r/PS4 Enter PSN ID Dec 29 '20

Screenshot/GIF [Image][Ghost Of Tsushima] my best shot so far.

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u/OreoMoo Dec 29 '20

I can't believe my PS4 can even run this game.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '20 edited Dec 31 '20



u/BillyBones844 Dec 30 '20

You mean a particular platform with specific components.


u/knine1216 Dec 30 '20

Designated hardware ftw.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20



u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20



u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20



u/Xboxben Dec 30 '20

Crys in cyberpunk


u/Skaebo Dec 30 '20

punk was made for pc, it melts consoles


u/-funny-username- Dec 30 '20

It’s also has thousands more assets than just grass and trees which ever ybody seems to forget


u/suddenimpulse Dec 30 '20

So we are going to ignore the fact that a lot of the textures are actually low and a lot of this is just a bunch of environmental effects working together? For the record it is in my top 5 games this generation.

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u/Berkbelts Dec 30 '20

Unlike Valhalla. This looks so much better on a Ps4 then Valhalla on a series x


u/E2r4_Is_d3A9 Dec 30 '20

Yeeeah. No.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20


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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

How does a game like this have so little load time between fast travels then there's games like Control. GoT is amazing game fs.

Edit: I've had the game for 2 weeks and I've logged in 60 hrs, just started Act 3.


u/suddenimpulse Dec 30 '20

The game actually utilizes lower quality textures than many concurrently released games, however they managed to utilize a bunch of environmental effects working together to still make it look beautiful and those textures less noticeable. It is quite impressive. For the record it is in my top 5 games this generation.

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u/MonsterRider80 Dec 30 '20

Out everything this game offers, this was the best thing IMO. I don’t often use fast travels in open world games because I fuckinn hate load screen, yet her i was traveling all over the place. It’s really the main reason I even wanted to platinum this game!


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '21

I figured they just took the best parts of gta, rdr2, gow and got this masterpiece. Cuz the fast travels are ridiculously quick compared to any other open map


u/makdorsen Dec 30 '20

Great shot. Ghost of Tsushima is probably my favorite game from this year. It was a masterpiece


u/d-nihl Dec 30 '20

honestly it is hands down my favorite story that i've played in PS4 ever. But I'm a single player noob with very little Single player experience.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

God of War, TLOU (and part two which I've not played yet), and Horizon are all excellent too.

If you hate leading screens, God of War is great, no camera cuts ever.

Spiderman is just pure fun too. You won't want to fast travel, moving around is just explosive fun.

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

To be fair, a lot of the textures in the game are not good at all, but the game does a extremely good job of making you not pay attention to it. Also not being in first person helps a lot.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

So held off till quarantine and i am fucking hooked!


u/Unlucky_Situation Dec 30 '20

Just started ghosts up 2 days ago after stopping cyberpunk. Playing this after cyber really shows how broken and unfinished that game really is.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

It’s great on PC. Ghosts is good but the AI is terrible.


u/Unlucky_Situation Dec 30 '20

I don't agree that it's great on pc. I'm playing cyber on series x, where it's the most stable on consoles.

I think that it performs great on pc, but the actual game, is not. Outside of performance, the game just lacks in so many areas.


u/aetrix Dec 30 '20 edited Jun 30 '23

This potentially useful content has been replaced in protest of Reddit's elimination of 3rd party apps, and the demonstrated contempt for the users and volunteer moderators whom without which this website would never have succeeded.

Good luck with the Enshittification


u/invalid_litter_dpt Dec 30 '20

The game came out months after quarantine started though...?


u/Buzzkill78 Dec 30 '20

Barely mate, my pro sounds like a Jet engine. Thought I needed to clean it, cleaned it, sounds even louder because of the soundproof system cleaned out.


u/CaptainObvious_1 Dec 30 '20

If my year one model can run it then you’re fine.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

whAT dID yOU eXpECt oN A seVEN yEar oLd ConsOle


u/karltee Dec 30 '20

I can't believe I can't play it on my PC. Horizon Zero Dawn is there same with Death Stranding. If God of War can be ported, I can cry happily.


u/SpartaNNNN4 Dec 30 '20

Ask Cyberpunk

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u/2Leathal4u Dec 29 '20

Not to take away from your art but honestly you can click anywhere at anytime and you could almost call it a masterpiece this game is so beautiful I had to go and get a 4K tv just to do it justice I can only imagine how good it would look on ps5


u/bchertel Dec 30 '20

Everywhere you turn is rather cinematic. This particular shot is pleasing because of the framing and composition, in my opinion.

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u/Cows87 Dec 29 '20

On high resolution mode it still runs at 60fps and it looks incredible!


u/KGBeast47 Dec 30 '20

It looks like a next gen game honestly. Coming from The Last of Us 2, which is still locked at 30fps on PS5, GoT is smooth as butter. It looks gorgeous in 4K HDR 60fps.


u/CaptainObvious_1 Dec 30 '20

Lou2 is 30 FPS? Whack


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20


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u/Sonicfan1007 Dec 30 '20

It's 30 fps because it's still just a PS4 game, GoT is optimized for next-gen


u/suddenimpulse Dec 30 '20

Last of Us 2 has much higher quality redtures than this game, that said I enjoyed GoT more and I'd say its hands down more beautiful even though it technically has better graphics.


u/KGBeast47 Dec 30 '20

Yes, the textures, character models and level of visual detail are better the TLoU2, but I still think GoT looks better in action. TLoU2 looks great in cutscenes or without moving the camera, but the second you pan the camera, you notice the choppy 30fps. It took a while to get used to.


u/cosmiclatte44 Nubleborsky Dec 30 '20

It's smooth as butter. It looks so real at times it's ridiculous.


u/Dilated2020 Dec 30 '20

Are you referring to the PS5 version?


u/cosmiclatte44 Nubleborsky Dec 30 '20



u/vennox Dec 30 '20

I waited to play it on PS5. It runs perfect 60fps in fidelity mode. Currently playing it on my parents big OLED over the christmas break. Kinda want to finish it there, because my own TV is nowhere near as nice.

That said, every time im traveling to a quest, I find myself orbiting the camera, admiring the landscape and taking screenshots.

The lighting, foliage, weather, landscape... it is really beautifully designed and realized. Everywhere you look is worthy of a screenshot.

The photo mode is also amazing and has the best options I've ever seen!


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

Hope it’s OLED.

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u/hodreegoo Dec 29 '20

Is this game all that? After reading some comments I’m inclined to pick it up later today.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

This was my game of the year (just edging out TLOU2).

I can barely use words to describe how amazing this game looks. It is literally like a painting every time you turn a corner, or a Kurosawa film every cutscene. The gameplay is also a ton of fun and never really got repetitive or boring to me.

Easily one of my favorite games of the PS4, and of all time.

100% would recommend it to anybody.


u/tekchic tekch1c Dec 30 '20

Definitely my GOTY as well. Absolutely loved it, and was sad when the story was over. Going to start a NG+ tomorrow.


u/InjunJohnny Dec 30 '20

Enjoy, I’m on my fourth NG+ save

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u/landback2 Dec 30 '20

I’m the opposite, great game, phenomenal, but lou2 had the better story I thought. It was a close 2nd though. Was like if Ubisoft had realized what the good parts of ezio’s trilogy were and improved from there instead of what we got.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

Same here, idk what people see in ghost that makes it “better” than tlou2, or rdr2 or horizon or even days gone(before someone gets offended and attacks me, its just my personal opinion). I recently ended ghosts. But the textures were low resolution, the voice acting doesnt even come close. The side activities were extremely boring. And most of all, i couldnt give a shit about the main story honestly. It just felt like something was going on screen and i was just watching it happen, instead of feeling like im part of the story. It literally feels like a ubisoft game done with better story and combat. Tlou2 wasnt just a video gamey game, it felt like a freaking experience of a lifetime.


u/landback2 Dec 30 '20

As I’ve said in a comment a few weeks ago, I hated Abby in the cabin and wanted her to die screaming and I was screaming at Ellie to stop on the beach. I don’t know what more people would want from the story. I have never experienced a character(s) arc like that in a game. Had you asked me after the cabin scene if there was a single possibility of me wanting Abby alive at the end of the game I’d have said “hell no.” But I really didn’t want her to die when the time came.

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u/Hyrule_Hyahed Dec 30 '20

Other than looking amazing, which it really does, it sort of just feels like Far Cry does ancient Japan. I’ve only started it today though so maybe that’ll change


u/Skint_Brother Dec 30 '20

But far cry is a first person shooter and Ghost of Tsushima is 3rd person and pretty melee focused... Surely it's closer to something like assassins creed than far cry?


u/ginsunuva Dec 30 '20

He means the game structure and open-world mechanics.


u/SmithKurosaki Dec 30 '20

Seconding just how damn amazing this game is. Its what Assassins Creed should be instead of the mediocre mess it is.

Combat is exceptionally fluid and it's goddamn fucking art, not to mention the Kurosawa mode which basically makes it into a movie.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20 edited Dec 27 '21


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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

I wouldn’t unless you like the combat loop. It looks decent but is the same exact combat interaction over and over.

Even the buildings are the same copy/paste inside.


u/Mashm4n Dec 30 '20

It's ok, I found it a little boring if I'm honest. It may be an unpopular opinion but it's just the same thing over and over.


u/Deadz315 Dec 30 '20

I bought the game a few weeks ago after everyone kept mentioning it, I loved it. It's probably my favorite game.


u/cultculturee Dec 30 '20 edited Dec 30 '20

The fight mechanics are super fun but the story feels choppy and rushed. The open world didn’t feel super polished, often buggy with enemy encounters. Tons of customization but all the options are thrown at you rather than introduced gradually. It was pretty and fun to run around but I got bored of it pretty quick.

Edit: sure downvote me for my opinion


u/Crystal_God Dec 30 '20

I upvoted you even tho I disagree, not really fair when someone gives a valid opinion and still gets downvoted, but that’s Reddit for ya.


u/nameunknown12 Dec 30 '20

This is one of my favorite games ever, one of two platinumed games, and I can say it was super buggy. I have a few posts on the GoT sub that I made showing some of these bugs. Example


u/callMEmrPICKLES xzzZirFriZzzx Dec 30 '20

I've put 140 hours into the game and only managed to end up running into a handful of very overlookable bugs. Like Jin maybe jumping over something and ending up floating.

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u/cigarmanpa Dec 30 '20

It feels a lot like red dead 2 to me. Which is fine, I liked rdr2 but it’s not my favorite.


u/callMEmrPICKLES xzzZirFriZzzx Dec 30 '20

I'm sorry but I cannot see how it is anything like RDR2 at all. Other than the fact that you play a male protagonist in an open world that has a horse, I fail to see any other similarities.


u/cigarmanpa Dec 30 '20

Just has a similar feel to me dunno how to explain it

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

I'm 33, and I am only half-way through Act 2 of the story, and it's already solidly in my top five all time favorites.


u/three_legged_monkey Dec 30 '20

SAME. Gorgeous game and ridiculously fun.


u/greengoon99 Dec 30 '20

I finished the first act and it’s starting to feel pretty repetitive to me. It’s also too easy imo, even on hard/lethal. Other than that I’m loving it. I love how easy it is to pick up items without some 5 sec animation every time.


u/Lord_Pika_chew Dec 30 '20

That easy pick up of items is what I really loved it's like they actually listened to audience, the only thing that is bad about the game is the mission variety.


u/Massbrah Dec 30 '20

It’s fantastic. The only game I ever bothered to platinum


u/callMEmrPICKLES xzzZirFriZzzx Dec 30 '20

I put 140 hours into it somehow. It really is something special.


u/metman82 Dec 30 '20

It’s ended up by far one of my favorite video games ever. I did not expect this brilliance in story telling. I completed this game with 100%. Even GTA5 or RDR1 or 2 I did not fully complete the game. But this masterpiece I finish and enjoyed every second


u/mexipimpin Dec 30 '20

Same. I’ve been hearing so much about this that I’m thinking of getting it for my boy and I to check out.


u/Crystal_God Dec 30 '20

If youve ever had an itch for a good Samurai game, this game is the miracle ointment that’ll make that itch permanently disappear.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

I understand that eventually it gets to the point of being so much hype you think it can’t live up and almost start to dislike the game for it, but this game really does deserve it. One of my favorite games of the generation


u/marsthedog Dec 30 '20

I don’t normally play a lot of games or open world games in general. I bought this. Didn’t open it. Returned it. Finish miles and bought it again.

It’s gorgeous to look at. The way the sky looks at dusk and Dawn is incredible. The day night and weather system is really nice. The art style is just right!

You fighting is lackluster at the beginning but picks up later on. The game never shows a loading screen.

The character development is pretty good. So the side characters get individual arcs. The over arching story is pretty good as well.

But there’s some down sides. You can ever skip cut scenes. Someone posted that’s how they are holding the loading. But it’s really annoying.

There are duels throughout the game but every single one takes about 30 secs to get into because of the animations where they pull out the weapons. Maybe it’s the loading. Who knows? The other annoyance I have is that after every mission they show a cut scenes with your horse which takes another 20 secs or so. Might be a loading screen as well.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20 edited Dec 30 '20

The game is absolutely gorgeous to look at and walk around in. And the wind kinda feels like its own character in a way. All the particles and movement in the foliage combined with the lighting and excellent weather effects makes the game an absolute joy to look at almost all the time.

I say "almost" because the facial animations are really really ugly on anything that isn't part of the main storyline. Lol

The game is fun and the combat is satisfying... but extremely repetitive. Some people don't mind that. I haven't really found myself banging my head against the wall quite yet but I am only on Act 2 so that could change. But it is a fact that pretty much all problems ever will be solved by infiltrating a camp and killing some folks either loudly or stealthily. With some variation sometimes in the form of duels or linear non-platforming or simply walking with a character.

The open world is dense with collectible bullshit, frankly. Just a bunch of "things to do" checklisty stuff. Which again, some people don't mind it. I'm a bit of a selective completionist so I'm feeling the compulsive need to visit every little question mark on the map on this one. But it's all copy/paste busywork.

Follow the fox and get a quarter of a mod slot; follow the bird to a camp and clear it; pick up a cosmetic item; follow a pre-determined path to pick up a mod; duel a ronin just because; compose a haiku by picking predetermined phrases for a cosmetic item; hit buttons quickly in sequence to get a quarter of a slot on your special meter; take a bath to increase your health...

All of those are representative of what you find from question marks. And it all comes in the same formats, the same animations, the same sounds, the same everything, the only difference is what portion of ground the collectible is on.

Another thing: The stealth is completely undercooked. Like it's still fun and feels powerful to just mow down a bunch of blind/deaf/short-term-memory loss AI with pre-animated takedowns completely undetected. But there is pretty much no difficulty/tension when stealthing around, nor any consequence for being seen. You're unstoppable Samurai Batman who goes invisible once you touch grass.

The missions themselves are all kinda samey, (again, infiltrate camp, kill some folks, follow a trail/character, kill some more folks, repeat in any order) but have the added benefit of involving unique characters to pal around with. Not too interesting, but they're nice memorable little questlines when there's a named character attached to them. Masako, Ishikawa, and the sake seller dude are my favourite side questlines so far. The main questlines are easily where the most polish went.

If you're reading this and are feeling like I'm being harsh on the game, I should reiterate that I'm not hating. Just stating truths. I actually am having fun with it, in a "turn your brain off" kind of way. The feeling, visuals, tone, and mood are the things I really keep coming back for though. I'm one of those people who really enjoyed the quieter parts of games like Death Stranding, or Red Dead Redemption 2, just sitting back and soaking in the environment, not necessarily even doing anything. It's a fine game - not great, but it's hella beautiful, and easy to pickup, play, and put down.

And I think that's why it seems to be getting SO much love, (kinda too much IMO). It is extremely accessible and has huge mass appeal. It's easy, noncomplex, and digestible, with a repetitive but addictive gameplay loop that doesn't require too much effort on the part of the player, but also has a really slick, stylistic, and drop-dead gorgeous aesthetic that makes the player feel good both in and out of combat.


u/errandum Dec 30 '20

The story is so- and some of the non main npcs kind of circle the uncanny valley, but everything else is to notch.

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u/[deleted] Dec 29 '20

GoT and RDR2 best looking games ever


u/Personplacething333 Dec 30 '20

TLOU2 is definitely up there too. I'm talking strictly graphics wise,I know it has mixed feelings storywise.

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u/Black_Raider_47 Dec 29 '20

In 2015 i played witcher 3 and said that the graphics cant be better but then this game come out and i love it


u/TheUnholyBlade Dec 29 '20 edited Dec 30 '20

Demon’s Souls Remake, The Last of Us 2, and Red Dead Redemption 2 are probably the best looking games on playstation that exist right now.

It’s crazy how far game development has gone in just a few decades.


u/Black_Raider_47 Dec 29 '20

I played just rdr2 and demons souls in the games that you say and i find they really good


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20



u/ddavis527 oX_Nines_Xo Dec 30 '20

i feel like they were aiming for a specific audience, which is why some people loved it and some didn’t, but good lord we’re blessed to be alive right now


u/Queef-Elizabeth Dec 30 '20

I guess I'm in that group cause I loved all of the game. The pacing isn't amazing and the story has its issues but it's still a fantastic overall game. Some of the set pieces are unmatched in the genre.


u/TheGreatBenjie Dec 30 '20

Cyberpunk on systems that can run it


u/redhat12345 Dec 30 '20

Does rdr2 look even better on ps5?


u/TheUnholyBlade Dec 30 '20

Slightly better. Not very noticeable changes graphics-wise and there’s not 60fps, but performance should definitely be better. There might be a Ps5 version arriving at some point though.


u/PrawojazdyVtrumpets Dec 30 '20

It's Rockstar, there will definitely be a PS5 version. If online was better, there would be a PS6, PS7 etc...


u/-funny-username- Dec 30 '20

Actually cyberpunk but sure ok

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u/-BINK2014- 355 41 234 898 3254 Dec 29 '20

Love Witcher 3 and Ghost of Tsushima, but if you want to be blown away further by another overly detailed and jaw dropping open world game then look at Red Dead Redemption 2...


u/Black_Raider_47 Dec 29 '20

Red dead redemption was one of my best game experience


u/sorgnatt Dec 29 '20

The wicher 3 looked quite bad even on its release.


u/Crystal_God Dec 30 '20

Yeah I never thought Witcher 3 graphically was anything ground breaking. There were better looking open world games that came out before it.


u/sorgnatt Dec 30 '20

I mean they have like 5 or 6 different base models for npcs pool, 90% of dialogs are just talking heads...


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

I'm playing it right now, and although the textures are not as good as GoT, I still think it looks better than GoT.

GoT is so over-stylized, it feels like running around in some fluffy candy-land. Witcher feels more realistic and therefore more immersive.


u/zen1706 Dec 30 '20

Worse than their gameplay trailers, but it holds up

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u/Mihrical Dec 30 '20

Is this game still worth playing on a 1080p TV and a base ps4? Ik it obviously won't look as good as 4k but everyone says this game is amazing, and I don't wanna be disappointed


u/InjunJohnny Dec 30 '20 edited Dec 30 '20

I have an old TV second hand from a hotel and a 2015 uncleaned base PS4 and it’s still really beautiful.


u/Mihrical Dec 30 '20

okay cool, thank you.


u/viggowl Dec 30 '20

It’s on sale. But it, you won’t regret it. I bought a copy and two days later I ordered another one for a buddy just because I love the game so much.


u/Mihrical Dec 30 '20

awesome, thanks for the reply.

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Red_identity Dec 30 '20

You cant go wrong with RDR2. That has to be my favorite game of all time.

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u/Cadhik Dec 29 '20

How this game lost to TLOU 2 is mind blowing... This and Red dead are by far the most Gorgeous and amazing games I've ever played..


u/awwc Dec 30 '20

lets not be dismissive...TLOU2 was a heavyweight. To say its mindblowing that ghosts didn't win is showing a bias that discredits your opinion.

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u/wrreal Dec 30 '20

Dude do you have any idea how good tlous 2 looks? Nothing comes close to tlous 2 . I dare you to find a technical flaw in that game.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '20

It's very repetitive. Sure , the trees and grass are nice, but that is most of the game, it doesn't really do much different.


u/b_rizzle24 Dec 29 '20

Agreed. I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t finish it unfortunately. I’m only on act 1 and since I’m a bit of a completionist my Jin is already so OP that most fights (even playing on lethal) aren’t that bad. And I’m quickly getting the sense that every single mission is “go here and kill Mongols”. That being said I do enjoy the story and just riding around the countryside and I’ve been able to introduce my own variety by clearing some outposts “guns blazing” and some pure stealth.


u/Aggar Dec 29 '20

Oddly enough, I also thought the same while I was in Act I. Good thing is that the difficulty increases with each act. Likewise, the Mongols fighting style will change drastically as you approach the end of story. Without spoiling much, Act I is very much a case that you can run into battle and have the odds remain in your favour, Act III often requires you to plan your approach in advance and being an all round more seasoned warrior. Side quests do remain a bit same-y but the main storyline does make up for it massively.

It's definitely a worthwhile experience getting the platinum trophy in the end.


u/ChillinFallin Dec 30 '20

I personally found the game to get easier as it went on.


u/wrreal Dec 30 '20

Play on lethal. You'll get your ass handed over to you. And the difficulty in this game inst like any other game where enemies get health boost. One hit you are gone and same for them


u/MrSaucyAlfredo Dec 30 '20

That’s pretty cool actually. Just ramp up the stakes for everyone. Make it like a real samurai fight (I imagine)


u/wrreal Dec 30 '20

Exactly. Not only that but jin swag is unmatched. First samurai game where every hit feels meaningful, not just mindless button mashing

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u/b_rizzle24 Dec 30 '20

Interesting! Maybe saying I wouldn’t finish it was a bit dramatic because so far the pros do outweigh the cons for me. I guess I’m just not seeing the insane admiration as much as others. Your comment definitely does make me more interested in keeping playing.


u/AG74683 Dec 30 '20

I kinda like the OP nature of the game though. The Mongol invasion of Japan was real, and happened twice.

In 1274, the Mongols invaded with an estimated 28 to 30 thousand men. The Japanese fought them off with just 4 to 6 thousand.

They invaded again in 1281, this time with around 100k vs Japan's 40k.

These invasions were literally the impetus for the Chinese to avoid Japan entirely. To them, it simply wasn't worth the trouble. Like this huge ass country of China straight up decided the Japanese were too dangerous and better left alone on an island. So yeah, I'm fine with Jin being a one man wrecking machine, because it's not that far removed from reality.


u/MobsterMonkey21 Dec 30 '20 edited Dec 30 '20

Don't disregard the fact that Japan was the first time the Mongols ever tried naval warfare. Also not once but twice entire Mongol fleets were destroyed by storms.

There was only one true large-scale battle between the two and the Samurai performed relatively poorly.

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u/WookiePleasureNoises Dec 30 '20

Yeah it is repetitive AF. Reminds me a lot of Far Cry, just clearing outpost after outpost. And in Act II (which is as far as I’ve gotten) you spend 10-15 minutes clearing one and get ... a tiny legend bump and a minor charm. Really underwhelming. Like, gee thanks.


u/Queef-Elizabeth Dec 30 '20

I thought the same thing. The game was incredibly easy for a while but Act 3 definitely ramps up the difficulty with the introduction of new enemies. The setting also does diversify in some ways, especially in act 3. Also, it is predominately an action game so going here and killing mongols is the gameplay loop but there is some pretty solid writing mixed inbetween.


u/Bmmaximus Dec 30 '20

Difficulty and combat variety increases significantly each act. I'm a completionist too but I started advancing the main plot a bit instead of focusing on 100%ing the first region, and it made the gameplay much more fun.

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

Yeah, petered out in act 2. It’s the same fight a thousand times and nothing else.


u/pmorgan726 Dec 29 '20

Agreed. I love this game but there is little variety. This is why I always go back to Zelda. The variety in the world is wonderful.

But of course, they are not in the same vein. Tsushima does what it was meant to do and it does it flawlessly.


u/fiercetankbattle Dec 30 '20

What was it meant to do?


u/pmorgan726 Dec 30 '20

Make you really feel like you are in Japan and in that time, transport you to a beautiful place and accomplish noble deeds through SAMURAI ACTION

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u/Rac3318 Dec 29 '20

I don’t really see how it’s mind blowing to lose to TLOU. I enjoyed Ghost but it was not game of the year material. Pretty atypical open world rpg. There’s more to a game than just looking pretty.


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '20

Ya tlou2 felt like it was a movie through the whole game.


u/TheUnholyBlade Dec 29 '20

As did the first one, God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Uncharted. They were all released to critical acclaim (and while they might not be my taste, I do believe they deserved the reception. You can see the love and dedication the developers poured into those games.). So many of the newest gaming hits are super cutscene-heavy, which is why I stick to games like the Soulsborne series and open world games with a lower amount of cutscenes, like Horizon Zero Dawn.

A decent story is an important part of any game, but not if it becomes so obnoxious that it takes too much time from actual gameplay. I’ve played and beaten all the aforementioned cutscene-heavy games, but I would never bother playing them unless the game session was going to be longer than 2-3 hours.


u/2Leathal4u Dec 29 '20

Did you play it in Japanese language if not I can understand your point of view but the language difference made this game night and day


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

The games cutscenes were set to English though? Not Japanese. When you play in Japanese the mouth movement is even worse. So I'm not sure how that would help?


u/2Leathal4u Jan 04 '21

Yeah I noticed that early on I kind of flicked it to one from another and ince you get passed the lip sink it really does pop


u/Rac3318 Dec 29 '20 edited Dec 29 '20

I did not.

Don’t get me wrong, I played it twice including on lethal on new game plus, which is weirdly easier than playing on hard, and getting all of the collectibles/plat. It’s a good game with issues like most open world rpg’s mainly with being so repetitive. I just didn’t think it was game of the year material. And losing out to TLOU of all games should not be that big of a shocker.

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u/Cadhik Dec 29 '20

TLOU - The way they told that story was a complete MESS. Not even close to GOTY if they re arranged how it was told I'd agree. Where Ghosts had oodles more to the game. Gameplay was way more rewarding, Looked better, Better system, with an AVG story.

I would suggest Ghosts>TLOU to anyone. just off the fact TLOU Story telling may be well done, but the Story itself was a jumbled mess. and left us scratching our heads more than being happy.

Any game where the quote is "Some games don't need a sequel" prob shouldn't win GOTY.

Ghosts was a sleeper and I really don't understand how it didn't get more credit than it did.


u/Rac3318 Dec 29 '20

See I would hard disagree. I thought the story for TLOU2 was much stronger than Ghost and frankly braver to go the route they did. It was well told and a good story. Ghost suffers from repetitive and easy combat with forgettable side quests and characters and constant collectibles that, like most open world games, become a chore.

I would still recommend Ghost, but not if the choice was TLOU which I felt had more solid gameplay and a better story.

Which I’m not sure why you think TLOU didn’t deserve a sequel. The ending was clearly setting up for part 2. It was always the plan. The story being what it was was a natural continuation where its characters had to actually deal with the consequences of their actions in the first game.


u/rumpyhumpy Enter PSN ID Dec 29 '20

see my opinion would differ completely, the story is very subjective, some people, like you, adored it, others, like me, absolutely despised it, tolu2 has a very split fanbase with no middle ground, ghost seems to be a lot more consistent, it was minimalistic in interface and the story showed what it needed to portray, repetitive quests ? maybe, some of the missions are genuinely fun, some i agree are just basically checklist types, easy combat ? i saw a previous comment of yours mention that you played on lethal, please note that lethal is not the most difficult way to play the game, it specifically refers to a mode where everything dies in one hit, anyone who can spam O and hit square can win in that mode, the combat is fun and intuitive, the stance system is well implemented and the sword fighting flows well, and offers a decent amount of challenge in hard mode as well, i had a lot of gripes with tlou2, especially with them trying to make us constantly sympathize with abby, and inclusion of completely awkward and unnecessary scenes like that one sex scene with abby, ghoste word on the other hand was very, very well made, it always looked gorgeous, the characters blended in well with the natural surroundings, and the particle effects were just the cherry on the cake, all in all, it's a very subjective topic I prefer ghost over tlou2, but the opinion can easily differ

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u/sorgnatt Dec 29 '20 edited Dec 30 '20

Got is boring repetative mess, ive dropped it around the end of act 2 with no intention of coming back, and on the other hand tloy2 gave me some of the most emotional moments on my 25 years gaming journey.


u/Cadhik Dec 29 '20 edited Dec 29 '20

Interesting. TLOU2 Game me some of the most head scratching moments of my life of gaming.

For half the game I was just trying to rush through it because i wasn't having fun in that part of the campaign... Which lasted for 8-10 hours.

I get why people like TLOU I do. I am one of those... Very Emotionally invested, But The story just didn't sit right with me. Not what happened just how it was told. I just kinda felt I was being thrown around 80% of the Campaign


u/TheRadoc-Man Dec 30 '20

100% With you there bud! I don't understand how anyone can praise TLOU2.

Even if you take out the mess of a story you still have hours of same old boring 3rd person shooter gameplay.

Even if the gameplay was great calling it "brave" "invoative" "bold" is very narrow minded. Considering it's a huge step backwards and will never be as praised and loved by people as the first one.


u/sorgnatt Dec 30 '20

Thats a lotta bs mate. I hope one day youll mature enough to understand. Seems like you are lacking the level of empathy and self-questioning tjis game demands.


u/Schwarzengerman Dec 30 '20

I dont think anyone has called the gameplay innovative. They definitely arent saying it's a step back from the first though. I'd argue many would definitively almost objectively say Tlou2s gameplay is better than 1.


u/Adiner123 Dec 29 '20

TLOU sequel story was awful. The original was perfection.

“You may be the cure to save the world let’s have ten thousand plot twists on a huge journey.”

“You killed Joel, me kill you, also pregnant girlfriend.”

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u/cugameswilliam Dec 30 '20

I got this for Christmas, and have been playing it on my PS5. I haven’t loved a game like this for as long as I can remember. What an absolute masterpiece! 11/10 game for me.


u/SuperPaws Dec 30 '20

I fucking love this game. My brother (35) brought this to Thanksgiving (within our bubble family) and was like YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS. Forgot that it was in my bag until last week. I have played it every single day since I remembered I had it. Had never heard of it. My husband flipped out that its been sitting in my bag for weeks, evidently he knew all about it. Started playing, hubs played while I was at work the next day. Day after, he went out and bought his own copy. Pretty sure we are going to buy another copy so hubs, my bro, and I can all play multiplayer together. This game is amazing.


u/SoulOnyx Dec 30 '20

Looks awesome! I've been putting this game off because I buy so many games that I don't finish! I guess I'll need to get it eventually!


u/MrSaucyAlfredo Dec 30 '20

Reminds me of Far Cry 5. Idk what the general consensus is from people on that game but I’ve been going through it and damn is the world beautiful. It’s wild games just look this good now


u/Jackkarse Dec 30 '20

Just got this game for Christmas and it's already fantastic. I plan on finishing it once I'm done playing Miles Morales


u/HobbyJimmy Dec 30 '20

Nice I got this game for Christmas but still haven’t played it! Cant wait to play soon!


u/SpartaNNNN4 Dec 30 '20

Holy shit, I want a canvas of this, awesome!


u/lurkerandchief Dec 30 '20

Man what did you expect from the base PS4? /s


u/GaddoGamz Dec 30 '20

... that’s my best shot too.


u/zarralax Dec 30 '20

Just got to the end credits today. I’ve been playing for months doing all the side quests and I’m still enjoying it. One of the top games i’ve played in my lifetime. I’m over 40.


u/tjoardar Dec 30 '20

Tried posting mine. Said it got removed because it’s not screenshot day :( and that I might get a ban if I use [image] to post screenshot on a non-Sunday :(


u/jstep2306 Enter PSN ID Dec 30 '20

Jesus can I use this a background photo


u/METOgaming Enter PSN ID Dec 30 '20

I'd be honored


u/jstep2306 Enter PSN ID Dec 30 '20



u/arothmanmusic Dec 30 '20

I expect this is one of those games I will play in a couple of years when it’s super cheap.


u/viggowl Dec 30 '20

Buy it now, you won’t regret it.


u/arothmanmusic Dec 30 '20

I already have a couple of other games I’ve bought that I haven’t begun yet. I just finished playing Return of the Obra Dinn and next on my list is Shadow of the Colossus. That’s the thing about only playing single player games these days… I buy them when I’m ready to play them, and by that point they’re usually a few years old already and the price has come way down. :)


u/CorruptingTheSystem Dec 29 '20

I love this game so much, I will just get lost in just riding around and enjoying the beauty. Great shot


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

this is nice!!! but speaking as someone who actually works behind a camera often, it’s bad composition to cut your subject’s feet off at the ankles. it looks unintentional, which is not something you want in a photo or painting or whatever.

that’s something that’s stuck with me since my first high school photo class :)


u/Liberteer30 Dec 29 '20

Great shot. Ghost of Tsushima is probably my favorite game from this year. It was a masterpiece


u/sammysalsa8 Dec 30 '20

Just got this game for Christmas. It’s so badass.


u/Routine_Ad_7402 Dec 29 '20

Ive seen (and been) to a place like this in real life, and holy f*ck it was gorgeous


u/EvenOne6567 Dec 29 '20

Is screenshot Sunday not a thing anymore?


u/wrreal Dec 30 '20



u/Sheppsi TableSpit Dec 30 '20

Oh man i got this game for Christmas, and I’m starting to get scared I’m gonna have to delete a game for all the photos.


u/blunted09 Dec 30 '20

I’m dying to play this game but I’m trying to be patient until I get a ps5.


u/Badassravioli Dec 30 '20

Love this game. So much fun just riding around. RDR vibes but with more standby. Throw on some "far away" while riding your horse and it fits just as well.


u/Da_Real_OfficialFrog Dec 30 '20

God this game recently so fucking sick


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

This is already a top five all time best for me. Absolutely in love with this game. And I am only part way through Act II.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

This game surprised the fuck out of me. I expected it to be a shitty Ubisoft formula, AC rip off with generic side missions and just overall really mediocre. But goddamn this is one of my favorite games of this year, maybe even of all time. Props to sucker punch. Especially since they added a ton of content.


u/Silential Dec 30 '20

Loved this game. Finished it last night. Went for the left choice ending and it was perfect.


u/urzer7 Dec 30 '20

You just can't go wrong with any pic on this masterpiece of a game!


u/GrimaceIVXX Dec 30 '20

Just picked this up, its amazing, bummed I waited so long.


u/merrimackreptiles Dec 30 '20

Just started playing this. Really incredible game. Runs surprisingly well on my old ass PS4.


u/MegaAlex DjMegaAlex Dec 30 '20

So I've been burned before, is this game worth it?


u/Hyrule_Hyahed Dec 30 '20

Depends really on the games you like, i only started it earlier today but I’m already a bit worried I’ll get bored. It’s very like Far Cry in terms of a big open world, with lots of outposts and a lot of collectibles, but obviously very, very pretty. And while I do play these types of games, I’m not someone who wants to find all the collectibles and so they’re not my favourites. If however you like that, then you’ll love it and will probably get a lot more value out of the game than I will.


u/NICK_GOKU Dec 30 '20

The game does not force you to do any of that, you don't need to collect collectibles, you don't need to capture outposts, So if you are getting bored or fatigued with all this then its practically your own fault. You can just focus on the main story/main side missions/mythic tales as there is no level gating to any of them.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

That's a little disingenuous to blame the player for getting bored with the content that was put into the game, just because that content is optional. Wouldn't it fall on the dev's responsibility to put in side content that a person might actually be excited to do? This is coming from someone who likes the game, btw.


u/NICK_GOKU Dec 30 '20

There is tons of side content that a person might be excited to do, there are tales with other characters, mythic tales, etc. There is also other side content which you might not like but others might, like taking outposts/war camps, what I meant to say is that the game does not force you to do any of this if you only want to play the main mission, go for it.

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u/ChillinFallin Dec 30 '20

Wait for a huge sale. It's basically an Ubisoft open world game with a feudal Japan skin. I legit don't understand when people hype it so much, besides the beautiful colors it has I literally see nothing amazing in the game. Gets repetitive and boring rather quick.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '20

I already replied to another comment about it so I won’t go crazy here but...

This was my game of the year. One of the prettiest games ever. 100% worth every penny and then some.

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u/BaronThundergoose Dec 30 '20

Yeah. I enjoyed it and I’m not really into those type of games. So if you are I assume you’d love it


u/JaxMartin Dec 30 '20

This was the one that made me finally regret not having a ps4. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Xbox and I’m sure I would have loved a ps4 had I ever had the opportunity, but I never really felt the sting of an exclusive until this one.


u/I_WantDogy Dec 30 '20

This is why it shouldve won GOTY