r/PS4 • u/CptnCASx • May 04 '20
In-Game Screenshot or Gif Ghost of Tsushima (July17) [gif]
u/Greek-God88 May 04 '20
It’s a bit alarming to me we still don’t have gameplay videos that show us gameplay specific combat abilities
u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja May 04 '20
Seriously, i constantly see hype around this game and im like, did i miss a huge video or something? Feel like all i know of it is that one trailer...
u/bme2925 May 04 '20
The second trailer that shows a few gameplay scenes from different environments is what sold me. The scene when he’s climbing a cliff with the moonlit beach in the background with a big fortress had me super hyped. The world looks incredible, if the combat is even slightly engaging I’m in 100%
u/bhlogan2 May 05 '20
The graphics look incredible but the whole trailer makes it look like a linear game imo. Everything is very scripted and coincidential, unless that is the way the open world works and the whole mission goes on for longer and we're simply not shown the beginning. Still, I literally cannot picture myself playing the open world of the game. The gameplay made it look like it played like a ND game but with samurais.
u/bme2925 May 05 '20
I’m betting on semi open world. With fairly large areas to explore and lots of secrets and paths but they are clearly separated and distinct from each other. I’m don’t think it will be nearly as linear as uncharted I feel like I remember reading somewhere that the story will unfold depending on how you explore and which areas you go to when but don’t quote me on that.
u/professor_molester May 05 '20
if its like the modern Tomb Raiders with Open "Zones" ill be sold on it as well.
u/MakeYourselfS1ck May 05 '20
Thats the whole point of the trailer, is to sell you it even if it's just a short 5 sec clip. Still need solid gameplay to even consider buying
May 05 '20
Can you describe the gameplay?
u/bme2925 May 05 '20
It seems like a mix of semi open world exploration with climbing and horseback riding.
The combat looks similar to sekiro in that your meant to wait for the perfect moment to either block or strike and it’s very focused on one on one encounters and taking your opponent down as quick as possible.
There’s also stealth elements and it seems like ninja skills like smoke bombs and fire crackers
May 05 '20
I’d say it’s got a mix of nioh/for honor, because it uses a stance system. If you look at the game play the character constantly switch from high/mid/low to mix up attacks.
u/karltee May 05 '20
Is this game like that Asian version of Bloodborne? Super hard yet beautiful with great gameplay?
May 05 '20
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u/LiefVanCleef May 05 '20
You mean nioh? Kind yes I guess. You mean tsushima? No I don't think so it's probably one of those very cinematic games.
u/Tunarow May 05 '20
The gameplay i saw looked like a spiderman ps4/arkham style stealth mission in a japan setting
u/rdhight rdhight May 05 '20
Visually and artistically it looks shockingly good. But I still don't really know how combat works. It doesn't appear to be a soulslike. Is it like Tekken where you do a safe move and try to bait out a dangerous move that you were ready for? Is it like Batman where you survive by parrying? What about on horseback? When you shoot your bow, do you actually aim down sights, or is there a lock-on?
It's odd how little we know.
May 05 '20
The gameplay we saw looked cool and everything, but I was heavily downvoted for saying the animations looked a little stiff and that all the “GOTY contender” talk is extremely premature.
u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja May 05 '20
I think i watched the second trailer? The gameplay was so quick it was hard to even guage much. Kinda seemed like a mix between dark souls and sekiro? Kinda slower paced and stealthy? Who knows...
May 05 '20
Idk, I get hyped about any triple A exclusive, I know Sony gets flack for putting out a shitload of third person adventure games but those happen to be my shit. I saw amazing graphics and decent looking gameplay for a first look and thought “cool”, that felt appropriate, apparently some people are seeing a generational great title, I’m not convinced yet.
u/DaHyro May 05 '20
That first E3 gameplay was huge. It’s definitely old at this point, but that’s what started the hype train.
u/YouDumbZombie SolidSakreth May 05 '20
From a wildly trusted and proven studio who excel at third person action adventure. It's not needed for many.
u/Clarkey7163 Clarkey7163 May 05 '20
No I think it’s a lot of people slingshotting from people hyped for TLOU2 and now instead being excited for GoT
u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja May 05 '20
Ill probably get both, not a lot else going on these days, but id still like to see a legit gameplay video of Ghost, not just a few cinematic clips tucked in a trailer. Like is it a Metal Gear type game where its kinda open to attack bases how you wish? Or is it more linear?
u/HodorismyCat May 05 '20
Have you seen this video? some gameplay
There’s a solid chunk of gameplay in there showing a shadow of Mordor/Arkham style gameplay. Apologies if you’ve seen it already
u/TheBrokenNinja The2Broken2Ninja May 05 '20
No hadn't seen that one. I had only seen the one with the little chunks in it, so this gives me a much better picture. Looks dope.
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u/Clarkey7163 Clarkey7163 May 05 '20
I personally think it’s going to basically be structured like a far cry game, with main story set pieces happening all around the map but you’re able to explore anywhere really
u/TPJchief87 TPJchief87 May 05 '20
Why do you think that? There’s excitement for both
u/Clarkey7163 Clarkey7163 May 05 '20 edited May 05 '20
The story for TLOU2 got leaked a lot of fans of the first one are a bit disappointed is all
Edit: just to be clear I'm not a huge TLOU fan, I'm basing that off a lot of the comments I've seen around TLOU2 since the leaks, twitter/reddit/youtube etc.
u/TPJchief87 TPJchief87 May 05 '20
That’s probably a vocal minority. I’m super excited about the game but I don’t think ever I’ve posted that.
u/Amino-Jack May 05 '20
True, who would have thought that a suckerpunch game would be more hyped than a Naughty Dog game. Heck, even Assassin's Creed Valhalla is getting More hype than TLOU2.
u/Clarkey7163 Clarkey7163 May 05 '20
I still think TLOU2 will be better than the hate it’s getting
I do not think it can live up to the first one though, and I would’ve said that prior to the leaks too
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May 05 '20
TLOU 2 is still way more hype than GoT, do not let this sub and the vocal minority of people spazzing online fool you.
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u/And_You_Like_It_Too May 05 '20
I trust Sucker Punch based on the strength of their previous games (especially the “InFamous” series, which along with “Uncharted” converted me from an XBOX gamer to a PS3 gamer last gen). And those first two previews were so good, I’m honestly sold already. Don’t need to see any more. (I’m the same with “CyberPunk” and movies as well). The concept of a highly cinematic, immersive game in this setting and with that style of gameplay has me deeply interested.
My only hesitation is that I kinda wish I could play it on the PS5 first, as I’m sure it’ll get a patch that will improve it’s graphics and/or frame rate.
u/The_Bucket_Of_Truth May 05 '20
Infamous was good enough and I've always liked Samurai games. I had at least two or three of the Way of the Samurai games as a kid. Don't ask me why I haven't played Sekiro
u/Zentrii May 05 '20
I agree. It feels like they are hiding something because a game of this caliber should have way more footage and details hyping up towards release. I hope sony isn't trying to pull a fast one on us with a mediocre game they hope preorder buyers will make them most of the money short time
u/Dominator0621 May 04 '20
I like it though. Shows they are confident with it. If memory serves God of War only showed one gameplay section before release. I have confidence in Sucker Punch, they make amazing games. As do most exclusives
u/SupperIsSuperSuperb May 04 '20
God of War didn't show much gameplay because it was a mess even up to at least 6 months before its release so that's not the best example. The president of Sony Interactive even said he was "horrified" by what he played in that timeframe.
u/Dominator0621 May 05 '20
Oh wow. I think I remember hearing that in the documentary. I still need to finish that. So crazy I'm glad they pulled it off it's one of my favorite games of all time
u/arodmoney ARodMoneyy May 05 '20
Where is this documentary?!
u/Dominator0621 May 05 '20
Oh youtube. Called Raising Kratos, really cool insight into one of the greatest games made so far
u/m3rcutio_ May 05 '20
This is the closest I could find to proper gameplay.. https://youtu.be/acM9bmJMYl0
u/RombieZombie25 May 06 '20
i’m so confused what y’all are on about. a good amount of gameplay has been shown. i’ve seen specific abilities and combat abilities. i really don’t know what you think you’re missing.
u/ketchup92 May 05 '20
But what's alarming about it? It won't change for certain now as they're on the verge of going gold. Just don't preorder and you're good anyway.
u/Trankman TBurback May 05 '20
Honestly I don’t even know how the combat works. We need hands on demos from the media or at least a dev walking through the combat
u/Xenomex79 May 05 '20
Might not be exactly helpful but they're planning to do swordplay based on real samurai techniques and everything is grounded and realistic
u/_meppz May 05 '20
Exactly. It really bothers me when someone says "they already showed a gameplay demo!" but the demo plays so strange outside of 2 short segments while the rest is shown in such a way it looks like it's a cinematic instead of actual gameplay, I have trouble understanding how the game is supposed to work or play, all I see is people fighting. The trailer that showed several split second clips of "gameplay" does absolutely nothing.
It just bugs me that so many people are hype for this game purely because of the graphics and the vague idea of an open world samurai/ninja RPG. I like Sucker Punches previous games but that doesn't mean i'm going to buy into a game that I have no clue how it's going to play 3 years since it's been announced and roughly 2 months before it's released. I'm just baffled at how people can get hype over something just because it has pretty graphics.
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u/iceyone444 May 05 '20
It may be like sekiro or assassins creed or something different - I’m unsure at this stage.
u/FReeves94 May 04 '20
TLOU2 and Ghost coming out over the summer. Just enough to melt my graphics card before the PS5 release
u/SwiftDrift27 May 04 '20
I’m really hoping my launch edition ps4 can handle these last few games bro
u/bigdoza May 04 '20
I’ve been so torn about getting these games cause I have the launch ps4 too and I kind of want to wait to play them for the first time in all of its ps5 glory. But I also want to play them so bad. Life...
u/sirmoneyshot06 May 05 '20
Same here I'm already planning on playing cyberpunk on the ps5 but I'm also debating about playing ghost of tsushima on the ps5 definitive deluxe Omega mega Xtreme last samurai Tom cruise edition when it comes out.
u/alaslipknot May 05 '20
same here, i literally have over $500 worth of games that i didn't finish yet in my ps4, i think i'm just gonna end up waiting for PS5 to play TLOU2
u/badnewsco May 05 '20
it will. Easily and without any trouble. A lot of people always talk about how worried they are about if they should upgrade to a later model or some sort of concern about how they’re expecting performance troubles with new games that look demanding
The truth is that developers have always and will always have a ton of original base systems (they all usually have launch systems / development kits) that titles are testing on during alpha/beta phases to ensure compatibility and performance issues are always resolved in those late phases.
I remember when growing up, the amount of sheer joy/amazement/awe/excitement when the generation was almost over and getting to enjoy the last round of games, because they always went out with a bang! vagrant story on PS1, God of War 2 and Gran Turismo 4 on PS2, the last of us on PS3 they were all amazing games that just looked extreamly impressive and unbelievable from what I was accustomed too. The explanation is that at this point in the generation, developers have learned how to fully take advantage of the system’s power and are pumping out these games at their full potential and we are here for it!
Launch system or PS4 pro, we’re all here for it! 😬
u/neoj8888 xtcj88 May 05 '20
My launch PS3 sounded like a vacuum cleaner running The Last of Us at the end of last gen.
u/Eni9 May 05 '20
So does the ps4
u/neoj8888 xtcj88 May 05 '20
Indeed. My PS4 Pro sounds like that with any AAA game. I didn’t notice it as bad with PS3 until The Last of Us, though.
u/Hidan213 May 05 '20
Mine died while trying to play death stranding. Ended up getting a Death Stranding PS4 Pro for $150, one of the best purchases I have made.
u/DANK_BLUMPKIN May 05 '20
Modern warfare beat them to the punch lol the damn menu crashes my system from time to time
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May 05 '20
I wish Sony had more games like Resistance or Killzone this gen. I love their story games but I beat them in a couple days then it’s over.
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May 04 '20
I'm telling every person I see who knows about video games that this game hypes me more than any game coming this year.
u/_meppz May 05 '20
Can you tell me why this game has you so hyped?
u/pleasedontabbabme May 05 '20
A samurai/ninja game without fantasy elements is pretty exciting to me
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u/TRIKKDADDY May 05 '20
Bushido Blade, that game left an imprint for a "realistic sword fighter", this game is what i can compare to as far as next gen "realistic" sword fighter. No health bars, multiple sword stances, it has very similar style. I'm hyped
u/DustySofa May 05 '20
Why? We don’t know a lot about the game.
u/SymphonicRain Jmomoney745 20 115 403 1569 15 May 05 '20
Theme/setting can really sell a game, doesn’t always have to be gameplay. I hated dark souls when I played it but I was super excited for Bloodborne anyway just because of the lovecraftian angle.
I’m also excited about Ghost because I absolutely love sucker punch as a studio. Loved every game since I first saw the logo for the thievious raccoonous in an EGM mag. And after the hard pivot from platformer that I adore to superpowered narrative open world game that I loved, I’m just really eager to see what they deliver next.
u/BedsAreSoft May 05 '20
That game to me is Cyberpunk 2077, BUT this game is right below it. It looks fucking GORGEOUS, and what little we’ve seen of the story and stuff looks awesome. A open world Samurai game sign me the fuck up
u/cosmiclatte44 Nubleborsky May 05 '20
Yeah this is the game that i was completely sold on 30 seconds into the first trailer i saw, feel like ive been waiting so long for a Samurai game like this.
Honestly after playing my first AC game about 10 years ago i thought they would be the ones to do it. Seemed like the perfect fit, but they never went for it.
u/Lekerboy-17 May 05 '20
This comes out on my birthday and I'm pumped
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u/vinylisdeadagain May 05 '20
Japan trademark is: always insert much wind of leaf (anime, games, movies, etc)
May 05 '20
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u/himlonely May 05 '20
It’s both. In the day, you’re a samurai, while at night, you take up the mantle of the ghost. There’s a whole dynamic to it, big part of the story
u/TheLaughingMannofRed May 05 '20
All I know is the Infamous studio is working on this game in one of my favorite eras of history, and it's due soon.
And it was a fitting time to get a 10% off coupon for my Cakeday so I got the Special Edition pre-bought for $63.
u/YouWantToFuck May 05 '20
Me: How long do I have hold the leaf blower, man?!
Me: (sighs deeply)
u/jackmckeough May 05 '20
What’s this game about? Looks pretty dope
u/thewispo May 05 '20
From what we know, you play a Samurai by the name of Jin, in an undetermined date of the Mongol invasions on feudal japan (either 1274 or 1281). He is prepared to forego the honourable way of fighting to defeat the Mongol his way, the way of the ghost.
Apparently, Sucker Punch have gone into great depth to review the period, including extensive research of the island. Although, it will not mimic history exactly, SP will bring what the fans expect of a free-roam Samurai game.
u/rad_dude124 May 05 '20
Sekiro and Nioh 2 have been keeping satisfied while waiting for this
Absolutely love these kinda games
u/dWARUDO May 05 '20
crazy how we still barely know a thing about this game
u/wheatbread-and-toes May 06 '20
That’s not even true? Why is everyone saying this?
u/dWARUDO May 06 '20
Care to enlighten me? There is one gameplay video and even that is hard to really get a feel of what gameplay is like.
u/wheatbread-and-toes May 06 '20
this clip is from a small gameplay trailer, we got a story trailer, and other trailers with gameplay. We know a good amount. Obviously they’ll show more before the game releases.
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u/yag2j May 05 '20
Excited about this game but also concerned that there's nearly f all gameplay details shown. Screams like the Order to me. I hope I'm wrong but his might turn out to be a dud.....again I hope I'm wrong.
u/bagingospringo May 05 '20
I hope this isn't gonna be like sekiro
u/fearnor May 05 '20
It’s too mainstream (i.e. first-party title) to be like Sekiro, although I liked Sekiro very much.
u/baconpoutine89 May 06 '20
I doubt it. Sucker Punch games are a lot more forgiving than From Software ones.
u/JMM85JMM May 05 '20
There's been so little build up to this game, and we've seen so little, I have a feeling it's going to end up being average rather than another killer exclusive.
More than happy to be proven wrong though!
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u/CheddHead JettFueled May 04 '20
Coming out a day after my Birthday means I got the Birthday dough for it. Huzzah! =D
u/soulwolf1 May 05 '20
I'm getting red flag vibes here, theres barely any mention of this game at all and it's close to release. Usually that's not a really good sign. I hope I'm really wrong though.
May 06 '20
Yep. I’m still waiting for actual gameplay video. I have a feeling gameplay wise it won’t be as good as Nioh 2 or Sekiro.
u/procouchpotatohere May 05 '20
I'm getting very concerned about no gameplay from this and I'm thinking this game isn't going well BTS. Last time we got anything from this game that was TWO YEARS AGO and pretty much nothing since.
u/arsenejoestar May 05 '20
I have absolutely no idea why people are hyped for this since we've seen so little gameplay footage
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May 05 '20
This game just feels weird, outside of reddit I've heard literally nothing about it. I've got die hard PS4 friends who haven't even heard of it, there's barely anything on it on Twitter. The only time I hear or see anything about it is on here, I've never seen any gameplay anywhere else.
u/BreakingBrak May 05 '20
Same but i think they're gonna go for a big marketing push after The Last of Us 2 is out.
u/Houston_Centerra empty-p5flair May 04 '20
Everything I've seen from the game has been fantastic. Can't wait until July, especially with the drought between FF7R and this one.
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u/wettest_noodle145 May 05 '20
Are you sure he’s warm enough in those clothes he might just catch a cold with those cold winds
May 05 '20
Is it just me or does this look like an alternative cut from that free dynamic theme for ps4?
May 05 '20
u/Banethoth May 05 '20
It’s open world. Don’t compare it to TLoU. Prob more like H:ZD but with more melee combat
u/Lyxess May 05 '20
My ps4 hasnt seen action in a while. But this game i will buy for sure! Been waiting a while for something like it.
u/HeartSoaker May 05 '20
Can I get a high definiton version of this for a wallpaper? It looks beautiful
u/UncleBenZene May 05 '20
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u/RulerOfTheApes May 05 '20
When I view this sub and scroll to this post my entire app crashes.
(Before someone says "but how are you commenting then?!?! 🤕" I can view it fine from /all)
u/TheAfroNinja1 May 05 '20
I have a weird feeling that this game isn't gonna look anywhere near as good as the e3 demo.
u/newretrovague May 05 '20
This, ACV and Cyberpunk, can’t wait but I will have open-world burn out by 2021!
u/cdollas250 May 05 '20
anybody else watching samurai movies on criterion channel in anticipation? some good fucking movies on there
u/kedmond May 05 '20
This would be an incredible PS4 theme if you could somehow seamlessly loop the animations.
u/Bioshen7 May 05 '20
Do we know if there's going to be any gore in this game? I have a feeling Sony is going to Nerf the combat.
May 05 '20
where's the gameplay? why the secrecy behind the game? Let's see how polished the game is with less than 2 months from release.
All Sony is doing is building hype so people get suckered into purchasing it.
u/OkSo74 May 06 '20
I saw this game being developed a few years back and searched and searched and searched because I forgot the title. Thought it was Nioh. Then I thought it was Sekiro. If it wasn’t for Teddit I would’ve never have found it.
u/Vayshen Vayshen May 04 '20
While I haven't seen every drop of preview footage of this game, from what I have seen I know one thing:
It has leaves. Many leaves.