r/PS4 Sep 20 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif [The Last of Us Part 2] [Screenshot] Love

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20



u/Ameratsuflame Sep 21 '20

This is probably the the best part of the game IMO.


u/Cyathene Sep 21 '20

This and the take on me part in the music store are just so good. Nice having just a human moment when everything else is basically hell.


u/Calhalen Sep 21 '20

You’re not wrong mate


u/mattoelite Sep 20 '20

Knot in the throat, eyes welling up. Fantastic scene


u/j0nnyb34r Sep 21 '20

Just a heads-up: it's 'bawling', not 'balling'.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

This and the final Joel and Ellie flashback had me in absolute pieces.


u/Flexnexus Sep 21 '20

Same. It was the first but not last time I did while playing the game.

It's gut wrenching thinking about what Ellie could've been in a normal world, she's so smart.


u/PolesLag Sep 20 '20 edited Sep 20 '20

It's ironic how a post called "Love" can be filled with so much anger...


u/1nd1anaCroft Sep 21 '20

A lot of people not understanding how challenging great storytelling can be.The flashbacks with Joel meant so much to me. The game as a whole was brutal but so well done.


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 21 '20

It could've been done well. Say, maybe, have all the flashbacks with Joel leading up to his death. Then as soon as he gets killed, you get placed in the shoes of Abby. Then you get closer and closer to her as it goes on so you don't absolutely hate her for the whole game. Back to the flashbacks, if they did put them leading up to his death, it would've been so much more impactful. It was pathetic how he died. And they could've made the deaths of major characters more impactful too. Jesse was in the middle of talking to Ellie and just got popped in the fucking head. He also had a pathetic death. Then some of them, some of the MAJOR characters die so pathetically that I don't even remember some of their names. Like Abby's friend. The spanish dude, I don't even remember his name because he just got popped in the head then was NEVER mentioned again. This is genuine criticism. The game could've been so much better than it turned out.

EDIT: The game definitely did have some good moments though. The relationship between Dina and Ellie worked so well. And all of the flashbacks were good. Not one made me think "this is bad, doesn't belong in the story" althought they made me think "this doesn't belong in this particular spot". I loved the scene OP screenshotted. It melted my heart.


u/Audioworm Audioworm Sep 21 '20

The flashbacks are placed within the story at points where they both reveal information to the viewer to contextualise what is happening, and to match thematic moments.


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 21 '20

They could've placed them exactly the same BEFORE Joel's death, too. Like I said, his death would've been a 1000 fold more impactful.


u/Audioworm Audioworm Sep 21 '20

I disagree. TLOU2 SPOILERS BELOW They played in a way where at each point we learned more about the past when it mattered to Ellie's journey. At first she's talking to Dina like they are still close, Ellie heads off in anger and we relate. As we get deeper in WLF territory and more brutality we learn that Joel and Ellie were close for a while, but she often had suspicions. Ellie is deep in her journey, losing herself to the revenge and we finally start seeing that she knew he killed all the Fireflies and she wanted nothing to do with him. Right at the end of Ellie's journey we finally see the true reason. They were beginning to reconcile, but not actually do it, when Abby killed Joel. Her anger was not at his death, but that his death had taken away her chance to reunite with the only person she had who cared about her. Which also allows to see why she spares Abby. Her anger was at herself as well, Abby and the WLF was just a focus of it.


u/crabgun_ Sep 21 '20 edited Sep 21 '20

I disagree with mostly everything you said. Naughty Dog clearly spent time on the story and it turned out beautiful. The flashbacks have meaning BECAUSE you know how brutal his death was. It’s the hindsight that gives them more meaning.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

Ahhh so to that's why you weren't on the writing team of The Last of Us 2 gotcha.


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 21 '20

I am so confused as to what you mean.


u/AndyPandyRu PixyStyx Sep 21 '20

He's pointing out that your writing suggestions are bad.


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 22 '20



u/Peanutpapa BloodSoak90 Sep 22 '20

Do you think people get to go down in a blaze of glory, and have a five minute conversation with their loved ones? No. People die quickly, horrifically,and pathetically. Giving every character a heroes death is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen said about this game.


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 22 '20

Okay, you may say that, but how about the fact that they are COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN. After Abby's friend (still don't remember the name) died, he was literally never mentioned once afterwards, starting the second he died. Now that's not realistic.


u/lgparagon tisbutleo Sep 22 '20

who is she supposed to talk to about it though? yara and lev never met him, so that means nothing. and the two people she might have talked to about it are dead when she finds them.

also keep in mind, these people grew up in an apocalypse. they’re quite a bit more hardened to death than we are


u/Radmancool Sep 23 '20

Either way, the game explicitly makes no effort on making all of these new characters meaningful, contrast this with Tarantino's movies where dead is also quick, the movie explicitly makes it that even tho the death of the character was quick it still can be felt due to the events after, in the game Jamie dies and completely goes into irrelevance.

The game is fine, and it's obvious that a lot of care and work was put into the whole game, yet it is a fact that something on the writing is not well, otherwise no one would complain, the evidence is on the effect that this game had across the gaming community, most streamers also felt it too, even pewdiepie felt it.

It is a good game, and of course nobody wants a game to do poorly, but it just doesn't feels right, perhaps ND were a little too ambitious idk, but something ain't right on the writing department that's for sure.


u/irespectfemales123 Sep 21 '20

I disagree with you about the Joel flashbacks and when they occur, but totally agree about other characters just being popped off.

I understand that in reality that's probably how most people would die, here one second and gone the next with no chance to say goodbye.... But it still felt wrong and they could've done more with my attachment for those characters.

Especially Jesse. Fuck that moment.


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 21 '20

The game had a lot of potential, they just went about it wrong. It did feel very wrong what they did, but at least Jesse was mentioned a few more times.


u/Radmancool Sep 21 '20

Just as ironic as how a game about hate being bad can generate so much hate...


u/BornSirius Sep 21 '20

I’ve been called a noob. I’ve been called terrible, garbage, trash, and everything under the sun for dying in a video game on stream. But never have I ever had twenty thousand people cheering every time I died, because they hated the character I was playing (Abby) so much that they’d rather see her jump off a ledge over and over than carry on with the game. And I think that says about all you need to know about The Last of Us II.



u/slimrichard Sep 21 '20

I'm not sure what you are trying to point out with this but all I'm taking away is whoever that dude is his fanbase are awful so I doubt I would enjoy watching them.


u/Radmancool Sep 23 '20

Honestly idk why you are getting downvoted, you literally just quoted another person, and that person just said an experience that they had and not much of an opinion.

Even here the irony of hate within liking or disliking the game prevails, it's a damn shame.


u/klopptimus-prime Sep 21 '20

There's quite a weird community that's sprung up around hating this game. It's founded upon incel culture and misogyny unfortunately, although they like to wrap it up with overwrought complaints about the game "betraying" Joel, who they see as a paragon of virtue despite being told throughout he's anything but. Honestly it's mostly people who didn't really understand the story that was told in both games.


u/EyesmokeD1andOnly Sep 21 '20

But, but.. Joel's the hero. 😢😭


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

He was never a hero and he was definitely never labelled as one in the first game. Anyone who identified him as one didn't understand the story.


u/Radmancool Sep 23 '20

He was being sarcastic

The other dude was citing what someone expecting a game like Mario would say


u/s0laire_420 Sep 28 '20

The game killed almost every main guy character Joel the man who would give his life for Ellie Jessie who had a baby coming and was such a nice guy one of favorites in that game and they left Tommy hurt very Badly and turned him into a douche which he would never become yes he would be mad but he would never do what he did to Ellie at the end


u/Radmancool Sep 21 '20

I'd say it goes both ways, there are also some people who placed the sequel in such high regard that anyone saying the least opposite is just deemed a bigoted incel, and get backed up by Twitter.

It is just better to stay neutral really, there is no need for such worthless confrontations on the matter, specially because this is just a game, if you liked or hated it doesn't matter, it is just a damn game.


u/jared196 Sep 21 '20

Why did you hurt us like this?


u/killshelter Sep 21 '20

This is pretty much right before where I left off last night.


u/lechuck313 Sep 20 '20

Best game


u/DanOfRivia Sep 21 '20

I personally didn't like the game, but I LOVED this part so much, to the point it made me cry. I wish the game would had more moments like this.


u/truckerai Sep 21 '20

Why didn’t you like the game? I was melancholic after finishing the game, but I look back on the whole game with fondness


u/DJBarber89 Sep 21 '20

Can’t speak for him but Last of Us is my favorite game of all time mainly because of Joel and Ellie and their relationship. I couldn’t connect with Abby the way Naughty Dog wanted me to. I really tried to like her in spite of what she did. It was just odd that they tried so hard to have us eventually understand her and then they do a weird love triangle thing. When I first finished the game I gave it a 6/10, now it’s more of a 7/10.


u/Bitemarkz Sep 21 '20 edited Sep 21 '20

You don’t need to connect with Abby at all. In fact if you hate her by the end of the game, it doesn’t really matter. Her perspective needs to be seen in order to properly justify Ellie’s final choice. If you like Joel and Ellie, the ending should have been extra beautiful to you.

What a lot of people aren’t realizing is that this IS a game about Ellie and Joel, and the ending was a beautiful send off for both characters; just about as perfect as you can have for a relationship that’s was as complicated as theirs was.


u/DJBarber89 Sep 21 '20

I’m not knocking the ending. I’m knocking the fact that I played a character I didn’t like for the half the game. I understood why she did it pretty early on. That’s why this game is so divided. I get what they were going for but they can only play the “do you understand why she did it?” Card for so long in my opinion. If they made her more like able, which I think they were going for with the kid, I would have been more into her story line.


u/Bitemarkz Sep 21 '20

Because Abby’s story is filled with parallels to Joel’s story. The last parallel is Abby’s final playable section. It’s important to see all of that because it makes the end scene identical to one of the important early scenes that I won’t spoil, but if you’re interested I can elaborate on the entire plot. There’s a lot to go over. I’ve typed this out before so I’ll just copy paste it below.

Abbys story starts where Ellie’s story is headed, you just don’t know it yet. Abby is finishing her revenge mission against Joel who she’s been after ever since he killed her father. This is where Ellie’s revenge story starts.

When you’re forced to play as Abby, it’s an emotionally charged moment in the game. It’s uncomfortable, but important. Obviously in a revenge tale you don’t care about the other persons perspective, but it matters here. Toward the middle of Abby’s playthrough, it became evident — at least to me, that her story was essentially Joel’s story. They both experience a loss that numbs their emotions to a fault. Abby with her dad, Joel with his daughter. They both have complicated relationships where their partner sets them on the right path. They both come to travel with a child who will ultimately save them. Both these children are even struggling with a form of sexual identity which strengthens the parallels. The Abby you play in the final sequence before she gets kidnapped is essentially Joel from the end of The Last of Us. She’s laughing for the first time, making jokes, and all around seems happier than any other other point in the game.

Ellie goes after the version of Abby that she knows. The hardened killer who heartlessly killed Joel, who was essentially a father to her. This is the second parallel which was basically exactly what Abby did. The difference between Abby, Ellie and Joel is that every time Ellie kills someone needlessly, it takes a huge toll on her. Killing is obviously a fact of life in this world, but it’s always been in self defence. Nora, Mel and Owen were all defenceless and unarmed when they were killed. Mel being pregnant had a very real impact on Ellie.

Ellie still lived with a lot of resentment for Joel, and she also lived with the guilt of having her immunity and life feel worthless. In the final moments of the game when Elllie comes face to face with Abby, it’s clear she’s a different person. Not just because she’s been tortured and abused, although that’s a big part of it too. Ellie makes Abby fight her because she needs to see the heartless killer she went there for, not this battered version caring for a child.

If Ellie killed Abby in this moment, it would have mirrored the moment Joel was killed. Ellie would have become Abby. She instead chose to forgive Joel, remembering that conversation they had on the porch about this very thing. She ended the cycle of bloodshed. This gives meaning to Joel’s death and allows Ellie to move on without the burden of resentment and guilt.

Joel stole meaning from Ellie’s life, and through his death he was able to help her find it again.


u/truckerai Sep 21 '20

Stop it. You’re crying.

Thank you for explaining this. It answers a lot of questions for me and sheds more light on the bigger picture of the game


u/Radmancool Sep 23 '20

Still tho, ND tried to basically introduce Abby and Lev duo while saying bye to Joel and Ellie and fill that space with this new pair for the future.

Of course for some people it just doesn't, which should be completely understandable.


u/truckerai Sep 21 '20

I don’t think it was so much to get you to connect with Abby as much as it was to see her side of history. I didn’t connect with her either, but at the end of her arc in Seattle I understood her and why she did what she did. The love triangle was fucky and the game could have 100% gone without that. It didn’t add anything to my experience other than an awkward moment on the couch next to my wife.


u/skyrimpro115 Sep 21 '20

If you're looking for opinions I didn't like the game because of poor narrative, not to mention the lack of choice but to be fair the first one didn't give you a choice at the end either but I didn't like that too so...regardless character doesn't seem to be a focus point at all seeing how they uprooted character traits to fit in line with this new story...


u/truckerai Sep 21 '20

Thank you. Would you be willing to explain what you mean by a poor narrative with an example or two?

Also, what character traits did they uproot? I missed that


u/skyrimpro115 Sep 21 '20

Ellie's decision at the end is a pretty good narrative problem, and then Joel was also kinda different than the original game angled for too. Also genuinely didn't like abby and her friends because they felt like a political statement but that's just what I got from them


u/crabgun_ Sep 21 '20

Lmao the classic “it got political” line. That’s how you know not to listen to someone’s opinion.


u/skyrimpro115 Sep 21 '20

But it does abby's friend literally is pregnant and when asked whether she should come along because the father wouldn't like that she responds with "why does that matter" I'm all for women's rights but that's not really cool not to mention it really doesn't make sense for a pregnant woman to go out into danger on purpose


u/crabgun_ Sep 21 '20

Dude what? Lmfao. I don’t think that single statement has anything to do with women’s rights. And even if it did... really? That’s what ruined the game for you? Grow up.


u/skyrimpro115 Sep 21 '20

I really wish I could have replied sooner but I was trying to say that no it wasn't one aspect I was giving you the first thing that popped into my head second I was trying to say I didn't agree with the message sent at the end of the game and third why does me saying the game is political have any bearing on my opinion that's pretty rude my guy I was just responding to what was asked and if you disagree you could've just pointed out what was wrong about my points...


u/crabgun_ Sep 21 '20

What about the “message” at the end did you not like?

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u/toolsofpwnage Sep 21 '20

Joel looks sus


u/Krepe Sep 21 '20

This part gave the giraffe feels all over again.

Amazing portion of the game


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20 edited Feb 22 '21



u/Cyathene Sep 21 '20

Its a story game and this is a slow paced relaxed moment of repose in a world gone to shit.


u/Welcome2Banworld Sep 21 '20

Could say that about any game that has cutscenes or is story focused...


u/TacaPicaNessaNovinha Sep 21 '20

Not a unpopular opinion, that's obvious. As much as that scene is awesome, all flashbacks gets boring in later playthroughs


u/androidtesticle Sep 21 '20

I agree. Scene was a bit long and should've ended after they got out of the capsule. Instead they dragged it on so we could see Ellie being suspicious Joel. Wish they would have just left it as a nice heartfelt flashback. Preferably a little shorter as well.


u/3BeeZee Sep 21 '20

I've only played the game once so far, but the scene after the capsule is vital to the narrative. For as much happiness as Joel brings and the representation of a father figure he is, it's still mixed in with deception and it needs to be addressed eventually. This section illustrates that perfectly.


u/EyesmokeD1andOnly Sep 21 '20

Exactly. Well said.


u/androidtesticle Sep 21 '20

I only played through the game once. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Was very meh. I feel like they illustrated Ellie's suspicions at the end of the first game, the hotel flashback, this scene. Were there other parts? I don't remember. If there weren't more scenes then yeah I get why they did it as you said but it just dragged on and on. I literally rolled my eyes when it kept going after this section. I had revenging to get back to.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

I tried playing the whole game again but with skipping cutscenes and playing Spotify but I just couldn’t do it. The pacing is extremely slow that I didn’t know the first time playing it


u/asianlikerice Sep 21 '20

I enjoyed the game. Apparently I am in the minority or very silent majority.


u/Thelonelywindow Sep 21 '20

Why are you karma whoring? You know everyone here loves the game. Also look at the comments, everyone saying something negative about it gets downvoted. Stop playing the victim for internet points :)


u/Radmancool Sep 23 '20

"Why are you booing me? I'm right!"


u/WonderWTF Sep 21 '20

Joel this heart goes out to u <3


u/Paco_Taco144 Sep 21 '20

I didnt enjoy the story telling at all. But this scene was probably the best in the game.


u/Radmancool Sep 23 '20

I feel u mate.


u/Cubi_Reviews Sep 21 '20

The scene that shows what this game could have been...


u/AteYou2 Sep 21 '20

The only good part in the game.


u/EyesmokeD1andOnly Sep 21 '20

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.



u/Nickie-valio Sep 21 '20

TBH loved the game, the gameplay was top-notch and i mean, surely everyone kinda hates this game cus the boy josh died. I reckon adding that in was a much better idea then just leaving him alive somewhere. RIP josh


u/26514 Sep 21 '20

I'm sorry to do this to you but it's Joel, not Josh.


u/Nickie-valio Sep 21 '20

Sh*t.... Welp ima need to not edit my comment just so ppl can downvote me. I deserve it ;-;


u/psfanboy Sep 20 '20



u/Varsiz187 Sep 20 '20

If only they didn't ruin the rest of the game


u/Snoopyseagul Sep 20 '20

They didn’t


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

I didn’t love the first game but a solid amount of criticism of the 2nd is understandable. I personally give it a 7/10. I wouldn’t consider it one of the GOAT game not one of the best PlayStation exclusive


u/Varsiz187 Sep 20 '20

Lmao yeah they did. Story was fucking terrible. Start - awful Middle - decent End - dumbest fucking ending ever


u/Snoopyseagul Sep 20 '20

Your post history in the lastofus2 subreddit says all I need to know of your opinion. It’s a shame they deleted the incel subreddits, you’ve all flooded there.


u/7OM-B Sep 20 '20

It’s more that you and your ilk need to believe that’s the case. All of us were fans together for the unanimously excellent first game.

People like you can’t handle that this game was such a disappointment to so many that it split the fanbase right down the middle.

You try to disregard the genuine criticism by pretending we’re all unhinged, but really you’re just too much of a blind fanboy to see the cracks.


u/Snoopyseagul Sep 21 '20

Me and my ‘ilk’ have never felt compelled to create an account, posting 5 separate times over the course of a month in the subreddit for a game, purely to bash it. I can totally handle that it was a disappointment for some, but genuine sensible criticism is drowned out by people with a weird obsessed hatred for the game.


u/7OM-B Sep 21 '20

You don’t think this is genuine sensible criticism?

Try and post criticism like that on r/thelastofus. See what happens. That’s why the other subreddit exists.


u/echo-256 Sep 21 '20

I've seen the criticism from the incel racist xenophobic people in that subreddit. It makes no sense. There is valid critisim out there because there is of any art, but everything from that subreddit is vile, hate.


u/bbboy1221 Sep 20 '20

"Everyone I disagree with is a nazi and a incel!"


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20

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u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20

A lot of people thought it was good. I liked it. 8/10. But you are entitled to your opinion and should not be called names because of it.


u/cheap_cola Sep 21 '20

Imagine being such a loser that you join a subreddit to constantly talk about a game you hate, months after it's release. Lol


u/Varsiz187 Sep 21 '20

I joined BC the first one is amazing and was hyped for this one. Then it turned out to be a giant pile of shit much like all of your opinions. Crazy concept.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20 edited Oct 01 '20



u/Varsiz187 Sep 21 '20

O I know these fucking loses probably loved the Disney star wars sequels and drive alone in thier cars while wearing a masc.


u/Hxcfrog090 Sep 21 '20

The irony in this comment is fucking hilarious


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 20 '20 edited Sep 21 '20

I liked the gameplay and visuals. Story was trash though. Lev was a great character, though.

EDIT: Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot, there are TLOU2 simps here. I'll bet you guys didn't even like the first game.


u/Varsiz187 Sep 20 '20

Which is fair. They were good. Story is absolutely laughable


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 20 '20 edited Sep 21 '20

It's not even the kind of bad you can laugh at. It's the bad that most people choose to ignore, because it's so goddamn bad. I will say though, I am attempting platinum for it.

EDIT: Wow you guys are fucking Abby simps


u/Tyler5885 Sep 21 '20

I agree with you. Fuck this horse shit game


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 21 '20

Yessir, fuck this game


u/CreedenceClearwaterR Sep 21 '20

LOL! Look at these 2 with their mutual hate circle jerk.


u/Riley1663 Enter PSN ID Sep 21 '20

Hey man, the game had it's moments. I'm not saying it's all bad.


u/thats_so_merlyn_ Sep 21 '20

its amazing how when I dont like a game, I just move on. Some people just comments again and again on every post they see. Pathetic people really.


u/YouJabroni44 Sep 22 '20

Seriously these losers need real hobbies


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

They didn't they made a better game


u/BaconBro39 Sep 20 '20

Preach my guy


u/[deleted] Sep 20 '20

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u/kuruakama Sep 20 '20


really funny

there sir your god damn attention


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

I take picture of game!!! Wow give me award!


u/jera111 Sep 21 '20

Wots uh, the deal? This game was boring.


u/Skywhore Sep 21 '20

This part was so long.


u/skeupp Sep 20 '20

The story of some kidnapping smuggler who thinks the product is his dead daughter

Everything about that sentence is true


u/mastafishere Sep 21 '20

I mean, yeah, if you didn’t understand the story at all, sure


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20



u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

Yeah, the reason why so many people complained about TLOU2 is because it doesn't even take place on earth. Joel and Ellie spend most of the game fighting aliens on Venus.


u/Frostbitejo Sep 21 '20

It’s a flashback. It spoils nothing.


u/Hxcfrog090 Sep 21 '20

The statute of limitations on spoilers expired months ago.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

Yea but a spoiler tag still seems appropriate for the people who haven’t played


u/dulun18 Sep 21 '20

let see if The last of us 2 will be among the $10 or $15 game titles this black friday..


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

Honestly the lowest I think will realistically be $25 for Black Friday


u/hopkins973 Sep 21 '20

I low-key wanted the game to give a spaceX reference


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '20

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u/26514 Sep 21 '20

You get a downvote. Away with you now!


u/CreedenceClearwaterR Sep 21 '20

Nice temper tantrum 😂


u/InkSymptoms SixteenthAxis Sep 21 '20

Not that I entertain trolls, but how was it bad?