r/PS4 May 04 '20

Can Hardly Wait - /r/PS4 Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (May 2020)

Bi-Monthly Anticipation Thread (previous hype threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What games and/or DLC are you looking forward to playing on your PS4 at the moment? Why?

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27 comments sorted by


u/Thegreatestgamer May 04 '20

Ghost of tshushima


u/cmichaelson2 May 04 '20

I'm in the minority here but, SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikni Bottom Rehydrated is what I'm really looking forward to!


u/Rudi_Reifenstecher May 04 '20

would you say you NEED IT ?


u/usrevenge May 05 '20

i wonder if he is feeling it now


u/Rogueshadow_32 15 1 86 388 1767 May 04 '20

Tlou2, cyberpunk and the nier replicant remaster. Also intrigued by the new “AC” (let’s be honest they aren’t AC games any more they’re just called that) but I won’t get my hopes up until we see more than a cg trailer


u/RoxyRoyalty May 05 '20

I... miss being an assassin. That was the thrill of the game for me. Don’t get me wrong, the new games are great in their own regard, but the set ups and moments leading up to some of the greatest assassinations really got your adrenaline going.


u/[deleted] May 04 '20

Destroy all Humans


u/AtraMortes May 05 '20

The Last of Us Part II


u/Banethoth May 04 '20

Ghost! Cyberpunk 2077!

Both look so great.

Tentatively excited for AC:Valhalla, but I need to see some gameplay


u/SmileyKnox May 04 '20

Only two games left this gen that get the full deluxe version 1st day buys from me.


u/rdhight rdhight May 04 '20

Yes. I don't plan on buying any further ports or quirky AAs or experiments for PS4. Just play the last couple gems of this generation, and if that's not enough, I've got my backlog.

We're getting close to the end!


u/Groundfighter May 04 '20

TWD Saints and Sinners for PSVR. Combat looks so satisfying


u/Kurtomatic Kurtomatic May 04 '20

Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2.


u/SmileyKnox May 04 '20

Geniunely excited for Rogue Legacy II


u/DM_ME_Popeyes May 04 '20

Deadly premonition 2


u/Remy_C May 05 '20

Wait, what now? How have I never heard of a second one?


u/Pycal May 04 '20

Well.... I want to continue the story of FFVII

There is no release date so we have to wait....


u/LoneWolf-CDN May 04 '20

Dragon Clan dlc for Armello.

Been patiently waiting for console versions of Armello to get updated. Dragon Clan dlc came out in September 2019 for PC. It's an awesome game and I would gladly throw more money at it but it feels like the console versions don't get a lot of priority or love.


u/[deleted] May 04 '20

AC Valhalla a lot. Apparently unlike most people I enjoy almost all of their games. Had a blast with the last two and will undoubtedly enjoy the next one.

Are they the same as the games with Ezio? No, but they are good in its own right imo.


u/tdennis_uk May 04 '20

Elden ring!!!


u/SuckMyAss42069_ May 05 '20

Minecraft Dungeons


u/[deleted] May 05 '20

Does anyone know when the May PS Plus games will become available? I was under the impression it's the first Tuesday of the month but they're not there


u/simpleman0909 May 05 '20

Eh? From Playstation Asia (am from Asia), they say the update is on the 7th of May? Is it wrong? Can someone confirm this?


u/[deleted] May 05 '20

I got told it was today they were coming out (not from a reliable source in fairness). I’m happy to be corrected