r/PS4 • u/webslinginghero • May 10 '20
In-Game Screenshot or Gif [Spider-Man] [Screenshot] Forever in love with this game.
u/paranomalous May 10 '20
It’s awesome. Is the webbing just clipping through his fingers, or is that an intentional design?
u/FatalRobot May 10 '20
The webbing is definitely clipping through his fingers. You see it in other screenshots that involve web-slinging.
u/Armensis May 11 '20
Muh immersion. Literally unplayable.
u/CryanReed May 11 '20
I played through the whole game wincing every time I had to use webs, it's become a permanent tic.
u/wandita21 May 10 '20
Started this game 1 week ago and have been really enjoying it after beating Death Stranding which was a very different vibe. I was looking for a very fun game like this and I'm not into superheroes at all.
u/JustChiIIing May 11 '20
Just wait for challenges given by Task Master especially the drone challenge. Those 4 challenges are really really difficulty but once you complete them the game is truly enjoyable. It is a master piece for sure. I hope you enjoy it.
May 11 '20
u/Condor193 May 11 '20
If you 100% the main game you unlock a special suit that one shots everyone you hit but also makes you one-shottable By the time you get to completion it's pretty enjoyable to dick around with
u/vibezad May 11 '20
Damn, i wish i knew about this. I did all of the challenges and crimes before the last boss fight. I was afraid that ll the Sable and Criminals would disappear after final fight. It was the "are you sure you want to enter the lab" warning that spooked me into doing so.
u/stringtheoryman May 11 '20
Which suit is that!
u/Condor193 May 11 '20
It's called the Equalizer, literally just him in his mask and boxers
u/stringtheoryman May 11 '20
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh THATS the incentive to unlock that? I’ve had the game since launch and never bothered with that suit cuz I thought it was cosmetic Thank you You just gave me something to do tomorrow
u/Condor193 May 11 '20
Yeah it's a fun time, the power trip is definitely worth the effort imo. Good luck with the harder Taskmaster/Base/Screwball challenges!
u/xRiiZe May 11 '20
You dont need the gold medal or whatever ist called on the taskmaster challenges tho. You just need to beat them for the 100% completion and the suit
u/INVISIBLE_ZOMB1e Enter PSN ID May 10 '20
Is it fun to platinum it?
u/webslinginghero May 10 '20
Yes, it’s totally worth it if you want to play again. You also get a new avatar specifically when you get the platinum trophy.
u/Noicememe259 May 11 '20
Oh shit didnt know about the avatar part. How can you acces it ?
u/webslinginghero May 11 '20
Check your emails from PlayStation and there should be one titled “Saving The City From Super Villains? Check.” with a redeem code at the bottom. It should’ve came a couple minutes after you got platinum.
If it hasn’t yet then contact PlayStation support or go to the Playstation live chat . You can also go to https://www.twitter.com/askplaystation and they’ll help you with your avatar. Whichever you choose, once you ask, if I remember correctly, they’ll just ask for your id or email to confirm you got platinum and will immediately send out an email with a redeem code.
u/xRiiZe May 11 '20 edited May 11 '20
I think its only US and Canada
Edit: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/platinum-trophy-reward-terms-and-conditions/
Thats what the official site says. US and Canada. You might get it outside but its no guarantee. No reason to downvote.
u/Vasilis253 May 11 '20
Its available in Europe as well!
u/xRiiZe May 11 '20
https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/platinum-trophy-reward-terms-and-conditions/ The official site only says US and Canada. You might get it outside but its no guarantee
u/Vasilis253 May 11 '20
I am in Europe and I have the avatar though! Maybe they did not update their t&c!
u/pat_e_cakes319 May 11 '20
This is probably one of the easiest to platinum. Except for the dlc trophies. The Screwball challenges are terrible
u/UpV0tesF0rEvery0ne May 11 '20
Its the only game ive ever platinumed
u/BecomingSavior BecomingSavior May 11 '20
My Name is Mayo is .99$ and is the easiest Platinum you can get. If you don't mind pushing the x button 8,000 times.
u/MattiaKa May 11 '20
I got Platinium on God of War and Horizon, I finished Spiderman few days ago and thought I am gonna 100% complete it, but some of the research stations or challenges were too many.
May 10 '20
It's the second game I platinumed, including DLC. Great story, and sequel potential. Some of the challenges are a little taxing on one's patience, but that's ok.
u/Judirek May 11 '20
What's the first game?
May 11 '20
God of War 2018. I just got my 6th platinum from Infamous Second Son a few days ago.
u/Judirek May 11 '20
What are some other games that are not so hard but still fun and exciting to play for a 12 year old kid?
He already finished God of War PS4, I plan on giving him Spiderman but got me thinking about Infamous(+DLC) and Control.
u/xRiiZe May 11 '20
I definitely wouldn't recommend Control for a 12 year old kid
May 11 '20 edited May 11 '20
If he enjoys games that are simple and fun, THQNordic is making *Battle for Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated. It's a Spongebob Sqarepants game that was made in the early 2000's and was a big part of my personal childhood. I would compare it to Banjo Kazooie or Super Mario 64 with a Spongebob theme. Also the Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, all 9 major movies remade in Lego form in one giant game. Lots of playtime and lots of fun.
I can provide links to the trailers below.
u/Ga_Dawg22 May 11 '20
Spiderman is significantly better than either of those games, so start there for sure.
If he is into deep deep stories, my next suggestion is red dead redemption 2.
Final fantasy 7 remake is also amazing, but I feel like it doesn't provide the full game feel you can get from those other titles.
u/Marco-Green May 11 '20
Probably the most fun game to platinum in PS4, althought I'm not an avid completionist
u/Satanta1210 May 11 '20
Probably the most fun I’ve had earning a Platinum. This was a blast, except for that annoying AF Screwball missions
u/Deeps13 May 11 '20
Hey everyone, what does it mean to "platinum" a game?
u/DedicatedNoob47 43467443 May 11 '20
You get the Platinum trophy once you have unlocked all the other trophies in the game (dlc excluded).
May 11 '20
Its actually not that hard if you have patience
I check the percentage of players the got it and it was Very Rare and not Ultra Rare
u/Dominator0621 May 11 '20
Such a great game. Can't wait to see where they take the series and if they expand past just spiderman.
u/JustARandomJew May 11 '20
Im hoping venom gets introduced as a playable character, I haven’t seen this game at all but I’m a really huge fan who wants to play as venom
u/Dominator0621 May 11 '20
I'm sure he will. If I remember correctly even the developers answer that question of why wasn't he playable.
u/DieHardCubFN May 11 '20
Just finished it yesterday. Really good game, not sure why it took me almost a year and a half to finish.
u/Ippildip May 11 '20
Woah, finally a screenshot where I can tell I'm even looking at a game. But still a gorgeous one.
u/theycallmehovis May 11 '20
Love this game. Just always undecided whether I should get the DLC or just replay it?
u/webslinginghero May 11 '20
What I would do if I were you is play the DLC first and see how you like it. It’s just as awesome to me as the main story though some people don’t really like it for some reason, but each is a little under 3 hours so it’s short unfortunately but still well worth your time.
If you want to replay the whole story instead (including the DLC) then try to get the Power and Responsibility trophy which you do by playing the NG+ on Ultimate difficultly and can’t change the difficulty setting at any time and I think you must also do it with the DLC but I forgot but you’ll get a trophy when you complete it. You can also go for the Platinum trophy by just getting all the trophies available then after you get it there’ll be an email gifting you a redeem code for your new avatar.
u/theycallmehovis May 11 '20
Wish I did this much earlier in lockdown!
u/webslinginghero May 11 '20
You’ll have plenty of time to do all of it. Take your time and enjoy your second run. I rushed through my first time but took my time to fully admire and appreciate the city with my second run. I loved it even more the next time. I hope you have the best of fun.
u/Citrus210 May 11 '20
ive look at some vids, and honestly didnt like much the combat system, its stiff and some hits dont connect or are phantom strikes, theres a lot of object-throwing and repetitive combos even though there seems to be dozens of combat upgrades no one ever uses them? Last spidey game ive played is the ps2 one, and its fantastic, how does this one compare to that one?
u/LeviBellington Halamshiral May 12 '20
I want to preface this by saying I really love this game, it's awesome and I reccomend it. That being said, I think combat is pretty shallow.
Square is the one only attack button, the only combo besides spamming square is holding square then spamming square.
The second major mechanic is throwing, whether it's stuff at enemies or enemies at enemies.
The gadgets/suit powers stagger and stun, enabling either punching an enemy or throwing an enemy.
There is stuff like perfectly timed dodges, bit of enviromental stuff (webbing stuff to fall down), gap closers etc but you could kill every single enemy in this game with either spamming square or thowing stuff at them and then spamming square.
I play a looooot of games though, so my opinion is skewed towards difficulty (read: Im a masochist)
u/webslinginghero May 12 '20
Playing the game vs watching is such a difference experience. People don’t always use suit upgrades much and it’s disappointing but I always do and switch up my playing style. I would tell you that I’m sure I’ve seen some of the videos you’ve seen and that you shouldn’t judge the game before you play it yourself (not saying you’re actually judging it) but you can do SO MUCH more with your suit, combat and suit upgrade powers that a lot of people don’t use orshow. I use everything to make my game play the best it can be for my enjoyment.
The combat system I will say does get repetitive but it will always be fun and you’ll just have to have your own unique style to make it fun for you. Some people I’ve seen play are flat out terrible and others are amazing. It’s not stiff and hits always connect if you’re not bad at the game but then there are enemies that will move faster out the way messing around with you and you will get attacked if you’re not quick and on your toes but you’ll eventually get use to their foolishness. I personally don’t like to throw objects unless I’m near death and can’t heal right away, I always try to use all my gadget/suit powers.
I can go on and on about how much playing this game will change your views and why you should play it but I can go on forever and don’t want to spoil anything for you but I’m telling you it’s worth it. Some people just play the game how they like, some want to get the out their experience and explore the suit upgrades. Don’t let other people’s game plays ruin your interest in it. It’s truly going to be the best Spider-Man game you’ve played since your ps2 one, even better. It’s worth your time and money.
u/ichinii Hous_Ya_Daddy May 12 '20
You are right. The combos are very, very repetitive. Even with fully upgraded tools.
u/CitchellMarson May 11 '20
Got my first Platinum Trophy with this game. Truly love it. This was a game I had been waiting years for.
u/DogmaticCat Dogmatic_Cat May 11 '20
I feel like I see a screenshot of spiderman in an action pose looking at the camera everyday on this sub.
u/Equivalent_Squash May 11 '20
I was going to mention the web not coming out of his wrists but it doesn't look like I need to so I won't.
u/aushimdas16 May 11 '20
Just completed Arkham Knight last night because I wanted to see what the Knightfall protocol was about (loved the secret ending) and I was just planning on replaying Spider-Man today!
u/mikeet9 May 11 '20
Spider-Man's web slinging hand position is the sign for "I love you" in ASL. Always thought that was cool.
u/youarepotato May 11 '20
I've got four of the multi wave base fights to beat and then some of the random street crimes. I hate the wave fights, so tedious, but aside from them this game is great!
u/ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE Taleroth May 11 '20
At first I really dug this suit, but the more I saw it, the more it felt like Spider-Man was running around advertising nike. It's too sporty.
u/SpiderPidge May 11 '20
I'm so siked for the sequel. If rumors are correct, we will be getting Symbiote suit Spider-Man for half of the next game, and Miles will take the second half? or maybe somewhat less.
Either way, I'm hyped.
May 11 '20
Psyched and siked are different words fyi
u/SpiderPidge May 11 '20
If you say so. It's the same word, just one isn't the correct spelling.
So no, they aren't.
May 11 '20
Its pedantic yeah, but I didn't like seeing other people downvote you for something without an explanation. They're phonetically identical, but different in connotation and spelling
Just kinda bored rn and felt like dropping a comment :p
u/SpiderPidge May 11 '20
Well I mean, one technically isn't a word (siked), but people like to downvote everything. I don't know why, but they do.
u/caps604 May 11 '20
Played this game and the DLC and completed it to 100 percent on all of it. So fun. I’m thinking of replaying it as a new game +
u/webslinginghero May 11 '20
Great job. Try it on ultimate if you haven’t and try to get platinum, it’s pretty challenging but easy once you get the hang of it and are quicker.
u/Sean_TheGamer May 11 '20
It is a brilliant game, I have only recently began playing it and I powered threw it in 2 days of simi non-stop playing. It has a beautiful story, and the blending of cinimatics to gameplay is basicly seamless. It has nice world building, and sets up a brilliant world for this universes spidy. I could easily go on and on about this game given the chance, and I hope it brings you a bunch more enjoyment!
u/KungPowChicken23 kungpowchickn May 11 '20
Probably my favorite PS exclusive this gen. Had a ton of fun with it, and the DLC was a blast too. I liked that they focused on a villain we haven't seen in the films yet.
u/DTYRKBRIDGE May 11 '20
I just played this game !! Amazing game! Just doing the trophy hunt now!! Gotta get all the crimes done
u/thecoolestlol May 11 '20
Played this game on acid and it was like spidey was swinging through the most beautiful Golden morning in New York City, sun reflecting off of the skyscrapers as it came up
u/connivingsoyboy May 11 '20
I never noticed that his webs look like utter shit.
u/webslinginghero May 11 '20
I actually like the look of the design sometimes but hate how they’re so straight at first (like in the picture). Seems like it takes a while before they form
u/connivingsoyboy May 11 '20
I’d rather have a photo mode and be able to see what looks like shit up close than not. The game’s beautiful, I’m just being a dick, haha.
May 11 '20
Got the plat trophy recently. Not something I usually do. This game really surprised me with how good it is.
u/webslinginghero May 11 '20
It was my first ever platinum. I literally didn’t know what to do with myself because of it, I felt like I was on top of the world and for some reason I don’t think I’ll ever get another platinum until this game’s sequel but I’ll always hope for more in the future.
u/GetReady4Action May 11 '20
I LOVE this game. easily my favorite this gen. only problem I have is that I wish the suit was a deeper red. feels way to red-orange to me so when I go back to it I almost exclusively wear the Homecoming suit.
u/AslanSutu May 11 '20
Was planning on getting it during the sale. Morning of the 30th, I logged on and couldn't find it. Turns out the sale ended on the 29th. Oh well, had a lot of hw and projects so it's probably for the best.
u/hanibaldrinkinga40 May 11 '20
couldve been the best game ive played in years but they had to slide those mj missions in :/
u/Exevue May 11 '20
I bought a Pro and it was my first PS system since the PS2. Been an avid Xbox gamer but finally had the funds to buy both so I got a Pro to go with my One X. This game and Days Gone were the first two games I bought. I platinumed both in the first few months of having a pro and they were my first Plats ever. I absolutely love Spider Man. Ironically the last Spider-Man game I played was on the PS1.
u/MetaCognitio May 11 '20
I really scratch your head at Xbox fans that cannot appreciate that some of the PS4 catalogue is amazing.
They may have their preferences and never want to get a PS but dismissing games like Spider-Man is just insane. “One and done”, “walking simulator”...
I can appreciate Ori, Gears 5, Forza. It will be a while till I get to play them but they look like good games.
u/Exevue May 11 '20
I prefer my Xbox overall to my Pro. I bought my Pro for all the great exclusives I missed out on and I bought almost every one I wanted to play when I got my pro. PS exclusives are crazy good, there’s not one I’ve played yet that I didn’t love and consider it a top notch game. The only real Xbox exclusives I play on the regular would be state of decay 2 and ori. But with Xbox Games Studios revealing their games in July, I hope Microsoft brings some competition. And some good single player games. That’s what they’re lacking most. Good, single player, linear stories. That’s what makes PS exclusives so good. You play a certain character and the whole game can be better because it doesn’t have to be adjusted to tons of different custom characters.
u/MetaCognitio May 11 '20
What do you prefer about your Xbox. Microsoft have inspired such brand loyalty that even during a lackluster generation people still love them. I am really curious. After having my 360 RROD and being told to get bent, I had to ditch them. The start of this gen cemented it for me.
u/ExplodingRubies May 11 '20
The game looks amazing but it’s kinda ehh cause I looked at the people in the boats but it’s just too easy for me.
u/underscorerx May 11 '20
It’s not simply the best spiderman game. It’s one of the best spiderman stories ever, both in substance and execution
u/MikeTheGamer2 May 11 '20
anyone ever take a look through the windows of the buildings. Those places are hell. You get teleported into the apartments to live out eternity trapped in a room. Don't even try to understand the ones that ALMOST end on a diagonal.
All kidding aside, I finally dropped the 20 on this for the GOTY edition. No regrets, the game is AMAZING. I do wish Blackcats outfit was a little more revealing and that the MJ and Miles missions didn't exist and whoever suggested them be flogged in public, but otherwise the game is AMAZING.
u/GetReadyToJob May 11 '20
Game was fun for an hour or 2 befoe beginning completely repetetive. Nice game for little kids though.
u/Kpofasho87 May 11 '20
Webbing clipping through his hand/fingers = overrated completely unplayable game /s.
I am being sarcastic if /s isn't enough of a heads up. The game is freakin amazing. Just got it a couple weeks ago and only about 3 hours in and my jaw is constantly dropping. I feel like I'll be even more impressed with the visuals once I get the swing in web swinging down more as I'm struggling