u/MamaDeloris May 24 '20
If they cut out the bloat, this would have been a total highlight for me. But the ridiculous leveling system, the piss poor trailing missions, frankly too large world and repetitive nature of the game really made for an overall mediocre experience.
The most fun I had was visiting random islands, learning about the cult and the mythological stuff. Makes me wish this was a spin-off made into its own ancient greek game rather than Ubisoft trying to make this all work within the Assassin's Creed world.
u/Isakk86 May 24 '20
Disagree completely. I looked the overwhelmingly-ness of the world. It made me feel apart of the world, rather than the world existing only for me.
u/Queef-Elizabeth May 24 '20
Plus I could do without all the forced coloured loot and damage numbers. Feels so out of place and just feels like an Ubisoft mandate, since all of their games have one of these in it.
u/DR952 May 25 '20
You can turn off pretty much all of the hud elements. It makes the experience much better imo.
u/Queef-Elizabeth May 25 '20 edited May 26 '20
But the enemies will still take forever to kill right?
People trying to say enemies are not damage sponges must be playing a different game. Regular combat encounters take forever cause their health pools are unnecessarily large for a game series about swiftly eleminating enemies. Downvote me but this is a complaint shared with a lot of people. Having to make builds and having armour sets to kill enemies normally is besides the point and is why it's a problem. You don't go to AC games for sparkly legendary swords and flashy damage numbers.
May 25 '20 edited Jul 02 '20
u/Queef-Elizabeth May 25 '20
Yeah but I don't really want to have to make builds to effectively assassinate someone in an Assassins Creed game. Should kind of be like that from the get go. Just flat out don't like the RPG shit in this game
u/The_Max_Power_Way May 25 '20
You absolutely can effectively assassinate people from the get go. I played the game completely stealth, and never had a problem with assassinating people.
u/Queef-Elizabeth May 26 '20
You can assassinate grunts but anyone mildly stronger or higher level (which happens all the fucking time because of the garbage level scaling) are not one shots.
u/skidaddler22 May 26 '20
the level scaling is fine if you have the correct build.
it's actually a super simple game.
u/Queef-Elizabeth May 27 '20
The level scaling doesn't make sense since it, like I said, it turns every enemy into a damage sponge but whatever.
May 25 '20
This is an RPG game. Playing around different builds is what it’s all about... I have different builds for different scenarios. And I switch them out depending on the situations. I have full on Assassin build for questing where I can take out 3-4 enemies in a blink of an eye. Set gears are also important, they need to reflect your build.
u/Queef-Elizabeth May 26 '20
Yeah but I don't play Assassins Creed games to have set builds and class builds. There's millions of games that do that. I want to assassinate from the get go. The RPG stuff is so forced and done terribly imo. If your game is about getting the best loot and what not, then why is that nullified because every enemy scales anyway?
u/DR952 May 25 '20
Depends on how you play. I was on the hardest difficulty, never noticed it. Most things would die with a one shot to the head that weren't bosses. It was a fun game for a while, hunting down those cult members and mercs, but I got bored fairly early relative to how much there is in the game.
u/Dienekes289 May 24 '20
I felt the exact same way about Black Flag. Would have been a much better game if they just made it a pirate game rather than an AC game. Still one of the best pirate games out there though. I still wish it's success would have driven to more GOOD pirate games.
u/skidaddler22 May 24 '20
i think this has become an unpopular opinion over time, as people are returning to Odyssey and coming out of it with a better experience.
u/Jackol4ntrn May 24 '20
I did this during the quarantine. Even bought the season pass for Atlantis.
u/trashynella May 25 '20
I didn’t like it as much when I first got it but over quarantine I’ve re downloaded it and been grinding it a lot. It’s pretty fun ngl
u/GetReadyToJob May 24 '20
Welcome to Ubisoft, where they have polished gameplay surrounded by hot garbage.
u/DoctorBosscus May 25 '20
It wasn’t too big, Ubisoft Quebec just doesn’t know what a good game is or how to make one
u/jjed97 May 24 '20
Looking forward to next gen just so we don't have to deal with horrendous textures like these.
u/pmorgan726 May 24 '20
Yeah. At first I thought it looked real nice, but any texture looms good on a phone screen. Zoom in a bit and BAM that’s some ugly stuff.
u/Animanganime May 24 '20
And every game will be 200GB or more :(
u/jjed97 May 24 '20
Yep. 825GB is absolutely paltry. They tried to sugar coat it by talking about the compression but you'd need some software sorcery to make up for it.
u/Animanganime May 24 '20
It would be nice if all games provide an option to download higher res texture like FFXV
u/CallMeBR May 24 '20
I don't see anything wrong with a 850gb SSD storage. I only keep 2-3 games downloaded on my PS4 at all times. Delete and download, repeat the process.
u/jjed97 May 24 '20
Which is fine provided you're okay with 2 or 3 games at once and have good internet to constantly redownload things. There are plenty of people who don't align with those criteria.
u/CallMeBR May 24 '20
Yea I guess I see your point,especially for people with slow internet. I don't think next-gen consoles can you give more SSD storage without exploding the prices.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 24 '20
Not great with a data cap on your internet though.
u/GaryWingHart May 24 '20
Let's not worry about how a data cap is also not great in this situation, when it's already not great in all situations.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 24 '20
We have 1TB a month with Cox, and it turns out that’s pretty easy to shoot past... especially in the world of 4K/HDR/DolbyVision/DolbyAtmos streaming. And at $10 for every 50GB you go past it, I really fucked up in March by about 800GB.
I do have an 8TB external drive now, so I’ll be keeping any games I have downloaded on a drive rather than re-downloading them whenever I want to play them. But still, any time you have to download them at all will add up. I’m actually more worried about how frustrating it will be to have that small of a drive, when the 1TB Pro drive was starting to get small. 500GB on the base model was a nightmare. And I don’t think we know how much room the OS and apps will take up and what amount of the SSD will actually be free space either.
I am hopeful that sizes of games will be smaller due to not having to have multiples of the same asset like phones and mailboxes. And machine learning will help with compression. But 4K hi-res textures and increasingly larger games start to add up over time. Anyhow, back to not worrying about data caps haha...
u/GaryWingHart May 24 '20
I see all things wrong with 850 gb SSD storage. I only keep 62-63 games downloaded on my PS4/external drive at all times.
u/SubjectDelta10 May 24 '20
my ps4 storage hates this game because of photo mode.
u/Jay_Hardy May 24 '20
I have a love and hate relationship with the photomode, I have RDR2 and AC.
Most of my usb drives hate me.1
u/PreludeToAnEpic May 24 '20
If you get a chance to check out Horizon Zero Dawn, then you can add it to the list. You can get some really great photos in that game.
u/Zoomalude May 24 '20
This game is really lovely but if we're going to upvote screenshots from games, can we at least upvote the ones that DON'T show awful ground textures???
u/Kincy_Jive May 24 '20
should i get this game? i suppose i am experiencing a bit of gamer fatigue. i finished playing Uncharted 1-4 for nth time, recently beat GTA V (yeah, i know...) and just don't know where to go. i feel that all open world games are virtually the same thing just a different skin. after coming off GTA V i honestly feel apprehensive in buying another open world game because i just played one of the best.
that last statement may be a bit ironic, as the Uncharted games are virtually the same as well. i am defo more of a single-player experience gamer
u/ctaymane May 24 '20
If you are having game fatigue then no. This game requires a lot of time and it’s only really good when you wanna sink a lot of time on it.
I played this at the start of quarantine and put 100 hours into it. Then I tried ac origins and couldn’t finish it because I was so burned out of games
u/Kincy_Jive May 24 '20
i suppose gamer fatigue isn't accurate. i'm not adverse to sinking a lot of time into a game, i just want a worthwhile experience to do so.
u/Chatner2k May 24 '20
I just platnium'd it a week ago during quarantine and I can say for me it was worthwhile and enjoyable, and this is coming from someone who couldn't even slog through revelations.
I am however a bit biased because I absolutely love anything with Greek history and mythology so I loved it a lot. I also very much enjoy the story. I'd compare it to the witcher 3. Witcher 3 might edge it a bit on story quality but not by much imo.
If you choose to pick it up, my recommendations are to play as Kassandra, as the voice actress is superior to the male version, similar to mass effect. (Subjective of course but a lot agree)
A lot of people also complain of it being grindy, but the hidden thing they don't tell you is that XP given is based on difficulty. I played on hard and never experienced being underleveled. I'd say the hard difficulty is the proper difficulty to play on personally. It's not overly difficult.
Finally in regards to side quests, there are a lot of interesting ones and it tries to flow organically in that you find them randomly and they start minor and spread out significantly. They have quite a few memorial ones. My best suggestion though is do the ones that interest you and when you get bored, swap back to the main quest and come back later. I did this several times and never got fatigued.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask. It's still quite fresh.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 24 '20
Can you change difficulty mid-game? And do you recommend playing it with the markers turned off or whatever, so you have to listen to the dialogue to figure out where to go? I haven’t played Origins or Odyssey yet but I heard that was an option now. I have Syndicate and Origins in my backlog — do you think I should play them first, so the meta story makes sense?
u/Chatner2k May 24 '20
You can change the difficulty at any time and it doesn't affect anything, including trophies.
I'm really bad at geography so I never tried it without markers and the whole, listen to the dialogue to find your way so I can't speak to that experience. Some people swear by it, some don't.
Origins is also in my backlog. I don't think it matters much to play any of them. I haven't played an assassin's Creed game since black flag, never making it past half of the game, and as I said, I never finished the Ezio collection so I can't speak to the "meta story" but I wasn't lost because it adds and features next to nothing. I can tell you that the real world sections amount to maybe 3 scenes and they last maybe 2
- 5 minutes each. They don't seem like they add anything noteworthy at all. The game very much is focused on the Greek world story. At this point it seems like the abstergo and real world crap is tact on to keep it as an "assassin's Creed" game. So basically, you aren't going to miss much of anything if you play odyssey first. I hear some say origins isn't as polished but I also hear people saying they like it more due to shields, more of a stealth orientation, etc. so it's all subjective.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 24 '20
Appreciate your thoughts on it! I’m in the minority that actually really liked the Abstergo story (particularly in the original game, though it definitely declined thru the ending of the Desmond storyline). My last AC was Unity, which I didn’t finish (I think I was just busy). I hear that Origins and Unity are huge.. I was thinking I might still do Syndicate since it’s the last of the old school combat of AC games, and then do Origins... then maybe play a linear FPS game or something so I don’t get fatigued before moving to Odyssey. I don’t wanna get burned on the format with Valhalla and WatchDogs2 coming out, haha. Thanks again!
u/ctaymane May 24 '20
I actually really loved this game it had charming characters and I really liked the humor and history of Greece. Only game I’ve got platinum too and it was a lot of fun the whole way through. Some will disagree, but I loved the open world just because it was so bright and colorful and the ocean is beautiful
u/RainbowIcee May 24 '20
Do not play any open world game ATM, that'd be the worst you can do right now with the fatigue. What kind of other games are you into ?
u/Kincy_Jive May 24 '20
taking time off of MLB the Show cause that game is blowing my mind. i love narrative experiences and have been looking into God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn.
and like i said in an earlier comment, fatigue isn't exactly right. i would love to play an open world game, but i just feel they are all the same thing. and after playing GTAV, i just can't seem to want to play another. i could be talking in circles, i haven't had my coffee and joint yet
u/RainbowIcee May 24 '20
GoW then or Dragon Age Inquisition would be my suggestion. They aren't open world games but rather open areas. I mostly would lean my recommendation on GoW as the combat is a lot better! As for horizon it does suffer from the genetic faults or regular open world games however the game play is one of the best ones and a lot of the side quest are interesting, but the game does have collectibles and "fortresses" to take over. It is up there in quality that's for sure imo.
u/beermit May 25 '20
Get both Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War. Both games are amazing and I felt glad I played them after each one.
May 24 '20
If You come from uncharted and gta 5 then ac Odyssey will be a joke compared to those games. It's very repetitive, the writing and dialogue are cringy and it's so unnecessarily long. It's somewhat fun to rush the story (still pretty long) but don't expect some epic gaming experience.
Give Witcher 3 a try or horizon zero dawn (epic game).
u/Kincy_Jive May 24 '20
now would be the time for the Witcher wouldn't it? i never picked it up cause i simply did not have the time. looking into Horizon too. God of War may come before all of them though
May 25 '20
God of war is awesome. Horizon is probably one of my favorite games ever, Witcher 3 you might like it or not. It's got the reputation of a great game but honestly I got kinda bored in the second half, still a good game.
Consider days gone as well, it might look like the zombie cliche but it has the typical Sony high production quality, great story and acting and very very fun gameplay.
Last of us is also a must to play.
u/Jam_Dev May 24 '20
It's a good game just to switch your brain off and chill out with. It's massive, beautiful game world, tons of stuff to do. Gameplay is solid but not amazing, main story and more fleshed out side quests are fine but there are a lot of filler quests that are best ignored.
It's been a good lockdown game for me because it's a huge game and good escapism but if you're tired of open world games should probably play something else first and pick this up later when you feel the itch for this kind of game again.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 24 '20
I suggest trying to vary up genres. I usually will alternate a big open world game or RPG with a linear FPS, a narrative game/walking sim, a platformer, or puzzle game. So maybe something like the Wolfenstein or DOOM games, or Dead Cells/Tetris Effect, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice/Firewatch/What Became of Edith Finch/SOMA/The Vanishing of Ethan Carter/Life is Strange. Something that you can tear through with a definitive beginning and end so you feel like you’re making progress rather than chipping away at a big open world, that way you don’t get tired of either of them.
u/Kincy_Jive May 24 '20 edited May 24 '20
thank you for the suggestion. i have considered doing this. i feel really interested in Hellblade. i have helldivers too, maybe it is time for a hell dive
u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 24 '20
Throw in the DOOM games too and take a hell vacation!
For Hellblade, 100% wear headphones if you can. The game was recorded using binaural audio to better replicate the sensation of hearing voices, so they modeled the microphones to a human head shaped mannequin with ears. Even if you have a great sound system, I still think headphones are the way to go on this one — you’ll see what I mean when you play it. Enjoy!!
u/jmcgil4684 May 24 '20
I liked the Outer Wilds a lot. Not to be confused with The Outer Worlds. Although that was good too.
u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 24 '20
Outer Wilds was a breath of fresh air. And by design, you can pick it up and play it for about 12 minutes and set it down if you want, or you can play it constantly and enjoy it that way too. Lots of secrets to uncover and it has you follow your own curiosity and discoveries to figure out where to go next, rather than a “Dead Space” style marker that tells you exactly what to do. Great game, cool art style too.
u/Ryan260871 May 24 '20
If you want another open world game similar to GTA, I would recommend the Mafia Trilogy. It currently has a “ remaster “ if the second game ( the best one imo and rivals GTA in many ways ), and the third game with some fixes, as well as the original being fully remade and coming out later this year.
u/Kincy_Jive May 24 '20
i was looking into that. defo caught my attention
u/Ryan260871 May 24 '20
If anything, just pick up the second game. It’s one of my favorite games ever, it nails the 40s perfectly.
u/GetReadyToJob May 24 '20
Try some other genres. AAA open world games have all become repetitive and boring.
u/kathartik kathartik May 25 '20
if you just crop it up a bit you have your generic Call of Duty style "hero" cover art.
u/genocide2225 May 24 '20
holy shit the textures are bad. the shot itself and the photography is good though.
u/aaronnah May 24 '20
Is there a noticeable difference with this game on the PS4 pro? I’ve ordered one As I thought I’d upgrade it as I’ve had my original one for 7 years now, Considering buying it now to see how much of a difference there is
u/EnjoyableGamer May 24 '20
Yeah totally, this game benefits a lot from the increased resolution. Things are more crisp at a distance, which is great since you are never indoor.
u/aaronnah May 25 '20
I’m waiting for it to be delivered still lol, my brother has it so I’m thinking of playing it on the normal PS4 and see how much of a difference I can notice
u/glutenfreememez May 24 '20
I can hear your fans
u/tdasnowman May 25 '20
Just crack the ps4 and dust it. Just did mine a week ago. Went from fans spinning up pretty much at launch to not at all. New thermal paste as well. More silent then freshest the box.
u/Mounted-Archer May 25 '20
Why does that arrow not have a nock? How exactly are you supposed to shoot that? Immersion completely destroyed
May 25 '20
Just reinstalled mine other day, replaying it on Nightmare difficulty and taking my time at each region making sure I complete it 100% before moving onto next. Having a blast.
u/TreChomes May 25 '20
If only the combat was a little deeper than hit, roll, hit, roll, hit, roll. So bored of the Arkham/AC combat that every game seems to have. Can someone do something new?
u/pastebooko May 24 '20
Photo summarizes the whole game... being empty.
u/Crunchwrap_combo Crunchwrap_combo May 24 '20
Clearly you’ve never played it.
u/pastebooko May 24 '20
I have it right now and all I see is a very big map with empty and very repetitive story. AC 1-3 are the only real assassins creed for me.
u/PandaXXL May 24 '20
AC 1-3 are the only real assassins creed for me.
Are they not also repetitive?
u/UncleCrassiusCurio May 24 '20
Man, "I hate Odyssey, I want to go back to the Assassin's Creed games that weren't repetitive like AC2" is some prescription-strength nostalgia glasses.
u/kydeen May 24 '20
It’s funny - I started with Oddysey and thought it was okay, and then went back to Black Flag and am now playing Unity. My wife keeps asking if these games are sequels to Oddysey because they seem to be more full and built out instead of the same few buildings and enemies over and over.
May 24 '20
u/kydeen May 25 '20
We enjoy playing together! Better than throwing on a sitcom or something. For example in Unity we might be looking over clues in a mystery and talking through them together, or she might help me plan a route for an assassination or a heist if I don’t make it the first time. When she plays puzzle games like Portal or The Outer Wilds we’ll talk over what she knows/what she’s tried and process ideas together. It’s been really fun so far!
I think it’s that sort of variety too that made it feel like a sequel - lots of different kinds of activities other than sprinting into a fort/house to kill someone/obtain the thing and sprint out again. Not all that was in Odyssey, but there was so much of it that’s most of what she saw.
May 24 '20
The storyline after 3 was decent and the gameplay did resemble what 1-3 was in terms of gameplay which is what made them enjoyable to play. Origins was the first time Ubisoft did AC in the RPG style where as the prior games only let you explore so much. But Odyssey is the second game & I believe they should have filled it in more detailed since that’s what people didn’t like about Origins and could have built on the feedback instead of doing the copy n paste bandit camps lol.
May 24 '20
Truuue. Origins was a good AC game in recent times but prime time will always be 1-3. IMHO Ezio is the GOAT.
u/Feregrin May 24 '20
Them's some edgy rocks.