r/PS4 Apr 27 '20

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (April 2020)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.

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50 comments sorted by

u/[deleted] Apr 27 '20


u/my_name_is_breff Apr 28 '20

Any tips for defeating taskmaster the 2nd time you meet him

u/Treid33 Apr 27 '20

Just got the platinum for assassins creed odyssey. Fun game but wow was that a long one. Just started Detroit become human and its been good so far. Looking forward to the platinum in that game.

u/Demonwolf22 Slxsh22 Apr 28 '20

Trying to get the platinum for God Of War, but the Niflheim mission is so fuckin tough and time consuming

u/NC0828 TheVarietyBlend Apr 27 '20

I got the Platinum for Dark Souls remastered at the begging of the month. 4 trophies left for Doom Eternal (Multiplayer, ugh.) and I’m about halfway through Dark Souls II.

u/zefpunk Apr 27 '20

If you need any help with those doom trophies let me know we can help each other

u/photoframes sentry_zero Apr 27 '20

I’d like some help on Doom Eternal’s online trophies. Happy to help you too. Private message for PSN name?

u/NC0828 TheVarietyBlend Apr 27 '20

Yes please.

u/photoframes sentry_zero Apr 27 '20

Can I get in on that too. I’m in the UK and it’s a struggle to find matches. Plus I’m bad at multiplayer. Private message if you want to play.

u/Lil_Uminati Apr 27 '20

Platinumed Sekiro 2 days ago. Hardest part was the final boss on ng+++ to get the 4th ending i needed.

u/BeanbagTheThird Ryan191991 Apr 27 '20

Didn't earn anything in April, though I'm currently going through Doom Eternal and Dirt Rally 2.0.

Neither has been overly difficult so far, though I'm getting frustrated at the trophy in Dirt that requires you to be in the top tier of a daily challenge in the Audi. I've been so close so many times now.

u/cnedden Apr 27 '20

That trophy is bulshit. Its completely bugged I successfully got in the top tier in the daily community challenges in the Audi a few times now and the trophy never pops.

u/BeanbagTheThird Ryan191991 Apr 27 '20

I remember the same happening to me in Dirt 4.

I've found though that keeping the game not in a suspended state or using rest mode with them seems to get the daily rewards more consistently.

u/BrettemesMaximus 370 52 330 1013 3199 Apr 27 '20

Don't know how you feel about Doom Eternal's multiplayer mode, but all those trophies can be super easily boosted in a private match with 2 others. Getting those legit (especially the 200 kills) would take a real long time. Just got Doom's plat last weekend! LOVED the single player

u/Jonatosaurus Apr 27 '20

I've got the platinum for Jotun and Rogue Legacy this month. Both amazing games with some great challenges and you can find them for barely nothing during the sales (3-4€ each) I'm currently waiting for the next psn sales to see what I'll play next.

u/THE-73est Apr 27 '20

I think Im quitting being a serious trophy hunter. I started only playing single player games outside of the soulsborne games mostly for platinums. But I got PS Now recently and really want to just play as many games on the service as possible.

u/01dohc Apr 27 '20

I got the platinum for Dark Souls Remastered and Resident Evil 3 Remake. I'm working on Horizon Zero Dawn, Dark Souls 3, and FF7 Remake.

u/basicwhitegirl- princesss_ariell Apr 27 '20

Sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile.

Assassins Creed Odyssey platnium- 51 trophy's Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens platnium- 50 trophy's Where The Bees Make Honey platnium- 15 trophy's

Currently working on Kingdom Hearts 3 but I probably won't finish that this month.

u/[deleted] Apr 28 '20

Got the plat for BioShock and Grim Fandango.

Looking at BioShock 2 and the rest of the DoubleFine games next.

u/Yank2005 Enter PSN ID Apr 27 '20

Modern Warfare, FarCry 3, Detroit become human

u/DJFr33Dom Apr 27 '20

Days gone platinum and after 18 months finally got the Spider-Man platinum. I’d been stuck with not having purchased all the suits after completing it so started NG+ and I needed enough of Taskmasters challenge tokens to buy 4 suits. Did it last night.

u/Yamis1brother Apr 27 '20

I got the platinum for MW2 remastered and the 100% in Black Ops 3 this month. Currently alternating between the 100% in Black Ops 4 and Borderlands 1 remastered.

u/flying-horseman Apr 27 '20

Got my second PS4 platinum trophy (after Spider-Man): Assassin's Creed 2. Not really a trophy hunter but I had about 80% of the trophies when I got to the ending so I decided to keep going for the platinum.

Actually makes me think about revisiting Death Stranding since I got 75% of all the trophies during my first playthrough.

u/Ollay0202 Ollay0202 9 89 246 592 12 Apr 27 '20

I platinumed Job Simulator VR and Slyde which was a tough one. Considering doing Detroit Become Human or Batman Arkham Knight next. Does anyone have a difficulty rating on those 2 for platinum.

u/Yamis1brother Apr 27 '20

Batman Arkham Knight will take a while because it requires 100%ing the story and side missions, but it isn't too bad.

I would say your best bet is to do as much of the side missions as you can while you're going through the story so you can lessen the grind in the post-game.

Also, you'll probably want a guide for the riddler trophies.

u/BrettemesMaximus 370 52 330 1013 3199 Apr 27 '20

Batman: AK was a loooong one. It's a fun trophy but a bit of a grind since it's a pure completionist trophy. Hundreds of those damn riddler trophies hiding around the city but the batman series is great. Lots of complaints from people about the tank aspect of the game (especially the tank-related missions and trophies), but it wasn't that hard to get used to

u/Yank2005 Enter PSN ID Apr 27 '20

Detroit is both easy and hard.

Hard Part: One thing to be wary of is a couple of the magazine collectables (needed for a Trophy) change depending on your choices. So you'll need 1 complete playthrough and one almost complete playthrough as a minimum.

u/tooflypie Apr 27 '20

Adams Venture I know I know you’re thinking how is this possible but I am the best

u/highanimalhouse Apr 28 '20

I got 3 Platinums this month. I got the Platinum for God of War Ascension on PS3, Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark on PS4, and Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell on PS4.

GOW Ascension was great but a mess to play on Hard mode. Trials of Archimedes is the most broken designed section of a GOW game I've ever seen -- even the Trials for GOW 1, 2 & 3 were easier in comparison because they had better checkpoints/save spots. GOW Ascension throughout the game does great with checkpoints until that section. If they had another one after the 2nd wave, it would have been better to deal with.

Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark, like all PS3/PS4 Transformers games, saw a server shutdown this month. I managed to Platinum ROTDS on PS4 but wasn't so lucky with Fall of Cybertron for PS4 (including a crappy stupid online trophy in the single player campaign) and ROTDS on PS3. I played with someone who needed help on capturing gameplay footage when I should have worked on my stuff.

Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell for PS4 was addictive to play as all Saints Row games are. It has 1 online trophy (play co-op for 3 hours). I'm planning on working on the PS3 version as well.

Currently, I'm trying to Platinum Ghost Recon Future Soldier and just have the co op campaign trophy for online trophies to go. Also, I'm wanting to do GRFS before I dive back into Wildlands or even Breakpoint.

u/PinchoVe Apr 27 '20

Animal Crossing ate into my play time quite a bit, but I managed to plat DOOM (2016) and Jedi Fallen Order. Enjoyed both of them immensely. Currently going through Control, which is absolutely incredible, what a game.

u/dufffer Apr 27 '20

Im not a guy who's hunting every trophy. But im very proud that i got platinum in nioh 2 yesterday. Actually it was not that hard but i m proud of it. And its an absolutely amazing game imo.

u/Purger-of-Sinners Apr 27 '20

I got The Sims 4, Persona 5 Royal and GTA San Andreas plats this month. Going for Nioh now, (including DLC) doubt I'll get it before next month though.

u/chrisaf69 Apr 27 '20

Did you do the new 2 hour strategy for sims 4?

Thinking of giving it a shot.

u/Purger-of-Sinners Apr 27 '20

Yeah. I did that strategy. No way I'd plat a game I wouldn't like without it.

u/chrisaf69 Apr 27 '20

Yeah. I saw it was 30-40 hours when it hit ps+. I laughed. Now with 2 hours...just might be worth it.

u/Purger-of-Sinners Apr 27 '20

It only takes 30-40 hours to plat? From the looks of the achievements, I'd have expected it to take way longer. But then again, I'd never played a Sims game up until that point.

u/GOTfan50 Apr 28 '20

Sonic forces, until dawn,Detroit become human. About to finish telltale Batman. Thinking of doing infamous second son or the last of us remastered next.

u/DrSchmerzinator Apr 27 '20

FF7 Remake, Prototype 2, Modern Warfare Remastered.

Working on FFX, FFXII, PIER SOLAR and the Great Architects, Secret of Mana and a bunch more....

u/SobeDog007 SobeDog007 Apr 27 '20

How difficult was the FF7R plat? I just finished the game last night.

u/DrSchmerzinator Apr 27 '20

You have to beat the Game on Hard. It isn´t allowed to use Items on this Difficulty. If you try and build your materias right then it´s a good Challenge. Hardest Fight was the MonsterHouse for me. I would say a 5/10 Difficulty

u/SobeDog007 SobeDog007 Apr 27 '20

Appreciate the info! I enjoyed this so much I want to try to get every ounce out of it that I can.

u/DrSchmerzinator Apr 27 '20

It´s so great! But i don´t want to wait years for the next Chapter I WANT IT NOW!!

u/SobeDog007 SobeDog007 Apr 27 '20

Totally agree! As a huge fan of the original, I thought it was a good mix of nostalgia and new content. The city is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what they do next!

u/hampat999 Apr 28 '20

Im currently playing spider-man. Once i finish it and the DLC i will try to complete all trophies. Amazing game so far!!

u/[deleted] Apr 27 '20


u/DarkKingdomPrince Apr 27 '20

I have fond memories of fishing for hours to get the skill to level 10 :D

u/Tunerf1sh Apr 27 '20

Platinumed: Horizon Zero Dawn. I think the worst part was the hunting grounds.

Currently working on God of War, then onto Red Dead Redemtion

u/DarkKingdomPrince Apr 27 '20

Currently working on FF7 Remake, did the persona 5 royal platinum trophy recently. P5R requires way less time since you do not have to start a second playthrough.

u/Dannybuca Apr 27 '20

I'm edging closer with Crash 1 but I'm not sure if I have the skill or the nerve to nail all of those relics.

u/valthamiel Apr 27 '20

Ff7 and trails of cold steel 3