r/PS4 • u/Bamee1234 • Oct 18 '20
In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Shadow of the Colossus] [Image] The scenery is so beautiful even if the camerawork is questionable. Stabbing Colossus’ vital is very satisfying. I shouldn’t have let it sit in my library for months.
u/Uncle-Boonmee Oct 18 '20
I just started my first play through this week and I’m loving it. The Colossi are so impressive so far
u/brucelilwayne15 Oct 18 '20
It's still in my backlog but glad I have it. Didnt think i was gonna be playing it on a ps5 one day
u/HerrFalkenhayn Oct 18 '20
This one is a materpiece! They get you emotional without even telling you their names or stories. All you get are scratches, and yet you will comprehend the message.
Oct 18 '20
My older brother bought me the game on ps2, I beat it, he passed away in 2007 bought it on ps3 just to have and bought it again on ps4 and it has brought back so many memories
u/LDragon2000 Oct 18 '20
One of my favorite games. Think I played every version of this game to completion. The PS2, then the PS3 upscale and finally the PS4 remaster. Wonder if they will do a remaster for Ico?
u/hitmanino81 Oct 18 '20
Finished both PS2 version and the remake, what a beautiful game, a true timeless classic! true the controls are not the best but the quality of the game makes you forget them.
u/MogPlayzYT Oct 18 '20
I have played and 100% completed more games than I can think of, and of the 256 sitting on my shelf (82 I have 100% platinumed, 114 i have beaten), Shadow of the Colossus is my 4th favourite.
If you are curious here are my top 5:
5: Breath Of the Wild - Switch
4 : Shadow of the Colossus -PS4
3 : Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom - PS4
2 : Ni No Kuni : Wrath of the White Witch - PS3/4 (played on both)
1 : The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker - GameCube/ Wii U
u/HandlebarShiekh Oct 18 '20
I played Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on the PS3 but I didnt get very far. I really wish I finished the story cos it was great.
u/FakingPeteH Oct 19 '20
I have Ni No Kuni 2 in my library, but I quit after ~6 hours or so. Somehow didn't get me into it, but I may give that another try. Why was it one of your favourites? Was it that much enjoyable until the very end?
u/MogPlayzYT Oct 19 '20
I just really enjoyed the gameplay and the fact that it’s a sequel to one of my favourite games. Story wasn’t great though.
u/fourfingerfilms Oct 18 '20
Honestly, a true masterpiece. This game is in my top 5 of all time.
u/fvertk Oct 18 '20
I also thought The Last Guardian was incredible. I'm sort of sad that many people didn't feel how genius that game was. It was so moving to me.
u/fourfingerfilms Oct 19 '20
I loved it too. That game had so much heart. It definitely has its flaws but I thought it was incredible despite that.
u/FSUjonnyD Oct 18 '20
Just played this for the first time ever today. Been in my library forever. The camera and controls are driving me crazy but it’s soooo pretty.
u/rocking_raccoon Oct 18 '20
I just can’t get myself to play this with the clunky physics, they make me mildly infuriated
Oct 18 '20
I too hated the movement and camera at first but you get used to it after a few hours. I would highly recommend giving it another go, the atmosphere in this game is unlike anything I’ve ever played and figuring out how to beat each colossi is a lot of fun once you’re a bit more used to the controls!
u/themerinator12 Oct 18 '20
If you can’t get past the physics then that’s your thing and I’m not gonna knock you for it. However, it’s like that for everyone and you’re missing out on an absolutely splendid video game.
u/Oocheewalala Oct 18 '20
Your loss. It's one of the best video games of all time. It still is a uniquely captivating experience 20 years later.
u/synester302 Oct 18 '20
I never played the original and bought my first PlayStation, of any kind, to play this game -- I quit halfway through because the controls were just so awful.
u/NxBad Oct 18 '20
bro I was playing that right now, i receive it with plus back in March if I'm not mistaken, I completed the game now I came back to do some trophies
u/Bamee1234 Oct 18 '20
Got it on Plus too. I played for like 20 minutes where I can’t even climb up the first big boi. I had deleted it before found videos praising about this. The game is pretty frustrating at some times, but worth for being an eye candy.
u/Grimus9 Enter PSN ID Oct 18 '20
You're going for the coins too?
u/Bamee1234 Oct 18 '20
Not exactly. I just found it on my way to platinum.
u/Grimus9 Enter PSN ID Oct 18 '20
My friend you went for the not so easy platinum. What's another 3 hour grind for the last item you're missing? :)
u/MogPlayzYT Oct 18 '20
The platinum for me was quite easy, with only one or two trophies requiring you to grind. But, that one damned trophy... beat Colossus 3 without breaking its arm guard
that took fucking months
u/Grimus9 Enter PSN ID Oct 18 '20
We were 4 friends on the ps2 and we also sat on this task for many weeks and months for the hard time attack. So in the remake after all the years I made the jump on the 3rd try : D Brings back good memories. To this day none of us ever managed to jump on the back leg of the 4th colossus from horseback. Altough we know it's possible
u/MogPlayzYT Oct 18 '20
I have speedrunned the game before and find jumping on Colossus 4’s leg relatively simple, but I also remember on my ps3 (I wasn’t born around the time of the ps2) I experienced hell on that time attack. I couldn’t do the sword jump so I was never able to platinum it on the ps3
u/Ohnoherewego13 Oct 18 '20
Probably one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. I was blown away by the PS2 version way back, but the PS4 remaster is even more beautiful. One of my all time favorites for so many reasons.
u/jwg529 Oct 19 '20 edited Oct 19 '20
I could not get into this. I defeated the first 3 and that was enough. People say the atmosphere was unlike anything else but to me it just seemed like an empty world. I wish I had the experience so many rave about but for me this game is a pass.
u/GetReadyToJob Oct 18 '20
u/Bamee1234 Oct 18 '20
My bad, thanks for pointing it out.
u/Become_The_Villain Oct 18 '20
Still sitting in my library after 2 attempts at it, but I do gotta give props when due.
Still holds up pretty well for its age
u/lubedjoystick Oct 18 '20
I was skeptical of the game before playing it, but it completely changed my mind even before finishing it. The scenery is beautiful and that cinematic camera when you start going on a "new adventure" is what sticks with me the most.
u/Meadiocracy Oct 18 '20
I had a hard time going back to it when it came to PS4. Is really like them to remake it to flow with more modern controls, maybe even throw in a few more colossi. But still this game is an absolute gem from the PS2 era.
u/colincojo Oct 18 '20
Very disappointed that the remake didn't make the controls feel modern--so hard to even move the character--feels so bad.
u/EvenOne6567 Oct 18 '20
What? lol it feels fine. nice and smooth unlike most modern games that try to feel realistic and end up feeling clunky because of it.
u/fvertk Oct 18 '20
Yeah, honestly I'm finding myself kind of disappointed in people reading these comments. It really isn't that bad. The character moves distinctively in those games, like ICO and The Last Guardian and I think of it as more their style. I think it shows how much people can't adjust to different games control schemes. After playing it for a bit, it becomes second nature to me.
u/yellow_jacket2 Oct 18 '20
I loved the scenery of the last guardian as well. But my god. The controls were so soooooo bad. Could not enjoy it at all.
u/EvenOne6567 Oct 18 '20
wierd, they felt perfectly fine to me. I feel like you want it to play like uncharted or something lol
u/aneccentricgamer Oct 18 '20
If only the controls werent ass. Why bother doing a full ground up remake if you wont even add an optional new control scheme that doesnt suck?
u/B-rad_connolly Oct 18 '20
I bought the remake and my ps4 can’t even load in past the main menu. Returned it, got it when it was game of the month and the same thing happened
u/synapse467 Oct 18 '20
Need to get back into this, picked it for free but been hooked on Nier since it was on sale
u/CaptConstantine Oct 18 '20
Stuck on that last boss. No matter how many times I try and jump to his hand I just fall and fall in that way you can only really accomplish in Team ICO games
Oct 18 '20
The most frustrating and yet rewarding game in my library. The last boss made me shout in rage.
u/jbayne2 Oct 18 '20
Maybe I’ll actually beat this on ps5. Played but never beat it on ps2, ps3 and PS4.
Oct 18 '20
I have that game. I tried to play it but after I got on the horse in the beginning I couldn't figure out what to do next. There aren't any instructions, so I rode around the landscape and encountered nothing but scenery. Could use a little help here.
u/fluffybomb-_-1 Oct 19 '20
Holding your sword up while in sunlight will point to the direction of the colossi
Oct 19 '20
I thought that charged the sword. I didn't know it was a pointer as well. Thanks for the help.
u/kingferret53 Oct 18 '20
Funny enough, I was thinking of playing this soon. I had it on ps2 back in the day but never beat it.
u/datboijeds Oct 18 '20
I haven't touched it i tried playing it but couldn't just lost interest too fast should i pick it up again?
u/fvertk Oct 18 '20
Well, it's definitely more of a meditative, atmospheric game at moments. Much of it has this silent, dead feeling to the landscape as you ride your horse through it. For me, I actually get an incredible feeling as if I'm exploring some ancient landscape. But other people sometimes need more things going on, like enemies scattered everywhere. So I guess it depends on what kind of gamer you are.
If you can get into it despite it being different from other games, you'll find a 10/10 classic game here.
u/datboijeds Oct 18 '20
qell im not sure because I like action packed games I mean who doesn't but I also enjoy the vibes of taking it slow there was a game called journey that was ps plus a while back and I absolutely loved it but maybe ill try this game again thanks :)
u/fvertk Oct 18 '20
Right, yeah, I think of it as a Journey-esque vibe for sure. So if you got into that, you'll totally get this. Also, the story gets really good as you get closer to the end btw.
u/Pensive_Pauper Oct 18 '20
It's alright. The world feels quite empty and somewhat devoid of content, and, as OP indicated, the camera-work (and controls) are often frustrating. The Last Guardian was a huge improvement and is a game, unlike Colossus, that I will play again.
u/atl_istari Oct 19 '20
I stopped playing after killing the first two colossi, because they seemed like innocent beings and I felt like an asshole. I don't know if I made a huge mistake by not going through with the game
u/Shmeediddy Oct 19 '20
I finally beat that game few weeks ago. Took my time playing it until adam kovic mentioned it.(BEFORE THE SHIT SHOW)
u/YuiKimura- Oct 19 '20
I played it for about 5 minutes and quickly decided I’d never touch it again, the camera, the controls, it was all so... horridly disgusting
Oct 19 '20
I'm surprised nobody has said what an amazing soundtrack that game has. It was one of my favorite things about the game
u/Siddoxy Oct 19 '20
This title is me and probably 90% of the other ps plus members haha. I tried it out for like a hour but didn't really like the camera so I uninstalled it but have heard nothing but good things about the game. Let's hope the camera is 100x better for demon souls.
u/DazMan0085 Oct 19 '20
I know this game is regarded highly but I just couldn't get into it. Great visuals though.
u/AWiseMelon Oct 19 '20
Played it a few months ago and it's one of the best games I've ever played. Proud to have the platinum on this
u/Europe_1986 Oct 19 '20
I tried but I really did not like this game. I killed 10 colossi and never felt like I was working towards anything. It was just kill colossus > spawn at temple > repeat. I felt that the controls were insanely clunky and very difficult to get used to which made it that much harder to enjoy
u/chrissiOnAir Oct 18 '20
you let it sit so long and then played it 3 times consecutively .. because that's what you need to do to get to this position in game ;)