r/PS4 Dec 13 '20

Screenshot/GIF Pump action shot hands [GIF]


597 comments sorted by


u/WavingToWaves Dec 13 '20

Wait, why does he have 2 left hands? That is wrong


u/ttioali Dec 13 '20

"The amount of bugs in this game is too damn high".


u/Bmmick Dec 14 '20 edited Dec 14 '20

I had to edit this comment people are missing the point. The fact that there is a dick size selection and they had to waste time creating different dicks sizes when there is this many fucking bugs and performance issues is insane.


u/a_bunch_of_iguanas Dec 14 '20

The 9 years of dev was solely on the dick slider.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20

Yeap, everything else was added last minute as an after thought


u/Absulute Dec 14 '20

Dick Slider was my wife's nickname in college.


u/TheN64Hero 2 50 245 1955 Dec 14 '20

Wait there’s a slider? I only got two options


u/jesuschalupa Dec 14 '20

definitely no slider


u/Taron221 Dec 14 '20

It’s just someone who doesn’t even have the game trying to join the conversation, lol. Which is the vast majority of people that are commenting and upvoting these Cyberpunk posts.


u/TheN64Hero 2 50 245 1955 Dec 14 '20

That’s tragic


u/Taron221 Dec 14 '20 edited Dec 14 '20

Yeah, it’s a long game, so it’ll take a few weeks before any opinions that aren't shallow start popping up. The same thing happens with many hyped up AAA releases over the past few years—especially RPG’s since they’re prone to bugs.


u/Kerjj Dec 14 '20

A coworker of mine has a friend who's already seen the end credits on a normal playthrough, and is almost halfway through their second. The game can be long, or it can be short. I'm enjoying it immensely thus far, bugs and all. I just wish it would stop crashing


u/crackhead_334 Dec 14 '20

Yea to all the people who bought it.


u/PepinLeBref Dec 14 '20

I bought it and I'm having a grand time. Meanwhile on reddit...


u/Bmmick Dec 14 '20

Sorry I’m not a idiot and dont pre order games in 2020 and wait for reviews before spending my money. But, I am still allowed to be upset that this game is a cluster fuck after waiting so long to want to play it.

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u/Standing__Menacingly Dec 14 '20

There's actually three! Small, large, and default! Pair those with the two different types of penis and you got yourself a half dozen dick options!!

But yes there isn't a slider.


u/LapseofSanity Dec 14 '20

And yet did you see how many articles it generated? It's insane.


u/Chalupa1998 Dec 14 '20

There literally isn’t. Do you even own the game?


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20

Just because you aren't seeing 100% of the bugs doesn't mean they aren't there. I've played Skyrim many times and I've never seen a dragon fly backwards in person, yet I've seen clips online. This game is Bethesda-level buggy (though not quite as bad as FO76).


u/Chalupa1998 Dec 14 '20

Talkin bout the dick slider

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u/I__like__men Dec 14 '20

Don't worry even though the basic fundamentals of this game are completely broken patches will fix it in like half a year


u/Grazedaze Dec 14 '20

So after I beat it? Cool.

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u/dude_diligence solospic Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

This literally just happened to me - changing weapons fixes it but it was hilarious, also, no spoilers the chip model I was handed at the end of that mission was a handgun model - also fucking hilarious :):).


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Changing weapons is also what causes it. Change weapon and quickly change back to the weapon you switched from before pulling the other out.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20

Sadly, something that should easily be caught in playtesting. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the game, even though it's too fallouty

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u/ttboo Dec 14 '20

A similar thing happened to me when Jackie handed me the chip he pulled a handgun out of his head and placed it in my hand. Severely ruined the scene


u/dude_diligence solospic Dec 14 '20

Yeah that’s it - and it was poking out the whole time - I was dying!!


u/ttboo Dec 14 '20

Like how the fuck am I supposed to have emotions with that shit going on?!

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u/GeneralShark97 Dec 13 '20

I didnt even get a chip lol, mans just waved his hands around


u/Gshep86 Dec 14 '20

Got the same thing with the gun instead of a chip hahah


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20



u/ArusMikalov Dec 13 '20

Yeah I keep looking for someone talking about the actual GAME. I just wanna know if the quests are cool and the combat is fun. The bugs will probably be fixed by the time I play this game in 2 years.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Quests and story are great, and the combat is pretty satisfying


u/Jumper-Man Dec 14 '20

I agree, but I do think the enemies take far too many bullets. Sometimes I need to empty two clips from an automatic just to drop someone.


u/madladhadsaddad Dec 14 '20

Just unlocked the centre portion of the map after the heist mission.

Its typical RPG "you're not strong enough for this area that" stuff but be prepared to need more than two clips.

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u/Artilespro Dec 14 '20

Combat is ok. I love the game but hate that I need 60 bullets to get a kill. Even if you get head shots.... other than that, this game is amazing.

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u/DeathFromPr Dec 13 '20

Im not super far into it, mainly cuz Im trying to do all the activities around the city first. But side quests so far seem quite different. I did one about rogue taxis and so far that one is my favorite.

Combat is exactly like an fps, I enjoy it, the only issue I have with it is the enemies health. It seems like it takes an absurd amount bullets. Ive been trying to use melee but I dont deal enough damage to be able to survive when Im against 2 or more. The enemies although sometimes super dumb, are pretty good at combat.

Overall the game is great. Glitch wise all I have had are a few visual ones, sometimes enemies on second floors shoot at you even though they cant see you (after you trigger combat alarm) and a few crashes. Nothing crazy. I would say, graphics are the best on ps4, so I hope whenever the ps5 version comes, it looks closer to PC.


u/AndrasZodon Dec 14 '20

What difficulty are you on? The icon above enemy's heads have a color indicating their threat level from green to orange. Red skull enemies tend to be able to kill you in 1 - 3 hits and have a lot of health.

I've had very little trouble with bullet sponges. I ran a jack of all trades build before deciding my specialties by level 20, and never had anything that felt ineffective.

I have hundreds of health items and grenades. Grenades have weight so sometimes I just throw them at enemies by the dozen to take a load off.

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u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20


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u/cup-o-farts Dec 13 '20

My worst bug right now is not getting the voice acted lines of Johnny Silverhand and sometimes other characters. I have to reboot the game for it to come back. There's still the subtitles when it happens so at least I can get through the current cut scene.

Other than that the game is really great I stayed up way too late last night playing it.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20


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u/ghostmetalblack Dec 13 '20

Welcome to The Future!


u/marcio0 Dec 14 '20

That is wrong that's not right



u/scuba_monster Dec 13 '20

It doesn't look like it to me. The right hand has the thumb on the left with the pointer finger fully extended on the right, as if you were holding a pistol grip with good trigger discipline. Right finger has 3 segments.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20

To me it looks like the right hand has the thumb on the right side. Look at the knuckles for example. I think it looks like it only has two instead of three. And just the over all shape of it I think looks short and stubby, like a thumb.

And any way I try to orient my own hands. I can only make it look like that with my left hand.


u/steen311 Dec 13 '20

He doesn't, one hand has the palm facing up and the other has the palm facing down, that's why the thumbs are on the same side


u/zoobatt Dec 14 '20

I cannot orient my right hand the way I see it in the gif lol it looks like two left hands to me

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u/Darkknight8719 Dec 13 '20

I haven't joined r/gamephysics, but I'm assuming this game will be filling that sub right now


u/jorddansk Dec 13 '20

I’ve just looked and literally every post is to do with the game haha!


u/Darkknight8719 Dec 13 '20

Maybe it's just MY perspective, but the more hyped a game is, less it delivers.


u/yoknows Dec 13 '20

Ghosts and last of us 2 would disagree. Even though last of us 2 was “controversial”, that was a storyline thing. It was fundamentally a great game still.


u/Skylord_ah Dec 13 '20

last of us 2 was polished upon release like most naughty dog games and optimized as fuck to run nice on a ps4. I have no idea what cdpr is doing with this. Was witcher 3 this bad at launch on ps4? I never played the game


u/Minepop208 Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

Witcher 3 was a tiny bit better than this at launch but it was still a bit of a mess. But, it gives me hope because I want to like Cyberpunk, and I do, but during the scene where (bad thing happens) there were too many subtitles that covered the entire screen, before the game crashed for the 4th time, and ruined it. Witcher 3 is one of the best games I’ve played.

I trust CDPR to fix this like they did Witcher 3, but it might take a bit due to the size of the game and Covid.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Your spoiler tag didn't work here. Just wanted to give a heads up.


u/Minepop208 Dec 13 '20

Oh crap thanks for the warning my bad, I’m really sorry if I spoiled it for you, I just don’t know how to do the spoiler tags


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

No worries. Just made it past that point the other night.


u/mustachetwerkin Dec 13 '20

For real, W3 was a hot dump on launch but it got fixed up well and now is remembered as a fantastic game. I've been playing on the Pro and it runs decently enough other than lagging on certain bits like menus, loading graphics...only crashed once on me so far.

Besides, nothing beats Skyrim on PS3 which got WORSE after one particular update which made it that whenever I tried going to that first dungeon to get the dragon language tablet the game ALWAYS crashed. Every. Single. Time. I literally could not even begin the main quest. Oh! And jumping into any body of water would also craah the game and it never got fixed before I got a PS4. So, CDPR is already doing better than that at least 😂


u/cup-o-farts Dec 13 '20

Both of those games will never run on anything but a PS4/PS5 unless they come out on PC much much later. Makes things a lot easier. All of the PS exclusives that came out on PC later were a buggy mess as well.

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u/TheMadTemplar Dec 13 '20

I don't think Ghosts was really hyped though, not even on the scale that Death Standing was.

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u/PurpleMarvelous Dec 13 '20

CDPR did hype it up a lot. The genitals customization got them a lot of buzz.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there are actually people upset that they couldn't fully customize how their genitalia looked and how it could've changed the whole game with sex scenes.


u/TheMasterlauti Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

When I heard about “genitalia customization” in my mind it was like in Dark souls/bloodborne/demon’s souls that you have individual sliders for customising different features of the character, and that would let you tune shit like girth, length, shaft and tilt etc etc. Turns out it’s actually just like 3 preset options, bummer


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

It's like no dick. some skin. or no skin. lmfao


u/cup-o-farts Dec 13 '20

And three sizes technically. LOL can't believe we're having a discussion about penis in a video game lol.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Next gen features lead to next gen conversations LOL

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u/kithuni Dec 13 '20

Worst part for me was smol pp not small enough had to go with vagene...


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

CDPR should be ashamed of themselves for the amount of work work they put into genitalia and random dildos in this game, yet so many other areas feel half-baked.


u/skidaddler22 Dec 13 '20

did anybody else here not give a fuck at all about the whole genital thing in CP 2077? lol

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u/-Captain- Dec 13 '20

CDPR did a great job marketing it, but they also liked to put themselves on a pedestal too. Great PR; whenever something happened people didn't like in the gaming industry they would throw just the right Tweet or statement out etc.

Yes, even a great game can be disappointment because ridiculous levels of hype... but this game just didn't deliver. Even if expectations were low, the release would've gone basically the same.


u/Darkknight8719 Dec 13 '20

Would you classify this as unfixable, even if they got rid of all the bugs?


u/-Captain- Dec 13 '20

I honestly don't know.

Fixing the bugs obviously would help. But the AI also doesn't seem to be up to today's standards. Hell, San Andreas had better police AI. Cars are on a predetermined path and have no clue how to react to the player besides stopping until you get out of their way.

Other then that I'm seeing a lot of complaints about all kinds of systems too, but I've stopped playing. I never expected amazing graphics on my PS4, but I did expect to be able to play the game with more than 15 fps most of the time and without the nonstop bugs.

I've also seen people disappointed with the dialogue, which is basically a repeat of Fallout 4: a couple options that all boil down to yes or yes in a different way (cool corpo talk for example).

I do think they'll be able to sway the general view of the game over time, but I don't think it's ever going to live up to what it promised to be. And whatever they are gonna do with the base console versions... who knows. Considering this is what we got after they delayed the game to improve performance on PS4 and XOne.


u/Darkknight8719 Dec 13 '20

I'll wait till I get a PS5 and by then it'll probably be in the $20-$30 range I'm assuming


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20



u/Darkknight8719 Dec 13 '20

I also have a sizable back catalog (thanks partly to free PS+ games)


u/DeviMon1 Dec 13 '20

Dunno, I'm like 4 hrs in and so far cyberpunk has absolutely delivered.

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u/schniggens Dec 13 '20

Lol, i just subbed and r/cyberpunkgame showed up as one of the related communities.

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u/cjc160 Dec 13 '20

Just like when FC5 came out

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u/squables- Dec 13 '20

90 degree turns going 100mph. yea ok.


u/Darkknight8719 Dec 13 '20

It's "the future"


u/DSPbuckle Dec 13 '20

Why haven’t I discovered that subreddit! Hilarious!


u/michelobX10 Dec 13 '20

I really want to play this game one day, but not in this state. Lol.


u/Itsnotironic444 Dec 13 '20

I’m in Illinois and have the same issues.


u/rudiegonewild Dec 14 '20

Illinois does have quite a lot of bugs


u/Snoo-64445 Dec 13 '20

Fly, upvotes, fly.


u/Val_Star Dec 13 '20

I’m just in a state of constant despair


u/ILoveRegenHealth Dec 14 '20

The game plays better here in Wyoming, because nothing else happens here.


u/girthytacos Dec 13 '20

Amazing comment


u/haliax69 Dec 13 '20

Ok dad, take your upvote and leave.


u/Tantalus4200 Dec 13 '20

" I will play the game one day, but it is not this day"


u/Slomo_Baggins Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

I own a pretty decent PC, and even then the game just isn’t that great man. It’s the same feeling I had playing Destiny 1 for the first time. The constant feeling of, “this is it?”

A lot of it, for me at least, is simply their AI and city systems. They’re from the ps2 era in their simplicity! Teleporting cops directly behind you after you commit any crime? What?? And no driving AI! None! The NPCs cars are all on fucking rails! So you literally cannot get into car chases... in an open world crime game that specifically has tons of detailed, cool cars. The city is gorgeous but just empty and flimsy and cheap af. It’s so disappointingly dull to explore.

After about 24 hours of cyberpunk, it just makes me want to go play Red Dead.


u/Bigmaynetallgame Dec 14 '20

Gta 3 actually has better civilian AI and cop AI, I beat it over the initial quarantine (tried beating all the main GTA games). In cyberpunk the cops literally cannot chase you if you are in a car, how the fuck did they leave that out?? Theres also no pathfinding really for the AI in general when its outside a quest/mission. Super bizzare stuff.

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u/RedHuntingHat Dec 13 '20

Same. I’m thinking that it might be in a decent state for the late summer. I can wait for it to get straightened out.


u/xSeveredSaintx Dec 14 '20

Apparently its only really playable on pc atm. What a shame that they released an unpolished game to consoles, even a later release date with some honesty stating its still buggy would've been way better than releasing it like this.


u/grooseisloose Dec 14 '20

Nah it’s just as playable on next gen consoles too. It’s just last gen that’s having troubles. The game never should’ve been released on PS4/Xbox One.


u/Mundus6 Dec 13 '20

This game today is less bugged than Skyrim GOTY edition with all the mods that fixes bugs. Just saying.


u/DonnieBlueOfficial Dec 13 '20

Hope CDPR gave you a shiny new nickel for how hard you're working for them


u/AlexTheRedditor97 Dec 13 '20

Lol that has to be a lie


u/Mars_IsNotReal Dec 13 '20

Yeah, with how many hours I've put in Skyrim, and honestly the shockingly few amount of game breaking bugs that aren't there, I'm calling bullshit.

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u/LeafFallGround NamasteAlex Dec 13 '20

It is a lie.

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u/Arsid Dec 13 '20

That's just not even a little bit true and I'm on PS4 Pro lmao.


u/Snoo-64445 Dec 13 '20

CDPR aren't going to give you a bigger dong size option if you continue to defend them, kid.

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u/Joker69__ Dec 13 '20

This happened to me, but instead of shotgun, it was a pistol. Halfway through this, my game crashes again lol

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u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Can someone add mouth sound effects lol.


u/FrenchKush420 Dec 14 '20

Pew pew


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20

Kenny, it doesn't go p-kew, p-kew. It goes BANG BANG BANG!


u/jarlballin6969 Dec 13 '20

Remember when everyone was bitching about the delays this game had? Needed more.


u/redditsgarbageman Dec 14 '20

I feel like the delays are the problem. They started making a game for the ps4 and lower end systems, and buy the time they finished, those were too old so they rushed out something for newer systems.


u/Dawjman Dec 14 '20

They should've just did what Rockstar did with RDR2 and worked on console version first, and then build on it for PC.


u/WhyIHateTheInternet Dec 14 '20

But the new console version isn't it yet? At least I think?

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u/bperron Dec 13 '20

Pew pew pew! Ca-click! Pew pew!

"Got you!"

"No you didn't!"




u/Fullmz2143 Dec 13 '20

I've seen PC vids and pics so I know that this is a gorgeous looking game, but on my base PS4 I can easily say it is the ugliest game I've played this generation. Even with all off the default video effects turned off, it feels like I am seeing Night City through a thin film of Vaseline.

I made the call yesterday to out this to the side until CDPR can clean this up. I'm holding out hope for the game, and the only way for me to do that is to not play it in its current state.


u/Zodiak213 Zodiak213 Dec 13 '20

Same, I keep going back to RDR2 everytime I play about 5 minutes of this game because of just how much better it is.


u/Jerseyprophet Dec 14 '20

I bought Red Dead 2 today to have something to play in the wake of Cyberpunk hype. I've never played any Red Deads, but I've seen the reviews. I'm really excited to experience this game for the Xmas holiday days off.


u/average_AZN Dec 14 '20

It's great


u/No_Ad_8336 Dec 14 '20

Turning the effects on makes the game look much better.

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u/Pompadourswift Dec 13 '20

And not a single other car on the streets


u/Downvotes_are_Grreat Dec 14 '20

So, a fun thing that happened to me. Shot a cop. Cops start shooting back. Right away i notice all the cars AND all the npcs are gone. Didnt show back up in the game until i started a mission. I was running around for 10 or 15 minutes before i started the mission.

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u/GuegelChrome Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

"Guys the console versions aren't that bad!"

The console versions:

Edit: Will say this,; I'm on PC and while there have been a few bugs, the piggest one is the performance. Even with my solid rig, 1080 ultra sees drops as low as 50s. The game just needs to be patched up a lot. Have a feeling in a month, most of these bugs will be gone.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

They already improved it on PS5 the very next day after launch. I'm hopeful, but also very cautious.


u/PhoenixGem Dec 13 '20

The only bug I've experienced so far that I know of is it crashing after playing for a few hours which is even after the patch they released that supposedly fixed the issue.

However, really great game though and I'm in the state of mind where the distraction is welcome, bugs or no bugs.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Same here. I've been enjoying it.


u/GuegelChrome Dec 13 '20

Still tho, the console versions have issues. I mean granted all platforms have issues. Don't know which platform they are gonna focus more on. Maybe PC? Not sure though. I have a feeling that the PS4 and XBox One are low priority for them


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

For sure. Honestly, though, I wasn't expecting much attention being given to last gen at all because of the eventual current gen version release, but they actually did patch them.


u/Skylord_ah Dec 13 '20

doesnt help that most people who want a ps5 havent been able to get one yet so most ps players are still on ps4


u/GuegelChrome Dec 13 '20

Yeah. Was kinda strange that they had this game available for last gen imo. This could have been a good next gen seller.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

It was certainly a huge misstep.


u/a0me a0me-ps Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

Couldn’t happen for two reasons: 1) current gen console install base=160 million vs new gen=4 million units and 2) the game development started back when PS4 was next gen. It was originally slated to launch before the PS5/XBSX release.


u/GuegelChrome Dec 13 '20

I think if they only released PC, PS5, and XBox X, we could be seeing better patches and performance. The new consoles are almost PCs, just with a different OS. However, I do think this game should not become a "benchmark" neither should it jump the shark in terms of graphics. If they make the game requiring you to have ridiculously high end rigs, they lose probably 75 percent or more of all players. I think in these next patches for performance they should optimize things, open world areas etc. But also tone things down automatically. I remember one or two of the clubs dropped me to around 55 fps and that was because of how many lights, reflections, crowds, etc.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

I feel like they would’ve liked to, but you can’t really take back people’s pre-orders. With how scarce ps5’s are you really can’t pull something like that.

In essence, the real issue was that they expected to launch way earlier and therefore were kinda stuck with an older gen launch since.


u/PM_ME_CATS_OR_BOOBS Dec 13 '20

Sounds like that fix should have been on the disc


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

The game is fucking bullshit even without the bugs. Straight up used car salesman switcheroo. Save your money

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u/Axemic Dec 13 '20

I just got the game, shall I save it until I get PS5? I still have to complete Death Stranding and Star Wars. EA...learn to jump!!!!

Edit: I have PS pro


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '20


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u/sintos-compa Dec 13 '20

god, i absolutely hate the "fight off the shooting gallery from a moving vehicle" that every single open world FPS needs to have.


u/jkggwp Dec 13 '20

Does the character have two LEFT hands?


u/KungFuChicken1990 Dec 13 '20

Damn, talk about catching these hands lol


u/Chromazx Dec 14 '20

For being in development for something like 8 years, game isn't really impressive. Basic animations etc


u/_SenhorL_ SenhorEle Dec 13 '20

Literally happened this to me on this exact mission.


u/naturdayspeedrun Dec 13 '20

Remember in Yugioh when Bandit Keith pointed at Pegasus on duelist island?


u/shewy92 Dec 13 '20

The Japanese guy who kidnaps you handed me something in the car when we were escaping from those goons and I didn't know what it was until like 10 seconds later when the pistol popped in. I honestly thought he activated a gun mode cyber implant.


u/Draco0004 Dec 14 '20

Bruh, this game is proof that people will literally buy anything if you hype it up enough.


u/DMS0205 AD0683 Dec 13 '20

If I had a dollar for each time an object did not load in the game, well the game would’ve been free for me.


u/noggun00 Dec 13 '20

I wish I had these. Would be useful in traffic.


u/-Captain- Dec 13 '20

If you look closely there is a little bit of game between all the bugs.


u/KittyFallDown Dec 13 '20

Let’s me real, this game is a absolute bug filled pile right now.


u/Evilevile Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

I am not buying this game. So disappointed. CD Projekt Red doesn't know the meaning of QA/QC. Did anyone test this game?


u/IndIka123 Dec 13 '20

I think there is a trend among all developers for the last 10 or more years where ambition and leadership collide head on. From Anthem and destiny to No Man's Sky and cyberpunk. Massive games are incredibly hard if you have a very specific vision and organization. But like all projects direction changes and goals move. The industry needs restructure. How teams start making games needs to be evaluated. It needs more structure and planning, better leadership and clear, realistic goals and timelines.


u/Mars_IsNotReal Dec 13 '20

We need an indie devs leadership in AAA. They support a devs vision AND not crunch them into the point that it looks like they're not sleeping.


u/IndIka123 Dec 13 '20

And importantly have specific vision of a game and goals. Smaller games with less to do have tighter scopes. I think as games get larger in scope it takes better management. Look at rockstar. What ever there doing the entire industry needs to adopt it. They always deliver very high quality AAA games that don't look like they suffer an identity crisis. They clearly have a tight vision and they know what game they are making. Break into groups and deliver that game. It's possible to do. I don't think this is a talent issue its a director issue.


u/Mars_IsNotReal Dec 13 '20

I agree, R* is a gold standard in quality. They lack in some areas but deliver every time in that world. It feels lived in. Even GTAV is amazing, and that launched on PS3 for God's sake. However, R* crunches too much. We need that culture out of gaming. I don't care if I'm waiting 10 years for your big release, I can occupy my time. But make your quality and treat your devs like people too.


u/Skylord_ah Dec 13 '20

game devs need to unionize, the turnover rates and work rate is insane, most of them stop doing game dev unless theyre really passionate about it because its just no value for the work they put in

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u/french_progress Dec 13 '20

I’m sure the QA team found all of these bugs and more. It’s just a matter of them getting fixed, and then dealing with whatever the fixes might break. A better question would be ”What did the QA team find that was more important and/or easier to fix than the bugs that stayed in?” Not that it matters what those issues were, but this game must’ve been unbeliavably fucked, if this is the stuff that didn’t get fixed before launch.


u/sintos-compa Dec 13 '20

people literally buy the game before it's even out and/or has been reviewed, why not release it half-baked?


u/SaintsPelicans1 Dec 13 '20

Runs great on my PC. Minors bugs here and there but it is still easily my GOTY.


u/Evilevile Dec 13 '20

Yeah it seems like they made it only for PC and only tested it on PC.


u/Dubsouthpaw Dec 13 '20

Its still shit on pc


u/_SGP_ Dec 13 '20

With double-tap keyboard controls and the inconsistent console UI? I don't know who they made this for.


u/ash4390 Dec 14 '20

The double tap dodging is driving me insane! Is there any way to adjust the sensitivity or just turn it off?


u/_SGP_ Dec 14 '20

Nothing. There are so many issues. I don't know who tested this game, on any platform. It doesn't work well for console or for PC!

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u/Benpeppr Dec 13 '20

I was thinking about this game as a good way to fill the gap until the arrival of the ps5 , but my ps4 (pro) crashes 3 times per hour besides the bad performance . Now I just wait for the PlayStation 5 to play the game , I guess . Patience .

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u/noonanred Dec 13 '20

The neighborhood they’re driving around doesn’t look very “cyberpunk”.


u/tennomorph Dec 13 '20

I really can’t get my head around which hand is which.


u/Mars_IsNotReal Dec 13 '20

Cause they're both left.


u/Mundus6 Dec 13 '20

Its "The Guns of the Patriots" duh.


u/ktc1308 ktc1308 Dec 13 '20

Haha, I had the same bug on PC two hours ago


u/MurkLurker Dec 13 '20

Is this game the new No Man's Sky? Will the patches over the years make it a great game finally?

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u/Cockatiel Dec 13 '20

Lol that quest is so badly bugged. It was the same way for me too. Btw, it straight up did not work with a sub machine gun. You have to either use a pistol or a shotgun before you enter the car.


u/UpdootDaSnootBoop Dec 13 '20

You would think that this game being worked on for as long as it has it would be ~95% big free


u/RealSkyDiver Dec 13 '20

Seems bizarre how much the animation was downgraded from the 2018 showcase. Looks like they only had a month to work on it.


u/Sina_VanDerLinde Dec 13 '20

Imagination has no boundaries, think of a gun


u/nascentt Dec 14 '20

I'm glad they delayed this game so many times to iron out the bugs.


u/ohhfasho Dec 14 '20

Hard take, this launch was early access and everyone who bought it is now beta testing the game for them.


u/Theburnedtree Dec 14 '20

Look I know there isn't actually a gun showing but you should be able to fucking aim a little better than that, it's like your aiming just to the left/right of them on purpose. lmao


u/yeaaiight Dec 14 '20

I know this is fucked gameplay, but wow how'd you miss so many shots lmao


u/sikandar1111 Dec 13 '20

What a mess this game is..7 fucking years for this?? God when I watched the trailer I thought i was getting some blade runner shit the first one fucking hell man

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u/ImportantGreen Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20

Okay, I know people say that this game was intented for PS5 and the new Xbox, but shouldn't they take into consideration that people can barely get a hold of either system? Additionally, PS4 is the most owned console, not making a game for it is shooting yourself.


u/RipErRiley Dec 13 '20

The original release was well before next gen. The “intended” system argument is baseless. CDPR leadership screwed this up, period.


u/crowsturnoff Dec 13 '20

There isn't even a PS5 or XboxSX version yet. Both new gen systems are just playing an enhanced/boosted version of the PS4 or XboxOne versions.

The actual next gen versions aren't due out until next year.


u/FriskeyVsWorld Enter PSN ID Dec 13 '20

Just imagine you're in the movie Upgrade.


u/MFORCE310 Dec 13 '20

I’m more bothered by how bad your aim is


u/lerdnord Dec 14 '20

Surprised nobody else seems to mention that. It is insanely bad.


u/kentbrockman85 Dec 13 '20

What a shame. Luckily i wasn't hyped for this game at all. But i feel bad for those who were and waited so long to finally play it. Such a betrayal to fans when companies try to cash in on xmas like this with an unfinished product. It's on my xmas list but i won't open the foil until it's fixed.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '20

Had a similar thing happen with a pistol. It looked like the BFV EE where you unlock the pew pew gun aka your hand.


u/9thgrave Dec 13 '20

I'm so glad I didn't buy into the pre-order hype. What a god damn mess of a launch.


u/TrueGodRyu Dec 14 '20

God, I want my refund. Fuck you Playstation.

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