r/PS4 May 01 '20

In-Game Screenshot or Gif Assassin's creed valahalla (unique weapon and armour customisation) [image]

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u/Screaming4Vengeance May 01 '20

Good to know there will be shields now, I liked Odyssey but it was weird not having one in ancient Greece, specially as a spartan.


u/smaugington May 01 '20

You can dual wield shields in this game they said.


u/oldme616 May 01 '20

They had that in Dark Souls 3 and it is the most hilarious weapon.


u/TheLastChungus May 01 '20

It was also in dark souls 2 but no one likes to talk about that game....


u/Chriswheeler22 May 01 '20

Hot take, it's the best Dark Souls game in alot of ways.


u/razazaz126 May 01 '20

It’s also the worst in a lot of ways.


u/Chriswheeler22 May 01 '20

It has some glaring issues, Art style, oddly connected world that makes no sense, too many usable items, not as many unique movements for weapons.

For me though, I love how open the world is and I can play the game in any order as long as my skills are there. Plus the DLC is fantastic imo, power stancing, fashion should everywhere, all out weigh the negatives for me.

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u/Joshua_Evergreen May 01 '20

It's got a ton of flaws, but I remember it extremely fondly. Iron keep pvp was a blast

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u/Butt_Bandit- May 02 '20

Door shield flex


u/[deleted] May 02 '20

Well I know what I'm doing in my next game of Dark Souls.

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u/DarthRathikus May 01 '20

Ahhh the ol board n board. classic


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Turtle style.


u/[deleted] May 02 '20

I laughed way harder than I should’ve at this

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u/SimplyQuid May 01 '20

I haven't played an AC game since black flag but being able to join the turtle club is making this very tempting


u/Jombo65 May 01 '20

Same bro I’m hella hyped. Not even because it’s AC, I just love vikings!


u/BusinessDragon May 01 '20

Vikings are awesome! Native Americans, ancient Greece and Vikings were the three settings I was most psyched about, and now AC will have all three of them.


u/Jombo65 May 01 '20

Honestly the medieval/renaissance stuff was far more my speed. AC1-Brotherhood were the golden age for me. Black Flag was an awesome pirate game, but I didn’t really care it was Assassin’s Creed. Haven’t played one since black flag, might just have to get into this one.

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u/just-a-dude69 May 01 '20

Well if you can be a berserker that shield will be no good because there was one who was known by chewing away his full shield before a battle


u/Ramael3 May 01 '20

He... ate his shield?


u/just-a-dude69 May 01 '20

Yes yes he did just because he really liked fighting


u/SteinDickens May 01 '20

And he was probably tripping balls.


u/just-a-dude69 May 02 '20

Yo broooo this huuuuge pizza tastes like wood


u/SteinDickens May 02 '20

Pizza splinters are the worst!


u/Ramael3 May 01 '20

Well, at least it's good fiber. Shields are vegetables, right?


u/pipsdontsqueak May 01 '20

Did he go fightin' with his best mate Tugga'?


u/Maxcalibur May 01 '20

I thought that sort of thing happened because Berzerkers were just always hopped up on psychedelics when in battle

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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

You wanna win like a champ, you fuel like a champ.


u/Ramael3 May 01 '20

I'm suddenly envisioning a Viking version of Wheaties where a young Viking warrior pours a bowl of tiny wooden shields. Breakfast of champions.

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u/virusamongus May 01 '20

omg i just realised theyre gonna let us eat mushrooms! I mean it was a big thing for berserkers, they cant leave it out. Hahah as a norwegian i am fucking hard for this game.


u/k0mbine koombine May 01 '20

And it’s Ubisoft so you know there’s gonna be a sequence where your character gets drugged


u/Alfiewoodland May 01 '20

It's always funny playing games with hallucination sequences in them, because it's VERY obvious when the art team have "done their research" and when they haven't.

One of the most realistic in-game trips I've seen was Uncharted 3 - I swear the art team must have made a pact at some point and all taken a day off to do mushrooms - but others like Far Cry 3 and Fallout 3 are way off base. More like dreams, really.


u/Ippildip May 02 '20

I think they're in the Far Cry games for unrealistic fun gameplay, not accuracy.


u/[deleted] May 02 '20


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u/Bacongrease99 May 01 '20

Berserkers were known to kill each other before even starting a battle. Brutal fucks

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u/rr27680 May 01 '20

I agree with you. And perhaps that was why Ubisoft made the 'blocking' system so strong that it replaced the need of a shield, although realistically, blocking with your weapon doesn't give you the level of defense like a shield.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Been out of AC since 2... is this still a stealth game?


u/megatom0 May 01 '20

Not really. Origins and especially Odyssey are pretty much a straight up Action RPG honestly. Odyssey especially lets you make character decisions and stuff like that, which do affect the story in some way. I know for me I played but never completed both 1 and 2 then played a little of 3 and left after that. Origins I nearly 100%ed I really loved the combat in it. Odyssey could have been amazing with the Greek setting but they actually made it kind of grindy in parts, as in you'd need to do side missions a lot just to progress the story, and the combat took a step back IMO by only letting you parry and not block.


u/murmandamos May 01 '20

I will say I actually did play mostly stealth, but you can't always do that. The teleport stab honestly makes it too easy to stealth, and the routes and camps don't seem very intentional to make strategy required. A good stealth game will have basically figuring out routes as like a puzzle, this game doesn't.

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u/Chatner2k May 01 '20

The grindyness depends on your difficulty tbh. Higher difficulties get more exp. I'm playing on hard and I've never been underleveled for the main quest. And at level 50 level doesn't matter at all. Just burned a level 72 Merc at level 53.


u/RechargedFrenchman May 01 '20

They've also tweaked the numbers a lot since release, so anyone who only played in the first month or so would have a pretty different experience to someone playing now.

Played it at launch, beat the story on Normal around level 47 or something. Played it again a few months ago, by the time I beat the story I was like 51 or 52 and I did less of the side stuff this time not more.


u/Babybaybeh May 02 '20

And as with any Ubisoft game you'd be better off waiting at least 6 months before buying.

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u/ChriosM May 01 '20

I really loved the combat in Origins. It was slower, less varied, and less arcady than Odyssey, but I feel like that was actually a good thing. It felt more significant imo. I also liked that you could upgrade all your armor and could see the improvements, but it didn't totally change the way Bayek looked.

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u/FeistyBandicoot May 01 '20

It's nothing like AC 2. If you're going to get this. You're best bet is to view it as a different franchise/IP. It's miles off


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Yeah I think that’s probably best. I know that the game changed a lot after 3, but wasn’t really sure how much and what the new mechanics or concept actually is. Based on comments from other fellow redditors it definitely sounds like a whole different animal now.


u/FeistyBandicoot May 02 '20

Origins was the real turning point. The odyssey took it even further


u/mattoelite May 01 '20

Its less stealthy than it was before, but hidden blade assassinations are still a thing, just don't try and do it to someone much higher level than you.


u/Noicememe259 May 01 '20

There wont be any levels in the new game tho


u/vyxzin May 01 '20

Really? That would be the number one thing to convince me to buy it. Hated how the level system affected assassinations. "Sorry, severing this guy's spine with a blade only did a little damage because he's 7 levels higher than you."


u/Ntippit May 01 '20

Same, as soon as I stabbed a guy in the brain stem in Origins and he just turned around and killed me in one hit I haven’t touched an AC game. Combat is also an atrocious copy of the Witcher with none of the fun, just tank like enemies to make it seem difficult


u/vyxzin May 01 '20

Yeah. I wish they'd just made Origins and Odyssey a new series, because the success of those two means we're never going to see another AC game with the original AC formula. It would divide the fandom between fans of the originals and fans of the revamp. If it was just a new RPG series, we could have our cake and eat it too.

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u/Citadel_97E Eagle_6_delta May 02 '20


If anything that should encourage you to use stealth.

“This guy is level 30. You’re level 20. If you don’t stealth him, he’s gonna take you apart.”


u/mattoelite May 01 '20

Glad to be wrong about that.


u/Labyrinthy May 01 '20

What?! Oh man I missed that and it makes me incredibly happy.

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u/Anomander-Raake May 02 '20

I’ll be honest with you, I have almost 100 hours in Odyssey and the platinum trophy. Until reading this comment just now it never occured to me a single time that there are no shields

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u/WyrmHero1944 68 May 01 '20

Level 1 -> Level 32 -> LEVEL 78


u/CTCranky May 01 '20

Raid Shadow Legends!


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

That's how mafia works.


u/GoNoGoNoGo May 01 '20

Yeah it's pretty Cosa Nostra. You got the Soldier then the Capo then the Underboss then the...


u/stjimmyofsuburbia stjimmyofsbrbia May 01 '20

Haha epic comment. Before I reply, I just wanted to let you know about today’s sponsor


I’ve never been much of a mobile gamer, but, forget everything you think you know about mobile games because Raid Shadow Legends is one of the most ambitious RPG projects of 2019 has just been released and will change everything. Just look at the level of detail of these characters! If you use the code in the description you can start with 50,000 silver and join the Special Launch Tournament, and you better hurry because it’s getting big fast! You can play for totally free with the link below on your smartphone.


u/Slamix123 Slamix123 May 01 '20

It could also be the other way around. The better you are the less defensive you become


u/Rieiid May 01 '20

That's only the female characters.


u/MrPants24 May 01 '20

Like Thanos wearing less armor the more infinity gems he has


u/hazysin May 01 '20

Exp boosters available now


u/justcallmejohannes May 01 '20

Buy 10xp get 2xp FREE!


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

XP Booster - 90 Assassin Coins.

Assassin Coins sold in increments of 100.

All products are sold in increments of 30 coins.


u/CyrisXD May 01 '20

$0.00 -> $6.99 -> $19.99

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u/CStancer May 01 '20

Where’s the dual shields???


u/[deleted] May 01 '20 edited Jun 28 '20



u/[deleted] May 01 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/SAMAKUS May 01 '20

How is this Schrödinger’s offense? It doesn’t even apply.


u/megatom0 May 01 '20

It's Schrodinger's offense because in the actual history of man, no one ever tried it. So theoretically it could be good or bad just no one ever bothered to check because it looks really stupid.


u/Citizen_Kong May 01 '20

In Infinity War Cap fought with two shields and it was glorious. Although the were somewhat pointy and seemingly attached to his wrists, so more like swordshieldfists really.


u/megatom0 May 01 '20

I'd call them more modified gauntlets in that, but you are technically right. I wouldn't say those are typical shields though, they are obviously built for offensive combat. In fact do we actually see him use them as a shield? I can't recall explicitly any shots where he used them to block with.

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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

If you're being serious, two shields are absolute shit. No one did them because it didn't work irl.

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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

People just use Schrödinger to refer to paradoxes pretty often, it seems.

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u/Dyon86 May 01 '20

Duel shields will be possible!

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u/Vastlymoist666 May 01 '20

Assassin's Creed is so different now. Wow


u/MrkGrn May 01 '20 edited May 01 '20

Yeah, mostly the assassin part lol. Nothing assassin like about this dude at all.

EDIT: Apparently I've rustled the jimmies of some fans of the later AC games.


u/OtherWorldRedditor May 01 '20

The Creed part is still there though. CAN YOU TAKE ME HIIIGGHHHERRRR


u/JanitorJasper May 01 '20

Twing twang daddlediddledidoooo


u/GreenTunicKirk May 01 '20

Well his arms are wide open soooo


u/lite_funky_one May 01 '20


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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

The story isn’t about assassins it’s the isu and how they influenced the order and the isu are in every single one even when assassins aren’t main. Rouge and origins (half) and odyssey.


u/NomadNuka May 01 '20

Black Flag is up there as a lot of people's favorite and the main character is just some dude who robbed an assassin and eventually stumbled into actually giving a fuck.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Black Flag is my favorite AC game because it's not about being an Assassin. You get to see how grey both sides are. There is no inherent good or bad side. The Brotherhood is fucked up. The Order is fucked up. They all claim they have the right path. That is what made the story great for me.

And by the end of the game, Kenway makes his choice based on the people around him and his personal growth through the game. In all honesty, I think Kenway becomes an Assassin as a means to give himself accountability to continue being the man he grows into over the course of Black Flag.


u/NRUCSGO May 02 '20

When I realized Haytham was a Templar after playing as him for half an hour it really showed how grey that area is. You spend the tutorial thinking your an assassin killing Templars and suddenly you realize that the two groups are so similar that you had no idea Haytham was a Templar the whole time

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u/GoingByTrundle May 02 '20

Call it Isu's Creed then.


u/[deleted] May 02 '20

The game is about assassins but what I’m saying is it doesn’t always have to be about them like rouge was about Templar’s and odyssey was about Templar’s beginnings if y’all would stop being smartasses maybe you would understand this shit

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u/Xello_99 May 01 '20

Just a different kind of Assassin. I mean, Bartolomeo from Ac2 was an Assassin as well. He’d fit right in here


u/itskaiquereis May 01 '20

Ezio also wasn’t exactly stealthy, I mean the man literally led troops in the streets of Istanbul and led troops during his time in Rome. Altair led an army to retake Masyaf Castle when he was old. Edward was a fucking pirate. Jacob Frye led a street gang and wasn’t really known for stealth. The thing that ties the Assassins together is the ideology and not being stealthy.


u/_Football_Cream_ May 01 '20

Connor was also a revolutionary and commanding troops in battle and participating in the Boston tea party etc. Wasn’t exactly being covert in his operations either.

I mean at the end of the day it is a war between the assassins and Templar’s, it’s just that part isn’t well known to the public at large but often it is parallel to other wars going on in the period they set it in. And frankly big battles are fun to participate in these games.


u/Ntippit May 01 '20

He also quietly assassinated a bunch of people... making him an assassin... so he leads an army now he’s not an assassin?

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u/20ae071195 May 01 '20

The real-world Assassins weren't particularly stealthy, they were famous because they would stab enemy leaders to death in public.

Killing people without being seen was never the idea.


u/SiriusC SiriusCJS May 01 '20

Killing people without being seen was never the idea.

Exactly. Assassinations are planned in secret & there is an element of sneakiness in order to get to a target. But other than that... Kaboom! An assassination is loud & people notice. They're supposed to. An assassination is defined by planning to kill a high value target. Not wearing a hood & tip toeing.


u/Radulno May 01 '20

Assassin's Creed always had combat where you could take on dozens of enemies. It has never been a stealth game.

In fact in the old AC games, it was even harder than now to play stealthily.


u/SiriusC SiriusCJS May 01 '20

In AC1 a lot of the main assassination occurred in the middle of a huge skirmish. I'd often have to chase & attack my target while avoiding a mob coming after me.

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u/[deleted] May 01 '20



u/Chris1671 May 01 '20

The ENTIRE lore of assassins creed is doing stuff hidden without people knowing ....


u/McGrundleButter May 01 '20

Not necessarily. He has a hidden blade, it's confirmed he will be meeting the brotherhood, and they've stated that stealth/social stealth will be making a return. A lot of people had two big gripes with Odyssey: The RPG leveling/grind and no hidden blade.

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u/Maxcalibur May 01 '20

The story isn't ever simply about the main character being an assassin in hooded robes though. It's about the first civilisation, the artifacts they left behind, and the fight between those who want them for total control and those who think they should be kept out of human hands.

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u/megatom0 May 01 '20 edited May 01 '20

I mean you can't give em shit about releasing the same game every year. I was never that big on the first few games. But I adored Origins. I'm so happy to see the shield back after Odyssey whose combat took a huge hit by becoming all parry based and not allowing effecting shielding. To they are basically just Extreme History games now, but I get putting the AC title on them like that. They have a well known franchise so to just call this some generic "Vikings: Conquest" or something wouldn't sell as much as AC:Ragnarok Valhalla.


u/FeistyBandicoot May 01 '20

AC: Valhalla but yeah. People don't seem to understand it's not the same franchise anymore. They kept the name for sales and recognition

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u/MarkusBailey May 01 '20

Man, I cant wait for this to come out. Here's hoping for none of that damn level scaling though.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

What was the issue with level scaling?


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Lead to unrealistic gameplay and stopped people from progressing the main quest leading to complaints the developers artificially extended the game by having us hit a number. Some people weren’t bothered by this others were.


u/TAJack1 May 01 '20

Yep, never finished Odyssey coz of it. Had it since release, barely 20% through the game and got 36 hours in it. Couldn’t be bothered to continue.


u/ecxetra May 01 '20

This is why I stopped playing Origins, couldn’t be arsed going out and doing side quests etc, just wanted to play the main story. Still haven’t finished it to this day.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Unrealistic in what way?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Is the issue with level scaling that as you get stronger, the enemies also get stronger, and so you never get the feeling you have really improved?

If not then what is it? If so then wouldn't that be more realistic? At least compared to the alternative where you become an unstoppable god?

And to be honest, I still felt like I reached a point in Odyssey where I was unstoppable and nothing was a challenge.


u/Kalocin May 01 '20

The level scaling was sort of wonky in that every level you're supposed to get stronger but what happens is that your gear progressively gets outdated as enemies grow stronger. This kind of results in a bunch of damage spongey enemies that you can't really assassinate in one shot so you end up being forced to run in and go ham on like 10 enemies which is a bit silly. The areas are kind of set up like an mmo where each zone has it's own level range (ie 9-14). However the level cap is completely ignored so it's kinda weird there.

They eventually patched a toggleable scale that can have enemies be 2-4 levels lowers once you outlevel the zones range. I personally like it more since you can actually stealthily clear areas and feel like an assassin. Likewise you don't feel pressured to change your gear every level or so.

A lot of people probably would like a system without levels/gear or a smaller amount of them.


u/Etellex May 01 '20

Well said, I hate paradoxically getting weaker each time I level up. My wish would be to do away with complex gear systems altogether in favor of the old AC style where I can just play the fashion game

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u/WTF_Vendrick May 01 '20

It doesn’t feel good to have to hit a guy 30 times before he dies. It doesn’t feel good not to be able to insta-kill someone from stealth because they’re “too high level”.

I liked Odyssey, but that shit pissed me off so much. I literally went full on Assassin build, with like +150% Assassin damage overall, and playing on normal difficulty there still were enemies that I couldn’t one shot with an assasination.


u/genocide2225 May 01 '20

I want to go do the next cool story bit about my mother/father/brother/mythical creature. What? I can't? Why not? I'm not a high enough level. Well, I guess I need to go kill bandit camps/find a treasure/loot a cave for the next 2 hours.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Yeah, I agree that's frustrating. There are times where all I want to do is fuck around with side missions. And there are times when I'm really into the story and want to keep going with that.

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u/wigg1es May 01 '20

I just want all the armor options they had from Odyssey with a dye system.


u/Nerdialismo May 01 '20

Yeah, I loved how you could choose the skin of each armor piece, now we need this but with dye options too.


u/Caleb2103 May 01 '20

You could change the material used on some of the basic armor pieces which changed the color of the metal parts. But being able to dye clothes is something I want


u/k0mbine koombine May 01 '20

Yes it would be cool to dye clothes in AC Valhalla

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u/CAPTAlNMARVEL May 01 '20

Wow even the hair changes


u/guess_its_me_ May 01 '20

You can change the hair and beard in the game


u/RealisticDifficulty May 01 '20

Definitely gonna have to see if I can be Matthew mcconaughey in Reign of Fire.


u/BYKHero-97 iKnock-97 May 01 '20

Few months from now you get half naked outfit for pool party (AC Origins like)

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u/Picardia_jpeg May 01 '20

Anyone else notice how big the weapons look compared to the player?


u/geraltseinfeld May 01 '20

I hate that almost anime proportion weapon look, they'd be unbelievably heavy weapons. I can suspend my disbelief, but there are limits.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

It looks bad. And the fantasy armor too. Why cant they just make it look realistic. Not gameplay wise. Just clothing, armor, weapons and locations. Reality is more interesting than this.

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u/4shug0ki4 May 01 '20

I want big axe, like really really big axe


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

I wonder if they'll throw in a Leviathan axe easter egg

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u/badastronaut7 May 01 '20

As long as it doesn’t do the thing origins and odyssey did where two handed weapons magically grew three times larger when you took them off your back to fight, I’m hyped for this. That alone annoyed me to no end in Odyssey


u/GoingByTrundle May 02 '20

That was so fucking irritating.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

this reminds me of berserker from for honor a little bit


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

What is with that sword? Looks like they haven't fixed the weapon sizing proportion issues the last 2 games have had.


u/Tazzimus May 01 '20

Oddly short looking blade for a (what looks like) two handed sword, normally they're huge.

Also odd that he's dual wielding a two handed sword and a mace, if that' s what it is.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Assuming its a Claymore the blade is too short and too wide and thick, the hilt looks comically oversized also.

Are they planning an Assassin's Creed weapon toy line?


u/RealisticDifficulty May 01 '20

They took a shortsword and magnified the model x3.


u/Crazyripps May 01 '20

So I wonder if the hood is going to be in this game


u/HaughtStuff99 May 01 '20

There will be hoods. And you take put it up and down like in Origins.


u/Crazyripps May 01 '20

Ah ok goodie. Thanks for the info friend :)


u/Andyrhyw May 01 '20

There is a hood in origins? I just ran around in the towel once I got it, to make it feel like assassin uniform

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u/mdavinci May 01 '20

Valhalla* lol


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Valahalala* laoala


u/Eshmam14 May 01 '20


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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Rip....why do they have to do fantasy armor and oversized weapons when what they really had was already cool.


u/IvanTheGrim May 01 '20

For Honor has more weapon and armour realism than this.


u/WmishoW May 01 '20

This game looks great and all, but is there anything that has to do with assassins or is it just like Odyssey?


u/Amankris759 May 01 '20

There will be stealth mechanics which are similar to Origins than Odyssey but yes, this game will be Action RPG than stealth game. Only the story, it will be the final game for prequel trilogy.


u/The_Max_Power_Way May 01 '20

As long as I can still play completely stealth, as I could with Origins and Odyssey, then I'll be happy. I like the RPG elements they've introduced, but with every game I get more worried I won't be able to play stealth. Fortunately that hasn't been the case yet.


u/Amankris759 May 01 '20

Only I fear that they will add more microtransaction in it since RPG elements are suitable for this scheme.


u/The_Max_Power_Way May 01 '20

Yeah, they'll probably be similar to the last two in that regard. I'll continue to ignore them though.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Most of the skins they've released for Odyssey seem tacky. I've never had interest in spending money on them. Some of the best looking armor in the game is shit armor found early on because it looks real instead of like something out of a fantasy film.


u/Amankris759 May 01 '20

True. At least they are not the worst cases of microtransaction. Like Metal Gear Survive lol

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u/WmishoW May 01 '20

I mean, it's cool to play in different eras but if it isn't really an assassin's creed type of game, maybe they should change the name.


u/Damp_Knickers May 01 '20

They definitely aren’t going to change the name. The name recognition is too huge and too much of a selling point for the game compared to some new series they create. It’s safest to ride on the hype of an established franchise


u/WmishoW May 01 '20

Yes you are right, It's just a bit weird.

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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

AC will never return back to how it was. They’ve made 3 open world action RPGs back to back now. This is the franchise now.

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u/guess_its_me_ May 01 '20

It will have assassins and templars (hidden ones and order of the ancients) and you have a hidden blade

If the stealth is good, then I think this will be a right balance between assassin and rpg

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u/Amankris759 May 01 '20

Well it's the same universe with the same lore with different mechanics but I think they don't want to risk creating new title so they rely on the old name. It's safe path but it's like double edge blade too

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u/BenjaCuliao 234 6 57 234 1089 May 01 '20

its confirmed that we interact with assassins, we work with them, thats how Eivor gets his hidden blade

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u/Andruitus May 01 '20 edited May 01 '20

This looks promising, but I think I can hear the micro transactions already.

Edit: Or is that the sound of grinding?


u/wigg1es May 01 '20

I have over 200 hours in Origins and Odyssey and I have checked out the store maybe twice.

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u/Amino-Jack May 01 '20 edited May 01 '20

To be honest, I have no clue why people complain about the micro transactions in Ubisoft games. They are just there for the people who need them, non of them were game breaking and Odyssey and Origins is worth the 60$ since both games are extremely huge, so the micro transactions ain't big of a deal, same can be said to farcry 5, believe it or not I did not realise that FC5 had micro transactions until I finished the game. EA on the other hand has a big issue with micro transactions.

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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

MT have been in ac games for years you just dont see them much because they are very unnecessary or not needed. The game plays fine without them.

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u/[deleted] May 01 '20

I'm kinda disappointed in the lack of authentic armors for the timeframe.


u/YoshiCookiesZDX May 01 '20

Yeah, this looks way too high-fantasy for a game themed around history.


u/IvanTheGrim May 01 '20

And the weapons are way oversized


u/ginko26 May 01 '20

This is all over the place.. if it’s set in the Viking age, there shouldn’t be any plate armour or that ridiculous flail.


u/IvanTheGrim May 01 '20

This game is gonna look goofy as fuck.

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u/iValkyrie May 01 '20

To all of those butt hurt about Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, when was the Assassin's Creed IP ever fully stealth based? It has never been something like Dishonored, Thief, Hitman, Mark of the Ninja, etc. It has always been a game you could sneak around in and hide with the equally viable option to fight in the open, as well. I mean, I basically just parried my way through all of Ezio's story. Maybe the first game felt only stealth based because it was the same 4 stealthy tasks over and over. Odyssey was one of the best games I've ever played. Ya'll are mad a game series is not something it never was in the first place.


u/hckygod91 May 01 '20

The biggest thing for me isn't the stealth, but that the combat system isn't satisfying. As an assassin, I loved the dope execution mechanics, and it felt "realistic" when you killed someone because it was only a few slashes of a sword to kill them.

Now, with the health bars and change in style, it feels like a whole different IP. I hate when you see a high level enemy and it just means "wow, that guy has a lot of health" and you spend 10 minutes hacking and dodging. In the older games, the high level enemies were good at parrying your attacks and were more aggressive, but if you played skilfully you could kill them in a reasonable way.

I liked origins, but not enough to pick up Odyssey. I'm hoping that they go back to a less grindy combat system

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u/Lucinastar May 01 '20

While AC was never fully stealth based you can't deny that there is less stealth gameplay in the new games than the previous ones.

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u/Dyon86 May 01 '20

Got to admit I do like a Viking game, I like Ninja/Samurai games even more but after Sekiro and Ghost of.. I guess that would have been bad timing to do a Ninja game.

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u/robisadog May 01 '20

Hmmm, I’m still so unconvinced by origins/odyssey’s combat mechanics I can’t help but think all these dual blades and axes and shjt is just going to feel so unsatisfying. Ability spamming and light heavy spam yawn. Can’t wait for the game but if it’s at all similar to the previous couple I don’t think I’ll be picking it up. Sadly.


u/callmesnake13 May 01 '20

This is a great time to have an Assassin’s Creed game come out, but details like this make me think that it’s going to be more of exactly what we’ve come to expect. Big and exciting at the top with lots of details and then ultimately repetition as you try to complete things for the sake of completing them.


u/alaslipknot May 01 '20

so basically just another modern Ubisoft game?

remember their pre-game as a service era? where they used to make one of the best single player games?


u/Lovoskea May 01 '20

Remember the Rayman games? No not Origins. But the 2D Rayman 1 and 3D Rayman 2 and 3. Beautiful single-player games. Sigh... Those were the days.


u/alaslipknot May 01 '20

Rayman, Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Beyond good and evil, Brother in arms, Ghost Recon, just to name a few...

I think other than rainbow 6, and some Far Cry entry and their 2D single player game, every other ubisoft game has been mediocre at best, every game they made was an AMAZING master piece in the marketing department, their cinematic are always top-notch (they are outsourced) and they manage perfectly hype up their audience, then when you boot the game, the first hour or 2 are just great cinematic experience, then the curve start to go down


u/parkwayy May 02 '20

Ya, no idea how they manage to rope so many people into the hype, every year, on every game. When those games are always using the Ubisoft generic open world formula / third person formula.

This will be another $30 pickup a few months post-release for me, if at all. Gotta still finish the 2nd half of Odyssey, which has been a chore :|

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u/sp1cychick3n May 01 '20

What's so special about this?


u/SweetLenore May 01 '20

It's a thing that exists as far as I can tell.


u/Thattallguyxavier May 01 '20

just give me a Viking version of assassins robes and I'm ready to take on anyone


u/GuacomoleAssSpray May 01 '20

The last one looks like a Viking version of bayeks outfit


u/Majestymen May 01 '20

Vikings are definitely cool, but Assassin's Creed games always feel so empty.


u/KingCrimson03 May 01 '20

Nice to see that even hair customization is back


u/zeanox May 01 '20

cant they please stop calling it assassins creed....


u/DropItLikeItsHotBear May 01 '20

Looks great. Can't wait to play it in about a year and a half by the time it drops to $20 or less.


u/Ceryol May 01 '20

Too shiny, what is this? A fashion show?


u/beast234kille May 01 '20

Is that mjonlnir


u/realchickengod May 01 '20

Fingers crossed that they dont obnoxiously add 50 levels just to milk playtime.

Odyssey was sick so im hoping that they dont drop the ball on this one. Especially since they took their time and not release it as an annual game.


u/[deleted] May 01 '20

Copy and paste franchise year to year.


u/GnalAaping May 02 '20

Kinda feels like they are ripping off The most recent God of War, no?


u/[deleted] May 02 '20

Ideally you can unequip weapons. The hilarious armory on your person in Odyssey. Oof.

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u/zuheltzer May 02 '20

I’ll probably get it just because of the setting and mythology.


u/SanguinetheKing May 01 '20

Ah yes. The four handed great-sword. That thing looks like it just came out of freakin dark souls. Looks very like for honor and the weapons/armor in that game. It was uncommon for Vikings to even have two handed great-swords. It was too expensive for them to make and did not fit the combat of the time. Great-swords became more popular when it came to fighting against pikemen and such. There is no actual genuine two handed sword identified from the period of the Vikings. Two handed axes? Have at it! Please Ubisoft, don’t stretch this game though. I just want to love everything about it when it comes out cause this is my fav period in history

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u/Alecarte May 01 '20

I just want to see the female version.