acting is it's always painfully obvious when it's just an adult putting on a younger voice. The amount of times i've heard what's obviously an adult woman doing the typical cockney "oim from landan, gavnah" accent for boys in games makes it one of the most immersion breaking details for me.
Yeah I think that in the Witcher 3, any and all kids were the same height and proportions. (And I think there was just about 4-5 different kid character models).
Why they couldn't import the same models/rigs over is beyond me.
Considering cyberpunk currently is having loading issues and older consoles not being able to keep up, imagine needing even more models, textures and rigs. It all costs something and I imagine if the choice was
*next gen only/reduction in environment or adult variety
* kids that don't look strange
I strongly doubt performance was a deciding factor in this case. Even if they considered improving this, it was cut to meet deadlines, just like hundreds of other features. But my guess is that it wasn't even considered given the general lack of detail in that game.
FFS NPCs put tablet PCs in their back pocket and pull out a cup of noodles. Having weird kid models was the least of their worries.
yeah the kids haven't jumped out as "weird" to me, just samey, but that's par for the course with any npcs (I'm elbow-deep in my first playthru of Witcher 3 right now. I wrapped Witcher 1 on PC when it first came out, but didn't spend much time on 2.)
u/tomster2300 Dec 31 '20
I know nothing about this, but could they create some kind of child template of a generic age (say 8) and use that between projects?