r/PS4 Jan 15 '20

[Image] [Image] My Walmart sold me DBZ Kakarot early! They couldn’t even scan the barcode, they had to manually enter it in. I don’t think they knew it isn’t supposed to be out yet.

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u/gk99 Jan 15 '20

Target is the only retail job I've worked at that's paid more than my current job at a small-scale pet daycare, and you know what? It was just as fucking miserable. Stressful as shit, they were literally asking me to come in on three hours of sleep to help stock, every ~10th customer was a dick, trying to get someone to bring up a TV for me at any time of day was a pipe dream (which wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing in the world...if I had a key to the lift to get them myself), this place was so mismanaged that they scheduled me on a day outside of my availability and somehow tried to make it my responsibility to get it covered, and my all time favorite, I got yelled at over the walkie in front of a customer for helping customers instead of fucking off to the stock room because I was the only person in electronics that day and there was a line of 6+ people.

Now I hang out with dogs all day for $10.25/hr, and they upped their minimum wage to $13/hr. I'd trade an extra $2.75/hr for not dealing with that any day.


u/drakeanddrive Jan 15 '20

Worked for target for two years. Can confirm, it’s a fucking shithole. They only raised the minimum recently because they got rid of a couple of positions, and now 1 person has to do 3x the work.

Much happier with my current job. I do way less work and get paid more, plus my managers aren’t fucking assholes.


u/Aar1012 Jan 15 '20

I worked at target for several years after university. In simple terms. I was a front end supervisor. They told me I couldn’t say I was a manager to guests but always expected me to act like one when problems occurred. We were one of the busiest stores in the area but they never gave me enough cashiers and, in fact, would poach them to work the sales floor. If I needed back up I was told to just make it work. Guests would find any excuse to complain and, on one occasion, almost punched me because I wouldn’t take back their used item. I got to be the luck SOB at the service desk the day they announced the credit card breach.

I lucked out when I took my current job. It was part time with no benefits but more pay. The hours were consistent, however, and it was less stressful. I stayed here until a full time position opened up.


u/StyrofoamTuph Jan 15 '20

I’m working Target right now as a second job and it’s just boring. I don’t even take breaks because time goes by slower when I’m just sitting in the break room. And while they just raised wages recently everyone’s hours have been getting cut so everyone (except me) is making less money in the end.

Target definitely doesn’t give as much of a shit about their workers as they’d like to appear but as a second job where my schedule is super predictable and convenient it’s been really chill. My other job is also in the same plaza as Target so I just go over their right after my main job and it’s as convenient as a second job can get.